(Vol. 7) Chapter 68: From Light to Dark
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Once the screen turns on, the camera shows two headstones next to each other with their names on them. The left headstone says "F/N L/N" while the right one says "M/N L/N"...
Both headstones have their respective descriptions under their names that says:
The funeral was held yesterday, after things calmed down for a brief moment to grief their deaths...
Team RWBY, JNPR, Oscar, Branwen twins, Malachite twins and many people appeared at the funeral to mourn the deaths of F/N and M/N. Even if they hated the fact they left Y/N, they still care about them and saddened to see their redemption has to end that way...
As for Y/N, he wasn't present to the funeral. He told he wished to be at the cemetery all by himself, asking to give him some time. Ironwood reluctantly accepts his request and gave him a week off the missions...
Right now, Y/N is seen standing infront of the headstones, looking down where they put them into the ground as he notices flowers and candles around them...
Ever since their deaths, Y/N doesn't know or how to react. Part of him still hated them for leaving him in an alleyway, almost letting him starve to death...
The other part of him was actually sad to see the only people who kept doing their best to ask for forgiveness are now dead, realizing how he's the last L/N of the legacy.)
Y/N: ...
Qrow: Kid...
(Y/N's eyes turn to the right side noticing Qrow and surprisingly Raven standing next to her own brother.)
Raven: ...How are you holding up?
(Y/N remains quiet before looking back to the headstones, still showing no emotions or whatsoever.)
Qrow: *frowns* ...Still having conflicted feelings?
(Y/N kept his stare on the grass where F/N and M/N's coffins are buried into the ground.)
Raven: *sighs quietly* ...Y/N...
(Both siblings approach to Y/N, standing both of his sides as they are all looking at the graves.)
Qrow: ...Not everyone can be immortal like Salem. Right?
Raven: Sadly...
(Y/N still remains quiet.)
Qrow: Hey, Raven...
Raven: What?
Qrow: Does it feel weird when we've remembered how their reaction was when you told them you've kissed Y/N?
Raven: *chuckles quietly, smiles sadly* ...You idiot.
(Qrow lets out a sad chuckle before sighing as he looks at Y/N)
Qrow: ...
Raven: Guess he's too broken to talk...
(Y/N finally speaks, his voice was barely hearable because it was more like a whisper than talking normally.)
Y/N: I'm not...
(Qrow silently places his hand on Y/N's shoulder.)
Qrow: Think you're gonna be alright, Y/N?
Raven: ...Ironwood gave you a week off. You better take that chance and--
Y/N: I know...
(Y/N's voice is still barely hearable, but they can still understand what he's saying, so they just nod their heads and followed him as Y/N was already beginning to head out of the cemetery.)
-Scene Change-
-Atlas Academy-
(Within the halls of Atlas Academy, Team RWBY and JNPR are seen walking altogether as they were discussing about Y/N's current condition...
Ruby and Weiss are mostly more worried than anyone else since they're worried about their boyfriend's health, both emotionally and mentally.)
Jaune: I-I still find hard to believe...he just lost both of them in one single day...
Ren: Let alone they left him for his own good...
Nora: *worried* Renny...is Strikey going to be fine?
(Ren smiles reassuringly at Nora and gives her a gentle hug.)
Ren: He will...he just need some time for himself...
Yang: *twirls her hair* Honestly...I don't even know how we can cheer him up...
Phyrra: I also have no idea. But we've heard him earlier, all he wants is to be alone for a week...
Blake: Will Neo and the twins going to be fine to sleep with Emerald instead of Y/N?
Weiss: *crosses her arms, worried* ...we would think so, right Ruby?
Ruby: *nods slowly, saddens* ...Yeah...
Ozpin: Huntsmen, Huntresses.
(Both teams turn around and notices Ozpin possessing Oscar's body.)
Ruby: P-Professor Ozpin?
Ozpin: I was wondering where you all were. It is rather unusual to see the eight of you wandering at this late time.
Weiss: We're sorry, Ozpin...It's just--
Ozpin: *smiles knowingly* No need to apologize, Miss Schnee. I believe i understand you all are worried about Mister L/N's situation.
Jaune: H-He's our friend...maybe even his firsts, and it hurts to see him not talking or even showing emotions...
