The Game show of Izuku Midoriya's dating life Chapter 1
Welcome everyone the newest story, The Game show of Izuku Midoriya's dating life. For those who know about Azure megacyber's The Game show of Jaune Arc's dating life, this is an idea based off that for our Green Bean Cinnamon Roll, Izuku Midoriya. So lets see how our Number 1 Hero in Training will deal with this.
Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia, series that crossover or the characters of said shows, and OC's people let me use. Only my OC.
The Dating Game show life of Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 1: Let the Shipping Begin! Again!
(This takes place between the Shie Hassaikai Arc and U.A. School Festival Arc)
It was another day at the U.A. Dorms for all of Class 1-A, it was Saturday morning and the weekend spelled fun for all the class of said dorm.
I the common area, all of Class 1-A, except for Izuku, were all having breakfast.
"So what does everyone think of doing today?" Mina Ashido, asked them all.
"Not sure," Hanta Sero answered. "Not sure what to do today."
"Yeah," Eijiro Kirishima. "I'm not sure I want to go out, after what happened."
Just then, Ochaco Uraraka, the second Cinnamon Roll of U.A. and has the biggest crush on our Green Bean Cinnamon Roll, Izuku Midoriya. "Hey, guys," she called out to her classmates. "Have any of you seen Deku?"
"Why should we care about him!?" shouted the most volatile person in their class, Katsuki Bakugo.
"Do you have to be so loud in the morning?" Tsuyu Asui asked bluntly.
"I can be as loud as I want, frog face!" he shouted back.
"Uraraka is right," Iida agreed, using his robotic hand gestures. "Midoriya should have gotten up by now."
"After the Shie Hassaikai incident and the lose of Sir Nighteye, he's been feeling down," Kirishima told them. This brought the mood down a bit knowing what happened.
"We should go check on him at least," Rikido Sato stated. He got a nod from the silent class mate, Koji Koda.
"We should go and cheer him up!" Toru Hagakure shouted, and moving her body animatedly.
The rest of the class nodded, all but Katsuki, Kirishima, Denki Kaminari and Minoru Mineta stayed in common area. The rest of the class made it to Izuku's room.
Ochaco was the one to knock and ask, "Deku, are you okay?" When she stopped knocking, the door opened on it's own, showing it wasn't locked, or closed for that matter.
"Uh, is that normal?" Mina asked, looking confused.
"No," Iida answered, fixing his glasses. "He usually has his door closed and locked."
"Should we go in?" Mashirao Ojiro asked.
"He might need us more then we think if he forgot to close and lock his door," Iida stated.
Ochako opened the door, and saw it was empty. Izuku wasn't in his room. "Uh, guys, Deku isn't here," she called out, shocking the others.
When they looked, they saw she was right. "Okay, now I'm starting to worry..." Mezo Shoji stated.
"Maybe he just went out to exercise early," Kyoka Jiro pointed out a plausible possibility.
"Yeah, I don't think so," Ojiro stated, pointing to the drawers and closet. "None of his close have been touched."
"Also, his wallet and student pass are still on his desk," Iida stated, pointing to said items.
"Okay, now this is starting to worry me," Ochaco stated.
"I wonder where he could be, ribbit?" Tsu asked, putting her pointer finger on her chin.
Just then they heard Kirishima shouting from the common area, a bit of worry in his voice, "Uh, guys! You need to come back down here and see this!"
"Wonder what's got Kiri so worked up?" Mina asked.
"No idea," Momo Yaoyorozu said, looking confused.
"It may have something to do with Midoriya," Iida stated, with his robotic hand gestures.
"Please, what are the odds of that?" Jiro asked, unknowingly tempting fate.
The rest of 1-A got back to the common area, and Denki, who had a shocked look on his face, asked the group, "I'm guessing you guys didn't find Midoriya in his room?"
The others looked at each other and nodded yes to him.
"Yeah, how did you know?" Sero asked, as he and the others were looking lost on how Denki knew this.
"We'll I have good news, and bad news on how I know," Denki told them.
"Start with the good news," Jiro told him.
"Good news, I found Midoriya," he answered.
"You did!?" they all shouted in shock.
"Where is he?" Ochaco asked.
"Is he alright?" Iida asked as well.
"Is he in trouble?" Mina asked.
"I think that's the bad news," Denki said, and pointed to the TV in the room. They looked and saw that Katsuki, Kirishima and Mineta had shock looks on their faces, and when they looked at the TV the rest of the class had them as well. What was said in the title on the TV was what shocked them all.
