36; Trouble Comes Knocking.

To Asad and Yasmeen, life was going great. They were both the happiest they've ever been in a long time-and to think they were the cause of each other's happiness...it was almost hard to believe.

However, deep in them, they were both worried. They've experienced enough to know that happiness doesn't last-especially not the type they are living through. They both have their doubts and fears, but they decided to put it aside and simply enjoy the moment.

That's better than sitting there and waiting for trouble to come knocking. If they decide to dwell on the negative side, then they wouldn't achieve anything.

Besides, they both knew there's no point denying what they have blooming between them. They've decided to embrace it, because it's a beautiful thing. Losing it will be their biggest loss.

A sigh left Yasmeen lips, as she watched Asad flick the book he's reading to the next page-his eyes concentrated on the words written there. How can a man reading a book look that attractive please? Especially since he seems so focused on it.

She drew her lower lip between her teeth, her entire attention on him and not the book she's holding-supposing to be reading. Truth be told, her attention wasn't on the novel one bit. What is it about again? She has no idea.

All thoughts of focus got thrown out the window when she yawed her gaze from it, only to fall on Asad who's seated on the chaise lounge by the window. It was only supposed to last for a brief second, her gaze that is. But somehow, it turned into a full admiring session.

From the unruly brows leading to his obsidian eyes with fringed eyelashes, down the Roman nose that she ached to run her finger over, and the rosebud lips-she was taking her time observing every features of his. Since he's seated by the window, the rays of light from outside casted a glow over his amber skin, making it more enticing than it is.

There's a way his brows scrunch together when he's reading over the lines of the book in his hand-certain scenes that bring out expressions from him-it was definitely a sight. Some parts had his frowning, and Yasmeen could swear it did nothing to lessen his attractive features.

How can a man look that good frowning? Frowning fisbillilah! That shouldn't be legal in all honestly. It should be illegal, khalas!

At the same time, she wouldn't mind that sight-as long as it's not directed towards her. The more she thinks about it, the more he morphs himself into being her ideal man which is weird because at first, he was never that.

When she first met Asad, he was everything she hated in a man. There's absolutely nothing about him that she saw herself liking enough to spend the rest of her life with.

But, here he is, unraveling and showing his true self to her. Yes, she's yet to see the ugly side and to be honest, she doesn't want to see it despite knowing it's inevitable. She'd rather stay with this Asad for with him, she saw a future.  

"Staring is rude, you know."

Her eyes widened almost immediately, the minute those words left his lips. The man still hadn't looked up-there was nothing about his expression that showed he's aware of her gaze on him, but he is. How could he not? She's been doing that for about ten minutes or more. He's bound to notice at one point, and he did.

She was quick to get a hang of her emotions, and then she cleared her throat-looking away for a brief second. Somehow, a sudden surge of confidence overtook her, and then she found herself staring at him again-this time with determination.

"It's not if I'm staring at my man."

Flicking his head up, he quirked a brow slightly. Did she just say that? 'Her man'. He likes the sound of that. Amusement laced his expression, and after holding her gaze for a couple of seconds, he spoke lowly. "Come here."


"Come here." He repeated, voicing out the words slowly as if that will make her understand it. Though there was amusement masking his features, there was this look on his face that showed he means every word he just uttered.

Blinking, she slowly closed the upside book she had in her hand, still not realizing its current condition and then dropping it on the coffee table. She got on her feet, and closed the distance between them with cautious steps.

The minute she was within arm's length, he extended his hand and took hers, before softly pulling her towards him so she can sit beside him. Shifting slightly, he made sure she was tucked beside him on the lounge, thankfully, it was big enough to occupy them both. He wrapped one of his arms around her, and guided her head so she is resting it on his shoulder while he used the other to hold the book.

Once he was sure she's comfortable, his lips brushed her temple-placing a feathery kiss that had her toes curling. It's all these small actions of his that gets to her more than she'd like to admit-and Asad loved displaying his affection-that much she's noticed.

