5; Cold Shoulders.

Asad dreaded retuning home for so many reasons. Yet, he knew he can only avoid it for so long.

So, after spending a few hours out, he begrudgingly went back home knowing there's already a possibility of his mother knowing the stunt he pulled earlier. All that's left now is for him to return and undergo her investigation. In the course of being away, he had thought of the right answers to give her and avoid this whole ordeal.

Hopefully, it will work in his favor.

Stepping out of the car, he handed the key over to a lad there, who was off to wash it. He then sighed, and headed towards the front door with shoulders slightly slumped. As always, the house was mostly quiet except for the guards that made the place a bit lively.

Growing up in a small family, crowds has never been his thing. Perhaps, it has something to do with loving the peace that came with silence and not having to deal with people is what he prefers. He could never understand how some people enjoy being in crowds.

There was something different about that day though. Call it a feeling or something, but he could tell the minute he stepped foot inside the house. Nonetheless, he pushed the uneasiness aside and trudged further only to stop when he reached the living room.

The first person his eyes fell on was Ama, whom he could tell from her facial expression that something is amiss. His thoughts were confirmed when he moved his gaze from her to the figure seated on the sofa opposite, and instantly, his mood to dampened even more.

He looked away for a brief moment, letting out a sigh. After all the trouble he went through earlier, all he wants is some peace and quiet-something he normally gets at home but by the looks of it, won't get any time soon.

Actually, if this ridiculous arrangement passes through he might never get that ever again.

Not wanting to spend another second there, he turned around with the intention of walking away only to be stopped by Ama.

She was quick to get on her feet and approach him. Placing a hand on his arm, she leaned down to whisper. "She's already here. At least say something, hmm?" She looked up, hoping he would look at her so she can convince him.

She isn't happy about this either, but as an adult, and as someone who knows what is right or wrong in spite the circumstances, she knew to at least entertain the girl. After all, there are certain people that even if you don't like them, you can't outright say it to their faces but instead, feign smiles that you both know it's fake.

That's what she's doing.

"Asad" She called out again, giving his arm a small squeeze.

He sighed yet again, before looking at his mother with a blank expression. He didn't want to do this, and she of all people understands why. So, why does he have to suck it up and act like the good person? He is not. He doesn't want to be if this is what it takes.

"Please" Ama added, her voice still low so only he can hear what he has to say. She saw it in his eyes the minute he crumbled.

He loves her too much to not do as she asks. Whatever she wants, he does it for her because that's the kind of love he has for her. It's only natural for a child to love his mother but the kind he has for her is beyond words. Perhaps, it comes with being an only child and having grown up with her as both mother and father figure to him.

His father is there for him too, but with the nature of his work and everything, he saw her more growing up and she has been his all.

So, if she asks him to do something to the point that she would add that 'please', he would cave in without a second thought.

"Okay..." He whispered, and she barely got the word. He then gave her a curt nod, which earned a warm smile from her that had his worries easing only slightly.

The effects mothers have is beyond words indeed.

"Great" She muttered, giving his arm a slight pad. "Be nice, please" She knows her son well, 'nice' is not something that exists in his dictionary when certain people are involved, and the girl sitting in that living room doesn't have that word with him in the future.

He didn't answer, because he can't promise something he knows he won't uphold. Nonetheless, he watched as his mother quietly slipped out of the room, leaving the two alone. For a few seconds, he didn't say a thing nor move from his position. But, he was aware of what is happening.

He heard the girl move from her position, and then footsteps came in his direction as she approached him. She halted after a while, when she got close enough, and then took in a breath.

"Hey..." She breathed out, trailing off as her voice coming out low almost as if she is dreading the reply she would get.

If not for his mother's request, Asad would've walked away the minute he heard her voice. But, he didn't. Instead, he took in a breath and released it before turning around to look at her.

He had the same blank expression he had earlier when he walked in, except at the very least, she could tell he was surprised to see her earlier. Now though, he had completely masked off his expression and it was close to impossible to tell what he is feeling or what he is about to do.

He then arched a brow slightly, as if silently asking her what she's doing here.

She fiddled with her fingers in front of her, and was so close to looking away as she didn't want him to keep looking at her like that. This isn't how he looked at her before, this isn't her Asad.

Nonetheless, she decided to say something again. "...you weren't asking my calls or messages" She paused, and then blinked. "I'm sorry I came unannounced" Never did she raise her voice. Instead, she kept it low.

Asad looked away, no longer wanting to keep staring at her. It brings back memories he didn't want to visit. "Why are you here, Zoya?" He questioned, his tone clipped.

The Lebanese could swear her heart skipped a beat when he said her name. Don't blame her, it's been way too long since he even addressed her much less, said her name. She didn't even think it was possible for him to do so again.

She used to love the way he said her name before. Unlike any other person, there was this way he used to call it that made it feel special...unique...whatever you'd call it. At that very moment, he said it in the exact same way.

Perhaps, it's because he's used to saying it that way, or maybe, he couldn't help it? It had to be the former, because the latter is impossible.

