(Vol. 7) Chapter 67: Dead Legacy
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Amity Colosseum-
(From the middle of the arena, F/N, M/N and Emerald stare up at Cinder, who is standing on a platform in one of the four gravity biomes. A lava geyser shoots up from the fire biome to the left behind the trio, and another shoots up from the one to the right of the gravity biome Cinder is in...
Cinder forms her sword into a bow and pulls an arrow back pointing at Emerald, who keeps her sickle-revolvers up at her. Emerald pulls her revolvers' hammers.)
Emerald: ...Let's do it.
(F/N and M/N immediately take the advantage and attack Cinder, which she responds back by shooting multiple arrows at the married couple...
M/N parries some of the arrows with her rapier to give F/N an opening to draw his katana and slash blades against Cinder's sword...
Emerald circles around while keeps shooting at her former boss with everything she has, proving enough to make Cinder realize how she is outnumbered...
But that didn't flinch her one bit, she then proceeded to use the Fall Maiden's power and summons another sword to go head-to-head against F/N and M/N at the same time...
Gunshots, clashing blades and reloading from Emerald can be echoed inside the arena as the three of them kept on pushing Cinder to her limits...
Little thing they know...
Cinder was holding back before she plays dirty against the three of them...)
-Scene Change-
(Inside Ironwood's office at Atlas Academy, Ironwood and Torchwick are seen talking to each other as they noticed the hologram screen from Ironwood's desk shows "UNLOCK DENIED".)
Ironwood: This isn't good...They actually went after her?
Torchwick: Our knight will have some conflicted feelings if they die without him knowing.
Ironwood: But the real question it's this... How did Cinder get up at Amity Colosseum?
(Torchwick remembers seeing a Manta ship flying towards Amity Colosseum, he then takes his cigar off and puffs smoke out of anger.)
Torchwick: That witch killed one of your soldiers and took a ship to get there...
Ironwood: ...Damn it.
(Ironwood quickly taps on the screen and calls Winter.)
Ironwood: Winter.
Winter: "General Ironwood, sir."
Ironwood: Where's your location?
Winter: "Transporting Atlesian Students inside the academy with Faculty staffs and Upperclassmen providing guidance." *concerned* "Is there something wrong, sir?"
Ironwood: By any chances, have you received any reports of a missing Manta?
Winter: *worried* "I've thought the only missing Manta was the stolen one from Ruby..."
Ironwood: *speaks slowly* Go. To my office. Now.
(A brief of silence comes through the comms before he and Roman hears she sprinting toward the school. Ironwood turns his comm off and looks at Roman with sternness and seriousness.)
Torchwick: I know that look, Jimmy. You want me to call the others?
Ironwood: No. You go and open those doors at Amity Colosseum.
(Torchwick nods his head and proceeds to leave the office to head up to Amity Colosseum...
Ironwood takes a deep breath and stares down at Watts' bag as he recalls the report of his death inside the storage room.)
[A week ago...]
(Outside the storage room in the prison room, a couple of soldiers were investigating the scene as two Atlesian Knights 200s were seen carrying a body bag...
Ironwood was inside the room, staring at the outline silhouette where Watts' body was supposed to be.)
Soldier: I've never seen such execution like this before...
Ironwood: Me neither. But it was for the greater good, and we should grateful that Y/N made sure he was gone for good.
(The soldier briefly agreed to the general before the latter walks out of the room with a quiet relieved sigh as he begins to talk with some of his guards.)
Ironwood: I presume you all reported as unknown killing scene, right?
Guard 1: Yes sir. However, this was a bit of Martial Law if we think about it...
Guard 2: Nonsense! Watts was a bad guy from the very beginning! He was just jealous Pietro was most voted with fair points.
Ironwood: *sighs* He's not wrong... Anyway, anything else you guys found?
Guard 3: Just his bag, sir.
(Ironwood looks at the third guard with his eyebrow narrowed upwards in confusion.)
Ironwood: Care to elaborate?
Guard 3: I found the bag inside the room, with a note on it.
Ironwood: What does it say?
