24; Looming Danger.
Fatima Gidado—the eldest in the Gidado household and widely known as Nana is a woman in her early seventies. You could tell she's much older from a glance at her petite figure—though she has this beautiful skin that one can only say Masha Allah and nothing less.
Of course, it doesn't hide most of the wrinkles, but for someone that old, she looks a lot better than most—minus the shortness that makes everyone seem taller than her. Then again, she's always had such a small body since she was younger, so it was nothing new.
She wasn't exactly skinny, and at the same time, she was that chubby. More like in between, with beautiful fair skin and none of the Gidado's Yasmeen has met so far has. Well, minus some of the people during her conveyance but even then, she didn't exactly see them clearly so she can't tell.
She has met Abu though—Asad's father during her stay at the Gidado Residence and the man certainly didn't inherit her fair skin. Perhaps, that's why Asad isn't as light skinned as his grandmother and mother, yet at the same time, he isn't dark skinned like his father.
He has the same skin tone as his daughter, the bonnie light brown skin that he certainly didn't get from either of his parents.
"The first person you looked for was your daughter? Allah sarki ni. So, you don't care about me, right?" Nana's voice came, slicing through Yasmeen's train of thoughts about the family's lineage.
Asad stared at the woman for a few seconds, before shaking his head and turning to Yasmeen. "All the women in my family are dramatic."
'So are you.' She wanted to reply, but held herself back considering they are in the presence of the older woman. Instead, she offered him a small smile and looked down—holding up that shy bride attitude.
He couldn't help but raise a brow slightly, lips slanted upwards in amusement. He finds it amusing whenever she tries to act all shy and whatnot—because he knows that isn't how she is normally. Nonetheless, he held himself back from grinning at the action and instead turned to his grandmother, putting on a mask of solemnity.
"Toh what do you expect daman? I have my daughter and my woman here. I tend to forget about other's existence when they are around." A slight 'ouch' came from him instantly when she swatted his arm hard the minute those words left his lips.
With a slight huff, and an eye roll, Nana voiced out. "Shameless boy kawai." Despite her earlier action, a warm smile took over her features after she said that. "Because you've gotten yourself a wife now, no one would rest again. You're even leaving me, your first wife."
"How can you rest, Nana? I mean, come on—look at my wife!" He turned around to look at Yasmeen, offering her a face splitting grin that she has never seen before. God, she's seeing a lot of firsts from him today. "All I can say is tabarakallah ahsanul khaliqeen. I'm definitely leaving you. Your old husband can have you all to himself, na bar mishi." His grandfather had passed away years back, but he still makes harmless joke like old times.
Nana rose her hand and swat him yet again. Of all her grandkids, Asad is the only one that jokes with her like this since the others all deem her too strict. And truth be told, she is.
What made her have a soft spot for him though? One couldn't really tell. Was it pity because she was with him at his worst? A point that she wouldn't wish anyone to be in? Perhaps. Unless she voices it out though, there's no way of being certain.
This time around, he didn't flinch when she hit him again—not because it didn't hurt or because he's a man. Forget, despite being old, that woman still has enough strength to land a stinging hit. But, he has been subjected to it countless times in his life that you can say he's used to it in a way.
With a warm smile still donning his features, Asad didn't fail to notice their usual bickering has come to an end for the moment. Sporting softened features that imply him being in his utmost calm state, he shifted his weightless gaze to Yasmeen—that smile never disappearing—it was almost blinding.
"Nana, meet my wife; Yasmeen Khalid." A part of him was hoping Farrah who is too distracted playing with his stubble didn't hear what he just said.
She's young, but she picks up things pretty fast. And this isn't how he plans to break the news to her.
Never had she asked for her mother before, not once that he's aware of. He's certain she's seen kids in her school with mothers, and she has realized the absence of one in her life but she didn't voice it.
He'd rather have a conversation with Yasmeen when they leave later to see whether she'd like to assume to role—if she doesn't want to, that's okay. But, he wouldn't create false hope in his daughter without consulting Yasmeen first.
'Communication'. That's one of the things Ama taught him about marriage. You have to communicate with your partner. First hand, he knows how hard that can be but, he doesn't want to make the same mistake now. Obviously though, it's easier said than done.
Luckily, Farrah doesn't seem to have heard what he said because her mind was still on him.
With the introduction made, Yasmeen instinctively took a step closer to him and Nana, her shoulders slumped, and head tilted downwards slightly. "Ina wuni." If they weren't all standing, she would've crouched low and greeted the woman.
She couldn't help it.
Despite of the interaction Asad just had with the woman, there's something about her that made Yasmeen want to behave—and no, it isn't just because she's much older and an important figure in Asad's life. Perhaps, it's that strictness that follows her around, an aura hard to miss.
Blinking a couple of times, Nana yawed her gaze to Yasmeen with a smile. However, that smile was quick to disappear when she fully saw the girl's face. Her brows drew in, and lips slanted into a slight frown. An emotion flicked in her, one that didn't show on her visage.
