32; Chingu.

"I don't feel like it." Zoya stated dismissively, as she looked away from Yasmeen and traipsed her way to her apartment's door. Reaching her hand out, she tapped in the pin allowing the door to open with a soft click.

Sighing, her shoulders slumped even more as she stepped into the confines of her apartment. However, before she could close the door behind her, a figure briskly made her way in comfortably, almost as if she owns the place.

Startled by the sudden action, Zoya's eyes widened in disbelief as her lips parted. "What do you think you're doing?" She inquired, her narrowed eyes following Yasmeen's figure looking around the place—almost as if trying to see the difference between their apartment and hers.

Yasmeen halted in her steps, before turning around to look at Zoya with lips puckered slightly. "I said let's talk." She stated, like it's supposed to explain everything. The weird fact is how she managed to keep her tone and face expressionless as she said that.

Zoya blinked repeatedly, trying to make sense of what's going on. She waited for a few seconds to see whether Yasmeen has lost a few screws—as if the girl would suddenly laugh or do something that will prove that to Zoya but zilch.

Yasmeen maintained her solemn demeanor.

Unable to hold herself, Zoya scoffed in disbelief. "I clearly turned you down." She stated through gritted teeth, still planted by the open door.

Yasmeen expression didn't falter for a brief second. "And who said I was asking?" She doesn't remember saying it in a way that would make Zoya believe such. Not bothering to wait for her response, she turned around and trudged to the living room, before settling on the couch comfortably.

Zoya watched her in wonders, mouth hung open. She then huffed out a breath, having no other choice but to close the door and deal with this crazy woman. The door closed with a bang, and then she closed the distance between her and Yasmeen. "You do know this is trespassing, right?"

"Go ahead and sue me then." Yasmeen waved her off, as she took off her shoes and slipped into the flip flops beside her, before slumping on the couch again.

"Do you even know what you're saying?"

"Access to Neighboring Land Act 1992." Yasmeen stated, leaning back and flickering her eyes close. Her hands crossed over her torso, before she went on to explain. "Going into your neighbor's property is trespassing. But, there are times it's vital to go into the neighbor's property to carry out repairs of one's property. In that case, I don't need your permission to be here. At least, that's the law in the UK."

"What?" Zoya blinked repeatedly, wondering what gibberish Yasmeen is now spewing. Is this girl in her right mind? She wondered, staring at Yasmeen in disbelief.

As if knowing the question running through Zoya's head, Yasmeen flicked her eyes open only for her gaze to meet the woman's. "Final year law student. I know the laws better than you do." Sometimes, she tends to forget her degree to be honest because she's just doing it not because she likes it, but because it's what her father wants.

So, here is she--about to bag a Law LLB.

It would've taken her another year had it been she's still in Nigeria, but thankfully, the system is different in Aston—plus placement year.

Bottom line is, if Zoya wants to threaten her with the law, she can go ahead and do so. She knows how to stand her ground well enough.

It was then that it clicked in Zoya. Of course, she knew Yasmeen is a law student since she ran a background check on her but she didn't expect the girl to throw it at her like that. Is she trying to show off or something?

Speaking of which, what did she just say about one's property?

"And what exactly are you here to fix regarding your property?" Zoya inquired, her eyes narrowed in slits. Yasmeen is trying to play smart with her, and she is not liking it one bit.

Yasmeen tsked, before blowing out a low breath. "Well, I wouldn't exactly call him 'my property', but, I'm taking about my husband and marriage." The tiny ounce of lark Yasmeen had on earlier disappeared, as she crossed her legs and turned around to face Zoya who's still standing. "You know, the exact one you're trying to ruin."

"You've got to be kidding me." Zoya mumbled, not knowing how to deal with this girl exactly. She anticipated meeting Yasmeen to be with the girl throwing tantrums...you know proving how young and foolish she is, but not this.

What's with this logic rubbish?

Ignoring the statement that she definitely heard, Yasmeen continued—her expression mirroring Zoya's. "Interesting fact, there's also a law on homewreckers. So, do you want to go down that lane?" She knew Zoya wouldn't possibly sue her for trespassing. But, just in case she does dare to do that, she wanted her to know all the possibilities.

If she really wants to go down that lane with her, so be it.

