10; Bleeding Heart.
For as long as Yasmeen could remember, there's one person in the world that she fears the most, almost as much as she detests him.
Her father.
It may sound wrong for her to hate the man, but try growing up in her shoes and you'd feel the same way on more than one occasion. She isn't proud to admit it, but having spent about two decades fearing the man, she wished death upon the man more times than she can count.
The hatred runs that deep.
But it wasn't just because of hatred that she wished him death. No, it was also because of the extreme fear she has towards him. She feared him beyond words and for the longest time, she had avoided him to her best capability.
It hadn't worked completely, because her mother still forces her to go and greet him every once in a while—an action she dreads because in her memories of him, more than ninety-eight percent were nothing other than him incessantly scolding her and calling her names.
"Get out of my sight. You are very stupid." He once said, when she was much younger and on the very day she asked to accompany her mother on a trip to Gombe. She couldn't have been more than nine then, but in her hazy memories of her childhood, it was the first time she asked him of such.
She didn't even want to. In fact, she pleaded with her mother to take her along but the woman simply said to go and ask the man. He never allowed her mother to take her on trips, and considering how close she is to her mother, she asked of that. Not to mention, they were living with her step mother and step sisters then.
She didn't want to be left alone with them in the same house even if it was only for a day knowing what they are capable of. They wouldn't hurt her physically, at least, not knowing she's slightly older now and can tell when one is causing harm to her. Besides, her elder sister is there but she wasn't that old either. Their step siblings would throw snarky remarks and looks that would make them feel intimidated.
So, with a shaky body and a little confidence gained, she trudged over the man's living room and asked.
And what did she get? A dismissive remark and insult over something that wasn't that big of a matter. Was it so wrong to say, 'No', nicely. Or does being nice doesn't apply to a parents? She had wondered for a long time, till date.
She still hasn't gotten her answer.
Her memories of him after that were in the same. When she was fourteen, he beat her up over an incident he didn't bother to hear the full story. Yes, she knew she was at fault, but it wouldn't kill him to listen, would it?
Scared of facing him for the next few days, her mother had to force her to apologize and when she did, all he said was; "Who asked you to apologize?"
She didn't want to lie, so, she told the truth. "Mama" She replied.
"So, if she hadn't asked you to come and apologize, you wouldn't have, right?"
She couldn't remember her response after that. All she knows is that a lot of more scenarios like that followed making her question the man even more growing up. If not that she resembles him in more ways than one, she would've seriously requested for a DNA test now that she is older.
Except, she is in a Nigerian household and that will earn her the cursing of a lifetime.
She could count how many happy memories she has of him; since they were only a handful. The only time in her life that she wasn't that scared of him, was when she moved to the hostel for university and calls him every week to check up on him.
During the thirty seconds or one minute calls, he doesn't sound as hostile as he does when she's at home. It was those moments, despite how brief that made her feel she actually has a father.
She saw other people having loving relationships with their fathers, and she couldn't help but wonder, what has she ever done to not deserve that? Why couldn't she have a loving father too? Why won't he just die so she, her mother, and only sister could be in peace?
Her father's issues with her mother is another story entirely—one that she learnt about growing up. It's times like that when she applauds her mother for being such a patient being. And even when her aunts and grandmother from her mother's side give her the same excuse over and over, she couldn't help but wonder if it's really true.
"Your father has been bewitched" Her grandmother once said, "Asiri aka masa" That truly makes more sense, and it wasn't impossible seeing as her step mother is known to come from a place where practicing black magic isn't something odd.
If anything, her step mother and step siblings are known for visiting a certain malam in the village.
So, yes. Perhaps, her father has been bewitched. But, truth be told, Yasmeen couldn't care less. All she knows is, she hates her father and fears him more than she would ever love him.
And, he just keeps giving her all the more reasons to feel that way.
She blew out a raspy breath, her body trembling as she clenched her fists that were on her thighs. Her eyes were fixed on the carpet, not daring to look up and see his steel expression that always makes her quiver, and not in the good way.
She heard him drop his phone, signifying that he is finally done with whatever it is he was doing. A part of her is certain he did that intentionally though, to draw more suspense and make her fear increase.
