43; History Be Damned.
"Tell me about my mother, please." Yasmeen said to Mama—having forced herself to leave her father—well, adoptive father, in the living room as their conversation had ended. She didn't force herself to stay there longer, because that will only lead to more heartaches, and she's not ready for that.
On stepping out of the man's living room, she stumbled across Mama standing by the door—and judging from the forlorn expression masking her features, Yasmeen could only guess the woman heard what transpired between the mother and daughter.
Mama sniffed, trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall. She didn't want to cry in front of Yasmeen—knowing the girl needs her now more than ever.
So, she extended her hand, wiped Yasmeen's tears that refused to stop streaming down and led her back to her room with her hand safely held in hers. On reaching the room, she sat on the bed and had Yasmeen lay on the bed, her head on her thighs while the girl cried her heart out.
Yasmeen didn't hold anything back, if anything, she let it all out. She needed to cry and let it off her chest else she won't be able to rest. She hated her entire existence. She didn't know what to think or do.
Everything felt like a mess. A big mess that's impossible to accept easily.
How is she supposed to accept that her whole life has been a lie?
Not knowing what to do exactly, she simply cried and let it all out. The sound of her sobs, and her shaky body broke Mama's heart. The woman found herself shedding tears too, which she tried to wipe away and muffle her own sobs so the girl won't hear.
She told herself repeatedly that she needed to stay strong for Yasmeen. That the girl needed her now more than ever. She needed someone with her more than ever.
About thirty minutes passed, before Yasmeen laid still on her mother's thighs with only the sound of her sniffs reaching the Mama's ears. The older woman on the other hand had gotten a hold of her emotions, and was simply rubbing her hand comfortingly over Yasmeen's shoulders.
And that was when the question came—Yasmeen's voice throaty having cried for quite a long time. Her eyes were red and puffy, and so was her face. She doesn't even want to think of how she looks, and truth be told, she doesn't even care.
That's the least of her concerns.
"—Tell me what truly happened. Why did she abandon me?"
"No, don't say that." Mama was quick to jump in and rebuke before Yasmeen could think of something that's nothing close to what truly happened. "Your mother didn't abandon you." If not that she knew the woman personally, she would've doubted her own words.
It's been twenty-one years since the woman disappeared from the face of the earth, how sure is she that she would return?
'I'll be back for her.' The woman said, the night she brought Yasmeen to Mama. 'I'll be back for my baby.'
At this point, Mama had thought of many possibilities. She waited for days, which turned to months, and to years but there was no sight of the woman. The thought of the woman dying somewhere had crossed her mind, but she was quick to dismiss it.
She won't believe the woman died until there's evidence presented to prove that—else, it's all assumptions.
"Then where is she?"
"By Allah, I don't know." She doesn't want to lie to the girl, there's no point of doing so.
"And...my father?"
Mama folded her lips in, before blowing out a small breath as she shook her head, despite knowing Yasmeen can't see her. "I...have no idea." She wished she could give her the answer to that, but she couldn't.
How is she supposed to give an answer to something she has no idea? Whatever she says will be a blatant lie.
At the same time, she knew her answer would raise more questions from Yasmeen—so, she was quick to add. "—Your mother and I met in the university, and have been friends for that long. When we graduated though...we fell apart and I haven't heard from her till that day."
She could still remember the expression masking Yasmeen's mother when she showed up at her front door with a baby in her arms—and Mama could remember the conflicting emotions she felt.
She was happy to see an old friend, surprised to see her out of the blue, and confused as to what she was doing there with a baby.
What took her aback even more was when she pleaded for her to take the baby and keep her for a couple of hours. You could imagine the surprise Mama felt—and truth be told, if not that she knew the woman for years, she wouldn't have agreed one bit.
She still wasn't convinced when she took the baby, she was wary of it but for an old friend, and seeing the distressed state she was in, she took the baby in.
