#1 The Surya Group.

Thank you, @SabaUmmeSalma, for helping me edit and proofread this work!

Surya Narayan

I looked around the conference table. "Is he taken care of?" I inquired about the special task officer, Ajith Roy. Abiram Surya Narayan, my eldest son and CEO of Surya Group of Hospitals, nodded his head proudly.

"He's finished, we don't have to worry about him anymore," he said.

"Good job." I praised him.

"He couldn't have done it without Arjun's help, it was he who gave him the accurate location and details on him," said Mahesh Surya Narayan, my second son. He's the CEO of the Surya Hotels.

I turned to the youngest one, Arjun Surya Narayan. "Is that true?" I asked him, rather surprised. He had no interest to work for Surya Group and when he was summoned by me, his only demand was to allow him to work in the Law Firm; he didn't want to be part of anything illegal. He is a lawyer by, M.D. of Surya Law Firm and the Crisis Manager of Surya Group now; and I am pleased with the change I could see in him. I leaned back into my chair.

"I indeed provided the information," Arjun said, "But I am not involved in his... accident."

"Good job. You all have worked hard. If that police officer had escaped, we would have been done for." I looked around at all the faces.

"Though the problem is solved, for now, we can't let our guard down. Ajith Roy was a competent undercover officer. I'm sure he has hidden files on us," I said, "And the case files he had been investigating on, we need to get those back too,"

"I will start working on it," said Raghav, my P.A.

"So we still have a file to destroy?" asked Pramod, the Executive Director.

"It will be very easy to get rid of that, now that Ajith Roy is no more," Abiram said, "I can take the job." He looked at me, his eyes filled with hope.

"No," Mahesh said, "Let me-"

"It's not as easy as you think." I interrupted before a fight broke out again.

The two eldest sons of mine have been competing for the company. I am the chairperson of Surya Corporation; the CEO position is co-owned by both of them. While Mahesh takes care of the Hotel chains of Surya Group, Abiram is in charge of Hospital and Department stores.

My eyes landed on Arjun, who looked more interested in his laptop than in what was going on in the conference meet. He had joined the company only 5 years ago, and he is only concerned about his law firm.

"Did anyone check the details on Ajith Roy's files?" I asked again. Silence filled the room.

"We were busy chasing and removing him," Abiram said.

"We will start with the file tomorrow," Mahesh promised.

Arjun leaned forward a little before clearing his throat. "If an undercover officer dies on duty, his case will be transferred to the government file house," he stated, "So, let's assume the files are going to get transferred to the government file house for now."

I nodded, Arjun has always been good at what he does, that is, providing the necessary information.

"Who is in charge of the file house?" I turned to him.

"We can bribe them and get inside the government file house" Arjun answered. "But the only person who have the access to the files is Ajith Roy, who is already murd... dead."

"Who else can open the locker?"

"His Chief Security Officer is a software genius. You must've heard his name; Shahid Khan." Arjun looked around and everyone nodded.

"That is the guy who is also the Software Security Head for a lot of companies; I heard he's very young," Pramod said.

"He's only 31, but he's famous for his rigidity. As far as I know, he is a straightforward person and not flexible," said Raghav.

"Does anyone know anything else about him?"

"He's a professional data security officer. If we want to use him, we must get him alive to get access to the files." Arjun said. I nodded. I knew it too. Since Ajith Roy is already dead, the only person who could open the file is his Security Officer.

"You have done your assignment well in such a short time. Good." I said, acknowledging his hard work. "It's time for you to step up from your position too," I added.

Abiram and Mahesh looked at me, outraged. "What! You can't do that, Father. How can a corporation have three CEOs?" I knew that it's very rare for both of them to agree on something. I turned to them.

"If you think you own that position, you are wrong. Nobody is going to get it that easily. You have to earn it." I warned them. "And if you think it's unfair, the person with the least achievements should step down."

"Thank you," Arjun spoke up. "But, I'm not interested in running the company," He said, "I'm happy with my law firm."

"Then, what do you want?" I asked. I haven't missed the point.

"Let me choose the cases I represent," Arjun said. "I don't want to deal with criminal and womanizing cases. I will let my juniors deal with them." he looked at Abiram and Mahesh.

"You-" Abiram spat out.

"Just because you were lucky today!" Mahesh looked angry too. But I understand what Arjun's problem is.

