45; Let Me Love You.

"Allah ya kiyaye hanya. Agaida gida." And then, the door was closed to her face.

You're probably wondering what happened, right? Easy.

It's as if Mama had been waiting for his arrival, and she was—because the minute she spotted him, she was quick to trudge out with Yasmeen's suitcase which she handed the girl by the door, and wished her luck on her return back to her matrimonial home.

Startled, Yasmeen could only stare at the door slammed at her face in wonders. What the hell just happened? She hadn't even realized when Mama pushed her to the other side of the door into her husband's arms.

While trying to make sense of what just happened, the door opened again as Mama's face popped out. She extended her hand to hand over Yasmeen's phone before saying. "I'll send the rest of your stuff tomorrow. Yawwa, take care." She offered them both the widest grins out there before turning to Asad, "She's your problem now."

And then, she disappeared again. The woman even went to the extent of locking the door, so Yasmeen wouldn't even think of going back in.

Still stunned, Yasmeen's head tiled to the side as she blinked repeatedly. Ikon Allah! She thought internally. "I think I just got disowned." She mumbled, still staring at the door whilst trying to understand what just happened.

Was she really disowned like that without a second thought? Haba, Mama? What happened to solidarity again? Haka kawai. As easy as that she's sending her out with no warnings whatsoever.

"You got sent back to your husband, there's a difference." A voice that she knows way more than she'd like to admit came from behind her, way closer than she expected.

Oh yeah...he's there too.

For a moment, she had forgotten his presence there. Now that she heard his voice so close though, instinctively, she stepped away from him—almost in a flinch. It only lasted a couple of steps though, before she winced slightly.

He was quick to notice it, his amused expression taking a turn into one of worry as his lips slanted downwards. "Are you okay?" He questioned, stepping closer to her. His hands instantly slid to hers, their fingers intertwined as his gaze fell on the leg she hurts. He then rose his head so his worry filled eyes will meet hers. "What happened to you?"

She held her breath at their close proximity. No, she wasn't having any thoughts that strayed from the ordinary. It's just that she could clearly see the care he has towards her in his tone, and expression. Even a blind man could see it.

And well, she felt ashamed because of how she treated him the last time. How could he still come back, and care after what she did and said? She felt like she's underserving of the love he's giving.

Admittedly though, she loved it. It's her guilty pleasure.

Sue her, but she loves the attention and care he's giving her despite everything. She knew it doesn't mean he's forgotten what she did, but for him to look past it, she doesn't know what to think about it.

Realizing she'd been staring for long, she was quick to blink and regain her senses. Blowing out a small breath, her tongue subconsciously darted to swipe across her chapped lip before she nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." She breathed out. "I just fell." She shrugged slightly.

His brows drew in, head tilted to the side. "You fell?" He questioned, as if trying to understand the gravity of the situation. "Just...how?"

Her mind instantly went back to her little race to reach the door, hoping to get another letter and bouquet from him. The thought had her smiling slightly, before she gave her response. "Because of you." She stated, "I fell hard, because of you."

That right there, the statement had a double meaning and she intentionally said it. She wasn't sure if he understood or not, but she could only guess from how he held her gaze for a few second afterwards, with no words exchanged between them that he probably understood it.

Nevertheless, he didn't say anything. Instead, he simply rose to his full height, his hands still intertwined with hers. "Can you walk?"

She nodded, flexing the leg slightly. "Yeah, it doesn't hurt much. Just slightly."

His eyes searched for any hint that would show otherwise, but there was none. So, he bobbed his head in agreement, before slipping his hand out of hers and reaching out to take the suitcase from her. "Let's go then." He made a slight gesture with his head in the direction of the car, before he led the way.

Yasmeen's lips slanted into a slight frown, her hand suddenly missing the warmth his gave. Is it bad that she was actually hoping he'd still hold her hands till they reached the car? Sounds far-fetched yeah?

You can't blame her though. It's Asad in the equation—it's not beyond his capabilities.

Still, she didn't dwell on it. Instead, she rid her head of those thoughts and followed him quietly, occasionally reaching out to fix her veil that keeps slipping off. Thankfully, she was dressed decently.

Since she started receiving those letters, her mood brightened and she felt much better than before—to the extent that she was even putting effort into dressing up. Thankfully, that day, she donned one of her Ankara dresses that Mama had made for her when she got married.

She left some at home; notably those that the tailor didn't bring early. So, she simply donned one of that. Her head scarf isn't in the same position as she tied it originally, but at the same time, she doesn't look like a market woman so that's something. The veil too was moderately big enough to cover herself up as a married woman.

Her shoes though, were simply her sister, Nusaiba's slippers that she had stolen during the wedding. In her defense, they are extremely comfortable especially for walking, so, how can she pass up on that?

