3; Hide & Seek.

Yasmeen was quick to shove the new book she got into the bag she came with. Lips stretching into a wide grin, she bid the gateman farewell and stepped out of her friend's house looking much more elated than she did when she came earlier.

The street wasn't crowded, having only a few people and cars littering the place. In the back of her mind, she knew she wouldn't get a ride there, she'd have to walk down the lane and take another to be able to find a tricycle.

The thought had her blowing a harsh breath. Not that she had a problem taking one, but she wouldn't have been in this situation if she hadn't sneaked out. She had already turned her phone off, but she's certain they've noticed her absence in the house again.

And to think she was supposedly 'locked up' after her escapade the day before.

They should've known that wouldn't work on her; especially not when books are involved here. For the book she risked leaving home to get from a friend of hers, she was willing and ready to take whatever scolding will come from her mother and aunts—after all, she's used to it.

It's a miracle she was able to live through the one from the day before considering she wasted another hour or two before she headed back home much to Amina's relief. The poor girl had to plead with Yasmeen countless times before she finally caved in and returned home only to receive an earful of scolding from her aunt, and Amina's mother—Kulu.

Weirdly enough, Yasmeen wasn't that bothered about it—mostly because she was able to get her aunt to calm down after promising to not leave the house again.

Technically, she never promised to not leave the next day. In her defense, what she meant by that was she wouldn't leave the house again the day before, and she didn't.

So, her promise doesn't apply the day afterwards.

Leaving the house earlier was a struggle, but she managed to do so without being caught. Because she sneaked out, she couldn't leave with her mother's car and hence, resorted to taking a tricycle. She didn't mind, since she has gotten what she came for and now the only downside is having to walk for a while before getting another one that will take her home.

The sun was up high, and shinning as bright as ever. The heat in Kano is no joke, that anyone can testify to and it seems that day is no different.

Nonetheless, she fixed her spectacles and her bag, as she strode down the lane with her earpiece plugged in. Feelings by Lauv played from the Spotify playlist she was currently listening to. It was a bad trait of hers to walk with her earpiece on, but she preferred it than to walk around feeling self-conscious all the time. At least then, her mind wouldn't be on the surrounding.

That day though, something was different. For even as she tried to focus on the song and on her path, she couldn't shake off this feeling she had. It was almost as if someone was following her and to make matters worse, the more she walks, the less people she saw.

Slipping her hand in the pocket of her Ankara gown, she turned the volume down slightly leaving it as nothing but a soft hum in the background. She then looked over her shoulder discreetly, and she could swear she saw someone's shadow there.

She swallowed thickly, her heart beating wildly against her ribcage. She was quick to take off the ear piece and stopped in her tracks. A normal person in her situation would run as far as possible, and truth be told, she was nearing that.

She turned around, looking behind her but there was no one there. That unsettling feeling was still there though, and she could swear someone is indeed watching her, making her freak out.

Nonetheless, she swallowed thickly and tightened her hold around her back, and with eyes now dilated, she turned around and started to walk a bit faster than earlier, hoping to get away from the unnerving feeling. It never left though. If anything, it feels like the person is getting closer, and closer.

By that point, she was about to start sprinting but even in a barely rational state, she knew running could only get her so far. There's more than a half a hundred percent possibility that whoever is following her is faster, and would get her in no time.

So, without giving it much of a thought and in a desperate attempt to get away from whoever is on her tail, she pulled open the passenger door of the first car in sight, thanking God it's open and slipped inside before hastily closing the door behind her.

A part of her knew she's in a total stranger's car, and that she might be in a more troubled state, but she was willing to do whatever get away from whoever is following her.

Breathing heavily, she peaked through the window to see whether the person is still there but there was no one in sight—not a single soul. For some reason, that relieved her slightly. But it was only for a second, because then she remembered she's in someone's car and the realization had her whipping her head around to see the person seated beside her.

For the first few seconds, she wondered where she saw that face. She was certain she saw him somewhere, recently too because it was awfully familiar.

And then in only a couple of seconds...it clicked.

The guy that she insulted yesterday.

Her face instantly heated up, as her eyes dilated even more than ever. Her heart rate was much more than ever, and for a completely different reason than earlier.

It seems he recognized her too, because his orbs instantly glazed with fury. Eyes narrowing, he gritted out. "You?!"

Yasmeen has always known she has the tendency of saying the most stupid thing in situations where she's nervous, and that right there is no less. Because, she then blurted the first thing that came to mind. "Bros, no vex"

Instantly, she cringed realizing what she just said, her hand flew to cover her mouth, as she sunk in the passenger seat hoping to disappear than be in that awkward, and embarrassing situation.

Not to mention, her words only seemed to irk him more.

Because he then quirked a brow, as if silently asking 'are you for real?'. Nonetheless, his next words weren't what she expected. "Aslam, I'd call you later..."