Guard 3: It said "The queen has snuck two pawns inside Atlas."
(Ironwood's eyes widened in shock by this. He then gets passively angry and glares at the guard.)
Ironwood: Bring the bag to my office.
Guard 3: *scared* Y-Yes sir!
Ironwood: The rest of you, report this scene as convict murder from one of the prisoners.
Guards: Yes sir.
(All the guards went to do their jobs before Ironwood made his way to the exit and went to Atlas Academy.)
[End of Flashback]
[Present Day]
Weiss: I don't understand.
(Weiss is aboard a Manta that is headed toward the City of Atlas. Ruby, Jaune, Nora, Ren and Elm are also on board, and Harriet is piloting...
Another Manta is seen flying aside Harriet, followed by Marrow, Yang, Blake, Phyrra, Vine and Neo. As for the Malachite Twins, they volunteered to stay behind and continuing the evacuation until Y/N comes back.)
Weiss: Why would the general call us back without giving a reason?
Ren: Especially with evacuations still going on in Mantle.
Elm: You don't have to understand orders, kids. You just have to follow them.
Harriet: Civvy transports won't be stopping anytime soon. If the general says he needs us now, he needs us now.
(The radio statics over Harriet before it turns on.)
Marrow: "You kids still have to learn. But trust us, if the general wants us, that means something big is happening and we're the only ones who can do that."
Elm: Wow! That's actually mature from you, Marrow!
Marrow: "Bite me!"
Vine: "Anyway...Rest assured the rest of the military will take care of civilian transportations, that is something we shouldn't be worrying about."
Phyrra: "That is true. What's the plan?"
Jaune: You all get to the general and find out what's happening. We'll bring Oscar and see you soon.
Blake: "Sounds like a plan"
Harriet: Ghost! Do you copy?
(Y/N's communicator goes on.)
Y/N: "Beta."
Elm: Hey! Can you talk?
Y/N: "I couldn't listen."
Marrow: "The general called us to meet him immediately. He said you'll join after you're done there."
Y/N: "Roger. Raven is on her way to switch my place anyway."
(On the other Manta, Yang's eyes widen in surprise and immediately gets on the co-pilot seat.)
Yang: Mom is here?! When?
Y/N: "Before we left Weiss Manor."
Weiss: "And she's alone?"
Y/N: "Affirm."
(Clover's communicator goes on.)
Clover: "Squad. Report."
Y/N: "Alpha, go for 6."
Marrow: Echo, check!
Vine: "Delta, check."
Elm: "Charlie, check!"
Clover: Harriet?
Harriet: "Check."
Clover: "After the talk, head back immediately to Mantle."
(Marrow scoffs)
Marrow: Why? Y/N can handle of everything. You saw how much Aura he has to keep his knights for that long!
Clover: "Ghost, you copying this?"
Y/N: "Loud and clear."
(Marrow gulps nervously.)
Ruby: "N/N! Hang in there, we'll come back as soon as we're finished talking with General Ironwood!"
Y/N: "I got also Qrow and the twins to cover my back. Is Neo with you?"
Phyrra: She's with me!
Y/N: "Neo. Same as usual, eyes peeled and text any of them for anything suspicious. Copy?"
(Neo nods out of understanding and gives Phyrra an "Okay" hand gesture.)
Phyrra: She got it!
Y/N: "Good. 0-6 out."
(Sometime shortly after, Team RWBY and Neo arrive in Ironwood's office, along with Harriet, Elm, Marrow and Vine. Ironwood is sitting behind his desk with his back turned to them. Large military airships are visible through the window.)
Harriet: General Ironwood.
(Ironwood turns his chair to face them.)
Ironwood: We have made a critical error.
(He places a queen chess piece made of black glass on his desk.)
Ironwood: The Black Queen was the symbol Salem showed us before we lost everything. Her way of telling us she was inside. That it was too late.
(Ruby recognizes the queen chess piece, she then looks back to Ironwood and gets concerned.)
Ruby: That's from Cinder...I recognized that black glass anywhere.
Yang: *shocked* She's alive? And she's here?!
