15; #BrosSaidYas.

"Weirdly enough, your father wasn't hard to convince"

Asad sighed, settling on an egg style swivel chair situated by the bed. His eyes flicked close for a brief second, glad that he doesn't have to go through a tough time with his father because of this, and because he loves the contoured seat that cocoons the occupier-it's probably one of his favorite piece in the room.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he flickered his eyes open and met hers through the video call. "I'm not surprised, and at the same time, I am" He admitted. "But I'll talk to him about it too, we need to finalize everything."

She nodded, her lips stretching into a warm smile. "Don't worry about it, all will be well in shaa Allah"

Asad's lips slanted upwards into a smile, mirroring hers. "Thanks, Nana. I knew I could count on you." When he said there's one person he could think of that will get him out of his marriage with Zoya, it's her. His father is truly a stubborn person, but, there's one person he listens to despite everything.

And that's his mother, Asad's Nana.

As always, the woman is ready to do anything for her grandson. If it means talking to her son out of whatever it is he's planning, she would.

She waved off what he said, before her eyes dilated a bit and she went on like an excited teenager. "Who's this girl that changed your view on marriage though? Your mother said she's a handful."

Asad snorted slightly, shaking his head in the process. "Please, Ama adores her already." He stated, knowing his mother like the back of his hand. She calls Yasmeen a handful, but he can see she doesn't mean any harm to it. If anything, she seems more excited about the wedding than anyone else-not him, and not Yasmeen. He then continued. "And, the word 'handful' won't even cut it. She's a different breed." No one can convince him otherwise. 'A rare one.' He wanted to add, but he didn't.

Nana's smile stretched into a wide grin. Despite being old, she definitely isn't outdated. There's something about the way Asad speaks of the woman-which she hasn't seen in him in years. Could this woman be his saving grace? She couldn't help but wonder. "She's perfect for you then." She knows her grandson can be a handful too-having someone with the same character as him will keep him on his toes.

There would never be a dull moment with them.

Asad didn't say a thing, but there was still a small smile masking his features. He wouldn't exactly say she's perfect-not when he doesn't have any feelings for her and vice versa, but she's his best choice.

If he has to get married, then he'd much rather have it be her than any other woman in his life as of the moment. At the very least, she isn't boring, cliché, or someone he has a past with.

She's a force to be reckoned with. A different, and probably, an extremely rare breed as he said-but not necessary a bad one. One that might need a visit to the asylum, maybe, but still...not a bad one.

"Where's Farrah?" He questioned instead, choosing to change the topic. He doesn't want to dwell on it-not even after he has accepted it but at the same time, he doesn't want to. He knows he'll need to get his thoughts in check though before the wedding, and he would.

Nana sighed, her smile morphing into a small one. And in that moment, she sure looks as old as she is, but at the same time, seems to still have the energy someone of her age shouldn't have. "She's asleep" She answered. "I swear that girl is just as energetic as you were as a kid. She's been up and about! I only got her to sleep about an hour ago." She shook her head, though even the thought of her great grandchild kept a warm smile on her features.

"That's my girl" Asad grinned, the mere mention of his daughter uplifting his mood and having him forget any bad thing going on. He then added, earning a slight glare from the older woman. "What do you expect? She's her father's carbon copy." One of the things he loves about her is how they share similar traits. And he never fails to show it.

Nana tsked, shaking her head in the process. "I hope she doesn't grow up to be as cocky as you are."

"We'll see, Nana. We'll see." He chuckled lightly.

The older woman shoulder slumped slightly, as a look of solemnity took over her features. Asad could tell at that instant that whatever she'll say must be genuine. "You know..." She started, her tone warm. "...I'm glad that girl is about to have a mother figure in her life. She shouldn't grow up without one."

Sure, she has basically been a mother figure to the young one since she is the one that has been raising her all this while, but even she knows there's something different about having a mother-not someone to fill in the space.

"-I mean, this woman you'll marry can take care of her, right?" She wouldn't ask whether he loves the woman or not. If he's the same Asad she knows since birth, then she doubts this is a marriage out of love. At the same time, she has no ill feelings towards the woman-she's just worried about her great granddaughter.

"I won't exactly ask her too" He replied earnestly, with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "I did tell her that I have a daughter, but I won't ask her to care for a child that's not hers. It's completely up to her." He knows some women have a problem with that, which is why he gave Yasmeen the option of marrying him despite knowing he has a child.

If she wants to be a mother to his child, he wouldn't mind. If she doesn't want to, he won't force her. After all, he's been doing well caring for his child with his grandmother.

Nana didn't argue, knowing he's right. "Well, she's welcomed to the family anyways." She means every word she just uttered. "I have to go now. Send my regards to your parents."

"In shaa Allah. Laters, Nana."


"You just had to involve your grandmother, didn't you?"