Blake: V-Vine mentioned about that. He said Y/N i-is sort of an empty void right now...
Ozpin: That is rather concerning. Typically, Grimm are attracted by negative emotions in any sort of ways to show or feel those negative feelings...
(Before anyone could make any theories, multiple footsteps are heard echoing through the hall, making the group turn their attention to the sound...
They all see Y/N with Qrow and Raven following him, Ruby and Weiss quickly rush over to Y/N and give him a hug as he stops walking before looking down at his girlfriends.)
Ruby: N/N...
Weiss: Are you okay now, my knight?
(Y/N answers but his voice, again, is barely a whisper, yet still understandable for them.)
Y/N: ...For now...
Ruby: *smiles softly* We're here for you if you need anything...
Weiss: ...This time, it's our turn to take care of you.
(Y/N simply smiles at them with a hint of sadness behind his smile, he then lets go of them and resumes walking through them.)
Y/N: Thanks...
Ozpin: ...Mister L/N.
(Y/N suddenly stops walking and stares at Ozpin.)
Ozpin: ...I would apologize to not keeping my words of protecting your parents...On my behalf and the general's, i wish we would've--
Y/N: Stop. Stop, Ozpin...
(Ozpin shows a saddened expression before reluctantly nodding at Y/N as he steps aside to let him walk...
Y/N slowly nods back at Ozpin and resumes walking, heading straight to his dorm room while everyone watches Y/N getting out of the sight.)
Ozpin: Qrow. Raven?
Qrow: We tried, Oz.
Raven: He's just emotionless...
Nora: Should we...leave him?
Ozpin: For the time being, yes... I believe he'll eventually open back with us.
(Everyone slowly agreed to Ozpin's statement and they all decided to call the night and head to their respective dorms...
The shattered moon shines up in the blue sky above Atlas letting everyone know that from this night forward, everything will change forever by the moment of the sun rises to shine for the next day.)
-One Week Later-
(Throughout the week, Y/N has become more and more his old self where he barely talks or interacts with anyone...
Ever since the deaths of his parents, Y/N has closed himself once more and became to train every day, every hours, taking minimum break than he should as his Aura flickers quite frequently for the amount of willpower he has to hold himself from bursting his feelings out...
But despise that, he still catches up with his friends and lovers, whenever he's taking a break or taking a few minutes longer for his break, he keeps his presence snd surroundings with everyone...
That presence only lasts for only a few minutes letting the whole group, including the Ace Ops, that he is returning into his old version back in Vale...
Back to the main topic, Y/N is now seeing sparring against one of his Arma Gigas as his eyes were red due to copying Weiss' semblance...
Inside the observation room, Ironwood, Torchwick and the rest of the adults are watching Y/N's intense training against his own semblance.)
Qrow: Kid hasn't stopped ever since he came back from the break...
Raven: At least he's still self-conscious to know killing himself doesn't benefit everyone...
Ironwood: ...F/N and M/N knew the risks, and yet they just took it and proved me that if i was brave enough, maybe they would've been--
Qrow: *annoyed* Quit blaming yourself, Jimmy...
Raven: Last thing we need is you turning your back on Mantle and putting us on target for Salem.
(Ironwood stays quiet and looks down in shame)
Ironwood: S-Sorry...I didn't know what came from me...
(Suddenly, a loud explosion is heard from the training room...
Everyone look at the window and notice Y/N's right arm going on fire while Arma Gigas' upper body is completely vanished due to the impact...
Y/N's summon begins to dissipate as his own Aura flickers, he then copies Jaune's semblance and boosts his aura regenerator before it glows from white to yellow...
A few seconds later, the door opens and Y/N sees Ironwood and the Ace Ops.)
Clover: Hey...How are you holding up?
Y/N: ...Usual.
Harriet: *concerned* Are you...all good though?
Y/N: Yes...
Elm: That's good to hear! Give me a hug, kid!
(Elm quickly hugs Y/N tight and lifts him up from the floor.)
Clover: Vine?
Vine: *smiles reassuringly* It is safe to say i can still sense a faint of his feelings and emotions.
Clover: *smiles* Good to know that. *to Marrow* Marrow, come here.