It has always been Arjun's duty to clean up the mess that Abiram and Mahesh create.

"Okay, you can do that as long as you guide your juniors and report to me," I said.

"What about my trial, then?" Mahesh looked angry.

"I will let Varun deal with it." Arjun said, "He's the best-"

"I don't want any juniors! I want you to represent-"

"Varun has never lost a case before." Arjun cut across him.

"You guide him and send him to the courtroom to win all the dirty cases so it will not affect your reputation," Mahesh said.

Varun has, indeed, grown notorious in this field. He is known as a heartless and a merciless lawyer. But he's ready to deal with the cases that Arjun doesn't want to be associated with, and I know Arjun doesn't enjoy publicity.

"I am not worried about my reputation. I like a quiet life. If I can win your lawsuits through him, why should you get so worked up? It's a win-win situation for all of us." Arjun said.

"You treat him like a barrier. Everyone blames him for being a merciless lawyer who takes the side of the evil, but it's actually you-"

"Mahesh," I said in warning, and he stopped. "If anyone is unsatisfied with the situation, make sure you don't land yourself in any more trouble. Meeting dismissed." I announced, and Arjun was the first person who rose from the chair.

"Wait!" Mahesh said. "Since we got rid of Ajith Roy, let's proceed with the halted project of 7-star hotels, we can defeat the Palace Group now."

"Start nothing now; wait for the files to be taken care of, first," I said as I got up.

"But the Palace Group-"

"Mahesh, there's no shortcut to success," I interrupted him, "I don't want to just defeat them; I need to destroy them completely," I added, "Don't take Palace Group to the wind; they have been the best in their field for years. Besides, Surya Group was a part of it long ago, so it's no wonder we are their rivals now." I looked at Abiram and Mahesh, who wanted to talk further before I walked out of there with my P.A.

Abiram, my eldest son, is dedicated and efficient. His only problem is that he is short-tempered; he reacts with muscle power before logically analysing the situation which in almost all situations, end up in greater trouble.

My second son, Mahesh, is the ideal person for running a business, except for his weakness. He is a ladies' man. As if it was not enough, he got entangled in a rape case.

Arjun is fast, logical and responsible; but not very fond of how things are running here. He wishes to set up his own firm without my help. The only problem with him is the habit of drinking his problems away. He owns a nightclub. So, the weekends are most likely his own personal alcohol day. Maybe it's a good thing that he's not involved in the company. I can barely tolerate anything else after the bickering of Abiram and Mahesh.

I sighed. It looks like my boys still have some growing up to do.

Arjun Surya Narayan

I moved to the door, and Abiram blocked my way.

"Don't raise your expectations high just because Father wants to promote you. You know it too, he's just using you to catalyze us."

"Do you feel threatened, Abiram? It's odd for me to see you all worked up like this." I said, coolly.

"You-" He started.

"There's no need to talk about something impossible," Mahesh got up. "You are different from us and you know it; Father will never hand over the power to you," he said. It felt funny to see them standing together in a situation, but I'm in no mood to have a chat with them.

"Yes, we are different, I know it well," I said. "I don't kill people-" my eyes lingered on Abiram, "-or abuse women-" I looked at Mahesh now, "and I'm definitely not interested in the company, so-"

"Ha! What a saint you are, Arjun." Abiram said. "You wanted nothing to do with our so-called family, so you went out and stayed at the boarding school." He said. "And when father wanted you to take business administration, you went on your way and took law as your major."

"I have heard this enough. I need to go now, I have a client waiting." I checked my watch.

But, of course, it was Abiram, so he continued like I haven't made it clear to him. "You wanted nothing to do with the Surya Group, but somehow became the M.D. of Surya Law Firm!" he accused me.

"Who was it who wanted me to solve your problems?" I folded my hands across my chest and turned to Mahesh. "If I hadn't joined the company, he would be behind the bars by now." I turned to an angry-looking Mahesh. He got involved in a serious case 5 years ago, and that got me intertwined in Surya Group. It was my first case with this company. A girl had committed suicide five years ago with only his name on the suicide letter, and it would have been a big deal if I hadn't taken care of it.

Normally, I deal with merging and acquisitions of Surya Group, but I have to clean up after Abiram and Mahesh from time to time.

