27; Pop-Up Devil.
So, Jannah had to say she won't update for yall to comment. That aside, I so much-loved reading last chapter's comments.
The next day, true to Tauhida's words, the woman appeared early in the morning at their apartment. Thankfully, Yasmeen had woken up much earlier to avoid making them tardy. She didn't go back to sleep after praying subh, but instead, stayed up and did everything necessary ranging from fixing her room, and getting dressed.
The night before, Asad said to not bother with breakfast since she'd leave the house early, and he's not exactly a breakfast person either. So, all she had to do was make something for herself, and for that, she opted to take tea only.
She's not exactly a morning food person either—maybe in about three hours or something though, she'd need something to eat.
By the time Tauhida arrived and told her she's waiting in the lobby, Yasmeen tried to get her to come up for a second but Tauhida's exact response was, "Me? In your apartment? Newlyweds? Ah, no. Na yafe." And then she ended the call, not wanting to hear anything from Mrs. Captain again.
Yasmeen didn't intend to ask her to elaborate. She doesn't even want to know what's going on in the woman's head. All she's certain of is that Tauhida is indeed Iyalawo's minion, and as such, she'd rather not dwell on her matters for long.
It was still seven in the morning, and in her book of 'I don't like mornings completely', that's way too early. What other choice does she have though? One, she's already in it and two, Grandpa Captain Bros will talk her ears off if she decides to skip.
For a moment, Yasmeen believed he should've considered becoming a Highschool teacher or Principal instead of a Plane driver to be honest because the role will fit him more. The students will call him 'Malam Asadu' and God, that will be a sight.
Pushing those thoughts away, she scurried off the kitchen island stool and made her way to the sink—so as to wash the used cup of tea. Once it was washed and dried, she placed it back on the cupboard and then sprinted to her room to pick up her tote bag and phone—not that there's anything important in there. She only picked up two novels and a few essentials.
When she's certain she has everything she could possibly need, she stepped out of the room. For a brief second, she almost trudged out before it crossed her mind to at least let Asad know she's going. A sigh left her parted lips. So, she has to be informing him of her whereabouts now since they are married? She let out another sigh. This marriage thing is seemingly harder than she expects.
Not dwelling on those thoughts, almost as if she's being forced to, she turned around and took the few steps between her door and his. For the two days she's been there, she's never even spared the door a second glance talk less attempt to go in. Reason why, she has nothing to do there and hopefully will never have one too.
Is that just a wishful thinking? Yes. A small part of her, the reasonable but annoying part she tucks away reminded her that it's all just in her head. She doesn't want to admit it though.
But, luck will never be on her side in that aspect. Because for starters, she's standing there, bouncing slightly on her heels as she stared at the door—as if his face would magically appear and she'd relay why she's there.
Realizing it will never work that way, she hesitantly rose her hand up and balled it into a fist, before knocking on the door softly. A part of her, the wicked one that wants to terrorize his life thought of simply banging her hand on the door till he wakes up from whatever nap he's taking. But, she was quick to dismiss it because she's not that wicked.
She hates it when someone messes with her morning sleep, and she wouldn't want to do that to him either.
Besides, knowing him, he'd probably pay her back ten times worse and well, she doesn't want that kind joke. She'd respect herself in that instance.
When no response came, she knocked on the door again—this time a bit louder than earlier. But, there was no response either. Her hand dropped by the side, as the thought of him being a heavy sleeper crossed her mind.
What is she supposed to do now? Walking away isn't much of an option, and the only one that she could think of is going in but, she hasn't lost her mind to do that. She'd rather stay on the safe side of everything—for her own sanity.
Drawing her lower lip between her teeth, she huffed out a breath and opted for another option. Fixing her tote bag so it doesn't drop, she leaned down and got on her knees, before bringing her head low as if she could see much through the tiny space between the door and the floor. She pressed her palms on the floor to balance her weight.
She couldn't see a thing! It was way too small for her eyes to spot anything. But, her stubborn self didn't give up. Instead, she moved forward slightly, then a couple steps backward, pushing her head closer as if that would make the space enlarge and she could see if she can spot anything that would show him being awake in there.
"What are we looking for?" A whisper came from beside her, a bit too close for her liking.
Not expecting the voice or a presence, a startling scream escaped her lips as she hastily jerked backwards, her back pressed against the door and her derriere flat on the floor. Her hand flew to her chest, where her heart it and with wide eyes, she blew out shaky breaths.
Thankfully, he was quick to pull backwards too else her bag would've slapped him right across the face. Unfolding to his full height from the crouched position, Asad resisted the urge to laugh at the look she's sporting. If she can honestly see how ridiculous she looks, she would be quick to get on her feet.
