(Vol. 7) Chapter 65: Confession

-3rd P.O.V-
-Atlas Academy-
-Day Time-

(In their dorm room at Atlas Academy, Weiss is sitting in a circle with Ruby, Oscar, Yang and Blake. She, Ruby and Oscar are sitting in chairs, and Blake and Yang are sitting on Weiss' bed...

On her hand, Weiss is holding an invitation to a banquet hall at the Schnee Manor.)

Weiss: This is rather surprising, considering this invitation is actually coming from my mother.

Yang: She wasn't a fan of parties?

Weiss: *shakes her head* Not really, especially she wasn't bond with my father's parties.

Blake: Makes sense since he was exposed to the public...

Ruby: On the news, she did say she supported both Ironwood and Robyn. Maybe your mother invited us because she heard you're here!

Weiss: That would be a possibility.

Oscar: Did she send that only to you?

Y/N: Who sent what?

(Team RWBY and Oscar turn to the doorway and see Y/N standing with his arms crossed.)

Ruby: *smiles happily* N/N!

Yang: How was the plan?

Y/N: It went smooth.

(Y/N notices the invitation on Weiss' hand.)

Y/N: An invitation?

Weiss: It's from my mother's banquet.

(Neo, Melanie and Miltia peek their head out of the doorway, looking curiously at Weiss.)

Melanie: Banquet?

Miltia: Are we also invited?

(Neo shakes her head up and down, agreeing with Miltia's question.)

Weiss: We all are. And even more shockingly, she wants Qrow and Y/N.

Y/N: *to Ruby and Yang* Is that even a good idea?

(Both half-sisters nod their heads at him.)

Ruby: He actually gave up on alcohol, remember?!

Yang: We even saw him locking his flask inside his room!

Y/N: So, he's more sober and aware of his surroundings?

Ruby: Yup!

Yang: Trust us, Strikes. When Qrow gets sober, things are getting ugly for any bad people.

Y/N: I see.

(Y/N looks at Weiss.)

Y/N: When's the banquet starts?

Weiss: ...Tonight.

Melanie: Time to dress up!

Miltia: Agreed, sis!

(Y/N looks at his teammates, having a deadpan expression.)

Y/N: Really?

Melanie: *offended* Excuse you?!

Miltia: *offended* We'll have you know our first outfit are expensive!

Y/N: Do you have to dress with style?

Malachite Twins: Yes!!!

Y/N: *sighs, to Neo* And are you with them?

(Neo nods her head with a cute smile on her face.)

Y/N: ... *defeated groan* Fine... We'll wait you outside.

(All three squeal in joy before they leave the dorm, running toward theirs to get dressed...

Y/N and the others leave the dorm on the opposite direction of the hall, heading straight to the exit as they wait for the trio to show up.)

-Schnee Manor-
-Night Time-

(An Atlas Broadcast News airship hovers in the night sky above the Schnee Manor. Four hover cars drive along the driveway loop and come to a stop in front of the manor...

While Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Qrow Branwen get out of their car, Jaune Arc and Oscar stand nearby, having already exited their car...

The Ace Operatives exit another of the cars, and Ironwood steps out of the fourth car with Winter. Penny and Y/N get out of the other side of Ironwood's car.)

Ironwood: Suppose we should smile for the cameras?

Winter: Sir, with all due respect, you'd have to pay me.

Y/N: Make it double, Winter.

(Ironwood smiles in amusement from Winter's response and Y/N's words, and the three head to the front door of the manor. Weiss stops and takes a deep breath before following them...

Everyone gathers at the door, and Ironwood rings the bell. The double doors open to reveal Whitley Schnee.)

Whitley: Good evening, everyone.

Weiss: Hello Whitley. How are you doing?

Whitley: *smiles* I've been busy, but alas, i'm doing just fine.

Y/N: So this is Whitley.

(Whitley turns his attention to Y/N, he notices how well dressed Y/N is without his helmet.)

Whitley: And i presume you are the L/N that my sisters are talking about.

Y/N: Aye...And i've heard you took two of my teammates out for shopping last time.

