Chapter 6: The Power to Rise

Ash looked between the two with pure shock. He couldn't believe that Anabel was so calm about him, let alone knew who the guy was. Caleb stood up out of his chair while Glaceon took his left shoulder.

He held out his hand. "It has been too long."

Anabel shook his hand. "It really has."

Ash looked between the two with a shocked look. He had a weird feeling that was surging him slightly. He saw the two seemed to know each other very well. 'Is it possible that they are... wait, why am I thinking about that?'

"You could've told me you were around. We could've talked a little bit." Anabel stated.

Caleb shrugged. "Yeah, well I was going to do that, but then I found out about your student. Nice guy by the way."

Ash finally found his voice. "Uhh. Can either of you explain what is going on?"

They stopped shaking hands and Anabel spoke first. "Sorry Ash. I know Caleb from him studying under Spencer for a year and a half. He is a very skilled trainer and managed to find out a lot from staying with Spencer as a well. We even had a battle."

Caleb smirked. "We may have tied, but I still consider her the victor in that battle. She is a one of a kind Ash. Don't lose her."

Anabel was blushing heavily while Ash was standing at a blank for a second. "Say what? I don't get it."

Anabel managed to calm her blush while shooting Caleb a death glare that was only met with a light chuckle. "Anyways Ash, he isn't someone you can just beat in a simple battle. He even managed to take down Brandon's Registeel."

Caleb scratched the back of his head. "You and I both know that it took me forever to even get a good, powerful hit on it. That thing's like a tank with seven eyes."

Anabel giggled. "Yeah I know. But anyways he is one of the strongest trainers I have met, and he also has a slightly unique ability."

Ash looked at Caleb, who uttered one word. "Aura."

Ash widened his eyes. "What! Are you serious?"

Caleb sat back down and began petting Glaceon. "Yeah. I am pretty good at it. Really comes in handy."

Ash then thought back to multiple scenarios where he had used Aura at some point. Back at the Tree of Life, where he helped save Mew, and in Sinnoh, when he met that very powerful Riolu and was able to communicate with him. He hadn't heard the term Aura very often, but he knew he could use it with some proper control.

Ash looked up. "You think you could be able to teach me how to use my Aura?"

Caleb raised an eyebrow. "You can use Aura also? This is one of the most interesting guys I have ever met."

Anabel smiled. "Oh you have no idea."


Ash was walking along the front of the path with Pikachu on his shoulder. Caleb and Anabel stayed in the back to discuss a few more important matters. Ones that Ash doesn't need to listen to.

"So you really want to help teach him how to use Aura?"

Caleb nodded. "That's part of what I do. If people seek to further themselves, I'll just help along the way. Though I won't start him until maybe tomorrow."

Anabel smiled. "Nice to hear that."

After a brief moment of silence, Caleb looked down at the two eeveeloutions right next to him. "Thank's for not revealing my full story to Ash."

Anabel shrugged. "I figured if you want to tell him, you should yourself."

"I doubt I will have to worry about telling him, as I really don't want to. It sound's good at some points, but I am not too keen on sharing everything about me to the guy."

Anabel nodded. "If that is your plan... Hoenn Champion."

Caleb scowled. "You mean former. You know I hate having to go back to the past."

Anabel giggled as she began to move back up towards Ash. "Ok. Then maybe I should address you as Pokémon Ran-"

"Do not even think about it. I keep my info secret for a reason." Caleb demanded sternly.

Anabel rolled her eyes. "Fine. But you will end up saying it eventually."

Caleb sighed as his eeveeloutions climbed to his shoulders again and began moving up to them. "I wouldn't be surprised if I did."


Within the next day, Ash had managed to master the basics of combat, and was able to dodge most of Gallade's punches and kicks and counter right back. After doing that for a bit, Anabel decided it was time to surprise Ash.

"Hey Ash, come look at this."

He turned away from Gallade and noticed a box right next to the Salon Maiden. "What is that?"

Anabel gestured for him to come over to him. "Come see for yourself."

Ash walked over to her and opened the box to discover multiple Pokeballs in the box. Upon closer examination, he discovered whose they were. "Wait, how did you get my Pokémon here?"

Anabel smiled. "As your teacher, I can pull a few strings. I asked Scott to bring your Pokémon here so you can start training them."