But well, it's them in the equation here. Asad believes they are past that stage of being embarrassed of how ridiculous they look—or at least, she should be. He has already seen the many shades of Yasmeen Khalid so far, and he's certain they'll be more.
"You scared me!" She shrieked like a banshee, when she finally regained her voice. Her heart was still beating wildly against her ribcage from the scare, and taking deep breaths doesn't seem to be helping either.
"Sorry." He does not sound like he means it one bit, though nothing about his expression showed it. Yet again, like the countless times she had seen him before, his visage was blank, and although he was amused, he did well to hide it. Moving his glance from her to the door she's leaned on, he quirked a brow and rested his gaze on her again. "Why are you peeking at my room though? You could've simply walked in."
"And risk getting a heart attack? No thank you." She mumbled, already imaging a thousand scenarios of what could go wrong. His words on her first day here is still in the back of her mind, like a constant reminder. She wouldn't subject herself to whatever outcome that will be.
Realizing she's still sprawled on the floor, blood rushed to her cheeks and in a flash, she had pushed herself off the floor and was on her feet again, in front of him. She cleared her throat, knowing he didn't hear what she muttered. Or did he?
Nonetheless, she voiced out her response. "I thought you were asleep or something?"
"I left earlier for the gym."
Gym? Her face scrunched up. That early in the morning? Where did he get the energy for that? Blinking, she offered him a onceover, and true to his words, he indeed looks like someone who's from the gym. See, her look was supposed be a five seconds thing, just a glance and nothing more.
But of course, her book infested brain had her staring for much longer without even realizing it. He had on raven Oscar Bonded joggers and a tight fitting sleeveless top that clung onto him like a second skin—leaving his veiny and slightly glistening arms on display for everyone's eyes.
Wait, did he go out like that? Were there women at the gym because if there were, she's certain they ogled.
Why is he wearing something that will attract other women's attention? Just why?
Her brows squished together, lips slanting into a slight frown as she went on to think of scenarios that may or may not be true. She didn't even realize she has zoned out, not until fingers snapped in front of her—pulling her out of the trance.
"You're staring." Asad stated, though from his tone she could tell he wanted to add something. He didn't.
This is the part where's supposed to keep her lips sealed and just avoid going down that lane. But no, she didn't do that. Her impulsive side blurted a response without giving it much thought. "I'm sure the women at the gym were too." She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and instead, focused on glaring at that shirt as if it offended her.
In a way, it did.
Why couldn't it be baggy? More less, why couldn't he just wear a hoodie? So what if he's working out? He should wear it, cover himself, and sweat through the whole session if he has to. That would be better than wearing something that would have, possibly have the female population ogling at him.
Damn him too for looking fit.
Better yet, why couldn't be ectomorph--lanky and resemble a stick instead? Not that he's endomorph, looking stocky with a bouncer's sort of body. But, he'll fall under mesomorph—with well-defined muscles that now show due to that shirt he's wearing—which she detests by the way—and sturdy frame.
"Wait," He rose a hand slightly, feigning seriousness. "Do you smell that?"
Her eyes narrowed even more if possible, "Smell what?" She crossed her hands over her torso, one leg stretched forward slightly as she rested her weight on the other.
"Someone's jealously."
She let out a small huff, looking away for a second. "Narcissism at its peak." She mumbled. Of course he'd think she's jealous. But, she's not. She's just stating facts here. He shouldn't wear anything that would attract women's attention. It's as easy as that. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Yup, definitely the smell of jealousy." This time around, he didn't bother to hide his amusement. Who knew Yasmeen could be the jealous type?
Deciding she's had enough of him, she whipped her head around to look at him, her chin jutted. "No, that's just you. You reek, dude. You need a shower."
"Thanks for stating the obvious, Captain." He retorted. "Oh, sorry. Mrs. Captain."
Yasmeen sighed, shaking her head in the process. She can't deal with him at seven in the morning. Not with Tauhida waiting for her in the lobby. So, she decided to change the topic instead of spending eternity there arguing. "Tauhida is waiting for me, we're heading out now."
His playful expression vanished, as he nodded. "Okay. Try to not cause any trouble."
"Okay, Grandpa." As long as he'll keep lecturing her, his name would be grandpa. You can't convince her otherwise.
He doesn't seem to like it though, because he narrowed his eyes at her slightly. "Stop calling me that."
Her lips stretched into a sly smile. She'd still call him that, even if it's in her head. But, for the sake of not arguing, she'd let him be. "Okay, Bros."
"That too." He found it to be annoying in the beginning, and it still is. By fire by force, this girl has turned him to bros. What is this again please?
