31; Known Stranger.

So, we dropping comments or should I pack my loads and go again?

20 Updates in September, 10 in October, November?

Five minutes turned into the entire night.

How that happened, Yasmeen has no idea. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was leaning her back against the bedrest—her hand subconsciously running through Asad's locks in need of a trim.

It was only supposed to be for a few minutes, at least, until she's certain she wouldn't wake him up when she gets up. However, the next thing she realized was waking up a little before Subh prayer. Much to her horror, she and Asad were entangled on the bed. Her head resting on his arm, tucked safely under his chin and his other hand wrapped around her, pulling her closer to him than they've ever been before.

When did that one happen again?

She has absolutely no idea.

All she knew is that, the minute she realized the position they're in, it took everything in her not to shriek and run out of the room. See, that wasn't part of the plan. He isn't supposed to be in her room to begin with, he wasn't supposed to end up asleep on her lap, and they most certainly aren't supposed to end up falling asleep cuddling like that.

Taking a hold of little sanity left in her, she slowly detached herself away from Asad's sleeping form—careful not to let out a hasty move that will wake him up. God knows if he wakes up, she will bury herself out of embarrassment because she can't face him.

All it takes is him teasing her for her to look like a tomato and wish to disappear. What now?

Folding her lips in and holding her breath, she managed to make it out of his hold. She then released a breath of relief, glad she was past that stage. Turning around to look at him, she didn't fail to notice the slight frown adorning his features. Perhaps, his subconciousness realized the lack of presence in his arms, because his hands shifted, as if looking for that figure.

Yasmeen held back a chuckle, and instead picked up the other pillow and placed it in his arms. As she expected, he was quick to hug the pillow close to him. This time around, she couldn't help it.

A slight escaped her parted lips, before drawing her lower lip between her teeth so she won't laugh out loud. Who knew Asad Gidado is the cuddling type? Him hugging a pillow is definitely an amusing sight.

For the next few minutes, she simply sat by the edge, watching him sleep contently with his new cuddle partner. She hates to admit it, but the man is attractive even when he's asleep. Maybe, that's her still slightly induced mind speaking, but she won't deny it—unless it's to his face obviously.

Remembering the fever he had the night before, her smile morphed into a frown. She then leaned forward slightly and carefully placed her hand on his forehead. He wasn't burning up like the night before, but she could tell the fever is still there.

The thought had her releasing a sigh, as she retracted her hand. How did he manage to get sick like that? She couldn't help but wonder.

Eventually, she decided to quit her newly appointed job as 'Chief Executive Observer of Asad Sleeping' and get out of the bed. She pushed aside the fact that he's sleeping in her room, and focused on getting to the bathroom. God, just saying that in her head feels so wrong, even though there's nothing there.

She shook her head, putting an instant halt to those thoughts. It's way too early in the morning for her to dwell on it.

By the time she was done doing her business in the bathroom, she checked the time on her phone only to see it's time for Subh. So, she prayed first and then made a move to wake him up. She would've done that before she prayed, but she really meant it when she said she doesn't want to face him—at least, not that early.

Her best guess is; he isn't a heavy sleeper. Because it didn't take much for her to wake him up. "It's time for Subh." She voiced out, when she saw him open his eyes.

Asad nodded, and as he made a move to get up, Yasmeen took that as her cue to disappear from the room before things could get awkward. She made her way to the living room, and crashed there.

Her mind though was set in the corridor—she was waiting to hear the sound of him moving from her room to his so she can get ready for school. But, when twenty minutes passed and she heard none of such, she decided to check on him.

Like someone guilty of a crime, she cracked the door open only slightly—and then peeked through the small space to see what he's doing exactly. She couldn't see well for obvious reasons, so, she pushed it a bit wider—and thankfully, that worked.

She found herself straightening her spine when she noticed his figure back in the bed, seemingly having dozed off again. For a second, she wondered whether he actually went back to sleep before praying, because it's obvious the man had dozed off.

Pushing the door open completely, she took tentative steps into the room—looking for any sign to show he did wake up. She found it pretty quickly, when she saw the prayer mat not in the position she left it, but still, neatly folded.

But that wasn't it. The man finally seemed to have heed to her words and taken off the uniform—or at least, the white shirt.

A small uneasy chuckle escaped Yasmeen's parted lips. Throwing a split glance at him, she was relieved to see him covered with the duvet. Her head tilted to the side slightly, blowing out a small breath as various scenarios of what could go wrong crossed her mind. "Yeah...no." She mumbled, shaking her head.

She still doesn't plan to take any chances.

Resorting to the only plan she has in mind, she made her way to the closet and picked up her outfit for the day, along with her other essentials all the while making sure to keep it low, so she won't disrupt his sleep.

When she had gotten everything, she silently left the room and ventured to Farrah's. Since her room has been hijacked, she has no choice but to use the girl's room. She could use his, since he's taken hers, but the inquisitive part of her wasn't there at the moment.

