Chapter 5: The Mission
A/n: Another chapter out! Be prepared this chapter will be pretty long so be prepared. This another chapter
Third Person POV
Red Team and The RECOMS are getting ready for the mission. Y/n was still not having it because of the truth about his father but he ignored it.
???: "Blue team and Red Team."
The RECOMS and Red Team look up and sees a Avatar woman approaching them.
Quaritch: "Who are you?"
Ash: "I'm lieutenant Ash, just wanna make sure you all are ready."
Alex: "Yes we are."
Ash: "One thing before you go, if you find any Na'vi, bring them back here for interrogation."
Samantha: "How the hell are we going to bring Na'vi back here! Ask nicely?"
Ash: "No..."
Ash threw a device on Samantha and she was frozen in place. She couldn't move her body only her head.
Samantha: "What the hell! I can't move!"
Y/n: "The hell you do to her?"
Ash: "Restrain device freezes anyone in place."
Ash removed the restraint device off Samantha and she was able to move again.
Samantha: "A warning next time."
Lyle: "Damn those could be useful."
Ash: "Yes they are..."
Ash started giving restrain devices to all of the RECOMS and Red Team.
Ash: "Remember you only got one so choose your targets carefully."
Quaritch: "Thanks Lieutenant."
Ash: "No problem good luck."
Ash walk away and YN look at her ass but he shook it off since he isn't a pervert. While everyone was gathering their gear Lyle walked over to speak to Quaritch.
Lyle: "Colonel you sure we can trust that kid?"
Quaritch: "Sully kid?"
Lyle: "Yeah because what if he actually finds out what happened 15 years ago?"
Quaritch: "He won't."
Lyle: "And if he does?"
Quaritch sighs. He turns his attention to Lyle.
Quaritch: "Well Lyle there's one way, General Ardmore actually have a killswitch for the Spartans bombs in their armor just in case if any of them go Rouge..."
Reapers POV
Everybody was getting ready for the mission. Both the Recons and my team were loading up our gear.
My team was almost done loading up, I gathered up all my gear. and loaded all of my weapons.
I opened up the case to my last weapon I needed for my mission.
This blade can cut through literally anything it comes in contact with. This was given to me during my training sessions as a gift from my success.
After I gathered all my gear I headed to the loading bay. Most of the walk I stay quiet before getting on board with my team. I'll be flying ship for the mission.
In the sky of Pandora an aircraft called a 'Pelican' is flying in the sky passing the Hallelujah Mountains. Inside of the front is Y/n looking at his helmet before he pull out a photo of his family.
Scarlett: "Reaper I know this isn't easy but whatever happens I'll always be by your side"
Y/n nodded before he grabs her chip and put it back in his helmet.
In the back of the Pelican is Alex, Reina, and Samantha loading their weapons and getting ready.
Reina: "I haven't seen Y/n press himself look this since we were in boot camp."
Alex: "He's fine Reina."
Reina: "Well him acting like this isn't fine."
Y/n puts on his helmet and connects to General Ardmore .
Y/n: "Iron blue sky this is 115 Red Team is approaching the drop zone."
Ardmore: (Radio) Copy that 115 reach the drop zone and meet up with Blue team."
Y/n: "Affirmative 115 out."
Y/n puts the Pelican on autopilot and he goes in the back with his team. Then Alex gives him something.
Alex: "Here you go."
Y/n: "What is it?"
Alex: "A grappling hook you'll be able to reach high places and pulls things towards you and even pulls you towards people."
Y/n takes the grappling hook and puts it on his left arm.
Y/n: "Thanks Alex."
Y/n grab all of his weapons and grab his sword placing it on his left hip.
Y/n: "Everyone ready?"
Samantha: "Affirmative."
Samantha presses a button and the door of the Pelican opens. Y/n steps forward and Reina grabs his arm.
Reina: "You good?"
Y/n just nodded and he got in front and Red Team activated their jetpack.
Y/n: "Red Team fall in"
Red Team jumps when the light turns green and he starts diving down to the ground. Seeing a nice view once they are close to the ground they use their jetpacks to land safely.
Red Team and the RECOMS walked through the forest with weapons out as they watched the treeline. Then they heard something nearby. They aimed their weapons and they saw Viperwolfs they looked at them before they ran off.
Y/n: "Hmmmm."
Reina: "It was like they were afraid of us."
Z-dog: "No shit"
Red Team and the RECOMS continue walking through the forest as they arrived at an old abandoned base that had vines all over it.
