23; Farrah Gidado.
Yasmeen made sure to get a hold of her emotions first, before she stepped out of the car-mimicking her husband's action. While she was on that, he had already rounded the car and came to stand where she is. Once she was out, he locked the car and then together, they quietly trudged towards the house.
The detached house, seemingly looks so much like a French Country House style was moderately big, but not too big. It sported narrow windows and paired shutters, with side-gabled steeply pitched roofs, stucco walls and a half-timbered frame. The curl appeal stood out and featured a stunning driveway which they took leading to the small parking lot that could occupy two cars, or three at most.
Blinking, Yasmeen blew out a low breath and quietly followed Asad to the front door. He then stopped, and she thought he'd either ring the bell or twist the door knob open but he didn't do any of that.
Her lips then slanted downwards into a frown, and with brows drawn in, she looked up to rest her eyes on the back of his head, as if that would give her answers to her unvoiced questions.
Asad turned around, and without much of a warning, he took a step close to her-invading her personal space. Her breath hitched, because never had he been that close to her. She found herself swallowing thickly, and her head tilted slightly, trying to meet his gaze but he was too close, and a bit too tall.
He leaned towards her ears, and then whispered. "Remember, 'happily in love'. Hmm?" He then pulled back slightly, his face close to hers and his eyes taking everything as if memorizing her every facial features.
Did her heart stop for a second? Perhaps. She couldn't really tell. His words didn't register-it sounded like an echo and all she could focus on was the close proximity.
Unable to handle standing there and getting a cardiac arrest, she took a step back impulsively, instantly putting a safe distance between them. Blinking repeatedly, she looked away, avoiding his gaze as she cleared her throat-trying to gather her thoughts. "Uhm...okay." She hated how her voice didn't even sound like hers.
It sounds so foreign to her ears!
This is the effect he has on her. But, she'd like to believe it's that way because she has never been close to any man before. And considering he's her first, you can't expect her to act normally as if they've been best buddies for centuries.
Yeah...that has to be it.
Maybe, he could tell what's going on in that head of hers, or maybe, he couldn't miss her reaction to him being close to her but he didn't say anything about the way she jerked back.
Instead, his lips slanted into the smallest of smiles which he was quick to tuck away. Straightening his spine, he turned around to face the door again and this time, without giving it much thoughts, he took the door knob and twisted it open.
He then stepped in with a salaam, and Yasmeen mimicked the action with slow steps as if he would suddenly turn around and give her another heart attack. She doubts she can handle more after all that has happened in the last twenty-four hours.
She expected to see someone the minute they stepped in, however, it was oddly quiet but serene. Taking a few steps further into the house, she couldn't help but notice how the interior combines European elegance with rustic comforts. With soothing hues, soft patterns and antique accents-it gave an inviting look that's both polished and live in.
Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt when Asad came to a stop, and before she could ask what happened, a figure suddenly popped up in front of them sporting the biggest grins out there. There was nothing creepy about it though, albeit Yasmeen was confused to say the least not knowing who the stranger is.
How could she?
Asad parted his lips to speak, but before he could say anything, the figure side stepped him and pulled Yasmeen into a bone crushing hug and kicked the breath out of her lungs that very instant.
Yasmeen's eyes budged out, from the sudden action and how breathing is starting to become a bit difficult. She appreciated the warm gesture but it wouldn't be one if she stops breathing completely, right?
Noticing the action, Asad was quick to pull back the kangaroo that clutched onto Yasmeen as if her life depends on it. It wasn't that easy, considering the woman can hug indeed but he was able to detach her away. "Alright, enough before you break my wife's bones." He said, his tone light but with a hint of seriousness.
He truly isn't onboard with breaking his wife's bones under any circumstance.
Yasmeen was thankful he came to her rescue, because the minute she was released from the tight hold, she found herself taking instant breaths as if she had been deprived of it for hours.
The woman though instantly sported a pout, as she looked up and playfully narrowed her eyes at him. "Haba, Yaya. The way you're talking as if I'd harm her." Her eye brows pulled in, creating forehead crease. Her eyes, albeit trying to pull up the sad look still danced with mirth.