Her smile morphed into a grin. "No can do for that." He'll always be bros. That, he can't take away from her no matter what. Before he could say or do anything to change her mind, she was quick to wave at him. "I'll get going now. Byeee!" She side stepped him, and made a quick move to leave.
Still slightly annoyed, he couldn't help but voice out. "Take care."
"In shaa Allah!" And with her screaming by response by the door, she slipped out and disappeared.
School was stressful to say the least, especially since she doesn't know anyone there. Tauhida was helpful in the beginning, but since they don't offer the same course, she had to leave for her classes leaving Yasmeen to fend for herself.
It wasn't exactly easy, but she managed to get through the day. And after three boring lectures, they were finally done for the day. She had to go back home alone, since Tauhida said she has something to do. That left Yasmeen to take the same bus they took earlier, and when they reached their stop, she trekked back to their building.
Thankfully, their apartment isn't that far from Aston University—which she attends. And she has managed to return without getting lost. On reaching their floor, she lazily dragged herself to the apartment and inserted the pin Asad told her. Supposedly, it's Farrah's birthday.
She should've known that will be it. The love he has for his daughter is honestly too beautiful.
Nonetheless, as the door pinged, she pushed it open and stepped in with a salaam. Truth be told, she expected to see him at home because she spotted his car in the parking lot. However, the apartment was quiet.
She didn't give much thought to it, since all she wanted to do was get a shower and sleep to gain back what she lost earlier. Oh God she has forgotten how much she hated waking up in the morning for school.
On reaching her room, she stepped in with a salaam. Slinging the tote bag on the hanging egg chair by the side of the bed, she removed her hijab. In the process, her gaze fell on what's on the bedside drawer.
She doesn't remember keeping anything there, but now, there is.
With brows drawn in, she kept the veil aside and made her way towards it. Her eyes widened the minute her gaze fell on what's there. Books. Not just one, not two, but about eight—all of which is from her favorite authors. There was even a copy of It Starts With Us by Collen Hoover.
She didn't hold back her squeal, too excited to care how ridiculous she looks cradling the books to her bosom like a baby and jumping on her feet. Shuffling through them, her gaze fell on a copy of a book she didn't think she'd get any time soon.
'C'est La Vie.'
The name was there, boldly in a cursive font. The very same book she lost in his car. Though, as she flicked the first page, she saw something that nearly had her heart stopping at that moment.
A signature.
A signed copy from the author!
At that point, she was full on screaming. Call her crazy, but getting a signed copy from that author has always been her lifelong dream, and there it is. It almost feels surreal.
Forget that exhaustion from school, it has worn off.
When she was finally down from her high, she noticed a note she didn't realize had fallen on the floor. Crouching low, she picked it up—her eyes instantly taking the message of the handwritten note.
'Had to leave for work early. Thought I'd get you something to keep you company in the meantime.
Don't ruin our apartment please.
Don't infect my sister with your craziness either.
Oh, and, study!
By the time she was done reading it, she had this face splitting grin masking her features. She wasn't sad he's gone. In fact, she has been looking forward to it. But, for him to get her favorite books before leaving? Who thought Asad would be the one buying her novels now? And getting a signed copy too! How he did that? She has no idea.
It couldn't have been easy.
But, at the same time, it made her heart flutter. The gesture was too sweet to not acknowledge. Unconsciously, she caressed the note—her grin never wavering. Oh, she is so keeping this note. It'll lift her mood when the need arises.
Her thoughts came to a halt when she heard the doorbell ring. Her brows drew in, wondering who it could be when she remembered Tauhida is supposed to be here. Dropping the note on the books, she was quick to walk out to open the door for the woman.
On doing so though, instead of seeing Tauhida, her gaze fell on the last person she expected to see there at that moment.
I'm honestly not feeling good today, so I don't have much to say for AN.
I hope yall are in good health. I'm honestly not, but we move. Include me in your prayers please. This suffering can't be normal.
I had to cut this chapter short seff because I couldn't write today. Thankfully, I wrote this last night.
Yasmeen, you jelly? It seemed like it. And Asad with book shopping? Urgh, husband material. This one when you actually fall in love, we go fall hard too gaskiya.
Remember in my first AN (the first AN and aesthetics chapter I posted), I said I wanted this book to be simple. Somehow, as I was cooking, one mad crazy plot twist landed in my brain with zero warnings.
Safe to say, this book will no longer be simple again. Well, up until we reach a certain point. All i can say is, akwai hauka da aiki a gaba because dudeeee, I'm even scared to add that plot twist.
NONE OF YOU WILL SEE IT COMING. Trust me and my plot twists. Blame Iyalawo, she's increasing my wickedness.
Sha, I have nothing else to say. Again, please include me in your prayers.
Stay safe.
Love, Jannah Mia.
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