2018 is anything into thousand 19 is fastly approaching. But before we get into the new year I want to tell you about some things that will happen.

As you know I'm currently working on an OC story that talks about what the characters do., you know strengths weaknesses all that stuff. However I've been losing followers. Maybe it's because I was an update maybe it's because I've been posting random bull crap on Message boards. But I just want to let my old readers as well as my new readers know that GuardianSoul41 is back. Even though I've never left.

Now onto the topic at hand. I'm going to update my mobile six but I'm gonna do a schedule.

Jamboree Ryken slashes on Fridays

I'll be releasing new guys on Saturdays

My high school harem book will be making a comeback as well as being remastered. But is not going to be those cliché stuff. Now I'm going to go a bit further into my twisted mind. So expect riveting tales from the world of high school on Sundays

Squad SYNCCS heightens their seventh on The start of the new year.

And now for the new stuff

Read this tale of where are young 17-year-old College student turns into a mass murderer. The inner machinations of a serial killer will come out on January 2 2019.

The M on the posters represents mature. This is based on one of my other OCs. Flesh Lover or demon monster will Premier on January 3, 2019.

And because many authors that I follow are doing this

What starts with a Y and wants to booty rape both your mind and spirit? Who wants to keep you all for yourself? You guessed it, YANDERE! Prepare for blood, Gore, anime references, and a fist full of Memes. Infatuation and obsession/ Yandere Females x Male Reader Will appear on January 4, 2019.

Beacon Academy is filled with lots of people. Awesome Students, fanus's, mute ice cream girls, and the dreaded Grimm. Unless you're the reader. You're a normal shy boy. But as the title says who cares if you're normal. This book will premiere on January 5, 2019.

Every thought and wonder to yourself. What in gods name made me want to be friends with those guys? Welcome to prison school. Except the reader didn't commit any crimes to get to that point. It just goes to show that no matter what crowd you're in there will always be people that drag you down to their level. If they have to suffer, you have to suffer with them. Or so they believed. Press F for framed well premiere on January 6, 2019.

now I can't make any promises that I'll get to work on the stories right away. But I'll do everything I can to make you guys happy. I don't write stories for money or admiration. I write stories so that people may read them. My only objective is for people to at least read my work. Sure, it's a simple reason but it's all I ever care about. I search for inspirational realism every day as well as fantasy. Everyone feels good after finishing a project but in the end it becomes fleeting and immaterial. And when the euphoria is gone I feel like no one would read the story I slaved over. And my insecurities and nervousness would start a flareup.

What my readers are gone by next week month or year. What if I don't have an idea for a manuscript for a draft. What if I get stuck in that endless loop of writers block? What if I lose the ability to write. What if my motivation disappears? These are the questions I asked myself ever since I became a 14-year-old novice.

If you guys have any ideas be sure to give me some suggestions. Anyway that's all the news I came to give you. Ciao and merry Christmas

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