21; Night Owls.
You know the drll.
me updating.
No comments= me carrying my sliplers and ghana must go back to kdrama. For real tho.
What would you have done if you were in Yasmeen's shoes? Hide in your room forever, or what?
Closing the door behind her, Yasmeen rushed to the bed and got under the covers before letting out a silent scream. To say she's mortified will be an understatement. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole so she won't have to face reality ever again.
Her cheeks were burning, and the more she remembers the words that left his parted lips, she felt like screaming at the top of her lungs. She didn't though, because that will only add to the list of embarrassing things she would have to deal with.
How could she forget that she's not at home? Well, she'd blame that on the sleep. She's always been one to give little care to her surrounding when she's still sleepy. Perhaps, if she had looked a bit representable, then she wouldn't be so upset.
But no. She just had to look like a homeless person. And dude just had to point it out.
Couldn't he just keep shut like a normal person and pretend he didn't see a thing?
Perhaps, if it was someone else, then Yasmeen wouldn't have been that embarrassed. But Asad...he isn't just anyone. The man's apparently her husband, as weird as that still sounds, she isn't hoping for anything but making a fool of herself in front of him isn't part of the plan.
How would she look him in the eye now?
Why couldn't it be anyone but him? This is the absolute worse.
"Oh God!" She groaned, burying her face on of the two plush pillows on the bed. Throwing her legs all around, she let out another silent scream. "Nashiga uku nikam!" She probably looks like a worm squirming in the bed, but she doesn't care.
She's convinced she's faced enough embarrassment for the day.
A few minutes of squirming in bed, she decided to sit up and stare at the wall. Somehow, amidst that action, the veil she used to cover her hair had been discarded somewhere and as such, her hair was on display looking very much like a bird's nest.
She tried to block it, she truly tried to block away the memories of what just happened or simply erase it from her mind. But, it wasn't working. If anything, her mind replays it like a song on repeat.
It replays that exact way she acted, the look he gave her, and the realization of how she truly looked.
Slowly sinking back on the bed, she dragged the duvet to cover her face and then let out a voiceless cry.
It's official. She's done for. Tata ta qare.
"But wait," She suddenly spoke up, addressing no one in particular since she's alone. Pushing the duvet off her face, her brows in drew as she continued. "Why should I be embarrassed, huh? Everyone makes mistakes now." Yes, she's talking to herself.
But let's agree, everyone does that at one point or another.
"—Besides, this isn't the first time I've embarrassed myself in front of him." She tried to reason with the part of her that never wants to show her face in front of him again. "I should just put on my big girl pants and get out there like the boss I am!" Did she just call herself a boss? Yes. Does she regret it? Almost instantly.
That just sounds so weird. It sounded better in her head.
Groaning loudly, she turned around and brought her legs to her chest, making a final decision to just stay in that room till Allah knows how long. It's better to hold onto the last bit of dignity left in her for the night because Asad is after her life, and it's not healthy.
Regardless of everything that has happened so far, she knows how to be mortified too. And to be honest, it's the worst feeling.
A few seconds into staying in that position, her stomach grumbled loudly and she felt like her intestines were in knots. She was still very much starving, and though she tried to ignore it, she doubts she can last long.
She has to make a decision. Stay in bed and die of starvation? Or truly put on her big girl pants and head out again? Koma mai zai faru ya faru kawai. Whatever will happen should happen.
She wanted to pick the former, but another grumble had her making up her mind. She swallowed thickly, and pushed herself off the bed. Hastily making her way to the bathroom, she settled on washing her face first to get rid of the sleep that will undoubtedly not come, and look more like a human. Having rid her face of whatever made her look like a banshee, she brushed her teeth too.
When she was done, she made her way back to the room and picked up a brush to comb through those stupid, stubborn curls. A few 'ouch' and winces here and there, she was able to tie the stubborn locks into a low ponytail—luckily, it no longer looks like a bird's nest.
Taking a step back, she looked at herself in the floor length mirror. For a minute, she thought of wearing something different but then it would look like she's putting effort, and she has no plan of doing that.