"And you Abiram," I looked at him. "You wanted me to convince the witness and change the statement when you got exposed,"

"You don't need to be the M. D of the firm for that," he said, "You could just represent us."

"I don't know what your problem is, Abiram. You want my law firm to represent you, but you hate the sight of me."

"You are different from us, you act like a saint," he scowled, "The only reason you are here is because of Father."

"I can quit here and go back to my old firm. It will be easier for me too." I shrugged. "Since you are uncomfortable seeing me as the Managing Director, you can just talk to Father for me then."

That got him.

I know it too. Most of the cases, that my firm has to deal with now, are theirs or their private goons.

"Do you feel remorse, Arjun?" Mahesh turned to me. "You never wanted the dirty money from Surya Group, but now you are working for it-" he said, "-even helping in killing people," he added.

And I stilled.

He touched a nerve; yes. He knows me well enough; he knows that this is a sensitive subject for me. 

"I don't kill people," I said sternly. "I'm not a murderer."

"Assure yourself that." Mahesh snickered. "If you think you are innocent, then you have a strange way of looking at things, Arjun." he said, "You know it too, you killed that officer today."

"I. Didn't. Kill. Him." I stressed each word. "I'm doing my job. If I have to get information on someone, I will. Just like the way I defend my clients who committed crimes."

"Okay, Arjun. I get what you mean. If you still want to pretend you are a good person, do it."

"I assure you, Mahesh. I am not a good person." I told him deadly. "So, stop provoking me."

"Whoa! Calm down, Arjun." Abiram said, in a mocking tone. "I'm surprised to see the normally cool Arjun Surya Narayan losing his cool. I guess it bothers you after all," he stated.

"Yes. It does bother me, Abiram. A lot..." I turned to him, "but now that Father asked me to select my cases, it's not such a poor deal for me." I retorted. "You should be the ones who are careful now."

"You bloody-" Abiram clutched my shirt in his grip and I looked down at his hands.

"Do you think I am weak and helpless like I was earlier?" I asked him, staring dead into his eyes.

At 28, I am taller than my two 'brothers'. Abiram, 33, loved to bully me during my childhood. And Mahesh, three years elder to me, used to get me in trouble without getting directly involved to avoid punishment. So, we had a history of mutual hatred. The only time when they unite is to create trouble for me.

"Take your hands off me," I told him. "Now!" Though he is five years elder to me, at six feet two inches, I towered over him. And unlike the past, I have trained myself to be the best in kickboxing; all thanks to my 'caring' brothers.

"Sir... please," said Pramod, who had been watching all the while and had finally decided to speak up. "Narayan sir will not be happy if he knows about this. Please stop this."

I continued staring at Abiram, who refused to back down.

Okay...you are asking for this-

Just before I could make my punch at him, Mahesh moved closer.

"This is your problem, Abiram," he moved Abiram's hands off of my shirt, "You act before you think, you need to fix that temper of yours." He turned to me and smiled.

"Think that we have a machine on our side," he said, "a human-robot to deal with our problems."

I restrained from showing any kind of reaction and giving him the satisfaction. I showed my best smile and nodded.

"I am glad you acknowledged my works, Mahesh. I will consider it as a start." I said, before walking out.

Trishana Hariprasad

I looked in the mirror and corrected my fake bob hair and wore nerd glasses. The executive-style pants and the full-sleeved shirt with the blazer completed my look. I am 26 years old and a reporter by profession; my fake makeover works like my armour in this field.

It looked like I can never go back to my old, simple, carefree life.

Once I was sure that I looked okay, I opened the secret vault in my room and pressed the password. A door beside the bookshelves opened, and I walked inside.I fixed the new newspaper cuttings on the wall.

Uncle Ajith is dead...

Unlike the other victims, Ajith Roy's case is a shock to me; I didn't see that coming. I always thought Uncle Ajith is a superhero who was strong enough to fight with the Surya Group. I took a step back and looked at the photo of the accident site and the burnt car he was driving.

"When they killed my dad, you promised to help me bring out the truth. You were the only hope I had, Uncle," I said. "I'm ashamed to face you like this. I am a reporter and I know that this was not an accident, but I can't report the truth. They forced me to report it as an accident."

"I am going to work harder now, I promise you. I don't want to be shadowed by big corporations anymore." I let out a sigh.

