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It's been a month, and the nightmares are letting up. I was given the month off so that I could recover, and Aaron was babying me like no tomorrow. If I want to go get food, one of the boys do it for me. I haven't left the house since the kidnapping and it was driving me insane.

I was on Snapchat, looking on Sky's story, where I saw an old video of all of us singing 'Sincerely Me' at 10 pm. The lights were out but we had some Christmas lights hanging on the walls, illuminating the room just enough for the camera to pick up our faces and bodies. Aaron and I were dancing on the couch, very out of rhythm, but we were still laughing and having a good time. Lafayette and Hercules were on the coffee table, dancing in every possible way, all while screaming the lyrics. You could faintly hear Sky singing along as well, but it was drowned out by James, who was leaning over the back of the couch, holding onto Thomas and singing beautifully into a spatula. Thomas was forced to sit down by KG and Samuel, who were laughing and singing along while jumping around the room and accidently pushing Thomas to the couch. Come on, Sincerely Me is a catchy song. Even Washington was laughing, making Jack feel like he was flying by holding his waist and moving him around the air. Jack was giggling and clutching Washington's hands, who looked like he was having the time of his life. It was really cute. Suddenly, Hercules, along with the song, sang "MY SISTER'S HOT!" and Laf and Sky screamed back "WHAT THE HELL?" along with Washington, but Washington was truly confused. Hercules laughed and replied "MY BAD!" before we all sang "SINCERELY MEEEEEEEE!" We all struck a pose, everyone dead silent, and then KG fell from the swivel chair, right on his back, causing us all to burst into laughter. At the top it said 'take me back' and a tiny heart emoji. I screen recorded the video and showed it to the boys, who laughed at the fond memory.

After I while, I was tired of just sitting there.

"Okay, I'm bored!" I shouted. "Let's go watch a movie! Wonder just came out and I've been wanting to watch it forever!"

"Are you sure you're re-"

"Aaron no-middle-name Burr, I'm getting out of this house," I said.

Washington chuckled. "Don't argue with a woman, Burr. It's pointless."

"Fine," he gave up. "Let's go."

~le time skip~

At the movies, I sat next to Aaron and Alexander. From left to right it was: Laf, Herc, Aaron, me, Alexander, John, KG, Sammy, Thomas, James, and Washington. James tossed his feet onto Washington's lap and leaned on Thomas, the armrest not even bothering him, while I simply cuddled close to my boyfriend.

"Don't you dare make fun of Auggie," James ordered.

"Hey, I may be a bitch to Alexander, but Auggie is fucking adorable!" Thomas cried. "I wouldn't make fun of him!"

"Good! Now I don't have to roast you!" James smiled sweetly and popped a raisinette into his mouth. Thomas rolled his eyes and played with James' hair, who hummed.

When the teacher came on the screen, I looked over to Jefferson. "He looks like you!"

"No he doesn't!" Jefferson replied.

"Yeah, he does!" Aaron agreed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Someone behind us cried. I was about to turn around and give them a piece if my mind, but Aaron grabbed my shoulders.

"It's not worth it."

I listened to my smart boyfriend and leaned on him, making sure the boys remained quiet.

They had changed a lot when I disappeared. Laf and Herc became a couple, finally, but KG and Sam insisted they were just friends. I don't know why they're nervous, Alex, John, Herc, Laf, Thomas and James are all homo, so why not them? I don't know. Maybe it's their past with it. Washington became more of a dad than ever, ready to beat up anyone that said anything about his 'sons and daughter'. Homophobes were all over, so whenever someone said something to them about being homo, he would get mad and we would have to hold him back. We've had to hold him back three times so he doesn't beat the shit out of someone. Hercules told me that Aaron was depressed and broken while I was gone, which caused me to love him even more. That's why he refused to let me go. He didn't want to feel like that again. My sweet protective teddy bear.

~another timeskip~

We had just got home when I realized something wasn't right. It was messier than usual. Yeah, it's usually a mess with 11 people in one house, but Washington and Hercules keep the place together, but a couple lamps were knocked over and Aaron's books were on the ground instead of on the table. I noticed a poof of hair and examined it.

"Hello?" I poked him with my toe. The young boy was about 19 years old, with poofy hair and freckles. He looked a lot like Laurens.

"Ugh... Where am I?" He asked, sitting up. He was dressed like the boys were when they first arrived.

"Philip?" Alexander asked.


