48; Queen of Wrath.
"We can't find them. It's like they disappeared off the face of the earth."
"How the hell is that possible? Trace the plate number of the car she took. Check any CCTV camera in the area they followed. There has to be something. Something has to turn up!"
"Calm down, Asad." Rafael was quick to step in, placing a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder seeing as the man is about to lose his calm. Thankfully, he hasn't. He couldn't blame him though—if he was in shoes; he would probably react way worse.
He could tell the man is still in denial of the whole Tauhida story, and if that isn't enough, he suddenly realized he allowed that crazy woman to take his wife and is all alone with her.
And now, they can't find them.
His first reaction having starting to accept his wife is in danger was trying to call her. She didn't pick up. If anything, the phone was switched off. He then tried to call Tauhida—or Iris, hoping she's yet to know he's aware of her identity. He was actually hoping she'd pick up and still continue with that act of hers.
She didn't. Because her phone was off too.
The trio moved the case to the Intelligence agency—Rafael's work place—where thankfully he has enough power to try looking up something like that without permission. If that wasn't enough, Asad knew the head there as the man is his father's friend.
Of course, they were willing to help. How could they not?
"—We're trying our best to track them here. But the plate number she used is fake. Clearly, she planned this out well. And there are no CCTV cameras down the lane she took. It'll take us a while to track them down."
"Of course she planned it well." Asad huffed out a breath, his mind drifting to how she's supposed to leave with Nana and Farrah, his daughter—their daughter.
Iris truly is insane. The limit to which she went was beyond him.
He was still finding it hard to accept the whole thing. It's hard to accept that Tauhida, the one girl he considers his sister more than anyone and knew his whole life is gone. And that Iris, the mother of his daughter might be behind the death.
The woman went as far as to steal someone's identity for crying out loud. How is he supposed to accept this all?
However, the small part, the rational one that was starting to accept it knew if taking Yasmeen—kidnapping her was actually her plan, then she must've planned it well. He'd like to think he knows Iris well, apparently not, but from what he knows about her—she plans things meticulously.
She has a sharp brain that enables her to do something well. She could've been planning this for months for all he knows. Years even!
She'd obviously want to wrap things up before the next day. And his only prayer was, she wouldn't cause harm to Yasmeen or so Allah help him, there will be hell to pay.
Zoya sat on a swivel chair beside the two glowering men. She too, was worried about Yasmeen though she hasn't admitted it—it showed on her expression. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything other than sit and watch the professionals do their job.
She could try to use her father's connections, but it stands nothing against what Rafael and Asad put together. So, she can only sit there, and offer emotional support.
"Asad, at least trust them on this..." She voiced out, trying to get the man to calm down and think rationally. "...we both know Rafa is good at what he does. Trust him on that." She wouldn't ask him to trust the man under any other circumstance, but, she would for that.
Rafael might be a pain in the ass, but he does his job well despite whatever and whoever is in the picture.
"She's right." A strong, and commanding voice Asad didn't expect to hear then graced their presence. The trio turned around just in time to see Air Marshal Ahmad Gidado walking into the Surveillance room along with the Head of Intelligence Agency—Rafael's boss.
Taking calm, yet determined and dominating strides towards his son, Abu came to a halt only when he was within arms-length. He then stretched his hand out to tap Asad's shoulder comfortingly. "Trust Rafael and the professionals on this. We will find my daughter and bring her back home safely. I have my men out on the look, and General Abd Al-Rasheed has offered his too."
The minute he heard of what happened to his daughter-in-law, he wasted no time in putting men on the lookout and calling his camaraderie for help. Considering the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Abd Al-Rasheed is a close friend of his, utilizing both their men wasn't hard in order to get this done.
Plus, they have the intelligence agency offering help too.
If Iris thinks she can take Yasmeen and live in peace, then she's deadly mistaken. She won't see what's about to hit her.
Itafa qaramar kwaro ce a wajen su. She's underestimating the power of military men. Zataga aiki da gamawa.
"--We'll find her, Asad. Trust us." He added, with confidence lacing his tone and expression. He wanted his son to see that he meant every word he said. Yasmeen is his daughter too, she's a part of their family.
And when it comes to family, they go all out. No one touches their family and gets away with it.
Asad who was earlier feeling like he's on the brink of losing his calm took in a deep breath—his father's assurance suddenly calming him down tremendously. He then nodded, choosing to trust his old man. "Okay."