Lyle: "Watch your six!"
Alex checked inside and found nothing inside.
Alex: "Clear!"
Lyle: "Perimeter up"
Y/n was behind Quaritch and he saw an old AMP suit that was covered with vines. Quaritch wiped off a few vines and the AMP suit had his name on it and he looked inside to see a skeleton in it.
Lyle: "Damn..."
Y/n realize that this is Quaritch human body and he also saw two arrows on the skeleton.
Samantha: "This must be his human body."
Y/n: "Yeah is it."
Alex looking around inside the base. The whole inside was trashed and covered in vines.
Y/n: "Find anything Alex?"
Alex: "Nope nothing but junk in here"
Quaritch: Lyle sees if you can pull some date off that dash cam
Lyle: that thing deader then shit Colonel
Quaritch: so were we
Lyle: "All right"
Reina: "Leave it to me."
Reina grabs a table device and she started hacking in the AMP suit and started data from the dash cam.
While she was doing that the Spartans kept an eye out.
Scarlett: "Reaper I'm getting signs of hostiles nearby."
Y/n saw on his mini map on the bottom left of HUD and there were red dots meaning hostiles are close.
Y/n: "Team follow me.
Quaritch: "Where are you going?"
Y/n: "Looking around we're not alone out here
Red Team left the area and they went into the forest as they saw footprints they used their visor to track the footprints.
Y/n: "let's go around catching by surprise."
Alex: "Roger that"
Red Team go around catch the hostiles by surprise. They hid in the bushes as they activated the cloak as they waited for the hostiles. They move on their mini maps as they hear voices.
???: "You're going to be in so much trouble."
???2: "Kiri stop!"
???3: "Guys come on!"
Red Team sees two teenage Na'vi and a teenage human and a little child Na'vi.
???4: "It's almost an eclipse come on-"
Y/n comes out of the bushes and he grabbed the little girl Na'vi as his Cloak disabled .
???4: "AHHHHH!"
Alex, Reina and Samantha come out of the bushes as they turn off their Cloak and they aim their weapons.
Alex: "On the ground now!"
Reina: "Drop it now!"
Y/n: "Colonel we got the hostiles."
Quaritch: (Radio) on our way"
Samantha: "Drop your weapons!"
They drop their bows Alex, Reina, and Samantha grab them.
Y/n: "Check them for weapons."
Alex, Reina, and Samantha check them for weapons and got them on their knees. Then Quaritch and the RECOMS arrived.
Quaritch: "What have we here?"
Reina: "A couple of spys."
Y/n looks at the male teen Na'vi and he kind of looks like his dad but in Na'vi. Then Lyle grabbed the older girl's hand revealing that she had five fingers.
Lyle: "Hey Colonel, check it out, four fingers, we got a half breed."
Quaritch walks to the male Na'vi teen.
Quaritch: "Show me your fingers."
The male Na'vi shows his fingers as he gives Quaritch the double bird.
Quaritch: "You're his ain't you?"
The Na'vi teen hissed at him.
Quaritch: "You're his all right."
Y/n couldn't believe this. His own father abandoned him for an alien woman and had kids meaning he replaced him!
Quaritch grabbed his hair and pulled really hard making the Na'vi groaning in pain.
Quaritch: "Where is he?"
Na'vi: (Na'vi) "Sorry I don't speak English to buttholes!"
Quaritch: (Na'vi) "Where is your father!"
Quaritch pulled harder.
Y/n: "Move a side Quaritch..."
Quaritch step a side and Y/n face the male Na'vi teen.
Y/n: "What's your name?"
He said nothing.
Y/n: "I said what is your name?"
That time Reaper spoke in a deeper tone that sent shivers down some spine.
Lo'ak: "Lo'ak..."
Y/n: "Lo'ak nice name, now let's make this easy for us, tell us where your father is..."
Lo'ak: "Fuck you"
Y/n: "We can make this easy for the rest of you or we'll take you back with us and interrogate you until you break. So tell me where is he?"
Lo'ak spit on his helmet visor Y/n growls and he grabs his throat and points his pistol forcefully to his head.
Y/n: "You're really pissing me off. Tell me where your father is!"
Lo'ak: "Go fuck yourself!"
Y/n looks at the Na'vi girl before looking back at Lo'ak. Sully Reaper removes the gun away from his head.
Y/n: "You may not talk but maybe she will."
Y/n started walking to the girl.
Lo'ak&Kiri: "No!"