(Whitley's eyes widen out of surprise, he quickly looks at Weiss, which she just smiled teasingly.)

Whitley: Did you snitch on me, sister?!

Weiss: *smiling* All in fairness, my dear brother.

Whitley: *sighs, looks back to Y/N* My apologies for taking them away from you, Y/N...

Y/N: You're fine. They told me they had fun with their clothing shoppings.

Whitley: *smiles* I'm glad to hear they had good time.

(Weiss giggles softly before looking at her little brother.)

Weiss: Brother, where's Klein?

Whitley: Just upstairs, already preparing the table for the banquet. Mother is also there.

(Whitley raises his arm up the stairs to point where the dining hall is going to hold the banquet. Weiss nods her head at him and smiles.)

Weiss: Thank you, Whitley.

Y/N: Klein... *to Weiss* ...Wasn't he the same butler who helped you leave Atlas?

Weiss: He is. I'm as surprised as you are he wasn't let go.

Whitley: For that reason, actually, mother secretly rehired him and hid him before father was being imprisoned.

Y/N: Huh...Sneaky woman.

(Weiss playfully elbows Y/N, making the other chuckled at his remark.)

Weiss: That is my mother, you dolt.

Y/N: Aye, aye. Just takin' a piss, sunshine.

(Whitley turns his head and looks at Ironwood and the others.)

Whitley: General, exactly how large do you think our dining room table is?

Ironwood: I happen to know it's enormous. But most of my guests will be on standby in case the council requests additional eye witnesses. Until then I'm sure they'll be happily celebrating our friend's victory.

(Whitley gives a genuine smile and an amusing chuckle, then he turns to lead them into the foyer. Scattered around the room are small groups of formally dressed guests...

Waiters roam the room with trays of wine glasses and hors d'oeuvres. Whitley stops in the middle of the room, turns to Ironwood's group and points to his right.)

Whitley: For those of you joining us in the dining room, please follow me.

(He walks in the direction he pointed, crossing his arms behind his back. Ironwood, Winter, Penny and Clover follow. Clover glances back at the others.)

Clover: Wish us luck.

Qrow: I mean, they already invited you, didn't they?

(Clover responds with a slight chuckle.)

Clover: Fair. *to Y/N* What about you?

Y/N: Quick recon around the place before joining. You get the heads-up.

(A Faunus waiter approaches Qrow and offers him a tray of wine glasses with his rabbit ears folded back.)

Waiter: Care for a drink, sir?

Qrow: *smiles apologetically* No thanks, i actually gave up.

Y/N: Hand me one.

(The waiter turns around and offers Y/N the tray, letting him taking one of the glasses before the rabbit waiter leaves with the tray on his hand.)

Qrow: *slightly surprised* Kid? You sure you want to drink in work?

Y/N: High Alcohol Tolerance. Even with small sips, i don't get drunk that easily.

(Qrow chuckles at Y/N.)

Qrow: Don't drink too much though. I'll stick to patrolling the grounds.

(Qrow walks away from the group. Marrow frowns and watches the waiter pass by.)

Marrow: Words out of my mouth.

Y/N: *stern* Marrow.

(Marrow flinches and quickly turns around to face Y/N.)

Y/N: You're the only one who has higher sense of eyesight and hearings. You may look nothing, but you're the hidden tool in the shed.

(Marrow is shocked by Y/N's statement, he then smiles and lets his tail wagging out of happiness.)

Marrow: Leave that to me!

(Marrow walks away in the same direction as Qrow, and Harriet Bree turns to address Team RWBY and (Y)MMN.)

Harriet: Right, well, don't wander off, don't break anything, and be ready in case the General calls on you.

(Harriet walks away with Vine and Elm.)

Vine: Hors d'oeuvres?

Elm: Let's eat them out of house and home.

(Y/N looks at Neo, Melanie and Miltia.)

Y/N: Have fun, but also stay on guard. Yeah?

(The three of them nod their heads and each of them walk away in different directions...

Y/N then turns and looks at Team RWBY.)

Ruby: Ready girls?

