

Louis Pov.


I walk into the grocery store and start to pile in the food I wanted. I needed to be in and out, the paps always take about 5 minutes to see me. My ears were on full display, but I didn't want them that way.

People stare. I might be in a safe environment but that doesn't mean that the vampires find my blood irresistible, the werewolves find my scent the same way, but the hunters find me disgusting.

Hunters were known throughout the world. All they ever wanted was the world to be the same, but they won't ever be able to make it happen.

After the werewolves came out, so did the vampires and the rest of the supernatural... In some parts of the world. Since in MOST places of the world there were no supernaturals, we just decided to keep it a secret.

You could only find them in England, Some parts of America, Sweden and Ireland. Me being the rarest... Great.

I see a light flash and i know the paps have found me so I quickly grab the rest of what's needed.

I walk up to the register to see a tall man looking barley over 24, but young with age. He had brown curly hair resting on his shoulders and piercing green eyes.

"Well it seems like you have earned a lot of attention for yourself." The gorgeous man says.

I glance down at his name tag and see that his name is Harry.

"Um yea, I'm kinda known by a lot of people." I tell him.

"Well being what your are, you should be princess." He tells me.

I blush at the nickname he gave me as he starts to ring up my grocerys.

"Thank you. What are you, Harry?" I ask him.

"I'm a Werewolf, what about you. I can't really smell your scent, but I do see some rare ears." Harry asks me.

"A Fennec Fox Hybrid. You probably have never heard of it before." I tell him.

"Oh yea, your the 'Louis Tomlinson'". Harry says, making jazz hands.

"Yea that's me." I blush. No one has taken that long to notice me.

"Well, I would love to continue to chat but I have finished ringing up your grocerys." Harry says.

"Well if you gave me your phone number we could talk more." I ask.

I widen my eyes hoping it works, no one could resist my blinding blue eyes or my lucious curves.

"Ugh, your using your eyes against me", He laughs but continues, "Fine."

I squeal a lil but quickly stop myself, knowing I did it because This is the first I got to talk to someone for a long time.

I pass him my expensive phone and he types in His number and i shoot him text letting him know it's me.

"Text me anytime after 3, that's the time I get off work." I tell him as I start to pile the grocerys inside my cart again.

"Do want help out to your car?" Harry asks me as the paps get a little closer.

"No, no. Your gonna go blind of you walk out there. I have sunglasses." I say.

"Me to." he says while he takes a pair out and slides them on his face trying to look cool.

I giggle and tell him an ok.

"If they ask questions just tell them that your my body guard. I usually have one but I felt like a daredevil today." I tell him as we start to push my buggie down towards the door where the paps were.

They weren't aloud to come inside public places, it might cause a havoc. Not that they already do.

"You ready?" I ask him when we reach the door.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Harry tells me, and i open the door.

'were is your next shoot going to be at?'

'is it true you can get pregnat?'

'what's your sexuality?'

'why do you never your house?'

'Louis? Louis? LOUIS!'.

The paps continue to ramble as we head to my car. When we reach there I whisper to Harry that he needs to join me in the car once were done putting the grocerys in the trunk.

When were done I quickly run into my side of the car, one of the paps touched my ears and i hate it when people touch me.

They say rare Fox breeds have to silkiest ears on earth and it was sadly true. They felt like feathers.

"Wow." Harry laughs out.

"Imangine dealing with it everyday." I glumly say.

"I'm sorry, it must suck." Harry Tells me.

"Yea it does.", I mumble, him not being able to hear,"Where do you live?"


"Where do you live? I'm taking you home." I tell him.

"Um, I live about 30 minutes away."

After he tells me his address I start to make my way there, him showing me directions. About halfway there I fell something zap my side.

I stomp on the brake, thankful no one is near us. I look over to see Harry holding a taser.

"Harry, please don't." I ask him sadly.

I knew I couldn't trust new people. I knew it, i knew it.

"Keep driving or I'll zap you again." he tells me almost sounding bored.

"If you zap me it doesn't hurt. How could you not know that Fox hybrids are unaffected by electricity." I tell him.

He just smiles and pulls out a gun instead, "Would this change your mind?"

I feel my eyes start to water but I won't cry, I will give away my secret. Only Fox hybrids knew that rare foxes could cry there eye color.

"Get in the back seat, im driving." he tells me.

I quickly jump into the back seat, not locking the doors. Hopefully he will forget. Jumping out of a car can't kill me. I might he stronger than a human, but I am the weakest hybrid in the world.

He starts to drive with the gun in his lap, and after about two minutes of driving I quickly open the door and jump. I shift into my Fox as fast as I could.

My Fox was adorable. Small but cute.

I ran quickly, knowing my speed was faster than the biggest alphas of the wolverines. So even if he was an alpha I could run faster than him.

And being as tiny as I was, it was hard to spot me in a pile of talk grass.

