34; The Only Reason.

"We're up 3000ft. Is that okay?"

Asad flicked his gaze to Yasmeen who's sitting in the front seat—somehow looking much more composed than he expected. He thought she'd be screaming for her life now, judging by how warily she was when getting on the glider.

She kept asking questions like, 'Do you know what you're doing?'

'Are you sure you can fly this?'

'You're not trying to kill me, are you?' She inquired, hand placed on his arm as she flashed him a small glare. Even with that though, there was still traces of fear in her eyes.

Asad sighed, turning around to face her completely. Taking her hand that was on his arm, he gave it a small, assuring squeeze. 'If you won't want to do this, just tell me. We don't have to, really.' He tried to comfort her—his eyes searching hers for a hint of doubt.

He only brought her here because the day before, during their movie marathon, she saw a gliding scene and voiced out how she'd love to try it someday. Of course, she meant it but she simply said it as those things you voice out without much of a thought.

Except, Asad did give it a thought.

Flying a glider is nothing hard—well, one requires practice of course but he's a pilot for crying out loud! Flying stuff is his area of expertise. And, if his woman wants to fly something, he will make it happen. Besides, it's not out of his reach anyway.

So, here they are the next day at a gliding center about to ride a sailplane. Yasmeen is obviously worried because this isn't like flying an airplane. This is a two-person thing, and Allah knows how scary it looks.

But, a part of her so desperately wants to experience this thing. Who knows when she'll get another opportunity to do this again? She doesn't know it, but if only she'll just let him know, he'll bring her over any time he can.

'No.' She shook her head, blowing out a breath to calm her nerves. Casting a glider and the co-pilot a few feet away from them a glance, she flicked her gaze to meet Asad's. 'I can do this.' She affirmed, seemingly trying to assure herself more than him. 'I want to do this.' She sounded more certain—and traces of excitement could be sensed in her tone.

Asad though wasn't convinced. He went quiet, his brows wrinkling and his eyes observant of her expression closely. He wanted to be certain she wouldn't be uncomfortable with this—he can tell this experience can be nerve wrecking for someone who isn't used to it.

'Bros, I'm fine. Really.'

Yep, that did it.

He nodded, seemingly convinced since she even used the name he's now starting to hate. He's been hearing it for a long time now, and though he didn't give much care to it before, it's now annoying him.

So, here they are now. Three thousand feet in the air on a glider.

"Is this okay?" Asad questioned, directing the co-pilot's question to her.

Yasmeen folded her lips in, looking out to see how high they are in the air. Her stomach quivered given how high it is. And at the same time, anticipating rushed in her blood. "Yes." She nodded.


And then, the co-pilot in Aerotow released the winch keeping them together. He flew in another direction to return to the airfield, leaving them to fend for themselves. A slight squeal left Yasmeen's parted lips as the glider dipped low, and turned around. Her glasses nearly fell off, and it would've, had it been she didn't hastily hold it back in place.

Seeing the way it turned around though, she started to fear for her life because what is this? It seemed fun in the movie, and it is had it been she's not scared of losing her life. Unable to hold it anymore, a small scream left her parted lips, before she was quick to clasp a hand over it as the glider steadied.

Her small scream morphed into a chuckle when it soared high again, aligning with the clouds. Her lower lips disappeared between her teeth, her gaze fixated outside. It should be scary, and it is in a way but she was having too much fun to give much care to it.

Everything looked more beautiful from up there. At a point, she no longer cared about the man behind the wheels. She was caught up in her own little world—a place where all her worries had disappeared along with the wind up there.



"Yeah, that's coming from the woman that was shaking when getting on the glider." Asad commented, not so lowly as he bid a few people there farewell and caught up with her. Aligning with her, the two maneuvered their way towards where he parked his Range Rover—the vehicle Yasmeen is still eying.

Soon. Very soon she will get her hand on it in shaa Allah.

Whipping her head up to look at him, she flashed him a glare. "You won't let me rest because of that, will you?" She questioned, despite knowing it's already made the list of things Asad will tease her about for life.

