7. The News

"Are Harry Styles and Beverly Stewart officially dating? TheOne Direction star and the actress were seen by some fans recently.According to them, the two looked pretty close and cosy together. Butare they seriously dating or just hitting it off for some fun? If youknow the handsome boyband star you know that he has a long history ofex-flings and short-term girlfriends, who are the exact same type asBeverly. Harry likes them skinny and tall and pretty and a lot olderthan him. Beverly could be his mother but he doesn't seem to care.Maybe he likes to be told what to do?

Anyway, everyone's favourite womanizer has apparently a newflame and she is no stranger. Beverly Stewart is a well-known actressand mother of three adorable kids. She recently got a divorce fromher ex-husband Kyle Levi, which was a huge mess. Now she has her eyeon eye-candy Harry Styles, who is ...".

"God, this is horrible. Will theyever shut up?" his sister Abigail groaned in pure annoyance. "Anddid they just call you eye-candy? This is a new low, brother".

"I know but there is nothing I can doabout it, Abby. Just another unconfirmed rumour to push the imagealong" Harry shrugged unbothered. After all these years, he wasused to this.

"Great image. A womanizer, whodoesn't want to settle down and is into older mother-like womencalling him eye-candy, boy toy or whatever. Shouldn't this be aboutyour music?" Abby snorted unimpressed. She has always hated thispart of the job.

"No one cares about the music orsimply me. Without a girl by my side and some drama no one would evenlook at me. That's just how it works. Press is important to sell mystuff and pap pics are also good to get attention to new projects.The break is giving the public none of this, so this was about tohappen some time" Harry focused more on his food than on his sister.

"Are you even listening to yourself?You're not just interesting with some problematic bitch hanging onyour arm and ...".

"Abigail!" Harry's mother Annabelleexclaimed horrified.

"Sorry, but it's the truth. The rightpeople care about you without anyone else in the picture. There areso many artists who never have any bad press or stupid stunts topromote their music. Have you ever heard anything bad about Dolphin'scurve or Knight's of Love? Valentina Prince maybe? The answer is no,Harry" Abby tried to talk some sense into him.

"But they are not as successful as Iam, Abs. That's different. With a certain level of fame comes acertain amount of needed stunts and PR tricks to keep you relevantto the public or you disappear before you know it. It's not justabout music. It's about my image and the way ...".

"It should be about your music andnothing else" Abby cut him off.

"No one can live from just music,Abby" Harry lost his patience.

"Many people can. There are maybe notas famous are you are, dearest brother. But they also don't wanna be.They prefer to stay low key but free and that's completely okay andnot less successful or impressive" Abby let him know strongly.

"How about we change the subject? Youtwo won't agree on this. Harry, tell us how the boys are doing?"Annabelle tried to save the situation.

"They're good. They spent a lot oftime with their families as well. It's nice to have so much freetime. Liam was just helping his parents with the old attic andNiall's brother Matteo came by to visit him and Nina. They haven'tseen each other in so long" Harry told them lively.

"That's beautiful. And when are youseeing each other again?" Bella asked interested.

"Actually, today. In a few hours.We're gonna meet Zayn and Louis in the café close to Domumley High"Harry let them know happily but quickly realised that they were bothstaring at him with shocked faces. "What?".

"Since when are you talking to Zaynagain? Weren't you crazily mad at him for no reason?" Abby askedperplexed.

"Um ... we might have made up a fewdays ago" Harry grinned innocently at them.

"And you didn't tell me?!".

"That's great, Sweetheart. How come?"Bella hooked softly.

"It's kind of a long story andstarted with a call but ended with us talking things out with Zaynand Louis" Harry summed up.

"Louis? The Louis I'm thinking about?As in the fifth member of the band and you're ex-best friend in theentire world Louis? Who left without a word and never talked to youagain even though you tried to call him multiple times and ...".

"Yes, Abs. That Louis" Harry shuthis eyes, taking in a deep breath. "He and Zayn are attached by thehip. It was inevitable to face him as well, which turned out to beexactly the thing we all needed. Now we're all good".

"And did he explain why he left?"Abby checked concerned.

"Who? Louis or Zayn?" Harrypretended to be dumb.

"Both, actually" Abby wasunimpressed.

"Yes, they both did. Jackson was areason in both cases in one way or another. It's over and left in thepast. We all agreed on trying to be friends again" Harry justwanted to put an end to this conversation and move on. Just like theydid.

"That's good, Darling. I'm happy foryou. I know you missed both of them, especially Louis" his mothersmiled at him.

"And that's exactly why I need toknow if you're one hundred per cent sure about this, Harry. I canstill remember how devastated you were when Louis disappeared overnight and never answered your calls or texts. What if he shuts youout again or you lose contact when you go back? Will you be able tohandle losing him again?" Abby asked hesitantly with pure concernin her voice and a certain undertone Harry couldn't place.

"Why would I lose him again? I knownow that it wasn't really on him why he left the band without a wordand I understand his reasoning. We fixed this and when I go back wecan still talk over the phone. Many friendships work with hugedistances. Your best friend lives in Germany at the moment and youstill talk all the time. Why would it be different for Louis and me?"Harry didn't understand her doubts and fears.