He went on to continue reading the book in his hand, this time around, voicing out the words softly so she can hear. But truth be told, Yasmeen's mind wasn't on the book one bit; she doesn't even know which exactly it is.

But, she's comfortable being in Asad's arms. She's comfortable listening to him talk about book characters, voicing out their conversation just for her. She was in peace, and so was he.

Shifting around slightly, she snuggled to his side while resting her head on his torso; her hand resting under it comfortably. Since when did she like his touch like this? She has no idea. But, she knew she decided to throw out her doubts after he told her this earlier;

"Regardless of what others would say, Farrah is your kid as much as she's mine-nothing anyone would say can ever change that. So, don't take up anyone's words but mine, because that's the only one that should matter to you." He said, after she'd open the little girl's birthday gift to her. Then he added, "But do answer my calls from now on, unless there's a reason for you do otherwise that is."

So yes, after making a promise to answer his calls and no longer ignore it, she decided to embrace their relationship instead of denying it. There's no point of doing that. She feels something for Asad Gidado. It's as simple as that.

And as his hand subconsciously rubbed her arm affectionately, she could tell he is starting to feel something for her too. She could only hope this will lead to something beautiful.

Fingers crossed.


Asad left after getting a call from Nana.

She saw how his expression changed when he received the old woman's call. He got up and left her there on the couch, before moving away to take the call. It lasted for about a minute, with muffled words exchanged between them before it ended.

He sighed, and then told Yasmeen he had to go out for a while. It's been an hour, and she's still seated in the living room-the place she's moved to since he left and is waiting for his return.

Repeatedly tapping her foot on the floor, she blew out a shaky breath and then drew her lower lip between her teeth, her eyes darting to the door again. Nothing. It didn't miraculously open as she hoped for and he didn't show up still.

Her stomach quivered, an uneasy feeling covering her like a blanket. Perhaps it's because she's aware Nana hates her, but she has a bad feeling. Nothing feels right, and she could only think of the worst.

What if the old woman finally decided to no longer tolerate her? What if she asked Asad to divorce her? What if she gives him some other condition that will definitely ruin her?

A myriad of pessimistic thoughts threatened to drown her, and all she could do was helplessly swamp in the pool of it, helplessly waiting to fully drown and never come out.

Someone from home came to her rescue with a call, but it ended with her in tears. Happy tears of course, her heart was full at that moment. She wouldn't have minded spending hours talking to the person. And whenever she hears the woman's words, her mood gets lifted instantly.

The front door bell came-making Yasmeen snap her head in the direction of the door. For one, she knows it isn't Asad. But, she isn't expecting anyone either so who could it be?

Could it be Zoya again? If yes, then that woman will get a piece of her mind.

Getting up as the doorbell continued to ring, she sniffed and tried to wipe away the tears that had cascaded down her face from the phone call she just had. Picking up a veil, she covered herself up with it and then made her way to the front door to open it.

The minute she pushed the door open, her gaze fell on the last person she expected to see there. Why are people popping up like this?

"Missed me?" Came the cocky voice she hadn't heard in a while.


If possible, his lips stretched more into that smug smile she wishes to wipe off. It's simply getting on her nerves-the man seems to love sporting that look though. "In the flesh."

She forced herself to take in a deep breath, blinking repeatedly as she hoped to clear the red eyes she has-despite knowing it's impossible with that condition of hers. Nonetheless, she made sure her expression is passive before she lifted her head to meet his eyes. "What are you doing here?" She deadpanned, hoping he could spot the disinterest in her tone.

"Not here to catch up, that's what." He replied blankly, his gaze moving past her shoulders for a fleeting second as if looking for someone before fixing it on her again.

"Good to know." She mumbled under her breath, her hand that's wrapped around the doorknob spreading as she tapped the spot with her fingers repeatedly.