Yasmeen didn't fail to notice that the car he came with wasn't the one she knew him with—what happened to the Mercedes she was eying? Surely, she knew it wasn't because of the dent she created—which he didn't forget apparently—but still, she couldn't help but wonder.

Quietly, she slipped into the passenger seat while he got in the driver's seat. Her olfactory lobes were flooded with the scent of the cologne, and Allah knew she missed that scent. It was his signature scent, the one that filled their home which she'd gotten used to—the scent of home.


Flicking her eyes close for a brief moment, she leaned back on the comfortable chair; making a mental note to plead with him to give her at least one of his cars. Where and how did he get all these fancy rides? Do pilots earn that much?

She didn't focus on those thoughts, instead, her mind was clouded with the silence that filled their drive. It was so unlike them that no words were exchanged throughout the ride. Every once in a while, she would turn around and stare at him—and she knew he noticed it but he didn't say a thing.

At the same time, he didn't look upset either.

She honestly was confused. Nonetheless, she chose to simply not dwell on the negative thoughts clouding her vision and focus on the drive instead. She did just that, watching as they left the area she's familiarized with and headed towards another. She had questions, but she kept them to herself.

At least, till she couldn't hold it in.

Turning her head to look at him, her eyes narrowed slightly. "Are you trying to kidnap me?" She asked, feigning seriousness.

He shrugged. "Depends on the ransom I'll get for that." His mind drifted to when she accused him of being a kidnapped. That truly feels like ages ago.

He chuckled at the thought.

The sound untangled the strings that wrapped themselves around her heart, clenching it and filling her with dread. It gave her assurance, that there's light ahead.

She didn't say anything in response to his statement, she simply smiled and turned around to focus her gaze on the road. A little longer than she anticipated, they arrived at house she'd never been to before—but at the back of her mind, she knew it—this is her matrimonial home.

A short while after he honked, the gate was pulled open by a man in a soldier uniform. For a moment, she wondered how that's possible until she remembered who Asad's father is.

Ashe dai surukar Air Marshal ce. Ai har ta manta.

Unaware of the thoughts running through his wife's head, Asad drove into the house that instantly captivated Yasmeen's attention. Considering it is night time already, the lights adorning the house flicked on only made it look more stunning.

When he parked and turned off the ignition, she released a small breath as they both stepped out of the car. Whilst he brought out her suitcase, she was slightly taken aback to see the soldier that opened the gate along with two others rushing to where they are.

On reaching them, they were quick to greet Asad whilst she made her way to stand beside him. As she was close enough, they did the same thing. "Welcome back, Ma."

She offered them a smile, "Thank you." She didn't know what else to say but then she recognized one of them—the same man that let her into Asad's house when she visited the first time. The thought of that day had her chuckling lightly. "It' been a while." She directed towards him.

The man must've recognized her too, because he grinned and nodded. "Yes, Ma. I didn't know say you be Oga's wife then. I'm sorry about that day."

She was quick to wave it off, "Don't be, you were just doing your job." She didn't take any offense towards him, not in the slightest. She would've done the same thing if she were in his shoes, or maybe even more.

So, who is she to stay upset with him over something like that.

Lifting her head up, her gaze fell on Asad who gave her a playfully glare—probably having remembered the day she came to his house. In response, she simply chuckled innocently and shrugged, finding it hard to hold back her laughter.

One of the three soldiers reached out to take the suitcase from Asad, but the man was quick to wave it off, letting them know that he can handle it before dismissing them back to their post.

With them gone, he then led Yasmeen into their house. Throughout the stroll, she found herself looking around, trying to imprint every detail she can spot into her head as if she won't be there for the rest of her life.

Well, technically since they don't reside there, she doesn't know how it'll be. And, it's not like she and Asad ever talked about it. She has a feeling they will in due time, for that moment though, she'll relish what they have.

Considering she wasn't conveyed there but rather his parents' house, and didn't have the time to visit, she didn't know the place. It all felt so new to her and to think this would be her matrimonial home—it was hard to accept.

"I'll give you a tour tomorrow." His voice came, slicing through her train of thoughts. Turning around to face her, he then added. "This is your room," He gestured to the door they're standing in front of. "And that is mine." This time around, his room is opposite hers.

She pressed her lips together, then nodded. She could spot a few more doors down the lane—but like he said, she'll leave it all to the tour so she can know what is what. "Okay..." She breathed out.

"I'll leave you to rest. There's food in the kitchen, and I'll see you tomorrow." He shifted the suitcase close to her, then offered her a small smile before turning around and disappearing to his room quietly.

Yasmeen's head tilted to the side, lips parted in astonishment. What the hell just happened? She wondered. Is that it? Nothing nothing again? Bawani 'how have you been?' and at least a conversation to fix their issues.

