The Train Ride

Train Ride:

Braven Larka D5


Smile, smile, smile. That's what my entire life had been, smile, stay strong for those around you who aren't around you. Smile because you didn't have a choice.

As the victors son I was an outcast, not really fitting in anywhere. The other kids just assumed I was some snotty rich boy who had it all, even the adults wouldn't say anymore than a few polite words to me. Nobody knew that my mom had died, nobody knew dad was an drug addict, they didn't know how painful it was to watch him just wither away and have no one there for you.

And now I was here.

Sitting in the small drab room where countless of other martyrs had sat before me, all with the same small sliver of hope that they would return. Me? I had no hope of return, the victors kids were always killed off first, the careers would hunt for them relentlessly, they stood no chance even if they made it out of the bloodbath, they were always killed in the first couple of days.

I clenched my teeth, a sense of dreading in my stomach. I didn't want to die, I wasn't ready. I looked down at my hands they shook with every breath I took. Yes I was going to die, and as expected nobody would save me.

Suddenly I heard the door click open, I look up startled, genuinely surprised anyone had come to visit me. My father was forbidden to visit me due to the fact he would be mentoring me... My father would be training me for my death....

A small frail woman stepped in, she must of been in her early 40's with graying blond hair and tired blue eyes. It took me a second to realize she must of been Celesta's mother.

Celesta, the girl who had selflessly volunteered for a older girl she didn't even know. I remembered how my heart had just cracked open for the little girl as she had just stood there sobbing, I knew I could never kill her.

Mrs. DeLuna looked at me nervously, with a look of pleading in her eye.... At once I knew what she wanted. "I- I don't know how to ask this of you...." She paused, not making eye contact with me. "But... Please take care of Celesta, please! I'll do anything!" She cried suddenly, getting on her knees and grabbing my hands.

She stared at me pleadingly, I looked away biting my lips. I knew what she was asking, what she really wanted. She wanted me to make sure Celesta got home, but in doing so I would lose my life. I know it was selfish, Celesta was younger than me, a better person, and had far more to live for than me, but I couldn't quite get myself to agree to die. Besides if I took care of Celesta, that would just put her in danger, after all I was a target.

I dared to make eye contact with her mother and something inside me caved in a little. "I'll take care of her, but not at the expense of my own life." I said tightly, a little guilt springing up inside me.

Her mother looked a little relieved, but still concerned. "Thank you." she said, though I could tell that she was hoping for a different answer. She stiffly exited the room and left me alone once again.

I leaned back in the chair I was sitting in, feeling sick. I had gained yet another person to smile for.

I sat there unmoving, watching the clock hands tick on the wall above the door, trying to forget my life, my death, and the games. It was half hour before a peacekeeper opened the door and beckoned me to follow him.

Reluctantly I stand up and exit the room, waiting outside are 5 peacekeepers, the district escort and Celesta, whose face is red from crying. I forced a smile to my face and I bent over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's ok--" I was abruptly cut off by a peacekeeper grabbing the collar of my shirt and jerking me backwards.

"No talking until you're on the train." He snapped, letting go of my collar. I felt my temper flared and I shoved him backwards, "What the hell is wrong with you?! You don't just attack someone for trying to comfort a little girl!" I yelled furiously, he looked at me startled for a second. Apparently he didn't get back talk much, we just stood there staring at each other for a second, all eyes were on us.

I was about to turn away when I felt a hard slap on the side of my face that sent me sprawling. "You do not speak until we are on the train." He grunted, I sat there stunned, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I was dimly aware of being hauled to my feet and marched out of the justice building, but he had hit me incredibly hard. My head was throbbing and I could already feel a bruise developing on the side of my face.  

The next thing I was conscious of was riding in a car, to the train station probably the district escort was blabbing on about something.... How she was excited for the games this year I think, I wasn't able to process what she was saying.

The landscape of the district blurred past the window as I looked drowsily outward. People lined the streets, trying to get a glance as us as we whooshed by, my stomach churned in discomfort as I turned to look to my left. The incredibly strange woman who was our escort was still blabbing away about something or another. As I looked at her, I noticed she was so short she had to tape a long block of wood to her foot to reach the pedal.