Abby and her Mum shared a silent lookthat Harry has never seen before but they seemed to understand eachother without words. With a sigh, Abby faced him again. "You'reright. I'm worried for no reason. If you can rekindle your friendshipdistance won't change what Louis and you can have. Enjoy the timewith him".

"And Zayn, of course," Bella addedquickly, almost panicked.

"You two are acting weird. Why is myfriendship with Louis so important to you?" Harry wrinkled hiseyebrows.

"Because he is important to you,"Abby said simply.

"Liam and Niall are important to meas well. Even more than Louis and Zayn. They are my brothers and youknow that" Harry stated confusedly.

"I know" Abby just looked at him.

His mother cleared her throat loudly togain both of their attention. "Well, tell us about ...".

A few hours later, Harry was walkingthrough the city towards the café. Again, he noticed how little thepeople here cared about who he was. No one paid him any specialattention or whispered behind his back or took pictures of himwithout his consent or even with his consent. Here in his hometown, hewas simply Harry and not the superstar Harry Styles. No one caredabout him. Not more than about anyone else in his town.

People outside of this town cared a bittoo much. Like all the people on the internet, who seemed to have anopinion on Harry's newest girl. Many people judged him for her ageand problematic character but others praised him for getting anothergreat woman in bed. Only a handful of people said they couldn't careless because they only wanted new music. If those people would bemore ...

Lost in thoughts and staring down athis phone, Harry didn't see where he was walking and crashed intosomeone. He only saw blonde hair and bread rolls falling to theground. Fast, he crouched down and collected all the dirty itemsbefore offering a hand to the girl on the floor, which he should havedone first but his brain sometimes shut off without his permission.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you andnow I ruined your buns" Harry apologised ashamed.

"It's okay. I wasn't looking where Iwas going either. I just have to buy them again. It's no big deal"the pretty girl replied friendly.

"Let me pay for it. It's my fault. Iwanna make it right" Harry offered her guiltily.

"You really don't have to" she bitthe inside of her cheek.

"I insist" Harry flashed her hisbrightest dimply smile.

"Okay," she finally agreed. "Bythe way, I'm Sabrina. And what's your name?".

For a split second, Harry wascaught off guard by the fact that she didn't seem to know who he wasbut he caught himself quickly and focused on answering her. "I'mHarry".

Together, they walked back to thebakery and made some small talk. Talking to her was actually quitenice and Harry really enjoyed her company. She was treating him likea normal person and he really wasn't used to that. As sad as thatmight be. And now his thoughts made him wonder when his life hadstarted to sound like a cheesy romcom. He really needed to get agrip.

Inside the bakery, Sabrina ordered thesame stuff again and Harry paid for it. The bakery was lovely. Aplace like this should be more popular. Harry had never heard of thisbakery before.

"Thanks again, Harry. Now I reallyhave to run. My granny is waiting for me" Sabrina thanked him againgratefully.

"It really wasn't a big deal. I hopeyour grandmother likes the buns. Maybe you could let me knowsometime?" Harry tried to be not too straightforward with her.

"I could do that. Maybe with a text?"she asked hopefully.


Like this, they exchanged numbers andthen Sabrina was on her way. Harry smiled to himself and finally,made his way to the café and his friends.

"There you are, Hayds. We wereworried you wouldn't come any more" Niall said loudly as soon asHarry entered the café.

"Sorry, I bumped into someone and welost track of time" Harry sat down next to Niall and Liam, facingZayn and Louis.

"Someone you knew or a girl?" Niallwiggled his eyebrows at him.

"Obviously not a girl, Niall. Heknows he can't" Liam scolded him like a mad parent.

"Oh yeah, because aren't yousupposedly seeing Beverly Stewart? Oh no, wait. That's just a rumour"Zayn noted sassily.

"Beverly? Really? She is fuckingproblematic" Louis frowned.

"And needs better press and someattention, so what? It's not like I really sleep with her" Harryhuffed defensively.

"That's probably a part of theindustry I will never understand" Louis looked torn and Harrywondered why.

"Don't worry, Tommy. Me neither and Iwas part of it. I hated my 'flings' more than anything but at least,I fought back as much as I possibly could" Zayn patted Louis' back.

"Why does that sound like anaccusation? It's not like I want this or like I'm happy about it"Harry got mad at Zayn.

"But also not like you're activelyfighting against it, or am I wrong? Did you start to fight for yourfreedom when I was gone? I doubt it" Zayn didn't back down.

"I did not come here to be judged byyou for what do or what I don't. You left. Your right to judge me and myactions left with you. You have no idea how this really feels like orhow I ...".

"Oh, but I do" Zayn cut him offharshly. "Did you forget that I had to cover up the fact that I'mgay with those stupid flings? You only have to be over the topstraight and pretend to fuck every woman over forty in the industry.It's not the same as being closeted against your will, Harry".

"Is it my fault now that I'mstraight? It's not something I can change, Zayn. That doesn't meanit's easier for me".