Asad chuckled lightly, his head hung low. He knew his father would complain eventually, but he could also tell from the old man's tone that he wasn't upset. He's simply pulling his leg.

"-Anyway, you should've just told me that you had someone in mind right from the get go." Abu sighed, his tone no longer holding the same lark it did earlier. Instead, it had taken a turn down serious lane. "And you should've told me everything the last time we talked about this. I wouldn't have mistaken the situation for something else." He didn't need to elaborate; his son knew what he's talking about.

The smile that was on Asad's face fell, as he released a sigh. He honestly doesn't want to talk about this, and if it's up to him, he'd rather keep it to himself. But, it seems his father already knows and he has no doubt Nana told him.

He would've been upset that she spoke of something he doesn't want to, but he's not. It's his father anyway, he has nothing to hide and he should've said it from the beginning. But, he didn't.

"I'm sorry, Abu" He found himself apologizing, but, not doing anything to explain further. He's still tormented about that, and the last thing he wants to do is get himself indulged in it more than he already has been all these years.

Farrah is a reminder of everything that makes him want to fall into that abyss again, and at the same time, she's his saving grace.

It's a bit complicated.

Abu watched his son quietly, and after a few seconds, he suspired too. "I don't know the full details, but like I told your mother, I trust that you're old enough to handle your issues." At the same time, he would always be there if his son needs any help. That will never change. "If you truly want to marry this woman, I won't stop you. All I want is for that girl to have a mother, and I thought Zoya was your best option."

Asad was starting to get sick of the woman's name. Yes, he has a history with her-one that almost everyone knows. But, there's this part of the story that they don't know, and that part is threatening to take over any good memory he has of her.

Zoya...he doubts anything or anyone can make him get involved with her again.

"I've spoken to your Uncles, and the day after tomorrow in shaa Allah, they'll go to the Yasmeen's house." Abu added, choosing to not speak of Zoya again because he could see his son doesn't want to. "And your Ama is already preparing the bridal gifts."

Asad shook his head, small smile gracing his lips. Leave it to Ama to get onboard with things like that. He has no doubts that she can prepare everything in a short amount of time-well, she and her siblings. When it comes to stuff like this, they are experts.

And considering Asad is her only child, there's no way she would miss up the chance of making everything the absolute best. After all, she had been waiting for this moment for the longest time-and it's finally here.

"Ama is finally getting a daughter." Asad commented, knowing the older woman must be over the moon. She wasn't in the house at the moment, no doubt out with her sisters planning what the bridal gifts will be.

Abu chuckled. Everyone knows Ama loves Asad, but she also wished she has a daughter too. She's always swooning over other people's daughters-hence, why she was onboard with Asad getting married and stuff. However, with everything that he has gone through, she relented knowing his wellbeing comes first and foremost.

Of course, she has a granddaughter to spoil, and she sure does the job well.

A daughter will be different though.

"Let's hope she won't forget your existence once Yasmeen is part of the family"

"That is bound to happen" Asad wouldn't even argue, knowing the possibility of that happening is high. "But if they'll get along, then all will be well." He could only hope, and trust that will be case.

"That, you're right. And in shaa Allah, all will be well here."

"I hope so." He nodded, and then added in a murmur. "I really do."


"I cannot believe you're getting married." Amina as always, exaggerated as she paced in the space of Yasmeen's bedroom. She has been on this matter for days, and for some reason, she's still yet to accept it.

Yasmeen rolled her eyes, for she has heard that statement more times than she would like. "I am supposed to get married from the beginning. We just had a change of groom and family." She waved it off like it's no big deal; her fingers flicking to the next page of the novel she's reading though her mind isn't there thanks to Amina.

The said woman huffed a breath, before pausing her action and staring at Yasmeen, hands akimbo. "Yes, but you're not just marrying any man. You're marrying Asad Gidado-your funny, and weird encounters are enough to make this whole thing surprising" She deadpanned, because she still cannot understand how Yasmeen is still calm about all this.

Yet again, Yasmeen found herself rolling her eyes for the nth time that afternoon. All she wants is to read the third novel of After by Anna Todd in peace-well, not in peace because Hardin and Tessa are bound to give her headache, but still.

Amina apparently didn't get the memo because she continued. "--Not to mention, the man was set to marry Zoya El Khoury. I don't know what's up with all of this, but I guess marrying you means he won't marry her. Do you understand what this means? You've competed-or maybe, are competing with a woman like that."

"There's no competition because she's not me, and I am not her. So, we'll never be on the same level. There's no need for anything competition." Came Yasmeen's nonchalant response, because she's not in the least bothered by this.

You'd think she isn't the one whose wedding is about to be set. Asad's uncles are currently in the house to ask for her hand, and she doesn't look like she cares one bit about it despite having agreed to the marriage.

