28; Short Lived.
I have a thing for making covers when I'm bored🌚
"Farrah!" She crouched low, instantly catching the little girl that ran into her arms. A chuckle escaped her parted lips that's now stretched into a grin; one hand firmly wrapped around the girl, while the other caressed her head lovingly as she pulled her closer to her body if that was even possible.
She took in her scent, almost like that of babies but with refreshing top notes of white pear and raspberry—a touch of crème de coconut and velvet musk. It was sweet, like the little girl.
When she finally pulled back, she was met with the girl's grin—matching hers. Her hand that was on the girl head moved to her cheek, running her thumb across it, her grin never wavering. "How's my little girl doing?"
"I'm good." Farrah's grin widened even more if that was possible, her face lighting up.
Before Yasmeen could reply, a voice from behind cut them. "Dude, I need to empty my bladder." Tauhida bounced on her feet, her hand cradling the spot looking like she's two seconds away from peeing there.
With another chuckle, Yasmeen rose to her full height with the girl in her arms before shifting. "You can use the one in my room. The room beside his." She could only assume Tauhida knows the room, and judging from the curt nod and the disappearance from the woman, she's right.
With Tauhida now gone, Yasmeen closed the door and took Farrah to the living room—her happiness knowing no bounds. She thought she wouldn't see the girl again for Allah knows how long considering her father seemed serious when he said she wouldn't come over. But, her sudden presence only lifted Yasmeen's mood, not to mention she was already all over the moon.
Is this the work of Asad too? She couldn't help but wonder. He acts all tough but he can be soft too apparently.
Folding her lips in to hold herself back from erupting out of happiness, Yasmeen reached the living room and then carefully set Farrah on the couch, before taking the spot beside her. Turning around to face the little girl completely, she held her little hands in hers.
"Are you done with school for the day?" She could only guess, since Farrah is still wearing her school uniform. So, this is what Tauhida had to do when she left Yasmeen to return alone?
If that was the case, she should've told her. She wouldn't mind tagging alone. Though...does that mean she has to ask Asad too before doing that? Honestly, this whole marriage thing is nice, but it's going to take her a while to transition into it completely.
The nod that came from Farrah snapped her out of the mini trance she was caught up in. "Yes, Ida picked me up." When she smiled again, Yasmeen didn't fail to notice the dimple on one of her cheeks which she certainly didn't get from her father.
The girl then gestured for Yasmeen to lean closer, and with brows drawn in, Yasmeen did so curious as to what is making her act that way. Farrah leaned close to her ear, and then said in what's supposed to be a whisper. "--She said it's our secret." She giggled slightly, as if knowing what she's doing is wrong but well, she's always been the troublemaker.
Yasmeen blinked, wondering what exactly the little girl means. Pulling back slightly, she whispered back. "That you're here?"
Farrah nodded repeatedly, her lips pressed together as if to hold back her giggle, but her eyes still danced with mirth. The girl is a mischievous one indeed, that Yasmeen could tell. And, instead of being worried, she was honestly happy.
Oh, she is definitely recruiting this girl to be mini Iyalawo. They will terrorize her father's life and well...how great would that be? Asad's nightmare will become a reality, she will make sure of that. He will pull out his hair and become bald much quicker than anticipated.
By the time he'll clock his thirties, he'll definitely resemble a grandfather because they won't spare him,
Speaking of him and his daughter's mischievousness though, Yasmeen could tell no one knows Tauhida brought the girl over. A part of Yasmeen is worried, but a much bigger part of her was too happy to dwell on the possibilities of what could possibly go wrong. She would enjoy this moment to the fullest.
Before she could comment on it, the sound of a door being closed reached their ears, as it was accompanied by footsteps. In only a few seconds, Tauhida made an appearance. Her eyes met Farrah's, and the two exchanged that look that screamed trouble.
They honestly looked so much alike with that expression. Of course, not physically but the attitude. By the looks of it, Tauhida has rubbed off her character on the girl too. It makes sense though, since she's been with her all these years.
Poor Asad. He really has no idea what the women in his life are shaping his daughter to be.
Breaking the eye contact, Tauhida offered Yasmeen a grin and a slight wiggle of her brows. "So..." She dragged the word. "...tell me I'm your favorite in the family already." She intentionally picked up Farrah and brought her over knowing Asad won't be around all for Yasmeen. She should be her favorite honestly—though she doubts she's met anyone in the extended family more than once.
