37; Pain, and More Pain.

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Love Me Wrong By Isak Danielson.

"You hate me, don't you?"

The question had Asad turning his head around to look at Nana; his expression blank. Her eyes weren't on him; they were fixed up ahead but she could see his from the corner of her eyes.

He then blew out a barely visible breath, and looked away. "No." He replied earnestly. "I don't hate you." He doubts there's anything that would make him hate her. No such thing exists. "But I still believe Yasmeen doesn't deserve to be treated like that." He added, his voice not wavering in the slightest.

He truly is the one grandchild she has that isn't scared to tell her the truth-which in a way is a good thing. Considering everyone else is too scared to voice out her wrongdoings, he does the honors. In a respectable way of course.

She wasn't swayed one bit by his words. She knew he would defend that woman-she could tell from the way she saw him treat her. "She caused harm to your daughter."

"Exactly, my daughter." He turned his head for a brief second to spare her a look, before sighing and tucking his hands in the pocket of the hoodie he donned. "If anyone should be upset, it's me. But, I'm not. And besides, Yasmeen is my wife. People make mistakes, Nana. It's the same with her."

"Defending her is so easy for you, isn't it?" Her monotonous voice came, and nothing could be detected from it. She should've sounded upset or disappointed, and she is-but she didn't let it show.

Asad didn't reply, because she's right. It is so easy for her to defend Yasmeen; it feels almost natural to do so. He has this feeling of wanting to protect her. It's always been there since that fateful night his impression of her began to change. And the reason, he doesn't know.

Nana didn't say anything either, taking his silence as a response. She knew he wouldn't still defend the girl after what she is about to do. She doesn't want to do it like this, but she'd done it before and she will do it all over again.

Quietly, they stepped out of the elevator they are in when it came to a stop with a ding. After she had called him, she silently gave him an address and told him to take her there. At first, he was curious because she didn't call him just so he could be her driver, right?

There's obviously nothing wrong with that but she doesn't call him unless it's really serious. Not when she could take the cab or ask Tauhida to drive her wherever. And the girl is around, because they left her in charge of Farrah. Neither mind, they both had this connected that's hard to miss so them being together just feels natural.

He wanted to ask her why she would ask him to drive her, but he kept mum. On arriving at the nursing home he'd never been to before-truth be told, he doesn't even know of its existence-he knew there has to be a reason when she asked him to accompany her in.

He doesn't know what to feel about all this. As much as he knows, there's no one he's familiar with that's in this place...so, why does he need to be here?

Nonetheless, he zipped his lips shut and quietly followed her as she walked down the halls like knowing it at the back of her mind. During the short walk there, they came across a few nurses all of which she exchanged pleasantries with.

So that basically made it all clear that she indeed knows them.

He paused when she came to a stop in front of a door, seemingly their destination. With no hesitation whatsoever, she held the handle and twisted it, before pushing the door open and stepping in with a salaam. He followed behind her quietly past the small corridor that led to the moderate size room.

It was empty-that's the first thing Asad noticed.

He took the liberty of looking around the room. Unlike the last time Nana was there, it looks tidied up. Though, in the exact same spot as before, there was a blank canvas waiting to be colored.

The bed was neat too, same as everything else. It's obvious it had been cleaned and the owner isn't around. Where could he or her have gone to though? Asad couldn't help but wonder.

In the moment of taking the room in, his body stiffened as his gaze fell on one of the paintings stacked in the corner of the room, where the others are. He could tell from a glance that it hadn't been long since that particular one was painted.

But it wasn't the time or anything else that had him frozen in his spot like that.

It's the woman in the painting. A woman he knows better than anyone, or so he wished.

Unable to tear his gaze, he felt his whole world about to crumble. It had been way too long since he saw it, considering they all had a silent agreement of not talking about her-for his sake.

But here it is, and he doesn't know how to feel about it exactly.

"You remember, don't you?" Nana's voice came softly, since she didn't miss his expression. She brought him here for this exact reason. She then shook her head, and then corrected herself. "No, you never forgot. Am I right?"

Asad didn't answer her, confirming her suspicions. He had pretended to be unaware for way too long, he doesn't even care at this point. All those memories he chose to bottle up and keep buried underground for the rest of eternity might end up turning up, and he doesn't even care at this point.

Nana sighed, folding her lips in as she sat down on the bed-placing her bag beside her. For the next few seconds, she said nothing but rather stared at him quietly, observing his features. She hadn't seen that look on his face since he was a child, and she definitely wasn't ready to see it again.

But, she brought him there for a reason and she wouldn't stop till she makes her point across. Without a warning whatsoever, she dropped the information she had been keeping to herself these past few days.

"I want you to marry Tauhida."

In that state of his, he believed there's nothing she would say that would bother him because only he knew what he is truly feeling. But, her words...he couldn't ignore it.

