12; Lowkey FBI.
Yasmeen Khalid and Rafael Ameen Gaya's wedding was called off on the very next day after his mother came and wreaked havoc in the Khalid household.
Though she wasn't that invested in the whole marriage talk, they had no choice but to call it off as she demanded. No one could claim otherwise, not even her ex-husband and Rafael's father, Ameen Gaya.
Before anyone could try to change the man's mind, she went to his place straight after leaving Yasmeen's house and lamented everything to him minus the part where the man Yasmeen is seeing is Asad Gidado.
She didn't know that too, as Aalia didn't tell her the identity of the man. She simply claimed neither she nor Rafael know who the man is since it isn't clear in the pictures either.
Alhaji Ameen Gaya didn't want to go back on his word regarding the marriage. But, Rafael's mother is pretty convincing not to mention, her threats would make anyone call of the wedding to save everyone's life and image.
He knows what his ex-wife is capable of. It's better to do things as she asked else she'll go back to Yasmeen's house and create a scene that would make them call off the wedding on their own.
So, to avoid a much bigger problem, they called off the wedding and requested for everything to be returned to them. From the bridal gifts, every naira spent, and everything the Khalid family has ever gotten from the Ameen Gaya family was requested to be returned under Rafael's mother's demand.
The weird fact is how she still rules that household despite no longer being a part of it. Perhaps, it's because she gave birth to the eldest child? One can never really tell.
Rafael wasn't happy about it one bit. How could he? When this is basically pushing Yasmeen into the arms of Asad. Why is Asad getting everyone? What is the man planning?
Talking to his mother is pointless, that much he knows. He couldn't even go to her house and scold Aalia for doing exactly what he told her not to do because that in return will mean him getting scolded by his mother instead.
He needed to vent his anger somewhere though-preferably, Asad's face. His anger wasn't because he lost the woman he doesn't even care about. He never liked her, and would've probably never. She's simply an okay person for a wife. Besides, his father is the one who picked her and he couldn't say no.
If he hadn't known of her acquaintance with Asad, then he honestly wouldn't have cared one bit about the wedding being called off. After all, that would mean more freedom for him so he might as well celebrate.
Losing to Asad Gidado though...that wasn't part of the plan.
Blowing out a frustrated breath, he picked up his phone and dialed a number he hasn't contacted in years. He could've visited the man's house, but creating a scene there wouldn't do him any good.
He brought the phone up to his ear, and then waited while pacing in his room. On the very last ring that held onto the last string of his patience, the man picked up from the other end.
"Let's meet" Was the first thing Rafael said the minute he heard the call being answered. He had stopped pacing, and was instead glaring at nothing in particular. He tried to keep his voice calm, but it was obvious he's either annoyed or upset.
A sigh came from the other end, almost lazily. "I don't want to." Asad replied, without a second thought.
Rafael raised a brow, lips slanted into a deep scowl. "What?" He questioned, disbelief coating his tone. He then blinked, blowing out steady breaths. "I don't have time for your games, Asad. Let us meet." He repeated his earlier statement, the words coming out much slower as if it would engrave itself in Asad's brain.
"I don't have time for that" Came Asad's voice yet again, and just like earlier, he didn't bother to hide the boredom lacing it. Why bother? "Just say whatever you want over the phone. Because I'm certain you didn't call me to catch up" Catch up? He wanted to laugh over the thought but there was nothing humorous about it.
They might be acting a bit too casual for the animosity that has been brewing between them for about five years. In those five years, not once have they contacted each other or even crossed paths.
Now that they did though, it's because of Yasmeen and Asad could feel the call is about her too. But he couldn't tell why. As far as he knows, he hadn't done anything to annoy Rafael-he honestly doesn't have the time for that.
Could this be associated with why the girl was crying the day before? He ended the call about a minute later, feeling as though he's intruding on a private moment. And he was, though it wasn't intentional.
Rafael though felt as if he should drag Asad through the phone and give him a piece of his mind. How dare the man act calm after all that he has caused?
His hands clenched by his side. "Do you know what you caused? Huh?"
"Do enlighten me, please." Asad honestly doesn't care and does not want to entertain Rafael one bit. A part of him was curious though.
Rafael paused for a moment, reigning his anger in check. Everything Asad says, annoys him-that's how much he detests the man. Asad's reply only infuriated him more. "So, you're playing dumb with me now" He stated, how voice low. He then scoffed, chuckling bitterly. "I'm sure you and that woman are celebrating, aren't you? You've gotten what you wanted? Our wedding has been called off because of you."
