19; Captain Asad.
The day for Yasmeen to join Asad came, and she was honestly starting to miss living with Ama. Is it okay to say she loves her mother-in-law already? Because Yasmeen couldn't ask for someone better. Ama is everything one would want in a mother-in-law, and more.
She obviously can't compare the love she has for Mama with the love she has for Ama. But, after spending just a few days with her, she's certain without an ounce of doubt that she will forever consider Ama a second mother to her.
"Call me when you reach there, okay?" Ama said, her hand clasping around Yasmeen's in a comforting manner. They are currently standing outside the Land Cruiser that will take Yasmeen to the airport. "Asad will pick you up, but I need to know you've reached there safely."
Yasmeen's lips were stretched into what seemed like a permanent smile these past few days. Spending her time with Ama and bonding took her mind off the bad things that had happened. It was truly a fresh start for her, one that she is so far loving.
She nodded, offering the older woman's hand a small squeeze. "In shaa Allah, Ama. I will." She still doesn't know how to feel about meeting and basically living with Asad, but she'll figure it out when she's there.
Seemingly satisfied with the answer, Ama then pulled her in for a warm hug that lasted a couple of seconds before she sent her off, despite hoping the girl would just stay with her instead. If it was up to her, she would drag Asad and make him reside in Nigeria yet again so she can be with her daughter more. But, it's beyond her control so she'll make do with what's going on.
Yasmeen left for the airport alone, with a driver and an escort. She honestly would've had no problem going alone, since she's been abroad a couple of times too but she accepted the gesture nonetheless.
Like her whole life has been these past few days, she found everything moving pretty fast and before she knows it, she was already on the plane-off to live with her husband abroad.
God, that truly feels weird. She thought. Husband. Wahala.
One stopover and nearly ten hours later, Yasmeen was finally in Birmingham. She anticipated the long trip, but to say she was exhausted will be an understatement. All she wanted to do was get through the whole process of leaving the airport, head home, pray and sleep to wear off the jetlag. Not to mention, get away from the people in the airport. There's too much of them, and that goes beyond her I can handle people gauge.
Stepping out with countless of people trooping along, she looked around in search of a familiar face. Like Ama said earlier, Asad would pick her up so she's hoping to spot him somewhere.
She had anticipated arriving in this foreign country since the whole conversation was brought up. Of course, she had gone to Saudi for Umrah with Mama about two times, and she was once in Dubai for a trip but that was all. She had never been abroad alone, nonetheless to anywhere in Europe.
She was excited for it. Who wouldn't want to leave Nigeria even if it's just for a few weeks to get away from the drama there?
However, all that excited-albeit she still feels bits of it, were dampened by the exhaustion. Perhaps, she would feel that way again after she sleeps and a new day starts. Then, she would truly be over the moon.
Her eyes roam about, trying to catch the sight of him anywhere but nada, she couldn't see anyone that even looks like him. She should've known standing in one place in that magnificent airport wouldn't make him magically appear. Who knows where he would be?
And when that realization dawned, she took a few steps forward, going in the direction that most people were headed-the terminal, only for her gaze to fall on someone. But, it wasn't the man per se that caught her attention. Rather, the sign he's holding up;
Yasmeen Khalid.
Unconsciously, she arched a brow only slightly, and for a second wondered whether it's actually her he's referring to or someone else. For all she knows, with the thousands of people there, there could be another woman with her name.
Ama clearly said Asad. That man is not him.
Then again, he didn't really tell her he would pick her up since the last time they spoke was when he left. So, she couldn't be sure again. She took a few steps towards the man, before she stopped as more negative thoughts clouded her mind. What if she ends up embarrassing herself?
She could try to call him, but well, before that thought could fully dawn, the man happened to notice her staring at him, and unlike her, he didn't waste a second before approaching her. He stopped a few steps away, his lips stretching into a small smile. "Assalamu alaiki."
"Wa alaikassalam." She found herself answering, although a bit warily. Did she look like a freak by the way she was eying him? She couldn't help but wonder. So, she's made a fool of herself on her first day in a foreign country? Great.
The man didn't seem to think that way though, or was that just her sub-consciousness trying to convince her that she doesn't look like a fool? She couldn't really tell. Nonetheless, his next words sliced through those train of thoughts, putting an instant halt to it. "You're Yasmeen Khalid, right?" He questioned, seemingly unsure but sure at the same time.
Does that make sense?
"Yes?" It sounded like a question because yet again, she couldn't help but wonder whether it's another Yasmeen he's looking for. It wouldn't be surprising.
Perhaps, he noticed the uncertainty masking her features, so, he decided to add. "Mrs. Captain?"
Mrs. Who again? She wanted to ask, but refrained herself when she remembered who her 'husband' is apparently. Oh, right. The man that ditched her.
"--Captain Asad Gidado." The stranger added for confirmation.
Yep. That's the man.
