Once Stevie and Victoria made it to the actress' trailer, Maite would soon accompany them, translating simple things between the two of them. Of course, Stevie gushed to the younger singer how beautiful she thought her voice was, how she enjoyed the music she got to hear thus far.
As soon as the three women got settled in Victoria's open trailer, Stevie went on about how she so enjoyed watching them act; explaining how she too was in tears due to their tears.
Maite would relay everything that the rock and roll singer had to say about their acting from the compliments to how she could still feel the emotions that were being portrayed for the scene they had just filmed even though she didn't understand much of the Spanish that was definitely back and forth. And of course, Victoria was pleased to hear that her job could bring somebody else joy since her job was her therapy as she had always said.
In a way, Victoria and Stevie were very similar since the singer did her stressing through her songs, writing was her therapy and performing was her reward since many other people could listen and enjoy such things.
"¡Mamá!" a little girl shouted.
Victoria turned around, "Hola, preciosa," she took her into her arms and she kissed her head.
Stevie grinned, finding the little girl rather adorable and she waved.
Then another younger man approached the girls; hair a little slicked back, a guy in his late teens, early twenties if older.
"Mi'jo, ¿como estas?" Victoria pecked cheeks with him as she situated the little girl on her hip. "Ella es mi amiga nueva, su nombre es Stevie, pero no habla español solo inglés."
"Nice to meet you," José Eduardo said in very broken English. "I'm her son y this is my little sister, Vicky o we call her paqueña Victoria," he added.
"Hi, it's lovely to meet you," she assured with a smile as soon as he said so. "You guys are so beautiful," she claimed, becoming foward as she even swiped the little girl's head.
He kind of chuckled, nodding his head in a shy thanks as he slicked his hair back and stepped forward to greet the younger actress. "Hola, Maite," he pecked cheeks with her.
"Hola, guapo, habla con tu mamá," Maite assured, smiling at the little girl. "Victoria, ¿puedo?" she held her hands out for the six year old little girl.
"Por supuesto, hija," Victoria passed the little girl into the younger gal's arms and she turned to talk to her son. "Dime qué paso, my love..."
"Má, tu marido es en el camino y queire platicar contigo porque el vio a César," José Eduardo claimed, more on the quiet side as Maite walked Stevie over to sit.
"Me imagino, pero no te preocupes por eso, ¿que si, mi vida?" Victoria rubbed the side of his arm. "¿Donde está Anuar? ¿Está con él?"
Before José Eduardo could answer, Anuar came running over and just a few feet behind him came her husband, Omar Fayad.
The teenager took that as his opportunity to slip away from sight and he joined the two women and his sister.
"Hola, hermoso," Victoria kneeled down briefly to greet her younger son whom was twin to the little girl and she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek before lifting him up into her arms.
"I saw César nearby here," Omar said in Spanish, arms crossing over his chest as he repeated his version of what her oldest son had said.
"Yes, I'm sure you did," Victoria replied in Spanish, holding her little boy close, making sure to keep her voice even in front of anybody. "Of course he's around here, he is a part of the cast and you know this. You also know I asked for him to be casted, right?"
"So convenient of you," he rolled his eyes. "And what, you don't mind the kids witnessing you do such things?"
"You allowed me an open marriage when I wanted a divorce and this is what you got. I'm sure you've been seeing someone... Why get so angry with me for seeing somebody, huh? That's not fair, Omar."
"Ay, it's true but I think you should be more careful around the kids is all I'm saying. And at least respect the time of day I come around... I don't want to run into him when I come to see you."
"Omar..." she said a little warningly and then sighed. "Go with your siblings, my love," she settled the little boy on his feet, ordering him in Spanish.
The male six year old obeyed and went to join the group of girls and his brother.
Then Victoria stood tall, arms hugging her small frame as her beautiful eyes met those of her spouse's.
Meantime, Maite held brief conversation with the twins, Stevie and José Eduardo, telling the small children that the beautiful blonde lady did not speak very much Spanish and that they could translate. But Maite was really doing her best to cover the tension that seemed to be arising and José Eduardo wanted nothing more than the same.
"Is that your dad?" Stevie asked after the boy.
"Ah, no... Mi..." he paused. "My stepfather, pero I don't like to call him that. We're more like friends since I consider the word padrastro very ugly," he assured. "He's their dad y my mom's husband."
Suddenly a knowing eye contact came about between herself and Maite, the tension rising the longer the two of them stood, talking together.
Although the blonde was desperate to find out what was going on, she couldn't be that presumptuous about the situation and she figured she'd wait. Instead, she thought about what José Eduardo said about the idea of a stepmother or stepfather sounding ugly. It came to thought due to all of the fantasy tales and stories. And it was one thing she had always promised herself that she would never be, because she didn't want somebody to look at her as the evil stepmother, however at the same time, the times she spent with Lindsey's kids was different it seemed she still was in some way.
