18; Love, Maybe.
To Yasmeen, the week seemed to have passed by in a blur. From her now husband's family bringing the bridal gifts within that same week, to spending her last few days at home—it truly passed by quicker than she anticipated.
And then, the day came.
The day she will be conveyed to her matrimonial home.
During the course of the week, with her fixing her relationship with her mother to trying to enjoy those days, she grew to understand that she will definitely miss home as much as she was hoping to leave it.
The struggle was when they tried to separate her from Mama. She wasn't exactly crying ugly tears, but she wouldn't let go of the poor woman. As if she wasn't the one that was bidding her friends farewell in style.
Before she was conveyed, and before meeting Mama and all, having dressed up with the few friends she has working as photographers, she sashayed her way out. Stopping by the door, she turned around, flashed them the widest grins before waving, "Buh bye, single ladies!"
That cracked them all up, knowing it's all jokes but she still pulled the act well. One would think she's over the heels in love with her husband and couldn't wait to move in with him when it's nothing like that.
Nonetheless, that act of hers disappeared as she bid her mother farewell. And with quite a lot of struggle, her aunts were finally able to detach her away from Mama knowing she wouldn't let go if it's up to her.
And then, they were off to 'deliver her so everyone can rest'. Nusaiba's words, no one else.
The ride to Gidado Residence was much quicker than Yasmeen would like. And truth be told, it was faster than when she went there alone. Perhaps, it's easier now since the drivers know the route well unlike her. Still, she wished it was longer because now that she realizes she is leaving her family indeed, she suddenly dreaded the new life that awaits her.
What is her life takes a turn for the worse? What is married life is nothing like she expects? What if his family hate her, especially after what she did to his mother? She hadn't given it much thoughts before, mostly because she didn't expect her situation to end up like this, but now that it ended that way...how is she supposed to face Ama?
Oh God, the woman is now her mother-in-law. What if she deems her too crazy to be with her son? What if she left a bad impression? Remembering the way she acted, Yasmeen could only hope Ama doesn't think she's shameless because in a way, she acted that way.
The car coming to a halt sliced through her thoughts, putting an abrupt end to it. She looked up, and through the laffaya that was used to cover her, she could see the outline of the manse, making her stomach tighten and her heart to drop.
Her hands felt clammy, and her feet, cold. Unconsciously, she swallowed thickly and clenched her hands. Her lips moved in a rapid rate as she supplicate, muttering any dua that came to mind regardless of it's true purpose. She couldn't help it, she wasn't thinking straight and that has always been a problem of hers.
When she's nervous, or in fear, she tends to do things without giving it any thought. It's just an act out of impulse.
The doors opened, and her aunts that are in the same car with stepped out first before they helped her do the same. Mumbling a bismillah, Yasmeen stepped out of the car and instantly, the sun glared at her. Thankfully, the laffaya is shielding her but everything was suddenly too bright unlike how dark it was in the car.
Withal, she hung her head low as Kulu took her hand. In the background, she could hear the sound of numerous doors either opening or closing. And then, chatters filled the place. Do the voices belong to her family or the Gidados? She isn't sure but when Kulu started to move, she did the same just as everyone else.
Those from the Gidado family that came out to welcome them led them all into the house that's bustling with people. Since no event is set to take place, almost everyone wanted to be present when the bride is conveyed.
Who wouldn't want to see who the woman who caught Asad's eyes is? After all, she's the only daughter-in-law of Ama and Abu, and wife to their only child. It's a memorable event for all.
Despite not seeing any of their faces, the happiness in the air and in their voices was impossible to miss. There were a few yodels too, ones that became louder the more they walk into the house.
Throughout the walk, Yasmeen's head was hung low as she followed everyone's lead. At a point, she realized they've reached the living room where the noise became even louder. Someone, she couldn't exactly tell who, helped her settle down on the carpet.
And then, the long nasiha started as the place quietened. How long did it last? Just like all the other things going on, she doesn't know. But she's certain it lasted more than ten minutes; before a woman from Asad's family was tasked with unveiling her.
A chorus of 'masha Allah' went round the minute her face was in sight, and Yasmeen couldn't find it in her to look up and meet any of their eyes. Her cheeks undoubtedly would've been bright pink, if not for the melanin.
"Masha Allah, Asad yayi sa'ar mata. A very beautiful young woman indeed." Commented one of the numerous women, her tone filled with joy. Is it real or not? No one cares.
What matters is quite a lot of them are happy about the union, and that's what matters.