She found herself nodding, her shoulders slumping in relief. Thankfully, the man is looking for her. Her fingers tightened around the handle of her trolley, and the other hand reached up to fix her handbag that's stocked with about two books, her phone, and other necessities. "Yes, that's me." There was no excitement in her tone when she said that, mostly because she's already thinking of the thousand complaints she would file with the Asad.
His mother said he will be here, how can he leave her with a stranger?
If she ends up getting kidnapped, and she somehow got back, he would get an earful from her.
Then, she reminded herself that she is not in Nigeria. She wouldn't be kidnapped since the law there is different. Maybe.
The man then nodded, his smile stretching into a wide one in relief. Dropping the hand with the sign, he straightened his spine and then went on to introduce himself. "I'm Imam Mukhtar. I work with your husband. We're friends."
"Oh." Her lips parted, eyes widened only slightly. "He actually has friends?" Weirdly enough that's all she could wonder. She remembers Amina telling her that he was friends with Rafael and that woman, Doya is it? Yasmeen would just call her 'yam' till she remembers the exact name. She isn't one to judge, but she could only guess if he was friends with Rafael, then maybe, the woman is bad news too.
Not to mention she nearly married Asad. How come that didn't happen? She couldn't help but wonder too. Why did he pick her instead of a woman he's friends with? She's unaware but she knew she'll get her answer soon.
To be honest though, with the way Asad is, Yasmeen thought he's a loner. Who would want to be friends with him, especially with the man glaring all the time?
Imam couldn't help the chuckle that came, and from the view alone, one could tell he's a good looking man. He's about the same height Asad, and a bit chubby too but it didn't hide his height. Maybe, he's not chubby but ripped? Yasmeen couldn't tell and she doesn't care. She knows she's married, so she refrained from even taking a look at him that would deem inappropriate.
However, one thing that even a blind person could tell is that he's good looking with beautiful amber skin tone-kind of like Asad in that aspect. His hair was neatly trimmed, and covered with a black facing cap. He wasn't dressed in uniform, but rather, a casual outfit that admittedly, looked good on him.
One thing about him that stood out though, were the hazel eyes with flecks of blue. It was the first time Yasmeen is seeing someone with such eye color, and weirdly enough, she thought it's cool.
She has always wanted to meet someone with a different eye color, especially blue because in the numerous book she'd read, it's mostly 'his blue eyes...' blah blah blah and she always wondered what blue eyes look like.
His weren't exactly blue per se, but it's different.
Imam on the other hand knew he would get along with her the minute that question left her lips. He could tell then that this woman would be a handful, and knowing Asad, he'd say the man met his match. When his chuckle died down, he went on to ask. "Does he seem like a loner or something?"
She shrugged, her mind drifting back to the man she calls her husband. "He's always glaring at people. For a moment, I thought he was a kidnapper."
"A kidnapper? For real?"
"Seriously, have you ever been subjected to his glare? It's like his eyes are always narrowed. I've never met a kidnapper before, but I'd assume they look like that."
"So, why did you marry a kidnapper then?"
"I'd like to believe I saved his life by marrying him." She feigned the look of solemnity. "I did the world a favor by marrying him else he'd die single." She'd say the same thing about herself though, is she talking about him, or herself?
Because it kind of sound like her story, not his.
Nonetheless, even she was a bit weirded out by how easily she's conversing with Imam. And she was never one to ramble with strangers. Well, except when she's nervous or scared but it isn't that way with this man. So far, he's been nice to her.
Imam couldn't hold back his grin. Yep, he's definitely sure this woman is meant for Asad. "Well, thank you for saving humanity then, because we really needed him off the market."
"No kidding." No one can convince her that she didn't do the world a favor by marrying him.
With a small smile still donning his features, Imam looked at the time on his watch before looking over his shoulder. "He should be here any minute though, he just needed to take care of something first." He stated, before turning around to face her. "Let's head out first, he'd meet us there."
Yasmeen nodded, relief filling her being at the thought of seeing a familiar face. She wasn't excited to see Asad, and Imam isn't a bad company, but she would at least like to see someone she truly knows.
"Let me help you with that" Imam offered to take her trolley, knowing she must've been exhausted from the long trip.
She was quick to shake her head. "No, don't worry. I can handle it, thank you."
"I insist." He wasn't comfortable walking around while she deals with that trolley and a handbag all together. Perhaps, if Asad was there then he'd step back, but before his friend turns up, he promised to look after her.
But, Yasmeen isn't one to back down either. "Really." She pressed on, "I can handle it for real." She on the other hand isn't comfortable with letting him take her stuff, despite knowing he's only being polite.
Imam didn't press the issue further, not wanting to seem like he's forcing anything. "Okay, if you say so..." He then led her out to where he's supposed to meet Asad.
On their way there, no words were exchanged, until Yasmeen decided to break the silence when they were outside, awaiting the arrival of the captain that's yet to make an appearance.