They haven't been together in nearly a month, and the man is acting like nothing happened. Actually, no. He had been acting calmer than she expected, and it didn't sit right with her.

This isn't Asad.

This isn't the man she knew. She could only guess the change came with her actions but at the same time...his indifference was getting to her more.

Still perplexed, she managed to huff out a breath—her eyes still fixated on the door behind which he disappeared. "Tab!" She exclaimed, her hand curling around her suitcase handle. "Akwai aiki a gaba."





Yasmeen pushed the duvet off her with her legs thrown in the air. Her lips parted as a squeal of frustration escaped while she wiggled on the bed like a worm. It lasted for a few seconds, before she pushed herself off—angrily pushing back the tendrils that escaped her messy hair. "Screw it!" She exclaimed getting out of the bed.

Making her way towards the light switch, she flicked it on and checked the time on her phone. It was only 11pm, and she had been in bed for over an hour, trying to get some sleep which choose to evade her.

When they arrived, it was about seven thirty. Since then, she had eaten, taken a shower and changed into some comfortable nightwear. She tried hitting the bed, hoping the next day will come fast but that's when Mr. Sleep decided to pack his Ghana Must Go and stroll away majestically.

So now, she's left with no sleep, and a mind clouded with thoughts that plagues her. She couldn't handle it anymore. The questions in her mind were killing her, and she wasn't sure if she could sleep peacefully without getting her answers.

So, she tied her hair again—although not giving much care to whether it looked nice or not, and headed without bothering to pick up a veil to cover her hair. Who cares? They're beyond that, and she knows it.

Stepping out of her room, she made a beeline to his and knocked on the door with no hesitation whatsoever. He could be asleep—though she doubts it, the man hardly sleeps early either—but even if he is, he has to wake up.

If she cannot sleep because of him, then they should both stay awake until she gets her questions answered. She rose her hand and knocked on the door again, this time, a bit louder than earlier.

Luckily, she didn't have to go about it a third time because the door was pulled open, and she was graced with his presence. Her eyes gave him a onceover, before meeting his gaze as she had more worries than to dwell on how good he looked.

Truth be told, she would see him in rags then and still think he look good. Why? Because she haven't seen him in so long. She would take whatever she's given then. That's how much she's missed him.

He didn't look taken aback to see her because, he isn't. Who else is in the house apart of them? It had to be her. He only had one question though. "Is everything alright?" She'd be silent for over an hour, his best guess was she'd fallen asleep.

He would've too, if not that he wasn't one to sleep early unless he's truly exhausted—like after long hauls at work. Otherwise, he's nocturnal—probably because he's used to it.

Yasmeen swallowed thickly, blinking a couple of times. "No." She states honestly, shaking her head. "Nothing is alright thanks to you." She probably isn't supposed to say it that way, but she can't help her frustration. It was getting hard to control.

Asad's brows drew in, lips slanted into a frown. "Me? What did I do again?" For as far as he racks his brain, he couldn't think of one thing that would make her react that way. Or can he?

She huffed out a breath at his lack of knowledge. Seriously? Is he that indifferent? Still, she couldn't be that way if he is. She can't even bring herself to be so. She refuses to do so. "Do you truly have nothing to say to me?" She questioned calmly—though she was anything but internally. "Because how could you be so nonchalant while I'm here, at the brink of losing my mind?"

"What did you want me to say?

"Anything!" She would take anything rather than this indifference. She doesn't know why but it hurts more. And let's face it, she's never been one to put a padlock around her mouth so she spews whatever comes to mind.

He still didn't say a word. Instead, he allowed her to say what's on her mind because it's obvious, she needs it.

"--Won't you talk about what I did before I left you? You're supposed to be upset for Allah's sake. And then the letters and bouquet. You won't answer my calls, or texts, but then you send me them. And if that isn't enough, you show up at my house and bring me back with you. But, you still won't say a thing. You keep giving me mixed signals, I'm losing my mind here because of you!" And she truly was.

By the end of her speech, she blew out a breath—her shoulders slumping in the process. Oh God that truly made her feel relieved. Saying out what's on your mind actually helps lessen the burden, that she could tell.

She waited for him to say anything in response to her...would you call it confession or rant? Whatever it is. But, he didn't. Instead, he simply stared at her with a look on his face that she couldn't decipher, and that only raised her nerves.

"Well?" She prodded. "Are you still going to remain silent?"

Asad's slight chuckle reached her ears as he looked down for a brief second, before raising his head so his eyes can meet hers again. There was this look on his face that showed he knew what he was doing all along. He intentionally feigned indifference to press her buttons.

And she fell for it. Her reaction truly is priceless.

