(Vol. 8) Chapter 71: Shutdown the System

-Prison Room-

(Inside the Prison in Atlas, Jacques Schnee can be seen sitting on of the adjacent cells by himself...

As days passed by, most of the prisoners, guards and staffs were extra cautious for anything suspicious inside and outside the place...

Before anyone says or thinks anything, Robyn, Qrow and Torchwick are seen walking inside the prison, looking at the ex-owner, and also ex-husband of S.D.C.)

Robyn: Jacques Schnee.

Qrow: *smirks* Sometimes, it feels nice to see him behind that cell. Right?

Torchwick: Indeed, little crow! And so is it pleasuring to see his success crumble into dusts.

(Jacques would growl in frustration for this.)

Jacques: Once i have Sleet and Camilla to get me out of here, you all better be sorry for trapping me here!

Torchwick: Suuure, keep dreaming about it.

(Suddenly the door opens by itself, revealing Clover and Emerald walking inside the room...

The four adult notice their facial expressions, which Clover was frowning while Emerald was saddened.)

Qrow: Hey, Luckster...what is it?

Robyn: What happened?

(Both of them stood quiet before two Atlesian guards are seen escorting Y/N to one of the adjacent cells, which the ex-Ace Op hasn't his mask since it was left back at Winter's recovery room...

All the adults were in disbelief to see The Forgotten Knight being arrested infront of their eyes, never expecting such things to happened...

After a few more seconds of silence, the guards seals Y/N inside the cell, leaving him with cuffs on his wrists.)

Robyn: Y/N...?

Torchwick: Well, that is unexpected...

Qrow: What happened, kid?

(Y/N stays quiet as he begins to sit on his new bed...

Jacques was eyeing in him for this whole time, still holding a grudge against him for ruining his career.)

Jacques: It seems James has finally done something right...What exactly did you do?

Y/N: ...Dropping one of your rats down, Jacques.

(Robyn was the first one to know what he was talking about...

Before anyone could do anything, she deactivates the cell and walks inside as she grabs Y/N by his jacket.)

Robyn: What in the Remnants were you thinking?!

Y/N: *stern* ...hands off, Huntress.

Robyn: Not before you tell me why would you do something like--

(Suddenly, a golden stinger is seen under her chin, signaling her that Y/N is using his semblance and mimic the Deathstroke's traits...

Qrow hesitantly draws his weapon, staring at his former student acting that way, in total disbelief.)

Robyn: *stunned* ...Y/N?

Y/N: I said...Hands off.

Qrow: Y/N, why are you even here?

Y/N: you won't get it...

(With that, Y/N simply gets off Robyn's grasp before he sits back on the flat-bed, looking down at the floor as his eyes, once shined by emotions, are now back to be dull...

Qrow immediately took notice of his sparks being gone, he then quickly pulls Robyn and Torchwick away from the cell before he turns it back on.)

Robyn: What the?

Torchwick: A little warning would've been--

Qrow: *cuts him off, stern* Can it, Roman. Y/N isn't messing around and Jimmy knows something about it.

(Both of them stood quiet before Clover walks over and looks at the huntsmen and huntress/councilwoman.)

Clover: One of your nieces came back in Atlas to help us with finishing the colosseum.

Qrow: Which one?

Emerald: R-Ruby...

Qrow: *raises his eyebrow* And Yang?

Clover: Outside of Atlas. She's helping Robyn with refugees to take them at the crater in Mantle.

(Torchwick holds his hand up to cup his own chin.)

Torchwick: Risky move, but effective for the heat problem...

Emerald: But...

(She nervously looks at Y/N, which he was still keeping his gaze at the floor without saying a word...

Qrow took a second to realize what Emerald is trying to say, he then places his hand on her shoulder for comfort.)

Qrow: If he's here, Jimmy knows what's up...For now, we're leaving him.

Robyn: But Qrow! Y/N is--

Qrow: *cuts her off* None of our business. This is Ace Ops mission, i can tell.

(With his final statement, Robyn reluctantly agrees with Qrow and begins to leave the prison room as he follows behind her...

Torchwick, already guessing what could happen, simply nods at Clover and Y/N before leaving the prison room, shortly regrouping with Qrow and Robyn.)

Jacques: Hmph, at least he deserved to be in here.

Clover: *stern* However, his actions were justified. Unlike you, he didn't make anyone into a slave for property, fame and money.

Jacques: *rolling his eyes* Oh don't you lecture me, Ebi. We all know that faunus are just bunch of freaks who needs to be treated like servants!