(Marrow nervously stands besides Clover and looks at Y/N scarily. Y/N notices him before looking at Clover.)
Y/N: ...What's this.
Clover: I believe he owes you an apology for how he acted last week.
Marrow: *sorrowful* L-Look, Y/N...i-i'm sorry, okay? I was just--
Y/N: Enough.
(Marrow quickly shuts up and listens to Y/N with his tail flatting downward.)
Y/N: ...What's done is done.
Marrow: But still!
Y/N: Stop. Just...drop it...
(Marrow looks down and nods at him with guilty before he steps behind Clover...
The squad leader sighs and briefly looks at Y/N with an understanding expression.)
Clover: I know you just got back from your break, but are you still--
Y/N: Send me.
(The Ace Ops look at Y/N slightly in shock by his sudden return. Ironwood slightly looks at Y/N with full concern.)
Ironwood: Are you really sure you want to go back in the field?
Y/N: Give me a mission...
Ironwood: ...Call back if you ever want a break. Alright?
Y/N: I'll call you when i need you.
(Y/N's Aura turns green before it switches back to white to signal his Aura is up to 100%, he then pulls his hood of his cape on and attached his new remodeled mask on his face to fully hide his head...
After that, Y/N immediately leaves the training room to head out of the school, going back straight to Mantle to kill as many Grimm as he can...
Back inside the academy, Team RWBY are looking out of the window as they saw Y/N getting in one of the Mantas before it takes flight in the air.)
Yang: You girls are gonna be alright?
Ruby: We'll manage...Right, Weiss?
Weiss: I think so...
(The door opens and it reveals Neo and Malachite twins.)
Melanie: Hi girlies!
Miltia: Everything alright?
Blake: Yeah. Just worrying about Y/N...
Yang: *to Yang* Are you and Emmy alright? Did you get over from...that?
(Neo nods her head and shows the screen of her scroll.)
Neo: ["We're fine. Dad is actually keeping an eye on Emerald."]
Ruby: That's good! Is Torchwick also alright?
(Neo swipes the screen to the left.)
Neo: ["He still feels a bit bad for letting them die, but he moved on and promised to stay focused."]
Weiss: *surprised* That is...rather surprising from him.
(Suddenly, Neon pops out of the doorway and cheerfully greets everyone.)
Neon: Hello everyone!
Flint: Yo girls.
(Flint also appears from the doorway.)
Ruby: Hi guys. What brings you here?
Neon: Have you seen Y/N? We've been looking for him for a week!
Flint: Is he good tho?
(Team RWBY stays quiet, Neo casually shows her text on the scroll.)
Neo: ["He's mostly fine. He just left to head back down to Mantle."]
Flint: *realizes it* Oh. He became his old self, right?
(Neon's eyes widen in realization before her whole body actually turns slightly grey.)
Neon: That's sad...
Ruby: Wait, i don't get it.
Neon: *confused* I thought you knew since you're dating him
Yang: Easy, hyper catgirl. If we're talking about how we've first met Y/N, we've known him for lack of speaking and his weakness of his drawbacks.
Flint: Meaning?
Weiss: He used to talk with one or two words...Almost robotic, and yet we could've still understand him.
Neon: Aww...he reverted himself back, Flint...
Flint: That's a bummer...
(Ruby gets worried, and so is Weiss.)
Ruby: Why's that?
Weiss: He would never return to be alone... Right?
Flint: Weiss. Hate to break it to you, but it is exactly what you think. Especially that he used to be your childhood friend.
(Weiss becomes surprised by Flint's comment, she immediately gets worried and stares back out of the window...
Neon and Flint look at each other before nodding to one another as they mentally say to give the group some time, which they turn around and leave the doorway.)
-Scene Change-
(After the evacuation was a success, the streets are now overwhelmed by any sorts of Grimm: such as Beowolf, Boarbatusk, Ursa, Sabyr and so on...
Multiple Atlesian Knights 200s are marching on the streets while some others were engaging fights against grimm within their proximity...
Up in the air, Penny is seen flying in the air as Y/N is on the ground beneath her with hit Deathstroke traits, and his mask is shown to be Deathstroke mask.)
Penny: *smiles happily* "I'm so glad to see you got back! These missions were becoming boring for a while."