Knowing Asad, she wouldn't hear the end of it.
Besides, she likes her pajamas. Yes, she looks like she's floating in it. But, but, it's comfortable. Shouldn't comfort come first? Maybe, it shouldn't but she would pick her comfort over anything as of the moment.
So what if they're married, she doesn't plan to dress up for him. At least, not at that moment or any time soon. Who knows what'll happen in the future though?
Picking up the veil she had discarded earlier, she made sure to tie it properly this time around before taking in a deep breath, and then stepped out with her head held up high.
That confidence diminished the minute she stepped foot out of the room though. Her shoulders dropped and without a second thought, she took a turn and headed back into the room. Parting her lips, she blew out a shaky breath and then went on to mutter words of assurance to herself—trying to motivate her flustered self into certainly putting on her big girl pants and just heading out else hunger will kill her.
The action went on for a few minutes, before she truly decided to just go out and face whatever life will throw at her. This time around, she didn't take a turn and run back to her room, but instead, forced herself to walk towards the living room where she could tell from the lights flicked on that he's still there.
On reaching the living room, she looked at his direction from the corner of her eyes, and just as she expected, he's still there.
What is he doing up in the middle of the night though? Shouldn't he be asleep like any normal human? Well, she's awake too...but she had slept off earlier so she couldn't find it in her to do so again. Besides, she's starving.
Speaking of which, she has no idea whether he has food or not. Since she's new there, as a normal person, she should ask him...right?
But she was holding onto the last bit of pride she has in her, and instead opted for standing there like a stature and eying him from the corner of her eyes. Surely, he must've noticed her presence, right? Shouldn't he say a thing to her?
Asad of course noticed her presence again, he was waiting for her to say whatever is on her mind because he's sure there's something. When she didn't say a word, he finally looked up from his Macbook, and focused his gaze on her. Almost instantly, one of his brows arched only slightly, and the corner of his lips tilted.
So, she has cleaned up. He honestly thought she wouldn't come out seeing the way she sprinted back to her room like she was being chased. He should've known that she would come back—especially from the little he knows about her.
He wanted to laugh, but was quick to mask it off.
Lips set into a tight line, and face bare of any expression, he questioned. "Just say what's on your mind. No need to stand there like a stature." He shook his head.
Clearing her throat, she hesitantly turned around to look at him though she was still trying to hold up her big girl look. Once she was sure she wouldn't speak and sound like a dying frog, she spoke up. "Do you have any food? I'm hungry." She still refused to look at him in the eye. Instead, her eyes were fixated at the wall behind him.
"There's something in the fridge" He responded, moving his gaze back to his Macbook yet again. He had stocked it earlier knowing he won't be alone in the apartment anymore.
Yasmeen reached her finger out to rub the spot underneath her nose, before she nodded. "Okay..." Wordlessly, she trudged in the direction of the kitchen in a search for something to eat. She headed to the fridge first as he said, and then opened it. By the looks of it, he's gone grocery shopping because it was packed with everything she could possibly need to cook.
It's already late, and she doesn't feel like cooking anything at all. So, she looked for something she could reheat instead...and all she could find was a box of pizza and two burgers.
Her first guess is, Asad cannot cook. It's just a hunch, and something tells her she's right.
She didn't complain, because she's always been a lover of pizza. She could have it all day and not care. So, she opted to take the pizza and pick out three slices, before reheating it. In the process, she looked through the cupboards and ended up finding a glass cup.
She's already picked out a bottle of sparkling red Ceres grape juice to take with the pizza. It's probably not the healthiest thing to eat in the middle of the night, but she doesn't care.
When she was done, she picked up the juice along with the pizza before heading back to the living room where he's still doing God knows what on the MacBook. Since he's pretty much ignoring her too, she took the farthest spot from him and settled down...before munching on her food with little care.
By the time she was done, she was filled to the brim and all the three slices were gone. She thought she'd need another one earlier, but she didn't need to. Muttering an alhamdullilah under her breath, she now picked up the used plate and cup so she could wash it and place it back where it belongs.
