41; Shatter Me.

Yasmeen could accept a lot of things, but Ama not being Asad's biological mother sounds like the biggest shock of the year.


It was honestly hard to accept because not even for the slightest moment had Yasmeen seen the woman treat him otherwise. Even in her final moments, she spoke good of her son and showered blessings upon him.

So, to think after all that, she's supposed to accept that he truly isn't her son. Well, he is technically but she didn't give birth to him.

Wow. Just, wow.

"I'm sorry I just..." Yasmeen paused, shaking her head as she tried to gather her thoughts and make sense of what he just told her. Flicking her eyes close, her head tilted to the side slightly as she let out a small, barely visible breath. "...your birth mother?"

Asad nodded, his expression not giving anything away because truly, he doesn't even know what to think or feel. You'd think these two weeks were enough for him to gather his thoughts, it wasn't.

Even as he walked into this room he only steps foot in when everything gets hard for him to handle, he still wasn't able to sort out his thoughts. He needed to speak to someone about it, and there wasn't anyone he felt comfortable to speak to about that.

Only his Ama. But, she's gone.

So, he doesn't know who else to speak to.

He could talk to his father, but he couldn't help but wonder whether the man is in the dark just like he was, or perhaps he was with Nana together in this all. There's no one he trusts at that moment.

At least, he thought so until he came back to Yasmeen and she asked.

He couldn't hide it from her. He needed to let it out.

But, he couldn't do that in that room, he felt too suffocated to do so. And as such, he led her back to his room so he could answer her question. Even as he sat opposite her, who is seated with her legs folded-facing him, he wasn't sure if he has the answer to all her questions.

He'd try to answer the ones he can though.

As a response to the question she voiced out, he found himself nodding. "Yes. She is my mother." It felt weird to voice that out. Because for over two decades, he'd only considered one woman as his mother-and that's Ama.

No one else.

Yasmeen blinked, staring at him with a look of confusion. She had so many questions at the tip of her tongue, all because of disbelief. But, voicing them out would make her seem cold towards his predicament and ridiculous in all honesty, so, she held them back.

Instead, she decided to ask the most obvious one.

"How?" She breathed out, somehow managing to find her voice amidst the fit of turmoil brewing in her. "What happened to her?" She added, her voice low as if scared of the response she'll get.

Asad looked away for a brief second, memories from long ago playing right before his eyes like a broken cassette. He's sure certain parts are distorted, and his memory isn't that correct since he was quite young but he remembers certain things.

"She died." His tone came out arctic cold, matching his expression. The corner of his lips tilted upwards slightly into a slight smirk that held no amusement as he shifted his gaze to meet his wife's. "Or so I believed all this while."

Yasmeen didn't know what to think. Him giving her answers is supposed to satisfy her curiosity, but it doesn't. If anything, it only confused her even more. She wants to understand so she could be there for him, but how is she supposed to do that when she's not getting any clear answer?

She blew out a breath, blinking a couple of times to gather her thoughts. When she shuffled them all back in place, she looked up to meet his eyes that were staring at hers-though no emotion could be detected there.

Unfortunately, that only worried her because she'd never seen him that emotionless. This is obviously a sore topic for him, but the lack of emotion scared and worried her.

Out of instinct, she reached her hand out to take one of his, before enclosing it with her other free hand and dropping it on her thighs-her eyes never leaving his. "Asad, you need to elaborate for me to understand," She voiced out as softly as she could. Giving his hand a small squeeze, her expression softened even more after seeing an emotion flick across his features. "Open up to me. I'm here for you. Let it all out, for your sake."

She'd a few incidents like that before, where she kept things to herself only to realize she's causing herself harm by doing that. So, she started to open up to her sister, Nusaiba. Because, despite the woman's wild and witchy character, she's still the best sibling anyone could ever ask for.

She's hoping to be someone like that to Asad. Not a sibling of course, but a wife he could rely on. A shoulder to lean on, and a safe haven to him.

Unknowingly to her, she is already his safe haven. How it happened? Only Allah knows but she's his home. The only person and place in the world that feels most comfortable around. That's all he knows.

So, he slipped his hand to intertwine with hers instead, and she could tell from his expression that he was ready to open up. It took him a few seconds though, before he fully prepared himself and went on to speak.

Blinking a couple of times, he breathed out a soft breath and looked away for a brief second-though his hand gave hers a small squeeze as if to be sure she's still there, with him. "My parents got separated when I was young. I don't remember what really happened, but I know it had something to do with Abu marrying Ama." He started, yawing his gaze back to hers that gave him more comfort than he'd ever imagined.