Her dumb brain thought he was talking to her. Because, she swallowed thickly and brought her hand down slightly. When she spoke, her voice came out so low that if his attention wasn't on her, he wouldn't have caught it. "My name's not Aslam--"

One glare was all it took for her to zip her lips shut and look down.

Another voice came, filling the car. "Alright man" Aslam sounded unsure, because he was sure he heard a woman's voice from his friend's side. But, just after he said that, Asad reached his hand out and ended the call.

"Oh, so he was talking to someone" Yasmeen muttered under her breath, looking anywhere but at the man glaring at her. If glaring could kill, she'd be six feet under.

To say she was uncomfortable would be an understatement. She was embarrassed to say the least and a part of her was certain that is the day she would die. She was already embarrassed after Amina told her she insulted the wrong guy the day before. The only thing that consoled her was the knowledge that she might never run into him again.

Who would've thought she would end up in his car the next day willingly?

Not her, and certainly not him.

He hadn't forgotten the girl that came randomly out of nowhere and insulted him to his face. He just chose to keep it at the back of his mind because she was the least of his concerns with his whole marriage issue.

Now that she's here though, he suddenly remembered the words she said to him and how offended he was. To make matters worse, she just had to insult him right after he came from visiting the woman his mother wants to set him up with. He was already annoyed, but this crazy woman came out of nowhere and made his mood worse.

To think she showed up at that exact moment.

Is it really a coincidence?

Well, whether it is or not, he didn't care.

What he cares about is the bubbling anger he's currently feeling.

Looking away, he blew out a harsh breath and forced himself to calm down before he looked at her again, pinning her down with his glare. She couldn't even meet his eyes, and instead had her head hung downwards. "Why...just, why?" He couldn't even think of anything else to ask.

Yasmeen swallowed thickly. Even though he didn't raise his voice, and didn't ask something impossible to answer, she was still stared. Burying her face in between her palms, she cringed and wished the earth would open up and swallow her whole.

Of all the people she had to enter the car belonging to, why him?

She couldn't bring herself to answer, because she didn't know what to say. Her cheeks were burning, and in her mind, she was cursing herself out.

She should've just ran like a mad woman while whoever was following her sprints along. Perhaps, the person would've been better to handle than this man.

"Are you going to answer or what? Because I know you aren't deaf" He prodded further, and from his tone, she could tell he was trying to contain his anger. She couldn't blame him for feeling that way, but at the same time, she couldn't deny that he is intimidating.

She wasn't looking at him, but she could feel his glaring boring into her being.

Yet again, she swallowed thickly and blew out a shaky breath before slowly looking up to meet his eyes. Instantly, she winced at the intensity of the glare and looked away again. "I'm sorry" She whispered, not knowing what else to say.

Asad scoffed, and then shook his head as he looked away for a brief moment. As if his day wasn't bad enough, this woman just had to pop out of nowhere just like the day before. Did she plan this?

Now suspicious, he moved his narrowed eyes back to her again. "Who are you?" He asked slowly, watching her expression closely as if whether she's lying or not would show up on her forehead or something.

Blinking repeatedly, she looked up. "M-my name is--"

"I didn't ask for your name" He cut her off, his tone holding a certain edge that only had her taking in a sharp breath.

Does he have to be that intimidating? Seriously?

"—who are you, and why do you keep showing up where I am?" He normally isn't the type that is bothered by people he meets, but this woman right there is proving to be something else. Besides, the circumstances in which they meet is just odd. "And while we're on it, do you mind explaining what the hell yesterday was all about?"

Yasmeen cringed, and internally, all she wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry out if embarrassment. But, she knew she owe him an explanation, and she can't avoid it. Or can she?

The sudden thought made an idea pop in her head. Her shoulders slumped slightly, as she discreetly fixed her bag and gathered her belongings. Looking up, her eyes met his and the look in his eyes only made her more certain of her plan.

She can't possibly sit there and be forced to give an explanation, not when this won't end in her favor. So, there's only solution she could think of.

And that is to run. Run as far away from him as she can. If she will look like a crazy woman running, or like a headless chicken trying to fly, then so be it as long as she would be away from this man right here.

Making up her mind, in a flash, she turned around and took the door handle with the sole intention of sprinting out of the car.

Much to her despair though, he was quick to lock the car, halting her action.

She pulled the handle repeatedly, despite having heard the clink when the doors locked. A few tries later, she knew she can't do a thing about the situation. So, her actions slowed as she hung her head low and soundlessly cried in frustration.

She entered his car while trying to run away from someone, only to end up in someone else's hold.

Why didn't she just stay home like she was asked? For the first time that day, she regretted not doing as she was asked and being a stubborn person.

This is what she gets for not paying heed to her mother's request. Next time, she would think twice before doing the same thing.

"So, you going to start talking or what?"