For a second, she thought of going back to her room and reading a book to pass the time. But, she decided against it and headed to the living room instead. She suddenly felt like disrupting the man's peace, because he seemed too calm for her liking. Or maybe, that's just the home sickness kicking in.
The embarrassment from earlier was long gone. Thankfully, he hasn't brought it up again so she's starting to get over it.
Heading back to the living room, unlike earlier, she took a spot on the couch he's sitting—on the end of course—though the space wasn't that much. He still didn't turn to spare her a glance, but they both know he's aware of her presence.
Folding her legs on the couch, she turned her body to face him. "So...watcha' doing?" Don't blame her, she has no idea how to start up a conversation with him. There's always a reason, and that reason is either an argument or something—take for instance, the marriage talks or the unfortunate circumstances they cross paths.
She doubts they've ever started one without a reason being there, like this time around.
For a second, Asad contemplated on whether to ignore her or not. But, he couldn't do so—not knowing fully well that he brought her here, and he's the reason they're here. After all, he did agree to marry her, so, there's no reason for him to ignore her.
Besides, what if she's missing home? Knowing her, she wouldn't start a conversation with him just like that. And, it doesn't seem like she's plotting anything either. Just being curious.
So, he found himself answering. "Watching a movie." He still hasn't taken his eyes off the screen. At this rate, he'll soon damage his poor eyes from staring at the screen for so long.
Yasmeen was taken aback for a moment, because she honestly thought he was working. Isn't that what men usually do? Well, the men in the books she's read are always working, so, she assumed he's like that too.
Nonetheless, she nodded and yawed her gaze from him, to what's on the coffee table in front of him. Her brows drew in, "While eating chocolate cake?" She questioned, throwing him a look. "At 3am?"
Asad simply shrugged. "I have a sweet tooth."
"That's not healthy." She's probably not the best person to say that to him, but, she'd take the chances.
She should've known he'd throw a reply right back though. "Says the person who had pizza at 3am." He tried to hide it, but there was the slightest bit of amusement in his tone. At that point, his attention was half on the movie, and half on her.
"Hey, it's not my fault you have nothing to eat. And, I don't exactly feel like cooking right now." She believes only witches would cook in the middle of the night, or maybe, her village people. She hasn't lost to them that much. "Not to mention, I happen to have a husband who can't cook." She was taking her chances to see whether her hunch is true or not.
And judging from the slight shrug that came from him yet again, she is right. "My looks make up for where I'm lacking." Did he just say that? It wasn't her ears, right?
"Wow." She stared at him incredulously. She'd always felt like Asad looks like someone who's narcissistic. She's just never seen it till now. Getting over the slight shock, she feigned solemnity. "Bros, don't deceive yourself kaji?"
"And that's coming from the woman who was ogling at me a couple of hours ago." No, he did not just say that. The minute those words left his lips, he looked up and gave her a look that dared her to claim otherwise. "You were even drooling." He was obviously exaggerating it then. But, her stare was pretty long.
So, he noticed it? She couldn't help but wonder as blood rushed to her cheeks. She didn't look away though. She's been flustered way too much in just one night because of this man. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her flustered yet again.
Clearing her throat slightly, she thanked Allah for the melanin that hid the stupid blush. She then blinked, before voicing out her response. "Don't flatter yourself. There's just something about men in uniform in general." That, isn't a lie. Maybe, she's the only one that feels that way.
She just hopes he doesn't take it the wrong way.
He hummed, seemingly not convinced. "Tell me then, how many have you met?"
"What? Are you jealous?" She knows he isn't, but she would use that to avoid answering the question because it's zero. Well, minus police, soldiers and others. She's just never met a pilot in uniform before, or any at all.
"Jealous?" He gave her the are-you-serious look. They may be married, but they aren't even friends to begin with. Why should he be jealous of a man she's met in the past?
"Well, are you?" She pressed on, despite knowing what the answer would be. If it means avoiding whatever conversation would take place though then so be it.