Celesta sat squeezed between our escort and I, she was looking down at her shoes swinging her feet back and forth a little with the momentum of the vehicle.

I threw a glance over my shoulder, to see 3 peacekeeper's in the back seat, laughing about something, the peacekeeper that had hit me noticed I was looking and sent a long cold glare my way. I looked forward again uncomfortably, trying to focus on my district as I realized it would be the last time I ever saw it

Celesta nudged me suddenly, I looked down to meet her sad blue eyes. "Are you ok? He didn't hit you too hard right?" She whispered so silently that I could barely understand it.

I threw a glance over my shoulder not wanting to get caught talking again. The peacekeeper that had hit me was no longer glaring, he had gone back to conversing with his friends. I turned back to Celesta, "I feel like I got stampeded on my a herd of wild bunny rabbits." I whispered, smirking a little.

Celesta was taken aback by my lighthearted answer and laughed a little too loudly. Our district escort who's name I still didn't know took her eyes off the road to face us. "What is so funny, darlings?"

I had no idea what to say, luckily I was saved by a  loud shriek coming from outside the car, I turned quickly only to see us driving off the road! I grabbed the wheel of the car and jerked it the other way, by this time the escort had realized that she couldn't take her eyes off the road while driving and yanked the wheel from my hands and straightened us out.

The car stopped jerkily, nearly throwing Celesta from her seat, I took a good look outside and realized we were at the station. "Everyone out!" The escort yelled unattaching the blocks of wood from her feet and jumped out.

I pushed the car door open on my side of the car and got out, followed by Celesta.

I got a tingling feeling in my neck, instinctively I turned around. The peacekeeper was glaring at me again, it felt like his eyes were burning a hole in my soul. It sounds stupid, but seriously he was starting to scare me.

I turned away ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of being watched, best I could. Celesta and the escort were entering the train that was pulled up on the tracks. I quickly followed them, wasting no time in stepping onto the train quickly and pushing the big doors that led to the car open......



Dagan Saga D9


I felt my jaw drop as I looked around the richly decorated train car, the floor was carpeted with soft fuzzy golden material that sparkled depending on the way you looked at it, the walls were colored with colorful wall paper and decorated with paintings of district 9. The car was richly furnished with fluffy looking chairs and sleek tables. In the center of the room there was even a chandelier, with beautiful yellow diamonds reflecting the sunlight.

I almost forgot that I was going to die, then I felt the familiar weight in my pocket that drew me back to reality. My hand flew over to it, feeling the circular object my grandmother had given me, a wave of uneasiness passing over me.

"Well don't be shy honey!" Violet said nudging me so roughly I nearly fell over sideways. I stumbled, but Emily grabbed my arm stabling me. "Go make yourselves at home! I'm going to go find Ray." Violet through her arms out dramatically accidentally hitting Emily in the face. "Sorry sweetheart." She giggled walking out of the car.

I locked eyes with Emily as soon as Violet was gone. Emily looked away pushing a strand of her curly red hair out of her face. "What do you know about Ray Fields? I guess he is going to be mentoring us...." Emily said uneasily, as she slowly made her way over a chair. She sat down slowly as if she was terrified of breaking it.

Not moving from my spot of where I'd been standing I racked my brain. Apparently Ray had won years ago, long before I could remember. There were lots of rumors about him.... All of them bad. "I can't say I know anything." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Me neither." Emily said softly glancing out the window. The train hadn't started moving yet as she gazed through the crowd, her eyes darted back and forth as she searched for a familiar face. Finally the train jerked forward and she gave up looking down at her feet. "He came to say goodbye." She breathed, her voice full of pain.

I stepped forward uncomfortably. I was still somewhat nervous about being in such a nice place. With each step I expected someone to jump out of nowhere and yell at me for being here, but no one did and a jerkily sat down next to Emily. "Kenter?" I asked, even though I already knew.

