Chapter 25
The next morning, Rithvik came out of the room and was about to walk out when Roli calls. "Eat breakfast before you go." Rith looked at her. "I made cereal." She said holding up a bowl.
"No one has to 'make' cereal. What did you do, reap wheat and made flour out of it and made to tiny shapes." Rithvik asked goin to her.
"No. Kellogs does that. I added milk." Roli grinned.
Rithvik grinned. "Eat," Roli said, "Don't get sick like last time. You have to eat well. Mom has told me to take care of your health."
Rithvik remembered her kiss with Ansh. Roli's exposed shoulder and her lust for Ansh.
Rith placed a hand on her head. "You know that you are still a kid to me, right"
She frowned. "Even if I treat you badly sometimes, Or mostly... But I really love you. You know that, right?"
"What's up with you? Are you okay? Do you have some serious illness? Are you going to die or something?"
Rithvik smiled softly " Why? Will you be sad if your brother dies?"
"Isn't that obvious? Wouldn't you be sad if I die? We may hate each other a lot, but Rit, I still love you okay. At least in some tiny corner of my heart. You are my brother."
Rithvik smiled at her. Roli was all puzzled. "When did you grow up so much?" Rithvik asked her.
"Rith, you are okay na?"
Rithvik smiled and ruffled her hair. "Listen, if you ever find a guy you like, do tell me, okay. Introduce me. I promise you, I won't stand against it." She blinked at him. "Unless well, if he is a total douche bag and wrong for you. But if it's a good nice guy, I will...approve."
"Seriously, what's up with you?"
"Nothing. Just...Maybe I got mature." He said.
"Finally? God is great."
He laughed.
Dhun was talking to a few of her friends sitting in the canteen and Rithvik was standing looking at her from a distance. He wanted to just let her be for now. He turned around and walked. And saw Ansh walk into the canteen. Ansh got a smile on seeing Dhun and walked in her direction. But he was met with Rithvik in the middle. Rith put a hand on Ansh's shoulder and stop him. Ansh looked down on Rith " Don't go to her." Rithvik told him.
"Stay away from her."
"You don't get to decide that. I will decide what I want to do. And if Dhun asks me to stay away, I will. You have no right to tell me that."
"I am her boyfriend."
"You are not. I am."
Rithvik's eyes went narrow. Ansh turned to Rithvik. "And while we are at this topic let me get this straight. Don't behave as if I have eyes on your girl. She may have been yours in some other timeline. But that is in some other timeline. Not here. You may have the memory of that, but for did not even happen. I don't ever remember her being your girlfriend. In this timeline, she had always been my girlfriend. From start itself."
Rithvik was a bit too offended at this. Ansh continued, "So it's not me eyeing your girl. It's you who is claiming my girlfriend as yours. Because I don't care about a time you guys clam to exist, I can't remember it, I don't even know for sure that it exists. in this time, the fact is that she is my girlfriend. And so you back off, and stop telling me I am disgusting or whatever. I am not. It's you who need to stay away." Rithvik grabbed Ansh's collar. "And as of you being angry with me for Roli issue. That thing did not even happen in this timeline either. So you don't get to call me 'disgusting' over that as well."
Ansh pushed Rithvik away from him, "I don't want you to die. I really want you to live. But I am done faking my honest feelings, I am done giving up things for you. I don't want to be your friend anymore."
Rithvik looked at him.
" You are selfish," Ansh conclude.
"Selfish? Yeah! Right..." he looked at Ansh with hurt eyes, "Not wanting you near a girl I love more than anything is selfish? I know you don't remember it and it's in another timeline. But, are the selfish one."
Dhun came to them now. "Are you guys fighting again?" She asked.
Rithvik looked at Dhun with sad eyes. "No, Dhun. We are done fighting. There is nothing left of us to fight anymore." Now Ansh looked a bit guilty, just a bit. He did not think Rithvik will be this hurt. Rithvik turned to Ansh. "Take care, Ansh. It was nice knowing you. Bye..."
He walked away. Ansh looked like he regrets. He did not mean to hurt Rith that much. He looked after him with second thoughts.
"Why does he look so sad?" Dhun asked Ansh, "What happened?"