A few seconds passed, before his voice came. "Alhaji Ameen Gaya and I are yet to come to a conclusion" He announced, his voice gruff and so low, she barely caught it. "But, by the looks of it, the wedding would be called off" Though his voice was low, the underlying anger was hard to miss.
Yasmeen swallowed thickly, her trembling hand taking a handful of her hijab and fisting it. Her head never rose, as she waited...knowing something will follow.
"Uwar ki na cikin damuwa, all because of you" He didn't need to say that, because she knows. Her mother had locked herself up in her room and is yet to open it for anyone. Yasmeen had tried countless times but it was all in vain. "I hope you're happy" He turned his head to look at her, his expression blank. "You have brought shame upon our family"
Yasmeen flicked her eyes close, and then took in a sharp breath before shaking her head. "Baba, wallahi it wasn't my intention. This is all a misunderstanding." She has lost track of how many times she had said that. She told her aunts the same thing, but it seems the only ones who believe her are Kulu, Amina, and her sister, Nusaiba.
She could tell from the look the others gave her that they don't believe a word she said. And she couldn't really blame them for it.
"A misunderstanding?" Alhaji Khalid, her father, questioned. His tone was laced with disbelief, and if she cast her eyes on him, she could see the emotion painted right across his features. "Qaryar da zaki mun kenan? Misunderstanding?"
"Wallahi, Baba--"
"Will you shut up!" He yelled, though his voice didn't raise completely. Anyone within the vicinity though could hear. Thankfully, it was around nine at night so most have retired to bed. "Kimin shiru kafin in bata miki rai! How dare you open your filthy mouth and say that to me, huh? Misunderstanding?" He repeated the word, as if it's an insult. "Dan ubanki kin shiga motar wani ne misunderstanding? Two weeks to your wedding kina bin maza? Do I look stupid for you to say that blatantly to my face?"
Yasmeen clenched her eyes shut, as she felt it sting with tears. She has always been the type that prefers being beaten over being insulted. For some reason, words hurt her more especially coming from the people important in her life.
Why is it that her mother and father of all people don't believe her?
Even if the world hates her, shouldn't they trust her? They know her better than anyone. She wouldn't do what she is accused of.
"I'm certain a jami'a kikayi qawayen banza! Or, I'm sure that Amina is behind it. Daman gata da shegen bin maza. She's the one that put you down this path, right?" The older man scoffed, before snapping his fingers repeatedly. "Itama uwar ki I will tell her to send her sisters away because all they do is cause havoc in my house. Haka dazu suka zagi su Zainab don sunzo nan. Gaba daya sun maida min gida gidan tasha."
As always, her steps siblings had told him their side of the story and just like every other time, their story is the right one in his eyes. He has never been the one to see their mistakes. In his eyes, they are always right.
His children are never wrong—except her and her sister. He couldn't care less about them.
For the next few seconds, he was quiet but instead of that bringing her peace, it only worried her more. His silence is never a good answer. And it was proven to be correct when he spoke up again, with the words that only made her dread and hate her being entirely.
"Kiji, ki sani. If this wedding falls through because of that harlot character of yours, I will marry you off to a man I deem fit, ko da kuwa daga qauye ne. Because, no man in his right sense, would marry a mannerless woman like you. Kina jina?"
Swallowing thickly, she blew out a shaky, "Eh, naji"
"Now get out of my sight! Stupid girl!"
He didn't need to say it twice. Yasmeen hastily got on her feet and in a flash, was out of the living room and was heading as far away from him as possible. Her legs carried her to her room, and luckily, there was no one in the way to stop her.
She made sure to lock the door, before taking shaky steps towards the bed with blurred eyes.
She knew she's at fault in a way, but she couldn't help but blame everyone for not wanting to believe her. She blamed Rafael and his family for being such a terrible bunch of people, she blamed her family for having little trust in her, and she blames Asad for not trying to explain the situation to Rafael after being the one that caused the misunderstanding.
And the man had the guts to collect her number because she has to pay for the damages she caused. Couldn't he see that he has caused her problems too?
Truth be told, Asad didn't collect her number because he wanted her to pay. He wouldn't make a huge fuss of that knowing her current predicament.
At the same time, he didn't know why he collected the number. Perhaps, it was out of impulse or whatever...he just did it without much thought. And now, she's simply one call away.