She nodded. "He kissed me and told me everything would be fine. He told me I would survive, that I was stronger than them. Though I think we both know that's a lie....." I saw a small tear trickle down her cheek, as she removed a flower that I had not noticed before from her hair. "He gave me this." She whispered sadly, "He gave me this stupid flower and told me it would protect me! How stupid is that?! A flower can't protect me! I'm going to die!" She broke off crying, throwing the flower to the ground.

I think she had finally cracked, I had never seen her like this before. Emily was always smiling, soft spoken and happy. I wanted to do something for her.... Anything, but I suspected that this was something she would have to work through on her own.

I slowly stood up stepping away. I glanced down at the floor, not wanting to step on Emily's flower. I think she will want it after she stops crying, I picked it up and walked across the room.

I looked at the flower Kenter had given Emily, it was orange and purple and kind of resembled a lily. I had never seen anything quite like it and that was saying something, I dimly remembered my grandmother saying something about a purple and orange lily that had been genetically engineered during the dark age, though I couldn't remember the details. It did have some purpose though.... I placed it on the table and stared at it.

I started to wonder if I would be missed when I died. I know Emily would be, she was nice to everyone and everyone loved her, but I was a different story. I was quiet and reclusive, always keeping to myself. I mean of course whenever anyone needed anything I would help them without hesitation, I was kind of a doormat that way, but I didn't really have any friends. I wish I had friends, though I'm just not the talkative, approachable type.

I looked at the flower again, very sadly. Then something clicked in my brain. I knew what it was for. "Emily?!" I yelled over to her, picking the flower up and walking towards where she sat. She had stopped crying now, though her cheeks were still wet.

"Dagan, I'm really not ready-" she stopped when she saw my expression. "What is it?" She asked slowly.

"This flower, it's incredibly rare. It was engineered during the dark days by the capital to help treat their wounded. It is high in vitamin K, it was used for clotting blood. They say it works miracles. Kenter must of jumped through hoops to get this for you." I whisper sitting back down next to her. "It's illegal.... I think he was counting on me knowing what it was. He couldn't just tell you, people listen in on the conversations I think. They'd take it away from you."

She smiled a little sadly, taking the flower from me and placing it back in her hair. "That sounds like Kenter." She whispered, placing some of her wild curls over the small flower, hiding it completely from view. Then she turned to me abruptly, "So who visited you?" She asked quickly, as if she wanted to get away from out our previous conversation.

My hand flew to my pocket once again feeling the disk like object which I now possessed. I still wasn't sure how I felt about it. "Oh..... Just my grandmother, your parents, a few people I've helped out in the past." I say reluctantly.

Emily's eyes narrowed, I knew she was on to me. She had known me since I was born, sometimes I wondered why I even bothered trying to hide things from her.  "What did your grandmother give you?" She asked coaxingly.

I sigh pulling the pin from my pocket and handing it to her. Her eyes widened as she saw what was in my hand, she picked it up and ran her hands over its bronze surface. "Where did she get this?" She asked breathlessly "It must of cost a fortune!"

"Apparently it's been in the family since the dark days.... She doesn't know where it came from before that. She said that my great grandmother was a tribute in the first games, she wore this and she won....." I trailed off uncomfortably, remembering my grandmothers parting words. I was tempted to tell Emily, but I couldn't bring myself to do that. I was already under enough pressure.

"Hello, hello young tributes! Are you ready to start preparing for your deaths?!" A announcers voice came from directly behind us, instinctively I grabbed the mockingjay pin from Emily's hand and stuck it into my pocket.

I glanced behind me to see a smiling young man in his early twenties, whose teeth were so white they sparkled. He skipped around the side of the seat to a chair with more energy then I ever had. The man draped himself across the armchair dramatically throwing his hands in the air and waving them.

He looked at us with not a hint, but with harvest of insanity in his bright green eyes. "So, Woody and Doreen--"

"Sir, it's Dagan and Emily...." Emily said softly, but still with a hint of authority I wasn't used to hearing in her voice.

Ray stopped smiling for a moment, putting a long bony finger to his lips in thought. "Oh yes.... I think they were last year's slaughter. Oh well. It doesn't really matter. You all end up dead anyway."

I swallowed hard, Ray acted as if it was no big deal, he acted as if our lives meant nothing.