Ash looked bewildered which caused Anabel to look at him uneasily. "I'm sorry. I probably should've asked."

Ash quickly shook his hands in reassurance. "No. It's fine. I just didn't expect them to be here just as simple as that."

Ash began taking them out one by one and releasing them in the field around them. From Bulbasaur all the way to Gible, his Pokémon were slowly coming into the light. As he released them, Ash was looking a little bit happier with his situation. Once he finished letting them out, he had them fall into a group so Ash could make a head count and tell them what they were going to do next.

"Hey guys. Now let me tell you what is going on. We are at Anabel's place by Tohjo Falls, where I am going to learn how to become a good Frontier Brain. I hope all of you understand what we plan to do while we are here."

The Pokémon looked between themselves with a lost expression on each of their faces, so Anabel took over. "Ash is trying to recover the spirit he once lost and make himself stronger while also making you all stronger as well. He wants to achieve his goal for all of you so if you could support him in return, he would appreciate that."

In response, all of the Pokémon there let out a cheer. They seemed to be all for the change. They could even see the slight change that was evident in his emotions, and they couldn't be more happy to see their trainer was like his old self again.

"Alright guys. Now let's get to work."


In a decent sized city, there was always what seemed to be the main stop for trainers to achieve their first gym badge. This city was well known for the gym leader to be holding Rock types for battles. This city was called Pewter City, the home of Ash's friend Brock.

Brock was inside his house and was skimming through a medical book for his Pokémon Doctor studies until he heard his Poke Gear ringing. He grabbed the device and opened it to find his old friend Misty on the other side of the line.

"Hey Misty. How've you been?"

The Water gym leader smiled. "Great. What have you been up to?"

"Not much. Just looking over a few books. It's been quite a while since you called. Not since the Battle Frontier if I remember." Brock inquired.

Misty shrugged. "Just felt like I should call a familiar face. Since the Kanto League is over in a month, I have a bit of spare time. Well... minus the paperwork that needs completing that states my losses and wins and such. But you know what I mean."

Brock nodded. Being the former Pewter Gym Leader, he had dealt with his fair share of paperwork while trying to take care of his family by himself. Luckily, Forrest had the support of not only Brock himself, but his dad and mother had their own experience with running this gym, which meant they could all help Forrest learn what to do with all of it. Though that didn't make it any less of an annoying hassle to take care of.

"So what have you been up to in the last year?" The orange haired girl asked.

"Well, I am taking a career change in my life. I decided to become a Pokémon Doctor now. Though the studying part is really annoying also. I never thought it would feature so much studying."

Misty gave a look of surprise. "I never knew you would want to quit trying to be a Pokemon Breeder. I thought that was your life."

Brock smiled. "Well due to all of my medicine knowledge, I figured I should put this all towards something else."

Misty nodded. "Understandable. You always seemed to know how to help our Pokémon when we couldn't take them to a Pokemon Center. Speaking of which, how is Ash? I haven't talked to him in a while either."

Brock winced on the inside as he thought about back after they were coming back from the Sinnoh Lily of the Valley Conference. He could still remember the mood Ash was in after that battle.

As Brock sees Ash as a little brother, he would always do his best to try and help Ash figure out certain problems that he has. But nothing could prepare him for seeing Ash go downhill like he did. Brock could see little bits of Ash and his issues that he had during Sinnoh, but it only became truly evident once he saw his friend after he finished battling Tobias. It was like something in Ash had taken a dive that day, and Brock wasn't sure how to pull him out of it.

Dawn didn't help much when it came to that fact. Out of all the people that Ash had befriended throughout his journey, Brock knew him the longest and had traveled him for most of his adventures. This was especially true when he tried to talk to Dawn about what she saw was occuring towards Ash. Of course, the one time Brock was genuinly worried for his close friend, Dawn had toss out her famous 'No need to worry' slogan and brushed it off by saying this is a natural thing for people to be sad about losses.

Clearly, she doesn't know Ash as much as she thinks.

Brock silently apologized to himself as he answered Misty's question. "Don't know. I think he is still traveling from what I've heard."

Misty put on a light-faced expression. "Really? Wow. Maybe he will stop by at some point."

"Yeah. Maybe he will." Brock said lowly.

A crash could be heard in the background, which caused Misty to go into a panic. "Oh crap. GYARADOS, STOP FIGHTING STARMIE OVER THE POKÉMON FOOD. I need to go. Let's meet up soon. Ok?"

