"Once you choose hope, anything is possible."
"What are you doing?! Trying to kill me?!"
"Shut up! I swear to god that whenever I have the strength to walk, I'm coming for you Hoseok!"
You rolled your eyes at the ravenette's constant yelling. You had been watching the two men bicker from where you sat beside Namjoon. When Yoongi had first started making threats, you were slightly worried for Hoseok's safety, but the sorcerer comforted you by saying that Yoongi always yells like this when he's in pain. That made sense.
Yoongi really didn't handle pain well.
When Hoseok had pulled out the arrow, Yoongi had fallen unconscious from the excruciating pain. It was probably for the best, though. Had he been awake, he probably would've dismembered the redheaded sorcerer.
Hoseok released a deep sigh, while struggling to clean Yoongi's wound.
"Yoongi, I can't clean it properly if you continue to struggle like this." He stated exasperatedly.
Yoongi frowned.
"I'm fine. The arrows out, so we should get going." He stated bluntly.
"My prince, you were almost killed! Had it not been for the angle you stood at, you would have died!"
Yoongi sent a glare to the sorcerer.
"But I didn't die. I'm perfectly fine, so let us continue our journey."
The dark haired prince had begun to move underneath Hoseok's touch, trying his best to stand up, only to groan at the pain that shot through his shoulder.
Yoongi's head fell back against the blanket he had rested on, his black locks cling to his forehead due to perspiration.
The prince released a string of colorful curses.
You sighed and watched as Hoseok stood up, taking the now empty water bowl and walking back towards everyone.
"How is he?" Namjoon asked from beside of you, his golden eyes trailing over to look at the pouting prince.
Hoseok sighed, handing the water bowl to Jin for him to fill up.
"The arrow came out smoothly, but if he continues to struggle against me I won't be able to properly dress the wound and we risk it getting infected."
Jin released a light chuckle.
"Yoongi never has liked being taken care of. It makes him feel weak."
Hoseok frowned.
"I wish he wouldn't feel that way, I've been trying for three hours."
You felt extremely sorry for Hoseok. Every time Hoseok has so much as moved towards the wound Yoongi would throw a fit and jerk his body around and cause the wound to bleed even more.
It seemed as though Hoseok had always taken care of Yoongi and that Yoongi depended on him. You've never seen Yoongi without Hoseok, you could only assume that the prince secretly enjoyed the presence of the sorcerer, even though he treated him like dirt most of the time.
Hoseok was a good man.
You sighed, standing up.
Hoseok's orange eyes watched as you trudged over towards him, your eyes sympathetic as you smiled softly at the sorcerer.
"I can do it." You stated.
The redhead shook his head, smiling gently at you, as he rubbed his eyes.
"I could not ask you to do that lady Y/n. You've already done too much."
"I agree." Jimin chimed in.
Your eyes snapped over to him.
"Hoseok has seen wounds like these before. He is experienced, and besides," Jimin sighs "I would rather you weren't close to him after what he said to you this morning."
You frowned, your body going directly into defensive mode. You wanted to tell Jimin it was none of his business and he had no right to object, but you knew that would be the wrong way to go.
It would only upset Jimin, and you've had enough fighting already.
"Hoseok has been working for three hours straight, Jimin. He needs a break. I've had enough experience taking care of sick people, I know how to clean a wound."
Jimin shook his head.
"I just don't trust him. He could hurt you, or-"
"I'm not doing this for him." You stated as your eyes trailed to the redheaded sorcerer. "I'm doing it for Hoseok."
Jimin sighed heavily, running a hand through his silver hair. He knew that there was no winning with you and that you wouldn't be happy unless you had the chance to help Hoseok.
His thoughts swirled for a moment before he faced you again.
"Very well." He started. "I will allow it, but if he says anything to you-"
"I know." You interrupted.
Jimin nodded.
"Thank you very much, lady y/n." Hoseok said quietly.
You smiled softly, patting his red hair affectionately.
"Don't worry about it. Just get some rest. I imagine you didn't sleep well last night."
Hoseok only nodded and smiled at your close form, his nose being filled with your intoxicating scent.
