25; La Vida Yas.
Comment gang, how far? Shey I should carry my slippers and go? You don't want the update again abi?
Not edited.
"So, what's up with you and Yaya, huh?" Tauhida inquired, with a slight wiggle of her brows and lips stretched into a seemingly teasing grin.
Yasmeen pressed her lips together, eyes warily staring at the woman beside her looking like an excited kid about to be given candy. If there's one thing she learnt about Tauhida in the past hours that they've been together is how childish she is, despite being a year older.
Yasmeen's best guess is she's either pampered by her family or that's just how she is. She isn't bratty or anything, just too childish for her own good. And judging from how Nan treats her, she sure spoilt the girl alright.
She then held back a chuckle, to avoid caving into whatever crazy thoughts the girl has in mind. "What...what do you mean?"
Tauhida blew out an exaggerated breath, before she went on to repeat. "I mean, what is up with you two?" She rose a slight brow. "What's with the lovey dovey act of yours?"
Yasmeen's eyes widened slightly. She moved her gaze from Tauhida, to where Asad stood with Nana a couple of feet away bidding his farewell. Farrah is already asleep in her room—the little girl is energetic without a doubt but she has worn herself out about an hour ago.
The sun was down, and the sky was dark. Without realizing it, they've spent half their day there, and now, it was time for them to leave. Yasmeen almost pleaded with Asad to let her stay there, she would much rather stay with Tauhida than go back to their apartment with him.
But she decided against it because for some reason, she knew he wouldn't agree. Not to mention, she doubts she would last long with Nana. The woman tried to be welcoming but something is off about her. Yasmeen isn't stupid, she noted that as the hours went by so she didn't press her luck.
Blinking repeatedly, she then casted her gaze on Tauhida again, lips slanted into a frown and brows squished together. "You noticed that?" She honestly didn't think they'd notice. Asad played his role of a loving husband throughout and she on the other hand, played the shy bride around him.
On her side though, it wasn't much of an act. Everything he does, despite knowing it's an act still gets to her and of course, it has to be Iyalawo's work. The woman's charms are starting to become stronger and Yasmeen is not liking it one bit.
"Of course I did, and I'm sure Nana did too."
"Oh My God" Yasmeen mumbled, burying her face in between her palms. She wasn't that worried about Tauhida finding out, but Nana? Could that be the reason why the woman seemed off? She couldn't help but wonder.
And for as far as she knows, she's been doing her best around the woman. She has been acting accordingly and was careful to not do anything that would get her on the older woman's bad side. But, it appears it didn't work much.
A slight chuckle came from Tauhida, who genuinely took a liking to Yasmeen. Of all the women she'd ever seen Asad with, not that there's much, Yasmeen is her favorite. She's more outgoing and lively than the others. Who wouldn't like her?
"You easily get flustered by him though." She voiced out what she has noted. Despite knowing it's all an act, she could see Yasmeen genuinely gets flustered by his words and act. And as for Asad on the other hand, she knows him well enough to tell he does it intentionally—he could see the effect he has on his wife, and the man is liking it way more than he should. "Are you sure you two aren't really in love?"
"What?" Yasmeen was quick to flick her head up, and narrow her eyes at Tauhida slightly. "No, no, no." That shouldn't even be a possibility. She isn't stupid—she'd know if she's in love with Asad and she's certain she isn't.
Sure, she'd admit he does things that gets to her. But, even then it's her village people after her, and she can't win against Iyalawo. The woman is superior here—there's no one like her.
But, on a serious note, she's certain she doesn't have feelings for him that way. Admiration for the way he loves his daughter? Yes. But romantic feelings? Nah.
Tauhida stared at her for a few seconds, gauging her expression closely to see if Yasmeen is lying to herself. After a little while, she nodded—convinced by the woman's words. She's good at reading people when it comes to this, so she could tell Yasmeen is telling the truth.
Sighing, she tucked her hands in the back pocket of her pants, then threw a glance at Asad before staring at his wife again. "Let me give you a piece of advice then. I know Yaya well enough to tell he knows he has an effect on you." It seems like Yasmeen isn't aware of that fact.