Marrow: Wait. Was she supposed to be dead?
Yang: My mom was fighting her back in Haven. She was supposed to be frozen by my mom's maiden power!
Ironwood: *slightly surprised* Raven is the Spring Maiden?
(Yang and Weiss nod in confirmation.)
Yang: She had to do it because she quoted "To be strong, you have to get rid of the weak."
Vine: Atrocious but unfortunately true statement...
Ironwood: That doesn't change the fact that Salem somehow was one step ahead of us...
(Ruby quickly responds.)
Ruby: F-From Emerald's information, she said their next target was supposed to be Vacuo to get the Sword of Destruction!
Ironwood: So, she wanted to cut loose end that none of the kingdoms will have support from us...We have to do something about it.
Y/N: "Ironwood."
(Everyone turn to Neo and notices Y/N through the video call from Neo's scroll.)
Ironwood: *softens up* Is everything alright there?
Y/N: "All Grimm neutralized."
(Penny happily appears next to Y/N.)
Penny: "Mantle is completely safe from any Grimm activities!"
Ironwood: *relieved* That's good to hear. Where are you two?
Y/N: "Qrow, Raven and the twins are protecting the last transportation before we make our way to Atlas."
Penny: "We'll be at your office approximately in 5 minutes and 15 seconds!"
Y/N: "Make it 1 with this."
(The videocall ends before a white portal appears inside Ironwood's office. Shortly after, Y/N and Penny are seen coming out from the portal before it closes as it disappears behind Y/N.)
Penny: *surprised* Wow! This was indeed 1 second shortcut!
Y/N: *to James* Why are we here?
Ironwood: Salem was one step ahead of us.
(Y/N looks at Ironwood's desk and notices the queen chess piece made of black glass, he then narrows his eyebrows and looks back to the general.)
Y/N: Must've been working in the shadows...
Ironwood: And not only that, Salem's original plan was supposed to be on Vacuo.
Y/N: ...
(Y/N looks around and notices Emerald isn't in the room.)
Y/N: Where is she?
Ironwood: ...
Ruby: General?
Harriet: What's wrong, sir?
(Ironwood simply turns a hologram screen on the desk and shows the group to Cinder fighting Emerald, F/N and M/N at the same time...
Y/N was the first one to notice how damaged F/N and M/N are since they were always clashing their blades to Cinder.)
Y/N: ...Who locked the doors?
Ironwood: Your parents...
Y/N: And Torchwick?
Ironwood: Already on his way to get the doors unlocked.
Y/N: *stern* Neo. Go.
(Neo nods her head and shatters herself up in pieces as she was out of the scene...
Team RWBY watches the fight between Cinder, Emerald and Y/N's parents, not knowing which side wins the ongoing battle.)
-Scene Change-
-Amity Colosseum-
(Back inside the arena of Amity Colosseum, F/N went first to going one on one against Cinder temporarily before M/N switches place instead of him.)
A/N: Stop the vid when Cinder(Dante) gets pushed back by Vergil (F/N)'s punch.
(After that, M/N quickly takes advantage and begins to strike her rapier towards Cinder, which she severely gets hit by each attack of M/N...
Emerald quickly goes over to F/N and helps him stand up before he adjusts his shirt while dusting himself off.)
A/N: Asuna is M/N, Kirito is Cinder. Ignore the dialogue and end scene.
(After the battle, M/N retreats her rapier and walks back to Emerald and F/N, which the former steps aside to let M/N carry F/N.)
F/N: Looks like you haven't lose your touch...
M/N: *smiles teasingly* And you look like you got a bit rusty.
(F/N rolls his eyes before giving a small peck on M/N's cheek, which she just brush it off with a light giggle of her own...
And right on cue, the metal doors slammed back open as Torchwick is seen standing with Neo besides him, smirking while spinning her scroll on her finger.)
Torchwick: Red-eyes! Ice Queen! Seems like you took care of the witch.
F/N: Yeah...
M/N: Emmy, be a dear and carry my husband out with Torchwick for me, alright?
(Emerald timidly agrees and helps F/N to walk with Roman helping the dark skinned former thief...