"Well you won. Can't you give us some tips?" Emily asked, twirling her hair around her finger.

Rays answer was more terrifying than everything else that had happened put together. "Did I? It was really such a long time ago..... I say you're going to die even if I do give you tips, so why don't we plan out your deaths to make sure their epic?!" He squealed excitedly as if he was a genius.

"No!" Emily snapped more hostilely then I had ever heard her. "I have people who need me back home. I'm going to survive and you're going to help me!"

Ray looked at her unimpressed. "That's what they ALL say. And you know what? They all end up the same way. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead." He chanted airily, waving his arms above his head as if he was conducting a orchestra.

I hung my head low trying to ignore the way the beating of my heart went soaring, I didn't want to die. My life felt so empty..... So incomplete.... So meaningless..... I looked over at Emily who was glaring openly at Ray, who seemed oblivious to her glare. I knew at once that if it came down to it, Emily would kill me in a second. She was just so determined to get home....

But was I any better? I remembered thrusting that knife to the peacekeepers throat earlier. I almost killed him.... I shuddered.... The question floated to my head once more, could I actually of done it? I didn't know. I didn't want to know. "Ray." I said sharply, my anxiety pouring into my voice, "Has anyone ever won the games without killing anyone?"

He looked up, actually seeming to of registered what I had said. "No. That's a stupid question, nobody's ever asked me that before." He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to explain.

I didn't want to explain, I wanted him to be wrong. I wanted this to all end, I wanted this to just to be a terrible nightmare, I wanted to wake up. "Are you sure?" I asked, averting my eyes from his, settling them on the floor at my feet.

"Yeah I'm sure, even if you managed to go the entire games without killing anyone, you couldn't get past the final two without killing them. It's impossible." Ray said, still looking at me curiously, waiting for my explanation that would never come.

Emily sat back down, putting a hand on my shoulder. It was tense.... As if she was getting ready to plant a knife in it. I swallowed hard trying to ignore my discomfort. She looked at me like she was going to say something, then closed it abruptly, changing her mind.

"What?" I asked, knowing whatever she had been about to say was not good.

"Nothing." She said quickly fiddling with her hair.

"Seriously.  What?" I asked earnestly looking at her with growing dread. Was she going to backstab me? Emily? The girl that was like my sister? My only friend? I don't think I could handle that.

I think she must of seen the expression in my eyes because a look of guilt crossed her face that only confirmed my terror.

"And so the betrayal begins....." Ray said, wiggling his fingers back and forth, moving his hands slowly in an arch over his head.

"No-" Emily started but Ray rolled his eyes, dismissing her and going on.

"It will only get worse you know, spare yourself the drama of pretending you care about each other. You really don't, when it comes down to it neither of you will care about the other if it means your death. You'll kill them. Everyone is scared of death, it's a fear so instinctive it drives us to kill because we have a sliver of hope that we'll survive." He snorted, his eyes focusing on a clock in the distance, they looked even more distant than the clock though, as if he was remembering some far off memory.

I looked at Emily, her eyes were watery as she looked at the ground. "He's right...." She choked softly, "I'm sorry Dagan.... I'm sorry."

I looked down at my hands, my eyes beginning to water. Emily was my friend, she had so much to live for. I knew she deserved to live. "I'd die for her." I forced the world out of my slowly, I didn't want to say it, but I knew I meant it.

Ray laughed throwing his head back, then he locked eyes with me and slowly his hysteria died. He sat up with a stunned look on his face, "Your serious aren't you?"

I nodded slowly, a strange numb sensation overtaking me. "This is wrong. Forcing us to kill each other. If I die, I don't want to be- be- just a piece in their game. If I die.... I want to die different." I said, the words dripping off my tongue like sap.

Ray looked at me raising a finger, "But you are just a piece in their game." He pointed out blatantly.

I blushed a little, embarrassed, "Besides, Emily deserves to live more than I do. I'll die if it means she lives." I said, trying desperately to hold the tears back.

Ray looked at me still unbelieving my words, "Well if you're willing to sacrifice yourself, we might just be able to form a strategy...." He said hesitantly, once again becoming distant.