Quaritch: "Reaper enough..."
Y/n stop before sighing and he put his pistol back on his hip.
Quaritch: "What's your name kid?"
???: "Spider Socorro."
Quaritch signal one of the RECOMS to let him go as he knees down.
Quaritch: "Miles?"
Spider: "Nobody calls me that..."
Quaritch: "I'll be damned, I figured they send you back to Earth?"
Spider: "You can't put babies in cryo dipshit"
Lyle: "What are we doing boss?"
The colonel takes a moment to think. Quaritch then connects General Ardmore.
Quaritch: "Iron sky blue one actual ."
Ardmore: (Radio) "Blue one, Iron sky send your traffic?"
Quaritch: "We are standing by for extract over be advised we are bringing in high value prisoners."
Na'vi girl: "Let us go!"
Lyle grabs her.
Lyle: "Let's cupcake."
Na'vi girl: "I'm not your cupcake you perv!"
Red Team and the RECOMS bring them over to the extraction point as Y/n is standing next to Quaritch.
Quaritch: "Reaper get me some audio on this."
Y/n: "On it."
Y/n gives Quaritch audio to the video as he saw a woman Na'vi hissing.
Y/n: "Who's this?"
Quaritch: "That's Jake woman."
Y/n: "Damn she must be dangerous."
Quaritch: "She is, kid..."
Then Y/n saw a male Na'vi jump in. That must be his dad.
Jake: (video) "Give it up Quaritch!"
Y/n: "Is that him?"
Quaritch: "Yeah that's him alright."
Y/n: "Son of bitch"
Quaritch: (video) "Nothing's over while I'm breathing!"
Jake: (video) "Kinda hoped you'd say that."
Y/n watch the video of the fight and he saw Quaritch getting killed by the Na'vi woman and video ends.
Y/n: "There's nothing after that."
Quaritch grabbed his human skull and he looked at it as Y/n grabbed a dog tagged.
Y/n: "You want us to recover these remains?"
Quaritch looked at his human skull then he crushed it into pieces.
Scarlett: "I'll take that as a no."
3 Hours Later
At the extraction point as they hold the prisoners. As It was night time and it also started raining.
Ardmore: (Radio) "Blue one Red Team stand by ready we are three minutes out."
Quaritch: "Heads up three minutes!"
The Red Team waited for the airship but then they started hearing Yips in the distance.
Scarlett: "Something's coming. Be on look out."
Y/n: "Red Team be ready."
The Red Team nodded as they got their guard ready for anything to happen. The girl Na'vi was mumbling in Na'vi as Fike told her to shut up. The Red Team look at their mini maps and see movement. They don't know if it's an animal or a hostile but they get ready. The girl Na'vi continues mumbo in as Fike told her to shut up again then Arrow hit him in the eye killing him.
Y/n: "Hostiles!"
Quaritch: "Contact rear!"
Y/n saw movement in the trees.
Y/n: "Movement in the trees!"
Red Team and the RECOMS fired their weapons at the hostile area.
???: "LO'AK!"
Lo'ak pulled the pin of smoke grenades on Z-dog vest as smoke was everywhere.
Red Team used their heat vision on their helmets to see through the smoke and they continued firing at the Na'vi in the trees. Then an arrow was shot towards Y/n but it bounced off him thanks to his energy shield.
Y/n: "Reload!"
The Red Team got cover as they roload their weapons.
Quaritch: "Is that you Mrs Sully!"
Y/n: (Growls) "I guess my dad's bitch is here."
Quaritch: "I recognize your calling card! Why don't you come on out Mrs Sully! You and I we got some unfinished business!"
???: "Demon I will kill as many times as I have to!"
Quaritch: "I guess you and the Corporal have been pretty busy haven't you! Dropped yourself a whole litter of half breeds!"
YN: Samantha give me your Sinper
Samantha: "Here!"
Samantha give Y/n her Sniper rife and he moved to the side and he sees the Na'vi woman hiding in the tree taking cover. Y/n aimed the Sniper to her head and gets ready to end her.
But suddenly an Arrow hit him from behind making him miss. Then Y/n turn around and saw a another Na'vi teen as he runs off. When the Spartan turns back he sees the Na'vi woman running away.
Y/n gives Samantha back her Sniper and he runs after them. So then he sees his father Jake now a Na'vi.
Jake turns to see a tall heavily armored soldier that's all black and had a red visor.
Y/n: "You!"
