30; Breathe In, Breathe Out.

I honestly didn't want to update since no wan comment again. But sha, in honor of aishatu_xx completing Yours, Jannah today, we have an update! Those of you reading the book, don't forget to drop your reviews please--it means a lot!

Oh, and we're at Chapter 30 already! Whuttttt.

Lights Down Low by MAX.

Four days.

That's how long it has been since Yasmeen started to regret ever marrying Asad. Four days since she realized the seemingly peaceful married life she has might not be the same one she gets for the rest of her life. Four days since she began to rethink the whole marriage thing.

And yes, she's overthinking everything.

But, can you really blame her?

Perhaps, it's because his family that she has met back in Nigeria were welcoming. And maybe, had she stayed with them for long she'd obviously see their true colors, but she was hoping his family here would be more accepting.

She isn't stupid. Regardless of how she has a few loose screws, and tends to make everything a joke, she very much knew what she was getting herself into when she agreed to marry him. She knew how serious it is—and that it isn't just something straight out of the books she's read.

It's real—and quite unfortunately, she just didn't anticipate where things could go wrong.

She doesn't exactly blame Nana for what she did to her. Is she upset? Yes, she is. But, she blames herself more. And that's what she's been doing the most in those four days. Constantly blaming herself and wallowing in misery.

Tauhida didn't stay over as planned—Yasmeen's best guess is, Nana wouldn't allow her and the woman can't argue with her grandmother—she means too much to them all. And that's what's killing Yasmeen the most.

Nana hates her.

But, the woman matters a lot to her husband. And that just makes everything more complicated.

Asad is another issue entirely.

She'd seen his calls—along with the other pile of missed calls she's yet to reply. It's always been a bad habit of hers. Her phone is constantly on silent—and when she sees the missed calls, she simply has zero energy to call back. More so even now.

At first, she just saw his missed calls, but a few times afterwards, she intentionally refused to answer. What is she supposed to do? Answer and risk getting insulted all over? To face his wrath? No, thank you. She had only recently gotten on his good side. She wouldn't blame him if he does that though, but she'd like to spare herself the pain.

She deserves that much, doesn't she?

She's more hurt than she anticipated. So, she'd need a while to herself to gather the pieces of her broken, and utterly embarrassed self before it gets shattered all over again.

Perhaps, he even dropped a message? She doesn't know. She hasn't exactly checked her phone unless it's for school purpose—and since it's just the first week of her final year, there isn't a lot to do.

In a way, you can say she's a coward, for choosing the easy way out instead of facing her problems head on. But, if being a coward means not facing anyone she knows in the past four days, avoiding all the calls she's getting, and hiding herself away from humanity then she'd proudly be a coward.

A sigh left her parted lips, as she stared at herself in the mirror. Reaching her hand out to turn off the faucet, her eyes took a glance at the woman staring back at her. The first day, she had cried her eye balls out. But, for some reason, she hadn't cried in the past three days.

Sure, she's been mopping around, but there were no tears.

At that moment though, perhaps it's because she's recalling what happened—but she looked like she's two seconds away from bawling her eyes out again. She doesn't want that though.

And as such, she found herself shaking her head—before releasing another breath. Extending both hands up, she patted her cheeks slightly and blinked repeatedly, as if that will hold the tears at bay.

It worked. Because a sniff later and with shoulders slumped, her eyes were no longer glossy.

Yasmeen took that as her cue to get out of the bathroom. She's been sulking in there for long enough. With that affirmation in mind, she turned around and all but dragged herself out.

Muttering the dua for leaving the en suite, she stepped into her room only for her eyes to widened almost immediately the minute it fell on a figure there—she wasn't aware that she could even do that in her current predicament. She didn't expect to have the strength to be able to do anything other than sulk.

Her first solution for everything came to mind. And with slickness that would have one wondering how she's able to do so, she swiftly turned around on her heels with full intention of going back to the bathroom and living there for the rest of her life.

But as always, luck is never on her side.

"Come back." Two words.

All it took was two words voiced out in that 'You better not think of doing otherwise' tone to have her planted in that exact spot. She thought he's asleep! And honestly, he looked like it. Judging from how lazily tone sounded though, albeit slightly gruff, he's either exhausted or has taken a short nap.

Speaking of which...

Whipping around hastily, she looked around the room to make sure she's not in the wrong one—perhaps, she walked into his room while being in that pity induced state of hers?

Nah. It's definitely her room. Her eyes aren't playing tricks on her.

But if that's the case— "What are you doing here?" She voiced out hastily, without thinking it over for a brief second. She doesn't regret it though. What is he doing in her room? She thought they had an unvoiced agreement of staying out of each other's room?

"This is my house." He replied, in the same tone as earlier. The man had made himself comfortable by the edge of the bed with legs stretched out in front of him, and hands crossed over his torso. His eyes were flicked close, and not once did he open it.

How did he know she came out? She wondered for a brief second, before the thought of the door clicked. He must've heard the sound.