Y/N: ...
Penny: *sad* "And you have my condolences for your loss..." *cheerful* "Be sure to remember that we're all here for you!"
Y/N: ...Appreciate it.
(Penny's giggle can be heard through Y/N's communicator. The two return to their jobs and start exterminating as many grimm as possible, taking advantage of Y/N's negative feelings so he attracts Grimm with it...
A group of Happy Huntresses shows up, Joanna and May are seen killing one of the Sabyrs while Y/N sends a kamikaze summon to detonate itself to the other Sabyr, assisting Fiona to dissipate the grimm.)
Joanna: *smiles* Welcome back, Forgotten Knight.
May: Hope you're doing alright...
(Y/N gives a subtle nod at them before patting Fiona's head, making the sheep faunus blush out of shyness.)
Y/N: At least...
May: ...Still thinking about them?
Y/N: ...
Joanna: We don't force you to talk about it. Remember, Robyn is always available to hear you out whenever you want to talk. Okay?
(Y/N stops patting Fiona and nods at Joanna.)
Joanna: Good.
May: Now, come on. Let's get rid of those grimm.
(Penny lands on the ground next to Y/N, saluting at the Happy Huntresses.)
Penny: I am combat-ready!
(Joanna and May follow Penny through the streets to engage any grimm on sight.)
Y/N: Fucking hell...
(Fiona's ear twitches, she then looks at Y/N while tilting her head in confusion. Shortly after, a call is received through the communicator.)
Ironwood: "Ghost. Do you copy?"
Y/N: Yessir.
Ironwood: "Any issues down there?"
Y/N: Negative, sir. Out here.
(Y/N turns his communicator off and quickly follows Penny and the others with Fiona following behind.)
Fiona: *shy* ...Who was that?
Y/N: General Ironwood.
Fiona: O-Oh. I see... *looks up at Y/N* I thought you were on a break.
Y/N: Off duty.
Fiona: For a week?
Y/N: Aye...
(As the five of them are now walking altogether, Penny keeps on walking forward while Joanna and May are looking around to spot any blind corners...
Y/N and Fiona are covering the back of the group with their respective weapons on their hands.)
Joanna: It sounds weird, but it's an honor to be side by side with one of the ex-member of the Ace Ops.
May: *grins teasingly* Having a crush on a youngster?
Joanna: *flustered* Says the one who was fangirling back at the party!
(It was May's turn to blush before she looks away)
Y/N: Appreciate it.
Joanna: *clears her throat* Anyway, i'm just honored to be next to you. The amount of effort you've put in Vale to protect people, it truly inspired Robyn to create the Happy Huntresses.
Y/N: That so?
May: It is, believe it or not.
Fiona: *smiles* Robyn tried to follow your path, but she ended up taking a different one that shows the same goal as yours.
Y/N: Charmed...
(Penny giggles)
Penny: It looks like you also have fan in the same job as ours!
Y/N: Guess so...
Joanna: Don't worry about us. We trust Robyn to get us out if we get in trouble.
Y/N: Careful who you trust.
(Joanna, May and Fiona look at Y/N.)
May: Why's that, Y/N?
Y/N: People you know can hurt you the most...
(Penny looks down in sadness for a brief second before looking back up forward.)
Joanna: I see...
May: That may be true, but still. We know Robyn will do anything to protect us and her people.
Fiona: Y-Yeah! You don't have to worry about us!
Y/N: ...
Joanna: Now, let's focus back on clearing as many sectors as we can.
May: We're lack of one person, but i guess we don't have to worry about that. Right, Y/N?
(Y/N's eyes turn red and copies Weiss' semblance to summon one brute knight with a mace on its hand.)
Y/N: Penny.
Penny: *turns around and looks at Y/N* Yes?
Y/N: Time me.
(Penny nods happily and sets a timer up for Y/N)
Penny: You have 1 hour and 25 minutes until your Aura begins to get drained!
Y/N: Copy.
Joanna: What about the comms?
Penny: Ready!
Y/N: Check.
May: Take Fiona with you, she can help soothing any hidden civilians.
(Y/N nods his head and walks with Fiona to clear the street. Penny takes Joanna and May to another sector to clear and save any refugees they see...
