(Vol. 7) Chapter 69: Confliction

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-

(In a hallway in Atlas Academy, Team JNPR are standing together with Emerald, Neo and the Malachite Twins as Oscar has the Relic of Knowledge hanging on his waist...

Even if they knew all the three questions are been answered, Ozpin advised to keep the Lamp with them in case of unexpected event.)

Jaune: Wait. Ruby and the others left?

Emerald: They did. Neo saw them leaving with a Manta airship for Y/N's mission.

Nora: Ooo! Strikey is back!

Malachite Twins: Wrong, he's still in Mantle.

(Nora looks at the twins in shock.)

Nora: What?!

Ren: Guess now we know why they left.

Phyrra: *smiles knowingly* They care about him, it's as simple as that.

Oscar: Um. Sorry for asking, but what was Y/N look like back before all of this happened?

(Team JNPR and EMNM* look at each other before looking back to Oscar.)

Jaune: Y/N wasn't as talkative as you know him now...

Ren: *nods in confirmation* He used to communicate with us by one word, two words or with small sentences...

Nora: *imitates Y/N* "Let the judgement day begins." That phrase is still one of my favorites!!!

(Phyrra and the girls giggle at her.)

Phyrra: He is very good with words. My personal favorite from Y/N's sentence is "Only Destiny can decide my Faith."

Melanie: That sounds exactly what Y/N would say. Right, sis?

Miltia: Well said, sis.

(Oscar was surprised by that.)

Oscar: He wasn't like this before? Like at all?

Nora: Nope! Back then he was so mysterious, secretive, yet he'd still opened up with us!

Jaune: Let's not forget his fighting skills during sparring matches whenever we were at Professor Goodwitch's class.

(Nora gasps loudly and starts squealing out of joy.)

Nora: Oh my Oum, yes!!! His combo attacks were SO cool!!!

Oscar: ...Why do i remember Ozpin letting Neo to make copies of camera videos from your professor's training arena?

Ozpin: *mentally* That's because i allowed her to keep the footages. Y/N was a role model student alongside with Miss Nikos.

(Neo happily pulls her scroll out and shows everyone Y/N's sparring matches...

Melanie, Miltia, Emerald and Oscar were shocked by Y/N's speed and momentums he had between coordination of his hits...

Oscar was the most shocked one, even though he had the same memories as Ozpin.)

Ozpin: *mentally* Y/N was an outstanding student i've ever enrolled him in. He is still the most greatest fighter amongst the group.

Emerald: *still shocked* I knew he was strong when he sparred with Mercury...but i'd never expected him to be THAT strong...

Nora: *fangirling* He was so cool!!! The way he defeated Cardin, my Oum that was so amazing!!!

Ren: *smiles slightly* He sure was more of an action guy. Maybe even edgy, if you think about it.

Jaune: He kinda was! I'm surprised you helped him with your herbs.

Ren: My village used to have herbs to heal all sorts of ill, even the ones that can help to soothe and heal by drinking tea made out of the herbs.

(Nora giggles and hugs her boyfriend.)

Nora: Renny is the best guy you could ask for some medical tea!

(Ren just blushed at this.)

Malachite Twins: I wonder how long he'll take to come back.

Oscar: Maybe Robyn sent her huntresses to help him.

Clover: Lucky guess, kid?

(Both teams turn around and notice the Ace Ops approaching.)

Jaune: Clover? Is there something we can do?

Nora: Another mission?!

Elm: I love the enthusiasm, girl!

Harriet: But sorry, no missions for now.

Nora: *frowns* Awwww! Why?!

Marrow: ...Ghos- I mean, Y/N, has some backup...

(Team JNPR and Oscar share a confused look.)

Oscar: Isn't what Ruby and her team are there for?

Clover: Kind of. But...

-Scene Change-

Clover: *narrating* Things are actually getting under control, for the most of it...

(Back down in Mantle...

Yang, Blake and Weiss are currently protecting civilians while Y/N and the Happy Huntresses are dealing with Grimm...

A group of Redeemed White Fang are escorting civilians to the landing zone for their Manta Airship to evacuate them away from Mantle...