Yang: *smirks* How about we counterpart Harriet's warning?

Y/N: Don't.

Blake: *confused* Why not?

Y/N: It's just a banquet. Let's enjoy this night, and also keep an eye if Cinder is trying to ruin the party.

(Team RWBY look at Y/N in shock, realizing he was right.)

Ruby: Oh crap...that's right, she's still--

Y/N: Eyes peeled. Stay calm. And if any of you see anything suspension, call me or the girls. Aye?

(Team RWBY nod their heads, the three leave the stairs in three different ways, Weiss instead stays with Y/N.)

Weiss: We should talk with my Mother and explain everything.

Y/N: *surprised* ...Risky move. You sure?

Weiss: *determined* I don't want her to get hurt in any ways anymore.

(Y/N takes a moment before nodding his head and follows her up the stairs...

On their way up, Whitley simply smiles and steps aside to let them through.)

Whitley: Tell Mother i said hi.

Weiss: *smiling* I will, brother.

(Y/N gives a subtle nod to him, which Whitley nodded back as he watches the two leaving the hall to reach at the dining room.)

-Scene Change-
-Dining Room-

(Willow is standing on the other side of the room at the head of a long dining room table, and he opens his arms in invitation. Sitting to either side of him are Sleet and Camilla...

On the left side of the room, Robyn Hill is standing by a window, staring outside with her arms crossed...

Ironwood nods to Clover and Winter, who then take their seats on either side of the end of the table nearest to them. Penny takes a seat next to Winter.)

Willow: *smiles softly* Thank you for coming at the banquet, General Ironwood.

Ironwood: *smiles respectfully* I wouldn't dreamed to miss it.

(Ironwood turns his head to Sleet and Camilla.)

Ironwood: Councilman Sleet, Councilwoman Camilla.

(Ironwood takes a seat at the end of the table. He then looks at Robyn and smiles.)

Ironwood: New councilwoman Hill.

(Robyn smiles and takes a seat at the middle of the table.)

Willow: Now that everyone is here. I believe we can start talking about our concerning about Atlas...

Sleet: Precisely.

Camilla: I agreed, Mrs Schnee.

Robyn: Don't mind if i go first then.

(Robyn leans back to her seat and looks at Willow.)

Robyn: When we saw the news about your ex-husband's arrest, we've thought that was a propaganda for his people to not vote me for the Council seat.

(Willow smiles reassuringly at Robyn.)

Willow: That wasn't even the slightest of my idea, rest assured your votes are earned fair and square.

Sleet: *fixes his glasses* At first, we've thought Jacques was a man with many talent...

Camilla: *disgusted* But thanks to the son of F/N and M/N, we've learned how much of a scumbag he is.

(Ironwood and Clover chuckled at this while Winter and Penny giggled quietly.)

Clover: That's our Ghost for you.

Sleet: *surprised* Is he back being an Ace Operative?

Ironwood: As much as we would love to, he isn't officially back. He only agreed to be part of one last time before the graduation.

Camilla: That is really saddened to hear...

Penny: *smiles cheerfully* Y/N is combat-ready for anything! Even with or without Ace Ops!

(Winter simply pats Penny's head before lowering her hand down.)

Willow: And i've hoped you all know behind this unexpected meeting is on about...

Ironwood: I would guess that it's about the risk of our securities getting almost hijacked, correct?

Sleet: Indeed. And i must say...

(Sleet and Camilla turn their heads to Ironwood.)

Sleet: At first, we've thought you were gone mad and decided to keep your hidden plan away from Atlas, including the Council themselves...

Camilla: That went for months, we could've even get you through the talk...but ever since L/N's son came back in Atlas after years, you've returned to be your old self.

Robyn: Honestly, yeah. *to Ironwood* How come are you open with Y/N but never with us? I've thought from someone like you, who holds two seats of the Council, would never do that.

(Ironwood genuinely becomes nervous and smiles sheepishly at them.)

Ironwood: Let's just say Y/N and i grew a bond between us, the one i look at him as if he's my nephew.

(Ironwood looks at Penny and gives her a soft smile.)