You sent a reassuring smile to Jimin before turning on your heel, taking the now full water bowl from Jin and walking towards the stubborn prince.
"What a woman." Jin breathed out.
Jimin sent him a hard glare.
"Shut up."He growled.
Yoongi scoffed at your arrival.
"Oh great, now I have to put up with mindless rambling as well as extreme pain."
Hoseok eyed you apologetically from where he stood.
Jimin's fist clenched, his feet struggling to stay planted.
You frowned at Yoongi, kneeling down beside of his shirtless form and placing the water bowl down beside of you.
"Where is Hoseok?" He asked as he watched you curiously.
"He's resting." You stated, sending a sarcastic smile towards the prince. "So you'll have to put up with me for now."
Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"Oh, joy."
You dipped the cleaning rag into the water, ringing it out a little before placing it on Yoongi's open wound.
The prince let out a yell in pain and jerked his body away from your touch.
"What exactly do you think your doing wench?!"
You sighed exasperatedly at the nickname.
"I'm trying to clean your wound." You said.
Yoongi sighed and pouted out his bottom lip.
"It feels like you're prodding your fingers into my flesh."He grumbled childishly.
You couldn't help the small smile that tugged on your lips at his cute pout.
All the emotions you've ever seen Yoongi have only varied from very angry to slightly annoyed. You had never expected him to be so childish and well- you had to admit cute. It shocked you how much he could change because of an arrow wound.
It was humorous.
Your amusement quickly faded when Yoongi jerked away from your touch another time.
You sighed.
"Listen Yoongi." You breathed. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm trying to help, but I can't do that if you won't let me. Both of us want this to be over with so I need you to stop whining and act like a man."
Yoongi's eyes slightly widened at your words. No one had ever questioned his masculinity. It made him feel small. He was not about to allow you to think of him as a child.
"Very well. You may proceed."
You sighed in relief and mentally fist pumped, before lightly placing the rag over Yoongi's bleeding wound.
The ravenette hissed in pain, gritting his teeth and clenching his fist, his mind preparing him for the worst pain.
But it never came.
Yoongi's orange eyes snapped open when he felt the warm linen rub against his wound.
Your blue eyes were too concentrated on cleaning on the blood that you didn't notice his soft gaze.
Your hands were gentle and soft as you scrubbed away at his wound, trying everything in your power not to hurt him. Any other day, you probably would have enjoyed it, but you knew that the only reason Yoongi was in the situation was because he took the arrow instead of you.
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you washed away the dried, crusty blood. A rebellious strand of your (h/c) hair fell in front of your eyes. You moved your free hand to place it behind your ear,however it fell once again.
Sighing, you decided to leave it be.
Your eyes snapped away from the wound as Yoongi's warm hand reached for your face, successfully tucking the strand of hair behind your ear.
Your eyes were wide at his affectionate gesture, however he just shrugged.
"It seemed to be bothering you." He stated dryly.
You nodded and continued your work, your heart thrumming in your chest at the close proximity with Yoongi's shirtless body.
"Where did you learn to nurse?" Yoongi's soft voice asked.
You smiled sadly.
"My mother gets sick a lot."
The prince raised an eyebrow in interest.
"Does she like to play in the rain?"
You released a chuckle.
"No. Not that kind of sick Yoongi."
Yoongi frowned in curiosity.
"What other kind of sick is there?"
You stopped your movements only for a second, your blue eyes moving to meet Yoongi's curious gaze.
"Well," You cleared your throat. "She's the kind of sick that doesn't get better."
Yoongi's heart plummeted in his chest. You had always spoken so fondly of your mother, that he could have never presumed something was wrong, and yet you say her disease is incurable. He knew how you felt. He lost his mother too.
"I see." Yoongi mumbled. "That is why you want to go back to your realm." He didn't mean to be so blunt about it. He wished he could've just nodded and moved on with the conversation, but his mouth wouldn't stop moving.
You nodded, beginning to wash his wound again.
"My mother was diagnosed three years ago. She was doing fine, we all thought the Chemo therapy was working. Other than being sick some of the time, she never showed her illness." You sniffed, trying to contain your tears. "But on the day I arrived here, I had gone to the doctor with her."