"Dating possibilities for Izuku Midoriya- Live."
All of class 1-A's jaws dropped to the floor. Most of the girls in class looked interested though.
"What the hell is this!" Katsuki shouted.
"Why the hell does he get to have a dating show!" Mineta shouted, blood tears running down his face. "It should be me out on that-!" he was cut off by a slap to Tsu's tongue and Jiro's jacks be stabbed into him.
"This is no time for you perverted dilution!" Jiro shouted at him.
"Where and how did you four find this!?" Iida exclaimed, his hand movements at high speeds, due to shock and worry for Izuku.
"H-Hey," Kirishima started, holding his hands up in defense, "we just saw it broadcasting in the main menu of the TV."
"It just... appeared...?" Jiro asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
"It's true," Kirashima stated.
"Hehehe," Mina giggles, thinking this might be fun, being the shipper girl she is, "I'd love to see what kind of romance entertainment Midori's love life will show."
Ochaco looked at Mina with a cute pout. "Mina, this could be humiliating for Deku," she told her, shaking her fist up and down. "You know he's not good at this sort of thing...!" The others that knew Izuku all nodded in agreement.
"And the Nerd can never charm a girl, so this'll be the lamest show ever," Katsuki stated, thinking Izuku would bomb this.
Mina then gave Ochaco a cheeky smile. "Oh come on Ochaco~ Ain't you the least bit curious as to what this show is about? It could be a good way to know more about him and get better at figuring out ways to get him noticing you more in a more romantic way~?." Mina baited/teased her, her face in her, showing her mischievous grin she had on her face.
Ochaco then started blushing hard at the idea causing her to cover her face with her hands. This caused her Quirk to activate and float around the room like a balloon.
"Mina, this is no time for this!" Iida scolded her. "We have to find out where this is being broadcast and save Midoriya!"
"Maybe if we watch it, we'll get a clue to where he is," Toru stated. She actually wanted to see this as well.
Iida was about to protest but was interrupted by his vice president, Momo Yaoyorozu, "Hagakure does have a point, we have no idea where this is being shown from."
Iida slumped in defeat. "Fine... We'll see this show, but if Midoriya is in anyway shape or form insulted and humiliates him, we're going to-"he started but was cut off.
"Hey it's starting now!" Mina shouted in excitedly and rushed over to sit in one of the common room seats. She had grabbed and dragged Toru and Ochaco as well.
The rest of the class joined in, taking seats wherever and watching the TV in ether anxiousness, interest or wonder.
The visual changed to a set that appeared like that of a game show with podiums and colored doors aligned along the colored wall, which was all yellow like in All Might's letter Izuku got.
"Welcome to this debut episode of... Dating Possibilities for Izuku Midoriya!" A man's voice sounded and the visual panned out to see a person who is a tall and skinny individual, and his appearance very closely resembles the stereotypical "mad scientist", with his long white lab coat and messy unkempt gray hair. He wears lime-tinted glasses and wears a green t-shirt under his lab coat, which depicts a spinning rock, which is a visual pun on the term "Rock 'n' Roll", and has a black skull pin on his lab coat. His left arm looked like it was replaced with a robotic one. "I'm Wiz and next to me is my Co-host..."
"Boomstick!" A guy who is stocky, who wears a red and white trucker cap, a half-tucked, beer-stained t-shirt, covered by a red plaid coat with ripped sleeves. He has a mustache and a stubble beard. His right leg has been dismembered and replaced with a shotgun, and his left arm has a tattoo which says "Mom".
"We are longtime hosts of another web series, "Death Battle", that you may have watched on repeat in the solitude of your room or at the school library like everyone else, and our other widely known game show know as "Dating possibilities for Jaune Arc- Live". And thanks to how well received it was, we've been given the green light to expand the entertainment with even more of the audience with even more the shipping fuel and love life of this our newest contestant..." Wiz pointed to the far end of the camera where it zoomed on one unsuspecting and terrified looking/freaking out Izuku Midoriya sitting behind a podium tied up and his mouth duck taped.
"Izuku/Midoriya/Midori/Deku!" Almost everyone, except for the blond bomber and a perverted grape head, shouted in worry and/or shock.
Katsuki was laughing his ass off seeing Izuku in this situation. Mineta was still crying blood tears of jealousy.
"Was Izuku taken by villains!?" Iida quetioned, doing his hand movements again.
"Why did they tie him up and duck taped his mouth?" Ochaco asked, looking worried.