His eyes never left hers for even a second as he answered. "No." His answer came, solid with no wavering whatsoever. There's no ounce of doubt or hesitation in his answer, and he's sure she's seen it too. "But, I am curious. How many men have you met in uniform? Pilots in particular?" Perhaps, he's enjoying this a bit much more than he should. And, he is.
Yasmeen pressed her lips together, and then looked away. How is she supposed to answer? Is she supposed to give out a solid 'no' too? Then, she'd never hear the end of it.
Asad tilted his head to the side slightly, trying to meet her eyes but she was looking anywhere but him. He held back a grin. "I guess it's zero then."
She blinked, still refusing to meet his eyes. How can she? He'd tease her to no end and even now, she's sure she hasn't escaped it.
"Admit it. Maybe, it is because of the uniform but you were too stunned that you had no idea you'd been staring at me for so long." He wouldn't have mentioned it had the topic not come up. Wait, who is he kidding? He definitely would've brought it up at one point or another. Leaning back on the couch, he added. "But, I understand where you're coming from. You'll probably never meet a man as good looking as I am."
The minute those words left his lips, Yasmeen found herself turning around to look at him dazed. Yet again, she found herself uttering the same word she did earlier. "Wow. Just...wow." So, the man's narcissism reached this point? "You are way too cocky."
"I have every right to be."
"See, even if I did think you were handsome, just if...that right there just makes you look less attractive." That's a lie, she doesn't feel that way truly.
Asad simply shrugged, an action she took note he likes a bit way too much. "Whatever sails your boat, Mrs. Captain." With those words uttered, he moved his gaze back to movie that's already past the stage where he paid attention too. He needs to rewind it, though he doubts with Yasmeen there, he would get to watch anything.
Yasmeen on the other hand was stunned for a brief moment. Imam called her Mrs. Captain earlier, and it did nothing to her. Now Asad here just said it casually, and by the looks of it, he doesn't even realize what he has done but she's here with a heart on a marathon.
What is this again? What sort rubbish is going on with her?
This is not normal. She refuses to believe it is.
Why the hell is it different when he says it? Why?
Noticing the sudden silence from her, which is not normal, Asad looked up to cast his gaze on her. He noticed her attention wasn't on him anymore, and he would've ignored it, but something seems to be bothering her. "You okay?"
She blinked, snapping back to reality. Moving her gaze from the wall she was staring at blankly, she shot up as if she has been electrocuted. "Yeah...yeah, I am." She cleared her throat, yet again refusing to meet his eyes.
Asad doesn't believe it, but, he didn't press further.
No longer wanting to sit there and watch herself react in an absurd way, Yasmeen made up her mind. "Goodnight, I'm heading back to bed."
"I thought you weren't sleepy." Isn't that how normal people are? When they wake up from sleep, they can't go back unless they need more? She doesn't look like someone who's sleepy.
Throwing him a look, she was quick to answer. "Then I'd read a book till sleep comes. But, I'm going back to bed." Thankfully, she's brought some with her though not even quarter of what she owns. She'll need to get more.
Asad didn't say a thing, he simply nodded and yawed his attention back to his movie.
Yasmeen took that as her cue to leave. "Goodnight, bros."
"Night, baby."
What again? Ba-what?
Darn those butterflies!
Damn you Iyalawo!
Oh darling all of the city lights never shine as bright as your eyes!
Don't mind me, I've been obsessed with that song for way too long. I'd trade them off for a minute more, but the car's outside...
Back to Asad and Yasmeen...hehe.
My people how far now, I'm loving this your bros and baby moments o. Su Mrs. Captain manya.
Allah sarki Jannah, carry your single ass and go. All is welllllll. I am okay. I am.
I swear I didn't want to update, but somehow the nice bone in me made me do it anyway. Sha sha, I have to be one of your favorite authors fr.
Have a goodnight sha, make I go and hug my pillow since I have no one to tell me goodnight baby.
But before then, share this book with your friends, enemies, Instagram family, real family members abeg, including your village people o! Don't share with the Babalawo and Iyalawo though, before they come after me. Ehen, sank you bery moch in hadvans.
Love, baby-less.
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