His lips curled up in amusement—which he was quick to hold back as he leaned down to meet her eyes. "Will you stop calling me 'bros'?" He really needs her to stop calling him that. But no, she had changed the poor man's name to that.

Instantly, her lips stretched into the widest grins. "Nope!" She shook her head. "You'll always be bros, just accept it."

Asad huffed out a breath, his lips slanting into a frown as he looked away. There's no point talking to this girl out of this. At least, not now. He didn't say a word more to her as they reached the car, and each got into their respective seats.

"So, where are we heading to now?" Yasmeen inquired, as he revved the car to life. Sighing, she slumped on the passenger's seat, her hand extended for him to place his phone on it.

Wordlessly, he handed it over just like earlier. How he's able to do that with no wariness whatsoever was beyond her. The man didn't even have a password for crying out loud. Nonetheless, she took it with so much enthusiasm and was quick to tap the Spotify app.

She would've used her own phone. But, she refused to subscribe to her account. She'd rather spend the money on books or food. It's more important to her.

Besides, she can use his so why not exploit it? Who doesn't like free things?

"You'll see." He said in response to her question, as he drove the car out of the gliding center and onto the road. He reached his right hand out to connect the phone to the speaker.

Yasmeen threw him a glance, before scoffing lightly. "Why did I even bother?" She mumbled. She should've known it'll be pointless. Just like earlier all she can do is sit and watch in wonders since she would be left in the dark.

This time around, the ride was longer than earlier—Yasmeen has eventually lost track of time. She had opted to having the time of her life instead, and occasionally teasing Asad since the man no get joy for his life—her words, no one else's.

By the time they reached their destination, she stared out the window to get an impression of where they are exactly. It didn't take a genius to know it's the mall. So, Asad who has no knowledge on women clothing is at the mall?

Eh, za'a sha kallo indeed.

He retrieved his phone from her, disconnected it and then dialed a number. She waited, and strained her ears a bit to see if the phone call will give her a hint of what is going on. She got nothing though, since the only thing he said was, 'We're here.'

Is that supposed to help her in any way please? Even the spirit of gossiping quit the chat then, because, it's pointless.

Dropping the phone having ended the phone call, it didn't take long before Yasmeen spotted a familiar figure approaching them. Her slightly damp and bored mood lifted almost instantly, as she incessantly waved at the person.

She got a wave back, along with the widest grins out there. As the person reached their car, Asad lowered the passenger window so they could talk.

"You have her for the next few hours. I'll be back."

Tauhida waved it off, "Don't worry about it. I'll take good care of her." Her grin never wavered. Her hand took Yasmeen outstretched one, and gave it a small squeeze. Meeting the woman's gaze, they exchanged a cheerful look. "She'll be in one piece by the time you get back."

He nodded, seemingly convinced. "I'll hold you on that." He then moved his gaze to Yasmeen. "I'll be back in a few hours. Please try to not cause trouble before then."

Her lips puckered, feigning innocence. "You say that as if I'm always causing trouble."

"Well, aren't you?" He gave her a look that dared her to claim otherwise. They both know he's right. She's always trying to cause trouble one way or the other. Leaving her with Tauhida is a recipe for disaster, but he has no other choice.

She folded her in to hold back her grin, before she shrugged slightly. Unable to hold it back because his gaze didn't waver, she giggled. "Okay, fine! I'll try but no promises."

Asad sighed, shaking his head in the process. "Good enough." He mumbled, offering her a small smile. "Take care."

"Always." She didn't waste a second more as she opened the door, and stepped out. Offering him a small wave, he flashed her a curt nod instead to which she pouted slightly. "Kill joy." She mumbled, turning around to follow Tauhida's lead.

The man couldn't even wave back. She shook her head at the thought.

With them walking away from him and disappearing from his sight, Tauhida turned her head to the side to look at Yasmeen. "You ready for long hours of shopping?"

"More like torture." Yasmeen mumbled, shuddering in feigned dread already imagining the horror of spending hours doing one thing. If it's up to her, she would rather spend hours buying books instead. She can never have enough books. "Why are we doing this again?" Since Asad won't tell her a thing, she's left to ask his sister instead.