Penny is also helping by giving aerial support, however, Y/N's Aura begins to flicker from white to yellow. That causes the Protector of Mantle to get alerted by the timer.)

Penny: *over communicator* "Ghost! Your Aura is starting to drained down! You have approximately 30 minutes left!"

(That didn't stop him, instead he kept on killing Grimm left and right without worrying about anything...

But sadly, one of the Grimm managed to pass through and it's heading for the civilians.)

May: Shit! A Grimm got through!

(Y/N simply ignored and kept on holding his line knowing the breached through Grimm is about to die...

Ruby was the first one to act and immediately dissipates the Grimm with her Crescent Rose, decapitated it before it dissipates into dusts.)

Yang: Nice one, sis!

Ruby: Hehe

(A static goes off from their communicator.)

Atlas Manta Pilot: "Ghost 0-6, this is Manta 9. Do you copy, over?"

Y/N: Destination...

Atlas Manta Pilot: "5 minutes. Hang in there, everyone. Over."

Y/N: 6 out.

(Y/N's Aura starts flickering from yellow to red.)

Penny: *worried* Y/N!

(Y/N looks over to his left side and notices Penny's worrying expression.)

Penny: You have to fall back! Let the others switch your place!

Y/N: I can still--

Yang: We've got it! Blake, let's go!

(Blake nods her head and follows Yang to hold Grimm back from the civilians...

Meanwhile, Y/N copies Jaune's semblance to boost his Aura healing while providing protection and support to Atlesian soldiers.)

Atlas Manta Pilot: "Team RWBY, Ghost. This is Manta 9, 2 mikes out."

Y/N: Make it quick.

Atlas Manta Pilot: "Solid Copy, Ghost. Manta 9, over and out"

(He then turns his comms off and looks at the group to hold the position a bit longer.)

Y/N: 2 minutes till the manta comes landing!

Ruby: *on the background* Got it!

(The Happy Huntresses, Yang and Blake were still seen holding the protected perimeter from Grimm to breach through...

Y/N's healing was still in progress, so he used Judgement Day on its rifle form and blasts multiple fire dusted shots at the group of Grimm to make them easier to get rid of.)

Ruby: N/N?!

Y/N: I can still going. Focus on the transportation.

Ruby: But that was--

Y/N: *sternly* I know what i'm doing, Ruby.

(Ruby's expression becomes shocked when she heard her boyfriend knowing how close he was to harm any of the girls...

But on the other hand, she knew he just got recovered from his week off due to his loss of both parents, which her and Yang are related due to Summer Rose's death...

Without further ado, Ruby simply nods and groups up with Weiss and R.W.F. to protect the civilians from any harm.)

Yang: *punching a Grimm away from her* That was close, Strikes! Try not to make any friendly fire!

Blake: Shoot when you see an opening! Can you do that?!

(Y/N points his rifle up and takes aim at an incoming Ursa.)

Y/N: Affirm.

(He then pulls the trigger and kills the Ursa with an ice dusts shot, causing the Grimm's body to freeze before it shatters once it falls down.)


(After protecting the land zone for more than two minutes, a manta airship descends from the sky before it opens the ramp to let the civilians to get in for taking them to the shelters...

All three teams were exhausted but standing victoriously as they all watch the scene with a smile on their faces...

Ruby then becomes the first one to notice Y/N talking with the R.W.F. group in the background.)

Y/N: Let Sienna know that we can take care from here.

R.W.F. Grunt: Yes sir! Shall i send her your regards?

Y/N: ...Yeah. Say also Ilia hi for me.

R.W.F. Grunt: You got it. *looks at his group* Brothers! Let's go!

(The group nod at their captain and leave the area as they all are now out ot sights...

Later on, Team RWBY begin to approach to their knight friend as The Happy Huntresses are seen being with civilians as they watch the Manta flying to the shelters.)

Yang: Phew! That was kinda tough to hold those grimm off.

Weiss: At least we've managed to clear one of the sectors for General Ironwood.

Blake: Yeah, although--

Ruby: *on the background* What was that for, N/N?!

(The trio got startled by their team leader's sudden voice, they then turn around and watch Ruby and Y/N's argument in bewilderment.)