Pursing her lips, she lowered her brows and tried to regain her earlier demeanor, "Lafiya qalau." Despite how she felt internally, nothing about her voice or expression gave it away. "How are you, Yasmeen?" She inquired in a soothing voice.
Yasmeen, unaware of the change in the older woman like the others there held up a smile. "I'm fine, Alhamdullilah." Despite the placating voice Nana used, Yasmeen still felt like she needed to be up on her toes and behave.
This is why she doesn't like being around adults she doesn't know. They make her conscious of every act of hers—and this woman more than anyone is invoking that feeling in her.
Nana's gaze was probing, watching the young lady with hawkish eyes and taking note of her every action. No, she wasn't doing it because she's vetting the girl to see whether she's good enough for her grandson and great granddaughter.
It's something else.
That face, that posture, and that voice...she could swear she'd seen it before. Where exactly? She couldn't really tell though she has an unsettling feeling about it because she's certain it has something to do with the past—probably the part she wants to never relive for everyone's sake.
She couldn't let them see it though, because she doesn't want questions from anyone until she's certain. She still needs to dig into this.
"Masha Allah." She forced herself to hold up a smile that seemed effortlessly graceful, just like the way she carries herself. "How old are you?" She would ask any necessary question to quench her doubt, though she doubts it's possible this easily.
Yasmeen looked up, not really expecting the answer. Is her age important? Even Asad didn't ask. Not wanting to be caught staring blankly, she was quick to snap out of the slight trance and looked down for a brief second.
Folding her lips in, she took in a deep breath, before releasing it through her mouth and then replying. "I'm twenty, Ma'am."
"Nonsense." Nana uttered the words that are supposed to be in a light tone, though nothing about her posture showed that. "Call me Nana, like everyone else." Unlike when she spoke with Asad, her tone wasn't that playful though she held up a smile that's supposed to make it feel that way. "You are family now."
Is she okay with someone that makes her feel worried being a part of their family? No. She isn't one bit and she doubts she can be until she gets to the root of her worries.
What is it about this Yasmeen Khalid? Why is she having a feeling of déjà vu in the presence of a girl she has never met before?
Does she suspect Yasmeen? Truth be told, yes.
After all, she has never been one to trust easily—especially not when the person makes her feel that way.
'You are family now.' Those words are supposed to be welcoming, as if opening her arms wide and happily accepting the girl in.
But the way she said it, it sounded like a promise. A promise to find out what this unsettling feeling is and finding a way to get rid of it if possible.
Yasmeen on the other hand, totally unaware of what's going on in the older woman's head offered her the widest of grins. Looking up, her eyes met Asad's who gave her a nod, as if to tell her 'everything's okay now'. Would he have said the same thing had he known his grandmother's suspicion?
Probably not.
"What are your intentions with that girl, Asad?"
A bit taken aback by the question, Asad looked up and rested his gaze on his grandmother who had her gaze fixated on the three a bit far ahead. Yasmeen, Tauhida and Farrah and talking about Allah knows what and laughing as they made their way into the house—the three are undoubtedly off to a good start, and Asad couldn't help but worry about his life.
If Yasmeen, Tauhida and Farrah team up, who knows what will become of him?
Of course, he's glad they are getting along but he knows he will undoubtedly suffer. As if they aren't hard enough to handle individually.
He just had to bring someone like Yasmeen into his life to make it more difficult. It would be entertaining though, and he likes the sound of that.
As the three disappeared, and with his thoughts coming to an end, Asad smiled slightly. "What else? We're married already so..." He truly doesn't give much thought to the future.
All he knows is, he made a promise to her parents to keep her safe and treat her well. She's an amanah to him, and he'll be damned to mess it up.
Nana sighed, her shoulders stiff and her facial expression hard. Her gaze is fixed in the direction the girls disappeared too, and her eyes were slightly narrowed. "So, you plan to stay with her forever?"
Parting his lips slightly, he let out a sigh. "I don't know about forever..." He doesn't believe in that. People make it sound like eternity. How long is forever anyway? Till they both die? That could be the next day, or is that forever too? "...but I know we'll work it out." It may take a long time, but he knows they will.
Nana didn't bat an eyelid when he said that, even though she doesn't like the sound of it. "Did you tell her that?" She questioned lowly. "That you are willing to work things out?" She isn't stupid, she knows they aren't in love.
And if she will be honest about the act they've put up the past hour, it's that they are trying so hard it's obvious.
A slight scoff came from Asad, though there's nothing malicious about it. "Nana kenan" He mumbled. "If I tell this girl I'm willing to make this work, I won't hear the end of it." As of that moment, he knows telling her isn't an option.
She would turn it down and make fun of him. That's the kind of person she is.
"Then why are you putting effort then?" He turned her head to look at him. "I know you don't have feelings for her."
The minute those words left her lips, he found himself smiling. Oh, he knows that more than anyone—he knows she wouldn't buy any of this charade and that she never thought so from the beginning.
You could say he did it intentionally for another person.
It's more fun to see her reaction that way. How would she be if she pretends to love him? Who knows? She might end up falling for real.