But, she should've known Tauhida is just like the man. They truly are alike in so many ways. "You'll see." She said, with a look Yasmeen couldn't decipher.


Torture. Long hours of absolute torture.

Yasmeen made a mental note to never go shopping with Tauhida ever again. Or, if that's possible, never go shopping for the rest of her life be it alone or with someone else. How can someone enjoy trying countless clothes and moving from one boutique to another?

Not to mention, being there means being around way too many people—which is beyond Yasmeen's comfort zone. Yes, she goes about her business like the others but being around them isn't something she wants.

She wasn't given much choice though, as Tauhida dragged her from one place to another—trying out different things and purchasing them. The woman is clearly having a blast spending money like that, and in her words; "It's Yaya's. So, I'm sure he wouldn't mind spending a couple thousands."

Yasmeen wasn't exactly on board with the plan, but she truly wasn't given much of a choice. The only time off she had was when they had to pray Zuhr and Asr---even then it was early, considering it was nearing the time when she and Asad left the gliding center.

After buying a lot more clothes than Yasmeen would purchase on a normal basis, they ended up purchasing one particular gown that Tauhida has packed separately. As if the hours spent on shopping wasn't enough, she dragged Yasmeen to a saloon to get all prepped up for what she has absolutely no idea.

A lot of hair tugging, racking skin waxing, and face baking later—she was all dolled up and sent to don the gown Tauhida picked up separately. The beautiful wrap silk dress with chiffon sleeves fitted Yasmeen perfectly—cinched in the right place and wrapping her up like it's made for her. Petals of blue orchids adorned the silk, giving it a more alluring look. And to complete the look, a matching blue veil set into a hijab and Jimmy Choo sandals adding to her height.

Yasmeen couldn't deny it though—she looks ravishing no doubt. She doubts she looked this good during her wedding, since she didn't give much care to it regardless of Nusaiba and Amina's chiding.

This time around though, since she was practically forced to sit and undergo everything, a lot of effort was put into making her look that way. They didn't start the makeup until after she'd prayed to make everything more convenient for her. Thankfully, that didn't take forever.

It was a little after seven when Asad came back, and that's the man that said he'll only be gone for 'a few hours'. He has been gone for half the day!

"Have fun." Tauhida gave Yasmeen shoulder a small squeeze as she spotted Asad's car a little up ahead. From there, they could see him waiting leaning on it, his gaze in their direction. Her expression then turned stern for a split second, "But not too much fun." She warned, her tone serious.

Yasmeen chuckled, not knowing how else to reply other than "Okay."

"Bye!" The said woman offered her a small wave as she retracted her hand off Yasmeen's shoulders. Flashing her a grin, she turned around and disappeared off to Allah knows where.

With her gone, Yasmeen blew out a shaky breath—suddenly nervous. She swallowed thickly, fighting the urge to run her tongue across her lower lip so as to not ruin the lipstick. Gathering the little bit of confidence left in her, she trudged in his direction—all the while trying to calm her racing heart.

Asad wasn't of much help, since his gaze was on her throughout and God knows it was doing something to her—even she doesn't know what it is exactly. Just...something!

She reached where he stood much quicker than she hoped. Her lips stretched into a smile seeing the astonied look masking his features. "Hey..."

That was what it took to snap him out of the small moment he was caught up in. He shook his head, regaining his composure as he blew out a small breath. "Hey." His voice came out low and raspy, as he looked up, his eyes meeting hers. He could swear the breath nearly got knocked out of him—and he isn't used to all these feelings. Still, he couldn't help but voice out. "You look absolutely breathtaking." He complimented, as if caught in a trance.

Who could blame him? He's so used to see her dressing up like a witch out of a horror movie or her usual get go casual outfit that seeing her all dolled up like this is making him wonder whether this is the woman he married.

Is she the same Yasmeen Khalid he met a few months ago? The one that went on to rant about him being a kidnapper?

As if on a mission to see how much emotions she could stir in him, Yasmeen grinned—blood rushing to her cheeks due to the compliment. "Jazakallah khair." She muttered, fighting the urge to look away from his piercing gaze. "You don't look bad either."