With great difficulty, he whipped his head around to look at her. "What?" His expression was laced with disbelief. Can she hear herself well? And here he thought he's the one who's sick.

She nodded, her expression yawing seriousness. "Yes. You heard me right." She had thought long and hard about it-and she had finally came to her senses. "It's obvious you never choose the right woman. Look what happened before, and look at the situation we are in. At this point, the only woman befitting of being called your wife is Tauhida."

"Tauhida?" He questioned, voicing out the name as if he'd never heard it before. His mind is still jumbled up, but he had never heard anything as ridiculous as this from his grandmother.

She wants him to marry who again?

Tauhida? That little girl he grew up with?

Allah knows he'd never, not for one second considered her anything but a sister, and it can never go beyond that. And he has no doubt it's the same for her.

That girl was once teased of the same thing when they were younger, and she spent about a year not talking to the woman that made the joke just to express her anger. Her feelings hadn't changed one bit, he's certain of that.

He could bet his life that Tauhida doesn't have such feelings towards him-he'd like to think he knows her better than anyone. He knew stuff no one else does, but it goes nothing beyond a brother and sister relationship.

So, what is all this again?

He instantly shook his head, willing to just wake up and see all of this is nothing but a dream. He's having a brewing headache, and he doubts he can handle any of this much longer. "-Nana are you forgetting that I have a wife already? What do you mean by me marrying again? To Tauhida of all the women in the world."

"I don't like that wife of yours. You should be glad I'm not asking you to divorce her."

"What I don't understand is why you hate her. Fisabillilah she had done nothing to you." He doubts he had ever argued with his grandmother before. He can be brutally honest with her, and even joke around, but never had a serious argument.

At this point though, he saw it happening if she presses this ridiculous matter any longer.

Nana held his gaze, saying nothing for a few seconds. Her expression was stern-her intense hatred painted across her face. He didn't understand what Yasmeen did to deserve this hatred. It couldn't have been because of that mistake that isn't her fault to begin with. At least, he didn't get it until she voiced out the words he never anticipated.

"She's Iris's sister."

He felt as if he had been hit with a hammer and then drenched with ice water. He was stunned, frozen, galvanized! He doesn't want to believe what his ears just heard because it cannot be possible. It just can't. He of all people should know if that's true.

Iris? No. That woman shouldn't have anything to do with his life again-at least, aside from the living reminder of her and the guilt he'd trapped himself in all these years.

Yasmeen though...she has nothing to do with that woman.

It simply cannot be possible.

Her name hadn't been mentioned once in years. You can even say she's that 'She who shall not be mentioned' of their story. But, she's suddenly turning up.

And with just a single mention of her name, a lot is about to be ruined.

"-Now do you get why I hate her?" She knew he wouldn't object the minute she brings this up-that's why she asked him her first question after stepping foot in the room. She needed to know his memories are intact because then it would make more sense. "You know the reason behind my hatred towards Iris well. It's the same with that wife of yours."

Instead of being upset, or more like furious, a chuckle of disbelief escaped his parted lips. Looking away for a brief second, he ran a hand down his face, not wanting to accept any of the things he'd heard from his grandmother that day.

Is all this some sick joke or something? Or is it World Let's Make Asad Miserable day because he is not getting all this?

But of course, no understands what he is feeling. No one will.

As if to test how long he can handle before losing his calm, the door chose to open at that exact time. Both he and Nana whipped their heads around just in time to see the woman coming in, accompanied by a nurse. Like the state of her room, she seemed much calmer than she did the other day.

If one doesn't know of her situation, they would think she's a perfectly alright old woman.

The minute his gaze fell on her, Asad's hands fell limp by his side-his expression torn. He wasn't sure he could anymore shock on this day...not again please. Unconsciously, he took a step back, as if that will erase everything he heard and saw that day.

He wasn't sure what's the biggest shock he faced then. Was it Nana's ridiculous request, the shocking revelation? Or seeing this woman who is supposed to be dead in the flesh? This is supposed to be his breaking point, but weirdly enough, it wasn't.

Not even when the woman's expression yawed confusion, as she moved her gaze from him to Nana-a woman she recognizes though unable to tell from where exactly thanks to her jumbled memory. "Who is he?"

Is he supposed to be glad she doesn't know him? Or should he break down?

He wasn't sure, because it's like his feelings then were also frozen. He felt nothing, absolutely nothing!

Even Nana was surprised. She expected a broken look from him, because even she knew this would be a lot to take. But, she needed to do it to life some burden off her shoulders. But the man is weirdly calm now.

Piercing silence took over, it being as unsettling as ever. The sound of a phone ringing sliced through the thick silence, it coming from Asad's phone. How he's able to slip his hand into his pocket and pull out the phone, he's unaware. It seems like he's working on autopilot.