"So..." She started, not really liking the silence. "...how long have you known him?" She was so close to calling Asad 'bros' but, she stopped herself just in time and just went with the pronoun.
"Since aviation school." Imam said without giving it much thought because he knows it at the back of his mind. "We had the same circle of friends throughout the years, though we all didn't attend the same school."
"So, you're all pilots?" She doesn't know how to feel about that. She's never met a pilot before, and now she's married to one apparently.
Imam shook his head, his lips stretching into a small smile at the fond memory. "No, not really. About four of us are, and the others all have various jobs." He wouldn't go down the lane of remembering how they all met because he truly can't remember.
It just happened. They got along and well, they all knew each other. Though some are closer to the others.
And besides, it's been so long that he hasn't seen more than half of them in years. Some, he'd lost contact with.
"--Believe it or not, I got to know most of them because of Asad." He spared her a glance, before looking away with that warm smile still donning his features. "He got along with everyone. He's so easy going you know, bayida matsala."
"You can speak Hausa?" She couldn't help but ask, because that was what caught her attention. Yes, his name and his looks gave off that he may be a Nigerian, but the eye color made her think otherwise.
Imam's lips stretched into a small grin. "I'm Nigerian, what did you think I am?"
She shrugged, "I don't know. A British person or something?" Even if he is Nigerian, she'd say he probably grew up here because has this thick British accent that she envies.
She's always been a sucker for accents. Now that she's thinking about it, Asad has one. Just not as prominent as Imam here, but he definitely does.
Imam found himself nodding slowly. He gets that a lot, so he understands where she's coming from. "Well, I'm Nigerian" He confirmed. "Though I've spent half my life here." That explains it.
She didn't say a word more regarding that, mostly because she doesn't know what else to say. Deciding she's already spoke too much, and he'd probably ruled her as a chatterbox already, she folded her lips in and tapped her shoe clad foot on the floor repeatedly.
"Oh, there's the Captain."
Hearing Imam's words, Yasmeen looked at him, then followed his line of sight and behold, the man indeed approaching them. Not expecting what she saw though, Yasmeen's eyes dilated as her lips parted slightly.
Asad was still at a distance, though he was getting closer as he's approaching them. For the first time since she met him, she was seeing him in a different light. Perhaps, it's the snug uniform. The white shirt and silk tie covered with a double breasted blazer. The dress pants that was made to perfection-as if it were made only for him.
From there too, she could spot the rank indicator---epaulets-- four stripes on the sleeves and the flight wing on the side of the blazer, the golden color being a stark contrast against the raven uniform. To match the look, his feet were clad in a plain black, leather shoes of some sort without any intricate pattern. And lastly, the pilot's hat tucked under his arm to complete the look.
To say he looks ravishing would be an understatement. And, it's obvious he knows of it too. Because his entire aura oozes confidence, and so does his gait. Asad Ahmad Gidado is a man who is aware of his picturesque appearance, and boy does he own it.
How he managed to reach where they stand, Yasmeen has no idea because she was still too caught up in a trance to notice it. To her, it was like she's staring at another person entirely, and, not the man she knows and married.
Her heart even skipped a beat...obviously, Iyalawo's work at its highest.
"Subhanallahil azeem" She found herself muttering, before she shook her head and snapped back into reality. She had to remind herself that looking at him that way isn't normal. This isn't her. How is it that from simply seeing him again, undoubtedly looking resplendent in uniform, but still...why the butterflies?
She would blame it on Iyalawo for real. Her village people are definitely after her.
Blinking repeatedly, she looked up only to find his eyes on hers, and yet again, her stomach was in knots.
All she could think of though, was how is she supposed to survive now with this man?
Careful Yasmeen, you're drooling! But wait seff, are you ogling at Bros or Asad because like this like this, e be like say your heart go skip a beat for Asad o. Ha!
And Imammm, my new favorite character. I don't want Asad again, it's Imam that I want. Maybe I should give him a girlfriend called Firdausi? Ehen, that will be better.
Also, what's up with the comments? It's like I'm going back to my kdrama and ditching you people fr, because I'm currently on break that's why I'm writing.
Sha, I go pack my new slippers, and move back to kdramaland. When you guys comment, I shall return then.
Toh, Yasmeen don arrive for UK. Sannu, you should've taken me with you.
Actually, na so I dey follow her with my Ghana must go. As I'm typing this seff, the newly married couple are staring at each other lovey dovey kdrama-ish, novel-ish like this. Make I play back ground music for them.
*Plays Stuck with You by Ariana Grande ft. Justin Bieber*
*Realizes I sound like dying frog when singing*
*Clears throat and awkwardly looks away*
*The sound of a cricket somewhere filled the otherwise quiet, and awkward air*
Uhmm, that's it for today's AN.
Have a good night.
Love, Jannah.
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