Brock nodded. "Deffinitely."

Misty hung up the video phone, and Brock let out a big sigh as he ran his hands over his face in anxiety of lying like he did. Truth be told, he doesn't know if Ash has even left Pallet in the past two weeks. If Ash is still stuck like he is...

Brock immediately stood up and began moving throughout his house to grab his bag, supplies for traveling, and his Crobat and Chansey. He began putting that stuff together while packing in a couple books that he has been studying for a while now. He heard a noise behind him and turned to see his dad was standing behind him.

"Where are you going son?" He asked. 

Brock hooked his sleeping bag to his bag, which made his bag appear similar to that of a hiker. "I am going to Pallet to visit Ash. I need to go talk to him about something that I think is really troubling him right now."

His father nodded. "Ok. Just be careful on your way over there. I will see you soon. I need to help Forrest with some paperwork."

Brock shuddered as his dad left the room. He grabbed his bag and began to leave the city behind. For the former Pewter Gym Leader, there were few things he was afraid of. A big one was telling a friend that they have something wrong with them.

The biggest was not helping them.


"Come on you two. I want you to trace my movement all on your own."

Ash began panting a little bit as he continued to dodge his Corphish and Kingler's Crabhammer, which was easier said than done. So far, he had been dodging their attacks very well. But slowly and surely, their attacks were getting much closer to their mark, which unnerved Ash as he continued to move away from the two crabs.

"Come on... you two WOAH... are getting the AHH... hang of this. Just a bit more."

Anabel was watching the quick progress that Ash had made in the last week. He had been able to help his Pokemon to channel the true effectiveness of what their attacks can do. Now he was working on technical skill, which required unwavering focus. She had to admit, Ash had grown stronger with his Pokémon.

'But this is Ash I am thinking about.' She stated in her thoughts.

After a few minutes of more practice, both Pokemon had finally managed to land a clean hit on Ash, which made him go fly back a couple meters. Anabel moved over the guy, and noticed he was already getting up again.

Ash looked at the two as he panted from the excersize. "Alright you two. That's it for today. Go take a rest with the others."

The crabs let out a light grunt and moved away, leaving Ash, Pikachu, Espeon and Anabel. The Salon Maiden helped pull Ash to his feet. He had a decent amount of dirt on him from all of the training he had done today. 

Despite what normal standards there were that some people had, Ash had made really fast progress in his training, only finishing the last of the more necessary moves to keep up with the others just a couple days ago.

"So what do you want to do now? You've gone through a lot of training these past few days." 

Ash shrugged. "Not sure. I guess we could go visit Caleb and see if I can start my Aura training today."

Both people and Pokemon began looking around to find the Aura user, who they saw was taking a small nap in a tree with his two Pokemon. Both trainers began to walk up to him, which he could hear easily. He stood up and looked at them from below.

"I guess from that look in your eye that you want to start learning your Aura?" He asked.

Ash raised an eyebrow. "Was it really just my eyes?"

Caleb smiled as he dropped down. "That and the fact that I could hear you from like 50 yards away."

Ash smirked. "Well I am ready to start."

Caleb saw the eagerness in him. "Woah, chill out. First, what all do you know about Aura?"

Ash stated that it wasn't much, as he had only learned how to use some of his Aura from when he went to Cameron Palace. He also mentioned the time that he talked to a Riolu by using Aura.

Caleb nodded. "Ok. Well for starters, Aura is the basic life energy of much of the world around us. It makes up about everthing, and is a powerful source of energy. However, just cause it makes up many different things does not mean that everyone has the possibilty to weild it. Some of the main Aura Guardians today are only able to weild their powers due to the genetics in their family.

"From what I am able to tell, you have weilded Aura before, but the first time, you did it recklessly, and it in turn almost killed you due to depletion. Luckily that Lucario knew what he was doing. But that is in the past. Judging from my guess, your Aura potential had to come from Sir Aaron, whic means you are his relative, but I can't tell from which side. And due to that, you have a surprisingly strong Aura. You can control its full power with practice, but it takes patience. Controling your Aura right off of the bat is a bit tricky unless you are younger."

Ash gave some thought and he seemingly understood most of what Caleb just finished saying. It wasn't like he was (completly) dumb or anything, but he had a grasp of most of the basic concepts that he should be able to understand.