I looked at Emily, something I had been avoiding doing up til this point. She was staring at me slack jaw, tears running face. "Dagan.... I don't even know what to say.... Thank you!" She cried, breaking into sobs as she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

I felt so numb, it wasn't real.

"Emily?" I choked.


"When I die, will you not forget me?"

"I will never forget you, Dagan. I promise."


Acadia Rosen D2


Our mentor had guts, I'd give her that. Our escort, whose name be turned out to be Everett Melon, was left in charge of us until she arrived. The thing was, that she didn't show until four or five hours into the train ride. And Everett's attempts at entertaining us got old fast.

Even Malcolm, who was open to most forms of entertainment had a look of sheer exhaustion on his face by the time she made her grand entrance. And when I say grand, I mean grand. You have to wonder if she thought it out ahead of time.

We were listening to one of Everett's terrible jokes when she made her grand appearance, one second we were on the verge of attacking the melon man, the next the door swung open with a loud bang.

Malcolm sat up startled, eyeing the shadowy figure in the door, while I looked forward calmly. I did notice that it seemed as if the room dropped twenty degrees. The figure walked into the room as if she owned it, her strides were quick and strong, her long flowy black skirt sweeping the ground.

When she reached us, looking down and studying us I finally was able to identify her. Neith, the winner of last years games, her midnight black skin was unmistakable, paired with her lengthy silky black hair.

We sat in silence half a second before Malcolm spoke, rattling the silence. "What took you so long?" He demanded, which I instantly realized from  the second it came from his mouth was not a smart move.

Neith sent him a long cold glare. "I come and go as I please." She sat next to him, making him appear uncomfortable. "Now what do you know about me?" She demanded rather aggressively.

"I know you are last years victor." I said, unemotionally, wondering if that was the information she was looking for.

She nodded, "Yes, yes indeed I was, and who won the games before me?" She asked purposely.

"Allegiance Waters, right?" I asked, straining my memory, trying to remember.

"Also from district 2." She added, "Two years previous to Allegiance's victory the winners were from our district. Meaning that I was the fourth person to win in a row from our district, and if I have anything to say about it one of you will be the fifth." She paused, looking at me with interest, "Do you know what happens when a district wins five times in a row?"

I thought hard, but I had absolutely no clue. "I don't know..." I admitted sheepishly. I was sure someone had told me at some point, but as of this moment I couldn't remember.

"I know." Malcolm said piping up, and Neith looked at him as if genuinely surprised he knew anything. "When a district wins five times in a row they get extra food and supplies for five years instead of just one."

"Exactly." She said impressed, "Which is why you can't loose. Which is why district 2 developed these for you." She removed two neon blue pills from the pocket of her vest. I eyed them uncertainly....

"Those are against the rules...." I said slowly, unsure of how I felt.

"Yes, but going out of their way to kill you is also against the rules for you too, which is what they will do because they don't want to go through with giving us  the extra food and supplies." She hissed, handing a pill to each of us, or at least trying anyway, Malcolm pushed his away.

His expression was one of distrust and disgust. "Are you serious? You want me to cheat? You think I'm weak, don't you? Well guess what? I am perfectly capable of winning this game fairly, whether the odds are in my favor or not." He snapped, standing up furiously and storming toward the exit of the car.

"Malcolm. Stop. Now." Neith's voice rang out icy cold, Malcolm turned around with a defiant look on his face. "Listen very closely. I am your mentor and you are under my care. I will not be the mentor who allows her tributes to mess up the entire districts fate because one stupid boy is letting the pride get the better of him."

Malcolm smirked sinisterly, "Really? You can't make me do anything." He snapped turning toward the door.

Before I knew what had happened, Neith leapt across the small car without warning, landing squarely on Malcolm's shoulders knocking him to the ground. Malcolm let out a strangled gasp of surprise as they hit the floor, efficiently Neith moved her legs onto Malcolm's arms, pinning him as he struggled fiercely.

From where I sat I saw the horrified look in his eyes as Neith  grappled his throat, trying to get him to open his mouth. At that instant I knew that being helpless and overpowered was more than likely one of his greatest fears. I could use that when I got into the game.