He didn't bother to look at the caller ID as he picked up the phone and brought the phone to his ear-his eyes never leaving the woman who's now staring at him with slightly narrowed eyes.

"...Asad, are you there?" He couldn't even tell whose voice it is to be honest. In the back of his mind, he could tell it sounds like his father's but he isn't sure.

Somehow, he was able to hum in response to the question, as if giving the go ahead to say whatever news is to be delivered to him. Had it been he knew what he would hear will change his life, would he have answered the call? No. No he wouldn't.

"Asad, haquri nakeso kayi. Everything that happens is Allah's will. You are old enough to know this how life is. Yau mune, gobe ba mu bane. Dan haka, kayi haquri kana jina?" His father's voice sounded weird. He had heard that tone before, but he isn't getting what it is about this time around exactly.

"Meya faru?" His voice sounded so foreign to his ears. How was he even able to voice out a reply? He has no idea.

"It's your mother. Asad, Allah yayi ma Ama rasuwa."

That was Asad's breaking point.


Accepting your loved one's death has to be the hardest thing in the world. And it was the same for Yasmeen. Growing up, she had never lost anyone close to her that hurts her. And she never thought the first person would be no one but her mother in law.

She could vividly remember the conversation she had with the woman, just a few minutes before her death. She was the person she was on the call with right before Rafael arrived.

So, how is she supposed to accept the death just like that?

Their last conversation played in her mind repeatedly, like a CD on replay.

The sound of her ringtone came, piercing through the unsettling thick tense air that filled the apartment, about to suffocate her. Not expecting the sound, she jumped slightly, obviously startled.

Withal, she blew out a small breath and reached out to pick up the phone, trying to steady her racing heart. She was able to do so, when her gaze fell on the caller ID and instinctively, her nerves were quick to lessen down a notch.

Her lips stretched into a relieved smile, as she tapped the button to answer the Face Time. Bringing her hand back so the person on the other end could see her clearly, her smile widened into a grin when the face came in sight. "Assalamu alaiki."

"Wa alaikissalam, Yasmeen. Kin manta ni ko? Asad wants to take you all to himself and leave me out."

Yasmeen chuckled slightly, and then looked down bashfully. Looking up, she was quick to defend herself; "Haba Ama, that's not it wallahi." Oh, how she missed this woman. It's weird because she'd only known her for a while, and she already feels like a second mother to her.

Ama playfully narrowed her eyes at her, "Haka dai zaki ce." She stated in an amused tone. "I just shopping for baby clothes when I thought of calling you, nace bazan kira ya'ta bamuyi magana ba tun last week."

"Allah sarki Ama na" Though Yasmeen is still shy around her, their relationship has improved quite a lot more than she'd ever expect. They haven't spoken since the Farrah incident, but before that, they've became so close that they even gist like old friends-all because of the short time they spent together. She'd called and spoke to her more times than she did with her mother. Ama's words came to Yasmeen's mind, making her brows drew in. "Amma Ama baby clothes kuma? Haihuwa akayi?"

"A'a." Ama shook her head, as she shifted from where she is to settle on her bed. "It's your baby's clothes obviously, kinsan gwara na fara tarawa. Ya'yan zamani ba kwa jiran komai, nan da nine ko ten months zamuji suna."

Yasmeen nearly dropped the phone so she could dig the ground and bury herself underneath it. Subhan Allahi! Unable to hold the woman's gaze, she used one hand to cover her face and look down, her cheeks heating up.

Seeing her reaction, Ama found herself chuckling. "Wai kunya na kike ji?" She genuinely found the sight amusing.

Yasmeen almost gave her the 'are you seriously asking me that?' look, but held herself back for obvious reasons. How is she supposed to face her mother-in-law for Allah's sake? Haba, ai abun da kunya.

The motherly sound of Ama's chuckle reached Yasmeen's ears, the sound so lighthearted that despite her current predicament, Yasmeen found herself smiling too. "Come on, I'm your mother and trust me when I say, we all went through this. There's nothing to be shy of."

That's supposed to make Yasmeen feel better, but it doesn't. If anything, she now feels even more shy. Unable to hold it, she leaned the phone on the armrest, and covered her face with both hands.

Call her childish, but she's been acting like a child around Ama. Why? It's simple. The woman treats and spoils her like her own kid.

"Wait, kodai you're expecting ne?" Ama's voice came, and from her tone, Yasmeen could tell she's really curious as to whether that's really possible or not.

Snapping her head up, Yasmeen was quick to shake her head. "No. Haba Ama, it hasn't been that long since the wedding." She left out the part that nothing has happened between her and Asad. Was it not just two days ago that they blurred out the no touching rule?

Stuff like that don't just happen easily, does it?

"It's been weeks since you two got married. Anything is possible."