Neo takes a brief moment to start at Cinder's body laying on the ground, she then grinned at Cinder with smugness and sassily walks away from the body...
However, Cinder's eye suddenly opens with the glow appearing on it as she uses her Maiden's power. She then gets up and launches it toward Neo with her Grimm Hand extended forward...
Before Neo could get hit by Cinder, M/N makes her sacrifice and pushes Neo out of the way, but only for M/N to get clawed by Cinder's Grimm arm with her hand stabbing through her midsection. That makes M/N screams in pain after she instantly felt her Aura being pierced through.)
(Neo was on the floor, staring up at M/N with pure horror as she notices Cinder's Grimm hand going through her body...
At the exit of the arena, F/N only watches in horror before Torchwick and Emerald hold him off.)
F/N: *despair* NOOOOO!!!! M/N!!!!
Torchwick: D-Damn it, Red-eyes! You're still injured from your fight against her!
Emerald: *yelling* NEO! GET OUT OF THERE!
(F/N becomes more and more furious, he then pushes Torchwick and Emerald away before he draws his katana and launches himself toward Cinder.)
(Cinder grins menacingly at F/N and lifts her flesh arm up as multiple spikes made out of black glass are seen piercing through F/N's body, catching him in mid-air.)
A/N: Imagine this is how Cinder killed F/N.
(Emerald's sudden scream of horror is echoed throughout of the Colosseum, which causes Neo to snap out of her shocked state and quickly shatters into pieces...
She then reappears in-between Torchwick and Emerald as they all know watch Cinder beginning to build her evil laugh, getting louder and louder by any seconds before she stares up at one of the recorded cameras.)
Cinder: This is what happens when you cross with me, Y/N! It doesn't matter who i'm facing and how many of you are! I'll make sure you'll be under Salem's command and make you suffer until i turn you into a slave!!!
(Emerald and Neo quickly get angry and use their respective weapons to shoot at Cinder to make her retreat. Cinder didn't budge and throws her spears at them, but only for Torchwick to block them all by opening Kingpin, using the umbrella as his shield...
After closing his umbrella, Cinder was no longer to be found except for F/N and M/N's body laying in the middle of the arena, blood slowly forming a puddle beneath them.)
-Scene Change-
(Back inside Ironwood's Office at Atlas Academy, Team RWBY, Ace ops, Ironwood and Y/N are staring at the hologram screen before it turns itself off...
Ruby and Weiss are looking horrified by the scene and the amount of blood they've saw in the screen...
Blake's cat ears are completely flat onto her head while her eyes are shrunken in pure terror by the death of Y/N's parents...
Yang simply takes a step backward in pure shock and horror, feeling worried and terrified by how Cinder became psychotic to have revenge on Y/N...
Ironwood and the four members of Ace Ops simply stare in shock, but not as much as the rest since they all got used to see executions from some civilians during their missions...
As for Y/N, however. He was frozen still like a statue, staring where the hologram supposed to be.)
Harriet: ...holy shit...
Marrow: T-that's Cinder?! Impossible!
Ironwood: This isn't good...We have to get them.
(Something inside of Watts' bag pushes outward.)
Ruby: *worried* N-N/N?
Weiss: *worried* Are you alright?
(Vine's expression suddenly gets darkened by sensing no feelings or emotions from Y/N.)
Vine: ...Everyone. I advised to stay away from Y/N.
(Harriet suddenly gets worried.)
Harriet: Why? What's wrong with him?
Vine: I sense no emotions nor feelings from him...all i feel is pure void and emptiness inside him.
(The thing inside of Watts' bag presses outward again.)
Ironwood: ...Y/N.
Yang: Strikes!
(Suddenly, red tentacles spring forth beside Ironwood, who yelps and moves away, drawing and aiming his white revolver at the Seer that has emerged from Watts' bag...
Everyone else in the room steps backward with widened eyes, except for Y/N. Ruby gasps, Yang brings her fists up and Blake's cat ears prick straight up in alarm. The Seer rises up high in front of the desk, and Salem's voice comes from it.)