In response, all she got a glare in return-as he knew these tactics of hers well enough and he isn't falling for it any time soon. His head deliberately lowered as he stared at her with a look that screamed she should drop that antic of hers. "I'm not stopping you from hugging her, but don't squeeze the life out of my woman. Okay?"
She pressed her lips together, before nodding.
Still not convinced, he pressed. "Words, Tauhida." He knows better than anyone to not trust this girl unless she voices her promise out.
Of course, he knows she doesn't mean any harm but she can be a bit...hyper. And when she is, she acts without much thought.
Kind of like Yasmeen. But, for different reasons and with different reactions.
Tauhida sighed, her shoulders slumping though the slight narrowing of her eyes never wavered. She wouldn't outright glare at him, Nana would break her bones if she does that. But, she still needs to whine because what he says, goes, and she can't argue with that. "Okay..." She relented. "...I won't break your wife's bones." That was never her intention.
Seemingly convinced, Asad stepped aside and allowed her to move her gaze back to the stunned Yasmeen. Her lips instantly stretched into a grin, as a squeal escaped her parted lips. She had to stop herself from bouncing on her heels.
She's like a kid that has been given candy.
She held herself back from throwing her arms around Yasmeen again and giving her another bone crushing hug. Instead, she struck her hand out-that face splitting grin never once wavering. "Hey! I'm Tauhida-Asad's sister." She introduced, not bothering to spare the aforementioned a glance.
Yasmeen couldn't help but quirk a brow at the mention of the word 'sister'. For all she knows, Asad doesn't have a sister. At least, that's what Amina told her before. "Umm..." She cut her gaze to her husband, giving him a questioning look. "...you have a sister?" She voiced out lowly, as if that would make him be the only one to hear it.
But Tauhida is right there, and can hear everything.
The minute those words left Yasmeen's lips, she gasped and moved her gaze to Asad. Placing a hand where her heart is, she went on to exclaim. "So, you've disowned me? I'm hurt!" Ah, yes. She's a dramatic one too, Yasmeen noted. She has to be his relative with zero qualms.
Not in the least bit bothered by what she said, because he knows this girl like the back of his hand, Asad ignored her and casted his gaze on Yasmeen instead. "Unfortunately, I do." His lips slanted downwards into a frown when he said this, before he shook his head. "I'm sending her away soon though." The way he said it, one would think he's extremely serious. And in a way, he is.
The minute a reasonable and befitting man comes asking for her hand, he would hand her over free of charge if possible.
Tauhida found herself scoffing, despite having heard that statement more times than she can count. "You can't send me away. Wallahi the day I leave this house you'll fall sick seff." Keep aside that annoying brother attitude of his, they both know letting her go won't be easy.
Not after growing up together.
"Keep dreaming." He was quick to wave her off-because he would never admit that. Looking over her shoulder, he looked around as if the people he's searching for would magically appear. When he heard no sound that would indicate anyone coming over, he rested his gaze back on Tauhida. "Where's Nana and Farrah?"
"Well," She crossed her arms over her torso, planning to file a complaint as usual-she truly is his blood-they have the same attitude; minus the exuberance. Perhaps, it's because he's older. With a slight huff, she continued. "Nana is in the kitchen-tsohuwa da son aiki kaman meh! And Farrah..."
Speaking of the cute munchkin, she decided to make an appearance then. At the sound of her winsome voice, the three whipped their heads in the direction where the girl was running over to her father. For someone of her age, she sure was fast on her feet.
In the blink of an eye, she reached her father who was quick to lean down and scoop her in his arms effortlessly. A giggle left her lips, the sound reaching their ears. Her small, rubicund lips stretched into the widest of grins, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck.
Much to Yasmeen's astonishment, the sound of his chuckle came after his daughter's giggles. It was first time Yasmeen is hearing such a sound from him-she has never even seen him grin genuinely aside from the slight head shake and smile from the night before.
To see him then with his daughter, exchanging words quietly as if they are trapped in their own world came as a surprise to her. Of course, she could tell from the way he talked about the girl that he loves her genuinely. And seeing it now, Yasmeen is even more certain.