Yoongi listened intently as you told your sad story, watching as you bit your lip to conceal tears that were sure to come.
"They said she didn't have long, that she would be lucky to even live out the month." A single tear dropped down your face. "I couldn't believe it. I ran from the doctors office, leaving my father and mother there alone. As I was walking home I can remember thinking about how much I didn't want to be in that world, how much I wished I didn't have to wake up every morning and look at my dying mother."
You chuckled lightly.
"I guess my wish came true."
Yoongi frowned as he watched you. He had assumed that your life before this land was peaceful and you only wished to go home because of the uncomfort this realm caused you, but now he can see that you only wished to go home, to be with your dying mother.
Yoongi's hand moved to rest over yours that held the rag to his bare chest.
You looked at him sadly.
The ravenette offered you a reassuring smile.
"My mother died when I was young." He stated. Your eyes were wide at the unexpected words. "She did not die of disease however. My father had her executed."
Your mouth fell open in shock.
"She was found in bed with another man, and so my father took it as an act of treason and had her killed." Yoongi stated. His mind was telling him that he was beginning to trust you too much and that he was showing you his weaknesses, but Yoongi didn't care. All he wanted to do was comfort you.
"Why are you telling me this?" You asked.
Yoongi smiled and squeezed your hand softly.
"To let you know, that there will be a day when you can speak about your mother and not shed a tear, to let you know that everything get's better and life does go on even after someone we love dies. You have to be brave for yourself and for her."
You nodded and your eyes moved to the ground, tears began to stream down your cheeks.
"Thank you, Yoongi." You breathed.
The black haired prince nodded and used his hands to move your face to look at him, his other hand wiping your tears away.
"Don't cry. You're ugly when you cry." He chuckled.
You rolled you eyes affectionately and swatted his hand away from your face, moving back to dress his wound.
"While we are being all emotional and stuff," you said. "I just want you to know that I'm sorry about what I said to you this morning. It was cruel and wrong of me."
Yoongi nodded.
"You're right."
Your eyebrows shot up.
"I'm right?" You questioned.
Yoongi nodded.
"Would you like for me to disagree with you?"
You frowned.
"You're supposed to say that it's okay."
Yoongi frowned.
"But what if it's not okay? What if I haven't forgiven you and you've become my life long enemy and I am only seeking you out to kill you?" Yoongi Asked dryly.
You crossed your arms.
"Yoongi." You warned.
The prince chuckled.
"Very well, all is forgiven, and I hope you will also except my apology. I crossed a line."
"You're right."
Yoongi looked at you with an unamused face.
You chuckled.
"Okay. Okay. All is forgiven."
Yoongi smiled.
"Wake up!"
"Wake up you fool!"
Travis groaned in pain as he green eyes fluttered open, the wound in his stomach causing him immense uncomfort.
His body was tied to a tree and the bonds were tight.
His head was pounding as he moved his gaze up only to be met with the face of his employer.
Travis gulped nervously.
His employer growled angrily.
"I gave you one job: kill the girl." He started. "I practically gave her to you on a silver platter. I have all those fools believing I am their friend and that I wish to help the girl."
Travis frowned.
"W-We did what we could boss, but she stabbed me and the others got the best of us. Besides I didn't see you defending us, in fact you were helping them defeat us!"
His employer shushed him harshly.
"The others are close by." He stated. "So be quiet. The only reason I fought against you was to rid myself of suspicion. If I had helped, they would have presumed me guilty and they would have killed me."
Travis nodded in understanding.
"Are you going to let us go? We'll do better next time."
The employer shook his head, releasing a disappointed sigh as he moved his wrist to eye the tattoo on his skin.
"I will leave you here to rot. I trusted you to do a simple task and yet you failed me time and time again."
The employer smirked, trailing his eyes over to you and Yoongi.
"I will kill her myself."
I swear that this is still a bts x reader story, but like, I've been focusing on Yoongi right now, since his character is seriously the hardest to develop. But don't worry, more Members to come.
Do you think Yoongi will still betray the reader? Comment/ message your answer.
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