6; Certified Stalker.

"You met the man you insulted the other day?!"

Yasmeen winced slightly, before throwing Amina an annoyed glare. She didn't know why exactly she's feeling that way though. Perhaps it's because the girl screamed the words out, and everyone within the vicinity could hear her-thankfully, they are alone.

Or perhaps, it's because talking about it brings back the memories of the past two days and the embarrassment she felt. Never had she felt that much embarrassment in such a short time before.

You can call it perks of being the type to mind her own business and stay in her lane.

But all because of a mere mistake, she has faced enough embarrassment to last her a month or more.

Not to talk of the missing book she risked getting scolded for.

Actually, it has to be because of it all. Neither could be left out.

Groaning slightly, she turned around and buried her face in the pillow behind her, before letting out a soundless scream. She seems to be doing a lot of that lately all because of that guy...whatever his name is.

For reference sakes though, she will keep calling him 'bros'. It just fits him better.

"How did you two meet again? Ikon Allah! Is this fate?" Amina was quick to ramble, as she hastily sat on the bed a bit too close for Yasmeen's liking-not in the least bothered by the glare she got earlier.

Yasmeen couldn't help but hiss. Fate? Did Amina really called this fate? If it is 'fate' then she will twist it and call it 'Twist of Fate: The Nigerian version'. It's much better that way.

At the same time though, she won't accept this as fate. Never! This is bad luck. Bros is a bad omen-because wherever he is involved, something bad always happens.

Like losing a favorite and limited edition book.

"Keh!" Amina lightly smacked Yasmeen's arm to gain her attention. "Will you stop squirming like a worm that has been sprinkled with salt? Ko dai tunanin sa kikeyi?"

"What? No!" Yasmeen sprang up, faster than she ever though she could. She then went on to ramble. "Hauka kikeyi? How can you even say that? Of course I'm not thinking of him. Why would I, huh? That man is bad luck. He's too annoying, intimidating as hell, but at the same time, mentally unstable. I should take him to the mental asylum because he needs help."

"Oh, so you do want to meet him again?" Amina pressed, amusement lacing her tone as she flashed her best friend a teasing look.

Yasmeen glared at her again, her face flushed. "When did I say that? God forbid! Never wish such bad luck for me again. Never."

"Geez, no need to get all defensive" The girl was trying to hold back her amusement by feigning seriousness. "I mean, you mentioned taking him to an asylum so that means you two will meet again. Who knows, you two might end up having that kind of love story you read in books" She isn't an avid reader unlike the woman seated beside her, but even she knows some of those book tropes since Yasmeen won't shut up about it.

Yasmeen scoffed lightly, lips slanted into a deep frown. "Books deceive people. I'm never falling for that again" She grumbled, her mind instantly wandering back to a time in her past.

A snort came from Amina, who didn't bother to hide it as it morphed into a chortle. "You remembered your high school love, kenan?"

Now looking like she's two seconds away from crying out of either frustration or embarrassment-perhaps, both? Yasmeen buried her face between her palms. "Don't remind me."

What she did as a young teen back in secondary school is not something she would want to remember at the same time, it's something she keeps in the back of her mind to not trust book stories again.

But Amina wasn't willing to let it go at that point, because she loves bringing this up whenever you get the chance. "Come on, Yasmeen. Don't you want to remember your first, and only love?" She wiggled her brows. "Soyayyar secondary school ft. Best friend's brother trope?" The minute she said this, she busted into fits of laugher.

With the words now out, Yasmeen groaned louder and picked up the pillow to bury her face again-her cheeks burning. "Books deceived me" Her voice came out muffled, though Amina heard her.

"Haba kekuwa? Is it not you that wanted to date your best friend's brother because it works out in books? How far? You two are supposed to be married by now ai? Ship don sink ne?"

The pillow Yasmeen had was thrown at Amina, though with how close they are, it didn't take much effort. Hissing, Yasmeen got on her feet and off the bed, she could still feel the blood rushing to her cheeks. Nonetheless, she deadpanned.

"The kingdom got ruined and everyone went their ways. Relationship that never lasted a month" She hissed under her breath. "The last time she and I even talked was when we graduated" She stated, referring to her old secondary school best friend.

"Books deceived you?"

"Books deceived me" She stopped believing in book romance ever being true then. In books, dating your best friend's brother always works, and then you two will be sister forever.

Forever never reached one month though.

And that was when Yasmeen learnt her lesson.

Book romance are simply good in books, nowhere else. She will stick to that and not allow herself to be caught up. Besides, as she grew older, she realizes the reality of the situations and all.