When her friend didn't show up, and when the story of her and the Gidados came out, Mama truly thought of dropping the baby at the orphanage. It didn't help that her husband wasn't on board with the whole idea either.
He had been throwing one fuss after the other since she took the baby in.
But then she grew attached to Yasmeen. There was something about the baby's innocence that drew her close to the child. It didn't help that she was going through a tough time then with losing her child and all—she was truly depressed.
But then came Yasmeen, and she felt that void in her heart all filled up.
So, she couldn't bring herself to be separated from the child. She even put her marriage on the line—that was how attached she was.
In spite of all this, no one can tell her that Yasmeen isn't her daughter simply because she doesn't share the same blood with her. She would fight the world for that girl.
"—I know you have your doubts, but trust me when I say she's a good woman. Your mother is one of the best I've met and I have no doubt that whoever your father is, he is a good man too. Trust me on that."
Yasmeen swallowed thickly, not replying Mama. She doesn't know what to do honestly. She just wants her questions answered, that's all. "And about Asad's mother?"
Mama blew out a small breath, her shoulders slumping. "That was an accident." That was all she said, because even she didn't know the details. She never got any.
After handing the baby to her, Yasmeen's birth mother held her free hand, and with desperate yet determined eyes, she said one more thing. "It wasn't intentional. I swear it was all an accident." The woman frantically sniffed, wiping the tears that cascaded down her face. Reaching her hand where her heart is, she tapped the place and added. "Wallahi I didn't mean for any of this to happen. You know I won't lie to you, right? Trust me on this."
To say Mama was confused then will be an understatement. She tried to ask the woman what she meant, but she didn't get an answer. She simply leaned down, kissed her baby's forehead and murmured 'I'll be back' before she turned around and left—ignoring Mama's calls.
Yasmeen's head was hurting; the whole information was hard to digest. "You knew about her and the Gidados, and you still got me married to their kid." She sat up, her teary eyes staring at her mother's. "You knew and you still..." She looked away, trying to hold back the tears.
Mama blinked back her tears—she knew what she and her husband did was wrong, but by Allah she only had Yasmeen's best interest in heart when she agreed. "When Asad came to speak to me, he promised he would care for you. As a mother, that's all I want—regardless of history. I knew that he's a good man, I could see it then and I can still see it now."
Her words only had Yasmeen's eyes blurring even more. Asad is very much a sore topic for her.
"—Asad cares a great deal about you, Yasmeen. I can see it. He still does."
The tears slid down Yasmeen's face, as the words she spat to him crossed her mind again. She blew out a shaky breath. "I was very harsh to him, Mama." She voiced out in a shaky tone, the tears now sliding like waterworks. "He must hate me now."
"He doesn't." Mama sounded so sure because she knew the determination she heard in his tone when he told her that he'll be back for his wife. "Apologize, and try to fix your problems. Don't let it drag for long else it will truly be late by the time you realize it."
Life truly is cruel. That's all Yasmeen could think of.
Because no matter how she looks at her current predicament, it all feels so cruel towards her and Asad. This affects them the most, and it hurts them both as well.
However, aside from the knowledge of all this, the one thing that hurts her the most is the thought of, are the harsh words she said to him before leaving the man.
To say she regrets it would be an understatement. She knew she didn't have to go that far, but all she could think of then was how to get him to let go of her.
She knew it deep within her even if he didn't admit it that he cares about her. He cares...or maybe, cared, way too much to let go of her. But, she pushed him to the edge without even knowing the full story.
The one she hates the most is herself. She hates herself so much for what she made him go through. She hated her entire 'cursed life' as she likes to call it because that's what it is.
A curse. An ill-fate.
What worse is, she knew she had feelings for Asad. It was too obvious to not know. She has feelings for Asad Ahmad Gidado—her husband. Or maybe, then husband.
Truth be told, she wouldn't even be surprised if he sends her divorce letter to follow her since she's been gone for three whole weeks with no calls whatsoever. She didn't try, not even once to call or text him and nothing came from him either.