Yasmeen pretended to think, and after a few seconds, she clicked her tongue. "You are..." She then smiled, flicking her gaze to the girl beside her. "...after Farrah."
Tauhida's smile fell slightly, and then she tsked, shaking her head. "Why did I even bother?" She muttered sulkily, earning a chuckle from the two. Her eyes narrowed at them slightly—they were starting to act alike and she doubts it's a good thing.
She couldn't help herself though. She found herself smiling back, just in time her phone rang. Slipping her hand into her pocket, she pulled it out and stared at the caller ID. Glancing upwards, she offered Yasmeen an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I have something to take care of. I'll be back real quick."
"Wait...you're leaving Farrah here?" Yasmeen spoke up hastily, seeing as Tauhida hastily picked up her bag that she's dropped earlier on the couch.
Tauhida looked up, and then nodded. "Yeah, of course. She's in good hands anyway." Her smile never faltered, not even as she shifted her gaze to the little girl staring at her with curious eyes. "Farrah, behave okay? Don't give Aunty Yasmeen a hard time." She gave her a stern in.
In response, Farrah only nodded with a small smile. She's young, and despite being smart, there's still things she can't comprehend. Nonetheless, she's grown up to see Tauhida as a mother figure to her, and if not that she's been told she's her father's sister, she would've thought she's her mother.
So, she listens to the woman more than she does with her great grandmother.
Satisfied with the response she's gotten, Tauhida leaned forward and ruffled the little girl's hair. "See you later, kiddo." She then shifted her gaze to Yasmeen, and offered her the widest grins. "You're on babysitting duty. I promise, I'll be back soon."
Yasmeen had questions she wanted to voice out. But, she wasn't sure if it's right to do it in front of Farrah. That doesn't mean she's not dying to know though. And, by the looks of it, Tauhida realized it too because she quirked a brow.
"What?" She could tell the wheels in her sister in law's head are turning, and she wasn't sure what to think of it.
"Nothing." With the way Yasmeen uttered it, there's definitely something. She folded her lips in to hold back the smile threatening to escape. "Have fun." She will get her answers later.
Tauhida eyed her warily, but chuckled nonetheless. "I'm off!" With a wave of her hand, she turned around and was soon out of sight, leaving the two alone.
A sigh escaped Yasmeen's parted lips, as she turned around to face Farrah again. What is she supposed to do now again? She's not exactly the best with kids. The ones she sees are Nusaiba's kids and even then, it's only when the woman visits since they don't live in the same state.
Being excited to have the kid around is different from knowing what to actually do with her there.
Nonetheless, she pushed her worries aside and offered the girl a warm smile. "How about we watch cartoon, hmm?" She shook her head internally, having forgot to ask Tauhida to bring the girl extra clothes. It would be uncomfortable for her to be going around in her uniform.
At the mention of seeing animated people on television, Farrah bobbed her head repeatedly in excitement. To help her feel more at ease, Yasmeen helped her take off the uniform jacket, and shoes. Turning the TV on, Yasmeen played Nickelodeon, and lucky, SpongeBob SquarePants was being aired.
Almost immediately, the little girl was singing along about who lives in a pineapple under the sea. Yasmeen got on her feet, and headed to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she picked up Snickers chocolate bars. Asad really meant it when he said he has a sweet tooth, the man had lots of chocolate stocked in there—and Yasmeen being the nice housemate she is, ate them all during her two days stay there.
The only one left are the Snickers, and she wasn't sure if the little kid is allowed to take sweets but well, they're already breaking the rules so might as well break a few more. It won't hurt.
Making her way back to the living room, Farrah was in the exact same spot she left her. "Farrah, look what I got you." Is she trying to win brownie points? Maybe. But, she already knows she's on the girl's good side and besides, she needs to recruit this girl in Iyalawo Academy of Violence. For the betterment of humanity of course.
And to make Asad run mad.
Both options are good.
If possible, Farrah's grin widened even more at the sight of the chocolate bar. She wasn't allowed to take it, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want it. A slight squeal escaped her parted lips, and the minute Yasmeen handed it over, she didn't waste a second to collect it. "Thank you." She looked up, and flashed Yasmeen her famous grins.