Ironwood: And i look at Penny as if she's my niece.

(Penny's eyes widen out of shock by his touching words...

All the adults smile at the scene before Klein walks inside the room and prepares to distribute their food.)

-Scene Change-

(Back in the lobby, Ruby, Yang, Blake, Neo, Melanie and Miltia are enjoying the banquet while the rest of Jaune's team arrive a bit late to help Qrow to patrol...

The four Ace Operatives are also patrolling while occasionally eating some food, but still staying as vigilant as possible in case Ironwood makes the call.)

Ruby: This sure is boring...

Jaune: True...but hey, at least we get one peaceful night from time to time.

Phyrra: *giggles* That is true, Jaune.

(Phyrra gives a soft peck on Jaune's cheek, making the knight blush and smile his girlfriend...

Ruby gasps quietly and points at the two, as well as Yang and Blake are also shocked.)

Ruby: Are you two also dating?!

Jaune: *blushing* H-Heh...Yes, we are.

Phyrra: *timid* W-We've been together a-after we reunited back in Mistral...

Yang: For that long?!

Blake: I was wondering why you two were always together...

(Ruby smiles happily and hugs the couple.)

Ruby: I'm so happy for you two! Now your team is formed by two couples!

Jaune: *surprised* You mean Ren and Nora are also dating?

Phyrra: *covering her mouth* Oh my!

(Ruby, Phyrra and Jaune turn and look at Ren and Nora, sheepishly talking to each other...

And to much of their surprise, they spotted Emerald timidly standing by herself with a glass of wine on her hand.)

Ruby: Emerald?

Jaune: I wonder why she's by herself

(Emerald felt their eyes on her, she then spots them and quickly walks over to them, letting a relieved sigh.)

Emerald: Thank Oum you were here... i couldn't stand with those snobby people...

Ruby: *giggles nervously* Jaune and i can relate you with that..

Emerald: *notices Weiss and Y/N are gone* Where's Y/N and Weiss?

Yang: Weiss took him upstairs to talk with her mother.

(They look at Yang and Blake, which the latter was munching on a brusque with caviar on it.)

Ruby: *confused* Where did you get that, Blake?

Blake: *gulps* From one of the tables.

Jaune: Sounds convenient.

Yang: Not for Nora, you know how much that girl eat.

(Everyone laughs lightly at Yang's comment)

Phyrra: That is so true, Yang.

Jaune: That's Nora for you guys.

(Yang and Blake notice Emerald with her glass of wine)

Yang: Yo Emmy, what brings you here?

Emerald: *smiles nervously* Torchwick sent me here to keep an eye on Neo.

Blake: Oh, she's over there

(Blake points at Neo, who seems to be rather uncomfortable when she tries to get something from the tray but she keeps missing due to her height.)

-Scene Change-
-Dining Room-

(Back in the dining room...)

Sleet: Let me get this straight, General...

(Willow, Sleet and Camilla are staring at General Ironwood with concerned and shock...

Penny, Winter, Robyn and Clover are seen prepared in case things will get ugly if one of the councils throw a tantrum...

Unbeknownst for them, Weiss and Y/N are standing infront of the closed doors, listening to the conversation from the outside.)

Sleet: You told us that the queen of grimm, Salem, is an immortal grimm queen that is desperate to declare war because all she wants is...peace?

Camilla: Let's also add what you said about these "Maidens"...Fall, Spring, Winter and Summer Maidens??? Like literal seasons of the year?

Willow: We understand the situation about going on war...but we find that hard to believe.

Ironwood: It is a common reaction for you, Mrs Schnee... But, as much as i would like to say it's a joke, it isn't one of those to laugh out loud.

(Sleet and Camilla look at each other with more concerned.)

Sleet: If what you're saying is true...

Camilla: ...How can we even defeat someone that literally has immortality?

(All of the sudden, Y/N opens the door open with his arms hanging forward as he was the one who pushed the door open...

Everyone on the table turn their attentions to Y/N and Weiss, which the three look at the former heiress with surprise.)