Asad's brows drew in when he heard this. The wedding has been called off? He then sighed, shrugging though he knew Rafael couldn't see it. "I'm happy for her. She shouldn't be associated with someone like you anyway" He doesn't know the girl much, and isn't interested in knowing. But, he was happy for her.
He knows the type of man Rafael is, better than anyone. Probably, more than she ever would. Or if he dares say, he knows more about Rafael than the man knows himself.
Rafael chuckled humorlessly, the sound coming out low. See, it's the way that Asad acts and the things he says to him that makes him hate the man. Who else would say that to him other than Asad Gidado? "You sure must be happy, aren't you?"
"That, you're right"
Rafael clicked his tongue, his mind going over his conversation with the man. He then realized one thing. "You didn't know about it, did you?" He could tell from the way Asad answered him earlier that he wasn't aware of the wedding being called off.
If he was aware, knowing Asad, he would've stated it right from the beginning instead of letting the conversation drag since neither of them wanted to speak to the other.
"-You didn't know that the wedding was called off" Rafael added, his lips stretching into a small smirk. The pieces were falling into place, the exact same ones he had ignored before. "You two really don't know each other." It checks out if Yasmeen was telling the truth when she said it's a misunderstanding.
Perhaps, they just ran into each other?
No but, Aalia told him Asad introduced her to Yasmeen, claiming he loves her.
Yet again, Rafael knows Asad too. He knows the man is capable of staging it all to avoid marrying his sister.
In conclusion, Yasmeen is a victim of circumstance and Asad's lie.
"Your point?" Asad honestly thought Rafael would've figured that out earlier, the man is smart after all but apparently, not smart enough.
"Do you know why it was called off?" It's probably not a smart idea to tell Asad the truth, but Rafael is cooking up something in his brain-he's looking at the bigger picture.
Zoya tried to hide it from him, but he is aware of her marriage talk with Asad and truth be told, Rafael would rather have Asad end up with Yasmeen than with Zoya. If it was up to him, the man shouldn't have either of the two women but since that might not be possible, he should take the one that matters the most to Asad.
And that's Zoya.
After all, it's always been her.
"I don't care" Asad truly doesn't. Why should he care?
Rafael wasn't planning to back down though. "I have pictures of the two of you meeting. Her family found out and believe she's seeing another man. The wedding got called off, and I'm certain she's going through a tough time all because of you"
Instead of getting the reaction he wants, yet again, Asad sighed and breathed out. "Am I supposed to be guilt ridden and care?" He refused to take the blame. For all he knows, Rafael is saying this to make him feel guilty.
"You don't care?"
"I don't. And if you have nothing more to say, I suggest you never call again." Not wanting to waste any second more on the man, Asad ended the call leaving a still very annoyed Rafael.
It's official. Only Asad Ahmad Gidado is capable of getting such emotion out of Rafael Ameen Gaya.
Yasmeen truly hated the days that followed. She was right when she thought it could only get worse, and it did. Her mother is still refusing to hear a word she says, and the same goes for her father. But to be honest, she didn't expect much from the man.
Would it be right to say she doesn't care what he thinks? He never had any good thoughts regarding her before so this isn't any different. She's used to it.
Her mother though...she's the one she's worried about the most. Her mother matters to her more than anyone else and there's honestly no one she cares about her opinion more than the woman.
But even she's not listening to her, and it's been two days.
Mama has sent away everyone that came for the wedding, as there's no need for them to be there. The house is as quiet as it normally is, with only three people in the house-Mama, Nusaiba, and Yasmeen. Yasmeen's father hasn't returned since that day, and to be honest, the girl preferred it that way.
Mama basically locks herself in her room and refuses to go out. Nusaiba brings her food, but aside from that, she barely interacts with anyone. Yasmeen has tried, but it turns out to be pointless.
"Just give her time, I'm sure she'll come around, hmm?" Nusaiba said, offering her younger sister a warm smile. She doesn't like this thing between her mother and sister. But, she knows they'll patch things up eventually.
She will make sure that happens.
Yasmeen simply sighed, her shoulders dropping. She has no doubt that she and her mother would eventually get along again, but she doesn't like how long it's taking. They have never spent a day without talking, especially not when they live under the same roof.
She was honestly too exhausted with everything. She has cried, locked herself in her room and starved but it was of no use. Eventually she realized that wouldn't help, so she forced herself to eat even if she doesn't have the appetite for it.