But aside from that, he truly doesn't want long marriage advice from Nana as he told Yasmeen—that part is true.
Sighing as his shoulders slumped, he voiced out his answer in the calmest tone. "She intrigues me." He said the same words he told the aforementioned. "In more ways than I'd like to admit."
Nana blinked, head tilted to the side slightly as she wondered whether Asad has the same suspicion she does. But, if that's the case then he would've told her for certain—he tells her everything.
Except if it isn't what's on her mind but something else. Like...
"Does she remind you of--"
"Yes." He answered before she could complete the statement. Because he already knows what it would be. "I guess you can say I don't want history to repeat itself." Throughout the conversation, he didn't once turn to look at her. He held up that serene expression of his that he always has around her and spoke as if he has no care in the world when in fact, he does like everyone else.
The older watched his expression closely, trying to see if she could spot anything but there was nothing. It's either he has no thoughts aside from what he voiced out, or he's good at hiding his emotions.
She sighed, deciding to give up on watching him up closely. There's no point of it. Looking away, her shoulders slumped slightly. "You carry way too many burdens you shouldn't have gotten involved with in the first place." She muttered, though loud enough for him to hear. "That's your problem."
Instead of answering, his lips simply slanted into a smile. He didn't give much thought to what she said, because it could be true—after all, she's almost, always right. But, what if not this time around?
What if it isn't a problem of his but a strength?
Moseying her way around the countless people there, her fingers tightened around the handle of her suitcase as she dragged it along with her. She was bespectacled in dark shades, and her chin was held up high as she strolled with out with every ounce of confidence oozing from her.
In steps that seemed way too graceful, and outfit that made her fit in with everyone there, Zoya walked out of the airport having landed in Birmingham about half an hour ago.
She didn't spare anyone in glance, simply heading in the direction where she's set to meet her target. From her steps, one could tell she knows her way around the place well, and she does. Having lived years of her life there, she's obviously bound to get used to it.
Quite unfortunately though, she didn't expect to be back after all that has happened while under such circumstance. But well, it is what it is. She'll have to live with it and she is so ready for that.
When she was out terminal, she spotted the familiar face she was hoping to see. Her lips then stretched into a smile, no doubt her first genuine smile in a while—since she found out that Asad left her to marry some woman.
Oh, that woman should be prepared for what's to come. She has never been one to back down easily.
Her not so colorful thoughts came to an abrupt halt when she reached where he stood. Considering he had been leaning on his car, he straightened his spine the minute she was within arm-length.
Hand extended, he took the suitcase from her and offered her a warm smile. "You here to wreak havoc young woman?" He teasingly questioned, his lips stretched into a warm smile that mirrored hers.
She shrugged, her smile morphing into a grin. "Maybe." She dragged the word, her tone cheeky. She knew he only said it playfully, but had he known what it came with, he wouldn't give her the response he did.
He shook his head, not giving much thought to her response. "Careful not to kill anyone." Of course, he doesn't mean anything he says, because it's more like a joke between them.
Zoya though was silent for a few seconds, her expression turning into something he didn't pick up on. "No promises." She mumbled, not having any intention of letting him hear her. "Let's get going please, I'm tired." She pressed her lips into a small pout, an action that he always deemed cute but in a sisterly way.
You can say it's because she reminds him of his own sister.
"Hop on then, we have very busy days ahead of us so you'll need all the rest you can get now." He gestured for her to get in to his raven BMW. While he moved to place the suitcase in the back, she made her way to the passenger seat.
"You have no idea, Imam." She muttered yet again, as she opened the door and occupied the seat. Her fingers reached up to push back the strand of hair framing the side of her face, her lips stretching into a smile that no doubt looks creepy. "You have no idea."
Nana, warris up like this? I don smell trouble oh...but uhmm...what is going on?! Me I no understand o.
Yasmeen how far, I feel like this woman doesn't like you oh, sorry ko.
Su Hajja Zoya kuma an faso. Iyye, welcome Hajjaju, I love this your arrival like this. Una wan cause trouble abi? Oya good luck now.
So like this I don disappear to watch Little Women and bruhhhhh, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Definitely one of my top five kdramas this year.
That aside, on a random but relevant note, we go resume school wai? Hehe *Laughs in wahala*
*Swallows small depression*
*Cries in I go suffer*
*Bathe in lemme hold antidepresssants...jokes...not*
*Looks at Iyalawo in help me Ma*
No but for real, as school dey resume I go disappear o, wallahi like this I go just *Snaps finger* and dishapear. I no fit! I'm happy. but your girl got exams that she hasn't prepared for one bit. So...
On the good side, one more chapter and we'll reach half the book, you know...25 chapters! And we're nearing 15k views too, sank you bery bery moch.
Oh and I forgot to mention, your girl clocked 3k followers...*grins in hafines*
*Flips invible hair*
*Pretends to receive an award*
*Prepares to give a speech only to see Iyalawo glaring at me*
*Clears throat awkwardly*
*Regains my sense*
Anyways, have a good night.
Love, Jannah with slight defreshion.
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