She didn't interrupt him, instead, she gave him her undivided attention.

"Ama wasn't a bad person, she never was. My mother though, she hated her to the extent of ending her marriage for that. I honestly don't know if there's more to the story, I just know they all weren't on good terms. With their divorce, she took me with her because she didn't trust Ama to care for me." He paused, his lips stretching into a ghost smile unknowingly as he reminisced the memory of his mother at such a young age. "Like I said, I was really young then so I can't remember everything, but I know she was a good mother to me. In a way, she's a lot like you. She read books all the time."

Yasmeen's lips stretched hearing that, matching the fond smile of his. It's obvious from the way he spoke that he adored his mother. She could tell-anyone could.

Who knew she had something in common with her mother-in-law? Well, the one she didn't know about until now.

"Did you get your reading spirit from her?" She joked, her tone light. "You seem to enjoy it the last time." She could remember the day Ama passed away-before it all went down that is. The sight of him reading seemed so natural, almost as if he had been doing so for so long it almost seemed as if he was born for that.

He chuckled lightly, before shaking his head. "No. I did that for you."

"For me?"

"Yes." He nodded. "Wanted to try something you love whole heartily. I wanted to know you more." Truth be told, the whole concept of reading novels wasn't something he ever saw himself doing.

But, for her, he was willing to try new things. That's one of the things marriage should be about, right? Putting effort into understanding your partner and their likes as well as the dislikes.

That knowledge had her stomach in knots. Why did it suddenly make blood rush towards her cheeks? It's simple. It's Asad's effect on her.

This man has this ability to make her feel like the first time all over again. Making her blush and all sort of things seemed so easy for him. And truth be told, she likes it.

It's like having her own fictional man in real life. Because this husband of hers is making those book men stand no chance against him. How that is even possible is beyond her.

She drew her lower lip between her teeth to stop herself from grinning widely. At this rate, she'll soon forget about all those novel men because she has the Asad Ahmad Gidado. She doesn't need them again.

As if to confirm the thoughts running through her mind, Asad placed his free hand on the side of her face-using his thumb to release her lower lip before leaning down to press his lips against hers.

And then the great circus of butterflies in her tummy graced her with their magnificent appearance. Those people were having a whole damn circus show in her and they certainly were having the time of their lives.

Her eyes flicked close, leaning closer out of instinct.

He pulled away much earlier than she'd like, making her pout slightly as her eyes narrowed at him. All she got in response was a slight chuckle, and the same statement that always, and by all means, always, makes her toes curl.

"You're cute." He mumbled, flashing her a small smile as he leaned back again-his fingers still intertwined with hers. Sighing slightly, he went on with the story. "Like I said, I didn't get any reading skill from her. What I did get, was her artistic talents."

"The paintings." She stated, because it wasn't a questions. Those paintings she'd seen in that room couldn't have been done by an amateur. It was carefully crafted, probably had taken quite a lot of time but it stood out and send out its message.

The ones she'd seen were all inevitably stunning. They gave off his dark aura, but at the same time, were mesmerizing.

Only one stood out, and that was the woman's portrait-his mother's.

He nodded, to confirm her statement. "She was an artist. One that had a promising career in the aspect." When he spoke of that, he seemed proud of the woman his mother was.

Yasmeen could swear that in spite of whatever would come up, Asad loved-no, loves his mother unconditionally. It's way too obvious from the way he spoke of her.

But, she could also tell that this would be the part where his story went downhill. There's this look in his eyes that screamed so. So, hesitantly, she found herself inquiring "What happened afterwards?"

He didn't say anything for a brief second, his eyes never leaving hers almost as if the answers would be telepathically sent to her. Meanwhile, he was debating letting her know the answer.

A few seconds later, he came to a conclusion. "She had an accident." He decided to say instead of going deep down-no good will come out of that. "And she died."

Yasmeen could feel it. There's more to the story than he's letting on. But, she didn't push it-simply assuming that it's a part of his story that he's not willing to share. What did he mean earlier when he said he thought she died?

Does that mean the woman is still alive?

What truly happened to her?

And why does it bother him too much?

She had so many questions, but she chose to not ask because she had a long day, and obviously so did he. Instead, she offered him a small smile. "I'm glad you opened up to me." She stated earnestly.