She wasn't sure what to think of that, despite knowing she's to be blamed too.
She should make the first move, yeah? But, she's scared. She's scared he'll be too upset to not want to even hear anything from her. She wouldn't blame him if that's the case.
"Earth to Yas," Fingers being snapped in front of her face snapped her back to reality. Blinking, she shook her thoughts away then fixed her blurry gaze on Tauhida's worried face which cleared. "You okay there?"
Yasmeen blew out a breath, her shoulders slumping in the process as she shook her head somberly. She didn't see the need to hide it, it's obvious from a glance at her face that she's a wreck. Swallowing thickly, she ran a hand down her face before meeting Tauhida's gaze again. "I'm sorry...I'm such a bad host." She voiced out, shaking her head as she scolded herself internally. "You came all the way here to visit and yet I--"
"Hey, take it easy." Tauhida was quick to cut her off, her tone comforting. Her brows squished together, her lips slanted into a deep frown as she stared at Yasmeen in worry. "Don't be so hard on yourself. I know you're not okay." She could see it. Anyone could.
One glance at Yasmeen and you'll see she's a mess.
She had dark eye bags, and her whole expression seems sullen. It's obvious this whole thing is affecting her more than she'd like to admit.
She didn't argue with Tauhida, because she couldn't even bring herself to deny it. Instead, she stared at the woman for a few seconds, mentally debating on whether to voice out the question in her mind or not.
She had so many questions, and she doesn't know who to ask.
Unable to hold herself back, she found herself voicing it out. "Do you..." She paused, taking in a deep breath. "...did you know her?" She questioned hesitantly, her voice fading.
Tauhida's brows drew in even closer. "Who?"
"Iris." Yasmeen answered, the name sounding so foreign to her because of its apparent significance in her life. "Farrah's mother. Did you know her?" She knew how stupid the question sounded, but she doesn't know how else to put it.
"Oh." Realization dawned on Tauhida, her lips parted slightly. Blinking, she held Yasmeen's gaze before nodding slowly. "Of course..." She knew her well. 'Knowing' simply would be an understatement.
"Tell me about her." She had been curious as to what kind of person this 'sister' of hers is. "What happened to her? Where is she?" She probably supposed to ask Asad that, but who knows if she'll ever get the chance to even talk to him again?
Tauhida held Yasmeen's gaze unwaveringly, and without an ounce of hesitation whatsoever, she answered. "She passed away." She stated. "During childbirth."
"To Farrah?" Despite not knowing the woman, her heart clenched at the knowledge.
Tauhida nodded, "Yes." She then let out a small breath, looking away for a brief second as she shook her head. "But, she and Yaya were separated even before then."
"Nana didn't like her." Tauhida shrugged slightly, her frown deepening. "Same reason she hates you." She didn't understand why the old woman would act like that before, but now she does.
She still believes it's a stupid reason, but what can she do? The old woman's significance in the family is what gives her the autonomy to do the things she's doing. Had it been she is of no importance, she wouldn't even dare to do such stuff.
But well, such is life.
Yasmeen found herself clicking her tongue, as she shook her head—eyes flicking close lazily as she let out a sigh. "It's not fair." She mumbled, her shoulders slumping. She couldn't even find it in herself to be angry.
She is. But, she doesn't have the strength to showcase it just as she doesn't have the strength to hide it from Tauhida.
"—I mean, I'm not trying to defend this woman I barely know who apparently is my mother, but..." She paused, letting out a sigh. "...Mama said it was an accident. No one hoped for that to happen. Why should she suffer for it for years? Why do we have to have to suffer for it?" It's simply ridiculous in Yasmeen's eyes.
Sure, that's the side of the story she heard from Mama. And perhaps, the Gidados side of the story might be different but what if it truly is all an accident?
Can't Nana let go of it and move on?
And besides, if Yasmeen could remember clearly, something about what Asad told her a few weeks ago hinted that the woman is still alive.