Yasmeen's heart swelled slightly. See, the look Farrah is sporting is making her doubt whether she's actually Asad's kid. If not for the physical resemblance, she would believe otherwise. How could his kid be so lively and him, well...she'd rather not say. At least, for what he did to her earlier, she would refrain from saying anything about him.
Speaking of which, another thought then crossed her mind. "Farrah." She called out, earning the attention of the girl struggling to open the chocolate. Yasmeen took it from her and then open it, before handing it over to which Farrah replied with another 'thank you'. "Do you have clothes here?"
It will only make sense that she does. After all, it's her father's place and he did say she stays here when he's around. She has to have clothes around here somewhere, and maybe, even a room of hers. There are other rooms here, all of which Yasmeen never bothered to check.
Farrah nodded, confirming her thoughts. Taking bites of the chocolate bar, she made sure to swallow it before she went on to answer. "In my room."
Bingo. Perhaps, it's from her personal experience, but when she was a kid, Yasmeen hated taking off her uniform. She would return from school and spend the entire day in her uniform—not that she even leaves her room. But, Mama always scolds her for it and now that she's Farrah, she could relate to her mother only slightly.
"Let's get you changed then, okay?"
All she got in response again was a nod from Farrah. Taking the hand extended to her by Yasmeen, she led her to her room—which is the one opposite Yasmeen's. Pushing the door open, the two stepped into the room that's definitely fit for a small girl.
Farrah is definitely her father's baby. There's no doubt about that.
The interior was decorated to fit a girl's dream. Almost everything was in the shade of pink and blended with purple, no surprise there. But, it was cute. With soft neutrals and hints of periwinkle; lavender walls, window treatments and throw pillows along with a few teddy bears that adorned the queen size bed. A bit of sparkle was added to the room because of the starry wallpapered ceiling.
On one corner is a seemingly cozy reading nook with floating shelves and cushioned corner banquette. Instantly, that corner became Yasmeen's favorite. Honestly, if she is a kid, she wouldn't want to leave this room.
On the other side of the room is the wardrobe with pastel colored panels and frosted glass—adding a bit of serenity to the room. Due to the frosted glass, one could see through it, putting the multiple clothes stacked there in display. Yasmeen gestured for Farrah to take a seat, and the girl did so no questions asked whilst halfway through her chocolate.
Making her way to the wardrobe, Yasmeen pushed the sliding door and immediately, her eyes began to ransack through the stacking of clothing—looking for an outfit that will be a cozy for the girl. There were lots of them, and picking one is proving to be a hassle. After all, she's always been indecisive when it comes to picking out her own clothes, what more picking out someone else's.
Eventually, her eyes landed on a neatly folded dress. Picking it up, nodded to herself, satisfied with the clothing. "Farrah..." She turned around, glancing at the girl over her shoulder. The dress in her hand fell, as her eyes widened almost instantly. "Farrah!" She exclaimed, her voice sounding foreign to her ears.
How her legs carried her from her position to where the girl is? She has no idea. All she knew is that, in the blink of an eye, she found herself beside the girl on the floor, struggling to breathe. Her hands were shaky, and her mind was a mess. She had absolutely no idea what's going on, so she didn't know how to snap out of it and react well.
Farrah's skin has turned red, and she seemed to be having trouble breathing. Her small hands were on her neck, scratching it repeatedly. She was out of it too, as if her mind was long gone and it truly was. Her throat was tightening, and the itch around the place was only increasing.
Seeing the little girl's struggle snapped something in Yasmeen. She regained her senses, fear choking her up. "Farrah..." She patted her cheek slightly with shaky hands. "Farrah!" It seemed like the girl couldn't hear her.
How could she? She was obviously in too much pain.
Realization dawned on her, and with a messy brain, Yasmeen looked around for her phone but it wasn't in sight. She couldn't leave the girl alone and go in search for the device she has no idea where it is. And it's not like she knows this place well to know what to do.
Her eyes blurred, but she was quick to blink the tears back. Taking in shaky breaths, she gathered Farrah in her arms and hastily got on her feet. Where is she going to? She has no idea. All she plans on doing is heading out and looking for someone to help because she has absolutely no idea what to do.
Not bothering to look for her phone again, and on the brink of hyperventilating, Yasmeen hastily stepped out of the apartment and rushed to the elevator. There was no one in sight, much to her dismay. Tapping the button repeatedly, she bounced on her feet, sniffing repeatedly as her eyes blurred with tears again. This time around, she didn't bother to hide it, there was no point when the tears had already started to stream down her face. To say she was scared will be an understatement.