Yasmeen let out a slight scoff as she dropped her hands by the side. She should've known the man is aware of that. "You know your brother well." She comments drily, as she's making a mental note to put her guards up and not allow Iyalawo's work to influence her again.
Poor her having to live through that. She wouldn't take it again.
Tauhida smiled softly, parting her lips to blow out a low breath. "We're cousins, actually." She explained, her eyes fixed on Yasmeen.
The latter's eyes dilated only slightly. When she first met Tauhida, she was still a bit wary of her relationship with Asad. She clearly is aware that he's an only child, but then all of the sudden Tauhida is his sister? She wondered how it could be possible.
But, as the hours passed and as she saw them interact, she honestly believed they're real siblings. They bicker just like siblings do—though she finds it comical. Now that she knows they're actually cousins though...she doesn't see much difference.
"—My parents passed away when I was young, so Nana and our grandfather took me. At a certain stage in Yaya's life, he stayed with her too so I guess you can say she's more of a mother to us than a grandmother." There was something gloomy about Tauhida's tone that took Yasmeen by surprise. The woman has been cheery and all. Seeing her that way just felt weird.
But at the same time, Yasmeen could only guess it's because she's talking about her late parents. She doesn't know what losing a parent feels like, but she knows it'll be difficult.
And what is that about Asad? She couldn't help but wonder. What happened to him that he had to stay with his grandmother?
Tauhida didn't elaborate, because she doesn't want to talk about her past again and as for Asad, she knew it isn't her place to tell. Despite the interaction between he and Yasmeen, she doubts he has told her about stage in his life. Does he even know what truly happened? Even she doesn't, and no one talks about it.
But, she once overheard the elders talking about it, though she can't remember the words exactly. Judging from how Asad acts, she doubts he remembers too.
Only the elders too. They know everything. And they too, are another topic entirely.
Taking in a deep breath, Tauhida blinked and tried to push those thoughts away. She wouldn't drag herself into that abyss. There's way too many questions that she doubts she would get the answers any time soon.
So, tucking it away safely in the box containing her memories, she offered Yasmeen who seemed a bit lost a small smile. "You okay there?"
That seemed to do the trick, because Yasmeen snapped out of it. She hummed, eyes fixed on the woman. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" She was too caught up wondering what is there about Asad that she doesn't know. No doubt, there's a lot and for the first time since she met him, she found herself wanting answers.
Tauhida wanted to tease Yasmeen, because she could only guess Yasmeen was lost thinking about Asad. But, she believes the woman has been flustered enough already the said man so she changed the topic. "About Yaya..." Her smile widened slightly. "...treat him the way he treats you."
"The way he treats me?"
"Yup" She nodded. "Tit for tat."
Yasmeen's head tilted to the side slightly, not in the least understanding what Tauhida meant. In a way, she understands but in another, she doesn't. What is she supposed to do again?
Tauhida noticed the confusion marring Yasmeen's features, so, she chose to explain further. "Don't you think he does whatever he wants because he knows the effect he has on you? What about you? Don't you want to know whether you have the same effect, hmm?" She knows he does, if not why would he bother to act that way with Yasmeen if he doesn't. "Why should be the only one teasing you?"
Like she said before, she knows her brother well. He can try to hide it, but he has obviously taken an interest in Yasmeen. He doesn't love her, but he's interested.
But, it appears Yasmeen is unaware so she'll give her the little push she needs.
Yasmeen on the other hand found herself frowning deeply with brows drawn in. Why didn't she think of that? Well, in a way, she knows way. She never, not for one second wondered how he sees her and how he feels because she knows there's nothing.
When did they start getting along to begin with? Was it not a little over a week ago?
So, she doesn't expect anything from him.
However, why didn't she think of paying him back in the way he treats her? Why should she be the only one influenced by Iyalawo's works? Shouldn't he be affected too? It's only fair that way.
Yeah, she definitely should take Tauhida's advice. It's only right.
As if making up her mind, her lips stretched into a small smile, one that shows she's clearly cooking up something wicked in her mind. But, it came to an end quickly, because she looked up and blinked. "How though?" When he does it, it seems so normal. Her on the other hand...she can't even see herself doing anything of such.