What was that he told Rafael? Fate?
He doesn't believe in that—especially not when she's involved. Just like how he doesn't want to get involved in their issue more than he already is.
Telling Rafael that he would take her away from him is simply something he said to get under the man's skin. After all that struggle he went through to avoid getting married, he won't settle down just like that.
And yes, he is aware of Ama. He believes she would convince his father and he will get away from this marriage talk. After all, he has someone else that needs his undivided attention.
Asad sighed, his eyes fixed on the phone in front of him that shows her number. He hadn't saved it, because he doesn't believe he needs it but it's in his contact log since he dialed it.
What would he do with it now, though? He wondered, with his head tilted to the side slightly.
Maybe he should call and tell her that she doesn't have to pay? He knows he has caused her enough worries and he doesn't want to add to that.
Yeah...he should do that.
Without giving it much thoughts, his finger tapped the dial button and then he picked up the phone, bringing it to his ears. He heard the phone begin to ring, and then, he waited.
The call came in just as Yasmeen reached her bed, and was startled when the ringing came. Not wanting the annoying tone to disturb her, through her blurry eyes, she tapped the decline button and rested on the bed.
She was already on the brink of bawling her eyes out. Being in the confines of her room and with her parents' words coming back to her, a sob escaped her parted lips. Hot tears streamed down her face like waterfalls, without stopping for a single second. Her heart ached, it ached more than it has ever before because never had she hated herself more than she did then.
She hated her life. She hated Rafael. She hated his mother. She hated his sister. She hated his family. She hated her family. Heck, she hates everyone.
Why is it so hard for someone to listen to her? Why is it hard to accept that it truly is a misunderstanding? Why are they all believing some pictures over her words? Besides, it's not like the pictures showed them holding each other or doing something wrong. It simply showed the two together.
So, why would they all believe the pictures and give it another story which it's not?
She doubts Kulu would've believed her too if not for Amina. The girl was the one who explained to her mother that she was there when the man and Yasmeen first met and how it was an accident. She couldn't tell her mother the exact reason Yasmeen approached him.
All she said was, 'Some man humiliated him and she simply went there to defend me, but ended up talking to the wrong guy. It was truly all a misunderstanding'. She couldn't defend her regarding the day after though because even though she knows what truly happened, she wasn't there and as such, her affirmation wouldn't matter.
Nonetheless, she tried to help Yasmeen convince her mother and it worked.
Too bad Mama wants to hear none of it.
Yasmeen's heart was bleeding, figuratively, though. Another sob escaped her parted lips as she wished for a way to get rid of all the pain. It was unbearable to the point where she doesn't want to witness the next day. She doesn't want to wake the next day and the next ones that will follow only to go through that same pain.
No, she doesn't want to live through that.
But, as much as she wished for that to not happen, at the back of her mind, she knew she has to go through this difficult moment. And, the realization made her heart ache more and for her sobs to increase.
What she doesn't know though, is that instead of declining Asad's call, she accepted it. And so, for a few minutes, he heard her cry in pain. And though he wasn't there physically, mentally, he was and he felt her pain.
Despite not knowing her and his beliefs towards her, for the first time since he met Yasmeen, his heart ached for her. It was the first time he felt any emotion other than annoyance or anger towards her.
She didn't speak or say a thing, but he could only guess something caused her immense pain. Because for the few times he had met her, she didn't seem like the type that would easily break down.
Her sobs though...they were thick with pain.
That made him wonder, what could have caused her such pain?
Perhaps, it's because he has never been good at seeing women in pain, or maybe it's because he couldn't imagine someone as lively as Yasmeen in pain. But, for a brief second, he felt the need to shield her from her worries.
Careful Asad, because with the way things sound right now you'll soon crack o😂
But, it's cute tho🥺❤️
I be yam? Where will I get Asad huh?!??!
Kai kuma Malam Khalid sannu🙄 nace Sannu, kayi qoqari.
Yasmeen take heart ko, you had to suffer but you know I love you, right? 🤣 My love for you is endless that's why I share your pain🌚
Today's update came in early? Does seven pm count as early? Oho😂
Lemme carry my slippers and move to kdrama land. I'll see yall whenever.
Love, Jannah Mia ❤️
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