Amina's laughter died down, though there was still a grin masking her features. "No but seriously, what if you and this guy are meant to be? You know that enemies-to-lovers trope? Or love at first sight?"

Yasmeen gave her an unamused look, "Never happening" She gritted out, because that would be the most absurd thing. If anything, they will burn down the world before things get far. "And besides, are you forgetting I'm getting married in two weeks?"

"Oh, right" Amina's face fell, as she frowned and rolled her eyes. She is supposed to be happy about Yasmeen's wedding, and she is, but the groom isn't someone she's fond of. She only saw him once, but she already cleared him out of her liking list.

Sighing deeply, her shoulders slumped. "I can't believe I lost my book though" Yasmeen mumbled, lips slightly pouted before it curled into a slight snarl. "All because of that guy"

"So? buy another"

"There are limited copies, I'm lucky to get that one" Yasmeen wasn't bothered by the scolding she got from her aunt the day before. Her mother had long given up on that, so Kulu took over. What she is saddened by is losing that book. "And it's my favorite author too"

"Sorry ehn" From the way she said it, it was obvious Amina doesn't care about the book at all. "But--"

The door suddenly opened, earning both women's attention. Their gazes fell on Kulu, who stepped into the room with a wide smile masking her features-clearly, there's good news. Once in the room, she turned to face Yasmeen.

"Yasmeen, maza maza ki shirya" She snapped her fingers, giving the girl a onceover before shaking her head in disappointment. "Wear one of those new laces, kinji? And Amina" She turned to look at her daughter. "Bake her face with whatever you children put these days. Da hoda da jan baki da foundation, duk kisa mata."

Amina chuckled lightly, having always found her mother's references to be humorous.

And while Yasmeen felt that way, there was still confusion masking her expression. "Anty Kulu what's the occasion?" As far as she knows, they aren't expecting any visitors.

"Mijin ki ne zaizo" Was Kulu's response, looking like the one whose husband will come over. "He will be here soon, so hurry up and please, make yourself representable. Kar kisa jini nay a hau"

"But--" Before Yasmeen would file a complaint, her aunt had already turned around and hastily left the room. She then sighed, her shoulders slumping even more as her lips puckered slightly.

Her fiancé is coming? Why didn't he inform her? Or did he call and she didn't realize it?

Wanting to get answers to her questions, Yasmeen walked towards the bed again and picked up her phone in sight. The screen came to life, and like she expected, there were no missed calls or message-none that would show he even tried to contact her.

Sighing, she dismissed the action and not gave it much thought.

"Alright, Amarya. You heard what Ummi said, ko? Oya hurry and change into any lace let's get this over and done with" Amina isn't that happy about the meetup, but she would much rather have Yasmeen do as they were asked and not have her mother coming for her life by her scolding.

No thank you. Yasmeen can handle it, but not her.

And that was how, in less than thirty minutes later, Yasmeen was all dressed with little to no makeup. She has never been good at that makeup thing, and even Amina who is an expert knew it would take forever to do something-especially with Yasmeen's whining and stuff. So, she simply allowed the bride to put little power and lip gloss and that was it. Nothing stressful about life.

Almost as if knowing they are done, Kulu returned again to tell Yasmeen that the man has arrived and is waiting for her in the living room. Before going there to meet him, she was made to take refreshments along.

All through the little walk to her father's living room, Yasmeen wouldn't say she was dreading the meetup and at the same time, wasn't that elated. She was simply indifferent regarding the whole thing.

Nonetheless, she held up a small smile when she reached the living room and then entered with a salaam. All she took was a glance in his direction before keeping her head down and walking towards him. Keeping the refreshments aside, she took her place opposite him, still not looking at him in the eye.

Deep down, all she wants to do is look up and scrutinize him well as she had never had the opportunity to do so before. Whenever they met in the past, there's always a mahram there and as such, she has to act like the responsible bride she is.

But they are alone then, and she would like to dump away the responsible bag in the trash and fully look at the man she is being tied to. She doesn't have a thing against the marriage, since she gave her consent considering her nonexistent love life. That to say doesn't mean she shouldn't know the man she is getting married to.

She knows the basics, and that he is from a good family but how sure is she everything is true?

Nonetheless, she kept that aside and held up her good fiancée image. "Ina wuni?" She greeted, staring at the carpet that has never been of interest to her before.

It took a while, perhaps, longer than necessary before he answered. "Lafiya" There was something off about his tone, for she had never had him talk that way before. Is he exhausted from work or something? Or is he showing his true colors?

She couldn't help but wonder.

When he didn't say a thing for a while, she parted her lips to say something...anything to slice through this awkward tension. However, he beat her to it.