"Ok. So what do I need to do now?" Ash asked.

Caleb gestured for him to follow, and they continued to a clearing that had some logs hooked up to sturdy rope. Anabel's Gallade and Metagross was there along with Caleb's eeveeloutions. It was then that Ash had a bad feeling as to what he had to do.

"This is what you have to do. We want to help you unlock your Aura sight before we even attempt to try anything like an Aura Sphere. Aura Sight will be your best friend for this whole exersize. If you want to unlock it, you can't think about what you want to do to dodge these logs. Leave yourself entirely up to instinct and let your body move for you. Watch me do it."

Caleb moved over to the center of the log armada, and put on his blindfold. He signaled for the Pokemon to begin sending the logs at him with a crazy speed. Ash was shocked that he was just standing there as the log moved toward him. He began wincing as the log looked like it was about to hit...

but it didn't hit.

As a matter of fact, Caleb moved his head out of the way and began ducking and jumping out of the way. There were even ones that were suspended up to the height he was jumping at, but even shockingly, he tucked his head and managed to dodge while pushing higher up over the logs.

That wasn't even the most surprising part of what this person was doing. While any person would be tensed up and ready for any movement, Caleb was showing no sign of that. He was completly calm with what is occuring. It almost seemed like he was just taking a stroll, but adding agility that would match up to a Vigiroth.

He then finally managed to flip over and out of the way of a log and right next to Ash and Anabel. After taking his blindfold off, Ash noticed Caleb's eyes were glowing like Sapphires, but they had pure silver within the irises as well.

Caleb smiled. "Your turn."

Ash nodded hesitantly. "Sure... how hard can it be?"

Only a few minutes later...




Caleb and Anabel continued to wince at the sight. Getting hit yourself is a pain itself that only those experiencing it would know what it really felt like. But for the observers, all they could think were a few simple thoughts.

'I really hope he doesn't break anything.'

'I am so glad that I already gained my Aura Sight.'

Ash was continuing to get hit over and over by the longs. He couldn't seem to dodge any of them at all. It looked like this may end up taking a while, so Caleb decided to leave him be.

"Let's go back. Best leave him to his training."

Anabel gave her student one last glance of concern, and began following the Aura user towards her house. They walked inside, and Caleb took a seat and began pulling out a book. It seemed to have a heavy detail on different region called...

"Unova? Why are you looking up info on that region?" Anabel asked.

Caleb opened the book. "I kinda have a knack for liking history. Don't tell Ash about that though. He would think I lied to him about hating reading."

Anabel laughed. "But still though. I do have some family in that region, but I'm not exactly proud of them. I know Spencer told you a lot about us."

Caleb shrugged. "He did tell me a lot. He even told me about the little secret that the Frontier Brains have that they use in times of need."

Anabel gasped. "How?"

Caleb looked down at his book. "You think that Frontier Brains are the only ones with that kind of power?"

Anabel widened her eyes, but Caleb started up before she spoke. "But that is a story for another time, Anabel. To answer your first question, the main reason is because I plan to go to that region within the next year. It interests me just what they have there. I plan to look into all of the myths and mysteries that surround the Unova region as well as take the gym on myself, but start over with only my Leafeon and possibly Glaceon, the first two Pokemon that I captured, as my partner has 'settled down' would be the right term."

Anabel gave a weird look. "You know, Ash was talking about visiting that place before, but he chose the path of a Frontier Brain instead."

"Wise choice on his end." Caleb continued flicking through pages. "Aha!"

Anabel moved to grab a water bottle from the fridge. "What?"

"This was one of the major parts that I wanted to look into when I leave for Unova. The legend of the Truth and Ideals Pokemon. It says here that there is a large island-like place in Unova called Liberty Island. It is a place where many different types of Pokemon live that are free by nature. The people use Pokeballs to contain their Pokemon still but with the connection to the wild that the natives have, they are ok with the wild Pokemon moving around freely. The place is called Eindoak Town."

Anabel sat down as she took a sip from her water. "What is so special about it?"

Caleb began looking at the next page. "Mainly three reasons. There is a mysterious legend in that place that states that there was a group back then called the People of the Vale. They have strong connections with Dragon types in that area, and also know of a force called Dragon Force. From what a few people have told me, supposedly this force is similar to Aura, so I plan to look myself.