She moved her gaze elsewhere, looking anywhere but him. "Like I said, you weren't answering my calls or texts..." Even if he doesn't have her number, she hasn't changed hers from the one he knew her with before so he must've recognized it. Not to mention, she is sure she got the right number too. He is the one she's texting, not another man.

So, he obviously chose to ignore her on purpose.

"Do I have a reason to answer or reply?"

"No, but we are about to get married" She hastily replied, not wanting him to cut her off and put an end to this. "We should at least talk and iron things out, right? Let the bygones be bygone?" She looked up, lips slanted into a slight frown and brows furrowed.

Asad casted his eyes on her again, and the look he gave her had her wanting to instantly look away. But, she didn't.

She stood her ground because she had never been one to back down from anything-a trait of hers he once liked but not anymore. This is the part of her that everyone knows-the confident, smart, sophisticated woman that any man would die to be with.

But here she is, in front of Asad, dropping all that image aside and looking like she's two seconds away from breaking down for reason they both know well.

"Let the bygones, be bygones?" He repeated after a while, before he shook his head in disbelief. He then looked up, his eyes meeting hers. "Okay..." Despite the word seeming like he agrees with what she said, the way he said it showed otherwise.

Her frown deepened, as she blinked repeatedly. "Asad--"

"Forget it" He cut her off before she could go ahead with strings of excuses he doesn't want to hear one bit. "Is that all? You can leave now"

She sighed, her shoulders slumping as she gave him the look that always gets to him. That moment though, it didn't seem to be working because his expression didn't waver.

He still looks indifferent towards her.

And that hurts her more than she anticipated.

She swallowed thickly, thinking of something to say rather than just leaving like that. She didn't come all the way to his house just to be sent away like that.

When she finally picked out the right words, she met his eyes again. "Rafa is getting married" She was hoping that would get through to him, and it did, just not in the way she wants.

He arched a brow, his lips slanting into a humorless smirk. "Is that supposed to make me feel bad for you?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side slightly. He then chuckled lowly. "So, that's the reason why you're back. He left you." If it was in the past, he would be quick to comfort her, but not at that moment.

The feelings he had for her are dead, especially that part where he'll feel sympathy.

"No" She shook her head, hoping he would stop being that cold towards her. "I-I just--" She swallowed thickly, her tongue darting out to swipe across her lower lip. "I never meant to hurt you" She voiced out, her voice lower than earlier.

He didn't believe her one bit. "And what was your intention if not that?" He didn't want to talk about this, but since she is pushing it, he'll give her what she wants.

She parted her lips to give another excuse, but she was unable to come up with anything. She had a string of them when she decided to come over. But, now that she is in his presence, all those excuses had dissipated.

She can't remember when she ever felt this intimidated in front of him. Probably, never.

He had never been cold to her. Until now.

Her eyes glazed, and then she bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry" She whispered instead, looking down.

For a second, a very brief one, Asad nearly caved in. But, he stopped himself just in time before he could do something he'll regret. Looking away, he gathered his thoughts before pinning his gaze on hers again. "Don't call, or text" 'Unless it's extremely necessary' He wanted to add, but he didn't.

He was wrong when he thought his feeling for her are dead. Because even in that moment, no matter how much he wanted to hide it and be cold to her, seeing her looking that down made something in him move.

Old feelings are hard to get rid of, especially not with the type of love he showed her.

At the same time, he couldn't hold up that cold look again. So, when he spoke again, his voice held less hostility and the tiniest bit of care that one wouldn't notice if he wasn't paying attention. His voice dropped. "Don't get your hopes high either, because that marriage won't happen. Do yourself a favor and accept that. The sooner you stop hurting yourself, the better"

Not wanting to stand there and risk having his resolve crumble, he turned around and headed up the stairs leaving her there. With the sound of his footsteps retreating, tears streamed down her face. She sniffed, the sound reaching his ears and muffling as he got farther away till he could no longer hear it.

He didn't stop till he was in the confines of his room. He hated himself for caring after everything even though it was in the slightest bit. However, a part of him knows he will always care about Zoya, because their history goes way back. Something like that isn't easy to get rid of.

And especially because of that, he will stick to not marrying her. He won't marry Zoya, ever.


Later in the day, when the sun was down and the moon was up, Ama strolled towards Asad's room. She heard movements earlier which signified he had returned from the masjid after praying Isha. So, she had chosen that to be the best time to meet him and talk.

Once in front of the door, she rose her hand up and knocked a couple of times, before speaking. "Asad" She called out. "Are you awake?" She had never known him to be an early bird. However, there's no harm in asking.

His reply came a little while later. "You can come in, Ama" His voice sounded a bit muffled, probably because of the door separating them and the little distance between them.

Nonetheless, her lips stretched into a small smile, and without much of a word again, she took the doorknob and pushed the door open with a salaam. With the door now closed behind her, she trudged further into the room till he came in sight.

Seated on the chaise lounge by the window was Asad, with his Macbook placed in front of him. By the looks of it, he must've been working before she came in. Seeing her walking in his direction, he moved the Macbook to the coffee table beside him so she could have a space to sit.