He had migrated to her room, and if she does the same, that means they're blurring out the lines without even realizing it. Yeah, definitely no. She isn't ready for that.

Discarding those thoughts away, she did her business in Farrah's room—and by the time she was done getting dressed and all, she still had time to spare. So, she decided to do something she doesn't see herself doing that early in the morning. But well, she's already doing stuff she normally wouldn't—might as well go all the way.

She made him chicken soup for the fever. And before she left for school, she left him a note to take it and the Greek yoghurt in the fridge because apparently, it helps people with fever. She wasn't sure about the yoghurt, but the chicken soup works so she could only hope it works for him too.

And with everything set, and him still dozed off, she left for school.


By the time Asad woke up again, it was a little past eleven in the morning. He wasn't surprised he slept for that long, considering the hours he spent with little sleep. Having done this for years, one would think he's used to getting little sleep—and he is, but when he's home, he makes sure to rest well since he mostly gets fevers.

He wasn't surprised to see himself in Yasmeen's room. Yes, he had a fever...still does, but he's aware of everything that happened the night before. He remembered waking up amidst his sleep to find himself still laying his head on her thighs while she's asleep in her seated position.

Of course, he had no plan of letting her sleep like that. She'd suffer a backache the next morning so, he helped her lay down properly beside him. Them cuddling truly happened whilst asleep, but he was mildly aware of when she slipped out and placed a pillow in his hold. He didn't have the energy to crack jokes then, so he slipped back to sleep yet again.

He made a mental note in the back of his mind to tease her about it later though. He's long overdue for some teasing—after they have a serious conversation regarding what happened that is.

Sighing, he slipped out of the bed and made his way back to his room to get ready for the day. Before making his way to the kitchen, he stopped by her room to fix it, since he's partly at fault for ruining it and besides, it's just a humane thing to do.

Making his way to the kitchen, he halted when the doorbell went off. His brows drew in, wondering who it could be. For one, he's sure it isn't Yasmeen since she knows the pin already. And it's not like he's expecting anyone either.

The sound of the doorbell again had him moving in the direction of the entrance. Without a second thought, he pushed the door open—his gaze instantly falling on the person standing there.

Almost instinctively, his face morphed blank though he quirked a brow slightly, a silent question as to why that person is there.

"Can I come in?" Zoya asked, her eyes moving from him for a split second to glance at the apartment before meeting his gaze again.

"No." His response came, with no hesitation whatsoever. Even she knew this what she's getting when she chose to come here. Did she expect him to just open the door wide and welcome her to his home?

If that's the case she definitely needs to get checked because something must be wrong with her up there.

She nodded slowly, her lips folding in for a brief moment. She thought his answer would be that, she's was just trying her luck. "Fine." She breathed out. Blinking, she leveled her gaze with his again. "Let's talk out here then," She wasn't willing to leave without having a conversation with him.

He knows her well enough to know if she sets her mind to something, she won't leave until she gets it. If she has to stay out there for the whole day, she would. However, as much as he wants to minimize his interaction with her, he isn't exactly heartless enough to allow her to live through that.

So, for everyone's peace of mind, it's better to just take it out and get it over and done with.

His expression didn't give anything away. But, he quietly slipped out and closed the door behind him, the distance between them no long as much as before, but still, quite reasonable.

Tucking his hand in the sweatpants he donned, he voiced out. "Why are you here?" His voice came out low, eyes narrowing at her slightly. "You were here the last time too."

The corner of her lips tilted upwards slightly. "Did your wife tell you that?" She knew it could be Nana, or Tauhida. But, she wanted to hear whether it's Yasmeen.

Did she go crying to her husband now? The thought had Zoya letting out a huff that sounded borderline chuckle.

Asad didn't answer, because he saw no relation to her question and what he asked her too. His gaze on her was expressionless, and truth be told, all he wants is for her to get to the point so they can round this up as quickly as possible.

She let out a small sigh, realizing he wouldn't answer her. "You were avoiding me at work." She stated, her tone holding a certain edge. She then scoffed. "I couldn't see you, not even once."

"Still doesn't answer my question."

This time around, it was her turn to narrow her eyes at him. It took a few seconds, but she eventually relented. Turning her head to the side slightly, she gestured in the direction of the door next to theirs. "I live there." She stated. "We're neighbors."

Honestly, Asad isn't supposed to be surprised by what she just said because he knows her better than anyone. She's capable of doing this, and more. However, it still took him by surprise. "You moved here?"

She hummed, in confirmation of his question.

She obviously did this intentionally. That much he knows. But, why is she going to such lengths. Flicking his eyes close, he could feel an impending headache threatening to surface.

He brought his hand to massage his temples, before meeting her gaze. "Why are you doing all this?" Shouldn't she be tired by now? Or doesn't she have anything better to do?

"Isn't it obvious?" She arched a perfectly shaped brow. "I'm doing this for you."