Weiss: Allow us to explain the plan for defeating Salem.

Willow: *surprised* ...Weiss?

(Winter quickly gets up and tries to stop Weiss, but Ironwood beats her to it and holds his arm up.)

Ironwood: Let them.

Winter: *realizes* R-Right... I forgot what she just said.

Penny: *waves enthusiastic* Salutation, Y/N!

(Y/N nods his head up as "what's up" gesture to Penny. Sleet, Camilla and Willow stare at Y/N, completely shocked by his hair and eyes being fully white colored...

They knew about The Fall of Beacon, but they didn't know about Ruby being responsible of the color change of his eyes and hair.)

Sleet: So, this is the son of L/N...

Camilla: He does have the look of his mother and the appearance of his father.

(Willow stares at Y/N a bit longer than the others, still remaining quiet before she stands up from her seat...

Weiss watches her mother making her way, predicting she would scold her own daughter for leaving Atlas for the second time...

But instead, Willow hugs Weiss and holds her dearly, all that happens with a smile on her face.)

Willow: ...I'm so relieved you're doing alright, my child.

(Weiss suddenly begins to tear up, as if she wasn't expecting her to change so drastically after Jacques got arrested. Winter smiles at the scene as Weiss hugs Willow back, her hug was a bit tighter than hers since she was sobbing quietly into Willow's shoulder...

Penny instinctively gets up from her seat and hugs Y/N to his side, which he simply gives her a side hug. The rest of the adults smile at the sweet moment between a mother and one of her children before the two finally pull apart from each other.)

Willow: Welcome back, Weiss...

Weiss: *wipes her eyes, smiling* Thank you, mother...

(Y/N pats Penny's shoulder to signal her to let go, which she complies and goes back to her seat, smiling happily and innocently. Willow then looks at Y/N and makes her way toward him, surprising everyone by hugging him, including himself.)

Willow: *grateful* Thank you for caring and protecting my daughter.

(Y/N's face betrays him by slightly turning red from embarrassment, he silently hugs back and softly pats Willow's back.)

Y/N: You're quite welcome, ma'am.

(Willow lets out a soft giggle before pulling away, she then goes back to her seat as Weiss and Y/N still stand next to each other.)

Sleet: Miss Schnee, Mister L/N.

Y/N: ...Councilman. Councilwomen.

Camilla: *gestures at James* General Ironwood here says this queen, Salem, has cursed with immortality. Is he saying the truth?

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Weiss: We've seen Salem's past, and it was quite a heartbreaking one...

Y/N: But alas, she gave in and became what she is right now.

Sleet: Forgive me for being stubborn, but we can't believe such things. I understand your title, Mister L/N. However, we can't just take your words from it.

Y/N: Then let Robyn ask me questions.

(Y/N holds his hand out, leaving his hand open.)

Robyn: *grins knowingly* You sure know how to predict every movements.

Y/N: ...Learned from the day i've died.

(Robyn chuckles at his words and leaves her seat to stand infront of him before she has her grip on his hand.)

Robyn: Alright, Y/N. Question number one.

(Y/N nods at her. Sleet, Camilla and Willow lean forward to listen carefully.)

Robyn: Is it true that Salem is the immortal queen of grimm, wishing to bring terror in Atlas?

Y/N: Yes.

(Aura begins to glow on their arms, showing the color green to everyone. This answer makes the council and Willow to stare in shock.)

Camilla: No...way...

Sleet: So, it IS true...

Willow: *concerned* Robyn. Next question.

(Robyn nods of understanding and stares at Y/N.)

Robyn: Can Salem be stopped, despise her having immortality?

Y/N: Yes. And this is where Weiss will explain my plan.

(Everyone turn their attention to Weiss, who seems to be slightly taken back from the sudden change of the light spot by Y/N. She quickly recovers and gives a determined expression to everyone.)

Weiss: Y/N's plan is to lure Salem into a seal made by the Staff of Creation.

(A brief of silence...)

Sleet: ...A seal that holds the Queen of Grimm.

Camilla: And that seal is made by the Staff of Creation?