Ansh looked at her, irritated "You see only his sadness, don't you? Do you not care how he treats me? Or do you also think I am disgusting?"
"I don't think you are disgusting. But I don't think he is wrong either."
"In the end, it was your choice. If he was important to you as a best friend, I would not have hurt him that way. You would have found a better way to deal with things."
"So you think it's my fault in the end?"
"No. I was just wondering if you actually value him as much as you claim to. He may be selfish. But you are not flawless either."
Her words were getting to Ansh. He had always been feeling confused about his actions. He looked conflicted and guilty as well.
Rithvik sat alone in a deserted corner of the college building, looking broody. He was thinking back to Ansh and Dhun's words. The words that Dhun did not belong to him in this timeline. Rithvik covered his face with his hands and looked way too frustrated.
Ansh walked back home, in thoughts looking a bit guilty and self-reflecting, when Roli opens the door of the house and looked out. "Ansh" Ansh stopped and look at her. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Ansh nodded at her. "Hm... is everything okay with Rith?" She asked.
"What happened?"
"He was being way too strange this morning. He said he love me. That was way too creepy."
"He is your brother. He does love you."
"Yeah, but no one tells their sister they love them all of a sudden. That was so damn creepy. Is he okay? I feel he is not."
" fine."
"There was a pause." She sounded urgent "Is he sick? Is it bad?"
"No. He is fine."
Roli nodded. "Just beware, he may come and tell you he loves you as well. Because when it comes to love, I am sure he loves you way more than he loves me."
"No, he does not."
"Oh! Trust me, he does. That time on your 17th birthday, he went all the way out to the other side of the town and brought the special cake you like. I asked him to do the same for me on my birthday, but he won't."
Ansh looked guilty. "I hope he is okay." Roli continued, "He is not looking good for a while. And then got sick and hospitalized as well. I am kind of damn worried for him."She looked at Ansh, "Are you sure he is okay? Are you not worried for him?"
Ansh looked really guilty and bad. The elevator opened and Rithvik walked out of it just then. Ansh and Roli looked at him. Rithvik does look kind of messed up. He stopped seeing them. His eyes fell to Ansh as well. They didn't know what to tell each other. They looked away from each other. Roli was confused.
"Is there any food at home?" Rithvik asked Roli.
"No. I was waiting for you. Let's order something."
"Okay." They walked into the house. Ansh watched them and sighed.
Rithvik was havning a dream. He was riding his bike in distress. There was a pair of headlights ahead, and he tried to turn the bike, but he went straight to it and the bike was hit.
He flew in the air and fell to the ground with a loud thud. His skull breaking and everything was too painful. Blood began to pool around him, and his head hurt an astounding amount.
People came looking at him, as he lay on the road, drenched in blood. Sometime later, the ambulance came and they took him into the stretcher.. and then everything went blank.
Rith gasped and woke up. He was sweating really badly and breathing heavily. He had a horrified look on his face. He clutched onto his chest as if it's paining. And he was still really horrified. Really really scared and in a bad state. He got up from his bed and runs out.
Rithvik opened the door to Roli's room. But she was sleeping really peacefully. He did not want to disturb her. He grabbed his mobile and bike key and ran out.
Rithvik ran to his bike, but he stopped suddenly. He couldn't approach his bike. He looked at it even more scared. He put the bike keys in his pocket and sit down. Really miserable.
Ansh was sleeping when his mobile started ringing. He got up annoyed to be woken up from sleep and checked his mobile. It was Rithvik.
Ansh opened the door of his house. Rithvik was standing there, still panting and sweating. Ansh was puzzled and panicked to see his state.
"I know you don't want to be my friend anymore." Rithvik said helplessly, "But... I have got no one else to ask right now. Can you please take me to Dhun?"
Ansh couldn't even say no to that, because Rithvik was looking in a real bad state. He nodded. "Can we take your dad's car? Please..." Rithvik requested.
Ansh was driving the car, as Rithvik sat in the passenger seat looking out of the window. He still looked in a bad state, though not as bad as before.
Dhun came out of the apartment, still in her home clothes. Rithvik and Ansh were waiting near the parked car, they were still in their home clothes as well. On seeing her, Rithvik ran to her. "What happened? Why did you?" She started, but Rithvik hugged her at once. Pressing himself close to her, hiding his head to her neck. And closed his eyes too tightly.