He blew out an annoyed breath. "For Allah's sake, Zoya. It's been years. Years since our relationship ended and I'm perfectly okay with that. Why can't you?" He's honestly getting sick of this.

For the longest time, he thought he still isn't over her. But, that was before Yasmeen came into his life. No, he isn't head over heels in love with her, but he could see a future with her—a future where he will try to give her everything she deserves.

And in that future, Zoya didn't exist. The past didn't matter.

"—This is what you wanted isn't it? Fine. You can be with Rafael if you want, or any other man. The choice is yours, Zoya. Why keep bothering me?"

"Why is it so easy for you to move on then?" She threw back, unable to hold herself. Yes, a part of her deep down knows what she really wants, but, she doesn't want to acknowledge it. She'd rather use Asad as an excuse.

"Because it's been five years. Which part of that don't you understand?" He was starting to lose his calm. Why is she acting like a kid? She's twenty-six for crying out loud, she's an adult who should know better. He paused, and took in a deep breath so as to not say anything that he'll regret later. When he's certain he good to go, he continued. "Zoya, I have a wife, and a kid. I have a family. Why are you hell-bent on ruining that?"

He could no longer understand her.

Her hand fisted by the side, as her lips stretched into a tight line. "A wife? Who? That girl you married?"

"Subhan Allah." He mumbled, knowing Zoya truly won't make life easy for him. "That girl you're talking about is my wife whether you like it or not. Nothing you will do can change that."

Zoya scoffed almost immediately, unable to hold herself. "That girl is another pity case to you, we both know that." She stated through gritted teeth, as if to engrave the words in him. Her eyes dared him to claim otherwise.

Asad relented for a brief second, her words hitting him unexpectedly. For a moment, he didn't reply or say anything that will prove her claim wrong, because, in a way, she's right.

And she knew that, because she gave him the 'I told you so' look. "See." She pointed out, before looking away for a brief second and taking a deep breath. "You know, I can't help but wonder, is that your type? Because it's always the damsels in distress in need of a Prince Charming—which we both know you aren't." Her voice dropped when she stated the last statement.

She hoped for a peaceful conversation too, but she's getting worked up and spewing what's on her mind with no filter whatsoever.

She's hitting a spot Asad couldn't deny, which gave her an advantage here.

"—We both know you don't love her, Asad. Be honest with yourself, do you even see yourself loving her?"

That was when he finally decided to speak up again, all the while trying to gather his thoughts. "That's none of your concern."

"Maybe not," She relented, her voice low. "But we both know that's true and you can't deny it." She knows more than anyone else, because with her, that's how it started too. Fortunately, hers changed but that was it, it didn't change again. What makes him think this Yasmeen is so different?

Asad stared at her for a few seconds not saying a thing. He didn't deny she said, but at the same time, he didn't confirm it. What's worse is that his expression didn't give anything away for her to know what's on his mind.

A few seconds filled with silence later, he decided to break it.

"If that's all you're here to say, then leave. And a piece of advice Zoya, stay away from my married life and find a life for yourself. Nothing you do will bring back what we had then because it's over." He paused for a brief second, wanting the words to sink.

That is supposed to hurt, and it did—just not as much as she anticipated.

He continued. "--And, as someone who cared, and still cares about you...it's time you move on too. Do it for yourself." Knowing how badly the words would hit her, he still voiced it out because she needs to hear it whether she likes it or not.

He wouldn't deny that he cares about her—he knows he forever will. But care is different from love. And this is the only way he knows to show her. It's better to say it out.

He didn't spare her another glance afterwards, as he turned around and headed back into his apartment—closing it shut behind him—hoping his word will sink in.

With her now alone there, she blew out a shaky breath and blinked back her blurry eyes. "I'm not the one you should say that to though." She mumbled under her breath, trying to gather her thoughts as she looked up to hold back the tears.

She then let out a loud breath when she's sure no trace of her nearly breaking down showed. Yawing her face black, "You can come out now." She stated, her voice monotone.

Without an ounce of hesitation, the sound of approaching footsteps reached her ears, which had her turning around. Her eyes met the person's, her confidence never wavering. "Eavesdropping is bad, you know."

Yasmeen ignored her statement. "Let's talk." She said instead, her expression blank.


Tohm, Salamu Alaikum, hope you're all well.

Jannah spent the past few days writing. Now she has drafts, but she doesn't want to update again. Sha, have this chapter. E shall last you fiful a few days.

This Asad and Yasmeen relationship in the upcoming chapters is oppressing me o! Like sosaiii amma ya na iya.

Zoya, sorry ehn. But this one conversation you two wan have, hope all is well.

Toh, I don't have much to say for today's AN.

Ohhhh and before I forget, I'm doing that end of the year sales on Selar and Okadabooks for a week. Check my message board for the information. Don't miss this opportunity sha.

Have a good night.

Love, Jannah.

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