"But this is my room." She pressed, trying to keep her voice steady as her hands curled into a fist by her side. Truth be told, her heart was hammering behind her ribcage. She doesn't know what to take his sudden appearance in her room.

Besides, he doesn't seem to be in the mood for joking whatsoever. So, it's time for her to face what she has been avoiding, right? Is there a way to avoid it? Because she's in desperate need of some miracle to avoid that conversation.

Instead of answering her question like he normally would, Asad's shoulders slumped slightly, and then his eyes flicked open slowly—almost as if it was taking so much effort from him to do so. "Are you just going to keep standing there?" He questioned lowly, eyes narrowed slightly. Or were they drowsy? She couldn't really tell.

Considering it's pretty late, and she was planning on retiring for the day, she had turned the lights off leaving only the bedside moon shaped lamp radiating a golden glow. It wasn't enough to make the room bright, but she could see him—and when her eyes drifted round the room, she could spot his uniform jacket and necktie resting on the ottoman.

That reminds her...the man is still in uniform!

Ya Rabb spare her soul.

Shaking her head, his words registered in her mind and then she reminded herself to take in a deep breath. She was now scared to take a step away from her position, and not just out of fear of the repercussion of her actions. But, for something else entirely.

"Well?" His voice came yet again, piercing through her thoughts. His eyes never left hers since he decided to flick them open. He nudged his head to the side slightly, a silent gesture for her to take a seat.

Reluctantly, and with her stomach suddenly in knots, Yasmeen took cautious steps away from the door and in the direction of the bed. She settled on the far end, not that there's much. Still, she will put as much space between them as possible.

She doesn't trust herself one bit in that condition. And all the more, she doesn't trust Asad either. The man is more capable of messing with her senses without much of an effort.

Unable to hold the intensity of his gaze on hers, she cleared her suddenly parched throat and looked away. Darting her tongue out, she swiped it across her lower lip—taking in another breath as if she has been deprived of it for so long.

"So..." Did she mention how she hated how her voice sounded alien to her ears at the moment? Did she intentionally drop it? No, it just happened. She didn't dwell on the thoughts though. Instead, she planted her palms on either side of her, and hesitantly threw him a glance for a brief second. "...how are you back so early? Thought you'd be back tomorrow."

See, there's something about Asad's gaze that she didn't like. Not to mention how he's refused to look away, as if not wanting to miss any act of hers. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, she just doesn't like the emotion it stirs in her—and she's sure it isn't just her.

Yet again, she was the first to look away—making a mental note to not stare at him for more than five seconds again. But, even she knew that plan would be an epic fail.

Asad sighed, his arms dropping by his side as he shrugged slightly. "Well..." He breathed out, the sound filling the otherwise quiet air in the room. Tilting his head to the side slightly, he continued. "...I said four or five days. So..."

Oh, right. She just thought, and hoped he'd be gone for five days. The longer, the better. But, just as she thought earlier, luck is never on her side—perhaps, it's working with Iyalawo too. It would make sense that way.

"Plus." He continued yet again, because it's obvious she has no plan of speaking. "My wife has been ignoring me for days so I ought to return home as early as I can, don't you think?"

Why is it that when he said that, her heart raced even more? She's supposed to be scared, because she knew trouble would soon follow. But, she wasn't. Because there's something about his tone that made her believe he isn't there to pin the blame on her or anything.

Call her stupid, but she felt that assurance from his tone. She could feel it from the aura he's radiating too.

Taking the risk, she turned her head around to look at him, her foot repeatedly tapping the floor. "When did you return?" She's certain it hasn't been long—because she left the living room no longer than fifteen minutes ago.

"Ten minutes?" He wasn't sure either, but he knew he came to her room straight since she wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. He knocked, and waited for response. But, he didn't get one so he took the risk of coming in.

Yasmeen folded her lips in, and then nodded. Her eyes moved from his eyes, and gave his uniform a onceover. "Shouldn't you change out of that first?" It sounds like she's looking out for him, but in all honesty, it's for her.

She really meant it when she said she's a sucker for men in uniform. Who isn't?

And Subhan Allah Asad in uniform is a sight she'll never get used to.

Normally, she trusts herself to not act out of place around him—at least, nothing out of the ordinary; but, she doesn't trust herself then one bit. She really doesn't.

So, for her sake, he should leave, change, and possibly never return. That sounds like a plan.

For the first time that night, she saw the corner of his lips tilt up slightly. Or were her eyes playing tricks on her? She wasn't sure.

"Why?" He questioned, or more like teased, his tone light. She's a hundred percent certain the man knows what he's doing. She could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Just because."

He looked away, his lips curled into a small, ghost smile. He didn't say anything after that. Instead, he flickered his eyes close, and drew his legs close—resting his arms on it and burying his face in between it. A few seconds later, a small sigh came from him again.

Yasmeen waited for him to say something, but he didn't. Her brows squished together, lips slanted into a frown. What's going on?

Normally, Asad wouldn't keep shut after a remark like that. Although she's grateful for the silence, it isn't sitting right with her. This isn't the Asad she knows. Something has to be going on. Or, is he really upset? He didn't mention anything of that sort though—much to her relief.