She heard movements from his side, but it stopped as his voice came. "I don't really like beating around the bush, so let me go straight to the point" He paused for a brief second, before questioning. "Maza kike bi?"

Startled, and offended by the question, she didn't realize when she whipped her head up to look at him. "What?" Did he really just say that to her?

He was still seated on the same sofa as earlier, just looking more relaxed now like he owns the place. His expression though was blank, and his cold eyes are pinned on her. "Answer me, are you seeing men?" He quirked a brow. "I don't care about what you did before the marriage was finalized, but are you still seeing men now?"

She blinked repeatedly, looking away for a brief second as she tried to make sense of what he's saying. "I don't understand" She shook her head, baffled. "H-how could you even think that?"

"So, you're denying it?"

"I'm being honest" Her eyes met his, not wanting to look away and look guilty. "I have never been one to even interact with the opposite gender unless necessary so...how could you even think lowly of me?" She understands that they are not in love, and are basically strangers about to get married, but still.

Doesn't she deserve a little respect and benefit of doubt?

"Do you know what I hate the most, Yasmeen?" He questioned, taking her by surprise because it's the first time he's calling her by her name. They haven't interacted much before, but during the few texts and calls they exchange, he never, not once called her name before. "I hate liars the most, kina jina?"

She wanted to scoff and say something to defend herself, but she knew being hotheaded won't do a thing. There has to be a misunderstanding, so it'll be better to clear it up calmly.

Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled before speaking. "Rafael" She called out calmly, her voice low, but steady. "I am not lying. I have no reason to lie to you."

Rafael's lips tilted upwards into a small, barely visible smirk before he nodded. Pushing himself on his feet, he walked towards her, all the while maintaining eye contact before slipping his hand into the pocket of his Kaftan and pulling something out.

Before she could comprehend it, he had already throw it right in front of her on the floor so she could see it. With her eyes now trained on the pictures littering the floor, he narrowed his eyes at her and spoke.

"Will you still lie to my face now?"

Yasmeen's lips parted, eyes widening as she looked down at the various pictures on the floor. Blinking repeatedly, she tried to make sense of how that is possible as she reached her hand out and picked up one of the pictures.

It was there, it was all in the pictures. That's her, and another man. But the worst part it, she can't claim it was photo shopped because it's real. Even she knew that.

The pictures were taken yesterday and the day before. All the two times she ran into Bros, it's right there in the pictures.

The worst part is, the impression the pictures gave away.

In the first one, it was the day she met the man outside the restaurant. His face wasn't shown in any of the pictures, perhaps, because the photographer didn't get a good angle but her, she's visible.

And by the looks of it, one can easily mistake it for something else. How would she explain being seen with him one day and being in his car another-not with them looking at each other like that.

Her hands became shaky, still gripping the picture in her hold. "H-how did you get these?"

"What?" Rafael tilted his head to the side slightly, "Are you going to tell me they're fake?"

She swallowed thickly, and shook her head. "No, it's not. But--"

"The audacity you have to lie to my face" He cut her off, scoffing loudly. "If I didn't have someone follow you around I wouldn't have known about your affair"

Raising her head up, her slightly narrowed eyes fell on him. "You had someone follow me?" She kept the affair issue aside, choosing to address it later. As for the first issue though. "Were you stalking me?" It's obvious he is.

He scoffed under his breath, disbelief masking his features. "It's a good thing I did, because you are cheaper than I expected" The worst part is, he didn't seem to have an ounce of remorse regarding what he said. "Is this how you planned to be after marrying me? Will you still go around chasing men?"

She darted her tongue out to sweep across her lower lip, forcing herself to remain calm and not say something she will regret. Releasing a deep breath, her hand clenched by the side as she gritted out. "It's all a misunderstanding, I don't even know the man"

She understands it'll be hard to believe, but shouldn't he trust her at the very least? How are they supposed to get married when there's no trust and even before then, he is suspecting her?

Would she still want to marry him after this?

"You're still lying?" He doesn't believe her one bit. Tsking, he shook his head. "You are more shameless than I expected"

"I get that you are misunderstanding the situation, but there's no need to insult me" She took it upon herself to clear it out. But, she won't stand there and be insulted. "If you just let me--"

"Save it" He cut her off, looking away. "I'll decide what to do with you later. For now, I don't even want to see your face" Not sparing her another glance, he turned around and left her in turmoil.


You don't like Rafael, do you? But, I like my guy's name and who knows? I'll like him too eventually.

In between watching Labarina right now, I'm here, editing and uploading another chapter.

Double updates people! I've tried, firiod.

I have nothing else to say so goodnight!

Love, Jannah.

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