(Vol. 8) Chapter 70: Loose End

-Outside/Monstra's Throne Room-
-Night Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(A lone girl with black hair tied back into short pigtails is on her knees in the middle of a dim spotlight, slowly scrubbing a wooden floor. In present day, Cinder Fall scrapes the claws of her Grimm hand against a floor of mud and dirt to the same slow rhythm of the girl scrubbing the floor...

Thunder rumbles, and red lightning illuminates the dark clouds ahead, revealing Monstra. Cinder then looks at it before commanding with the Grimm Hound.)

Cinder: There.

(The grimm looks at Cinder and then at the whale, growling in acknowledge, it starts to guide Cinder towards the whale as they walk past Manticores and Teryxes flying above them...

Some time later, the hound and Cinder walk up a set of bone stairs, leading to a large chamber. In the middle of this chamber, Salem is sitting on a throne made of bone. The Hound stands still as Cinder kneels and places her right hand to her chest.)

Cinder: My Queen...

(Salem stands from her throne and turns to face Cinder.)

Salem: Cinder.

(Salem slowly descends the steps of the platform on which her throne rests.)

Salem: When I chose you as my vessel for the Maidens, I put my trust in you. So, I trust that you wouldn't possibly return to me empty-handed.

(Cinder stays quiet before reporting her kills.)

Cinder: However, My Queen...i took care of L/N's, both father and mother.

(The Hound growls lowly as if it was agreeing to what Cinder says.)

Salem: ...

(The squelching noise of the nearby membrane door catches her attention, and she turns to see Mercury Black and Hazel Rainart entering the room. Upon laying eyes on Cinder, Mercury frowns slightly.)

Mercury: C-Cinder...

Cinder: Quiet, Mercury.

(Mercury does so.)

Hazel: Emerald betrayed us.

(Upon the reminder, Cinder grits her teeth before looking away.)

Cinder: I saw her...

Salem: Such shame to see one of your valuable assets being turned around.

(Hazel then steps forward.)

Hazel: If i may, your majesty?

Salem: Yes, Hazel?

Hazel: ...With Tyrian, Adam and Watts' deaths, we must try to act fast. And ambushing Atlas like that was the right call? Even after what we saw what Y/N can do?

(Salem remains quiet, processing what one of her peers just said, which she silently agrees to what he says...

However, Cinder had different plans and glares intensely at him.)

Cinder: Polendina's creation interfered with the transfer of the Winter Maiden power... but now I know she has it. And once I return to Atlas, it won't take long to finish what I started. That power will be mine.

(Cinder's expression turns from anger and confidence to surprise as Salem lifts her hand to shush her.)

Salem: I've given no such command.

(Salem approaches her throne, and Cinder shakes her head in confusion.)

Cinder: Ma'am, now is the time to--

(Cinder cuts off as Salem rests her hand on the throne. The glowing red holes on the back of the throne light up more brightly. Salem's hand produces a red shockwave, and in response, a red design on the floor begins sending out repeated shockwaves, which move across the fleshy walls...

As Salem speaks, a bright glow can be seen pulsating through red lines that lead out from the throne across the floor in several directions...

She walks away from the throne with her back to everyone else, and a dark fog clears from the wall at the front of the room, revealing a view of the City of Atlas.)

Salem: This game is not yours to win, Cinder, it's mine. Just because you're more valuable to me than a pawn, does not make you a player. Everything is already in motion. All you need concern yourself with is your ability to act when I tell you to.

Cinder: Of course. *lowering her head* Without you, I am nothing.

(Salem's frown turns to a smile, and she lifts her hand and waves them off. Footsteps can be heard as her subordinates begin leaving. As dark clouds drift in between the whale and Atlas, Salem turns and walks back toward her throne.)

-Scene Change-

(Oscar Pine and numerous Faunus are gathered in the slums in the crater beneath Atlas, using blankets and Schnee Dust Company crates as seats. An older man with furry clawed hands steps out of a small home made from corrugated metal and thrusts a bowl of something at Oscar, who looks confused. The man gives an encouraging nod, and Oscar takes a sip from the bowl.)

Oscar: Thank you.

(Oscar hands the bowl back, and the man gives a nod and a grunt in response before walking away.)

Ozpin: *in Oscar's mind* Heads up.

A small Atlas airship flies overhead, and the Faunus flee the area. Oscar picks up The Long Memory and stands up, watching the ship with suspicion. The side door slides open to reveal Ruby Rose, who waves.)