Y/N: What do you mean?

Ruby: Yang already said she and Blake had it covered!

Y/N: *narrows his eyebrows* All i did was covering their blind angels.

Ruby: May, Joanna and Fiona were already covering them!

Y/N: *slightly irritated* What are you implying?

(Ruby gets infront of Y/N and harshly pokes him on his chest.)

Ruby: You were supposed to protect the civilians, not spreading fear to them from your sudden move!

(Y/N narrows his eyebrows in anger and gets infront of her face.)

Y/N: And i've thought i would've been left for a bit longer.

Ruby: We were worried about you!

Y/N: That i was about to go after Cinder or being killed by her?

Ruby: What are the difference between them?!

Y/N: *subtly angry* One is about her being dead while the other is bringing her down in hell with me!

(Ruby's eyes widen in shock before she quickly gets angry at him by every seconds of their argument.)

Ruby: And what goal will you achieve if you kill her?! It won't bring them back!

Y/N: *glares into her eyes* You watch it, Ruby.

Ruby: *anger* Make me, Y/N!

(Realizing how heated the argument is getting Yang quickly pulls Ruby away from Y/N while Blake and Weiss are holding him back from going after her.)

Yang: *worried* Sis! Calm down! Strikes knew what he was doing!

Weiss: Darling...you should know how Ruby is worried about you.

Blake: Weiss is right, she was just worried, that's all...

(The couple didn't talk back to their friends, instead they pull themselves off of their grasps and turn their backs to each other.)

Ruby: Hmph!

(Y/N simply growls quietly out of frustration.)

Yang: Sis...

Weiss: Y/N...

Blake: Come on, guys...

(Ruby and Y/N turn their heads to stare at each other for a few seconds before the knight makes his move and leaves the sector by himself...

Ruby watches him leaving before she slowly getting sad and upset for being angry at Y/N. Yang, Blake and Weiss simply walk their team leader to another Manta to get them back at Atlas Academy...

As for the Happy Huntresses, the three of them were concerned and worried about Y/N and Ruby's relationship's problem, hoping it won't lead to getting physical.)

-Scene Change-
-Atlas Academy-

(Inside Atlas Academy, Team JNPR and EMNM are seen talking to each other within the cafeteria as they were all eating snacks...

Chatter and laughter can be heard in the cafeteria before Team RWBY, minus Y/N, are seen walking toward both teams.)

Nora: *waves happily at them* Hey gurls!!!

Malachite Twins: Welcome back!

Emerald: How was the mission?

(RWBY stayed quiet as the four of them were showing their worried expressions.)

Phyrra: *tilts her head slightly* What happened?

Ruby: ...We--

Y/N: *on the background* Small disagreement.

(Ruby slightly flinches out of surprise before she and her teammates turn around to see Y/N with his Ace Op uniform on...

The other teams quickly look at Y/N with confused looks from them.)

Jaune: Disagreement?

(Neo types on her scroll and shows the screen.)

Neo: [What happened?]

Y/N: Didn't think through our formations...

Ren: Do you mean you almost hurt someone?

(Y/N simply points at Yang and Blake.)

Y/N: A Grimm was behind them and i pulled the trigger.

Nora: Oh, that's it? I've thought--

Y/N: Shot a round in-between them, however.

(Both teams stare at Y/N, surprised by his casual report.)

Jaune: You almost hurt them?!

Y/N: The gap was wide enough to not hurt them.

Ruby: *quickly retorts* But that could've harmed them if you weren't careful!

(Y/N quickly looks at Ruby with anger like back in the street...

Team JNPR and EMNM were in disbelief of the scenario between Ruby and Y/N having a confliction to each other.)

Ruby: If you would've just stay put, we wouldn't have this argument!

Y/N: And i already thought we've agreed to not make any scenes when we come back!

Ruby: This wouldn't happen if you did as she's said!

(That triggered Y/N to get mad at her.)

Y/N: Are you implying that was my fault to be "that" reckless?!

Ruby: What i'm saying is to listen more than just making risky calls like that!

Yang: S-Sis, calm down. Come on, drop it alrea--

Y/N: *cuts her off* Out of this conversation, Yang. This is between me and her.