With Y/N and his summon, Fiona is walking in-between them to keep up their walks. The brute suddenly steps infront of Fiona and uses its mace to parry a gunshot echoing throughout the street...
Y/N immediately forms his Judgement Day into its rifle form and points it at the horizon, but only for him to cross path with one of the Redeemed White Fang.)
A/N: Left for Grunts/Soldiers. Middle for Scouts/Infiltrators. Right for Leaders/Lieutenants.
R.W.F.: Knight! Sister Khan sent us here to assist you!
Fiona: *alerted* The White Fang...
Y/N: They're with me.
R.W.F.: We promise we're not the same White Fang you once knew... That traitorous of a bull faunus betrayed his brothers and sisters to turn his back on Sienna!
Y/N: Quiet.
(Y/N's summon speeds forward and breaks the incoming Sabyr's head with its mace, shattering into pieces.)
R.W.F.: *bows to Y/N* My apologies.
Y/N: Stand up.
(R.W.F. does so)
Y/N: Vale?
R.W.F.: *smiles reassuringly* The Kingdom of Vale has successfully been rebuilt. Lady Goodwitch and the rest of the huntsmen and huntresses helped along the way!
Y/N: And Sienna?
R.W.F.: She's back in Menagerie with Sister Ilia to take care of unfinished business between us and Mister Belladonna.
(Fiona slowly stands next to Y/N, pointing her spear at the redeemed grunt.)
Fiona: I've thought you guys were bad...
R.W.F.: Not anymore. As i was saying, Adam Taurus betrayed us all by blinding some of our brothers to his method of show respect...
Y/N: Things have changed.
R.W.F.: But now, thanks to the Forgotten Knight, Lady Khan is now back to being the leader and we've redeemed ourselves by joining forces with any military services!
(Fiona is shocked by the news.)
Fiona: ...Really?
R.W.F.: Yes ma'am!
Y/N: Grunt.
(R.W.F. looks at Y/N.)
R.W.F.: Yes, sir?
Y/N: Are you alone?
R.W.F.: No sir, my squad is already dealing with some Grimm not too far from here.
Y/N: Take us there.
R.W.F.: Yessir! This way!
(Y/N begins to follow the grunt without any more questions, Fiona and Y/N's summon follow them behind to reach one of the sectors to clear it from the grimm.)
-Ruby's P.O.V.-
-Scene Change-
(Not even taking an extra day or two to be fully recovered, N/N just went straight to Mantle to clear any places overwhelmed by Grimm...
I wished i would've gone with him, he went through a lot maybe i don't even know how long he had been through stuffs...
But i do understand the feelings of losing a member, but i've never experienced it by witnessing one...
Poor N/N...I hope Weiss and i can cheer him up.)
Yang: Rubes? Are you ok, sis?
(When i heard Yang calling me, i immediately snap out of my thoughts and look at her.)
"Huh? Oh, yeah. I-I'm fine..."
Blake: ...Ruby.
(I'm such a bad liar...I know i'm better than that, so i just sighed and tell the truth.)
"I-I'm still worried about Y/N..."
Weiss: You and i both, Ruby...
Yang: I'm sure Strikes will come back to his usual self. This is Y/N we're talking about.
Blake: Yang. Not everyone is as tough as we think they are.
Yang: On the contrary, Blake. He may went through more stuffs than we did, but he proved himself to get over it by keeping on move forward.
"That's true, but still..."
Yang: We know Y/N long enough to know he can do anything. Even if his drawback is balancing his overpowering semblance, he still is the toughest son of a bitch we all know.
(She's not wrong... Ever since we captured him back in Beacon, he kept surprising us by his swordsmanship, willpower, fighting skills and so on!
I still remember how cool he was when his sparring matches against Cardin, Mercury and Yang.
N/N was so cool back then, but he's even cooler nowadays!
However, he just isn't the same N/N i know...
...I have to do something about it. We even talked about being open to each other, even with Weiss!
Without realizing, i was standing up from my bed before i hopped down of it.)
Yang: *confused* Ruby?
Blake: Where are you going?
"I'm going to talk with Y/N! I'll take the same mission as his!"
(This time, i have to be there for him...
He was always by my side whenever i needed...
Now it's my turn to be by his side!)