Ruby: Need a lift?

(Oscar relaxes, and is soon after inside the ship with Ruby, Weiss Schnee and Maria Calavera as it flies over Mantle.)

Oscar: Where are the twins?

Maria: Back at the shelters! They're helping the Happy Huntresses to take care as many refugees as possible.

(Weiss then smiles at the progress they're making.)

Weiss: Guess N/N did keep his words and don't go after Cinder for the time being...

(Ruby gasps out of shock and stares at Weiss with an awe and happy expression.)

Ruby: Did you just call our boyfriend N/N?!

Weiss: Hmph!

(Below them, Joanna Greenleaf peeks out at the ship from around a corner, and then steps out into the open and waves her arms at it. Maria who is piloting the ship, looks down at her.)

Maria: Yeah, yeah, I see you.

(Maria lowers the ship to land, and she, Ruby, Weiss and Oscar soon hurry down a sidewalk to Joanna, who wave them into an alleyway.)

Joanna: Inside, Hurry

(A camera drone comes hovering along, and just as it turns to look at Joanna, she gives it a thumb up and then walks back into the alley.)

-Scene Change-

(Inside a restaurant kitchen, May Marigold leaned over a map on the counter, speaking over a communication device. While she talks, Ruby, Weiss, Oscar, Maria and Joanna walk inside and head across the kitchen.)

May: I know, Sector 3 is going to need the most help. I'm sending backup your way right now. Fiona, do you copy? We need transport from Sector 3 to the crater.

Fiona: "Copy!"

May: Ace Ops?

Clover: "Got our orders from the general. We'll secure the evac Mantas, over."

(In the dining area, Jaune Arc, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie are sitting at tables while Penny and Pietro watch the news. The news network is displaying Ace Ops defending multiple Mantas with Y/N and his team to provide assistance and support both land and sky.)

News: --Meanwhile, The Forgotten Knight has returned back in action once again. Many in Mantle are left to wonder what the future will--

(As Ruby's group enters the room, Nora turns and stands from her chair, smiling. She approaches Oscar, who recoils in fear, turning his head to the side, closing his eyes and putting his hands up to stop the tackle that he assumes is coming...

Instead, Nora calmly walks over and hugs him, much to his surprise. He relaxes and hugs back, and Weiss and Ruby smile at the scene.)

Blake: How was the talk with the general?

(Nora lets go and walks away.)

Weiss: It was alright...mostly. How about you guys?

Nora: Chilling! Except how small this place somehow looks compared to the one back in Atlas.

Oscar: I guess we have to wait for Qrow and the others to come back.

(Everyone looks at Penny, who looks down at her hands.)

Ozpin: *in Oscar's mind* It appears you are getting adapted to this, Oscar.

Oscar: *in his mind* Y/N and Ren helped me through, thanks to their meditations.

(After a few seconds of silence, Joanna enters from the kitchen.)

Joanna: Looks like everyone is here.

(She walks further into the room to stand in front of them.)

Joanna: You ready to work?

(Both teams nod their heads.)

Ruby: Ready as always!

Jaune: What's next?

(Joanna turns to look through a box of supplies and continues talking.)

Joanna: The largest Grimm horde ever seen is hovering over the tundra, and out there is a city full of people with no heat. And while we're happy to give you guys a place to stay for a while during these missions... It's time to get those people some help.

Yang: How are we supposed to help with the heat?

Blake: Not to mention that Y/N told us his semblance can't last more than a day or two...

Ren: Is there any place where we can find heat?

Joanna: The crater. Beneath Atlas. It's not safe, but it's warm, and with everyone in one place, we can do a better job protecting them. May can send you where you're needed most. We've got to get everyone down into that crater before nightfall. In the slums, we might have a chance.

(She turns and heads back toward the kitchen.)

Weiss: Is this how you, Robyn and Y/N felt when you're on missions?

(Joanna stops with her hand on the door and turns to look at Weiss.)

Joanna: If you're wondering about our fatigue resistance, then yes. We've been doing this longer than anybody else, which it can explain how we can keep going until we're completely tired.

(She then exits into the kitchen. Yang gets up and moves to stand in front of everyone.)

Yang: We need to get out there and do what we can for Mantle.

(While Yang speaks, a view of the near future shows Yang running through an alley in Mantle. As present day Ruby begins speaking, future Yang spots a pair of Sabyrs around the corner and hides against the wall.)

Ruby: We need to do what we can do for everyone

Jaune: What about Amity?