Yasmeen knew there is no running away anymore, no matter how much she wants—not when he locked the car and there's no means of escaping again. At this point, she only has one option.

And that's to play the innocent card.

Taking in a deep breath, she released it before slumping her shoulders and turning around to face him. She then sniffed, putting on her best innocent look before she met his eyes. "Bros, hear me out, okay?"

Asad arched a brow, wondering whether this woman is in her right sense. She doesn't know him, but she's already calling him bros. Who does that?

No, there has to be something to do with this woman's brain. There has to be.

Nonetheless, he sealed his lips and quietly watched her, waiting for an explanation.

Yasmeen was hoping the term she used would amuse him in the slightest way so she can give an explanation with ease, but it wasn't working. His expression didn't waver, it only made her stomach clench. How is she supposed to give an explanation though when he looks like he's two seconds away from murdering her?

Wait, what is he is a murderer? What if he is with the person after her? Did she just land herself in another trap?

But, at the same time, he doesn't look like a murderer—she thought, eying him warily. He is good looking, that is a fact and if she wasn't in her current predicament, with the marriage that's at the back of her mind and a potential kidnapping—can it even be called a kidnap? She basically brought herself there.

Nonetheless, in the books she's read, the killers are always good looking. Considering she's in Nigeria where kidnapping is now a normal thing, she wouldn't be surprised if he is one.

Is he?

No doubt at the moment, she looks like someone who is constipated. Who could blame her though? She is probably in the hands of a kidnapper and knowing her family, no one would bother to pay ransom. If anything they would be happy she is gone.

Fiddling with her fingers, she swallowed thickly and blinked repeatedly. "W-wait, you're not a kidnapper, are you?" She questioned lowly, her voice slightly shaking.

But she truly was scared.

She is so close to crying for her Mama. Yes, she's her mother's baby and if she had only stayed home, she can be in her mother's arms.

Asad released a deep breath, already coming to a conclusion that she is nuts. No doubt, she is.

She went on to ramble. "—here me out, even if you are, wallahi I'm the last person you should kidnap. My family will celebrate daman sunce na ishe su. You won't get a ransom out of me and beside, you don't look like the type that needs more money. I mean, look at your fine car" She laughs nervously, her body shaking slightly. "Not that you look like a kidnapper. But in books, the fine ones are always the psychopaths. You're not one, are you? Because that glare can kill someone. It's a miracle I'm not dead yet."

If he wasn't in such a bad mood, and if he wasn't certain she's cuckoo, he would've actually found the situation humorous. But he doesn't find it amusing in the slightest bit. If anything, he was wondering what he did in his life to deserve meeting someone like this who needs to be sent to the psychiatry.

Perhaps he should take her there? He would be helping humanity.

Her rambling was making his head ache. Reaching his hand out, he sighed as he massaged his temple. Forget whoever she is and whatever she wants, it would be in his best interest to just send her away because this woman would drive him nuts.

Insanity is contagious.

She looks the type of woman that would have anyone running for their life.

To make matters worse, a knock came on his side of the window at that moment. Slightly startled, he rose his head and fixed his now drowsy eyes on the person at the other end and he could swear that day is set out to be the worse for him. Because standing on the other side of the car is the girl his mother sent him to meet.

Why did she have to show up now?

Holding back a groan, he brought the window down making her face appear to the both of them.

There was a small frown masking the girl's face as she looked at him, and then behind him to see Yasmeen there watching them with wide eyes. Blinking, the girl moved her eyes back to him. "Uhm...Ya Asad, who is she?" She asked, her voice drifting off not understanding what is going on.

What is he doing in his car with a woman?

The last thing Asad wanted to do was be in her presence, especially not when she's asking questions like that. No doubt she knows what their mothers are planning, and she is clearly on board with it. She will now think she has the right to know everything he does because he 'might' marry her.

But, he would do anything to put an end to this arrangement with her—

His thoughts stopped midway, as his head tilted to the side slightly. He turned around to look at Yasmeen who is watching the exchange quietly with slightly widened eyes, then back to the girl now glaring at her.

He did say Yasmeen is the type that would send anyone away...

His lips quirked into a slight smirk, as he looked at the girl—already coming up with an idea to deal with his predicament. Clearing his throat, he tried to feign remorse. "I didn't want you to find out this way. But..." He turned to look at Yasmeen, offering her what is supposed to be a warm smile that only creeped her out. "...this is the love of my life"

Yasmeen's jaw dropped. 


Between Asad and Yasmeen, I'm not sure who will kill me first but sha, we'll see. 

Kai Asad how did she become the love of your life? Ah ah! 

Kekuma Yasmeen kin dage kin maida bawan Allah bros. 

What would you have done if you were in her situation? 

Share, share, and of course, shareee!

Oh, and OUAS is now available on okadabooks too at long last. 

I don tire. Goodnight. 

Love, Jannah. 

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