Air Marshal Ahmad Gidado offered him a comforting smile and another firm tap on the shoulder. "Good. That's my son."
Zoya's lips stretched into a small smirk at the thought of what's coming for Iris. The woman had the guts to kidnap Matar Captain, kuma Surukar Air Marshal guda?
Ai ta taro match batada players. She doesn't know the kind of calamity she brought upon herself.
When Zoya told Yasmeen Farrah's mother is batshit crazy enough to do the unthinkable, she didn't think it would reach this extent.
Clearly, the woman knew what she was talking about because all that could go through Yasmeen's head is...what the actual hell?
Iris? As in her half-sister Iris?
She has been pretending to be Tauhida this whole damn time? Oh, hell no. There has to be a mistake somewhere. This all has to be a freakish dream of some sort because there's no way in hell this is actually possible.
You know what, Yasmeen choose to believe this all has to be a dream because there's no way it's all a reality. Even in the books she's read, she's never came across anything this crazy.
And trust her, she's met a lot of crazy characters.
Iris though...is a whole different breed.
"Iris?" She voiced out the name, like it's some new thing she's trying to test. The name felt weird to her in that moment, because nothing made sense to her.
Iris though, simply grinned wider if that was possible. "In the flesh." She twirled, so Yasmeen could see her completely.
Oh, how much she'd longed to show her true self.
Stealing someone's identity was exhausting—especially since she had to live as someone else and try to avoid anything that would have her caught—especially if it has to do with security and whatnot. It would've been easier if she was in Nigeria and not some advanced country—but, considering she's determined and has enough connection to do so, she managed to do that for two whole years. Her adoptive family helped—since they are crazy enough to be onboard with her plans.
"—this is a small family reunion yeah?"
Yasmeen was unable to help herself. Considering she's always had a sharp mouth, she didn't stop herself from scoffing in disbelief before voicing out. "You're truly batshit crazy." Did she regret saying that? No. She would say it a thousand times more.
"What did you just say?" Iris was offended to say the least. It showed from the way her expression yawed serious in an instant. Her tone dared Yasmeen to repeat it.
And, she did. "You are batshit crazy." She repeated slowly, so the words would sink in. Screw her and whatever she's capable of. In case anyone hadn't told her before, she would do the honor of letting her know she's mentally unstable.
Iris gritted her teeth, her hand clenched by the side. She wanted to rebuke, but she held herself back by forcing a smile on her face. "It's okay. Say whatever you want. It's your last day anyway." She stated like it's no big deal—and to her it isn't.
Turning around, she walked around the room, inspecting it as if seeing it for the first time when she'd been there once before—the first time she found the place. "Does this place seem familiar to you?" She questioned, raising her head to throw a glance at Yasmeen from where she stood—in front of a broken mirror, staring at her reflection.
Yasmeen simply glared at her, refusing to be diminished to this woman' level of craziness. She's crazy, but not to this extent.
Iris ignored the glare, as she turned around to stare at her reflection again. "This was your parents' house. You know, where our so called mother gave birth to you." It wasn't easy for her to find the place, but she's been planning her return since she was sent out packing by Nana.
Like she said, that woman is truly the genesis of this all. None of this would've happened if not for her.
She then chuckled bitterly. "Funny how easy it was for her to abandon me at an orphanage while she ran all the way here, and remarried to give birth to you. I guess it's easy since she doesn't exactly have a family. Just us." What she needs them to answer though is what makes Yasmeen better than her.
What was her wrong?
Is it her fault her father left her mother?
What did she do for her to be abandoned at only six years by her mother at an orphanage in the UK—never to return to her again.
What makes Yasmeen so different that the woman moved to another country, remarry, and gave birth to her?
"—You didn't know, did you?" Iris left the broken mirror, because it felt like she was staring right through herself. It felt like seeing the broken pieces of herself that she rebuilt into something completely different from who she was.
Moving away from the place, she casually made her way towards Yasmeen again. "You've been curious as to who your father is, huh?" She could tell. After all, she'd spent the past month being her comforting shoulder.
Is she had known the woman she had been confiding in all this while was her enemy, she wouldn't have open up that much.
Yasmeen couldn't even ask her to shut up, because she's right. She does want to know about her parents so she can finally put her mind to rest. And truth be told, since Iris is going all out, she can only trust whatever she's saying to be true.
Like she did a few times before, Iris clicked her tongue. "He wasn't anyone important. Just a random, middle class man she married after my father left her for someone else back in the UK," She waved her hand, not in the least bit worried. Why would she be? "He died while she was still pregnant with you so, there's not much about it."