Y/N: The Relic of Knowledge, Jinn, told us how Salem can be stopped. She mentioned about Ambriosius, the Staff of Creation, can create anything.

Ironwood: And with that advantage of ours, we can think of what kind of seal we can ask him to create.

Y/N: and that's where you come in, Winter.

(Winter looks at Y/N, caught off guard as he stares at him with surprise.)

Winter: W-Why me?

Ironwood: *to Y/N,* What are you plotting, Y/N?

Y/N: Setting a trap for Salem.

(Ironwood's eyes widen in shock, the rest are also shocked to hear Y/N's bold strategy.)

Clover: Now, hold up. We get the idea of trapping Salem, but using Winter as a bait? What gives that idea?

Y/N: Two birds with one stone. *gestures at Winter* Besides Salem, Cinder will also come up and show up to get the Winter Maiden's power from her.

Winter: *disbelief* How do you--

Weiss: I told him, sis.

(Winter looks at Weiss in disbelief, she wouldn't thought of her own sister to spill the bean...

After a few seconds of progressing everything and realizing Weiss telling the secret to Y/N, she calms down a bit and looks at him with slight nervousness.)

Winter: ...Why can't i just fight Cinder? That way, i can get rid of her before Salem shows up.

Y/N: Denied. We lure them both to you and we focus on Salem, let Cinder live for another day.

(Winter's eyes widen in realization.)

Winter: ...Cut bait?

Y/N: If we have to.

(Willow squints her eyes, narrowing her eyebrows in slight anger as she doesn't like the idea of one of her children being used as a mouse trap...

Before she could retort, Weiss simply holds Willow's hand and gently squeezes it in reassurance. This makes Willow to look up and stare at her.)

Weiss: Trust Y/N, mother. He knows what he's doing.

Willow: ...But you heard his outrageous plan!

Weiss: I know... *smiles at Y/N* But i trust him enough to believe in him.

(As Willow looks back where Weiss is staring, Y/N can be seen talking with Sleet, Camilla, Robyn, Penny, Ironwood, Winter and Clover about his plan...

However, Willow, Weiss, Sleet and Camilla couldn't understand anything because of Y/N's cryptic within his words about his plan...

For Ironwood, Penny, Winter and Clover, they understood everything and nod their heads in approval of Y/N's plan, which Winter was slightly nervous due to being the main key of the plan.)

Willow: *clears her throat* N-Now that we've managed to talk through, i believe we can easily enjoy our banquet without problems. Am i right?

Sleet: Most certainly, Mrs Schnee.

Camilla: *to Y/N and Weiss* You two may join with us, if you wish.

Y/N: Thanks for the offer, but we have to decline.

Weiss: *smiles softly* We still have a job to do.

(Weiss pulls her scroll out and shows her Huntress License to Willow, which makes her smile at her daughter.)

Willow: In that case, i entrust your protection within Schnee Manor.

Weiss: *nods proudly* You can count on it, mother.

Clover: *to Y/N* Ghost.

(Y/N simply nods at him before he and Weiss leaves the room to regroup with their friends...

Once the adults resume their banquet, Weiss and Y/N crosses path with Klein, who is smiling at the two.)

Klein: Miss Schnee, Mister L/N

Y/N: Call me Y/N. No formalities.

(Klein and Weiss giggle.)

Klein: As you wish, Y/N.

Weiss: I'm glad you're still here, Klein.

Klein: *his eyes turns yellow* Oh-ho! You're flatter me, Miss Schnee!

(Y/N takes notice of Klein's eyes, he stays quiet and simply smiles at him.)

Weiss: Have you also heard about my father?

Klein: Oh, of course! *his eyes turns red* That old man asked for it. Hah! I wish he would've get something more than just being trapped inside his cell.

(Weiss gasps quietly while Y/N's eyes went wide open.)

Weiss: Klein!

Y/N: ...Christ...

Klein: *his eyes turns pink, gasps* O-Oh dear! I'm s-so sorry!

(Weiss simply giggles at him and waves it off.)

Weiss: It's quite alright...Take care of my mother.