"The set is simply Tres Chic~!" Yuga Aoyama stated, loving the gold coloring of the set.
Half the class gave him a deadpan look and thought, 'Really...?'
The two hosts then continued.
"Before we begin, we'll first undo his restraints so that he can participate. While we do that I feel we should explain how this show works to our viewers. From where we come from we watch this world as entertainment and that tied up hero-in-training over there is a prime source of it. Often seen as an everyman underdog by many, not unlike Spider-man, or Jaune Arc for that matter, himself, he is written and shown to be quite compatible with most people, especially of the female variety. Ironically he himself doesn't entirely believe he's such a catch, like the blond noodle of our last show, funny how that works in the multiverse. We're here to experiment with that by playing his compatibility up on whichever heroin gal pal he knows as well as some other characters we personally select from another universe just for fun. You could say this serves up as a nice packaged shipping fanservice fest in which Izuku Midoriya's life is everybody's soap opera."
"Uh, Wiz," Boomstick called, stopping in a little bit in front of Izuku, and looking confused, "isn't this the same script from our other show?"
Wiz shrugs, "A bit, with a few tweaks to it sense we're using Izuku here." Boomstick just shrugs and get's back to what he was doing.
"Are they for real!?" Class 1-A asked out loud in shock. Most of the girls had blushes on their faces, while some looked excited, i.e. Mina and Toru.
"Anyways, back to the topic at hand; Izuku Midoriya, from what we've noticed has a great degree of likability and potential not yet explored, not only that but he is also theoretically compatible with nearly every female colleague at his school as shipping potential. Think back to all the heaps of Harry Potter, Naruto and RWBY fanfiction where they basically have their own harems, this is almost something like that. We're giving him the biggest opportunity in this reality and testing the waters to see how that fairs; would he and Tsuyu Asui make a cute couple in the future? Would Melissa and Izuku bond over Quirkless issues, or would Mina get him to liven up a little in wild nightclub life? Chief among those theories is will a certain brunette finally lay claim to her hero, and live Happily Ever After. Endless possibilities and alternate futures of Midoriya ships were practically dumped on our lap, canon need not apply as the fanon saying goes, so we can't help but experiment with great enthusiasm."
"In short; it's just shipping fun for us," Boomstick concluded earning an annoyed flat look from Izuku before he went over to undo his bindings and tore the duck tape off his mouth fast.
"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Izuku shouted in pain, and pulling off a grate impression of a certain short green one eyed Pixar movie monster.
Izuku's classmates all winced at this.
"Oh... pulling duck tape off the mouth is always painful..." Denki stated, getting the others to nod in agreement.
"Uh... why did you have to pull it off that fast...?" Izuku whimpered, still feeling the stinging. He then shoock his head, clearing it. "That's not important. Where am I!? What's going on!? Are you two villains!? Are you remaining members of the Shie Hassaikai!?' He was ready to use OFA and fight these two if need be.
Wiz put his hands up to stop him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there green bean, we're not villains. So just relax, Izuku. This is a game show to show you your potential lovers going from the gals here at U.A. High School to... parallel universes connected to this one, and many other universes." Wiz offered when he looked over to him. He gestured over to a podium for the greenette to stand behind, but Izuku refused to move and simply gave a hard determined look.
"Look, I'm sorry, but just send me back, I don't want to be part of this game of yours, and I don't have time to waste. I still need to train..." Izuku then looked sheepish and added, "unless there's worthwhile prizes like a Limited Edition All Might action figure, but mostly I want to go back and not be embarrassed."
"This is a time/space-dimension outside normal laws of Earth, Izuku. We can send you back only if we want to." Wiz commented earning a shocked look from the boy. "But, we can also motivate you and convince you to play it out."
Izuku looked up in curiosity and a bit of puzzlement. "How so?"
"Simple; assuming you're interested in seeing a very plausible simulation of a future with your potential dream girl who lives among your peers, we can also permanently boost your stats. From increasing your health, dexterity, agility, raw strength, to completely learned attunement of certain fighting styles. We'll also be giving you gifts as well." Wiz explained earning an astounded look from Izuku before it changed to skeptical.
"Come again? You can make me stronger and have better control of my Quirks? Bring me up to speed with everyone else? H-how would that even work? I mean we're not in some video game..." Izuku asked skeptically then flattened and had an anime sweatdrop when he added "... are we?"
"No we're not, but we are cosmic otherworldly travelers granted time/space powers just to have fun with your life," Wiz answered seeing a cloud of gloom loom over Izuku, who was now in a corner.
