46; People You Know.
"Good day, Mr. And Mrs. Captain." Tauhida's face popped up the minute the two rose their heads having heard the salaam that graced the place.
Asad shook his head. "Who invited this girl again please." He mumbled, already making his mind up to send her away. She can't come and interrupt their alone time please. No, no way.
Morning had come, and after spending much more time than necessary in bed, the two finally decided to get ready for the day. However, what Asad assumed will be a stay-in day for them turned out to be different as he saw Yasmeen all dolled up.
She couldn't have possibly dressed up for him, right? He choose to believe so.
Even as they had their breakfast together, with a few teasing here and there—which suddenly brought back her old shy self, he still was hoping they'd spend the day together. He liked this new Yasmeen.
The 'I'm completely shy of you' Yasmeen. This one was ten times more than the old shy Yasmeen he knew, and he would be lying if he said he doesn't like it.
Yasmeen chuckled slightly, not missing the words he mumbled and the annoyed look already masking his expression. She was instantly pulled into a hug by Tauhida who headed towards her first, like always.
When she pulled back, she threw him a slight glare. "Thankfully I didn't come to see you." She retorted, because though she didn't hear him, she could guess what his words were.
Asad returned the glare, not willing to back down. "Who invited you?" He voiced out, so she could hear. "Tashi ki tafi da'alla. You aren't invited here." Admittedly, he was half teasing her and half serious too.
He wouldn't mind her staying, but at the same, he doesn't want her to stay. She should just pack her slippers and head back to wherever she came from.
He wants Yasmeen all to himself. Why does she always have bad timing? Haba, da'allah? Why does she have to show up that day of all days? Ya rayuwarta haka?
"Actually, I did." Yasmeen cut in sheepishly. The minute he shifted his glare to her, she found herself in chuckles as she rose her hand up, resembling the surrender posture. "We already made plans to hang out today."
"Yeah, we're heading back home tomorrow. I need to hang out with my sister one last time. Who knows when you'll stop keeping her to yourself." Tauhida resisted the urge to roll her eyes. He shouldn't take this away from her. Who stopped him from coming back to his wife earlier?
It's now that he wants to get between them again, right?
"Plans that I didn't know of?" He ignored Tauhida, knowing she's only out to get on his nerves like always. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction of that. She's getting too comfortable getting under his skin these days. His question was direction towards Yasmeen, a brow arched slightly.
No wonder she's all dressed up. And he thought she did it for him.
Truth be told, he's jealous. Can't she just wear a sack and go out—you know so she'll look unattractive to others? Or rather, can't she just spend the day with him? It will be much better for them both.
What is this now again please? Why does she have to look so damn good in traditional outfits? She'll be the death of him. End of discussion. Bawani dogon surutu.
She shrugged, her lips puckered slightly. "You weren't answering my calls when we made them." She tried to defend herself. "And besides, we simply planned to hang out at home."
"Not anymore." Tauhida was quick to cut in. She shifted her gaze from Yasmeen to Asad, "We can't hang out with him around. What about all the juicy gist? I can't gist about him when he's here." She stated like it's no big deal—though it earned her a glare from him and a chuckle from Yasmeen.
"Oh, so you even plan to gossip about me now?"
"What did you expect?" Tauhida's lips stretched into a wide grin—knowing it would get on his nerves more. "Just pretend you didn't hear and is unaware of anything. Zai fi ma."
Instead of looking annoyed as she expected, he simply mirrored her expression—and she already knew she wouldn't like what would come out of his mouth. "She's not going anywhere. And you better head home." There it is, he's pulling that husband and big brother card—jokes aside.
Tauhida's expression fell, "Haba, Yaya!" Like always, it was supposed to be all jokes. Why did he have to take it so seriously? She fought against stomping her feet on the floor in irritation.
To show that he is no longer willing to entertain whatever charade she came with, he got on his feet and exited the living room—leaving them alone. Tauhida glared at his retreating figure with lips puckered.
Yasmeen only smiled, understanding the girl's frustration. So, she reached out and gave it a small squeeze. "Let me talk to him." She sounded so sure of herself as she got up and disappeared the same place he did.
How she managed to convince him was beyond Tauhida. But, a short while later, Yasmeen stepped out with a big veil to cover herself and a slightly sulky Asad following behind her.