He then sighed, losing the annoying expression. "You husband isn't here?" There was no malice in his tone whatsoever-nothing to show he's jealous Asad married her. In all honesty, he doesn't care anymore.

He has something else to worry about than a fight that's never ending.

She pressed her lips together, unable to hold herself back from throwing a snarky remark his way. "I guess your eyes can work some times." Truth be told, as she had been swarmed by Asad and his family the past few days, she'd forgotten about this man's existence and what he did to her.

She doesn't exactly forgive him, but she doesn't let it bother her again.

Until he showed up again at her door. Suddenly, all she feels towards him is nothing but intense hatred. Albeit, she never loved him before, but she didn't hate him then either. Until now that is.

Rafael ignored her remark, because he knows what she's capable of. If anything, he's amused. Despite having a sharp mouth, she had never been one to talk to him like that before. So now that she's married and no longer has anything to do with him, she'd lost that respect towards him? All is well.

Pushing those thoughts aside, because they obviously can wait and he has no intention of bringing it up, he decided to say something instead. "When he comes back, let him know I've dropped by."

"Don't you have his number?"


"Nace bah, baka da number shi ne?" She asked instead in Hausa, in case he doesn't understands English again. She's already on the edge, and her conversation with Ama only heightened her annoyance towards his presence.

Yet he's here, trying to annoy her more. He's obviously bound to see this side of hers, since he's never seen it before. Because by the looks of it, he underestimates her a lot-and Yasmeen obviously isn't one to take such nonsense.

His head tilted to the side slightly, a brow quirked in wonder. Who is this girl again? Is she the Yasmeen he knows? Bala'i. So, she has a sharp mouth like this?

It shocked him!

"Don't you understand Hausa again?" She inquired again, getting annoyed by how long he's taking to answer her, and because the man is outright staring at her.

Yes, it's not uncomfortable or anything, since that isn't his intention to begin with. But, she doesn't like it.

Her words simply brought out a slight chuckle from him, and then he shook his head muttering; "You sound more like Asad." If he wasn't certain of their match before, he is now. They deserve each other, no questions.

She didn't get what he said, and she doesn't want to know. All she wants is for this man to disappear, and he better not tell her he's moved here too because she would scream? Is the building called 'Reunion of the Three Former Friends ft. Yasmeen.' Or what? She's not understanding this again.

As if seeing the questioning look masking her features, he blew out a small breath, and then straightened his spine. "Yes, I have his number." He decided to answer her earlier question, not because he feels like he needed to, but because he felt like it. Besides, he isn't in the mood for violence. He's here for some serious conversation.

She hummed, not sounding surprised or anything but rather sarcastically. Her lips then stretched into the fakest grin she can muster. "Call him yourself then. I'm not your messenger."

"You know being rude doesn't suit you."

"Being a jerk doesn't suit you either...oh wait, it does." Her grin didn't waver. Call her childish if you want to, but she truly has a bad feeling. She can't point a finger as to what it is, but there's this unsettling feeling at the pit of her stomach. Rafael is adding to her worries. So, the sooner he's gone, the better it is for everyone.

On a normal base, as per he likes to tease people too simply for the fun of seeing them irked, he would've went ahead with this attitude of hers. But, there's something he wants to speak to Asad about-and no amount of tease or lark can push it out of his mind.

Yasmeen flicked her eyes close, taking in a deep breath to stop herself from saying anything about his occasional silence. When she was sure she has her emotions in check, she allowed her shoulders to slump and her hold around the doorknob to slacken, before opening her eyes again.

"I'm sorry." She breathed out, though it took everything in her to apologize. Deep down, she still believes there's nothing to apologize about, but she suddenly felt like doing it. "But he's not here. If you want to talk to him, call him or come back some other time. I can't, and won't, relay your message though."

Instead of taking her words to heart and becoming upset, he nodded in understanding. "It's okay. I live close anyway. Coming back won't be hard."