He offered her a smile, one that she couldn't tell what was behind it. Truth be told, there's a lot more than he wanted to tell her-things she needed to know from him rather than anyone but, he was scared.

He's scared that digging that up will ruin whatever they have. That will only hurt a number of people. Is it worth it? No. He believes so. And as such, he'd rather keep it buried. If he has to take it to the grave, so be it.

The sight of her yawning caught his attention, her drowsy eyes meeting his. "You've had a long day, huh?"

She nodded, her mind thinking back to the day she spent with Zoya. If she told him what happened, she wondered how he'd react. She's too exhausted to bring anything up though, so she chose to simply answer. "You have no idea."

He smiled, tugging her towards him slightly. "Let's go to sleep then."

Despite in a slightly sleep induced state, she quirked a brow. "Here?" Why is her brain bringing up scenarios? It's simple. She doesn't trust herself.

Today, it's not Asad she doesn't trust. It's herself and Iyalawo's spirit that possessed her she doesn't trust because the woman has been playing tricks on her. One kind nonsense village people tricks like that.

Asad nodded, like it's the most obvious thing ever. "Yes. Here."

"Alone?" They cannot be alone, there's the spirit of Iyalawo and that woman isn't of any help.

"Yes..." He nearly laughed at the face she's holding up. "...don't worry I'll try to be a saint. Just promise to do so too and we're good." They both know he's the innocent person between them even though it may not seem like it-but he is.

Leave him to teasing, that's all. She's the Chief Initiator of everything-as innocent as she seems. Some plot twist right there...huh?

Considering she's studying in Iyalawo's Academy of Violence and Doings, if anyone shouldn't be trusted, it's her.

She pressed her lips together, eyes narrowed at him because it's obvious he won't let her rest with his teasing. If she wasn't in need of sleep at the moment, she could've stayed up to quarrel about this.

But, she found herself yawning again, and this time, he decided to drop the teasing too. "Fine I'll stop teasing you. Let's go to bed. I'm tired too."

She didn't argue, she simply moved closer to him and safely tucked herself beside him while he pulled the duvet to cover them both. Reaching out to turn off the bedside lamp, he settled himself back in the bed after placing a doting kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, Asad."


The next day, Yasmeen woke up before Asad did much to her surprise because he was the one who woke her subh. After praying, they both went back to bed to rest off the exhaustion threatening to bring them both down.

Considering her relationship with Asad has progressed and is going better than she imagined, she actually decided to take a shower, dress up and cook for him before he wakes up-you know, wife doings and whatever.

She nearly laughed at herself after she was done preparing breakfast and had taken her shower-dressing up in one of her favorite dresses. Who would've thought that she, Yasmeen Khalid would be dressing up and even cooking breakfast for her husband, Asad Gidado?

If you'd told her this a few months ago, she would've laughed at you then insulted your whole generation for wishing such 'bad luck' on her, because that's all she considered him then. But, here she is.

She sported a wide grin as she adroitly maneuvered her scarf as a head tie-complimenting herself because even she knew she looked good. She looked much better than she did in the past few weeks. In fact, the only time she looked better was on her birthday when he took her out on a date.

Then now.

Her phone pinged from where she dropped it on the bed earlier after having a phone call with Tauhida. The young lady, like she'd done a few times over the past two weeks called to check up on her only to be surprised when Yasmeen told her Asad is back.

Tauhida sounded glad that he's finally back, because they all had been worried sick-unable to contact him. So, to hear that he'd returned home safely is news to them. She ended the call with Tauhida letting her know she'd inform Nana of his safe return. And, that was it.

Yasmeen left the full length mirror and strolled to the bed to pick up her phone and see the message that came in. The smile that adorned her face instantly disappeared when her eyes fell on the message she'd received from a private number.

-Ask your husband about Iris-your long lost sister you whom you don't know, and someone extremely dear to him. She's still in that heart of his.

By the way, your life is a mess. Trust me. Everyone's lying to you. If you don't believe me, ask him about her. And then ask your parents about your real identity. Haven't you ever wondered why your 'father' hates you? Maybe they aren't your parents after all? Who knows? Oh, right. They do.

Ask him what truly happened to his birth mother too? You know about her right? If not, I'm afraid your beloved husband is keeping way too many secrets from you. That's pitiful.

Ignore this if you want. But, your happiness with Asad will be short lived.

Her eyes went through it again, and again-hoping it's some sick joke or something. She didn't want to believe it, but her heart hammering behind her ribcage and the blood threatening to rush to her head was making her feel the whole world spin.