Phyrra: From what i've heard from Y/N's plan, he said the arena is still under construction.

Ruby: But without Ace Ops or N/N, we can't do much...we need help.

(Future Yang moves to sneak away from the Sabyrs but is distracted when she steps on a watch on the sidewalk. It is then that she notices an abandoned suitcase and a photo of three friends.)

Blake: Ruby's right. The Happy Huntresses are handling the evacuation better than we could. And there's a bigger picture.

(The view switches back to present day Yang.)

Nora: Don't forget that Strikey has his semblance working perfectly! Don't even forget that his summons are helping The Happy Huntresses!

Jaune: That's actually a good point, but remember, he can't do that more than a day or two...his Aura will get drained if he goes longer than that.

(Ruby turns to Pietro.)

Ruby: Doctor? What would you need to launch Amity now?

Pietro: Uh... We've made decent progress on construction and fuel collection, all potentially manageable, but uh... hm... Amity was designed so it couldn't launch itself without first being granted clearance from General Ironwood's terminal.

Phyrra: I could go back to Atlas and tell the general about this.

Weiss: By yourself, Phyrra?

(Phyrra shakes her head in denial.)

Phyrra: I can ask General Ironwood for transport.

Ren: And for Y/N and his team?

(The view changes to Ruby on a Mantle rooftop in the near future, as she makes her way down of the building and walks past a drone camera behind an air conditioning unit.)

Pietro: Actually... there is more than one terminal. The one in his office and uh... one in the main Atlesian Military Compound... at the base of the city.

(Future Ruby lowers her hood and peeks over the air conditioning unit to look up at the underside of Atlas. She then starts contemplating, and the view changes back to present day Pietro.)

Oscar: Maybe that way, after we gave all the necessaries to finish Amity, all we need to ask the general for his green light to launch the arena.

Nora: *gasping out of surprise* That's a genius move!!!

Yang: What you're saying is it can't be done. It's pointless. And even if you got the message out, there's no guarantee help would come.

(Ruby becomes annoyed while Yang speaks.)

Ruby: It's not pointless! Atlas is only Salem's current target. She's not hiding anymore and once she's done here she'll move on to the rest of Remnant. We need to warn them!

(Yang stands in silence for a moment.)

Yang: Ruby... when we came here, we said we'd follow your lead... but... things haven't exactly worked out.

(Ruby recoils somewhat with a mix of emotions on her face. Yang's statement elicits various reactions from Weiss, Nora, Oscar and Penny, as well.)

Yang: I just--

(Ren steps forward, interrupting Yang.)

Ren: There are people here who need us right now.

(The view changes back to Yang in the near future, as future Ren approaches her. They nod to each other.)

Ren: That's something we can actually do.

Nora: But this isn't about just Atlas. Ruby's right. It's about all of Remnant.

(Future Yang looks away from Ren, who looks somewhat saddened. The view changes to future Ruby, still looking over the air conditioning unit, as future Nora places her hand on her shoulder. Future Ruby turns to look at her.)

Nora: They need to know in Vacuo, in Mistral, in Vale, what's coming.

(The view shifts back to present day Nora.)

Nora: So they can prepare.

(Jaune and Phyrra step between Ren and Nora, with Jaune putting his hands up to each of them while Phyrra tries to hold Nora down.)

Jaune: Okay. Okay... Then let's go for both. *gesturing to Nora and then Ren* Get Amity up and running and evacuate Mantle.

Phyrra: As we always do, we split up and make this plan work.

Ruby: But that's how Salem got this far - by dividing us. We have to stick together.

Oscar: No. What Salem wants is to turn us against each other. Just like this. Jaune has a point. We can work separately and still be united.

Penny: Or... let me take the Relic to Salem... and maybe she will call off her attack on the Kingdom.

???: Like that ever happen...

(Everyone in the cafeteria turn their heads to look at the door and see Y/N, Neo and Emerald walking toward them...

Shortly after, Ruby and Weiss quickly run and hug their boyfriend.)

Ruby: N/N!

Weiss: You're back, when did you finish your mission?

Y/N: Only for a short period, i have to come back out there later.

(Ruby and Weiss slightly frown at his mention of short break, but quickly shrug it off with a smile as they let him go.)

Ruby: I guess it can't be helped, right?

Weiss: *giggles lightly* Of course not, he's stubborn when he wants to.

(Emerald quietly giggles behind Y/N's back while Neo simply smirks at her fact.)

Yang: Strikes, we need your opinion.