Her lips instinctively slanted into a frown. "Where do you live?" Don't get her wrong, she genuinely doesn't care-except for the fear of her earlier thought being confirmed.

As if there's some devious thoughts running in his mind, his lips stretched into a ghost smile as he pointed at the door beside there-while Zoya's is on the left side, his is on the right. "There. I now live there."

Yasmeen's mouth hung open. "You've got to be effing kidding me." She muttered, not so lowly. What the hell is this again?

Definitely a reunion but why are they all living here? Do they have some agreement on staying here and giving her a heart ache or something? She's not getting it one bit.

"Why do you look pale?" He wasn't worried to be honest, just asking.

She scoffed under her breath, and resisted the urge to roll her eyes but narrowed them instead. "Are you two doing this on purpose?" She needs to know whether he and Zoya are in this together. "Are you two trying to make my life hell?"

He seemed to understand what she means the minute she uttered that, because the corner of his lips tugged upwards slightly. "Trust me, it's not about you."

"One, no-I don't, and won't trust you for any reason. Two, there's nothing you can say that will convince me that you and Zoya aren't in this to make my life hell. What did I ever do to you please?" It's still yet to dawn on her so she can worry extremely, but the thought of living in the same place with Asad, Zoya, and Rafael feels like hell.

Is this a scene out of a movie or a book? If not, she's certain it's worthy of becoming one.

He shrugged, "Believe me or not, that's your own problem." Just because he's been acting a bit nice doesn't mean he's not the same jerk she knew. He then breathed out. "But I genuinely meant it when I said it's not about you, and it never will be. This is between us three." His expression took a turn down serious lane, because he's tired of joking around.

Yasmeen stared at him for a while, wondering whether to believe him or not. Considering their history and his attitude, she doesn't want to. However, he sounds very convincing, and his expression gave nothing away to show he's lying.

She blew out a breath, choosing to remain impartial and see for her eyes what will happen. She'd eventually becoming the judge of what he said.

The sound of her phone ringing caught their attention. She tore her gaze from him, and excused herself not bothering to close the door. She could've slammed the door at his face, but she isn't that rude.

Fetching her phone from where it is on the couch, her brows drew in slightly seeing the caller ID. Nonetheless, her lips stretched into a small smile, already feeling her mood being lifted as she picked it up and brought it to her ears. "Assalamu alaikum, Adda Nussy"

Nusaiba's voice came from the other end, except it wasn't the way she expects it to be. "Yasmeen, kuna tare da Asad ne?; Are you with Asad?" She didn't sound how she usually does. There's nothing jovial in her tone.

That had Yasmeen frowning and her brows squishing together. "No, he left a while ago. Is everything okay?"

Her sister on the other end was silent for a while, making Yasmeen be filled with dread. "No one has been able to reach him..."

"Adda Nusaiba, meya faru? Tell me, what happened? You're making me restless."

Yasmeen is certain never in a thousand years would she be prepared for the news Nusaiba delivered that very moment. Not in her wildest thoughts would she ever anticipate the life shattering news. How could everything change in just a matter of seconds?

"Yasmeen, it's Ama. Allah ya mata rasuwa."

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun.



Jama'a ya haquri? Allah jikan rai kuma Allah sa ta huta.

She was indeed loved by us all, and it hurts to say goodbye like this. But, such is life.

Bring your tissues for the next chapter, the way I cried una shall shed a few tears too. Kawai let's balance it like this.

I've been nice to yall like this with happiness left and right, it's time for them all to suffer! This is za beginning.

Hehe *Chuckles and clanks wine glass with Boss Iyalawo*

On another note, like this like this I don forget say I be writer. Forget, I'm seriously dropping out. Lemme just finish this semester first then I'll leave because I can't!

Goodnight sha. Hope una heart no break like this ehn. Sorry ehn. You never say that coming, I know.

Don't kill me please, Jannah who is not sorry.

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