"The next one is about how the King of the Vale had supposedly flown his Castle, the Sword of the Vale, by using the power of Pokemon. They wanted to stall the corruption of the Dragon Force in the area by moving the Sword of the Vale to some place to stablize it. I want to visit that Castle at some point."

Anabel nodded, clearly interested in the floating castle part. "And the last part?"

Caleb smiled. "Get this. It says that the corruption of the Dragon Force was caused by the kings twin sons, whom he wanted to inherit the right of the castle. But both brothers argued a lot by a degree. They had an ultra dragon that they controlled back then, but when the brothers started splitting and arguing, two dragons were formed from the origional, and the brothers had a battle to take each other out, thus resulting in the corruption. They call them the Dragons of Unova and they were called-"

A knock was heard on the door. Anabel walked up to find her Espeon was waiting there. "Espe esp!"

Anabel nodded. "She says Ash is improving."

Caleb put the book down. "Then lets go see."


What they expected, and what they saw were two seperate ideas all together. Once they arrived back, Ash was dodging every single log. He didn't end up doing anything crazy like Caleb did, but for 2 hours, it was deffinitely an improvement.

Anabel widened her eyes. "Wow."

Caleb nodded. "I'll admit it. That is a pretty good start."

Anabel gave a weird look. "What do you mean? He is dodging all of them."


Anabel frowned. "Narrowly?"

"I know you have the eyes of a battler. You don't need Aura Sight to see this."

Anabel focused her vision on Ash and finally noticed what was taking place as a log seemed to clip Ash's jacket. "They're grazing him still."

"Yeah. The hardest part of this whole thing is letting the body and mind take over. Then all of your senses open up, any you are able to paint a picture of the actions around you by using your Aura to heighten your senses. But Ash is still having a hard time painting that picture fast enough. However, this ability can allow for faster perception in battle, and can allow Ash to overcome fast-paced fights. If he can master this technique, he will be able to keep up in even Champion style battles."

Anabel smiled. "He can do it. I know he can."

After a prolonged silence, Caleb looked over at her. "So are you going to ask him?"

Anabel looked at him quizzically. "Ask him what?"

Caleb facepalmed. "And I though he was the oblivious one. The tag tournament in the Battle Tower that Maron told me about. The one that he said is taking place the week before the new Frontier season is kicking off. He said you were going to participate in it, but you couldn't find a partner at the time."

Anabel realized what he meant. "Oh. So you think I should participate with Ash?"

Caleb nodded. "Of course. You two would work perfectly together. After all, Scott wanted you to advertise it to let him scout people. If you don't choose Ash, then who will you participate with?"

Anabel frowned. "Well why not you?"

Caleb shook his head with a smile. "Do you really think that would be fair?"

The Salon Maiden had no argument there, but another thought struck her. "And how do you know that Scott made me organize this?"

Caleb chuckled. "I have my ways."

After a few extra minutes of watching, Ash did a quick roll out of the line of fire from the logs around him and took off the blindfold. What was surprising to Anabel was that Ash's irises have changed as well. But instead of being a Blue with a rich Silver infused like Caleb, his were simply Sapphire Blue. Anabel had grown so used to his Auburn eyes, that the color change was so mysterious and hard to comprehend, yet beautiful to an aspect.

Ash looked around. "Wow. Everything feels so much clearer around me now. I kinda like it."

Caleb smiled. "Exactly what I thought when I started. However, while you have obtained the power, you need to gain mastery over it if you want to be able to use it to your advantage. Try working with the logs for a bit longer, and then swap to doing it with your Pokemon while blindfolded. The speeds will be constantly different, which will help you react accordingly."

Ash nodded. "Ok. But how will I able to deactivate and reactivate it willingly?"

"Oh that's the easiest part of the whole thing. You just will it in your head to swap between it and normal sight now that you can actually use it. It's not too complicated." Caleb stated.

Ash nodded and focused on reverting it, and the different focus on the world around him changed back to normal. Though there was a slight question that was pecking at Ash that he thought that he should get out of the way.

"If Aura Sight is so great, then why not use it all the time?"

Caleb sighed. "Because your eyes can eventually never revert if you use it indefinately, thus leaving people to question your new colored eyes. Trust me, you don't want to know what that is like. It happened to my Dad."