Her smile widened slightly, as she did so quietly. "I thought you're supposed to be on break. You work way too much"

Asad offered her a small smile. "Work never ends" Was his reply, because that line alone encompasses everything he hasn't said.

She simply nodded, not in the slightest bit interested in talking about work and whatnot. Sighing, she blinked and met his eyes. "Are you okay?" She asked softly, "After everything that has happened"

He knew what she meant, and understand her concerns. However, he doesn't want to worry her more than she already is. "I'm fine, Ama"

She gave him a look that showed she doesn't believe a word he said.

That had him chuckling lightly. "Seriously, I'm alright" He isn't in the best condition, but he's fine-at least, not the way she expects.

Ama stared at him for a few seconds, before she nodded nonetheless. "Okay, if you say so" She relented, her shoulders sagging. "While we're on that though, mind explaining what is this I heard about you having a girlfriend?"

Asad reached his hand out to massage his temples, already feeling a headache resurface. She still doesn't look as inquisitive as she normally is, but from her tone, he could tell she hasn't bought the lie.

He didn't want to deal with this, but it's not like he can avoid it.

"You better start speaking, young man"

He blew out a breath, mentally preparing himself for what he will say. He has never been one to lie to her before, and it's easier to tell Aalia he likes someone else but not Ama. This is harder than he expected.


"Don't 'Ama' me. Just tell me the truth"

The truth? He stared at her with a slightly raised brow. That is going to be difficult.

His shoulders slumped, as he met her eyes again knowing looking away would only make him look guilty. "I just told Aalia the truth"

"The truth?" She doesn't believe that one bit. Her Asad has a girlfriend? No. This has to be another of his schemes. "Or were you simply trying to get out of this too because if you are, you better stop unless you want to marry Zoya"

"No, of course not" He was quick to shake his head. "I'm serious and well..." He released a deep sigh, preparing himself for the long string of excuses he would give. "...I didn't know how to tell you this earlier, but I met this girl..." To sell the act, his lips slanted upwards into a small, seemingly warm smile. "...and she's everything I could ever hope for and more"

It was now her turn to arch a brow, staring at him warily.

Asad, talking about a woman? In a loving way and not filing complaints?

This is a first.

He blinked, seeing the skeptical look in her eyes. On God convincing her is going to be harder than he expected. He could tell he's cracking her resolve though, so all he needs to do is keep up with the lovesick expression.

"-She's the reason why I didn't want to marry any of those women. I want to be with her alone, and no one else. Aren't you the one who tells me that a real man always stays loyal to the woman he loves?"

Ama's lips parted slightly, watching how he's using her own words on her. Wonders shall never end.

With him claiming to love someone, wanting to marry her in fact and showing he actually listened to what she told him before...pigs will soon fly or chickens will grow horns.

Yes, that will definitely happen. Anything is possible with Asad Gidado in love.

Eyes slightly narrowed skeptically, she questioned. "Why didn't you introduce her earlier then?" She pinned him down with her looks. "You know I will love her as long as she seems like a good woman"

"She is, Ama. I have no doubt you'll love her"

"So, what's the problem? Why haven't you introduced her yet?"

Asad was quick to come up with an excuse. "She has an issue that she needs to fix first, and I promised I would give her time. So, please, Ama. Can you give me a little bit of time?"

Her narrowed eyes didn't waver. "I'm not the problem here, it's your father"

He got her where he wants, now all he had to do is hype her a little and play his card like he does better than anyone else. His lips stretched into a wide smile, one that had her staring at him warily knowing he will do something mischievous. "Haba, Ama. Talk to him please. Matar Chief, uwar gida ran gida. The one and only, after you na you" He wiggled his brows slightly. "We both know he'll listen to you"

She wanted to hold up her glare, but her resolve cracked when he said that. She knows she's the only one who gets to see this side of him, and if she's being honest, she would give anything to see her boy that carefree and jovial-just like he was before.

"Come on, Ama na" He prodded further, knowing she's so close to caving in. "Please?"

She held up her glare for a few seconds more, before she sighed and looked away. Her shoulders slumped, "Fine" She gritted out, hoping she won't regret this.

Asad grinned for the first time in who knows how long. He moved closer to her and pulled her into his arms, before resting his chin on top of her head. "You know I love you, right, Ama?"

Unable to hold it in, she found her lips slanting into a wide smile. If there's one thing she is grateful for, it's how he is never shy to show his love for her no matter whose presence he's in-something quite a lot of children, men especially don't do.

Sighing, she breathed out. "I love you too, my baby" Normally, this is the point where he will complain about being called a baby, but that day, he didn't. So, she added. "You better bring me a daughter soon though, because I will stop taking your excuses"



Andddd we've met Zoya. You don't like her right? I'm certain you people don't.

But sha, I like my girl o. And Asad likes...no, loves her too.

I love LOVE the relationship between Ama and Asad. Na one of a kind.

Would Asad marry Zoya though? Maybe he should, I like wickedness and I am choosing vayolence.

We'll meet a new character in the next chapter, I'm not sure whether you'll like him or not but shaa...

Jumuat Mubarak! Your update came an hour earlier than usual.

Quick question, when do you prefer to read? During the day or at night?


Love, Jannah.

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