Jake fired his assault rifle at the soldier but the bullets bounced off him and Jake saw that the soldier had an energy shield.
Y/n: "You'll die by my hands."
Jake: "I'll like to see you try."
Y/n knocks Jake assault rifle out of his hand and punch him and swing again. But Jake dodge it and goes for a swing but Y/n caught his hand and he kicked to the ground.
Jake gets up and he goes for a punch but Y/n grabbed him and slammed him to the ground and goes to punch him but Jake rolls and kick Y/n stunning him Jake grabbed rocket and hits Y/n with it as a cracking sound with heard and Y/n fall on his knee.
Scarlett: "Reaper!"
Y/n took a deep breath and he got up on his feet and slowly turned around as his visor was cracked Jake grabbed a knife and Y/n grabbed the restraint device as the two circle each other .
Jake is one to swing first but Y/n caught his hand and knee his side making him drop the knife and he goes to place the restraint device on him but Jake caught his hand the two are struggling but then Jake headbutt Y/n and he placed the restraint device on him.
YN goes to shoot him with his pistol but it was too late as the restraint device activated and Y/n was frozen in place couldn't move
Jake grabbed his assault rifle on the ground and put it on his back before looking at Y/n for a few seconds before slowly walking away.
Y/n: "You abandoned one of your own for what?!"
Jake was confused about what he meant by that but he didn't have time to answer so he walked into the forest.
Then Alex Reina and Samantha finds Y/n frozen in place by the restraint device. So Alex grabbed it and took it off him so he can move again.
Y/n: "Damn it!"
Alex: "What happened?"
Y/n: "Found my dad try to use the restrain device on him but he got lucky!"
Alex: "Shit."
Ardmore: (Radio) "Red Team get to the extraction zone!"
Reina: "Come on, we gotta go!"
Samantha: "Don't worry Y/n, we'll find him"
Y/n: "I'll find him..."
Alex: "What do you mean?"
Y/n took a device showing a tracker.
Y/n: "There's a tracker on the little girl she'll lead me right to him."
Reina: "That's good let's tell General Ardmore about that and we'll go get his ass."
Y/n: "No, he's mine and I'm going alone"
Samantha: "Y/n we're supposed to go together"
Y/n: "Not this time..."
Alex: "Commander?"
Y/n: "All of you stay out of my way!"
Y/n started walking away as Alex Reina and Samantha didn't know what to do. They have never seen their leader this pissed off before.
Back with General Ardmore The RECOMS come back with Spider.
RDA soldier: "General Ardmore Reaper leaving the extraction zone."
Ardmore: "What the?"
Y/n is walking through the forest alone and he follows the tracker.
Scarlett: "You know General Ardmore won't be happy?"
Y/n: "I don't care."
Scarlett: "Hahaha that's what I like about you Reaper."
Ardmore connects to Reapers com.
Ardmore: "Reaper turn around get back to the extraction zone now!"
Y/n ignored her and keep on walking.
Ardmore: "115 go back to the extraction zone now!"
Y/n keeps walking ignoring General Ardmore orders.
Ardmore: "Open it."
RDA soldier: "General-"
Ardmore: "OPEN IT!"
The RDA soldier grabbed a key to unlock a suitcase.
Ardmore: "What are you doing 115?"
The RDA soldier opened the suitcase to reveal kill switches for Red Team just in case if they gone Rouge.
Y/n keeps on walking.
Ardmore: "Fuck!"
Ardmore turn on Y/n kill switch as it beeps.
Ardmore: "Turn around 115 you dumb piece of shit motherfucker!"
Y/n smiled just hearing General Ardmore getting mad.
Ardmore press the button on Y/n kill switch but nothing happened.
In space Dr. Halsey is looking at the bombs that were supposed to be on Red Team but she removed them off them. She had a feeling that the RDA will try something like this to her Spartans. So she was well prepared in case it happened.
Dr Halsey: "Nobody messes with my Spartans"
Ardmore was mad and she throws the radio against the wall.
Ardmore: "SON OF BITCH!"
Y/n is up on a hill looking at the forest.
Y/n: "Scarlett where is the tracker heading?"
Scarlett: "Hmmm by the looks of it the tracker is heading to the Hallelujah Mountains that's where Jake will be at."
Y/n: "Thanks"
Y/n jump off the hill and started heading towards the Hallelujah Mountains to kill his father.
Y/n: "I'm coming for you father and I'm going to kill you..."
Well that was anti-climactic wasn't it! I hope you enjoy! I'll see you later!
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