'I really am the universe's punch line...' He wordlessly thought looking like he was going to cry and flood the set.
"Whoa there, no need to flood the set, Izuku. This is just for entertainment, what comes out of it for you is getting significant buffs in your physical attributes, incredible gifts that you can collect and help you, gaining intimate knowledge of your potential girlfriends, and earning a simulation vision of a possible future. We'll even arrange a cross time/space date with a parallel version of potential candidates including dazzling women you've never met before. Now are you interested?" Wiz asked testily and Izuku reluctantly nodded when picking himself up.
"I-I guess I can play along with this for now. I mean... I'll admit it would be great to know more about the girls in my class, and being more comfortable talking to them... Seeing some alternate future of me and whichever girl you think I'll end up with would actually seem cool to see... But about increasing my stats, how do you plan to do that anyway?" Izuku asked with a glint of interest, intrigue and curiosity in his green eyes.
"Simple as pie, my boy," Boomstick chimed in and stood off to the side where a door shaped portal to some cosmic training room filled with high-end equipment and training gear appeared.
Izuku's eyes went wide with wonder at the sight, and what looked like stars were in them. "That's so cool~!"
"Why thank you~! This is a compressed time/space training chamber where you'll work out for a small period of time to improve which stat you want upped. Whichever stat you choose will be brought up to a very high level because the mystical equipment in there increases the results ten-fold. Just imagine having strength that goes toe to toe with All Might in his youth or being as speedy as Tenya Iida. Even learning the fighting style and techniques of Mashirao Ojiro, Momo Yaoyorozu and Itsuka Kendo is possible with this. Sound like a sweet deal, right?"
Izuku nodded feverishly. At long last he could bring himself to a level he should've been if he had a Quirk years ago, now with that he'll feel like he'll earn the right to be called a hero.
Class 1-A from beyond the screen also stared in awe, some with slack jaws, all of them thought it was the best possible opportunity for Izuku could take. For some of the girls thought of him being trained to peak level made them giddy with anticipation or blush at the thought.
"Why does he get that kind of treatment!!!???" Katsuki shouted at Izuku being able to get even stronger now.
"Yeah it does, now I'm pumped. Let's do this." Izuku stated excitedly after the portal closed.
"One more thing Izuku," Wiz called out, getting the green bean to look at him. "Remember what we told you about incredible gifts that you can collect and help you?" Izuku nodded, remembering that part. "That's something new we're adding for this show." He then pulled out a remote and pressed a button on it. Just then a gain prize wheel lowered behind Wiz and Boomstick. "This is the Wheel of Infinite Prizes. When we spin this you'll get a gift that'll appear on the spot it lands on, it can be anything from being granted wishes and new powers to getting collectables sent to your dorm room, like rare figures of heroes from your world and others."
Izuku was now glowing a radiant aura of shear happiness. "You mean, I can get a figure of a hero, no one's ever known in our world, and I'll be the only person to have it~!"
'To bright,' Wiz, Boomstick and Class 1-A thought.
Boomstick then muttered to Wiz, "Tell the kid he'll get wishes and powers, but all he focus on is hero memorabilia."
Wiz shrugs. "To each there own, I guess."
Katsuki was now livid. "Seriously, that damn nerd's getting more powers!?"
Mineta crying even more blood tears. "Oh come on! Not only does he gets to date hot babes, but he gets training and awesome prizes!? It's not fair, I should be the one on there getting a harem, not him, me! Mememememe-!" He was cut off by Tsu slapping him with her tongue.
Ochaco giggles. "That's Deku alright~"
"Anyways, glad to hear you motivated, Izuku, otherwise we would have had to send embarrassing photos of you from the Midoriya family album to the smartphones of your friends. As motivation of course." Wiz added making Izuku freeze in fear hearing that.
"Wait what?! W-w-what do you mean by that?!" Izuku asked, dreading the answer.
"Behold, we're not going to use them unless you decide to back out. These are from your childhood of being a hero fanboy," Wiz commented then pointed to a holographic projection screen which brought up a visual that resulted in a very wild reaction from all, namely the girls.
It was a childhood photo of a very young four year old Izuku who was dressed into an All Might hoody, and give a heroic pose and smile that would make the sun look dim in comparison.
"Kkkyeeaaagghh!" All the girls squealed in reaction to the utter cuteness of Izuku dressed as All Might.