I was still standing in front of the news articles when my cameraman, Nitin, appeared beside me. He's the only person who knows about this secret room in my house.

"Whoa! The walls are almost filled! How long have you been following the Surya Group?" he asked me, watching all the articles and information that was arranged in the walls.

"Almost 8 years now, ever since my Dad was arrested on false charges."

My Dad was the CEO of the TV channel "Truth", one of the leading major news outlets which reported only the truth. So, it was no wonder he faced troubles with the Surya Group. When all the other channels reported a favourable story for them, my dad reported the truth. Nothing worked when they tried to bribe him or make him a deal; the last solution they found was to get rid of him from his own company. So, he was arrested for manipulating the shares and embezzlement. They murdered him inside the prison when a fight broke among the inmates, just before he was to be released; so my dad died inside the prison and my mom collapsed at the news, which left me and my revenge.

I was only 18 at the time and now, at 26, I still haven't reached my goal. Because the new CEO and the Board are afraid of Surya Group and the control of Truth TV moved into their hands.

"I am sorry," Nitin said, slowly. "I know Ajith Roy sir was your father's good friend."

"It's been 8 years, Nitin, but nothing changed for me. I'm still as far away from fighting the Surya Group as I was 8 years ago. I am still powerless to report the truth; I am still weak and pathetic to fight them." I said, "My dad would be ashamed of me."

"Don't talk like that," Nitin turned to me. "The only reason you are still staying at the company is because you didn't give up; you are still fighting for the truth, and if there are no reporters like you out there, all the news will be trash. People will only hear what the big corporations want them to hear," he said. "My dad wants to make sure I help you in all situations," he said, "He's sorry that he can't help you."

Nitin's father was one of my father's directors and he resigned when the company's management power moved to Narayan's puppets. Before he left, he asked Nitin to help me and told us to stick together. It's a great relief to me because he's the only support when all others in the company are ignoring me. We only have a small group of people who are still loyal to the old company and want to report the actual truth. But since we have been suppressed a lot, the number is decreasing day by day.

"Do you think anything will change?" I looked at him. "We still are where we started,"

"You are wrong," Nitin looked around. "We have a lot of information on them," he said. "I don't think there's anyone out there who knows about Surya Group as much as you do. You were following them for years now. Just wait for the right moment, we will have our chance."

I shook my head, "I am done with waiting, Nitin. I need to act now; I am going to expose everything on them."

"You have been demoted and you can't decide what to broadcast anymore," Nitin looked at me, "If you do anything reckless now, they will take away your mic too. You know, they are waiting for a chance to get rid of you."

From the moment Surya Group interfered with my company, they started to demote me, that is, five years to be exact. I was working on a suicide case where Mahesh Surya Narayan was involved. It was the first time I got replaced by someone else. My files were taken away and given to the new reporter, and the entire story changed overnight. They concluded it as a simple suicide case; they didn't even mention the Surya Group.

"I no longer care about that. They demoted from prime time, and my news slot is the least rated one. It will not make any difference even if they take the mic away,"

"But Trisha-" 

"They can't fire me as long as I am one of the major shareholders. They can only keep demoting me," I said. "And if they take the mic away, I will start with the Truth Magazine again. Nobody can order me around then; it belongs to my dad & mom and, now, to me,"

When they were fresh graduates, my mom and dad started their career by starting with the Truth News Magazine and eventually set up the Broadcasting Station and the channels, which became one of the major news portals.

"Truth Magazine!? But it's been years since it stopped. How can we revive it?"

"We can do it by reporting the truth," I said. "When my parents started it, the only thing different from other news was the truth. It helped them start the News Channel too. If we start it again, I think people will be interested or, at least, curious."

Nitin nodded. "That makes sense," he said, "I will ask dad to help us too,"

I nodded. "Thank you, Nitin," I said. "I need a powerful team to do this; I need to find people who we can trust."

"That will be difficult since we are against Surya Group," he said.

"We will start with the victims. We convinced Maya to sue Mahesh Surya Narayan; the trial will be over this week." I said.

"I'm nervous about the case. They have Surya law firm with them; they never failed a case before."

"We have all the necessary medical certificates with us. Let's hope for the best." I said.

Ever since Surya Law Firm started five years ago, Surya Group has been winning all the lawsuits. Their lawyer, Varun, is ruthlessly brilliant at his job.

I hope Maya gets justice.


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