I ran and i ran, but never stopped hearing the giant paws behind me. I take a glance back and see a giant wolf. Wait... Wolves? As in plural.

I continue to run and make sure I don't stumble and fall, if I do I will surely be eaten. But before I could run away anymore I see a blonde wolf sprang out and stop me in my tracks.

I screech to a half and turn right but see another wolf there. I look around and see three wolf's surrounding me, so I curl into myself.

Which means I curl up and hide my face with my tail. I couldn't stop shaking, I knew my life was over.

"Louis?" I hear the familiar voice say.

I peep out under my tail and see Harry standing next to two other men. One with blonde hair and the other with Brown.

"Will you shift back?" Harry asks.

I shake my head to say no and try to tell him something but it came out as a bark. They can't understand Fox.

"He said he can't." the blonde says.

"You can speak Fox?" Harry asks.

"Yea." The blonde says like he should know, "I payed attention In that class."

The brunette giggles but quickly shuts up when I bark again.

"Here, tell me why you cant." the blonde tells me, trying to crouch down to my height. He was to tall to come down to my 1 foot and 2 inches.

I shrink back a little bit since I knew my circumstances I continue to tell him.

"He can't shift because he hasent in about a month. He needs to stay this way for about two days." he tells his friends.

Harry nods and the brunette glances at my piercing blue eyes, but quickly turns away to talk to Harry.

They talk for about a few minutes so that gave me time to climb a near by tree.

I quickly jump from brach to brach until I reach one that reachs Harry's head. I jump from the brach and land on Harry's head, solving there problem.

"Well, I guess he knew what we were talking about", the blonde giggles and says, "can we go home, I'm soooooo hungry."

I tense up and walk down Harry's head and onto his shoulder, cuddling into his neck. I was scared of these new people but knew they were the only ones that were gonna help me out of here.

"Why don't we shift and just run home, since Louis' car kinda broke down." Harry laughs out awkwardly.

I look at him with a confused look but quickly put it away. I didn't want my capters to hurt me.

"Hey it's ok. Were not gonna hurt you." the brunette says.

He trys to pet me but I shrink away, covering myself with my tail.

I feel someone pick me up and i quickly try to run away, but the iron trip they had on me wasent helping.

"I think someone's here so be quite." I hear Harry say.

I open my eyes and see that I'm in dog crate that for my size perfectly. But I never liked being put in a cage.

I shrink into the back of the crate and cover myself with my tail, but leave a peep hole So I could see out the few holes inside.

"He's cage is Were Teeth Proof so even if there's someone here, they can't chew through."

"Were in enemy's boundries, we need to leave. Now."

"They'll take him, so c'mon, lets go."

I feel myself being lifted up and being handled carfully. I look out the side holes and see black fur.

I think a wolf has picked me up and i think that conversation I heard was telepathic. Oh well. All I need to focus on is getting the hell out of here.

But seeing that I was in cage being held by wolverine teeth, my predictions were small.

I start to cry silently, but being stupid as I was, didn't know that the Wolves could smell tears.

My years come out in blue streams and blobs. I put my back towards the front so if anyone peeks in, they can't see my alien like tears.

"Tell him that we have made it."

"No don't. The poor guy is super scared right now. Why don't you take him straight to your room."

"Wait, I smell tears."

"I have no idea whose it could be."

"Poor kid."

"Well, lets get him up to your room Harry before anyone noticed he's here."

"Mask the scent when we get there Liam."

They continue to walk, as I continue to cry. I haven't cried in so long, it almost felt good to cry.

I felt the cage be put on something soft, but I heard loud noises so I stayed put. After the noises went away, I felt the door of my cage open.

"You can come out now Louis." I hear him say, but I stayed where I was.

The tears haven't evaporated yet, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop crying, it's like they had a mind of their own.

I felt foreign hands on me and i instanly tensed up and tried to shrink away. But Before I knew it, I was out in the open and on a fuzzy floor. I look up and see my three captors and i instantly look down.

I slide my ears more down than they already have, showing submission.

"You dont have to do that, besides, your our next luna, we should be doing that to you." I hear the brunette say.

Luna? Isn't that the Alphas mate. Wait. No, that's not tru. How could I be a Luna?

I shake my head no, and cower away until I reach a corner. I knew it was all over, my life was over. Even if I was the Luna, my life is ruined by the werewolfs.

I she's one or two tears until the blonde notices my radioactive tears.

"What th-" he asks until he touches one of my tears.

It burns him, leaving a small bruise on his finger.

"How did you do that?" Harry laughs and says.

"His tears are radioactive. They never taught us that at school." Blonde says

"Its probably because they didn't know Niall." Harry laughs.

I try the best smile I could make up and giggle at the lost boy in front of me.

It seems as if these people aren't that bad, but I better keep on there good side if I want to keep it that way.


So hehehe here's a super long chapter so you better be happy that I love you guy.
I love YOU 💘

Love, Red xoxo

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