"No, but you make it easy foryourself. You just go with it and do nothing to even fight back. Youtake the easy way out and I really tried to understand that but Ican't. Not anymore. Beverly is the low point, Mr. Eye-Candy" Zaynlooked right out disappointed.

"Why is everybody so pissed aboutthat word? I'm handsome. So what?!" Harry had enough of this.

"Maybe because you're more than this?More than someone's boy toy or an accessory to appeal to the youngerpeople. If I remember correctly you're a musician" Louis dared tospeak up.

"I'm not having this conversationwith any of you. This is Jackson's way to remind us that this breakisn't forever and we have a life to go back to. He keeps us relevant"Harry crossed his arms over his chest, feeling like a little kidbeing admonished by his parents.

"Good to know you're only relevantwhen you're a heartless fuckboy" Zayn mumbled under his breath butHarry heard him loud and clear. "Anyway, let's order some coffee.I'm dying".

"Hard day at work?" Liam asked toget rid of the tension.

"It was okay. Sean, Sarah and Chloeare doing a good job but sometimes I just wanna be alone and map outsome tattoo ideas. That reminds me, have you decided on what youwant, Tommy?" Zayn let them in on his thoughts.

"Not really but I have some ideas"Louis seemed absent-minded.

"You have tattoos? You hated themwhen you were younger" Harry gasped in shock.

"I also hated smoking but I still didit" Louis shrugged unchanged.

"You smoke?" Harry eyed his faceclosely for some reason.

"I said I did. I quit two years ago.Wasn't my thing and I hated the smell. Tattoos on the other grew onme and I have quite a few by now. All from Joey. He is the best"Louis told them informatively.

While the rest of the boys kept talkingabout Zayn and his amazing tattoos Harry couldn't stop looking atLouis. He hasn't really done that enough to process that this was thesame person from eight years ago. Back when they first met Louis wasa complete ray of sunshine with a bright smile permanently plasteredon his beautiful face. A face of a young boy, not even eighteen, withmessy hair and perfect skin. Eyes so blue and deeper than the ocean,holding all the answers of the universe in their depth. A small anddelicate boy with a fast and sassy mouth and the kindest heart fullof love.

In the present day, Louis lookeddifferent. It was the same face as all those years ago, just allgrown up and matured. He still had that messy hair and those deepblue eyes but they seemed a lot less carefree and way sadder andheavier. They have seen life and probably its ups and downs. Therewere no answers in those deep blue oceans anymore, only questions.His figure was still small but he looked so much stronger nowalthough his features were so soft. Life had changed Louis but so didall of them.

Shaking all those weird thoughts away,Harry tried to focus on his friends in the here and now. He awokefrom his trance just in time to see two middle-aged women walk awayfrom their table. A bit confused, Harry studied the faces of hisfriends. No one seemed to be the slightest bit confused. "Um ...sorry, what did I miss? Who was that?".

"Where have you been with yourthoughts, H?" Niall cackled amused.

"Nowhere" Harry cleared his throat,glancing at Louis, who was already looking at him. Deep blue oceans.

"These were Nikki and Violetta. Nikkiis the owner of the café and Vilu is her wife" Louis explained tohim, not breaking the eye contact for one second.

"They own a café together? That'scute" Harry didn't dare to blink, not knowing why.

"They don't. Only Nikki. Vilu is anauthor" Louis corrected him.

"Do you remember how she gave us ourjob? She really saved our asses" Zayn chuckled, causing Louis tobreak the eye contact and look at Zayn. Harry let out a deep breath.

"You worked here?" Liam hookedsurprised.

"Yeah, after we were done with highschool and after the competition, remember?" Louis confirmedlightly.

"Oh yeah, now that you say it Iremember that. This place is lovely and they seemed really kind"Liam's eyes grew big.

"They really are. She took me back inwithout a second thought when I came back. I will forever be gratefulfor that" Louis smiled while he was talking, gratitude reflectingin his eyes.

"Um ... I don't wanna ruin thislovely past talk but isn't that Dylan outside the café?" Liamcleared his throat awkwardly.

"You're right. He wanted to pick meup. I'm sorry, guys, but we had this planned for some time and Harryreally took his time to show up. Now I already have to go" Louisblushed slightly.

"Uh," Niall cooed like the idiot hewas. "What have you two planned that can't wait?".

"We are going to a concert byValentina Prince and I won't miss it for the world. So, bye, guys"Louis stood up from the table and rushed towards the door.

"Have fun and use protection!"Niall called after him.

"You heard the man, Tommy!" Zaynlaughed loudly.

"Fuck off" Louis flipped them bothoff jokingly before leaving the café and greeting Dylan with a sweetkiss.

Harry was watching them through thewindow until he couldn't see them anymore. His stomach felt weirdseeing them together and he knew deep down why but he pushed thatfeeling far away. He buried it deep where it belonged. In theoblivion of his mind. Together with a memory that was tugging on hisheartstrings. A memory he still couldn't forget and never forgive.


Why is Harry not fighting? What memory can Harry never forgive?

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