"Tu eres muy bonita," little Victoria stated out of the silence, after having admired the older woman.
Maite chuckled.
Stevie instantly smiled only because she did understand that much.
"She said you are very pretty," Maite assured, just in case it wasn't clear.
"You can tell her I think she is very beautiful," she assured, winking at the six year old gal. "All three of you, you're all beautiful," she chuckled, thinking it was interesting that the women had three children; it was like Lindsey who had three as well.
"No apoyo nuestra relación, Victoria," Omar's voice rose suddenly, expressing that he didn't support the relationship he and his wife had.
Victoria looked over at the group of people and she gave him a small nudge, further down the trailer and she took a breath. "Lower your voice..." she replied in the same manner. "César is very loved in this community. The man has worked every day since he started and he isn't going to not be here... I don't want to argue with you, so let it be very clear to you; yes, César is here and he will continue to be. You already knew this because we talked about this. Why must you always get angry? Our relationship was your idea... You and I made an agreement that we could do whatever we want. Or are you backing out of that agreement now?" she questioned.
"No," he shook his head. "No, Victoria, but please think about it..."
"If it bothers you so much, how about you take little Victoria and Anuar for the rest of the day and when we wrap up, I'll pick them up? José Eduardo wanted to stay with me anyway and since I'm trying to show my new friend around, it would be helpful."
"Who is your new friend?" he questioned, creasing his brow.
"The blonde," she barely tilted her head, trying to be nonchalant. Even if they were speaking a whole different language, she wasn't trying to be rude or even obvious. "She and her boyfriend are on a simple vacation... Maite, William and I have decided that we would show them around and have some fun. That's the truth," she assured, but didn't dare mention that César was part of their fun.
"Okay, fine..." he sighed. "Shall I take the kids then?"
"If you want... But I'll take them before you go home, I know you're busy," she assured.
"Victoria..." he calmed his mood by a landslide and then stepped forward to capture her lips briefly.
She didn't really move to embrace him or anything, instead she shared a sloppy kiss like she normally would and he backed away.
"Ven, muchachitos," Omar waved down his children and the twins cane running while José Eduardo went to see his mother.
"Are you okay?" he asked in Spanish and very quietly.
"Yes, my life, like I told you... It's nothing I want you to worry about. Omar is going to take Vicky and Anuar for the day and then he'll bring them to the hotel or I'll get them..."
He nodded and then stepped forward in order to embrace his mother.
"Are you going to stay here?"
"Mhmm, but I want to look around."
"Of course, son," she nodded, her appearance still a little stiff even if she was trying to lighten up.
"Mami?" little Victoria came walking over and she rose her arms up.
Victoria picked her up and she cuddled her closely. "Te queiro muchísimo, mi cielo," she then crossed her and kissed her head. "También a ti, mi Anuar hermoso," she then crossed him and did the same.
Omar then looked over and he waved at the women before taking off with the twins.
José Eduardo let off a breath and then smiled as the two women approached them.
"Disculpame por eso," Victoria waved it off, trying to be calm.
Maite relayed the message.
"It's nothing... I apologize if my being here was a problem at all..." Stevie assured.
Maite was quick to tell her it wasn't her fault before even telling Victoria what she had said. "No, they have some minor marital problems they have to work on from day to day..."
"Me voy," José Eduardo announced to the group before kissing his mother's cheek and walking out.
"¿Te vas?" Victoria questioned.
"Si, tengo que ir para la cita con el director. Will y César vienen por ustedes y no me gusta hablar de tu marido y César... Eso es charla de chicas..."
Maite laughed, repeating what the teen said to his mother; how he had to go, how William and César were coming to hang out with them and how he didn't like to talk about Omar and César because it was girl talk.
Ultimately, it made the blonde smirk a little.
"Ay, hijo... Tienes la razon, pero no estas enojado conmigo, ¿verdad?"
"Má, no, por supuesto que no..." he leaned in and he kissed her head again. "Hasta pronto."
"¡Te amo!" Victoria shouted as he walked out in a flash.
"¡Y yo a ti!" he yelled back with less care.
Victoria then shook her head and she smirked as she stepped forward and kind of brought Stevie closer, hugging her at the side lightly.
Between the two women, it created a warm feeling that even Maite couldn't not smile.
Before the girls could get to talking, César and William entered the trailer; the younger Cuban holding food.
"Yo vi a tu marido," César chuckled, his deep voice and laugh as he brought forth a bottle of tequila.
The simple gesture caused Victoria to smile as she melted into his side for a hug.
"How are you, hermosa?" William wrapped an arm around Stevie and he gave her a gentle squeeze, hugging her out of the tension that was created.
"I'm doing good," she laughed.
It was in that moment that Stevie realized just how similar she and Victoria truly were when it came down to the trouble of having an affair.
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