Her heart swelled slightly. Truth be told, she has always been slightly envious of people that have a good relationship with their fathers. Given, she obviously isn't jealous of the little girl but it is truly a beautiful sight.
"How's my baby girl doing huh?" Asad's voice reached her ears, snapping her out of her little moment there. She blinked, just in time to see the girl, Farrah pull her head back and look at her father.
She muttered her reply, and judging from the way Asad's grin widened if that's even possible, she must've said something that amused him.
He then added, "-You didn't give Nana a hard time though, right?"
A slight shrug came from the girl. "Nana is old." She stated, in a very childish tone. Yet, there was still that British accent that was impossible to miss. Pressing her lips as if to hold back her laughter, she added. "She can't run." A snort came the minute those words were uttered-her tone held a certain underlying mischievousness that Yasmeen could only guess the girl got from her father.
Asad feigned a look of solemnity, his eyes playfully narrowed at the four-year-old. "So, you did give her a hard time." He knows that's the case. Despite being a child, this girl knows how to look for her great grandmother's trouble.
"Maybe." She dragged the word, before erupting into another fits of giggle.
Her felicity was contagious, for the two other women there found themselves sporting grins too. Tauhida shook her head, having known better than the two how the girl treats Nana. While Yasmeen on the other hand was itching to reach her hand and pick the girl.
She's always loved kids-when they don't cry that is. She doesn't do well with kids that cry...there's just something about them that she can't handle.
Amina once said to her, "I wonder how you'll act when you have your own kid then. This one that you can't handle crying kids like this."
And Yasmeen's response was none other than, "We'd both cry then, and the baby father would pacify us because I can't." Sometimes, Yasmeen truly acts like a child. No doubt, because she's the last born. After all, the youngest in the family are always known to be the babies.
Whatever Asad said in response to the girl's comment, Yasmeen didn't hear. All she noticed was when he turned in her direction, and gestured to her. "Farrah, say hi." His gaze moved from his daughter's, to Yasmeen's who is standing only a few feet away from him.
It was then that Farrah noticed the stranger's presence, and her big eyes widened. With slightly raised unruly brows, obsidian eyes that seemed to be gleaming, narrow chin and small button nose that scrunches up when she giggles, she fits the category of cute kids. Her hair, a bit longer than kids her age was pulled into a high ponytail.
She was donning a chiffon floral pattern dress that stopped a little past her knees. The soft tones of the dress complimenting her brown skin, seemingly naturally tanned that she without a doubt got from Asad. They don't exactly look completely alike, but they are undoubtedly akin.
Her grin didn't waver, but she did hastily turn around and buried her face in crook of her father's neck, earning a slight chuckle from the man that swoons at almost everything she does-minus when she does something wrong.
"Oh, she's shy now?" Tauhida inquired with a slight chuckle, before rolling her eyes slightly. She made a mental note to warn Yasmeen not to be fooled by the girl's seemingly shy state. She will get over it soon enough.
Lightly patting her back, Asad stated in a warm tone that barely reached the other's ears, but the girl addressed heard it well enough. "Come on kiddo, say hi."
Slowly, sincerely bashed to be in the presence of a woman she's never met before, she glanced at Yasmeen before letting out a small, "Hi." She added a slight wave of her small hand, before hastily wrapping it around her father's neck again and clinging onto him as if her life depends on it.
Yasmeen didn't know how to act. She already likes to the little girl to be honest, she's just too cute. "Hey, Farrah." She tried using the same tone Asad did, hoping it would help the girl warm up to her.
Instead of answering, Farrah leaned up closer to her father. "Abi" Farrah whispered in her father's ear.
"Hmm?" He hummed, a silent gesture for her to say what is on her mind.
Still holding up what seems to be a permanent grin, she mumbled a few incoherent stuff in the name if murmuring. When she realized her father didn't understand, she then repeated puerilely. "She's pretty." She stated in what is supposed to another whisper, but the two other women heard her. "Like a princess."
That instantly earned the widest grin from Yasmeen who could feel it reaching her ears. She was honestly so close to cooing and reaching her hand out to pick to pick up the child. It's official, she loves Farrah. She's not as annoying as her father.
