26; C'est La Vie.


"Just thought you should know, Zoya will be working with us starting next week."

Asad hummed, not giving a reply that would show he cares. In all honesty, he wouldn't care if not that he knows Zoya well. Why would she choose to work where he is? He would take it as a coincidence or preference but there's never anything of such when it comes to her.

Not to mention, considering the way she acted a little over a week ago, she definitely moved there intentionally.

He sighed at the thought of what drama will come up. All he wants is some peace but that is proving to be difficult.

"—I picked her up from the airport earlier." Imam went on to explain through the call. If it was anyone else, he wouldn't other informing him but this is Zoya, Asad ought to know.

"And why are you telling me this again?" Asad questioned, pausing his action of fetching a cup Earl Grey for himself. He wasn't exactly hungry since they'd eaten before they left Nana's place, but he had this thing for taking it every night—it's more like an addiction of some sort.

"Because the last thing I need is you two making things awkward." Imam deadpanned, acting like the mature one that he feigns to be—well, on most cases he truly is. "You two are adults, why don't you just put the past behind you and keep this animosity aside?"

He doesn't know what happened between them aside from the basics, and although he's curious, he never asked. He wouldn't want to intervene on a seemingly personal matter.

But, on another note, he'd much rather have them keep that hatred aside. He isn't asking for them to get along and be the best of buddies, but at least be able to tolerate each other's presence since they will be working together.

In this case, the problem is Asad—since Zoya is still clinging onto him—holding up the innocent façade around Imam so she could gain his pity by taking advantage of their closeness.

Asad drummed his fingers on the counter, his expression hardening. He doesn't exactly love Zoya anymore, and he doesn't hate her. Actually no, she has done something unforgiveable. And, the rational part of him knows he shouldn't pin it on her but he needs someone to blame—her.

At the same time, he's still a bit worried about her. She may act out of place and like the wickedest person in the world, but better than anyone he understands her.

Deciding to keep his mind clear and not say anything bad against Imam since he knows the man is only trying to help, he flicked his eyes close for a brief moment. "Trust me, it's better to keep my distance." He eventually voiced out with another sigh, his shoulders slumping and his voice low.

He wasn't certain if Yasmeen is asleep or not, but he'd rather not have her hear him talking about another woman—even if it's not in a romantic way. He respects her that much, despite not having romantic feelings for her either.

"Because of your wife?"

"Because it's the right thing to do."

It didn't take long for Imam to relent. The man's sigh came from the other end. "Alright. In that case, I'll try to keep her away from you two." He might be unaware of the cause of their action, but he isn't stupid enough to see Zoya's still interested—and he doesn't support that despite him having a soft spot for her. "At work though, I can't do that."

"It's okay." Asad didn't expect him too. And besides, he can handle himself well enough when it comes to her. "Let's talk tomorrow."

"Alright. My regards to Mrs. Captain."

"Your regards aren't going anywhere." Not giving the man at the other end to either laugh or tease him regarding what he said, Asad was quick to end the call and then unplugging the air pods he had on to answer the call.

What? Does Imam expect him to say, "Oh, hey Yasmeen. My friend Imam sends his regards." If it was anyone else, he wouldn't give much care to it but this is Imam—yet another pilot.

What will happen if she sees him in a uniform? Just last night she expressed her love for men in uniform and then he should aid whatever this is? No, no way. Everyone should stay in their lane please.

In the midst of his slight jealousy infused thoughts, he didn't hear the footsteps approaching him—until he suddenly saw a figure beside him—a bit too close for his liking. Not expecting the presence, he instantly jerked back, the air pods in his hand dropping on the floor as he stared at her with wide eyes.

Yasmeen blinked innocently, with lips slightly puckered. She would've laughed had she intended on scaring him but she didn't—at least not at that exact moment. She was simply curious as to why he seemed lost in his thoughts so she approached him. It's not her fault he's a scaredy cat.

Asad on the other hand has his heart racing slightly from the sudden rush of adrenalin. His slightly wide eyes took in her appearance from head to toe, and then a brow quirked as he tried to calm his breathing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She apologized halfheartedly, as she leaned down to pick up the device he dropped on the floor. When she got it, she stood up and extended her hand out for him to take it, her lips stretched into a small grin.

His head tilted slightly, and almost warily, he took the airpods from her before giving her a look as if she'd grown two heads. "Seriously though, do you always look like that?" Yesterday's look was funny—it took a lot from him to not laugh out loud.

Actually, he did laugh when she bolted to her room as if being chased.

Today though, it's another issue entirely.

He couldn't exactly tell what she's wearing, since she's covered from head to toe in a pearl white hijab that seems to not have the slightest stain on it. And her face was completely covered with a black night face mask of some sort. The only place that wasn't covered were her lips and eyes, but other than that, her face is as black as a charcoal.

She could pass for a ghost straight out of a horror movie with the white hijab and black face mask. At the point, she should seriously consider auditioning for one. She has the smile of a horror doll and can dress like one too apparently.

