2; Wife in Disguise.
"You have two weeks to bring a wife home"
He whipped his head around so fast that he could've had a whiplash. Thankfully though, he didn't. Eyes slightly widened and lips parted, he stared at her as if she had grown five heads. "Huh?"
She dropped the cup of coffee she's drinking, and nodded. "Yes, you heard me right" Her lips stretched into a wide smile, one that was supposed to be comforting but even he knows under all that, she's loving this. "You have just two weeks, Asad"
Asad held back a scoff, disbelief masking his features. "Ama!" He exclaimed, before reaching his hand out to massage his temple as he flicked his eyes close. Taking a deep breath, he counted to three in his head before his eyes met hers again. "Come on, Ama. You can't do this to me"
His mother, or Ama as he calls her simply shrugged, the smile on her face disappearing. "Did you go to Hajja Bintu's house as I asked?" She questioned, her fingers curling around the handle of the tea cup again.
He blew out a harsh breath, but nodded anyway. "Yes, I did" And he regrets it. But he knew this would happen from the beginning and was hoping to come up with something to avoid the aftermath.
It appears that will be hard.
This particular person isn't someone he can get rid of easily.
Ama nodded, folding her lips in for a moment before she breathed out her next string of questions. "Did you see her daughter?" She questioned, a hopeful look taking over her features.
Asad eyed her warily, lips curling down into a frown. "Yes..." He knew where this conversation is headed, and he would've avoided it as always if not for how she started it. Or more like, what she started the conversation with.
It was obvious Ama is enjoying this, Asad could tell from the way she was finding it hard to hold back her smile. Almost like an excited teenage girl, she pushed the tea cup aside and leaned forward, her eyes dilated. "So, tell me. What do you think of her?"
For a few seconds he didn't say a thing, his expression turning to stern. Her eyes never left his, and slowly they began to squint as she saw a look she recognized well in his orbs. He is without a doubt thinking of a string of complaints he will file regarding the poor girl. There's that wicked, or should she call it, mischievous look in his eyes that she knows well enough.
He has that exact look any time a woman's name is brought up.
He gives a long string of complaints that will make anyone run for their lives just after meeting them for the first time.
In his defense though, he is simply being honest-and if being honest would make his mother cross the woman off her potential daughter in law list, then so be it.
When he was done compiling the complaints, he blinked and met his curious mother's eyes again. "Do you really want me to answer?" He was giving her a second chance to avoid listening to him rant for the next ten minutes.
And she knew that, because she was quick to shake her head, pulling back. "No, no, no" She knows her son well, and she has listened to this way too many times that she doesn't want to live through that again.
Asad's lips stretched into a small smile, which he bit back before she could see it. Bringing his cup to his lips, he hid the smile behind it while his mother glared at him. He ignored it, and focused his attention on the food in front of him.
He heard her released a harsh breath, as she looked away, mumbling something under her breath. "Anyway" She spoke up after a while, holding up a serious expression-one that he knows wouldn't last for long. "You should go and see her again tomorrow"
He paused the action of taking the tea midair, his eyes flicking upwards to meet hers. Sighing, he shook his head slightly, "Ama--" He dropped the cup.
"She's a good girl, Asad" She cut him off. "I know her family aren't the best out there, but you know them too. Keep your history aside and patch things up by being with her"
His expression hardened, and this time, he wasn't feigning it. "Ama--"
Yet again, she cut him off. "Leave the past in the past, Asad. This is all I can do for you" She loves her son, but this is all she can do for him in this situation. "She's your best choice right now"
"Ama, I can't marry her" He stated, his eyes never leaving hers.
For a few seconds, she didn't say a word and instead watched him quietly. She then shook her head. "You don't have a choice here" Her voice came out as a whisper, before she took in a deep breath and continued. "Your father will be back in two weeks, and he wants you to get married then. If you don't bring a wife home..." She paused, looking conflicted as she thought of whether to tell him the rest or not. However, knowing Asad, it's better to tell him what's at stake so he can get back to his senses. "...else, he will agree to your marriage proposal with Zoya"
"What?" He couldn't help it. Up until a few minutes ago, this while marriage talk with his mother is something he's used to avoiding. He loves his Ama immensely, however, she has been getting too caught up in these marriage talks and to him, that's not something he sees himself in any time soon.