Y/N: About what?

Jaune: We were thinking about doing something to help everyone.

(Y/N crosses his arms, still listening to them.)

Y/N: Go on.

Yang: Joanna told us about a crater beneath Atlas where we can take refugees down there for solving the heat problem.

Blake: But we've been working for a while, and none of us have pushed that far until our own fatigues caught us...

Emerald: What did you guys suggest then?

(Ren steps forward to talk.)

Ren: We were thinking to split in two teams and keep communicating to one another; Getting Amity Colosseum up and running while evacuating Mantle.

(Neo pulls her scroll out of her pocket and shows the text on its screen.)

Neo: [If you put it that way, we can actually cover more corners and multitasking our main objective.]

Emerald: However...Salem will be ready to invade Atlas, no matter what.

Ruby: Which it's why i'm saying we should stick together!

Oscar: Ruby, we already talked about it. Salem wants us to turn against each other!

Yang: And that's why i'm agreeing to split and work on something else!

(Ruby gets more and more annoyed by her half-sister's stubbornness, she then steps infront of her with a frustrated look.)

Ruby: Why won't you listen to me?!

Yang: Because everytime you've made any choices, things aren't working as you planned!!!

(Before the two begin to go after each other's neck, Y/N simply steps in-between before pushing the half-siblings away from one another.)

Yang: The hell?!

Ruby: N-N/N!?

Y/N: Enough. Both of you.

Yang: But she started it!

(Ruby gets offended by that.)

Ruby: ME?! YOU'RE the one who doesn't cooperate with what i've said!

Y/N: I said "Enough."

(Both girls flinch at his voice and immediately went quiet, after realizing how he was about to get angry.)

Y/N: Both Ruby and Oscar have their points. *gesturing at Ruby* Even if you guys won't do as much as you thought you would, the determination of evacuating Mantle is still appreciated.

(He then moves his arm to gesture at Oscar.)

Y/N: But the longer we're sticking together, the higher the chances of getting turned against is fatal for us, but a huge advantage for Salem.

Emerald: *crossing her arms* My question still stands, what do you suggest?

Y/N: We're going with both ideas, getting the arena ready to go and evacuate Mantle from Salem's invasion.

Ruby: But N/N! Mantle needs--

(Y/N cuts her off by holding his hand up as a sign to stop her mid sentence.)

Y/N: For doing that, i can get Ironwood's permission to launch Amity once we get what Pietro needs to finish it up.

Pietro: If i may, Y/N.

(Y/N looks at Pietro.)

Pietro: You should know that the general was once paranoid, meaning he would hesitate to this plan of yours.

Y/N: ...

Pietro: However, ever since you've came back, he actually kept his words and began to help everyone as much as he can...so i've thought you needed someone to help you with the security.

Y/N: By bypassing?

Pietro: Not entirely correct.

(Penny stands up and looks at Y/N with determination.)

Penny: I'll go.

(Pietro stares at his daughter in shock.)

Pietro: Penny, are you sure about this?

(Penny turns her head to him with an excited smile on her face.)

Penny: I'm combat-ready to save Remnant!

Y/N: Guess Mantle will be having my clones to secure the perimeter.

Oscar: What about the teams? How are we splitting up?

(A brief of silence...)

Y/N: ...Yang, Jaune, Ren and Oscar can pair up. *gesturing at Ruby, Blake, Weiss and Nora* You four can deal business within Atlas.

(Everyone stare at Y/N in shock by his sudden command of forming two teams for the mission.)

Ruby: N-N/N?

Yang: That's totally unexpected, are you sure about that?

Y/N: Either that or we're all be sitting here and getting nowhere...if none of you can't find a way, i'll do it as always. As for me and my team, we'll improvise...all i ask is to be careful.

(The view changes with future Y/N standing at the rooftop, glaring at the Monstra in the sky with his emotionless eyes before it changes back to the present.)

Y/N: Right now, Salem's in our backyard. We have to go stop her, at all costs.

(Back with the future view, future Nora has a somewhat sad expression, but then musters up a look of determination. She walks over to Ruby, Blake and Weiss. This view of the future becomes the new present. Blake puts her hand on Ruby's shoulder.)

Blake: Hey, we're still united.

Ruby: I hope so.

Maria: *over ear-piece* "I can get Pietro out to Amity to prepare, but that doesn't answer how we're getting all of you up to Atlas."

Y/N: "Already thought of that. Penny, call General Ironwood."

Penny: On it!