Much to her relief, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, much slower than she would like. Her feet instantly carried her and the child in her arms in, and the minute she spotted a figure in there, she tried to blink away the blurriness and face the person. "Please..." Her voice came out hoarse, and foreign to her ears. Blinking again repeatedly, her gaze fell on the woman beside her in the elevator. "...please, help us."
The woman gave her a wary look, but there was something about it that didn't exactly sit right with Yasmeen. Instead of replying, she placed her hand on Yasmeen's arm and turned her around to see the girl in her arms. "Wait...Farrah?!" Her voice rose, taking Yasmeen aback.
Not giving her the time to react, the stranger attempted to take the girl out of her arms—and because her mind wasn't completely there, Yasmeen allowed her to do so. Cradling Farrah in her arms, she faced the now unconscious girl with a look filled with worry. Her frown was deep, and her brows, squished together.
She then snapped her narrowed gaze to Yasmeen. "What did you do to her?" She gritted out, looking like she's two seconds away from snapping at her.
Not liking the accusatory tone, but at the same time feeling guilty for whatever is happening to the girl, Yasmeen found herself rushing the words out. "I don't know, she just came. And everything was alright..." She paused to take in a deep breath, her mind and heart racing to the point that she can't think clearly. "...I don't know...." She repeated, shaking her head as she ran a hand across her face.
The woman that now held Farrah in her arms tapped the button that would take them to the parking lot. She then snapped her narrowed eyes to Yasmeen again, not liking the act the woman is pulling. She doesn't care if she's scared or whatnot, she better get a grip of herself! "What did you give her?"
Yasmeen swallowed thickly, as she looked up. Taking in a deep breath, she tried to think of anything that would've made the girl end up like this. "Nothing. I just gave her Snickers, that's all." She doesn't remember doing, or giving the girl anything that will make her unconscious.
Maybe something happened to her at school?
"Snickers?" The woman muttered under her breath in disbelief. Almost as if something snapped in her, she looked up. "She's allergic to peanuts!"
"Well, how am I supposed to know?" Yasmeen wanted to snap back, not liking how this stranger is scolding her for something she's unaware of. But, she held herself back knowing it isn't the time. Besides, guilt is already eating her up. She glanced at the unconscious girl, then bit her lower lip as her eyes welled up with tears again.
Realizing that Yasmeen will no longer add a word more, the woman hissed under her breath and then reached her free hand out to caress the girl's head. "We have to get her to the hospital." Zoya muttered, tapping her foot repeatedly on the floor.
Hope yall are well. I am doing much better, jazakumullah khairan for the kind words. It truly means a lot.
Toh, su Baba Zoya an iso. Sannu da isowa Hajjaju tawa ta kaina. Chief of Vayolence don arrive.
Su Iya Yasmeen kuma sai haquri. But sha, you know me I like making you suffer ai. I am against peace, if it means you'll be happy.
Ehen, the only one I don't want to suffer is my Asad. I love my guy too much.
But sha, Yasmeen I dey fear for you oh. Because as it is like this, hehe. Lemme keep my mouth shut kawai. Yafi mun.
Okay, so I wanted to do this end of the year's sales for my books in December, but I'm not sure if I'll have time for that. If I will, I'll let you know. If not, we move.
On that note, two chapters from this book so far have been named after kdrama OSTs. If you know me, then you'll know my obsession with OSTs. Anywhere OST dey, I dey.
Let's play a little game then!
One of them will be hard to find, since I added something to the title. But whoever guessed the other OST (Original Soundtrack), and can tell from which Kdrama it is, I'll give you one of my okadabooks book for free (any book of your choice). Obviously, Yasmeen and Nusaiba aren't involved--you guys know yourselves; you can't even participate.
If you guess both OSTs, then that makes it two books.
There can only be one winner though, so, first person to guess it wins. I have about three books on Okadabooks that weren't on Wattpad to begin with; Laws of Royalty, Acts of Royalty, and Once Upon A Sultan. In case una never read it, or any other book, this is your chance.
So...get guessing!
Ehen, make I carry my legs to comment section.
Love, Gang Do Min (Remember, I get Korean name o! I go soon move to Korea seff using Iyalawo Airlines, Naija is no longer for me abeg).
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