Klein: *his eyes turns back to normal* I certainly will.

(Weiss smiles and leaves the hall as she's the first to walk down the stairs...

Before Y/N could leave, Klein stops him by stepping infront of his way.)

Y/N: *confused* Klein?

Klein: *smiles* ...Do take care of Miss Schnee. She grew quite a bond with you.

(Y/N takes a second to progress before nodding his head at him. He then pats Klein's shoulder and leaves the hall as Klein steps aside to let him go through.)

-Scene Change-


After Y/N walks down the final step of the stairs, he regroups with Elm and Vine.)

Elm: Ghost!

Vine: Where were you, L/N? We haven't seen you in a while.

Y/N: Ironwood and i told everything. We're moving to the next step.

(Elm and Vine understood what he meant, they just nod their heads and went back what they were doing...

Y/N begins to walk and casually grabs a cup of wine and hands it to Neo before he takes her back to Melanie, Miltia and Emerald.)

Emerald: Y-Y/N

Malachite Twins: Is she drunk?

Y/N: No. She just got her first drink.

(Neo happily sips on her cup.)

Emerald: So...How did it go?

Y/N: Did what work?

Melanie: About the talk.

Miltia: Did you tell them?

Y/N: We did. But i had to make it more secretive.

(The girls look at Y/N in confusion.)

Emerald: Why?

Y/N: ...Cinder might've listened to the conversation.

(Emerald quickly panics and looks around the lobby, darting her eyes left and right in such speed...

Y/N immediately calms her down by putting his hands on her cheeks, moving her head to make her look at him and holding her head in place.)

Y/N: You panic and you throw everything to the trash.

Emerald: B-But--

Y/N: You wanted to switch side, right? Now it's your chance to prove if you really are with us, or against us.

(Y/N then lets go of her face and steps back to give her space and time to calm down...

Emerald takes a minute to realize where she is right now and what she would do if what she wants is being on the good side or going back to Salem's inner circle group...

Later on, she then remembers her infiltration with Y/N and Neo to get rid of Watts, making sure he would stayed gone for good...

After some time of thoughts, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before sighing out, reopening her eyes and looks at Y/N with determination.)

Emerald: ...I want to make things right. Please, let me join in your team!

(Neo happily jumps up and down while holding her cup of wine in her hands, Melanie and Miltia cross their arms and smile at the dark skinned former thief...

Y/N, on the other hand, nods his head and holds his hand out to Emerald, which she gives a genuine happy smile and shakes Y/N's hand.)

Y/N: ...Welcome to the team, Emerald.

Emerald: Thank you, Y/N...

(Y/N lets go of her hand and grabs four more cups of wine from a waiter's tray passing by...

He then distributes one each cups to Melanie, Miltia and Emerald while Y/N keeps the last cup to himself. Then, he raises his cup.)

Y/N: To Emerald for choosing us over Cinder. Cheers.

Melanie: Cheers!

Miltia: Cheers!

(Neo excitedly raises her cup and Emerald smiles timidly and raises hers, clinking her cup with theirs before they all drink in sync...

Team RWBY and JNPR can be seen in the background smiling at the scene, feeling happy to know Emerald has now changed and chose to stay with them over Salem...

Unknowingly for everything, outside the Manor, Cinder can be seen somewhere far away looking at the Schnee Manor with pure hatred and range...

Her Grimm arm became more and more distorted than before, revealing some red and white materials on her arm...

Besides her, a Hound Grimm is standing next to Cinder growling lowly at the building as if it can sense a certain girl with silver eyes in the manor...

The screen slowly fades into pitch black, leaving Cinder's eye igniting by her releasing her Maiden's power glow in the darkness, followed by a distorted howl from the Hound Grimm.)

A/N: Hope this one gives suspense cuz i'm so fucking drunk...

Like, really. I literally finished this while being drunk, and i'm surprised i still have self-consciousness!

Oh well, i'll just see you readers in the next chapter and hope what Vol. 7 holds us...


P.S.: Small Spoiler; Raven will show up and help Y/N with his plan to capture Salem.

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