"Don't stay up late." He directed towards his wife, his tone showing that he wasn't onboard with the idea but he's already been convinced, there's no turning back now.
"In shaa Allah." She turned around and offered him a wide grin. "We'll come back before Magrib in shaa Allah."
"Before Asr, no buts." Magrib sounded for far—he wouldn't allow her to stay out for that long.
"Fine." She didn't argue, because she wouldn't want to stay out for that long either. Her social battery would run out.
Tauhida stared at the two, nearly puking at the lovey dovey loom they're both sporting. You know that feeling of oppression single people feel? She felt that times a hundred being in their presence. It was nauseating to be around couples like them. One would be oppressed constantly.
His voice came, slicing through her train of thoughts. "And you, better bring my wife in one piece."
Her lips stretched into the widest, and fakest smile she could muster. "No promises." He should've known leaving his wife in her hands would be trouble. Yasmeen could first hand confess as to how much she suffered the last time they went out to prepare for that birthday dinner.
This would be worse, since the occasion is different.
Not waiting for his response, she was quick to take Yasmeen's hands and lead her outside before he could change his mind. She can never be sure with him and this wife of his.
On reaching the car she brought with her, she got into the driver's seat while Yasmeen got into the passenger seat. While putting on her seat belt, Yasmeen's question came. "What's our plan for today again?"
Tauhida huffed out a breath, "Nothing in particular. But, it'll be a long one." She turned around to offer Yasmeen a smile. "Don't worry much, I got you."
It was shortly after they'd left when Asad heard the front door bell ring. It was weird because who would do that there? He wondered. Still, he slipped into his shoes and made his way to the door to see who it was.
On doing so, he was quick to regret the action when he came face to face with the last person he wanted to see. Immediately, his expression yawed annoyance. "What are you doing here?" He questioned, not bothering to hide the boredom in his tone.
"We need to talk." Rafael stated, his expression lacking any sort of lark whatsoever. It was obvious that whatever he wanted to say is serious.
However, Asad wasn't really in the mood for whatever trouble the man came with. Finally, he got to have a happy day and although the source of his happiness was off with someone he trusts, he still didn't want anything to disrupt his mood.
So, he sighed—his shoulders slumping and his expression taking a turn into an emotionless one. "I'm not interested." He stated with no hesitation whatsoever. "Especially if this is about you and Zoya."
Rafael huffed out a small breath, fighting the urge to say something regarding that statement. He had been trying to get to this man for weeks—it was the man reason he booked an apartment beside his but with Ama's death, even he knew to lay back and give him time.
Keep aside the animosity between them, they still were once good friends. Close enough to know how much Ama meant to Asad. He wasn't stupid to bother the man with his problems then.
However, after a few weeks, he tried to reach out again, only that Asad ignored him every single time. He ignored his calls, and his messages. He couldn't even see him no matter how hard he tried.
In Rafael's defense, he wasn't asking for much—he just needed an affirmation that he knows Asad is aware of. But, the man wasn't willing to budge.
Unable to hold himself back, Rafael found himself asking the same question he'd been wondering for a while now. "Is the kid mine?" His eyes narrowed slightly, his expression grim—a look Asad hadn't seen masking his face in such a long time. "Zoya's deceased child, was she mine?"
Asad arched a brow slightly. "Why are you asking me?" He knew why. Zoya went to him after Rafael ditched her—he was the only one she trusted and could confide in despite dumping him just like that for Rafael.
Admittedly, it hurt him. It hurt even more because he didn't know until she showed up pregnant, and left with no choice but to admit what they'd done behind his back. Albeit, it was more of a fling but still, they both crossed the line.
And that was why Asad was even more disappointed in them both. Whatsoever the case was, he believed there was no reason for them to go that far. That made him lose any respect he had for them more—it hurt more than being cheated on by the woman he loved back then.
What's worse was Zoya couldn't even tell Rafael about it—because she knew she meant nothing to him other than a 'mistake' as they both like to call it. So, the only person she could think of turning back to keep her secret and help her was Asad because she knew he cared.
In spite of everything, he still cared. He always has.
"—Did you think she's mine or something?" He added sarcastically, before huffing out a breath and shaking his head. "Go and ask her. I have nothing to do with your two's problems."