Emmett Melon screamed for them to stop, running over and hopping around them like a scared bird, too scared to get involved.

She started to strangle him, squeezing his throat tightly. Malcolm still wouldn't open his mouth, I watched as his face became a sickly blue color. Then his mouth was open as instinct took over and Neith was shoving the blue pill down his throat, and forcing his jaw shut until he swallowed.

She stood up, brushing herself off and walking over to me, a bit disheveled but otherwise unaffected. "Are you going to take your pill?" She asked threateningly.  

I looked at it a second before shoving it down my throat.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Malcolm slowly getting to his feet as Emmet Melon helped him. Malcolm sent a cold glare toward Neith before disappearing behind the sliding door, our escort hastily following him.

If I cooperated, I figured that I would become her favorite, and if I was her favorite she would try harder to get me sponsors.

"Good choice." She said sitting down across from me where she had been before. "We have a few minutes before that kicks in so I'll coach you a little."

"Kicks in?" I asked, staring at her in horror, wondering what the side effects could possibly be.

"Yes, nothing to be concerned about. It just takes a lot out of your body and you'll suffer extreme exhaustion for the first twelve hours after you take it, as it alters and begins to work in your system. That's why it's mandatory to take it now. This is the only part of your pre games training where you aren't under heavy surveillance." Neith explained, calmly seeming to study every facial expression I had, calculating every move.

"So doesn't the capital have tests for detecting steroids... if that's what these are, on tributes? I mean you can't be the first person to try this." I asked, trying to think logically.

She nodded, "Like I said these are specially designed so the capital can't detect them. We jumped through hoops to get these made. You'll have to keep taking them thought the games to keep up the benefits of the pill, but I think I can pass it off as a vitamin."

"So how are you going to get Malcolm to keep taking these things?" I asked, "You can't sleep strangling him every time he needs to take one."

"They are very addicting." She said simply, "Very. Now lets move on to a more important topic; your weaknesses. It's the prime opportunity because Malcolm's not here." She pointed out eyeing my intently.

I nodded, starting to feel a bit lightheaded. I wondered if it was the pill. "Yeah sure." I said forcing myself to focus on Neith.

"Ok, I noticed that you are barely fazed by most things, is that true?" She asked. I was surprised that she picked up on my nerves of steel so quickly.

"Yeah, but I thought we were talking about weaknesses." I said in confusion.

"That can be a weakness. Malcolm is a ball of nerves, quite obviously, but he won't miss anything as he will over think everything. That is his nature. You on the other hand are not fazed by much, so you will shrug something off that Malcolm will carefully analyze." She said cruelly, but I knew on some level that she was right. I had to do everything I could not to let my embarrassment show on my face.

So I simply nodded, "What do you want me to do?" I asked helplessly. Not being concerned was simply my nature.

"I want you to start thinking more, for everything Malcolm analyzes, I want you to analyze it closer. Get in the habit." Neith advised as I surprised a yawn. "The drug must be kicking in, go to your room sleep, I'll talk to you more in the morning." She said noticing my now overwhelming exhaustion. I was having trouble keeping my eyes open.

I wobbled to my feet, much too tired to argue. I slowly began trudging toward the door, I placed my hand on it, about to turn it when Neith spoke up one final time. "One last thing," she said though it took me a minute to process what she had said.

I turned to back to her now blurry figure, and saw her mouth moving. Somehow I knew she was speaking earnestly, but I couldn't hear what we was saying. Then the room started to spin and I fell to my knees, collapsing into a world of blackness, still straining to hear what Neith was saying. I never made it out though, before the darkness overwhelmed every sense I owned.

Whatever Neith had wanted to tell me, I knew it was important.




Mark Titus D6


My hands fiddle nervously with my gear that I brought with me as a token, thinking intensely about my issue. It was a rather large issue and deserved to be thought through intensely.

I felt the suns rays start to seep through the window, and warm my skin. I only fiddled the gear more nervously, turning it over and over in my hands.