Yasmeen shook her head again. It's extremely embarrassing to talk about this with Ama, but she'd rather clear the doubts first. "Ama, please. There's none of that."

Ama stared at her skeptically, still not believing her. "Toh, whatever it is dai, it will come out eventually." She then sighed, her expression yawing serious. "But however it turns out, just know that pregnancy is all about time. Don't let anyone pressurize you into anything, nima wasa nake miki. Komai na Allah ne, kinjini Yasmeen?"

Yasmeen's lips stretched into a small smile, as she nodded. She loves Ama's carefree and cheerful side, but she loves her serious side too. The woman gives really good advices, and who is she to reject that?

"I also heard about what happened to Farrah..."

At the mention of that, Yasmeen's mood dampened as she looked down, hanging her head low. Yes, Asad gave her assurance to not be affected, but it doesn't change that she still feels responsible.

"...Yasmeen, look at me. Dago kanki nan ki kalle ni." Ama's stern voice came, seeing the look that took over the girl's features. She was quick to toss aside lark and whatsoever out the window.

Yasmeen didn't want to, but something about Ama's tone told her it's better to do as she's told rather than being stubborn. So, hesitantly, she looked up with lips set into a frown and remorse masking her features.

Ama sighed slightly, and then held her gaze. "What happened was not your fault." She stated the words slowly, so it could sink in Yasmeen's head. "Kina jina? What happened to my granddaughter was not your fault, so don't blame yourself for it. I am certain Asad told you the same, but I can see you still have your doubts so I'm clearing that for you." She would've had her doubts, but she knows the man she raised-and she'd like to believe she did a good job.

She raised a good man, no one can change her mind.

For some reason, Ama's words had brought out the emotional side of Yasmeen. She hates herself for getting easily emotional like this, but whenever an adult brings up a serious conversation like this, she can't help it but get emotional.

Her eyes instantly started to gloss over.

Ama continued, because she made it her mission to make the girl stop doubting herself, and she will do that. "-You are now part of our family, you're my daughter, and I refuse to let you wallow in misery because of that. Yes, what happened to Farrah is unfortunate, but it wasn't your fault. Accidents happens, and it's the same with you. I know some might say things that will hurt you, amma Yasmeen haquri zakiyi. Haka aure yake. You'll face a lot of downsides, but always try to look at the bright side too. You have me, ni uwa ce a gareki, and I'll protect you with everything I have-"

A random confession, Yasmeen adores her mother-but never has the woman spoke to her with the kind of nicety Ama is doing right now. Yes, the woman has loved and been with her entire life, but Ama at this very moment is setting the bars up high.

Is it even possible to feel that way?

By then, the tears had pooled Yasmeen's eyes and had started to fall. She looked down, and sniffed-trying to hold them back but more kept coming.

"-You also have Asad-he will look after you. I'm not saying this because he's my son, but Yasmeen, Asad is a good man. I've watched that boy grow, and ina gaya miki, Allah ne kawai zai saka ma yaronnan da alkhairi. All I do is bless him, Allah yayi mishi Albarka kuma Allah ya sa ya gama da duniya lafiya, and that's the same for you. Asad will take care of you, that I have no doubt--"

Bringing her hand up, Yasmeen wiped her tears but it was pointless, more kept coming. She never did well with emotional stuff, she's overly sensitive regarding it.

"-So, don't be in pain and misery, kina jina? As long as we're here, nothing will happen to you. I can't speak for the others, but I can speak for me and my son. If something happens to you, let me know. I'll help you in any way I can, kinjini?"

Yasmeen could only nod, and try to hold back her tears. Looking up, she tried to offer Ama a warm smile which got reciprocated.

"Yawwa toh. Allah muku albarka dukka." Ama is now elated, knowing she'd cleared the girl's doubts.


"I'll get going now. Wanka zanyi inyi sallah. So, let's talk later."

"Toh, Ama. Sai anjima. A gaida su Abba."

"Zasuji in shaa Allah. Fi amanillah."

Yasmeen had an unsettling feeling that day, but she never expected Ama's death to be the cause of it. Surely, death comes when you least expect. Because no one, especially Yasmeen would've expected that just a few minutes after that call, the woman would pass away.

Just like that...she's gone. It's truly a scary feeling, but also a reminder to not take this world as your permanent dwelling because it's not.

May we be able to have a good ending. Ameen.


Tbh, this chapter felt sadder when I was writing it. Now that I'm editing, it doesn't feel that sad.

Sha, anywaysss, considering my drafts, I have approximately ten chapters to round this up and two weeks to start my exams. Wahala dey o, but we shall see how this is going to turn up.

So many questions, right? I know. Is it even my book if I don't confuse you fellas? Nahhh.

You'll get your answers eventually tho. Trust me, you will.

Like this, I no get energy for AN again. So, have a good night.

Love, Jannah who is sofarin bekos of boko.

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