"Don't you think I tried?" Rafael gritted out, his anger resurfacing. It's not easy especially with how he found out she even had a child that died. "She won't say a thing. She'd suddenly turned cold."
"So?" Asad shrugged. "That's your problem not mine." He honestly wanted no part of this drama. As a friend, albeit disappointed still tried to help as much as he could. This is beyond him. "If that's why you're here, you may take your leave."
For a second, Rafael thought of throwing out the last of nicety in him that made him carry his legs to Asad's house in order to explain the kind of situation he is in. His nonchalance almost made the cold of him walk away and allow the man to find out in the most brutal way.
And, he nearly caved in.
At least, until a voice he least expected to hear then, and there popped up right behind him.
"If I were you, Asad. I would listen."
Asad looked over Rafael's shoulder, while the aforementioned turned around to fix his gaze on the woman that was just the topic of their discussion. Zoya stood a couple of feet away from them, her expression grim like Rafael's although she looked much better than the last time they both saw her.
It's like she's a totally different woman. In a way, she resembled the confident Zoya they knew back then, only with more maturity now that showed in the way she carried herself.
Her gaze was fixed on Asad unwavering, determination lacing her features. However, there was something else there that piqued Asad's curiosity.
"What are you doing here?" He couldn't help but ask. The last time he checked, he didn't invite them both so how did they even get access into his house? Is this another reunion or something? It's the first time in five years that they're all being together. What are the guards by the gate even doing? Are they letting everyone in now?
If that's the case, they are of no importance. He should start staying by gate and guarding his house tunda basu da amfani.
Zoya shrugged charismatically, before taking a few confident strides to cover the distance between them to stand beside Rafael whom she's yet to spare a glance. "You can say I'm here to return the favor I owe you."
"Favor?" Asad couldn't think of one. He never did anything so she could repay him.
"For helping me back then." She stated, referring to a situation they both knew. For him helping her when she had no one. "And for now too." This time around, she was referring to his little enlightenment speech.
Who knew that was all it would take and kind acts from Yasmeen to change her mind. She had thought long and hard about it, and honestly, she decided to move on.
She could no longer live with one sided love, and hatred enough to ruin someone's marriage—especially not when the person only showed her kindness. She's better than that.
Rafael stared at her for a few seconds, and his best guess is she knew it too. Why isn't he surprised? Zoya is resourceful—even more than him, whose job it was to be such as a security agent.
Shifting his gaze from her, he landed it on Asad. "Will you listen or not? We have nothing to lose here. It's all on you." Why is he even willing to go to this length to warn Asad about the potential danger he's about to face? He wasn't sure.
Maybe, deep down, the years of friendship they shared can't be ruined just like that. If it was Asad in his shoes, in spite of his cold shoulders towards him, he would still help and warn him.
He's doing the same thing.
The three of them, Asad, Rafael and Zoya still care about each other as friends despite everything and the years that passed. When one is in need, they will show up for each other.
It's always been like that. In a way, you can call that true friendship.
Now curious, and slightly worried, Asad hesitantly stepped away from the door and invited them into his home—hoping he wouldn't regret it. Still, he knew they wouldn't show up like that if it wasn't serious.
They all have prides bigger than Mount Everest. They wouldn't put it on the line for something small.
He then led them to his painting studio in that house. It was more of his safe space and work space at the same time. He wasn't worried about bringing them both into somewhere that matters to him—not when they already knew that side of him before anyone else.
When they were younger, they used to hang in his studio back in his apartment in school. He would paint, while the others did whatever. Though truth be told, it was more of a jokes and laugh session than a paint and chat around one.
Stepping into that space with them felt like the old times, and they would all be lying if they said it didn't stir some emotion of longing in them. They could try to deny it, but they all missed what they had then.
Nonetheless, they pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the matter at hand. Asad settled behind the small desk he had in the corner of the room while Zoya took the chair on the other side—Rafael remained standing since there wasn't another chair. And besides, he can't bring himself to sit until he gets the information.
"So..." Asad prodded, his gaze shifting between the two. "...what's this important information you have."
"Try to stay calm." Although her tone came out light, the warning was genuine. She couldn't imagine what his reaction would be. Hers was priceless, and she wasn't directly affected.