Weiss: Y-Y/N!

Ruby: He's right! Stay out of this, i can handle it!

(Shortly after, the two begin to bantering from one another as the group were watching with concern...

Before the argument could get even more heated, General Ironwood and Winter are seen walking inside as they notice the atmosphere being more tense than usual.)

Ironwood: What's going on here?

(Ruby and Y/N stayed quiet while glaring at each other with anger, frustration and irritated...

Shortly after, both of them turn their back to each other, huffing each other off before answering the general's question.)

Ruby/Y/N: Nothing, General/Sir...

Winter: ... *clears her throat to loosen the tension a bit* How was the mission?

Ruby: It--

Y/N: *quickly cuts her off* Was about to get held down by Grimm, Ruby acted like a leader and came with her teammates to save me.

(Ruby's eyes went widen out of shock from Y/N's sudden answer, but only to realize he was giving her and her teammates credits instead of him taking them.)

Ironwood: Is that so? How many Grimm were there?

Y/N: Too many...Penny was only helpful for a short time before saving other sectors.

Ironwood: ...I see. In that case, you should be grateful they've came at the right time.

Y/N: ...yeah...

(He then walks out of the cafeteria, leaving both adults slightly concerned at Y/N's attitude...

Ironwood didn't hesitate as he looks at Ruby with worrisome and concern.)

Ironwood: What exactly happened?

Ruby: ...w-we had some argument, that's all...

Winter: *concerned* Have you mentioned his late parents? You know how fresh that wound is for him.

(Ruby took a second to realize what she said to Y/N before she gasps quietly in horror when the memory kicks in her brain...

She quickly rushes out to find Y/N, leaving everyone in the cafeteria shocked and worried.)

Yang: Sis!

Weiss: Don't. I'll go with her.

(Team JNPR look at Weiss in shock.)

Jaune: What?

Weiss: I'm also dating him, Ruby and i talked about this and we both agreed to share him. I'll be damned if all i do is stay put and watch, he is also mine.

(Weiss runs hurriedly out of the cafeteria to try catching up with Ruby as the tension inside the room still lingers in the air...)

-Scene Change-
-Y/N's Dorm Room-

(Inside the dorm in Atlas Academy, Y/N and Ruby were seen arguing back and forth as the couple are expressing their own points about "moral code" to become huntsman/huntress...

As for Weiss, she was standing at the door watching her partners fighting each other, still concerned of the argument will somehow turn physical...)

Ruby: Why can't you understand what i'm saying?!

Y/N: I've told you already that i know the risk! Quit it, already!

Ruby: You almost hurt my sister and Blake back there!

Y/N: My shot was cleared! You've seen it before back in Vale!

(Ruby gets closer and angrily pokes at Y/N's chest.)

Ruby: But that was when we've chased Torchwick back when he stole the Paladin!

(Y/N's eyes turn red as he get angrier by each seconds, and so gets Ruby too.)

Y/N: My point still stands! Now, drop it before things gets real ugly!

Ruby: *frustrated* Oh really?! Why don't you just try it then?!

Y/N: *growling in anger* You sure?!

(Weiss' had enough and quickly calls them out.)

Weiss: STOP IT!!!

(Y/N and Ruby stayed quiet before they turn their heads to Weiss, noticing the ex-heiress has tears in her eyes.)

Weiss: S-Stop with this nonsense fight! We all g-get it that Y/N was such a waltz with that little stunt, but he proved us by taking that Grimm down before it could snuck and hurt Blake and Yang!

Ruby: But--

Weiss: No buts, Ruby!

(Ruby slightly flinches at Weiss' shaky, yet concerned voice as she keeps talking through her and Y/N.)

Weiss: And you! *pointing at Y/N* What Ruby said was right too! Don't you think it's time to realize that you have US to help you?!

Y/N: I've said--

Weiss: I don't give a single crap of what you've said!

(Y/N's eyes slightly widen out of shock.)

Weiss: Ever since we've learned your past and witnessed both of your parents dying by Cinder's hands, you've becoming more and more distant to us!

(She then clenches her fists, trying her best to not burst in tears.)