That particular day, Amina visited. She had visited the day before but Yasmeen didn't see her so she turned up again that same day. She was taken aback slightly seeing the condition Yasmeen is in that day, because it wasn't what she expected.
"Kikace me?" Amina questioned, wanting Yasmeen to repeat what she just said though she heard her.
Yasmeen suspired, blinking as she turned to face her cousin. "I want you to find that man for me, the one whose fault it is that I'm in this situation" She stated, her expression seeming determined.
She's tired of sitting there and mopping around. It wouldn't do any good so why bother? It's only making her life more miserable and she knows it wouldn't change anything. The wedding has been called off, her parents hate her, end of discussion.
Will crying turn back time? No. Would it bring back her wedding? Nada.
So, she wouldn't kill herself by being all depressed.
Amina blinked, staring at her best friend warily. "Why?" She questioned, because she knows Yasmeen well enough. The look the girl is sporting at that moment screams trouble, and she isn't sure if she wants any part of it.
Yasmeen's lips stretched into a smile, one that sent chills down Amina's spine. Forget, that smile is nothing warm or innocent. No. It's the type dolls in horror movies sport.
She then shrugged, feigning innocence. "I just want to know who the man who ruined my life is" She knows she's partly to blame for this, but she's the one suffering here...she will dump everything on him to make herself feel better.
Sue her, but that's how she feels.
Amina darted her tongue out to swipe across her lower lip. Her eyes narrowed at Yasmeen, trying to see if she could comprehend what is going on in the girl's mind but she couldn't. "Yasmeen, don't." As the good friend she is, she would much rather stop Yasmeen from knowing anything about the man for her own sake.
She's in enough trouble because of him.
And Yasmeen anticipated that. So, she already has a backup plan. "He and Rafael seems to know each other" She added, watching Amina's expression up close. "The last time we met they disappeared off to talk"
Amina's brows drew in, lips slanted into a deep frown. "He knows that twerp?" Considering she never liked Rafael, her dislike for the man only increased after what happened. "Could they have planned this?" Leave it to Amina to be suspicious of everything a person she doesn't like does.
That's what Yasmeen is betting on.
Yasmeen shrugged again. "I don't know" She feigned the look of innocence. "But, we can never tell until we look for him"
"Leave that to me" Amina looked extremely determined as she pulled out her phone and prepared to go stalker mode. If there's one thing the girl is good at, then it's finding someone. "What's his name?"
Yasmeen's brows drew in as she tried to remember what that girl and Rafael called him before. Because her mind wasn't there, she doesn't think she remembers it correctly. "Anas ne ko Ayuba?" She muttered to herself, trying to remember.
Amina looked up from her phone, giving Yasmeen the are-you-for-real look. "You don't know" It wasn't a question; it was a statement.
Yasmeen cleared her throat, avoiding Amina's piercing look. "I know. I just forgot" She mumbled, trying to wrack her brain for that name again. Abbas? No. Attahir? Nah, it wasn't that long. Arabi? Nada. That wasn't it. Aminu?
She's certain it started with an 'A' though, but she wished it didn't. That man deserves a name like Tanko, Dan Asabe, Danladi, Jatau, or the likes. His name sounded too fancy for him.
"Don't you know his last name or something?" Amina pressed, because she's certain Yasmeen doesn't know the name. Why else would the girl be beating around the bush if she knows?
Yasmeen was quiet for a while, trying hard to remember anything but her mind was blank as a canvas. When she decided to give up and try something, it clicked. "Wait!" She snapped her gaze to meet Amina's curious ones. "Azhar? No, no, no. Asad...Gidado, I think" She wasn't sure, but it sounded pretty much like it.
Amina's brows drew in, lips slanted into a deep frown. "Asad Gidado?" She questioned. "Are you sure?" The last time she saw him and Yasmeen together, she didn't exactly see his face so she can't say.
Yasmeen bobbed her head. "I think so"
Amina's head tilted to the side slightly, as she blinked. "Is he by chance a pilot or something? Like did he say anything that made him sound like one?" That particular name rings a bell, but she wanted to be certain first.
"Oho, how am I supposed to know?" Yasmeen shrugged. It's not like she knows the man well enough to chat about their lives. How is she supposed to know what his work is?
Amina hissed under her breath, forgetting that Yasmeen is a hopeless case when it comes to this. "Wait, I'm coming" She picked up her phone again, and went on to tap whatever. The tapping and scrolling went on for a while, but she stopped after about a minute or two, before turning the phone in Yasmeen's direction. "Is this him?" She asked, her tone holding a certain emotion Yasmeen couldn't tell.