Alexander slid a good three feet and grabbed the boy in a tight embrace. Philip, I guess, screamed with surprise but still returned the hug. They were laughing, and Alexander kept kissing Philip's head and temple.

"Pa, why're you crying?" Philip asked, feeling tiny droplets of water on his shoulder.

"I'm not!" Alexander cried.

"Yeah right, Pa," Philip smiled. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

After the small father-son moment, Alexander wiped his happy tears on his jacket sleeve and John patted his shoulder. Philip jumped up. "Hey, you look like me!"

"I do, huh," John smiled, holding out a hand to shake. "I'm John Laurens. I was.... Killed before you were born."

"Pa told me and my siblings stories about you when we were little," Philip smiled. Alexander blushed a little and kissed John's cheek. Philip looked confused, but Alexander gave him the 'I'll explain later' look and Philip shrugged it off.

"You can fit in some of John's clothes, kid," Hercules promised.

"Why mine?" John asked.

"Because you're small," Hercules ruffled Philip's hair and the young man smirked.

"That's not what the ladies tell me," he said, smirking. Washington choked on his drink and Alexander smacked the back of Philip's head. "OW!"

"Inappropriate!" Alexander cried.

"He gets it from you dumbass!" James cried.


"Boys, boys," I soothed.

"Well, you will probably fit in my clothes. Come on," John wrapped an arm around him and led him to his room.

"Well, Thomas get in the shower. You know how long you have," I said. I always timed the Virginian, because he gets lost in his music and stays in the shower forever. With 12 people in the house, hot water is precious. He has been doing good though, so he didn't seem worried. The moment the water turned on I turned on my timer on my watch to 15 minutes.

Laf and I headed into the kichen to start up dinner. We usually take turns making dinner, since we have to make something new every day because of how many people are in the house. But today we decided to cook together, because we are cultured. Lafayette started cutting up some lettuce for the salad and I started on the taco meat. Yes. We are eating tacos tonight with salad. As I was cutting up the beef, Aaron leaned over the bar and pressed a kiss to my lips. He sat down and I smiled.

"Hey babe."

"Hey. We having tacos tonight?" He asked.

"Yep!" I smiled. "Philip gets a real taste!"

"Yay! I love tacos almost as much as I love you," he smiled, kissing me cheek again. Laf saw and yelled.

"AMOUREUX WE ARE IN A KITCHEN! NON KISSING!" He launched a small grape at us and Aaron caught it in his mouth. "Impressive, mon ami."

"Thanks Laf," Aaron said, chewing up the grape. He finished eating and I walked over to the oven, on the other side of the kitchen. That's when he got up and walked into the living room. Philip walked in, clothed in some gray sweatpants and a blue tee shirt, along with two black socks with turtles on them.

"Hey Philip," I smiled.

"Hi Ms. Hope," he returned the smile.

"It's just AJ," I said. "We'll take you clothes shopping tomorrow. Then, you can bunk a room with... Hm.... Washington. I think Aaron was his old bunkmate and now me and him share a room."

"Oooooh," Philip winked.

"Philip," I scolded. He laughed softly and my watch went off. "Hey, wanna come with me to turn off the hot water?"

"Hot water? How do you turn that off?" Philip followed me to the hot water heater.

"Well, people have come up with a way to heat water while you shower -which a pressurized- you know what, I'll have your father show you," I said. "Just listen." I turned off the hot water. "3....2....1...."

"AHHHHH!" Thomas screeched and fell in the shower. "COLD!"

"You took too long, Jefferson!" I shouted.

"I'M SORRY! GOD IT'S SO COLD!" he screamed. The water turned off and he stuck his head out of the door. "FUCK YOU!"

"THAT'S MY JOB!" Aaron shouted from another room.

"BOYS!" I screamed, my face going red. Philip was laughing his ass off at the boys and I patted his head. "This is just a little taste of the chaos that goes on in this home. Come on, let's eat!"

Y'all thought I forgot Pip? Ha! You thought wrong!!

Ugh, I dunno if I'm gonna update tmr or the next day bc of my projects and homework. I friggen hate my teachers like its winter break chill tf out. kill me now.

Then again, I prolly get to go ice skating wit my best friends! Yay!!!! Even though I can't ice skate worth a shit 😂😂

Anyway, love yall, keep reading! Sorry if this sucked. I wrote it once and wattpad deleted it like a little shit right before I published it. Byeeeee

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