"Allah ya baku zaman lafiya da kuma zuri'a dayyiba. Allah ya albarkaci rayuwarku gaba daya. Yadda kukayi wa iyayen ku biyayya, Allah baku ya'ya haka. Allah baku hakurin zaman tare, kuma Allah barku tare. May your marriage be among the best."
"Ameen ameen."
The realization that she has actually left home didn't hit Yasmeen until her family left, and she was all alone with her new family. She cried, a lot more than she expected. She had no one from her side with her, not Amina, Nusaiba, or any other friend she has.
Instead, she was left with a few young women about her age, whom from what she gathered are Asad's cousins. They weren't bad, and if anything, they were all very welcoming. When she cried, they consoled her and cracked jokes that lifted her mood.
Considering she has never been good with strangers, she was surprisingly enjoying their company. She has read quite a lot of books to know that cousins from a husband's side are always considered the bad ones, but those she's left with aren't like that one bit. If anything, she knows she would get along with them without a doubt.
Time yet again passed by a blur, and before Yasmeen realize it, it's already night time and almost everyone has departed leaving her all alone. Throughout the hours she had spent in the house, albeit there's still this spot in her that yearned for her family, her new family did well to fill in those spots. And all she can say is, alhamdullilah.
She knows there will be others that aren't the best—people who will undoubtedly get on her nerve, but she's glad she's met none of them that day. No one would want to see her other side on the first day she joined the family.
With everyone gone and being all alone, she decided to change into something more comfortable and freshen up. When she was done, she prayed isha since it's about a little past seven thirty and the adhan had been called already.
Just as she finished praying and had folded the prayer mat, a knock came on the door.
Yasmeen looked down to make sure she looks decent, and thankfully, she still has her hijab on. So, she cleared her throat slightly, placed the prayer mat aside, and then trudged to the door before opening it.
She was a bit surprised to see Ama there, donning a warm smile that made the tension in her shoulders dissipate. She quickly recovered though and flashed the woman a smile mirroring hers. "Ama..." She didn't know what else to say. She hadn't exactly gotten the chance to speak the woman earlier with the people around and all.
And now that she is left all alone, she doesn't know what to do.
Ama could see the confusion in the girl's features, and that had her smile widening slightly, hoping it'll ease her worries. And, it did. Taking in the woman's appearance, Ama spoke. "Oh, you've prayed already, right?"
Yasmeen nodded. "Yes, I just did."
"Great, come let's eat then. I'm sure you're hungry." She didn't give Yasmeen the chance to answer, as she took her hand, closed the door and led her downstairs so the girl couldn't protest.
It was a good thing because Yasmeen planned on doing just that. She wasn't hungry, not one bit.
She didn't have the appetite earlier. But, a few older women came along with some ladies and made sure to bring food along. They made sure she ate, and was filled to the brim before they left. Yasmeen's heart warmed seeing how they are treating here. There was no malice whatsoever, only acceptance.
For a brief second, she couldn't help but wonder whether she could've gotten the same treatment had she married Rafael.
Since it didn't happen, and it's now all in the past, she chose to sweep the thought away and dump it in a trashcan. She's now part of another family that accepts her. And though she can't be completely sure till she stays with them for years, she'd at least hold onto the memory of them being this kind to her when she joined the family.
Ama didn't stop till they reached the dining, and a part of Yasmeen was a bit curious seeing as it's just them. Perhaps, everyone had left already—it's possible, judging from how quiet the house is, unlike earlier. Nonetheless, she couldn't give much thought to it as Ama practically forced her to sit on one of the chairs before she took the one beside her.
"Salwa will bring the food in a few, so let's just wait here" Ama stated, her warm smile never wavering. Yasmeen could only guess this 'Salwa' is probably the housemaid? She didn't voice it, in case it's someone otherwise.
So, she simply nodded and looked away, unable to hold Ama's gaze. It takes her back to that same day, and remembering the words she told the woman, all she wants to do is dig the ground and bury herself in it.
Ama noticed it, making her chuckle slightly. "What? Where's that daughter of mine that came the other day? I'm seeing someone else right now." She teased, tilting her head to the side slightly to look at Yasmeen fully.
Blood rushed to Yasmeen's cheeks, as she found herself flicking her eyes close hoping the ground will just bury her. She didn't miss how Ama called her a 'daughter' instead of a 'daughter-in-law'. Perhaps, it shouldn't get to her but it did. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Subhan Allah had it been she knew this is how things would end up, she never would've visited like that and said those words.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. She mumbled in her head. This is what you get for doing things without thinking.