The question here is, what truly happened? Yasmeen could only guess there are only three people that can answer that.
One, is Nana because she's certain that old woman knows everything. Two, is Asad's mother and three, her mother.
These three women are the key to everything. Only they can unravel the mystery surrounding this whole incident. Their silence is affecting everyone—starting from the deceased Iris, to Asad, and now, Yasmeen.
"Sorry to say, but you had it easy."
"Huh?" Yasmeen didn't bother to hide the expression that took over her features as she stared at Tauhida warily. Did the woman just say that to her? Does she even know what she's going through to say something like that?
Tauhida didn't relent though. If anything, she simply sighed and went on to elaborate. "You grew up with a family that actually adored you—maybe not all, but still, you had someone. You had a family. Iris though..." She trailed off, not knowing how to explain this because it truly is a sad experience.
"What about her?" Yasmeen had so many questions about her. In fact, she has so many questions about everything. She's basically questioning her entire existence at this point. And no one can blame her.
Everything is just so confusing.
Tauhida swallowed thickly, before lifting her head to meet Yasmeen's gaze. "...Iris didn't have a family. Yes, she had her mother—your mother, but from what I know, she ddin't have a father." She paused, shuffling her memories together. "Might seem like she has everything since she has the mother figure but their relationship wasn't good." Then she added with a slight shrug. "Not from what I know."
"What kind of person was she?"
"Someone who was broken in the inside, and she still managed to hold up a strong front. She wasn't exactly the most jovial person, and neither is she everyone's favorite but she was dear to the ones truly close to her."
"Sounds like you and her were close." Yasmeen whispered, staring at Tauhida with a look the woman couldn't understand. Was that longing? In a way, yes.
Yasmeen couldn't help but wish she'd met this sister of hers. She could tell from the way Tauhida described her that they would get along well.
"—You seem to admire her."
Tauhida's head tiled to the side slightly, as she pretended to think before her lips stretched into a small smile. "I guess you can say that."
Yasmeen didn't say anything then, instead, her lips stretched into a small smile for the first time in days. She suddenly sighed, looking away as her shoulders slumped. "Must be why he loved her." She whispered under her breath, but Tauhida overheard her.
The woman simply stared at her with a knowing look. "You love him, don't you?"
Those words had Yasmeen tipping her head up to stare at Tauhida, eyes slightly widened. It shouldn't be surprising but it is. Yes, she agrees that she has feelings for him but love...she didn't think it ran that deep.
Or does it?
The words she told him hurt her maybe even more than it did to him. It took everything in her to not throw herself at him and tell him that to hell with the world, nothing can break them apart.
Even now, every day she spends away from him feels like she was being ripped from the inside. God knows she thinks of him every night before falling asleep. She thinks of him during the day too—Asad always takes up her whole mind.
Just the thought of him had her heart aching, and yearning for his presence.
She wanted to be in his comforting embrace. She wanted him to whisper sweet nothings to her; read her favorite novels to her whilst leaning down to peck her forehead every once in a while.
She wanted to tease him by calling him 'bros'. Heck, she wants him to tease her.
She wants to take their relationship all the way, regardless of whatever life will throw at them. The kids? The growing up together? The endless teasing and loving moments? She wants it all.
She wants him, she wants Asad Ahmad Gidado and no one else because no one can ever compare.
It's him. It has to be him. It will forever be him.
"Yup. You're so in love." Tauhida stated, amusement clouding her tone as she stared at Yasmeen with a look of lark.
Blood rushed to Yasmeen's cheeks at the realization, but she didn't fight against it. Instead, her lips stretched into the widest grins, having accepted that yes, she is in love with Asad.
She loves Asad, way more than she'd ever expected.
"You know what?" She questioned after a while, her gaze snapping to Tauhida. "To hell with obstacles or whatever. I refuse to let this all ruin what we have. History be damned, I'm going to get my man back by hook or crook." As long as he's willing.
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