(Before she could even make the call, a beeping tone starts playing from someone's Scroll...

The girls look confused, and Blake, Ruby and Nora check their Scrolls...

The four of them then turn to look at Penny, who is holding her ringing Scroll.)

Penny: Oh, perfect timing! General Ironwood is calling me instead!

Maria: "Is that your doing, knight?"

Y/N: "Which one comes out first, the chicken or the egg?"

(Penny taps the Talk icon, accepting the call.)

Ironwood: "Hello, Penny. I'm worried for your safety. Tell me where you are and I'll have you picked up right away. Atlas needs you, Penny. Salem is here."

Penny: I'm with Team Ruby, sir!

Ironwood: "and Y/N?"

Y/N: "Check."

(Ruby walks over to Penny, who allows her to take the Scroll.)

Ruby: General Ironwood, we need a small favor from you.

Ironwood: *intrigued* "How may i help you, Rose?"

Ruby: Could you help us gathering necessaries for completing Amity and get it running?

(There was a few seconds of silence from the other end of the call...)

Ironwood: What about Mantle?

Ruby: We were--

Y/N: *cutting her sentence off* "Two birds with one stone, Ironwood. We're changing my plan by getting Amity ready to launch while evacuating Mantle with The Happy Huntresses' help."

(Another few seconds of silence, this time it can be predicted by the shocking news.)

Ironwood: "You know Clover needs to--"

Y/N: "Salem's here, Cinder's alive, the new winter maiden is under your wings, what you NEED to do is to hold the line while we evacuating Mantle AND getting Amity ready!"

Maria: "And you think you can do all of that by yourself?"

Penny: Fear not, Maria! I can help Y/N with protecting Atlas!

Blake: What about Y/N's team?

Ironwood: "I have the twins working with Harriet and Elm. Neo was sent back here to assist Vines and Marrow."

(Y/N's icon can be seen flicking as a click sound was heard as if he just clicked his tongue.)

Y/N: "I have Clover with me and Emerald then."

Ruby: N/N, are you sure this will work?

Y/N: "...It's just like you said, this is not just Atlas, it's about all Remnants. We'll tell everyone about Salem IF i say so..."

(Blake and Weiss walk over to Ruby, which she allows them to talk.)

Blake: What are you planning this time?

Weiss: Are you perhaps--

Y/N: "I'm finishing what my parents have started...if Salem sends Cinder to fight us, i'll kill her myself. No matter what."

(A brief of silence once more...)

Ironwood: "Y/N. Before you leave, meet me at the medical facility."

Y/N: "..."

Ironwood: "We need to talk. Privately."

Y/N: "...Rog'. 0-6 out."

(Y/N's radio cuts off as the call has ended between the group. Ruby, Blake and Weiss look at each other with concern, worried about him actually going to kill Cinder once he has the chance.)

-Scene Change-

(In an Atlas medical facility, Marrow Amin, Vine Zeki, Elm Ederne, Harriet Bree and Clover Ebi are staring at Watts' corpse on a table in front of them. Clover and Vine are stoic, Elm and Harriet are disgusted, and Marrow is still nervous from Y/N's outburst back in the office. Ironwood watches them through the window of Winter Schnee's patient room across the hall, while Atlas technicians check on Winter.

Ironwood has retrieved his black gun and has had his injured left arm replaced with a prosthesis. He looks at his new left hand, flexing his fingers, and then looks over to the door as an Atlas crewmate enters the room and salutes him. He briefly salutes back, and they both place their hands behind their backs...

Shortly after, Y/N is seen walking inside the room, making the Ace Ops surprised by his sudden appearance.)

Harriet: Ghost?

Elm: Did you kill--

Y/N: Yes. Watts is dead and gone for good.

(His sudden cold answer made the team shock by his attitude.)

Marrow: Y-Y/N, are you--

Y/N: Silence.

(With a single word, Marrow immediately went quiet, as if Y/N mimicked his semblance...

He then looks at Ironwood after he detaches his mask off of his face, tossing it away as it lands on a table nearby.)

Y/N: From the tone of your voice during our call, you had something in mind and you want me to get involved behind their backs, right?

Ironwood: ...

Clover: Y/N, don't push your luck now.

Y/N: Neither do you, Ebi.

(Clover's eyes slightly widen open in genuine shock when Y/N called him by his last name instead of his first name.)

Vine: Oh dear...

Elm: Ghost, you're scaring Harriet and Winter if you keep acting like that.

(Winter was staring at Y/N with worried and a slight feeling of fear.)