Dhun noticed that he is in a real bad state. He wanted to be comforted. She understood him in a second. Something bad has happened to him. She put her hand around him and softly pat his back without asking anything. Ansh watched them from a distance. Maybe he felt he does not belong there, or he acknowledge that there is no space for him between these two. He turned around and walked and went to stand behind the car, looking in the other direction, giving them space.
Eventually, Rithvik calms down. Dhun was still patting him. When she felt that he is getting better, Dhun speaks "Rithu, What happened to you?" Her tone was very loving.
Rithvik stepped back from her and looked at her. She placed a hand on his cheek. "Hm? Tell me...?"
"I remember it. Dying..." He said, his voice cracking.
Dhun's eyes went wide in shock and fear. "Everything about it." Dhun was now in pain, she feels terrible for him, "Everything was hurting, and it was really cold. And scary..."
She stepped closer. "Sh... Don't talk about it. Get it away from your mind. Don't think about it."
She hugged him tightly. He tilted his head back to her shoulder. "It was the scariest shit I have ever been in, Dhun. It was lonely...and I wanted to see you badly, so badly... And it was paining."
"Don't talk about it. Please."
But Rithvik was talking rapidly, "And I could not breathe anymore. And my chest was hurting so badly as if my heart is going to stop."
"Rith, please..."
"And then everything went blank... And it was so scary."
"I am sorry. I am sorry... I am so sorry." Dhun was crying now. Rithvik stepped back and look at her. She was crying, "I am so sorry."
"No. Why are you sorry?"
"If I didn't turn back time, you would not have to remember it. No one should have a memory of their own death. I am sorry."
Rith shook his head and hugged her tight again. "I love you..." Dhun said. They kept hugging.
Ansh looked back at them at a distance. Now Rithvik and Dhun were sitting down. At a platform near the apartment. They were holding hands, but appeared to be in better states. Rithvik seemed to be thinking. He played with Dhun's fingers I don't want to be here, Dhun. In this timeline." He looked at him, "I know that this is the right thing. But...nothing feels right."
"Then what can we do?" She asked.
"I don't know. But I don't want to be here. I don't want to be in a place where you are not mine. Where Ansh and I are enemies. Where I have to have the memory of my death."
He looked down. Dhun understood his pain. She didn't want him to be in pain either.
"Even if I die, I want to die as the guy who loved you." He said, "I want to die in a world where we were together. I want everyone to think of Dhun Matur as Rithvik Ahuja's girl. And still think of me as his friend. I want to die in a world where things are less complicated."
"I won't let you die again." She was scared.
"Dhun, try to understand. I don't want to live like this. This life here - does not mean anything to me. I hate it."
"No. You will be okay. Just a matter of a few days."
"Don't be selfish, Dhun."
"I am being selfish?" she cried, "You will die. Is that okay with you?"
"I remember how it feels to die. I guess that will make it less scary." He said.
She pushed him away, crying... "Give me the time-turner," Rithvik asked.
"What for?"
"To go back."
"But you can't go back. It does not work like that. You can maybe go back to the time before the college fest. But we can't go back to the original timeline. And even if we can, I won't let you either."
She stood up. Rithvik looked at her helplessly. Ansh heard the raised voices and walk to them. Dhun saw Ansh and turned back to Rithvik. "Ansh is right. You are selfish."
"Do you have any idea how you left everyone when you died there? Roli was ridden with guilt and refused to eat food for a weak. She will never recover from the guilt. And Ansh, Ansh was crying beside your photo. He and Roli would never look at each other over there. They will never forget what happened. For the rest of their life." She said, "And me... You don't even have an idea what kind of a mess you left me in."
Rithvik wiped his eyes. Ansh was listening astounded.
"I am not letting you take us back to that hell," Dhun said. "Live here. Die here if you want to. At least Ansh and Roli will be spared of the guilt in here."
She turned around to walk away from there. Rithvik was left alone with Ansh. Ansh came to Rithvik. "You know she suffered a lot, right?" Ansh asked Rithvik. Rithvik looked at Ansh. "To save you. She went through a hundred failed attempts. I don't think I can ever do that for you. I don't think anyone can do that for anyone. How cruel and emotionally draining process it may be."