The silence though isn't something she's used to. It just seems out of the ordinary for them.

Unable to hold herself back, she found herself voicing out softly. "Are you okay?" She wouldn't deny that she cares. It's just an instinct.

For a few seconds, he didn't react or say anything. And when she's convinced he wouldn't do so, he looked up and nodded, offering her what is supposed to be an assuring smile. "Yeah..." She didn't fall for it.

Without as much as a second thought, she shifted closer to him, her head leaned down slightly so she could see his face clearly. Her eyes averted from his, not wanting to maintain eye contact on such close proximity.

Instead, she closely took in his facial appearance up close. She had never willingly been that close to him, and weirdly enough she wasn't that scared. Maybe because her mind was elsewhere to think of other possibilities.

She could tell he's exhausted—it showed on his face. And just as she thought earlier, his eyes were indeed drowsy—almost as if he's minutes away from losing consciousness. Instinctively, she reached her hand out and carefully placed it on his forehead, wanting to feel his temperature.

Almost immediately, her frown deepened as her brows wrinkled. "You're burning up." She mumbled, detaching her hand away, her heart swelling with worry. She was too caught up to even realize it's the first time she's making any sort of skin contact with him.

Teasing aside and whatnot, they've never, not once even brushed fingers. And here she is, being the first to make the first move. Who would've thought?

Asad on the other hand was very much aware and too stunned to react. Funny because he's always the one teasing her, and now, he's the one seeming stupefied. In his defense though, he isn't in his right sense.

He had this bad headache, and he could feel himself coming down with a fever. And if that isn't enough, Yasmeen willingly moved close to him and even thought of checking his temperature. Truth be told, he didn't expect that from her.

He didn't expect her to care. Yes, he's aware she isn't a bad person but caring for him isn't in the picture. It's been long since he had anyone care for him like that—aside from Ama that is, since he doesn't stay with others to be aware of his condition.

So yes, he's taken aback by the sudden emotion she's showcasing.

But why is his heart racing instead? It's always the other way round.

Blinking repeatedly, she shook her head and then shot up on her feet. "Let me check, I think I have something for fever." She could only hope it's nothing serious, but he really is burning up. She started to ransack her brain, trying to remember where she kept the pills.

However, before she could take a step away and go in search for a medication, he reached his hand out, clasped it from her wrist and pulled her back with the little strength he has left in him.

Not expecting the sudden action, she let out a slight squeal as she landed back on the bed. With eyes wide as saucers, she hastily pulled her hand back and put some distance between them—her heart hammering like crazy.

God, she'll have a heart attack very soon at this rate.

Instead of being amused by her reaction like always, Asad simply sighed, and in a brief moment, he was lying on his side with his head on her lap and legs stretched out on the bed. He should thank her for moving back to be honest, it gave him room to lie comfortably.

Poor Yasmeen still had eyes dilated the size of Mercury. What's with these sudden actions? First, it was him pulling her back and now he's comfortably lying his head on her thighs. Asad is truly on a mission to send her to an early grave.

"What...what are you doing?" Like earlier, her voice sounded so foreign to her ears. She was afraid to make a single move, and as such, was as stiff as a statue with her hands halted midair.

It's as if he could tell what her facial expression is despite having his eyes close. His lips slanted into that small smile that he's only able to muster then. "Five minutes." He mumbled, his voice slurring—he's definitely minutes, if not, seconds away from blacking out. "Just give me five minutes..."

Breathe in...breathe out. Yasmeen chanted in her head, when she nearly passed out too for not breathing. She took in a deep breath, her shoulders raising in the process before exhaling—a bit loudly.

She was quick to snap her lips shut, in hopes of not disrupting his slumber. She wasn't sure if he's asleep already or not, but she could tell from how his body eventually relaxed that he had indeed blacked out.

Her body too eventually slacked, her dropping by the side. Snapping out of her stunned phase, she couldn't help but worry about him even more. For him to black out like that, he really must be sick.

But, he's asleep now and she can't do much.

She thought of getting up, but she knew that will wake him up—at least not that early. So, she didn't. And if she's being honest, a part of her liked the current situation. She knew their relationship is changing, and she couldn't wish for it any other way.

But, for long will it last exactly? After all, when things are good...there's always a storm up ahead that will shatter everything in mere seconds.

And that thought scared the hell out of her.


Omo, *runs off to hug my pillow* I go love too gaskiya.

How can book characters be oppressing me like this? Haba!

If you see the way I enjoyed writing this chapter ba, Godddddd I love Asad and Yasmeen. I just do.

20 chapters to go! By faya by force I'm going to make sure this ends at 50, I can't kee myself abeg. I love Asad and Yasmeen, but I need a break even though the year has ended already. I deserve December off at least.

Iyalawo, I love your work Ma'am. And I know you'll do a lot more in za future.

Sha, I have nothing more to say.

Have a goodnight and comment o! Else wallahi as I dey resume school next week I go disappear completely. Tam, I've said my own.

Love, Matar Dracs.

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