Chapter 9: The Metkayina


After a few minutes of walking, me and my team made it back to the base, everyone held their weapons up at us. But I gave them they all clear. Showing them that that they were with me. They hesitated for a moment but soon lower their weapons.

We then quickly made our way back to my dad's hut without having any problems on the way. Once we were at the hut I turned towards the girls.

Y/n: "Please behave yourself okay."

They nodded in response without a word. Once I entered, I see my dad holding his weapon, and his mate was doing the same.

Y/n: "Hey Dad there are people I want you to meet."

He looks at me confused before noticing the three women standing behind me.

Jake: "Who are they?"

Y/n: "Dad this is my team."

I show him the three women standing behind me. Reina, Alex, and Samantha waved at him and he slightly waved back.

Y/n: "They want to come with me to the Metkayina."


Third Person POV

The next morning the scene shows the Sully family at the tree of souls. As they were gonna leave the clan and Jake was giving up his role to a Na'vi name Tarsem.

Jake: "It's like stones in my heart."

Mo'at place the leader vest on Tarsem.

Jake: "Tarsem is wise for his years he will be a strong Olo'eyktan."

Tarsem rises up a dagger.

Jake: "The leader must die."

Tarsem then cut Jake on his chest making him bleed.

Jake: "So the leader can be born, Toruk Macto will disappear."

The Sully family began leaving the forest. Neytiri was crying the kids said goodbye to their grandmother Mo'at.

Y/n was seen grabbing his gear and holds crates and he walked goes in the Pelican as he looked at his team.

Alex: "I'm still surprised that you don't want us to come with you."

Reina: "Which is bullshit!"

Samantha: "We are a team Y/n."

Last night when Y/n introduced his team to his father and asked if they could come with them. He said it will be better off if they didn't come with us. Reaper tried to see if there was another way if they could come but Jake said it would not be a great idea. But he said it was fine for Y/n to still be in contact with them.

Y/n: "Look I want all of you come back but I need you all do something."

Alex: "What is it?"

Y/n: "Quaritch caught that human kid and they have him back at the base. Look this is what I need you all to do just keep an eye on him alright."

Reina: "You want us to babysit?

Samantha: "Really Y/n?"

Y/n: "Just do it and keep an eye on the Recons."

They all sighed before giving him a nod.

Reaper looks at his team and he walked towards them.

Y/n: "Helmets off."

Alex: "Why?"

Y/n: "Please do it."

The Spartans took off their helmets.

Alex: "Now what?"

Y/n goes to Alex and he kissed her. She blush and she went with it by wrapping her arms around him and they pulled apart.

Alex: "Wow"

Y/n: "Yeah"

Y/n kissed Reina and she immediately kissed back and they had a little make out.

Y/n: "Okay Reina that's enough.

Reina: "Fine..."

Y/n goes to Samantha and they kissed and Reaper placed his hands on her hips and they break apart.

Samantha: "I always wanted to do that."

Y/n chuckled as he walked to the Pelican before he looked at his team.

Y/n: "Stay safe girls."

The girls: "Good luck commander!"

After that Reaper walked inside the pelican and prepared to take off.


The Sully family were flying on their ikrans towards the ocean Jake yips as they followed him YN was up in the air flying the Pelican following them

Jake: a father protects it's what gives him meaning one life ends another began

The scene shows off Y/n and the Sully family flying in a thunder storm Y/n does his best to keep control of the Pelican.

The scene shows off Y/n and the Sully family continues flying as they made it through the thunder storm

Jake: "The sea clans are a world unto themselves thousands of islands an unknown territory into which we could just vanish without a trace."

Tuk wakes up.

Tuk: "Are we there yet?"

Neytiri: "Not yet Tuk."


After we flew for about two days we finally arrived at the Metkayina clan. My father told me that those are sea Na'vi, I don't know if this was a good idea coming alone, but Alex Reina and Samantha need to keep a eye on Spider to see if he's okay and the girl's will tell me anything that they learn and we are communicating with a comms secure channel that only we have access to so the RDA can't hear us.