Instead of feeling embarrassed, her grin widened—showing her straight oyster teeth on display. "What? Is your heart racing?" She wiggled her brows slightly, her grin reaching her ears like those people in the movie, Truth or Dare. Her eyes were dilated, and mischievousness danced in it.

Here's the thing. After nearly being sent to a hospital as a result of heart attack due to the elevator scene, she came to a conclusion that she can't beat him in this game of flirting—not when he has Iyalawo working for him.

And that was when she realized she was doing it all wrong. Flirting isn't her area of expertise—despite the countless romance books she's read, she doesn't have the confidence for that.

So, she decided to beat them in their own game. She decided to be a local witch too—Iyalawo: Yasmeen in Birmingham version.

If he would make her heart race because of his flirting and whatnot, then she would do stuff that would scare him and make his heart race for that reason. He said she's crazy before right? Well, she'll show him to extent to which he'd reconsider his decision to marry her.

Hence, the long Hijab that covered her feet and the back face mask—the look of a ghost—or maybe a crazy woman. Either way, she's good.

Her logic is, if he understands she's too crazy, then he'd stop with the flirting and her poor heart can rest.

And boy is she getting to him. Because despite her crazy appearance, the grin she's holding up, a look that definitely made him question her sanity, he still wanted to chuckle slightly because she looks...cute?

For a few seconds, he didn't say a thing. He simply stared at her, blinking repeatedly as if trying to calm his breathing when in reality, his heart was beating a bit more than usual—and not because he's scared.

Unaware of the change in him, she chuckled slightly and turned around, rounding the kitchen island and making her way to the refrigerator to pick up something to snack on. "Get used to seeing me like this, bros." She looked over her shoulder, using a finger to gesture to the floor length hijab, "—and yes, this is how I always look."

In the books she's read, this is the part where the women usually dress in whatever skimpy outfit their best friend sneaked into their luggage to their husband's house. Yasmeen on the other hand made sure none of that happened.

She didn't take the luggage prepared by Nusaiba and Amina. She's not stupid—they'd slip something that would give her a heart attack so she made another one and took it—leaving the other one in his room back at home, tucked aside in the corner of the closet.

Now that she knows how he is, bringing that would've been a suicide mission—and she is not fit for that.

Still grinning at the stupefied look he spots, she chuckled again and turned her attention back to the refrigerator—going through the numerous content for something to eat.

Her chuckle though was what snapped him out of the slight trance. Did he hear what she just said? Nope, not one bit. He was too focused on how she looked—a bit scary, and crazy no doubt but still, cute.

As if he thought of an abomination, he was quick to shake his head and throw the word 'cute' out the window of whatever plane he's on. He didn't even know why he told her she's cute earlier—and now, why does he think she's cute again?

'Comrade, focus.' His inner voice chanted, and that seemingly worked.

Getting a hold of himself, he took a step towards the counter again and picked up the slightly cold tea. He shook his head—he'll still take it like that though so it won't go to waste.

Having rummaged through the fridge, Yasmeen spotted a slice of chocolate cake ganache—it looks like the one she saw him eating the night before. Her hand reached out to pick it up, and with it in her hold, she turned to look at him though his gaze was fixed on the tea.

"Hey, can I have this?"

Asad didn't want to look up, not wanting to risk thinking of things he shouldn't be. But she's asking a question and he can't just ignore it. Looking up for a brief second, his gaze fell on the cake before he was quick to snap it back to the tea. "Yeah, sure, whatever." He said dismissively, his tone low.

Yasmeen's grin widened if that was possible. "Great!" She closed the fridge, and then turned around to take her leave. However, when she reached the exit, she turned on her heels and looked at him again. "Hey, when are you leaving again?"

Asad's eyes flicked close. He honestly wished she would just quietly trudge out so he won't let his thoughts astray. But no, she doesn't want to. Taking in a deep breath, he yawed his expression blank before he looked at her. "What? Are you missing me already?" He rose a brow only slightly.

An instant scoff came from her. "You wish." She uttered earnestly. "I was just wondering how long I have to keep up with you before I have the apartment to myself."

He shook his head slightly, his gaze moving from her back to nothing in particular. "Tomorrow night." He only had the weekend off that week, and since it's Sunday, he'll be leaving the next day.

"And how long will you be gone for?" Of course she's hoping he'd be gone for long for the sake of her heart. She'd need some time to herself without him around.

Bringing the cup to his lips, he took a couple of sips and a few seconds later, when she thought he wouldn't answer, he did. "Four...five days at most?" Since he became the Captain, he had long haul flights so coming home isn't much of an option. Of course, he gets long days off at times but he just returned from his vacation, he will need to work for a while.

"Masha Allah." She didn't bother to keep her voice down. Four or five days without him? That would be a dream come true. "If you need to stay longer, don't worry, just take all the time you need, okay? I'll try to remember you exist every once in five days."

Unable to still look away, he turned around to look at her completely, whilst taking a seat on the stool there. With eyes narrowed warily, he couldn't help but ask. "Are you trying to be a supportive wife, or are you just hoping to send me away?" Of course, he knows it's the latter.