Being reaped into The Hunger Games was my issue, as was the issue of every other person on this train. I felt my eye involuntarily twitch, how would I survive? An alliance perhaps? Yes an alliance was mandatory. I was small, but smart. The later would get people interested, it's previous would be the reason why I need one in the first place. I wondered if Karen would want to be in my alliance. She was so pretty. I doubt she ever gave me a second thought, I thought sadly. Enough thinking about girls. Even if they were beautiful. I had strategies to plan.

I had stayed up the rest of the night watching the reapings, on repeat, watching every last emotion that flickered across each tributes face. I knew their thoughts at the exact second they had been reaped, but before I selected my choices I would need to see how they did in training. Only the strong could join my alliance. Except Karen. Karen could join if she wanted. I decided.

I would have to kill them off though before they killed me, what day should I do that on...? Day 8 seemed like a good day to me. They would die on day 8. Except Karen. I couldn't kill her. Perhaps she would fall in love with me. That would be nice. Then we could make it to the top two. I would let her kill me. Such a beautiful thing deserved to live. Yes, she would fall in love with me.

My thoughts were interrupted by our escort poking her head through the door. She smiled, bobbing her feathery head, "We are approaching the capital, get ready!" She said smiling excitedly.

I nodded quickly and she closed the door. I had never gotten undressed from yesterday as I had never gone to sleep, so I simply moved from the bed and slunk out the door.

Karen was already up, sitting nervously looking out the window. I smiled when I saw her and I went up to her and took her hand. She yanked away startled. She was so cute when she was startled, I noted. "What is wrong, Karen, my sweet?" I asked, trying to put every ounce of charm I had in my voice.

Her eyes grew even more alarmed. "W-what do you mean.... 'My sweet'?" She asked horrified, and I wondered what I had done wrong.

"Well I love you, I've concluded. I've always watched you walk home from school, I watched you grow up, and I've always liked you but I wasn't quite sure why, until last night when I figured it out." I stated, very matter o factly.

She eyed me strangely and put a strained smile on her face. I wondered if she had a toothache or something. "Oh... Mark that's... sweet, but, umm you see I just got out of a rough relationship.... I'm not really... ready for another one..... Sorry!" My face sunk as a feeling of utter misery. She didn't like me. "I mean- what I mean is not now. Maybe in the future sometime." She added quickly and my heart rose again. She did like me, but her emotions were too delicate at this time to say she loved me.

I smiled, "I understand- well no technically I don't, because I've never had a relationship before, but I get what you're feeling if that makes sense?" I said much more awkwardly then I had wanted too. My face burned with embarrassment.

"Oh no, I get it." Karen said smiling again, then looking out the window signaling that our conversation was over.  

I too, looked out the window uncomfortably. I wondered if this was what being in love felt like. It wasn't as nice as I had imagined. That was when the train swung around the bend and I saw us rapidly approaching the capital. I caught my breath, it was beautiful! The architecture was stunning, unlike anything I've ever seen. It reflected magnificently upon the glass like lake in front of it.

Then it was gone and we were speeding through a tunnel. I looked away from the window, no longer interested. Our escort had pushed our mentor into the room in his wheel chair where he said unmoving, his eyes crossed and drool leaking from the corner of his mouth.

District six's only victor was a vegetable, my planning probably makes more sense to you now. I am only relying myself to get through this. I have no one to guide me.

Suddenly we burst from the tunnel and were cheered for by scores of capital people. They cheered and waved as we entered. I stepped forward studying them curiously, when Karen stepped back with tears in her eyes. I wondered why.

I smiled at her, hoping she would smile back, but she only turned away and walked toward the place on the train where we slept. However our escort blocked her way. "You can't leave now, as soon as the train stops we are seeing the stylists!" She said, but Karen just pushed past her.

I turned my attention back toward the strange colorful creatures outside the train, I watched them cheer happily for us.

Or more likely they were cheering for our deaths....

Ok guys, that's the train ride chapter! OH THE DRAMA! What did you guys think? I might take a break from this for a while, I've just been pushing out a lot of chapters and no one is reading it- which is fine. I write for my own enjoyment mostly. I just need a break. However if I notice someone is reading it I will make an effort.  

-A.K.A Anonymous

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