Yasmeen took the phone from her and honestly, she didn't even have to zoom to be certain. "Yes" She gritted out instantly, her eyes narrowing. "It's him. I can recognize that big head anywhere. Kai kaman giginya." At this point on her list of 'I don't like' people, Asad tops the list.
In fact, his name comes before Rafael's.
Her eyes then moved to the other woman in the picture, and truth be told, she couldn't deny from a glance that she's truly beautiful. Would the word be an understatement? "Who is this though?" She questioned, eyes never leaving the picture.
Amina sighed, taking her phone to tap on the picture so it'll appear in its full size. There's a third person in the picture, one that Yasmeen recognized as well.
"Wait, is that Rafael?" She blinked repeatedly, as if his face would disappear but it's still there.
Amina hummed in confirmation. "Yup" She nodded. "That's Asad Gidado, Rafael Gaya, and Zoya El Khoury" She tapped in an IG username that showed Zoya's Instagram page, before showing it to Yameen. "You know El Khoury Tech., right?"
Of course Yasmeen knows. Their name is so peculiar and prominent that it's hard to not know the Lebanese company that's trying to take over the Tech business in Nigeria.
So, Yasmeen nodded. "Don't tell me she's related to them?" It's obvious she is, considering the last name.
Amina sighed. "She's Fares El Khoury's eldest, and illegitimate daughter" She said, referring to the President of the company-a name that's well known too.
But, what did she just say?
"Keh!" Yasmeen couldn't help but interrupt, wondering where Amina could've heard such ridiculous story. "How can say that? Do you have proof?" She doesn't know them, but she feels like one shouldn't spread such information.
Amina pressed her lips together, giving Yasmeen a deadpanned look. "Look, it's no secret that the man is a revert. He had her before he became a Muslim. I mean, El Khoury practically means priest" She added a shrug. "I don't know if he ever married her mother, and I don't know if she's Muslim or not, but I know she's a pilot too, just like Asad Gidado here."
Yasmeen's mouth hung open, not knowing what to say. The one she wants to find out about is Asad, not another woman she might never meet's life story. Then, she remembered the picture of the three. "Wait, so bros, this Zoya, and Rafa know each other?" It's obvious from the picture, they look like they're close.
Amina nodded. "From what I know, they are friends. Or more like, were friends. This is an old picture from like six, or seven years ago?" She shrugged, not knowing the precise year. One of her friends sent it in their group when they were once talking about them.
She has no idea where the girl found it.
Yasmeen hummed. That made sense in a way considering the picture did look old. Both Asad and Rafael look younger in the picture, though they still looked the same. "But wait," She started, after a few seconds of silence. "I asked you about Asad ne ko whatever, not Zoya"
"I'm getting there" Amina shook her head, knowing how impatient Yasmeen could be. "Asad Ahmad Gidado is a pilot. Does his last name ring a bell?"
Yasmeen shrugged, "Nope" How is she supposed to know? All she knows is her novels and the things she's forced to know in university. Anything else about other people, she's practically unaware.
Leave it to Amina to know someone's backstory while she's clueless.
Amina sighed, knowing Yasmeen truly is a hopeless case there. She doesn't even know stuff about the people in her country. "His father, Chief Air Marshall Ahmad Gidado is the Chief of Air Staff" She explained. "I can't believe you don't even know that"
"Wait, so his father is a soldier?"
"The highest rank in Nigerian Air Force"
Yasmeen swallowed thickly. No wonder Asad is scary. The man could've gotten it from his father. "Wait, how do you know all this?"
"He is my course mate's cousin's neighbor"
"Nagode" Yasmeen doesn't know what else to say about this connection-it is beyond her.
"In conclusion" Amina decided to say the last thing she has been holding out on. "I heard he and Zoya are getting married in a week"
"What?!" Yasmeen couldn't care less about his marriage, except the fact that he is getting married after ruining hers. She then began to laugh, though there's nothing humorous about the situation.
Amina stared at her warily, wondering whether the girl has finally lost a few screws. It wouldn't be surprising since she has gone through quite a lot.
About a minute of booming laughter later, it ceased all of the sudden, and a look that only scared Amina more took over Yasmeen's expression. She knew what it meant;
Akwai bala'i!
Haven't written the next chapter yet but I know what's going to happen and well...wahala.
Anyways, I don't have much to say so goodnight.
Love, Jannah.
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