What more of him that's affected the most?
Rafael blew out a breath, preparing himself to break the news. "This is going to sound ridiculous, and a bit unbelievable but I noticed something regarding someone close to you. And I just had to check the facts."
Asad's eyes narrowed slightly when he said that. "What are you talking about?" He hated how Rafael is talking in riddles. It was annoying especially because his nerves were building.
Rafael opened the envelope he had in his hands, before picking out the first paper there and placing it on the table in front of Asad. "On 23rd of July, 2020; the body of an unidentified foreigner was found in the outskirts of Annecy, France, in a small house due to an arson. The locals found out and reported to the local authority, but nothing much was conducted as they were quick to sweep the case under the rug since they didn't want to go through the long process. It was a because of the arson the person died—they concluded, though the reports showed Cardiac Arrest."
"Okay..." Asad blinked, trying to understand how this case, however is important in regards to him.
So someone died because of a fire outbreak, but the person actually died of heart attack? Miye hadin shi da wannan kuma?
Rafael could see the confusion masking Asad's expression, and he didn't blame him so he continued after pulling out another document and placing it in front of the man. "Five months' prior, a woman in her mid-twenties underwent Mastopexy, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty and everything else related in Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic in Korea."
Asad stared at the papers handed to him, but couldn't understand anything since he doesn't understand where the story is headed to exactly. "So, someone died and someone got surgery? What does this have to do with me."
Zoya looked up to clash her gaze with Rafael for the first time, and they both exchanged a look of understanding. Rafael handed over the envelope to her so she could take over, because he knew she can explain this better to Asad than she would.
She pulled out the rest of the documents left in the envelope, and then picked out two different pictures of the same person, before placing it in front of him. Her finger tapped one of them—the person they all knew pretty well. "The first woman in the story is her." She swallowed thickly. "Tauhida, your younger sister has been deceased for two years now." God knows how hard that was for her to say. "I'm sorry."
Asad's head tilted to the side, his brows instantly squished together. What is this nonsense they are spewing again please? Are they in their right senses? "What...what the hell are you guys saying?" He whipped his head up to glare at them. "Are you in your right senses kuwa? Wani hauka ne wannan?"
"That's the truth, Asad." Rafael stated, with no hesitation whatsoever. He knew how ridiculous it sounded, and if he wasn't the one that went through the whole process of checking the facts, he wouldn't have agreed. "You knew that Tauhida went to France alone around that time yeah? But she stayed longer than expected only to return after a month or more."
He wasn't friends with Asad then, but he was with her.
Despite what he had with Asad gone, the two pretended to hate each other in public but behind the scenes, she still considered him a brother and confided in him which no one knew.
That's what first raised his suspicion after meeting this 'Tauhida' who was outright cold to him. He knew there was something off, he could feel it. Tauhida wouldn't act that way no matter what.
It was their secret; how could she be nonchalant?
Asads scoffed in disbelief. It's obvious his friends have gone mad. And he used to think Yasmeen is crazy? Ah, no. He should have them admitted saboda alamu ya nuna hankali bai ishe su ba.
"Let's assume I believe that nonsense—which I don't, saboda bakuda hankali, I'm certain now. Who the hell has been with us for years now? Ko aljana ce bamu sani ba? Soon you'll tell me she's a ghost ko? Ghosts exist now." They must be demented if they think for one second he would believe that rubbish.
Haukan banza kawai!
Zoya ran her tongue across her chapped lips, ignoring his statement and going to give him his answers. Tapping the other picture beside Tauhida's, which looked like the first one. "This is the second woman in the story."
Asad narrowed his eyes at her. "Banson maganan banza. If you have nothing sensible to say, please take your leave."
Rafael huffed out a breath, but held himself back from saying something out of irritation as he put himself in Asad's shoes. "Believe it or not, it's all true. For the past two years, someone has been assuming Tauhida's identity, and she perfected it so well that no one, not even you noticed it."
Asad's eyes were narrowed at Rafael, and if looks could kill, the man would be six feet under then. This has to be wrong. He can't believe this, can he? Still, he managed to voice out. "Who..."
"Iris." Zoya answered, the name hanging in the air thickly. "Iris—your ex-wife and Farrah's mother has been pretending to Tauhida all this while. She fooled us all."
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