Once I saw the Metkayina clan village, my dad and the others landed on the sand on their ikrans, but I couldn't just land the Pelican, since the area was too small for me to land it.

Y/n: "Scarlett."

Scarlett: "Yeah Reaper?"

Y/n: "I need you to find a LZ for a Pelican while I drop down."

Scarlett: "Copy that."

Y/n: "Don't worry I'll see you soon."

Scarlett: "I know good luck down there."

I smiled, I left the cockpit grabbing my gear, and I put on my helmet. I pressed a button as the Pelican door opened then I jumped out and dived down. Once I saw land I used my jetpack to land safely as I landed by my father.

Jake: "Hey son."

Y/n: "Hey dad "

Jake: "Look do me a favor just be quiet and don't make eye contact we're on sea people land okay you understand?"

Y/n: "Yes sir."

Jake: "Good."

Doing what my father told me to stay quiet. We walked forward and I saw the sea Na'vi or the Metkayina clan or whatever you call them. They approach us and surround us I can hear them whispering us but mostly whispering about me. Mostly saying it, I'm a human or a machine, but whatever I'm used to people whispering about me.

I do my best to not make eye contact with everyone. Then I saw two sea Na'vi approaching us and my brothers did I see you thing with their hands.

Then I saw two sea Na'vi around Lo'ak and Neteyam and they looked at Lo'ak and Neteyam tails.

Sea Na'vi: "Look what is that? Is that supposed to be a tail?"

They started laughing I started getting annoyed because I don't like bullies. While they laugh I gave them a death stare to make them shut up and they stop.

Then I heard a splash of water, I looked to my left, and I saw the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. A sea Na'vi girl dive in the water and she swim to the surface walking on the beach as she moved her wet hair behind her ear.

I blush under my helmet because she must be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my entire life even though I tried my best not to blush but I couldn't stop it.

Sea Na'vi: "It's too small how are they supposed to swim?"

The sea Na'vi girl went over to them and slapped their arms.

Sea Na'vi girl: "Do not Rotxo, Aonung."

I wanted to say something even though my dad told me to stay quiet but I couldn't stop myself so I looked at her.

Y/n: "Hey."

She smiled while looking down I don't even know how to flit but at least I tried.

Then I saw a sea Na'vi flying a dragon fish like creature whatever they are. And he lands in the water and he walks to the sand and then him and my dad start doing that I see you thing. Then I saw a sea Na'vi woman that was pregnant walked over to us. I don't know why, I got this feeling but I got a bad feeling about her.

Jake: "I see you Ronal Tsahik of the Metkayina"

Neytiri: "I see you Ronal."

The sea Na'vi who was on that sea fish creature is named Tonowari my dad told me about him.

Tonowari: "Why do you come to us Jakesully?"

Jake: "We seek uturu."

Ronal: "Ututu?"

Jake: "Yes, sanctuary for my family."

Tonowari: "We are Reef people, you are forest people, your skills will mean nothing here."

Jake: "Well we will learn your ways am I right?"

Neytiri: "Yes."

Ronal walked over and she examined Neytiri's tail and she grabbed Tuk's arms.

Ronal: "Their arms are thin!"

Tuk: "Mom."

Ronal: "Their tails!"

Ronal grabbed Kiri's tail and it looked like it hurt her.

Kiri: "Ow!"

Ronal: "Are weak! You will be slow in the water!"

Roanl grabbed Kiri's hands showing her five fingers.

Ronal: "These children are not even true Na'vi!"

Kiri: "Dad!"

Roanl looked at me and she circled around me. I just stayed quiet but I was looking at her through my crack visor.

Ronal: "They brought this metal thing to our village!"

She called me a thing that pissed me off. I went to approach her but my dad put his arm in front of me and he shook his head.

Jake: "I apologize for his behavior, he's just tired okay."