Tauhida too sported a face splitting grin. Having live with the girl, it's safe to say she has loved her niece like a daughter-though the girl can be a devil sometimes.
Instead of replying in a way that agrees with what his daughter said, Asad hummed again instead and looked at Yasmeen. "Hmm, are you sure?" He feigned staidness. "I don't see it."
Yasmeen instantly narrowed her eyes at him, her grin dropping before shaking her head. What does she expect from him? He's Asad after all. The same man she has ruled out to be quite possibly the last person she would ever like. He's reminding her that those butterflies are indeed the work of Iyalawo-nothing else.
Farrah was quick to nod though, leaning back slightly with a hand placed on his stubble, playing with short hair. She tried to pull them, and he let her though it stings. "She's prettier than Ida."
"Hey!" Tauhida was quick to cut in, eyes playfully narrowed at the girl. See, this is what she means when she said the girl can be a devil sometimes. She won't even show her a little bit of solidarity here.
Since Farrah couldn't pronounce Tauhida's name, she opts to call her 'Ida' instead. It's been like that ever since she learnt how to speak.
"Ida isn't pretty one bit, I agree." And of course, she just had to have a father that has the same character as her-backing her up as always. Asad threw a glance at Tauhida, before shaking his head. The man acts as if he would die if he compliments the poor woman. Tauhida has never heard him, not once in her entire life, compliment her looks.
He's that typical, annoying brother without an iota of doubt.
Scoffing slightly under her breath, Tauhida shook her head in disbelief before turning to look at Yasmeen that still had her eyes slightly narrowed at Asad. "How do you live with him?" She still can't understand how Asad managed to get married with that attitude of his.
She honestly thought he'd die single.
Yasmeen hummed, and mimicked Tauhida's action of headshake, "He's insufferable." That's all she can say. And then, the two went on to throw complaints about the man as if he's not there.
Asad's attention though yawed from his daughter, to Yasmeen who chuckled because of something Tauhida said. For a brief moment, all he could focus on was her and without a doubt, his heart raced. Without much thoughts, he found himself voicing out softly. "You're right, Farrah." He snapped out of the trance, offering his daughter a smile before looking at Yasmeen again. "She's beautiful indeed." He mumbled, as if scared if he said it any louder, she'd catch it and he won't hear the end of it, ever.
Amidst the little chat going between the two women, and the one between the father and daughter, footsteps approached them from the direction of the kitchen. "I see our guest is here."
Asad was the first to look in the direction of the voice, and if possible, his smile widened even more. "Hey, Nana."
Heyloooo, Hope you're all in good health.
Let's agree, we all love Farrah and Tauhida. See, I'm not wicked. I'm giving yall nice people like this before the wickedness starts.
Let us enjoy some happy goofy dovey moments before za wahala and the whatever starts. I swear I wanted this book to be simple, you know without too much suffering and whatever but yall are making me become wicked.
Sha, all I can say is we have some complicated shit coming up in like ten to fifteen chapters. For now, I am enjoying this Asad and Yasmeen bonding whatever.
Oh, and as for updates. PLEASE! be reading ANs first. I said it in the last chapter that I don't have drafts again so I need to make time and write, but some people rudely demand for update.
Keep the Iyalawo act I'm doing in ANs aside, I'm an advocate for vayolence. If you talk to me rudely, I will reply rudely no long talks whatsoever. Truth be told, certain people on wattpad act way too entitled, and FYI, we do have lives outside wattpad please. So, dan Allah be considerate before later you'll say Jannah Mia is rude. Yes, rude is my middle name seff.
That asideeeeee, who's excited to meet Nana? I don't know when next update will be, but I've started writing it earlier. If you drop enough comments and motivate me like this, I can drop an early update in shaa Allah.
Random note, who loves John Legend? I love love LOVE his new song Nervous from the Legend Album. I listened to it while writing this chapter. Camila's appearance and banters with Blake on the Voice is wayy too funny abeg.
Moving onnnn, I talk WAY too much, right? Sha, don't mind me.
Have a good night and take careeee.
Stay safe.
Love, Jannah Mia.
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