Weiss: When we've finally got our licenses to be Licensed Huntsmen and Huntresses, we all have been working non-stop ever since Ironwood confessed all Atlas about Salem and her invasion...

Ruby: ...

Y/N: ...

(Without a second thought, Weiss then slaps both Ruby and Y/N hardly across their cheeks...

Ruby yelps in pain and shock from the slap, Y/N took the slap but he grunted lowly as his mask was detached from the impact as it lands on the floor besides him...

Both of them hold their respective cheeks from the sensation of Weiss' slap before they're seeing her tears eventually giving up as they fall down to her cheek.)

Weiss: We've all promised that we have each other's back, we all promised to talk through stuffs like this! So, for the love of Oum...STOP ARGUING AND TALK INSTEAD OF YELLING AT EACH OTHER!!!

(Ruby quickly recoils in shame and guilty after she realizes how Weiss was right with every words she has said...

Y/N simply lowers his head down as he was getting angry at himself for not keeping his words to talk with Ruby or Weiss or even to everyone when things weren't supposed to go like he had thought...

After a few seconds of silence, Y/N was the first one to speak and break that silence in the room.)

Y/N: ...i-i'm sorry...but, could you both leave me be?

(Ruby and Weiss look at Y/N, the former's expression was full of shame and guilty while the latter was concerned and saddened.)

Weiss: ...Are you sure, darling?

(Y/N simply nods his head in slow pace.)

Y/N: Just...leave me be for a moment...please...

(Both of his girlfriends knew he'd finally understood everything Weiss has said, so they decided to listen and leave his dorm to give him some time and space for himself...

Ruby stayed at the doorway as she looks at Y/N, who was now sitting on his bed with head hanging down as he was staring at the floor with a saddened expression...

That was enough for Ruby to feel her heart sinks a bit before she quickly run off with tears in her eyes, mentally blaming to herself for hurting their relationship more than healing it as she thought she would...

However, somewhere in Atlas, Cinder and Salem's Hound Grimm were wandering in the shadows after their little plan worked to cause collateral damage inside the academy...

The self-proclaimed Fall Maiden was grinning sinisterly as she watches her hand emitting her Maiden's power flowing around her flesh hand.)

Cinder: That's what you get for ruining Salem's perfect plan...And i did a favor to get rid of your own parents from your vengeance...

(She then clenches her fist, deactivating her Maiden's power.)

Cinder: Soon...You will watch your own hometown falling down to its knee for Salem...and finally, i will kill both Winter Maiden and that Invincible girl to take the other half of the Fall Maiden's power!

(The Hound begins to growls besides her as if it understands how the plan is flawlessly working on their advantage.)

Cinder: And after i've redeemed my mistakes...Salem will welcome me once more...And i will have your head as a gift to get rid of the obstacles!

(And that was her last straw, she's officially lost her mind as she begins to giggling out of madness before staring up in the sky with both flesh and grimm hands holding on both sides of her head, laughing out of craziness like Tyrian used...

The Hound Grimm lets out a distorted howl to combine Cinder's laughter as they both echoing in the sky as the camera points up at the Shattered Moon that was rising above Atlas...

The screen then slowly fades into pitch black as the sounds of distorted howl and crazed laughter were faintly echoing in the darkness.)

A/N: Well, shit...i've turned Cinder into a crazy chick hunger of blood, Y/N's blood to be precise...


I've been holding this drafted chapter in the dust for far too long. But now, i'm back! (Sort of.)

I'll be completely honest here, the reason why i've suddenly stopped writing was because of finding an alternative way to earn extra cash.

Don't get me wrong, my job as dishwasher (Lame but i still get paid) is good, but i feel like i'm missing something...

But when i write a story or maybe making characters with Gacha Club (Omg! A cringe kid! Relax, i'm 22 next month and i'm not that type of "gacha user".), that's where i've been missing.


So i've thought, why not using my boredom to have someone commissioning my designed characters?

Sorry for being honest, serious, but also illusionist on this reason.

But that's how i've still feel right now.

In any case!

Vol. 8 will be updated soon, so stay tuned!!!

With that said!

Thank you so much for reading this story!!!

And i'll see you readers in the next Volume!!!


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