Ronal gives me one last look before she goes to Lo'ak and grabs his hand.

Ronal: "They have demon blood!"

Everyone gasped and hissed mainly at me. Then my dad showed his five fingers to Roanl.

Jake: "Look, look, I was born to the sky people and now I am Na'vi. Alright, you can adapt, we will adapt okay."

Neytiri: "My husband was Toruk Macto he led the clans to victory against the sky people."

Ronal: "This you call victory? Hiding among strangers! It seems Eywa has turned her on her chosen one."

Neytiri hissed at her and Roanl hissed back.

Jake: "I apologize for my mate."

Neytiri: "Do not apologize for me."

Jake: "She flown a long way and she's exhausted."

Neytiri: "Jake..."

Tonowari: "Toruk Macto is a great war leader, all Na'vi people know his story, but we Metkayina are not at war. We cannot let you bring your war here."

Tuk started tapping my arm I looked at her. It looked like she wanted to be held, I sighed and I pick her up.

Jake: "I'm done with war okay I just want to keep my family safe."

Neytiri: "Ututu has been asked."

Tuk: "Big brother do we have to go?"

Y/n: "Shhhhhhhh."

Tonowari and Ronal look at each other then Ronal nodded.

Tonowari: "Toruk Macto and his family will stay with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters, now they do not know the sea, so they will be like babies, taking their first breath, teach them our ways, so they do not suffer the shame of being useless."

Jake: "Now what do we say?"

Tuk: "Thank you."

Neteyam&Lo'ak: "Thank you."

Kiri rolled her eyes.

Kiri: (whispering) "Thank you..."

Then my dad looks at me.

Jake: "Y/n..."

I sigh.

Y/n: "Thank you sir."

Tonowari: "My son Aonung, our daughter Tsireya will show your children what to do."

Aonung: "Father why do-"

Tonowari: "It is decided."

Tsireya: "Come, I will show you our village."

We begin following Tsireya into the village. The place here is very different then the forest even though I don't know much about this planet. The platform we are walking on is very bouncing, I don't know how I'm not breaking it, since I'm like a 1000 pounds in this armor, I see Tuk looking at a sea creature that was cute .

Neytiri: "Tuk let's go."

Tsireya: "Just up here."

We continue following Tsireya to some kind of tent.

Tsireya: "This is for you your new home."

Jake: "Yeah, this will work, this is great it's nice right?"

Y/n: "It's alright."

Neytiri dropped the carpet she was holding and sighs.

We begin unpacking our things. I didn't bring much stuff, all I brought was my gear, and I had a photo with my father and uncle. Scarlett told me where she landed on the Pelican and I put her up and went back to the Village back to our tent.

Jake: "Okay, Sullys fall in."

Neteyam: "Remember family meeting."

Jake: "Come on take a knee let's go."

Neytiri: "Kiri."

Kiri: "What?"

I sit next to Kiri and I can tell that she was annoyed.

Jake: "Okay I need you kids on your best behavior. I mean it, learn fast, pull your weight, don't cause trouble you got it?"

Lo'ak: "Yes sir."

Tuk: "I want to go home."

I see Tuk started crying and I instantly felt bad for her. She kind of reminded me of myself when I was younger.

Neytiri: "Oh Tuk."

Jake: "Tuk, this is our home now. Now we're gonna get through this, we're gonna get through this if we have each other's backs. Alright."

Neytiri: "What does your father always say?"

There was a moment of silence before everyone started speaking.

Lo'ak/Neteyam: "Sully stick together."

Jake: "That's right, Sully's stick together, now this time with some feelings, yeah."

Lo'ak: "Sully's stick together."

Neteyam: "Sully's stick together."

Tuk: "Sully's stick together."

Kiri: "Sullys stick together."

Jake: "Y/n"

I sighs

Y/n: "Sully's stick together."
That's it for now! This was the longest chapter I made so far. I plan to start making more longer chapters but I would need help. I hope you all enjoy! I'll see you all later!

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