"Both?" She shrugged, though they both know the answer. Feigning the look of solemnity, she added. "Just focus on your work, okay? That's all that matters. I will alright here, enjoying this apartment all to myself without your presence."

Asad would've been offended, if not that he'll need days away from her too. But, that will mean less days with her and more with Zoya, and he certainly isn't looking forward to that. Not wanting to dwell on that, he decided to change the topic. "That aside, I forgot to mention this earlier, but you'd start attending school tomorrow. Tauhida attends Aston too, so, she'd show you around. You have her number, right?"

Yasmeen nodded. She had discussed it with the woman earlier and they even exchanged contact, with Tauhida promising to drop by early so they could leave together.

Seemingly satisfied by the response, he gave her a curt nod before he went on to inquire. "In the meantime, would you be okay alone here? Or do you want me to ask her to stay with you?"

"Would Farrah be coming over too?" She tried her luck.

"No." And he just turned her down without a second thought. "I don't need you infecting my daughter with your craziness." The last thing he wants is to return home and see his daughter dressed like Yasmeen or acting like her. One is enough to handle, thank you.

She pouted, eyes narrowed at him. "Like you said, she's your daughter. I'm certain it's in her genes already." She shrugged slightly, though slightly down that the cute girl won't visit.

Asad on the other hand is relieved to see Yasmeen has taking a liking to Farrah, but it's still too early to have her with them. Yasmeen needs to settle down first with school and all. She can't do that and take care of Farrah too—not when he's not around to help.

"—As for Tauhida, if she doesn't mind." It would be nice to have her around, Yasmeen thoroughly enjoyed her company minus the part where Tauhida is Iyalawo's minion.

"She'll come over then." He concluded. Doesn't matter is she wants to come over or not, he'd order her to, and she'd have no choice to obey. If his woman wants her company, then so be it. "And, do you need anything else?" He repeated, wanting to make sure she has everything just in case—though he's a call away.

But knowing them both, pigs will grow horns before they call each other.

Yasmeen thought about it. Tauhida will be around, so, she doubts she'd need anything again. "Nope, I have all I need plus my novels, I'd be alright."

"What's with you and books again?" He remembered her mentioning something about it when he came to talk about their marriage the other day.

She stared at him as if he just insulted her. With a hand placed where her heart is, she dramatically gasped before uttering. "Books are life! I breathe and live for books."

Yet again, he did that quirking of brow thing though his expression yawed solemnity, nothing less. "I hope you have the passion for your studies." Girls, and their book obsession. He knows because of Tauhida. They love novels, but not school work.

Yasmeen frowned deeply, eyes slightly narrowed. "Geez, grandpa. Please don't lecture me on studies." Anything but that, she can't take. She didn't leave her parent's house to have someone lecture her in her new house.

He gave her a stern look. "You will focus on your studies, Yasmeen. I mean it." And of course, he just ignored her whining. Jokes aside though, he promised to take care of her and that includes doing what's necessary. She should get that degree, then do whatever she wants.

If she wants to further her studies, work, or whatever, he'll support it.

She gave him a deadpanned look, already making up her mind that this man won't let her rest. A definite African parent in the making—already worried about studies. She nodded, though the thought of school dampened her mood slightly. She's already pre-stressed about the stress she'll go through.

"Words, Yasmeen." Today it wasn't 'baby' again, because he isn't joking.

She was so close to glaring at him, but, she held herself back. "Fine, I'll study." She also bit her tongue to stop her from adding the word 'grandpa' because he's acting like one.

Seemingly satisfied, he nodded and went on to drink his now cold tea. It honestly isn't good again but he doesn't want to waste it.

Yasmeen turned to quietly slip out before she could get lectured again, but then something crossed her mind again, making her stop and turn around. "Hey, remember the second time we met? I accidentally dropped my book in your car. Did you perhaps see it?"

Asad's brows furrowed. "No..." He doesn't remember what happened after their encounter—well, he remembers Zoya's visit but nothing about a book. "...what's the name?" He would call home and ask, because if he right, he had the car washed after he returned.

"C'est La Vie."


I had so much fun writing this chapter last night. I don't think I've ever had a couple like Asad and Yasmeen before. They are giving Business Proposal vibes.

Asad, I wee miss you small if you leave and you Yasmeen, stop celebrating o. You have no idea what's about to hit you. Tam, I've said my own. Don't come and say Jannah is wicked later.

On another note, TAG PEOPLE IN THE COMMENT SECTION! I'm certain you must know at least one person on this app, tag them!! Let's hit 20k sharp sharp like this.

You remember that comment part yeah? COMMENT!

Iyalawo has offered me a job in her agency, I go take it since una no wan the update again. Na local witch I wan be now. Vayolence kawai, left and right.

Question of za day, which one of my books did you read first and which is your favorite?

By the looks of it, this will be my last book this year. Sha, I don try. Five books no be joke. Do am if e easy (Yes, hayyam choosing vayolence. Blame Iyalawo.).

Sha, dazzal for today's AN.

I'll see yall in a week or two, sha e depends on comments. But well, I'll see you whenever. I'm shirious.

Stay safe and take cold Pepsi.

Love, Jannah.

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