Chapter 3: Arriving on Pandora

Third Person POV

Y/n is sitting down on some crates waiting for the time to head down to Pandora .

???: "Reaper?"

Y/n looks to his left and sees Dr Halsey approaching him.

Y/n: "Dr. Harley is there something you need?"

Dr. Halsey: "No it's more like I'm giving something."

Dr. Halsey holds out a chip then a small red woman appears on it.

Dr. Halsey: "This is your personal AI she'll help you on your mission on Pandora."

Dr. Halsey gives Y/n the chip holding the AI.

Dr. Halsey: "Think of her as a second pair of Eyes."

Y/n: "What do I call her?"

Dr. Halsey: "Ask her what she named herself."

Scarlett: "Hello Reaper I'm Scarlett"

Y/n: "Nice to meet you Scarlett"

Scarlett: "It's a pleasure to work with you ."

Y/n nodded.

Dr Halsey: "Take care of her Reaper"

Y/n: "I will ."

Dr Halsey smiled and walked away then Y/n put the chip in the back of his helmet.

Scarlett: "Just keep your head Reaper there's two of us here."

Y/n is grabbing his gear getting ready to head down to Pandora his team is waiting. He's not sure of working with the RECOMS since he doesn't fully trust them.

???: "Hey there~"

Y/n turn around and he sees one of the RECOM named Z-dog.

YN: "Hello there"

Z-dog: "So you're Y/n Sully?"

YN: "Yes I am"

Z-dog: "Never thought Sully had a kid"

Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: "He had me before he went to Pandora I miss him everyday but now I'm getting my revenge for him."

Z-dog: Oh he will.

Z-dog walked to him and did a cat walk with her fingers on his chest."

Z-dog: "Never thought Sully kid would be this handsome~"

Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: "Well I got my mom's looks, she was really beautiful, and you can say she gives me my looks."

Z-dog learns in closer.

Z-dog: "If you're looking for someone you can get me."

Y/n: "Mmmmm don't know you gotta be my tybe."

Z-dog: "What's your type in women?"

Y/n: "Strong brave women who will never lie to me and slab me in the back."

Z-dog: "Oh handsome I would not do that to you."

Z-dog goes for a kiss but Y/n stop her.

Y/n: "We gotta go everyone waiting for us."

Z-dog: "What a shame, see you soon handsome~"

Z-dog walks away while swinging her hips as Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: "Why do I get so lucky with women?"

Scarlett: "Probably cuz you're lucky."

Y/n: "You heard all that?"

Scarlett: "Yep."

The Spartan just shook his head. Y/n grabs his gears and he put on his helmet.

Y/n: "Ready Scarlett?"

Scarlett: "Yes I am Reaper"

Y/n: "This is gonna be a crazy ride"

Scarlett: "Well you should know I like crazy"

Y/n smiled and he leaves heading to the others.

The scene shows of Y/n open his eyes as he was in a airspace with his Red Team team fully geared up and Quaritch with his team they had breathing masks on since they couldn't breath human air that good Y/n looks at a window and they have arrived to bridgehead city.

The airship landed and the door as Red Team and the RECOMS walked out along with passengers getting out as well. They had a mask called a Exo pack since the air on Pandora was toxic to humans but for Red Team they can breathe the air since they were given a serum that allowed them to breathe the air of Pandora.

Lyle: "Masks off!"

Quaritch and the RECOMS took off their masks and they started breathing the air.

The scene shows of Red Team following Quaritch and Lyle and a RDA soldier to meet the General and they see her in a combat suit punching a punching bag.

RDA soldier: "Sir this is the General."

The General continues punching and kicking the punching bag and she stopped to take a break as Quaritch appeared the General.

Quaritch: "General Ardmore

Ardmore: "Good to meet you Colonel."

They shook hands.

Ardmore: "I've heard good things but a lot's changed since your tour here."

General Ardmore noticed the Red Team.

Ardmore: "You guys must be the new Team. Team report."

Alex: "Spartan-521 Code name Cinder."

Reina: "Spartan-648 Code name Athena."

Samantha: "Spartan-384 Code name Sadira.'

Y/n: "Spartan-115 Code name Reaper, Red Team squad leader."

Ardmore: "It's gonna be a pressure of working with you. Walk with me."

The scene shows Red Team and Quaritch and Lyle following General Ardmore as they saw the construction happening around.

Ardmore: "The new ops center is over here that just came online these swarm assemblers they can put up a building in six days we have done more here in a year than in the previous 30 years we're not here to run a mine Colonel as on world commander I have been charged with a greater mission."

The scene shows of Red Team watching machinery building ships and amp suits.

Ardmore: "Earth is dying our task here is to tame this frontier nothing less than to make Pandora the new for humanity but before we can do that we need to pacify the hostiles."

Reina looks at Y/n.

Reina: "Commander I don't like the sounds of this."

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Reina: "I mean what about the Na'vi? Is Pandora gonna still be their home or we're just taking it over?"

Y/n: "As much I agree with that Reina it's none of our business. Our mission is to kill their leader and we're done."

Reina: "Whatever you say commander I'm with you."

The scene shows the Red Team in a commanding room watching videos about the raids that are happening .

Ardmore: "Toruk Makto raids are becoming bolder and more frequent. His strikes are well planned he's got tight coordination between his ground and air assets. His forces are hitting our outlying sites the mines pipelines cutting off our supply chain."

RDA Worker: "And they hit a maglev two days ago."

Red Team watch a video of the Na'vi raiding a tain and taking all the weapons.

Alex: "Since when did they learn how to use guns?"

Samantha: "Huh they realize that bow and arrows are useless against us."

Quaritch: "Any intel on Toruk Makto base of operations?"

Ardmore: "Yeah. Give me the mountains!"

A RDA soldier shows a hologram of floating mountains.

Reina: "Wow they are beautiful."

Alex: "I kind wanna see them in person."

Ardmore: "It's a cave system in the Hallelujah Mountains somewhere but every time we send our forces up there we take losses our hardware really stirs up the hornet's nest. We only get ten minutes in enemy airspace they are all over us."

Red Team watched a video recording of RDA gunships being ambushed by a horde of flying dragon creatures.

Ardmore: "Colonel we believe your Blue Team and Red Team will be perceived as indigenous and will not trigger the immune response."

Quaritch: "And how might we test that hypothesis General."

Ardmore: "The hard way..."

Quaritch: "Outstanding..."

Y/n: "You should know one thing Quaritch."

The colonel turns towards the Spartan.

Quaritch: "And what is that Sully?"

Y/n: "Toruk Makto is mine to kill."

Ardmore: "Glad you're on board to kill your own."

The Spartan looks at her confused.

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Ardmore: "Did no one tell you?"

Y/n: "Tell me what?"

He looks around at everyone in the room. Even his own team was confused.

Ardmore: "Jake Sully is Toruk Makto your father."
That's it for now! I hope you all enjoy! See you soon....

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