To infuriate her more, she offered her a fake smile. "--Do you want to talk about law, or are we going to have a decent conversation here? Your call."

Zoya held her glare, unable to believe how easily Yasmeen had the upper hand. The girl sauntered into her apartment like she owns it, and here she is, acting all smug. Oh, hell no.

Reluctantly, Zoya took the couch opposite Yasmeen—crossing her legs in the process and squaring her shoulders almost out of instinct. There's no denying she perfected the action—just like the way she carries herself. "You have five minutes." She gritted out, because she doubts she can still handle herself after that.

"I have no plans of staying here for that long, so..." Yasmeen waved it off, still slumped on the couch. On a random note, this woman's couch is so comfortable. If they aren't supposed to hate each other, Yasmeen would've loved to spend the day sleeping there.

That's beside the point anyway.

"Don't you think you should be with your 'husband' instead?" Zoya taunted. "I mean, I'm certain you heard everything."

Yasmeen blew out a breath, her expression not giving anything away. "I'll handle my marital affairs on my own, there's no need for you to get involved."

Zoya shrugged. "Suit yourself." She was hoping this conversation would come to an end quickly so she can get some alone time after getting rejected by Asad for the nth time. She would need to bawl her eyes out but she can't do that with Yasmeen there.

Her foot tapped the floor repeatedly, drawing her bottom lip in between her teeth. Looking away, she blew out a small, barely visible breath and blinked her eyes again.

Yasmeen didn't notice the change in Zoya, and if she did, she chose to ignore it. A few seconds passed, with no words exchanged between them. The air was tense though, and neither of them liked it that way.

Yasmeen clicked her tongue, sitting up straight. She loves the position she was in, but she knew she can't have that conversation like that. Her lips stretched into a tight line, her steel gaze on Zoya who's still yet to spare her another glance. "You know, all this while I felt guilty towards you." She admitted, her voice low.

Zoya's brows drew in when she heard that, but she still refused to cast her a glance. To her, the woman isn't worth her time but since she can't do anything about that, she'd rather not strain her eyes to watch a source of her misery.

Yasmeen didn't allow that to stop her. She breathed out a low breath, and then continued. "I heard you two were supposed to get married, but he and I ended up together. So, all this while, I thought I took him from you." She had never admitted it, but she had thought about it.

What if Zoya and Asad were really in love and they decided to get married?

What if Asad only pitied her and decided to marry her instead?

What if she ruined something between them?

Of course, she had thought of other possibilities but judging from the history they have, she could only conclude Zoya has a place in Asad's heart. So, she felt guilty—believing she's the reason it has come to a halt.

It's another reason she's trying to not get close to him, because she feared at the end of the day, he'd go back to Zoya.

Her worries escalated when she saw Zoya and Farrah together. Seeing the worry that took over Zoya, and how she stayed by the girl's side at the hospital...the sight seemed almost motherly.

And rose another set of questions. What if Farrah is Zoya's kid?

She and Asad never spoke about Farrah's mother. He didn't speak, and she didn't ask. She doesn't want to, as much as she's curious. All she knows is that they aren't together, and that's all that matters to her.

Pushing those myriad of doubts aside, Yasmeen tried to focus on the matter at hand. "Your earlier exchange though proved me otherwise."

Unable to hold herself this time around, Zoya yawed her expression blank before turning her head around to look at Yasmeen. "So?" She rose a brow.

"So," Yasmeen continued, her gaze leveling with Zoya's icy ones. "I didn't take anything from you. I'll rid myself of that guilt and live in peace. That's what I wanted to tell you."

Zoya stared at her for a few seconds, before she suddenly erupted into fits of chuckle. The chiding sound filled the air for a while longer than necessary. And when it finally died, she looked at Yasmeen with a grin she didn't bother to hold back.

"Peaceful life?" She repeated, like it's the most ridiculous thing she's ever had. "Don't kid yourself, little girl. There's no happy ending for you two." Her grin disappeared the minute she voiced those words out, the lark disappearing along with it. "The minute Asad knows who you really are, that's the end of it."

"You speak as if you know me."

"That's because I do." Zoya replied without an ounce of hesitation. Facing Yasmeen fully, she placed her hands on her knee, straightening her spine. "I know you better than Asad does. Heck, I know you better than you do."