She knew she shouldn't believe something like that. It all sounded so silly.

However, the way uneasiness ate her up at that very moment...it was hard to ignore.

She shook her head, blowing out a small breath. "This is ridiculous." She mumbled, choosing to ignore it as she tried to keep her phone on the counter.

Mistakenly, she pushed a glass cup off it, sending it crashing on the floor with a loud shriek sound. She flinched, instantly taking a step back as her heart beat increased. She didn't want to believe it or give it much better, but stuff like that never mean well.

It's not her being superstitious. It's simply how her body was reacting over some text she was trying to convince herself is nothing but stupidity.

Somehow, she was able to hear the sound of the door opening, and Asad hastily reaching out to her. His hands on her shoulders, turning her around to face his worried expression snapped her back into reality.

"Yasmeen? What is wrong? Why do you look like that? Are you sick? Meya faru da ke?" He let out strings of questions, because her pale expression showed that something must be terribly wrong. And, that scared him.

She swallowed thickly, trying to gather her thoughts before she let her eyes met his. When she spoke, her voice came out way calmer than even she expected. She wanted She tried to ignore it, but she couldn't. "Who is Iris?" She simply told herself that maybe, if he falsifies the statement then she'd be alright.

It'll be much better than her being paranoid over it.

It's better to check the facts and for him to tell her she's being silly for believing something as ridiculous as that text.

"Huh?" His looked taken aback, because he truly is. That is the last thing he expected to come out of her lips-and he wasn't ready for it.

"Who, is, Iris?" She repeated, much slower while she blew out a shaky breath. She was hoping he'd give her an answer, so she can be sure the text she received was all a lie.

Asad's head was a mess. Where and how is he supposed to start explaining this? He wasn't prepared for it, and truth be told, he hoped he wouldn't have to face this. "Yasmeen..."

There it was, she knew then that it had to be true.

She was quick to push his hands off her as if it burnt, before stepping away from him. "Tell me the truth, Asad." She voiced out calmly, though her eyes were narrowed in slits. Fury burned within her, and she was aching to scream and yell out something but she knew, even in her lack of rationality that it wouldn't solve anything.

So, this Iris truly is important?

If that's true, then what about her parent's part?

On God. No, this all has to be a lie.

Asad's shoulders slumped, because never had he seen this expression from her. "She's Farrah's mother." He admitted, because there was no point lying to her.

"Your ex-wife." She wasn't worried about that, she already knew about it-after all, Farrah is a living proof of so. So, that isn't her main worry.


She swallowed thickly, before letting out shaky breath. "What more is there to it?" She wanted him to be the one to tell her, him alone. Not some stupid anonymous message.

But he was quick to shake his head, because he didn't want to dive that deep. "Yasmeen, please don't..."

"Your mother," She cut him off, her tongue darting out to wet her suddenly chapped lips. "What truly happened to your birth mother? What is it you were hiding?" She thought he did it for himself, that it's his story so she shouldn't be worried but no, she was gravely mistaken.

Asad ran a hand down his face, his head already a jumbled mess. "Yasmeen please, just drop it. It doesn't matter to me, it truly, doesn't--"

"Come on, Asad." She was quick to cut him off, wondering how he could even say that. "It doesn't matter?" She huffed out a breath. "It may not matter to you, but it does to me."

He knew that, and that was why he was scared even more. But, he didn't want her to feel that way. "No, listen to me please. It shouldn't matter. We had nothing to do with any of this, you had nothing to do with this mess so please...please, just forget it."

She stared at him in disbelief, her eyes welling up with tears as she let out a bitter laugh. "It's so easy for you to say that when you aren't the one who found out your whole life was a fucking lie."


Update as promised!!

Una no understand ko? I sha know but don't worry. You'll get your answers eventually.

Just a heads-up though, you might hate Yas in the next chapter but sha, all is well.

Also, guess who's writing chapter 49 today in shaa Allah! Bro the way I'm writing these days ba--why is writing better during exams abeg?

Anyways, anyways. If I do round it up, I'll upload the complete book on Okadabooks in shaa Allah. HOWEVER, I WILL ALSO COMPLETE IT HERE. Ehen, don't come for my life because I know how to reply *Smiles 'nicely'*

The next few chapters will be an emoshonal rollerkoster. Be prepared o!

Tam, I've said my own.

Have a goodnight. I'll see yall in a week or something.

Love, Jannah.

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