Yasmeen's heart dropped. She was relieved to know none of her thoughts about her origin is true but at the same time, it still hurt to know he's dead. She would've loved to meet him. Maybe, he would've given her the fatherly love she never got from her foster father.
"—As for her and Asad's mother, I don't know much about it. No one does, except that old hag, Nana—urgh, I so much detest that woman!" She scoffed, distaste taking over her features. The hatred she has for that woman is unlike any other.
How she was able to live with her for two years was beyond her. Though, there wasn't a single moment she didn't think of killing her.
Maybe, she could do that and make it seem like a natural death or something? She thought countless times—but managed to hold herself back for her kid.
"--Though I doubt the story is as she makes it seem. She's a good for nothing hypocritical old woman that will rot in hell. I bet she's hiding something—why else would she hide the fact that Asad's mother is actually alive?"
Even she didn't know about that, until recently that the truth was let out to Asad. As secretive as the woman was, the whole thing was starting to get to her so she confided in Iris—well, Tauhida, and admitted that Asad's mother is still alive.
She didn't state how though and why she kept it all under the wraps.
A part of Yasmeen hoped Iris knew about that, so she could at least know what actually happened. But, it appears Iris is right. The only person who can give them the answer to their questions is Nana since she's the only one who knows what truly happened.
Still, she had a few questions in mind, and she needed them answered. "What happened to her?" She questioned, her voice throaty. "Our mother that is?"
Iris pressed her lips together before she shrugged. "I don't know. She disappeared since she dropped you off at her friend's." Her expression yawed bitter again because that right there is another reason why she hated Yasmeen.
Why is it that she was dropped off at an orphanage while Yasmeen was given to a family the woman knows and trusts? Isn't this partiality at its peak? You can't expect her accept it all that easily, right?
That's why she truly doesn't care about their so called mother. She can turn up at any time, or disappear forever and she wouldn't care.
"Aren't you going to ask about me and Asad?" Iris asked after a while, seeing as Yasmeen had no intention of letting her know.
"I'm not interested."
She grinned widely. "Well, I am." Even more now that she sees Yasmeen doesn't care. She would love to tell this story too. The thought had her grin widening. "The family that adopted me were kind, way more than my parents ever were—they supported my every plan and fulfilled every wish of mine. And when I got into university, that's when we met. We all had the same group of friends, despite not being in the same school."
Actually, Yasmeen could remember Imam telling her something about that. She just never expected Iris to be part of it.
"Truth be told; I've always liked him. I mean, how could I not?" Her face scrunched up, as if wondering if that's even possible. "But, he was with that bitch, Zoya." Lord knows the hatred she has for that woman runs deep.
Almost as deep as she hates Nana.
"—Like you know, she cheated on him with Rafa and I took that as my chance to play the damsel in distress. You know he's into that type, right? I mean, it's the same with you. He wanted to play hero." She went on to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, before it died down. "Honestly, I was a bit surprised when he asked me to marry him only two months into our relationship—but I guess he was trying to avoid what happened with Zoya repeating itself." She shrugged.
They rushed into the whole thing at such a young age.
Yasmeen felt like getting up and taping the woman's mouth shut. She wasn't upset, since she knew it's his past and that Iris doesn't matter anymore—at least, not in the way she's taking herself to be but she's still annoying her.
"--You know what happened afterwards, right?" Her grin widened. "We had Farrah—the happiness in our life." It was obvious from the way she spoke of her daughter that the girl means the world to her. "Unfortunately, that old hag figured out my actual identity before I gave birth and forced Asad and I to separate."
It hurt her more because neither she nor Asad were given a valid reason. The woman just demanded that he divorce since after all, he didn't inform his father of the marriage.
Why? Because he knew the truth. He knew from a day he escorted her to the orphanage house, where he saw the only picture she had with her birth mother. He knew the woman's face obviously, and was able to put two on two.
Introducing his father into that would be risky, but he wasn't willing to let go of Iris either. Perhaps, if he had, they wouldn't have been in this position either.
Since Nana supported it, it was easy to get married at first since he thought he could hide it from her—and that she would be easier to handle compared to his father.
He was wrong. Because the woman raised hell till he divorced Iris. She went to the extent of making sure they had all the legal rights to take Farrah away from Iris after birth.
And that's the cause of it all.