Yasmeen didn't say anything, her narrowed eyes taking in Zoya's expression closely to see a hint of anything that will make her question the woman. There's nothing there though, other than utter seriousness.

Questions rose in her, but she didn't cave in to it.

Instead, she was quick to shake them off, not wanting to believe this woman's words and doubt her existence all over. For as far as she knows, there's nothing about her that will make Asad leave her. Why should she believe the words of a woman who clearly wants to ruin her for no apparent reason?

"I hate you. That's the reason." Yasmeen must've voiced her last question out, because Zoya was quick to reply. "I don't like you one bit."

Yasmeen pressed her lips together, before nodding slowly. She clicked her tongue, shrugging. "That's okay. The feeling's mutual anyway." Why should she hide her feelings? They are laying it out anyway. Might as well say what's on her mind.

Zoya's eyes narrowed at Yasmeen due to her reply. She truly doesn't like this girl one bit. The calmness she's taking this whole situation is annoying her even more. Seriously, why can't she be childish and throw insults? It'll make the situation much easier for her.

No longer having a reason to stay there again, Yasmeen sighed and pushed herself off the couch. Quietly, she slipped back into her shoes and then turned around to leave. However, before she reached the door, she turned around and rested her gaze on Zoya again.

"Oh, and you really should get a life of your own. At first I thought you're cool but..." She trailed off, giving the woman a onceover, before shaking her head in disappointment. Tsking, she turned around yet again and left, not bothering to spare her another look.

Their conversation is over anyway.

But she meant it when she said. When she first found out about Zoya, she thought she'd be cool. You know, a beautiful female pilot and all. She thought that had to be why Asad wanted to be with her—she seems like the perfect woman for him.

Now that she's met her though, she truly is a disappointment to her.

Sighing, she headed to the elevator, no longer willing to go back to her apartment. After her exchange with Zoya, she'd need a while to herself and she's sure it's the same with Asad. She'd take a walk around the place and return later.

That pretty much sounds like a plan.


"Let's talk." Yasmeen stated, before cringing slightly. That statement is starting to become her favorite apparently, because she's using it quite a lot today.

It was about thirty minutes later when Yasmeen returned to their apartment. She didn't find Asad in the living room, or kitchen so she sauntered to her room—hoping he isn't there. Luck doesn't seem to be on her side though, because it's obvious the man has now decided to hijack her room.

Keeping her bag aside, she took her shoes and made her to the ottoman to sit there. With him sitting on the eggchair on the other side, she's facing him fully.

Asad who had the ended the call he was on when she walked in dropped the phone aside, before staring at her with a brow quirked slightly. "In case you're thinking of throwing me out, I'm not leaving." Why is he in her room again? He has no idea.

He saw the food she left for him, and truth be told, it moved something in him. Seeing her care for him is leaving an impact on him. It made him forget about Zoya's words momentarily.

After taking the soup, he decided to crash her room—not that there's much to do. In his defense though, her room is more...lively. Before the call he was on came, he was thinking of reading one of her books. He hadn't done that in years, but she seems to like it, so for her sake, he thought of trying it. He couldn't do so though, because he had a call then.

Yasmeen pressed her lips together, and then shook her head. As much as she wanted to ask why he's in her room again, she had more pressing matters to discuss. Blowing out a breath, her brows drew in. "How are you feeling?" She questioned softly, "The fever that is?"

"I'm feeling better, Alhamdullilah." He truly is, and it showed on him too. "Thank you for soup. I enjoyed it." He's now starting to see the perks of having a wife. Having someone to look after you is not bad at all.

'Quick mental note: brag about having a wife to Imam'.

For a while, she wasn't convinced—so she watched his expression closely. When she found no trace of him feigning it, she breathed out a sigh of relief. "That's good then." She mumbled, before looking down, fiddling with her fingers.

She waited for him to speak, because it's obvious they have something else to discuss—and it would be better if he brings it up first. She's ready to face it now, since she had no other choice. It's not like she can evade it though. It's better to get it over and done with.

She took in a deep breath, preparing herself for the inevitable. But, it didn't come. And that only made the ball of worry in her to grow.

Asad who was quietly watching her didn't miss the change in her. He could tell she's nervous, and he wasn't exactly sure why. "What's bothering you?"