All the girls had blushes on their faces. Toru's invisibility made it so they couldn't see her blush. Mina had a cheeky smile on her face, seeing the teasing material from this. Tsu face was stoic, but her blush was still noticeable. Momo, Jiro and Ochaco had their hands on their faces to cover their blushes, the latter floating off again.
"SSSSOOOOO CCCUUTTEEE!" They each cried out squealing in delight.
'We pity you Midoriya...' all the boys, besides Katsuki and Mineta, thought.
Izuku however merely stood frozen like a statue at the embarrassing sight of his past dressing up as All Might. His face was going between turning ghost white to becoming a freckled tomato.
"Boomstick... snap him out of it, we got work to do." Wiz commented with a frustrated hand on his face, pushing his glasses up.
"You got it." The redneck host walked over and simply slapped Izuku upside the head.
"Ah okay, okay! I get it, I'll play your game to the end, just PLEASE don't show anymore pictures or release them to any of my friends!" Izuku pleaded, clearly panicking, his face staying red now, and covering his head with his arms. He felt like crawling under a rock and die from embracement.
"We don't mean for this to come off as blackmail, Izuku. Just wanted to motivate you, but you have our word that we will not send pics to your friends." Wiz stated, seeing Izuku relax and lowering his arms. Wiz then added in his thoughts, 'But we will have to keep the audience pacified and show off at least one at a time during the commercial breaks.'
"I'll take your word for it, now let's play already," Izuku yelled out clearly pumped and then his expression changed into a mildly confused one. "So how uh... how does this work anyway? You said what you wanted to do with me and 'potential love interests' but you never explained how to play the game."
"Glad you asked; you see these colored doors behind me?" Izuku nodded in affirmative. "A candidate will randomly selected by a spotlight over said door, after the doors randomize whichever potential 'Waifus', as we call them, appear you enter into it. Remember these Waifus could be from anywhere in the known multiverse; from adult versions of your friends to similar parallel versions of them that exist in a non-Quirk world. Once you go through you will live out a romantic event of the girl that's chosen, once the date is over you come back out over here and the plausibility ratio will indicate how likely it is to happen in your reality's version of the chosen girl, depending on the ratio level it is then followed by a statistically accurate vision of the future of you married to her." Wiz explained and Izuku nodded clearly in awe and a little sheepish with excitement.
Ochaco was also a bit sheepish with excitement, wanting to see a future with Izuku.
"Just a few more things before we begin. These are very important so pay attention." Izuku stood straight, turning serious, getting some of the girls of 1-A to blush. "First off, the girls back at U.A. in your reality will not be participating, if their current selves show up as a choice then in their place will be your own pocket of reality with the date happening instead of in your own canonical one so as to test you on the likelihood of ending up with said girl. For example; if one of these doors revealed your own world's Mina Ashido then you would go into that door and live out the date with her in the non-canon pocket of reality. The real Mina back in your world will not have been her and therefore not have experienced the date herself, but your intimate knowledge and feelings will remain when you come back. The plausibility ratio chart will determine how likely it is that you may fall in love together with her." Wiz then though, 'Should wait until the four girls show up to explain that and the other parts.'
"Okay... I think I'm following this as best as I can, but wow... is this crazy, even crazier then the craziest Quirk ever recorded," Izuku commented unsure how to feel about what he was told. Sure he was interested in dating, despite his past when he was Quirkless and being bullied, but he was more interested in getting stronger first.
Back with 1-A, all of the girls were blushing and now heavily interested in this show. The guys were wondering what craziness Izuku landed in
"Okay I that got part; basically it happened but at the same time it didn't. I get it, what else is there?"
"The last thing is that if plausibility is so strong there's an off chance the time/space duplicate of whoever you date will come over to your reality and become real so as in order to date you, but that doesn't apply to female Heroines characters that already exist. That only really applies to characters not living in your reality of Earth such as non-hero parallel versions of your friends and reverse gendered bombshell versions of your male friends." Wiz finished and Izuku nearly did an anime face vault when he remembered the last part.
"T-T-The likelihood of that is low, right...?" Izuku nervously asked dreading the thought of having to date a female version of Katsuki or Shoto. "On second thought, nevermind, let's get started!"
"Glad to hear it, WE GO!" Wiz declared and the 'doors' of color started to glow and out came the first four girls.
The doors then slid up and Izuku marveled and surprised at his choices.