Ama's laughter, a sound so heartwarming and motherly reached her ears, making her cheeks burn a brighter shade of red. It lasted for a few seconds, before the older woman stared at her again. "Don't be so embarrassed. I actually like your confidence."
That is supposed to make Yasmeen feel better, but it did not.
Biting her lower lip, she looked up with her brows slightly drawn in. "I'm sorry--" Why is she apologizing exactly? She wasn't sure. Perhaps, it's for the way she acted despite what Ama just said.
"No, don't apologize. I mean it when I said I love your confidence" Ama cut her off, not wanting the young lady to feel bad anymore. She then released a small breath, her smile turning into a small one but her eyes still held that glint. "Believe it or not, I've always hoped Asad would marry someone like you."
Now, that's news. Unable to hold herself back, Yasmeen looked up to meet Ama's eyes, hers slightly widened. Someone like her? Why would anyone want someone like her for their child? Shouldn't she hope for someone calm, reserved, and collected?
She is that on some cases but on others...not so much.
Ama could see the question masking the girl's features. So, she turned around to face her fully before she went on to explain. "See, I love Asad. I truly do. But, that man is not as calm as he looks." Oh, she doesn't have to tell Yasmeen that. The girl knows firsthand. "He knows how to get what he wants, and he's so used to acting that way but uhm..." She paused, thinking of the right words to use. "...he needs someone to keep him on his toes. You understand what I mean?"
Truth be told, Yasmeen doesn't.
But, from the little knowledge she has of Asad, she could only assume what Ama means in simple words is; Asad can be crazy sometimes. He needs someone equally crazy to bring him down from his high. Yes, that has to be it.
"I guess..." She chose to say instead, because she doubts Ama would appreciate her calling her son 'crazy' to her face.
Ama has more she wants to say on that, but, she decided against it. And instead, choose to say something. "I told that man to say for today at least, but he wouldn't budge. Apparently, his break is over." She complained, shaking her head.
Yasmeen is supposed to seem sad regarding the issue, but she truly isn't. "He seems to really love his work." Asad left the day before to return to the UK, and she will follow him in a couple of days.
During the week, they haven't really spoken to each other. It was like the other didn't exist. Neither of them cared though, they preferred it that way since the idea of being married still doesn't feel real to them.
It was only yesterday when Asad called to inform her that he will be going back. And even then, he didn't want to. However, he knows it wouldn't be right for him to just leave like that without informing her at the very least. So, he did.
The phone call didn't even last a minute, and just like the whole week, they both didn't care.
They are married, but it still doesn't seem real to any of them so for then; they are perfectly okay acting like strangers.
Had it been he's around, she would've been conveyed to her matrimonial home. But, Ama felt like it wouldn't be right to leave a new bride all alone in her house so she asked for the girl to say in the Gidado Residence before she joins her husband. At least then, they would have time to bond.
"His work is time consuming" Ama said, in response to Yasmeen's earlier statement. The latter could tell from Ama's tone and how her expression fell that she doesn't like that fact. "I know he has no control over it. But I hope that with you two married now, he'll spend a bit more time at home than being away all the time." She has always been worried about how time consuming his work is, and now she's more worried about how her daughter will cope with him being away all the time.
Had it been they are living in the country, it'll be easier since there are relatives all around. But, Yasmeen is moving to new place completely. It would take her time to get used to the people there.
Yasmeen sighed. She could tell Ama is worried for her sake in a way, but how is she supposed to tell Ama that she doesn't care one bit. She's perfectly okay with not seeing him all the time. He already told her the nature of his work and well, she's just glad she won't have to deal with him every day.
Keep the small reasonable conversation they had, he's still the same Asad she knows and she's aware he'll be the same, as for her too. So, why would she want to be around that Asad? No, thank you.
"Anyways," Ama continued, yet again snapping Yasmeen out of whatever trance she was lost in. With the girl's attention now on her, she offered her another one of her famous warm smiles. "Since you two love each other, I'm sure you'll work it out."
Yasmeen chuckled uneasily. Love? They don't love each other one bit. But, the adults don't know that. And although they are planning to spend the right of their lives together, she couldn't help but wonder if it's possible too.
Love? Maybe.
But, she doubts it. As in, highly doubts it.
Time will tell though.
Early update today because...why not?
Yasmeen this maybe of yours😂 toh mu dai we'll see.
These days I have nothong to say in ANs again so have a good day.
*carries my slippers and walks away*
Love, Jannah.
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