Ash shuttered having to explain this to his friends, let alone, his own mother. "Noted. Don't abuse it."

Caleb gave a smirk. "I mean you can use it as much as you want, but just don't use it hour upon hour every single day. Give your eyes time to rest from the effects of Aura Sight."

Ash gave a thumbs up. "Got it."

A slight growl could be heard coming from the direction of the Pikachu trainer. Ash flushed with a slight bit of embarrassment. "Guess I ran myself out. Can we grab something to eat?"


After a delicious meal that Caleb and Ash prepared (by combining what small amount of cooking knowledge they learned from others) all three trainers were sat on the sofa after getting tired from the craziness that sprung from the day itself. Caleb was sat with his Unova book again with his eeveeloutions reading along with him. Ash was sitting in the chair with Pikachu resting in his lap while Anabel was laying down on the sofa with Espeon laying on the arm of the couch right above Anabel.

Ash grew curious about the book. "What does that book talk about?"

Caleb shrugged. "Just the Unova region."

Ash frowned slightly. "Unova, huh?"

"Yeah. This book has so much info that is really useful for me."

"Useful how?"

Caleb set the book down and sat up. "Well, I plan to go travel around that region. Supposedly they have Pokémon that we would almost never find here unless we were lucky. Like a Deino and a Snivy. Another neat fact is that Pokémon like Leafeon, Espeon and Pikachu are considered completely rare there."

"Wow. Maybe I should go there in my off time if Scott will let me..." Ash started to trail off.

Caleb snapped him out of it though. "I bet he will. Scott may be crazy, but he is also nice and can be flexible. If you do go, they have a league you can try. I plan to take it on myself seeing as it's been a while."

Ash smiled. "So you do try gyms. What all leagues have you fought in."

"Hoenn and Johto. Beat Hoenn, but got runner-up in Johto due to one of my Pokémon collapsing mid battle due to a sickness. I don't even know how it gained that sickness, as Nurse Joy checked my team before the match. So, thinking about my Pokémon first, I withdrew."

"If you won the Hoenn league, then surely you faced Steven Stone, right?" Ash questioned as he remembered the blue-haired son of the Devon Corporation CEO.

"No. I got destroyed by the second Elite due to a few mess-ups. Never met the guy, sadly."

Ash nodded in understanding. What he didn't know was that Caleb knew Steven well enough to have the guy's phone number, but some details are better left out. Anabel knew that as well, and knew better than to say otherwise to what Caleb just stated.

Caleb put the book in his bag and stood up. "Well I appreciate the dinner, but sadly I must head out. I'll see you all around. Keep practicing your Aura Sight, Ash."

Caleb cast a quick glance towards Anabel. Slow enough for Anabel to read what he meant, but also quicker than Ash could notice due to not having Aura Sight activated. With his eeveeloutions on his shoulder, the Aura Guardian bid the pair farewell for the night.

Once they were gone, Anabel decided to try her luck. She took a deep breath and sighed. "Hey Ash?"

Ash looked over at her. "Yeah? What is it?"

Anabel sat back down and couldn't meet his eyes, as nervousness was covering her face. "Well, we have a tag tournament that Scott wanted me to host in the Battle Tower the week before the season starts. And well, since we are trying to help you grow stronger... and I was thinking about joining...

Ash decided to finish for her. "You want me to be your tag team partner?"

Anabel nodded. "Yes. If you-"

Ash smiled. "I'm in."

Anabel looked up. "Really?"

"Of course. I get to battle with you, and I can test my strength against other opponents. Why would I even say no?" Ash stated like it was obvious.

Anabel let out a laugh and scratched her cheek nervously. "I guess you're right. Thanks Ash. It means a lot to me."

Ash stood up while cradling a Pikachu in his arms. "No problem. I think it's time I go to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

Once Ash left the room, Anabel smiled to herself. "I can't believe it. I actually got him to team up with me."

As she moved back to her room while carrying Espeon, she had one thought. 'Maybe this can work out...'

Well wasn't that long and drawn out? I hope you guys are enjoying the story. I love writing this thing, and I have all sorts of ideas to try. Now tell me what I could work on. Once again, I am open to criticism unless you just don't like the story. Comment Question: What is your favorite trainer class? Mine would be Ranger. Just cause I like what they do. Have a great day.


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