He looked at Rithvik with disappointment in his eyes. "And you want to die? This is how you repay her?"
Rithvik was just annoyed at Ansh's bitter words. "I was right about you being selfish. I had been feeling guilty about you for a while. But thanks for proving to me that you are still just a selfish asshole." Ansh turned around and go to his car. "Get in. I will at least drop you back home. But I guess that will be the last of our friendship." And he looked back at Rithvik again. "And mind you. I would not let her cry because of you again."
Ansh and Dhun were sitting on the benches of an empty classroom. Dhun was really tense. She sits just silent.
"He is being selfish as always," Ansh told her. Dhun does not replay. "But...can he actually do that? Go back to the original time?"
"I don't think he can. He can go back to the past before all this started. But I don't know if he can switch between timelines. The time turner does not work like that."
"Then rest assured, right?"
She looked up at Ansh. "I guess..."
"Why are you still sad?"
"I just don't...I mean... I guess I am just hurt that he said that."
Ansh nodded. Dhun continued to look sad. Ansh got up and went to her. "Don't think about him and be hurt, Dhun." He placed his hand on her hand. "We have already done what we could do for him. Done our best. You gave your best."
Dhun took her hand out of his grasp. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, you already did what you could do for him."
"You sound as if you have other intentions. Like you are coming back to the old topic we could not agree upon." Ansh was unsettled. "Ansh, I don't want to deal with your crap as well at the moment."
There was a laugh at the door and they turned around and saw Rithvik. "Well said, Dhun." He said. Dhun and Ansh were surprised to see him. Rithvik looked at Ansh. "Poor baby, Ansh. She will never love you. Because the one she loved is me."
Dhun was double frustrated now. "Ugh! Not again. Don't start again, you two." She got up in frustration. She looked at her limits.
But Rithvik walked to her and stopped in front of her. "I need the time turner."
"What for?"
"It was mine originally. So give it back to me."
"No. I won't..."
"I am the original owner."
"I don't give a shit. I not giving it back to you."
But there was a glow in her jacket pocket. She was startled by that. Rithvik tried to grab for it. "Rith, no."She tried to jump back, but he had already grabbed it out of her pocket. "Rith, what are you doing? No..." She tried to grab it back, but Rith held it back away from her. And it was glowing in his hand now. "Rith, no..." She was scared but cautious.
Rithvik brought his hand down and close his fingers over the time turner. And looked at Dhun. "You say it. Are you happy here?" Dhun paused. She looked up at Rithvik. Now she had tears in her eyes. And she looked tired. Rithvik softly wiped her tears. "It's you who is suffering the most. It's you who is frustrated the most." Dhun couldn't deny that. "That total idiot is hitting on you. Are you okay with that?" Dhun hesitated. "You are not okay. I know that. I can see it." He took a step closer to her.
" You are hurt. You are sad. You are exhausted." He said. Dhun did not deny that. She looked down. "And I can't see you like this. Till when will we live like this?" Rithvik looked away. "Nothing is right here, Dhun. Things are not meant to be this way." She just sighed.
Ansh was simply just watching, unable to say anything. He again felt like there is no space for him between them. Rithvik stepped closer to Dhun and moved a hand through her hair.
"Let's go back...Hm? Things may end in a sad ending there. But, least, we will be peaceful? She looked up into his eyes. Her hands closed over his left hand in which he is holding the time turner. " Let's go back to the place where everything was right." She kept looking at him for some seconds. Taking her time. Deciding what she wants to do. She actually was exhausted from what is happening around her. Rithvik's closeness was tempting her. The love in his eyes and the softness in his voice was making her lose her reasons. And the time turner glowed brightly under their hands. "Shall we go?" He asked looking into her eyes) And Dhun softly nodded. Rithvik smiled. And there is a really bright glow.
Dhun woke up and opened her eyes. She was hazy for a second and then jumped up. She was in her room. She turned around to find her mobile phone.
She got up and ran down out of her apartment building. Rithvik was waiting for her outside near his bike. And he smiled at her and wave.
They had come back to the Sunday that Rithvik died.
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