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Scene Change-
(Some time later, Y/N and Fiona arrived at Sector 4 to help one squad of Redeemed White Fangs to get any refugees away from there...
Y/N's summon was seen being the tank of the team by charging and sending some grimm through some walls before they dissipate from the impact...
Fiona and Y/N made tag team to fight multiple Sabyrs coming on their way, which they only lasted shortly after Y/N took them all out with Fiona's assistance.)
Fiona: *amazed* So cool!
Y/N: Last ones. Report.
RWF Soldier 1: Right side clear!
RWF Soldier 2: Left side clear!
RWF Soldier 3: Civvies are rescued and ready to get evacuated!
(Y/N looks at the group of civilians.)
Y/N: Go north, avoid the crossroads.
(Y/N then turns around to turn his communicator on.)
Y/N: Ghost 6 to Manta 4, confirming evacuation time.
Atlas Manta 4: "Ten minutes."
Y/N: Rog'. Hold onto it.
(He then turns his comm off and approaches back to the civilians.)
Faunus: T-Thank you so much...
Woman: We thought we were about to get left behind and die out here...
(Fiona stands next to Y/N.l
Fiona: Ironwood and Robyn will take care of you. Shelters are built and made for everyone.
Snake Faunus: W-What if a Nevermore flies over the shelter?!
Y/N: Security 24/7. Arterary ready to drop 'em down.
(Y/N's communicator begins to go off.)
Atlas Manta 4: "Ghost 6, Evac is landing with passengers. Over."
Y/N: Name.
Atlas Manta 4: "Team RWBY, sir. Permission to let them drop?"
(Y/N looks up at the Manta landing on the ground before it opens the doors to notice Ruby and her teammates waiting to get the green light.)
Fiona: Oh! The more the merrier!
Y/N: ...Copy, Approved. Send them.
Atlas Manta 4: "Solid copy. Manta 4 out."
(A couple seconds later, Ruby immediately speeds off of the Manta and hugs Y/N, attaching to him like a koala on a tree branch...
Shortly after, Weiss joins in the hug while Blake and Yang smile at the trio as they both stand with Fiona.)
Ruby: Hi N/N!
Y/N: ...Why are you here?
(Ruby hops off of him and stares at him with her hands on her hips.)
Ruby: Because it's our turn to help you, duh!
Weiss: She's right. We even agreed to talk with the general to send us out here.
(Y/N stares at them with his eyes slightly widening in shock.)
Y/N: ...
Ruby: I don't like seeing you distancing yourself from us...We were supposed to be together, right?
Weiss: And don't you even dare to argue because we both love you, you dolt!
Ruby/Weiss: So stop being a stubborn knight and let us stay by your side like you did with us!
(Y/N was genuinely shocked by the fact both of his girlfriends decided to take their day off just to be with him, even when he asked to be left alone...
Ever since he lost both of his parents, he had conflicted feelings whenever he should be sad or be disturbingly happy about it...
He does still hate them for leaving him for years, but that doesn't change his feelings to be slowly restored due to their desperation to be with him once again like a true family...
That hope was shattered by the hands of Cinder Fall, which causes him to get himself blinded by his revenge that he forgot he has people who have his back...
He can't even cry because he cried by locking himself in his room during his whole week off, that's also why he can't shed any more tears. But he still hug Ruby and Weiss with a heartbroken expression beneath his mask...
Both of them knew he was vulnerable by his body language, they then hugged back and comforted him while the others watch the scene with a smile on their faces...
Unknowingly for them:
Y/N is planning to wake the monster sleeping within him...
An inner demon that it's been hold into its slumber until he decides to wake it up for his final draw against Cinder Fall...
The screen slowly fades into pitch black as the sound of a Manta Airship is heard in the darkness.)
A/N: This is Part 1 of the Finale to the Vol. 7.
I know, i know...
It's a short-ass chapter.
The next final part will be focused on Y/N and Ruby arguing to what they should do next.
Like how Ruby and Yang argued in the canon event, but except this time it's Y/N she has to argue with.
Can't spoil anymore than that, sorry!
In that note:
I'll see you readers in the final chapter of this volume!
P.S.: Who would you think it'll be suitable for being Summer Maiden? And why would you choose that character?
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