"Of course, there's competition. You're sharing a man." Amina snapped, hoping the nonchalant woman on the bed will understand her logic. "You're marrying a man she's supposed to marry. I don't know about him, but from what I heard, they have history."

"History kawai? Ba chemistry?" Yasmeen questioned, sarcastic as always. "What about physics?"

Amina gave her a deadpanned look, her lips puckered and face showing she doesn't find the situation amusing in the slightest bit.

Yasmeen flicked her eyes in the woman's direction, only for her lips to slant into the smallest of smiles. Oh, how she loves getting on her nerves because of stuff as simple as that. "Relax, you're overthinking this and I'm the one getting married, not you" If anything, she should be the one worrying.

But, she's not because she genuinely doesn't care.

And Amina could see that. Unable to comprehend her best friend's logic when it comes to this, she couldn't help but question. "Why did you even agree to the marriage if you're not interested?"

Yasmeen slipped her hand into the can of Pringles, and then pulled out a couple before tossing it in her mouth. The sound of her munching on it filled the otherwise quiet room, and her response only came once her mouth was clear of the snack. "I'm bound to get married eventually, and I don't see myself doing it out of love so..." She shrugged.

Amina blinked, her head tilting to the side slightly. She has always known Yasmeen love life is nonexistent, and will probably forever be. But, she didn't think it's as bad as this. "So you decided to marry a random stranger?"

"Yup" Yasmeen answered, nodding without an ounce of hesitation. "Besides, he seems...nice."

"And he has a child."

Yasmeen paused what she was doing, only to lazily flick her eyes to meet Amina's. "I didn't tell you that so you can judge him. Then again, what's wrong with having a child?"

"Bautar ya' zaki masa? Because he doesn't have a wife and I doubt he ever had one. Do you know who her mother is?" She has nothing against the man personally, she's just worried about Yasmeen. She has seen and heard way too many stories about men marrying women simply so they can act like slaves to their children. She wouldn't want that for her. "Do you know how he got her?"

"Well, I guess she fell from the sky or he dug her up from the grave." Just like earlier, Yasmeen replied nonchalantly even though she understands where Amina is coming from. To not seem cold, she offered the woman a small smile. "You worry too much. Don't worry, all will be well in shaa Allah."

She has a feeling that Asad isn't that bad, yet she can never be certain when it comes to men. What she is certain of though, is her trust in Allah and her prayers. She will trust that she is making the right decision, and that whatever it is, Allah will guide her through it.

Why should she worry when she has prayed for Allah's guidance?

Amina still wasn't convinced, but she knows there's no use trying to talk Yasmeen out of this. So, she sighed and allowed her shoulders to slump before shaking her head. "Allahuma yashfiki, because you need help." She mumbled.

Yasmeen didn't retort, knowing the woman means no harm. Her slight smile didn't waver too. While everyone is up and about, worried about the change of plans and all, she is honestly at ease-as if she isn't the one whose wedding got canceled, only to take place with another man. Well, technically, the knots haven't been tied yet but still...

As she turned around and choose to give her novel her entire attention, the door banged open startling both women.

Jumping slightly, Yasmeen whipped her head in the direction of the door as one of her hands went to her chest, as if that will calm her racing her. "Subhan Allah, Adda, lafiya?" She questioned, eyes warily watching her sister.

She knows her sister needs help too, mental one, but well...

Nusaiba strolled in with the biggest grins masking her features, the Cheshire cat couldn't beat in her then. She didn't answer at first. She covered the distance between her and her younger sister, before settling on the bed beside her. "The latest missus in town. Mrs. Asad Ahmad Gidado." She teased.

Yasmeen blew out a breath, her heart rate finally beginning to stabilize itself. So, this is why Nusaiba stormed in? Oh, God. She thought it was something else. Shaking her head, she kept the novel aside because the she won't understand a thing with these two present. "Save that statement for when the nikah takes place." She mumbled.

But, her sister's face splitting grin didn't waver. "That's the point..." She started. "...as Asad's uncles came, Baba asked them to stay and tie the knot kawai. Toh, yanzu dai a daura aurenku. You are officially Asad's wife!"

Yasmeen fainted.

A fake one. But still.


Ha! Iyalawo your work has turned out well o! Bros and Baby don get married like this like this.

Ah ah! Wahala go start now.

Sha, I don't really miss writing a wedding chapter though I've enjoyed that of Sincerely, Aishatu. We don't need a wedding here right? Though I want to dance to Asake's album like this.

Anyways, anyways, guess who finally watched After Ever Happy? I need a word with the director for real because I've been following this After Movies for four years, I have to wait for another year again?!

All is well sha, make I go and continue watching my Big Mouth like this. Even if you watched it, keep the spoilers to yourself. I already know what will happen, I don't need your spoilers.

Annyeonghaseyo Lee Jong Suk jagiyaaaa!


Love, Gang Do Min (Yes, I have a korean name).

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