Her eyes narrowed, lips set into a slight pout. "Why are you laughing?" She wasn't sure whether she should feel embarrassed for annoyed by his reaction.

"You love me." He stated, sounding so sure of himself. His lips were stretched into a grin, one that had her heart somersaulting. She wasn't sure if it was just the grin, or his words too that had her heart in flips.

Still, she knew she didn't have to answer.

He knew it too. He knows that Yasmeen Khalid has fallen for him.

"That's all you picked up?" She managed to voice out, choosing to not reply his other statement. Why would she? Despite knowing there's no point in denying it, she wasn't planning on accepting it that easily either.

He shrugged, shifting his weight as he straightened his spine. "I picked up the most important one." Sure, he'd heard everything she'd said and it's important as well but the fact that he could see she cares, that she actually loves him tops it all.

Yasmeen shook her head, lips slanted into a frown not finding any of his actions amusing. She truly had a hard time mentally because of this man, and all he could do was laugh. "It's not funny." She mumbled out. "I was truly worried."

"So was I." He stated, his larking expression slowly disappearing. "But knowing you have feelings for me is what matters the most to me. Nothing else." He truly meant that. It showed on his expression and the gravity his words held.

"You...aren't upset?" Her frown deepened, her mind going back to the last conversation they had before she left. If she was in his shoes, she's certain it would take him some groveling for her to accept him again.

However, the letters he'd left and the bouquet had already done it for him. So, it should be the other way around. She's supposed to be the one getting on his good side.

Asad blew out a small breath, his shoulders sagging in the process. "I was..." He admitted, because there was no point in denying it. "...but if I held grudges, we wouldn't be here. Would we?"

He's right. If he were the type to hold grudges, their relationship would've fallen apart long ago. Heck, there wouldn't be anything called a relationship too and vice versa.

However, the fact that they both still care and put effort, saved it. The minute one side stops putting effort, that's when a relationship dies.

She pressed her lips together, looking down ashamed. "I'm sorry."

He sighed, his lips stretched into the smallest of smiles. "Just promise to never do that again, and then we'll be fine. Okay?"

She was quick to nod, ready to take any form of solution to their problem which she would be presented with. She saw him smile, and her face instantly mirrored his. "Okay..."


"So..." She intertwined her fingers together in front of her, her lips pressed together as she looked away—not knowing what to say. Actually, no. She knows what to say, she just doesn't know how to put it exactly.

"Anything else?" He could tell there was something at the tip of her tongue. Why won't she just let it out.

"Uhm..." She swallowed thickly, hesitantly looking up to meet his gaze. She was suddenly feeling shy, so, she looked away again. "CanIsleepheretonight?" She rushed the words out fast.

"Hmm?" He heard what she said, he truly did. But, he wanted to push her buttons and see her limit. Actually no, he just wanted to tease her. He's overdue for some teasing. He hadn't done that in more than a month.

It's so unlike them.

"—What did you say?"

She pressed her lips together, looking up for a brief second to see whether he's just pulling her leg or something. But, the man's fake serious expression got to her, and she was fooled.

She took in a deep breath, and then gathered the bits of confidence she has. "Can I sleep here?" She voiced out lowly, though loud enough for her to hear.

He pretended to think about it, before he shook his head. "No."

Her eyes widened, "What...why?" All that shyness? She dropped it aside. Actually, it got thrown out the window.

"Because..." He sighed.

"Because what?"

"Just because."

"No, there has to be something after that because. I don't believe you." The Asad she knows wouldn't just turn her down for no reason. So, how is she supposed to buy that 'just because'.

Asad tilted his head to the side slightly, his lips stretched into a small, ghost smirk. He could tell from her visage that she truly was curious, and like he thought earlier, he had missed teasing her.

So, he took a few steps closer to her, then leaned down to her height to whisper in her ears, "Because, I can no longer make any promises." His voice dropped, and if she wasn't overly aware of his presence close to her, she would've missed it. "Do you still want to go ahead?"

Yasmeen took in a sharp breath, tilting her head to look at him. Her face was so close to his, any slight movement and they would be in an osculate. Unlike before though, she wasn't dreading it.

Using the sudden confidence that surged through her, she leaned down and closed the space between them—her arms wounding themselves around his neck. Truth be told, Asad didn't expect it this time around—he was only teasing her.

However, that didn't stop him from reciprocating. His words were all jokes, but at the same time, they held a certain level of seriousness.

Because what started as a mere kiss turned into something much more. And by the time Yasmeen realized it, on the brink of losing her last bit of sanity just like he was, she heard him whisper in her ear—his voice sounded so foreign to her ears, and yet at the same time, she wouldn't mind spending eternity listening to it.

"Let me love you. In every way possible."

And so she did.

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