Salem: General Ironwood.
(The Seer's tentacles tense and curl up, and it trembles, emitting a high-pitched screech as its head cracks. Ironwood watches in fear, backing up against a wall with his gun still aimed at the Grimm...
The Seer withdraws its tentacles against itself, turns over, and drops to the floor, the red smoke inside of its head fading away...
It bounces down the steps, stopping in front of Team RWBY, and black smoke pours from the crack, swirling into the air and forming an apparition of Salem. Her voice echoes out from the apparition as it speaks.)
Salem: The brave Huntsmen and Huntresses bested Tyrian Callows. Congratulations.
(Weiss, Blake and Yang stare at her in fear. Blake's cat ears are flat against her head. Ruby speaks up, showing no fear.)
Ruby: We stopped Watts, too. And we'll stop Cinder, and anyone else you try to send here.
(Ruby steps forward as she speaks, and Blake's cat ears stand back up again.)
Salem: Hmm...
(Salem spots Y/N, her stern expression slowly turns into a gentle-looking smile on her face.)
Salem: Y/N L/N. We meet once again.
Y/N: ...
Salem: What's the matter? Have you finally come to your common sense and realize the situation?
(The seer begins to move forward with one of its tentacles raising up ready to stab Y/N...
However, Y/N did not flinch from his stand, he simply stares at The Seer with completely emotionless gaze...
Salem turns her head and looks at Ruby.)
Salem: Dear girl, their goal was never victory. It was merely to set the stage.
Ironwood: For what?
(Salem turns her head to look at Ironwood and smiles.)
Salem: For me.
(The Salem apparition drifts over to Ironwood.)
Salem: Time isn't on your side, James. It's always been on mine.
(Ironwood watches her with wide, terrified eyes.)
Salem: Surrender the Staff and the Lamp to me, and they needn't suffer any further.
(Ironwood snaps out of his terrified state and quickly points his revolver to the Seer, showing no fear and full determination.)
Ironwood: That is NOT going to happen.
(The Salem apparition leans down to look him in the eyes.)
Salem: Simply accept the futility of your situation… *softly* And this can all be over.
Ruby: We've seen what you're capable of. The lamp showed us.
(Salem's feigned smile disappears, and she straightens up. Ruby is staring confidently at her.)
Ruby: It showed us everything.
(Salem turns her head to look at Ruby, and then the rest of her body turns as well.)
Ruby: We've seen that you can't be killed. But we've also seen you fail.
(Salem stares at Ruby with narrowed eyes. She drifts across the floor to hover in front of Ruby.)
Ruby: We don't have to kill you to stop you. And we will stop you.
Salem: Your mother said those words to me.
(Ruby loses her confident expression. An image of Summer Rose comes to Ruby's mind. In the image, Summer is standing on the cliffside on Patch, a forlorn look on her face. The grass is brown, the wind is wailing and there are dark gray clouds in the sky.)
Ruby: My… mother?
(In the image in Ruby's mind, Summer appears somewhat farther away and closes her eyes, her hands clasped together.)
Salem: She was wrong too.
(Ruby begins crying and quickly lowers her head and presses her hands to her eyes. In the image in her mind, Summer is standing even farther away, turning her back to Ruby, with the wind howling even harder...
Ruby frantically wipes her tears away. Her silver eyes flicker a couple of times, and then she yelps as her eyes emit a brief flash. She whimpers, gripping her head and swaying...
Salem watches as Ruby drops to her knees, sobbing and whimpering with her head in her hands...
Yang hurries to Ruby's side and drops to her knees beside her, and Ruby leans over to rest her head on Yang's lap...
Before the Seer could cover itself with black smoke, Y/N's eyes suddenly turns red as his new remodeled mask unexpectedly forms into Salem's shaped-face.)
Y/N: *menacing* Stay.
(In an instant, The Seer remains freeze in place while Salem stares at Y/N with amusement...
Team RWBY, Ace Ops and general Ironwood are in complete shock to hear Y/N's low threatening voice.)
Salem: How intriguing...
Y/N: Shut. Up.