Tauhida shrugged, lips puckered slightly. "How should I know? I'm not married." She can only give her an advice, it's not like she's married and knows every experience. If anything, she would come to the said woman when she does get married for some advice like that.
Yasmeen sighed, her shoulders slumping. She should've known Tauhida wouldn't give her the answer to everything. It's okay though. It's good enough she's been given a hint on what she will do though.
She didn't give it much thought before, but this is her life now. She will spend the rest of her life with this man, she can't risk dying of heart attack before she gets old right? She should give him one too.
After all, she is Yasmeen Khalid. She doesn't back down. She wouldn't now especially not against this man.
"You ready?" A presence beside her snapped her out of her trance.
Turning around slightly, she was slightly taken back to see the said man standing beside her. When did he reach there? She has no idea. Did he hear her conversation with Tauhida? She wondered. She could tell soon enough though that he's clueless, and that relieved her.
Her lips stretched into a small, seemingly innocent smile that he didn't give much thought to. "Yes". She nodded, masking her features well before he could tell something is going on in that head of hers.
Thankfully, he didn't notice it. And as such, the two bid Nana and Tauhida farewell one last time before they left. Throughout the drive, Yasmeen kept her gaze outside, watching the beautiful city—or more like pretending to be doing that. No words were exchanged between them, since it seemed they are both caught up with something.
Yasmeen was thinking of Tauhida's words and what she can do. Nothing comes to mind though—whatever crosses her mind, she was quick to cross it out. She wants to take control of her life, and to do that, she will need to handle Asad first.
That is proving to be difficult. She wracked her brain, thinking back to every book she has ever read before. What would the characters do?
She came to a conclusion that everything was beyond her. She wondered how those characters gain confidence to do the things they did because...it cannot be her.
Her thoughts came to a halt the same time with the car. Blinking, she looked around only to realize they've reached their destination. Her head was aching slightly from exhaustion, and from thinking so hard.
Quietly, she slipped out of the car the same time he did. And with the car locked, they made their way towards the elevator that would take them to their floor. She intended to keep her lips sealed throughout the short journey, but something crossed her mind and she just had to voice it out.
Wrapping her arms around herself, she turned around to face him. "When do Farrah usually visit?" It crossed her mind earlier, but her conversation with Tauhida came up so she forgot about it as her mind was occupied. Now that it came back though, she couldn't help it.
"When I'm home." He answered simply, slipping his phone into the pocket of his pants. "Would've taken her with me today, but," He turned his head to look at her, his eyes lazily meeting hers. "We're married."
"So, I'd rather she stays with Nana for now." He didn't elaborate, because the last place he wants to have such conversation is an elevator—despite them being the only ones there.
Yasmeen blew out a small, barely visible breath as her head tilted to the side slightly. "When will she come over then?" She would much rather have the little girl around—that's the only solution that crossed her mind. Obviously, he'd spare her the heart stopping teasing if his daughter is around, right?
Asad pretended to think, his eyes leaving hers and brows drawing in even though he knew the answer already. When he found the right answer, his expression yawed blank and he looked at her again, though his brow arched only slightly. "When we have a kid already?" Obviously, that isn't his real answer but he couldn't help it
He loves to tease her.
And he hit the spot, because her eyes dilated almost immediately. And of course, her heart had to go on a marathon again. At this point, her heart could compete in the Olympics and win when it comes to running.
She could feel the blood rushing to her cheek, and under normal circumstances, this is the part where she shuts her mouth and avoid making any further comment that would lead to something she has no intention of finishing.
But, then Tauhida's words crossed her mind. And without giving it much thought, she voiced out her reply. "So..." She dragged the word, masking her flustered expression with a seemingly confident one. "...soon?"
Not expecting that reply, Asad didn't bother to hide his taken aback expression. Amusement instantly took over his features, as he arched a brow. Did she just say that? He couldn't help but wonder because the Yasmeen from yesterday would take that as her chance to run away.
But this Yasmeen is actually...daring?
Two can play the game then. She tends to forget he's the one person that matches up to her energy, and vice versa.
Tucking away that amused expression, he feigned solemnity. "Depends on you actually."