She couldn't tell if he's asking because he genuinely doesn't know, or if he's testing her. Nonetheless, she swallowed thickly and hesitantly looked up to meet his obsidian orbs—fighting against the urge to look away.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" She voiced out after a while, no longer able to hold it in. "About what happened with Farrah that is."

If he is still upset, it didn't show in his expression. In actuality, his visage didn't give anything away. He simply held her gaze, and then answered with seriousness his tone didn't have earlier. "What's there to talk about?"

Her brows drew in, lips slanted into a frown. What does he mean by that? What is Asad playing at? "Aren't you upset?"

Asad blew out a small breath, sitting up from his leaned back position. He placed his arms on his thighs, as if to give her his complete attention. "I was." He answered truthfully, because there's no need to hide it from her. The minute he said that though, he could see the regret and fear taking over her expression, so he was quick to add comfortingly. "But, not at you."

He said what now?

Taken aback by the response, her brows squished together even more if that was possible. "Huh?" Her face crinkled up in confusion.

Asad nearly smiled at the look she's pulling. It's starting to be beyond him how he's finding every little act of hers amusing. But, he knew it's not the time. So, he held back the smile.

Sighing, his expression yawed solemnity again. "People make mistakes, Yasmeen. We all do." He stated, because unlike the others, he thinks about stuff rationally. "It's not your fault for not knowing—we can all fall victim of that."

"But I was still with her, even after you said otherwise."

"Tauhida brought her over, because she wanted to see you." He corrected, because he could see her beating herself over. "If anything, I should be grateful you want to spend time with my kid. And, I really am."

Yasmeen wanted to believe his words, she wanted to take them and cover herself up with the comfort it came with. But, Nana's words came crashing into her mind, making her look down as her mood dampened more than ever.

"No, I was getting ahead of myself. It's my fault." She mumbled, her heart clenching as she remembered Nana's words. Just thinking about it is making her eyes gloss, but, she blinked them back. "I was trying to take a role that isn't mine, and I messed up. You are right for keeping her away. I only ruin things." Her voice came out low, and against her will, her eyes glossed over.

She folded her lips in, and tried to desperately blink them back.

She had been doing well these past few days, but why is she suddenly about to break down in front of him. Why are the tears no longer listening to her will?

Furious at the treacherous tears, she looked up and wiped them away with the back to her hand harshly, before swallowing down the lump.

It didn't work, because more tears only spilled out, her lower lips wobbling because of it. "I'm sorry..." She sniffed loudly, repeatedly trying to wipe the tears. "I'm crying and it's stupid, I know but I just..." She hated how she's breaking down now of all times.

He'd probably think she's doing it to earn his sympathy, right? She wondered, and then remembered Zoya's earlier words, claiming she's just a pity case to him. It's all wrong timing, because it's making her want to bawl her eyes out even more.

At first, Asad was stunned to see her crying. It honestly isn't his intention to make her cry, it was never his intention to make any woman cry. Growing up, Ama has engraved a lot of things in his mind about women—Islamic teachings on how to treat them right. She raised the type man she would want her daughter to marry had it been she has one.

Part of which he remembers is her talking about the story of Khawlah Bint Tha'labah (RA) came to the prophet to complain about her husband. The story is impactful, yes. But, Asad back then thought it's cringe worthy for his mother to be giving him stories about marriage and how to treat his wife right.

Now though, albeit it's not the same situation, he couldn't help but think back to that moment.

Perhaps, it's because of all that he's been through, and all those lectures from Ama, but he'd never done well with women crying—especially not those close to him.

Out of instinct, he got on his feet and moved to where she is, taking the spot beside her. Quietly, with no hesitation whatsoever, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him so she's resting her head on his torso.

Yasmeen didn't oppose, or give it much thoughts. She was in desperate need of some comforting that she didn't even think about how close they are or anything. Instead, she allowed the ugly tears to fall—the tears she'd held in her for days.

He didn't complain that she's soaking his shirt with her tears, or that the heartbreaking sound filled the otherwise quiet room. Instead, he wrapped the other arm around her and pulled her closer to him, his chin resting on her head. One hand pressed on the nape of her neck, and the other rubbing comforting circles on her back, he wordlessly offered her a shoulder to cry on.

In good times, and bad—he will be there for her. That's the promise he made to himself at that moment.

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