(Salem's eyes widen in the slightest as she suddenly felt pressure around her body, she kept staring at Y/N while narrowing her eyebrows.)
Y/N: You can corrupt me. Break me. Kidnap me. Use me. You can do whatever you want to me...
(Y/N's left arm slowly emit black smoke around it before his arm was fully replaced by a Deathstroke Claw.)
Y/N: ...But if is there something that i cannot tolerate--
(Y/N's eyes quickly snaps at Salem, which she suddenly felt actual fear just from his side-eye glare...
Everyone inside the office suddenly felt a cold shiver from their backs as Blake's cat ears and Marrow's wolf tail are completely flat down.)
Y/N: It's to even think you dare to lay your finger on any of the people i care the most... And mark my words, Salem. No matter how many times you have to put me down...
(His voice gets even more raspier and more menacer, making the queen of grimm feel what real fear really is.)
(With a simple, innocent, yet scary phrase, Y/N raises his left claw up and pierces it through the Seer, lifting it up before he watches it slowly dissipating onto Y/N's claw...
A few seconds later, Y/N slowly recoils his claw down as it forms back into his normal flesh arm. Everyone in the room was in shock and fear from Y/N's voice...
Team JNPR and Oscar are also seen being shocked as they were all standing at the doorway...
Yang rests her hands on Ruby, looking distraught, and Blake kneels down beside her with the tips of her cat ears folded, while Weiss watches with wide eyes.)
Marrow: That's Salem?! That's who we're up against?!
Harriet: And she's apparently on her way.
Elm: But we'd be alerted if any forces had approached the Kingdom. We have long-range proximity alarms all along the coast, and--
Marrow: *distraught* But you all see what she can do?! And still you lot want to go after her!!?
Ironwood: *angry* Marrow--
Marrow: No! I'm not having any of this! There's NO way we can stop her!
(Marrow aggressively points at Ruby, fully devastated.)
Harriet: Marrow! Calm--
Marrow: *glares at Harriet* Fuck you! I am NOT calming down! NOT AFTER WHAT SALEM JUST SAID--
Y/N: *snaps out* "ENOUGH, MARROW AMIN!!!"
(Just with his voice, the whole room shakes by the recoil of Y/N's tune before the windows are seen completely cracked but not scattered in pieces...
Marrow immediately gets scared and looks at Y/N with fear as everyone notice Y/N's Aura fully turning from white to dark purple.)
(Marrow is literally shaking in pure fear before nodding his head fast enough to see his head was blurring up and down...
After having his moment to calm down, Y/N's aura fades down before it turns from purple back to white, its original color...
Team RWBY, JNPR, Oscar, Ironwood and Ace Ops are relieved, but still scared and alarmed by Y/N's killer instinct vibe.)
Oscar: *scared* Y-Y/N...?
Y/N: Get...The fucking Lamp...Now.
(Oscar quickly nods his head and speeds out of the room before he comes back with the lamp after a few minutes later.)
Ironwood: ...Y/N--
Y/N: Jinn.
(All of the sudden, the time has stopped around everyone in the room. Some shortly time later, Jinn appears from the Lamp. She then moaned and stretched before floating above everyone while she stares at Y/N.)
Jinn: What knowledge do you seek, Forgotten Knight?
Y/N: Tell me. How Salem can be stopped, specially how we can seal her. Because Cinder will become MY bitch instead of Salem's.
(Jinn's eyes widen slightly in surprise before she starts grinning at Y/N's question, as if she was waiting for this moment to happen...
The screen slowly fades into pitch black. Jinn's muffling voice can be heard in the darkness as she was explaining how Salem can be sealed for good.)
A/N: Sorry for the rushed chapter! I hope it's still worth it!
I had to get it done like this because my wifi will get turned off tomorrow because i've called one of their installer to come and check the router.
And i hope you like Y/N's part where shit will hit the fan once Y/N throws his hands on Cinder and Salem!
For that, it will happen in the next chapter!
See you readers over there!
P.S.: Would you like me to bring Glynda to Atlas and make her react of Ozpin's reincarnation?
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