"I don't mind." Shut the hell up Yasmeen! Her subconsciousness screamed, knowing she's bound to start something she cannot finish. But no, she just had to hold up her daring demeanor as if she wasn't shaking like a leaf internally.
See, this is what she means by this isn't her thing. Her expression didn't give her shakiness away though.
Wanting to see the extent to which she will take this game of hers, Asad took a step closer to her, then another. His eyes never left hers, not wanting to miss a single reaction of hers that would add to amusement. He only came to a stop once he was standing right in front of her, and then he extended his hand to tap the button that would stop the elevator.
When it came to a halt with a soft jerk, Yasmeen's eyes instantly widened. Forget that tough woman act, what is this again? No, she didn't sign up for this. Turning around slightly, she took in a shaky breath and then looked at him again—now looking like a deer caught in headlights.
Asad was honestly so close to laughing his heart out at her expression. If he wasn't on a mission to push her buttons, he would've taken a picture to capture the moment. Or maybe, he should?
Holding back his smile, he held up a blank look and then leaned down to her height, so his face was close to hers. His eyes glanced from her eyes, to her every facial feature as if memorizing it all. And lastly, her lips.
Instinctively, Yasmeen took a step back—already thinking of ways to escape. Her sharp mouth that doesn't know how to keep quiet landed her in this situation, but now she's stuck.
On God.
This is Tauhida's fault. That woman has to be Iyalawo's minion or assistant.
Her heart was beating so loudly that if she's told he could hear it, she wouldn't argue. She began to chant all sorts of prayers in her head, as if that would help her escape.
Asad on the other hand was finding it hard to hold his laughter. He's sure if she could she her expression, she would laugh too. Nonetheless, he took another step closer and it was like her feet were stuck, because she couldn't take another step back.
She clenched her eyes shut, already making up her mind that she would die of heart attack then. Her heart would soon jump out, and no doctor can put it back.
Leaning to her ear, Asad whispered. "You're cute." He then pulled back, taking a few steps away. Pulling out his phone hastily, he was quick to take a picture of her before his lips stretched into a grin, seeing the way it turned out. Oh, he is so keeping this picture safe.
It would be useful for when he needs a laugh.
The sound of his chuckle reached her ears, and then she found herself flicking her eyes open only to release a breath of relief, realizing he's no longer so close. Subhan Allahi her poor heart almost stopped working. Placing her hand where it is, she tried to take deep breath to calm it. And once she had her emotions in check, she looked at his with lips slightly puckered.
Tucking his phone away so she won't realize what she did, he offered her a small smile before voicing out. "Don't try what you can't finish, baby." What's with the 'baby' thing, don't ask.
Extending his hand out, he tapped the button that would enable the elevator to move again. The doors dinged opened almost immediately, signifying their arrival at their floor. Wordlessly, he moseyed his way out as if he didn't nearly give someone's daughter a heart attack.
Left alone in the elevator, Yasmeen released a deep breath—her eyes wide as saucers. It's official, she can't win against him in this.
Mommy don't know daddy's getting hot, at the body shop, doing something... Random fact, I didn't like this song before but Tiktok made me know it by force.
*Iyalawo taking over and singing Unholy* Yes, Iyalawo na up to date witch that spends most of her time on tiktok.
Anywaysss, Asad dai ya dage sai ya kashe yar mutane. Ah ah! Dude, let her rest now.
Hajjaju Iyalawo tawa, your work is going well amma cut soap for my girl now. Kun sata a agaba. Kekuma Yasmeen don't let Iyalawo get to you all the time, put your big girl slippers, those new ones I got for you daga kauye, and turn the tables around.
Drop commentsssss, you know the drill, right? Because like this I'm trying to update as much as I can in case I need to disappear. But, no comments mean I should go and help Iyalawo do her witchcraft and leave this writing aside.
Oh, and this one that you people love my ANs like this, I deserve small award o. This one na premium content. *Flips hair back*
*Iyalawo slaps the back of my head to snap sense into me*
*Glares at the old woman discreetly* Mata da shegen cin zali, haba!
*Chapter ends with me and Iyalawo taking a picture together except she is hugging the wall while I am looking at her in hembarasment*
Love, Jannah and Iyalawo. (She made me add her name by force.)
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