Normally, he would throw a remark regarding that statement he just uttered, but he was too caught up in that moment to even care. To be honest, it's like seeing an entirely different woman.

Is this woman really his wife?

Subhan Allah. Allah have mercy on his soul.

He suddenly felt like the tables were turned, and he's the ones feeling things he didn't think was possible. Is it possible for his heart rate to increase simply from seeing her smile like that? Ya Rabb!

He suddenly looked away, trying to gather his thoughts from straying. 'Not the time'. He reminded himself. 'So not the time'. When he was sure he had his thoughts in check, he looked at her again and offered her a small smile. "You ready?"

She pressed her lips together, and then nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be."


Taking Asad's outstretched hand with little cautiousness, her folded her lips in to hold back the smile threatening to escape. Just yesterday she was wary of any sort of skin contact, yet, holding hands with him just felt right.

And if she's being honest, she loves how his hand encloses hers—giving her a sense of comfort and security with zero words uttered. As if knowing the thoughts running through her head, his thumb caressed her knuckles as he led her into the fancy looking restaurant. But, it was purely out of instinct for him.

The place wasn't crowded—but it wasn't scanty either. There were quite a number of people there, but they were all secluded, giving privacy to the everyone there. The lights were dimmed—giving a sort of dark ambience to it but there was nothing unsettling about it.

"You know, if you wanted to take me on a date, you could've just asked." Yasmeen teasingly commented, unable to hold it in anymore. She didn't say anything because she didn't want to get ahead of herself. Now that she's certain though, she couldn't hold it in again.

Asad turned around to spare her a look. "A date?" He feigned ignorance.

She shook her head slightly. "Yes, a date." She confirmed, despite knowing he's only pulling her legs. "Friends go on dates too, you know."

His brows drew in. "Friends? When did that one happen?" As far as he knows, they never agreed to being friends so...what is she talking about?

She narrowed her eyes at him, hoping he wouldn't just outright reject her—at least, he shouldn't ruin the moment. "Yesterday." She stated, like it's the most rational thing. "We had an unvoiced agreement of becoming friends."

He thought about it, before he clicked his tongue. "No, I never agreed to that. I don't want to be friends." His hand let go of hers as he halted.

Unable to hold it in, she instantly frowned. "What? Why?"

"Because..." He moved to her side, pulling a chair out for her. She hadn't even realized they've reached their table. Placing his hand on her shoulders, he carefully guided her on the chair ignoring her glare. He then leaned down, his hands resting on her arms while he placed his chin on her shoulder. Dropping his voice intentionally, he stated. "...I aim to be more than that. And, I will."

Yasmeen swallowed thickly—her senses haywire. Being in such close proximity messes with her senses, as if she has a hold on it on normal basis. And as if to make the situation more beguiling, she faintly heard The Only Reason by JP Cooper playing softly in the background. The universe itself is giving them signs apparently.

'I saw you smile through the tears that fell to the floor

I'm sure I knew

The only reason god gave me hands was to hold you

And he finely tuned the drums of my ears

Just to hear your voice...'

Too caught up in her thoughts, Yasmeen didn't notice the people that approached them, and she didn't notice the plate that was placed in front of her. At least, up until Asad whispered in her ear. "Happy Birthday, baby."

That did the trick, it snapped her right out of whatever trance she found herself in. And when that happened, her eyes widened—the first thing leaving her lips being, "Wait? It's my birthday?!"


Well, hello there. Hope you've all been well.

I've seen your messages, some of which I could answer and others, it totally slipped off my mind. But to answer your questions, yes, I've been well Alhamdullilah. It's just unibasity showing me hege from first week.

Just FYI, you won't be seeing much of me because I have quite a lot to do. So...you'll see me anyday kawai. I barely have time to write again.

I had so much fun writing these chapters last week or two weeks back I think, now again I don't have AN for it.

But sha, I want me an Asad in my life. I need one!!

I have nothing else to say again. Stay safe.

Love, Jannah.

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