The rest of class 1-A back at U.A. where surprised at the candidates appeared;
At the first door, there was a full-figured and attractive pale-skinned young woman of slightly above average height with quite a round face. She has wavy blonde hair which reaches halfway down her back, two shorter pieces she leaves over her shoulders, side-swept bangs that frames her face, aqua-blue eyes with notable upper eyelashes, some slightly longer ones extending on each side and pronounced lower eyelashes. She wears a white short-sleeved dress shirt with plaid cuffs, a large bow of the same design at her neck, and a dark raspberry pink waistcoat. Accompanying these are pale gray capri pants, under which are a pair of plaid pink socks as well as a pair of heeled brown boots. She also wears a wristwatch and pink, oval-framed glasses.
Izuku and the classmates that were at the I-Island incident automatically knew her.
"That's..." Ochaco started, surprised.
"Well that's a surprise..." Eijiro stated.
"Our first girl is... Melissa Shield of the current My Hero Academia universe!"
Melissa smiled and waves at Izuku. "It's good to see you again Izuku~"
Izuku was blushing, but smiled back. "Y-Yeah, it's good to see you again as well Melissa~"
Class 1-A were smiling at the sight. "It's good to see Shield again," Iida stated, smiling. "Even if it's on this show."
Ochaco had a jealous pout on her face. Mina was teasing her about her jealousy.
At the second door, was a brown hair girl clad in a pink robe, a red pointed hood that almost looked like a witch's hat, a brown belt in the middle of the robe. She had a glove on her right hand, and she wore black stocking and red boots with straps at the top. She was also caring a wooden staff with a red gem in it. Ochaco took note of the resemblance and immediately connected the dots. having her and here classmates' jaws drop to the floor.
"Hello~ It's nice to meet another version of you, Izuku~" she greeted, smiling at him.
"Our second girl is... Witch Ochaco Uraraka from the My Hero Academia Fantasy AU!"
"T-T-T-That's me!" Ochaco shouted, jumping from her seat in shock.
"Looks like you're in this girl~" Mina teased, but Ochaco was to preoccupied.
"So, this Uraraka is from a world of fantasy," Fumikage Tokoyami said, his chūnibyō side showing. "Revelry in the Dark."
Tsu put her finger to her chin and asked, "I wonder what we're like in that world, ribbit?"
At the third door, was a reasonably short girl with quite a mature build. She has salmon pink hair, which is generally shoulder-length, although it does vary, which is styled into thick dreadlocks and sideswept to her right. Her eyes are wide and sloped upwards with some notably long upper eyelashes, their irises green-yellow with a cross in the center, making them look somewhat like scope lenses. She's wearing a plain black tank top with workshop coveralls tied casually around her waist, with the same goggles on her head.
"Hey there, Muscles!" She shouted/greeted in her loud voice, and getting in his face.
"Our third girl is... Mei Hatsume of the current My Hero Academia universe!"
"Another girl from our world," Ojiro stated.
Iida was grumbling about her and her tricking him back at the Sports Festival.
And lastly at the fourth door, was a reasonably tall and rather muscular young woman who is well-built for her age. She has quite long waist long hair and wears bangs, parted twice as to not obscure her vision. Her hair is evenly split between two colors: white on her right side and crimson red on her left, this unusual coloring being due to her Quirk. As another result of this, she also possesses heterochromia iridium, which causes her left eye's iris to appear turquoise, while her right is a brownish dark gray. Her eyes, in shape, are quite thin and reserved. Additionally, she has a large burn scar on the left side of her face, which reaches from her hairline to halfway down his cheek. She usually has a serious expression.
Izuku immediately paled when he realized who she resembled and remembered what the host said earlier, Momo and Shoto, who still looked stoic, looked astounded and completely appalled when all of them made the connection in identifying the last candidate.
"Our forth girl is... Shouko Todoroki from the R63 universe!"
Shouko gave a small, but kind smile, and said, "It's nice to meet you, Midoriya~ I hope we can get along~"
Izuku was in so much shock, his brain shut down and his eyes roll back in his head. He then fell back in a faint.
"Uh... Well..." Wiz stated. "We'll be right back right after these commercial break, and hopefully get him-" Wiz pointed to the now unconscious Izuku who's soul was leaving his body through his mouth and was trying to be woken back up by Melissa and Witch Ochaco, "back to the waking world.
Cue pick of Tsu playing with her siblings.
To be continued
First contestant- Melissa Shield
And that's the first chapter of The Game show of Izuku Midoriya's dating life. I'll be linking Azure megacyber's site and his story, The Game show of Jaune Arc's dating life, which this story is based on. I hope you all liked this chapter and hope to see you all next time.
Please R&R.
Azure megacyber page:
The Game show of Jaune Arc's dating life:
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