Marriage, love...all of it and what it comes with; he wasn't willing to be involved in it. He isn't willing to be involved with another woman again, not after what happened the last time.
So, evading his mother's marriage talks is something he's used to, and it always ends up with her caving in. Now that his father and that woman is involved, he knew it isn't a persistent request from his mother anymore.
Ama noticed the distress on her son's face, making her expression fall. This is what she was hoping to avoid. "Her father brought up a marriage proposal between you two a few months ago..." She chose to explain, even though the look on his face was breaking her heart.
Asad didn't know what to think. What does she mean a marriage proposal? Since when did the bride's family propose marriages again? Why him? Why her? Of all the women out there, why her?
"...I didn't tell you earlier because I know how it'll affect you" She's right about that. It will affect him; it is affecting him now already. "That's why I was hoping you'd bring a wife home first to avoid this"
He lost his appetite to eat anything again. Pushing the plate aside, he buried his face in between his palms, the wheels in his head turning. He couldn't think clearly though. There was a headache already forming, and suddenly, all he wants is to be alone.
"Asad I've bought you as much time as I can. But, you know your father. This is all I can get for you" If it was up to her, she wouldn't agree to this-not after knowing what Asad went through because of them all, but he isn't exactly helping the situation either. "Go and meet her tomorrow, work things out, okay?" She added softly.
He pulled back, wanting to complain again but not having the strength to do that. So, he simply nodded. Pushing the chair back, he got on his feet and rounded the table to go to her side. Leaning down, he pecked her temple. "Goodnight, Ama" His voice came out low.
Her heart clenched, and all she wanted at the moment was to gather her son in her arms and shield him from all the pain of the world. If only she can. She offered him a small, but warm smile and gave his hand a small squeeze. "Goodnight"
She watched as he quietly left the dining room after picking up his used dishes. With him out of sight, she sighed and massaged her temple with her fingers. It's times like this that makes her miss the young boy she raised. Now, her son is an adult who knows how to shield his pain away from her.
He isn't the same young boy that comes running to her to cry his heart out when hurt. When did he grow up so fast?
But despite being a grownup now, she still wants to protect him just as she did back then because he will forever be her baby boy.
After keeping the dishes aside, Asad took the steps, only stopping once he reached the confines of his room. The lights were dimmed down, giving the room a gloomy aura that matches his feelings at the moment. Not bothering to increase it, he walked over to the bed and took out his phone, before throwing it beside him on the bed.
He then took a spot by the edge, and rested his arms on his thigh as he buried his face in between his palms again, releasing a deep sigh. He hated how things aren't easy with him at the moment, especially with his father involved. His life is pretty simple and normal, except when his father is involved. The man has way too many expectations from him as his only child that Asad feels it's all too overwhelming.
Now with this marriage issue, he suddenly feels bad for turning down the women his mother had arranged for him to meet all those times he return home. He doesn't regret turning them down though, he genuinely didn't like any of them. Maybe, that's his dead feelings speaking but he didn't want any of them.
At the same time, he doesn't want either of the women he is presented with at the moment. They are the worst choices of all others.
Why them?
He wasn't sure what will happen, but he knows he would never be with either of them no matter what. Not the woman his mother chose, not the one his father is planning to marry him off too, neither.
He would come up with something, he has to.
With that thought in mind, he got on his feet and trudged over to the bedside cabinet. Pulling one of the drawers out, he picked up a bottle of pill that was there. Thankfully, he had picked up a bottle of water from the kitchen. So, taking one of the pills, he closed the bottle and placed it back where it was.
Popping the water bottle open, he took the pill before flushing it down with the water. By then, his head was pounding but he knew sleep would evade him then, it would be better to have the pill at the very least.
At the very moment, his phone pinged as the screen lit up-signifying the arrival of a message. Asad placed the water bottle aside, and turned around to pick it up; his lips curling downwards into a frown immediately. Of all the times he had to get the message it had to be then. All it took was a glance at the message from the unsaved number for him to know who it is.
He turned the phone off, choosing to ignore it before placing the phone aside. To say he was exhausted would be an understatement and God knows he will need some shut eye else he doubts he can handle the entire situation. So, he turned off the lights completely before retiring to the bed-making a reminder in the back of his mind to take care of his problem the next day.