Ironwood: ...As much as the plan is going flawlessly, i'm afraid to say that two of the Council were inside Jacques's pocket...

Y/N: Meaning?

(Ironwood slightly tenses up by his former Ace Operator being this demanding and cold, but shortly after, his expression softens slightly, and he relaxes his stance.)

Ironwood: Clover managed to sneak some valuable information about Jacques' attempting of being taken to the Court and proved his innocence.

Y/N: ...So they were against Robyn from the beginning?

Winter: *worried* ...Sir? Y/N? What will you do about that?

Atlas Technician: Wait, you can't be in here!

(In the hallway, the technicians who had been tending Winter move forward with their hands up to stop Councilmen Camilla and Sleet from approaching).

Sleet: This is absurd! Let us through!

(Ironwood watches through the window, and Harriet steps out of the room across the hall and watches with her hand on her hip.)

Camilla: I told you, we need to speak to the general!

Ironwood: I'm going to do everything I can to defend this kingdom.

(Camilla and Sleet push their way past the technicians.)

Camilla: What in God's name do you think you're doing, James?!

Ironwood: No matter the cost.

(Before he could walk out of the room, Y/N beats him to it and menacingly walks out instead before he stops at the doorframe.)

Winter: Y-Y/N?

Y/N: ...This was all black. Right?

Ironwood: ...Yes.

(Y/N went quiet and begin to step out of the room, standing at the hallway.)

Camilla: Mister L/N! Please stay out of this, we NEED to talk with James at this instance!

Y/N: Why?

Sleet: You know EXACTLY why!

Camilla: We've heard about the Martial Law! This is absolutely absurd!!!

Sleet: And what's this about martial law? Has he lost his damn mind?!

Y/N: For you two...for us, we're just doing our job to protect Atlas, Mantle AND all Remnants.

Camilla: By making this operation WITHOUT OUR permission?!

Sleet: How would you call this whole thing then?!

Y/N: Tying loose ends...starting with the traitors.

(As he makes his statement loud and clear, Y/N draws Ironwood's white gun and shifts his stance, aiming and immediately firing a single shot at Sleet, who cannot be seen from Winter's view of the window...

As Y/N takes aim, Camilla's eyes widen, and she turns to look at Sleet, bringing her arms up close to her chest and screaming in terror as the gun fires...

Elm, Vine and Marrow had been watching the councilmen while Y/N walked into the hall, and when the gun fired, Vine maintained his stoic expression, while Elm, Clover, Harriet Marrow's eyes widened in shock. All four look at Y/N, who lowers his gun...

Camilla is staring wide-eyed at where Sleet stood, and Sleet has gone completely silent. She hyperventilates and looks at Y/N...

Y/N turns and walks in the opposite direction down the hall, holstering Ironwood's gun back into its holster, while Winter and Harriet watch. Harriet looks at Winter, then lowers her gaze. Winter sits there, processing what has happened with her mouth slightly agape.)

Ironwood: ...I hope you understand why that was necessary to do.

Y/N: ...Inside job. Don't make me regret, James.

(Ironwood's expression shifts from stoic to shock when he heard Y/N calling him by his first name for the first time...

Two Atlesian guards run towards the scene and look at the general.)

Atlas Guard 1: General, sir!

Atlas Guard 2: What was that gunshot for?!

(Ironwood and Y/N are having a sort of face-off in the room right now, one was progressing what he just heard while the other was staring with stern, determined, yet determined look in his eyes...

After a few seconds of silence, Ironwood closes his eyes to let out a small sigh before opening them back with his usual stern expression.)

Ironwood: Y/N has rebelled and tried to frame the Councilman Sleet and Councilwoman Camilla...but he went too far and executed Sleet without remorse.

(Both guards stare at the duo in shock before hesitantly drawing their guns at Y/N.)

Atlas Guard 1: ...Lieutenant L/N.

Atlas Guard 2: We're sorry for this, but you're under arrest. Please raise your hands where we can see them.

(Y/N simply does as he was told, not daring to say another word as he was letting himself being arrested...

The screen slowly fades into pitch black, only the noise of footsteps can be heard in the darkness...)


And i don't know this turned out, be brutally honest with me and comment on this section if this volume started in a good or a bad way.

As i always say...

I'll see you readers in the next chapter!!!


P.S.: A little spoiler, would you rather having the Ace Ops facing against Team RWBY or Team Y/N (Y/N, Neo, Malachite Twins and Emerald.)?

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