Iris could handle everything except to have her child taken away. She refused to give up on her child like her mother did. So, she devised a plan with the gynecologist that delivered her child—her adoptive mother that made it easier for her to go through with the whole plan.
She faked her death, and disappeared for two years—all the while making a plan on how to return and be by her daughter's side for a long time. The only thing she could think of was stealing Tauhida's identity.
It was farfetched. But when she sets her mind to do something, she does it all the way. And that was what she did then too.
"—I went into labor early because of Zoya too." That was a lie. It wasn't because of Zoya but she pinned the blame on her and made Asad believe it too so when she dies, the blame can partly fall on the woman.
And it did.
When Zoya was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"—God I hate those two more than I hate you." They are all responsible for making her turn up this way.
But, now Yasmeen poses a higher threat to her than the others.
Yasmeen swallowed thickly. She could see it in the way Iris is talking. The woman is so close to snapping out of her right sense. So, she tried another approach rather than annoying the woman. "It's not my fault any of those things happened, Iris. You know that." She voiced out softly, hoping to get through to her. "Listen, please let me go and explain yourself to the others, we don't have to go this far."
Iris glared at her, before she scoffed. "Yeah well you're my biggest obstacle now. Even my daughter is starting to see you as her mother—after all I went through just to be by her side. I'm afraid there's no going back..." She turned around and headed to the corner of the room.
Leaning downwards, she picked up a small can that was aligned like a few others there, before popping the cap open. She the tilted it, and almost immediately, something liquid-ish started to pour out. She walked around the place, pouring it all out completely. When one can empty, she picks up another one and continues the process.
Yasmeen's eyes were wide. She could tell whatever Iris is doing is no good news—especially as a scent reached her nose. She instantly became frantic. "What...what are you doing?" Her breathing started to become ragged.
"Isn't it obvious?" Iris replied, not bothering to look up from her current task. "I can't exactly take you to hell so, I'm bringing it to you." She looked up, offering her the widest grins out there. "I'm making sure you die the same place you're born. You should thank me for that."
"Iris..." Yasmeen blew out a shaky breath, her heart hammering behind her ribcage. "...Please don't do this." She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared then. How could she not?
This crazy woman is about to burn her alive? Hauka takeyi da bazata ji tsoro ba?
She would've been less worried if it was someone else but Iris clearly doesn't have the mental stability to not do so. If she said she would, Yasmeen knew she would.
She swallowed thickly, as she started to hyperventilate—her eyes glossing. "Iris, I'm pleading with you. Dan Allah don't do this. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, you know that." She rushed the words out, desperate to say anything that would get her out of this. "Think about what would happen if you kill me. Can your consciousness handle knowing you've killed two people?"
Iris paused, and then pressed her lips together as she pretended to think. "No...it can't handle it." She sighed and shook her head. Just when Yasmeen thought the woman had some sense, she added. "Which is why we're both going to burn and die here. I won't survive out there—Asad and the others won't allow me to live. So, let's end it here. For once, there shouldn't be any partiality between us. How does that sound?" She reached out to bring a lighter from the pocket of her pants.
In her demented brain, she believes she's doing something their mother never did for them.
She's treating them both equally as it's supposed to be.
Yasmeen's eyes dilated even more if that was possible, as she furiously tried to wiggle out of the chair she's bound to. The more the struggles, the more she hyperventilates, and the harder Iris laughed.
Seeing Yasmeen struggling, crying, and pleading for her life is the best scene she could choose to see before she dies. Others would say she'll go to hell, right? She doesn't care. She's an atheist so she doesn't believe in any of that.
To her, once they both die—that's the end. She's doing them both a favor by getting them away from this miserable life. If anything, Yasmeen should be grateful.
Hence, why she didn't hesitate when she killed Tauhida, or now that she wants to kill herself and Yasmeen. Her parents never taught her anything religious like. It just doesn't exist to her.
"Okay, this has been nice but I'm afraid..." She flicked the lighter on, and lowered it to the ground. "...it's time for both of us to die."
With eyes wider than they've ever been before, Yasmeen shook her head furiously as she fought in that chair harder than ever. She screamed at the top of her lungs till she lost her voice. Her senses went haywire. And through her blurry eyes, she saw the lighter just about to come in contact with whatever Iris covered the house in.
Then, a sound louder than anything she'd ever heard before reached Yasmeen's ears. And in fear of her current predicament, she was quick to snap out of consciousness.
The last thought in her mind being the kalimatu shahada.
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