Asad leaned back on the car's seat, his eyes fixed on the house a he's parked opposite. If it was up to him, he would go running for his life than to be there, but his mother is having none of that. With him here now, he has no doubt on whether he would actually go in.
It took so much from him to be there the day before, and to return the day afterward is just pushing it.
Just as he made up his mind to drive off and later come up with an excuse to tell his mother, his phone began to ring. Before picking it up, he made a mental prayer that it isn't his mother because God knows he doesn't have the strength to deal with her nagging either.
Luckily though, it isn't her but someone that will undoubtedly annoy him too. Nonetheless, he shook his head slightly and picked up the phone before tapping the speaker button and almost immediately, the person's voice filled up the car.
"Captain Asad Ahmad Gidado"
Asad couldn't help the small smile that took over his features. He knew what would follow, but at the very least, this person will lift his mood up no matter how annoying the conversation would turn out to be. Suspiring, he answered. "Dr. Aslam Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed" He breathed out. "Funny you chose to call at this very moment"
His friend, Aslam hummed from the other end. "And why is that?" He questioned, though there was a teasing tone that accompanied his words. Clearly, he knew what Asad is talking about. "I just called because I heard our dearest bachelor is getting married"
Asad groaned, throwing his head back. He wouldn't even ask how Aslam knows that. Leave it to Ama to rant about stuff yet to happen.
As if knowing what's going through the man's head, a deep chuckle came from Aslam on the other end of the call. "Don't blame Ama for being too excited"
"This is all your fault" Asad deadpanned, all lark from expression disappearing.
"Ah ah! My fault again?"
"Yes. If you hadn't gotten married, I wouldn't be in this position" He grumbled for the nth time since his mother started to bring up this marriage issue a few months ago. Even though now he knows the real reason behind it, he spent the past months blaming Aslam for this.
The man just had to get married and betray the Bachelor Association making him be the subject of his mother's disturbance. Ever since she attended Aslam's wedding a little over a year ago, she had been disturbing him about marriage. So, don't find fault in him if he blames Aslam for this.
Yet again, Aslam laughed-clearly enjoying the show. He and Asad don't keep contact all the time, but because of their fathers' relationship, it's safe to say they are pretty close. Their friendship would be the type you'd classify with little maintenance. They talk to each other a few times a year and the relationship is still good.
"You wouldn't be in this situation if you just brought a girl home"
Asad simply shook his head, not taking fault in what Aslam said. The man doesn't know his story, so he won't take anything he says to heart. "Well, excuse me but not everybody marries their high school love" He didn't attend the wedding, but he knows their story.
Who doesn't?
"You would've married your high school mate too if you weren't so grumpy all the time" Aslam complained. Despite not attending the same secondary school, he could recall how Asad was a grumpy kid when they first met.
No wonder no woman would like to go near him. Doesn't mean none crushed though.
"Whatever" Asad grumbled, though amusement laced his tone. "How's my namesake?" He questioned, referring to Aslam's three months old son. It was simply a coincidence that the baby has the same name as him, but he still takes the chance to tease Aslam about naming his son after him.
Aslam was about to reply when the passenger door suddenly opened, and in a flash, there was figure occupying the space.
Startled, Asad's eyes widened as he watched the stranger lock the door behind her, and while breathing heavily, she turned around to look at him only for her expression to mirror his.
Asad's dilated eyes though instantly narrowed after putting the pieces together and recognizing where he saw the face. "You?!"
Yasmeen blinked, her shoulders raising and then slumping as she blew out a breath. She didn't know what was worse. Her current predicament or ending up in his car? Of all the men in the world it had to be the man she insulted the day before.
Nonetheless, she breathed out the first sentence that came to mind. "Bros, no vex"
"Aslam, I'd call you later..."
Goodnight, or good morning? Who's awake now?
Anddddddd, Aslam made a cameo appearance! I miss my guy like this🥺❤️
But sha, he don handover to Asad so...👋
Bruh, Yasmeen won't kill me like this. Actually, both she and Asad won't kill me because I've been laughing since. The next chapter will definitely crack you up. Bring that cold Pepsi because you'll need it🌚.
One is getting married in two weeks.
And another is asked to bring a wife in two weeks.
What could possibly go wrong.
*Sips wickedness🌚*
Tag your comment section friends, it's time for a reunion🥺
Abeg, bye.
Love, Jannah.
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