(Emerald, who was been listening for this whole time, snapped and drew her revolvers before she was being held back by Clover.)

Emerald: *angry* You old snob son of a-

Clover: Emmy, calm down! Don't add another criminal record on your new licensed huntress card!

Emerald: But--

Y/N: Listen to him, Emerald.

(Both of them stopped what they were doing and look at Y/N with surprise and a hint of fear from how serious and menace he sounded like...

Little thing Jacques knows about that whole thing...

The so-called King is about to be left with his sins.)

Y/N: Leave already. I already paid my sins and debts...

Clover: You sure, Ghost?

(Y/N stood quiet, but he did nod his head in confirmation at Clover, which he nodded back before taking Emerald out of the prison room...

Once they left the scene, Jacques and Y/N were now alone as the former was glaring at the Forgotten Knight with pure hatred and disgust.)

Jacques: And to think out of L/N family, i was being arrested by their son.

Y/N: ...

Jacques: Where are your parents anyways? Shouldn't they already bribing James to set you free by now?

Y/N: They're gone...

(With a single, flat, yet impactful answer, Jacques stares at him in pure shock and disbelief, not believing his answer.)

Jacques: H-Hmph, you think i would fall for--

Y/N: *cuts him off* They are gone. Dead. All thanks to your mistake, Cinder actually played smart and killed them.

Jacques: Are you pinning the deaths of your parents on me?!

Y/N: No...I'm implying that if you haven't made a deal with Watts, none of this would've happened.

Jacques: Oh cry me a river, L/N! At this rate, you'll end up as good as dead like them!

(Y/N remains unfazed by his statement, but he also kept quiet since he said what he has to say...

Jacques, on the other hand, simply scowl at him before he lays back on the flatbed, taking an actual nap after he literally badmouthing a L/N...

But what Jacques doesn't know...

That was also the last time he'll ever sleep...)

-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(On the streets of Atlas, the Malachite Twins are seen patrolling the area with Elm and Vine...

Harriet, Marrow and Neo were been called back by Ironwood to assist Yang's team.)

Miltia: Hey, sis?

Melanie: Yeah?

Miltia: Don't you feel weird?

Melanie: *confused* What do you mean?

Miltia: I mean, don't you feel weird not having Y/N around?

Melanie: Not really...Why?

Miltia: It's just, i don't know...having him not telling us what to do or whatnot feels unusual...

Melanie: Now that you mention it, it does feel weird not hearing him what we should do.

(The two Atlesian soldiers were eavesdropping the twin's conversations before they speaking for their mind.)

Elm: Don't get too distracted, ladies!

Vine: I assure Ghost is doing just as fine as all of us.

Malachite Twins: We know...

Melanie: Maybe it's just our feelings to feel like this, you know?

(Elm simply laughs at it)

Elm: Just like how we used to be! On our early days, we also were feeling how weird to not constantly hearing Clover or General Ironwood's orders!

Vine: And Ghost being used to be a solo member, the four of us grew up and adapted to work the way we're working up until now.

(The twins were surprised to hear a small amount of their background when Y/N was still in Atlas by himself.)

-Scene Change-

(Outside of Atlas Base, Clover and Emerald regrouped with Neo as the former criminal was eating her ice cream peacefully.)

Clover: Step one is done, we're moving to step two.

Emerald: Do you want us to go with Ruby? *gesturing at Neo and herself*

Clover: No needed. Harriet and Marrow have that covered, we're the bridge to move as many civilians as we can to the crate.

(After finishing to eat, Neo pulls her scroll and shows the text on the screen.)

Neo: [What about the Grimm?]

Clover: Yang and her team are there with the Happy Huntresses, we should be all set up for now.

Emerald: *unsure* I don't know... What if Cinder is somehow one step ahead of us?

(Clover simply smiles at her doubt.)

Clover: We have Y/N. If that woman is one step ahead of us, he's ten steps forward than all of us. General included.

Neo: (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠) [Aren't you guys exaggerating about Y/N's strategy?]

Emerald: She's right, that's an overstatement...

Clover: *waving off* Quite the opposite, Y/N and the general have been working like this before. Even when he was the fifth member, he can overcome any chances.

Robyn: *on the background* That sounds like Y/N we all know.

(The trio look over to see Robyn and Roman approaching them...

Neo happily runs toward Roman and hugs him, making the infamous former criminal laugh.)

Torchwick: Hope she was behaving, luckster.

Clover: *smiling at them* All good, Torchwick. She was good with us.

Torchwick: Heh, good to know.

(He then looks at Emerald.)

Torchwick: No signs from your boyfriend, emmy?

Emerald: *gets frustrated* Mercury isn't my boyfriend. If anything, he's just annoying...

(Neo nudges Torchwick's kidney, making him flinch in pain.)

Robyn: You deserved it.

Torchwick: *rubbing his side* I'm just trying to lighten up the mood a bit, huntress.

Neo: 😒 [smh]

(Clover simply shakes his head while chuckling.)

Clover: Alright, everyone. Time to get back to work, and remember-

Torchwick: *cutting him off* I got CCTV cameras for extra eyes, i like to play by our little knight's playbook.

Robyn: Me and the Happy Huntresses are doing everything to protect the civilians.

Emerald: F-For us, we'll lend a hand with anything. Besides Y/N, we're going to rely on Rubt.

Neo: (⁠≧ ⁠ω⁠ ≦⁠) [N/N will take care of that old bastard!]

(Torchwick and Robyn stare at the text in shock.)

Robyn: "Old bastard"?

Torchwick: *he gives a knowing smirk* Now i see Jimmy's plan...

Clover: *chuckling knowingly* Let's get evil, Grimms are close by.

(The group nodded at him before they all went to follow him for the evacuation...

Ruby, Nora, Blake, Weiss and Penny were seen heading towards Atlas Academy to directly ask General Ironwood what materials are needed to finish the Colosseum...

Yang, Ren, Jaune, Oscar and Pyrrha are outside of Atlas to reduce the grimm spawn rate, holding the outline as clear as possible, and also collecting possible stuff that could be useful...

The Ace Ops, Team (Y)MMN, Happy Huntresses and Torchwick were focusing on gather as many refugees as possible to take them to the crater for dealing with the heat problem...

As for Qrow, he was with Raven to catch up their siblings moment while they're on duty to provide air support on the blind spots, such as alleyway and etc...

And as for The Forgotten Knight...)

-Scene Change-
-Prison Room-

(He was punishing the ex-husband and owner of S.D.C...

Outside the prison room, two AK-200's were guarding the door panel while regular Atlesian Soldiers and Officers were passing by, some were scared, others were happy, but everyone share the same thought...

And that is Jacques being the most ungrateful, racist, pathetic man in Remnants...

Inside the prison room, Jacques was seen trying to get as far away as possible from Y/N...

His face was bruised, his bottom lip is busted open, his left eye was black from a possible hard punch or kick from the knight...

His white cleaned suit was now dyed with his own red crimson blood, as well as being worn out and cut open, showing cuts and bruises from a long term torture...

As for Y/N...

His hands were all bloodied from the beating he was giving to Jacques, his Ace Op uniform was also ruined and slightly painted by Jacques' blood...

And his Emblem has become a shattered knight head, meaning he was no longer bidding by the rules.)

Y/N: ...

Jacques: *coughing blood* S-Stop it... I-I've learned my–

(He was interrupted by a hard kick across his head, dropping him down before he was being stomped multiple times, blood splattering all over the floor.)


(He wasn't showing any signs of stopping soon, he just kept stomping his foot on Jacques' chest, breaking every ribcages he can to hold him on the ground...

Each stomps get more and more crunching from the ribcages to be shattered every seconds, Jacques couldn't do much but to cry in pain and agony from the torture...

Back outside of the Prison Room, the guards and officers know what kind of man he was, so they simply ignored his pleas...even though they were all scared how Y/N has become ever since his parents' deaths...

Back inside the room once more, Y/N was now seen with his foot on Jacques' head, standing up as his glance was showing nothing but pure emotionless void.)

Jacques: *mumbling* S-Stop... Please...

(He keeps begging for mercy, sounding weak and desperate from not dying by his hands...

However, Y/N's body begins to slowly tremble in pure anger as he recalls how he foolishly sided with the enemy...

And with that logic set in his mind;

He snapped and begin to lash out his bottled up rage, unleashing his anger to Jacques for his final time...

The screen slowly fades into pitch black as darkness is consuming the camera, letting the faint splatting, cracking and squishing noises fill the black screen.)


And with that, Volume 8 has started!!!

As you noticed, i worked on my new story: "The Sociopath of Tempest."

Next up will be Nikke x Spec Op Reader.

And yes, the old Spec Op Y/N from "The Spec Op Against the Three Factions" makes a comeback from being erased!!!

With that said...

I'll see you readers in the next chapter!

Have a good day/night!!!

P.S.: Time to hit the griddy while being Hiatus randomly, bye!

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