(Vol. 7) Chapter 64: Inside Job

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-

(After a week from the election day, Mantle is slowly restoring back to its original shape, thanks for Robyn's kept words and Ironwood's actual refilling supplies...

F/N and Torchwick can be seen working together by arresting two burglars that have tried to vandalize Robyn's poster with their sprays within the city...

Melanie and Miltia are pursuing a pair of Beowolves going after a group of civilians, but they quickly intercept the grimm and kill them both before they could reach to the people...

Above the sky, Neo is seen floating in the air with her upgraded umbrella as her jetpack to have bird's eye for the twins in case any Grimm in surrounding...

Back down to the ground, a newscaster is interviewing General Ironwood and Robyn Hill, and to much everybody's surprise, the two are actually standing next to each other with professionalism and coalition.)

Newscaster: General Ironwood, New Councilwoman Robyn Hill, thanks to your sworn promises, Mantle has actually becoming more and more secured by the day after another. Could you tell us more about what next for Atlas' future?

Robyn: With absolutely pleasure. *to James* General?

Ironwood: Firstly, i want to say my apologies for my actions toward Mantle and almost costing it to become an apocalypse zone...

(Ironwood adjusts his tie before continuing his talk.)

Ironwood: For months, i've thought what i was doing was the right choice for Atlas' sake... But sadly, i didn't consider the collateral damage on Mantle from my choices.

(Robyn smiles and gently pats Ironwood's shoulder out of comfort, which he smiles back at the newlywed councilwoman.)

Newscaster: If i may ask, what was the sudden turn from keeping your entire fleet in Atlas instead of expanding it all around it?

Ironwood: *smiles gratefully* A certain fallen headmaster and knight from Vale taught me to be more considerate about their opinions instead of mine.

(The cameraman zooms in-between the newscaster, Ironwood and Robyn as the screen shows Y/N with his Ace Ops gear dissipating a group of Beowolves with his rocket launcher mounted on his shoulder...

Once the explosion went off, they turn to see Y/N being responsible due to Grimm's dissipating, soon they cheered for his heroism with Penny hugging him tightly before she comes back doing her protector's duty in Mantle...

Y/N shook his head in amusement before he went back to work and secure the streets from any possible grimm.)

-Scene Change-
-Atlas Academy-

(Inside Ironwood's office at Atlas Academy, several people are present in the room...

Ruby, Oscar, Y/N, Neo, Qrow and Torchwick are standing infront of the desk...

F/N, M/N, Winter, Clover and Emerald, to much everyone's surprise, are seen standing beside Ironwood, which he was sitting on his chair...

Robyn and her two members of Happy Huntresses, Fiona and May, are standing a bit to the left side of Ruby's group.)

Qrow: What a nice little meeting, right?

Ruby: *giggles nervously* Y-You can say that, Uncle Qrow.

Torchwick: So, Jimmy?

Winter: *stern* General.

Torchwick: To-may-to. To-mah-to, snow queen. *to James* What's this all about? Was our alliance not trustworthy or something?

(Qrow laughs at Roman's silly retort on Winter, which she didn't take it well...

Ironwood simply chuckles and shakes his head.)

Ironwood: I assure you it's not about that. Quite the opposite, one of my small announcements is about Neo's criminal records are completely cleared and paid their debts.

(Neo jumps up and down in pure joy while clapping her hands.)

Robyn: That is rather reassuring.

May: As long as she's with L/N, that's all it matters.

F/N: What's the second announcement?

M/N: Before we continue...i would like to talk with our son, my dear.

(Everyone stare at M/N and immediately flinches in fear when they see her eyes-closes smile...

However, it wasn't a gentle or reassuring smile, it was literally the opposite.)

A/N: Imagine M/N slowly readying her rapier.

(Qrow instinctively pulls Ruby away from Y/N while Torchwick did the same with Neo, which that make the two look at their respective relatives in confusion.)

M/N: *smiles "sweetly"* Y/N, sweetie...

Y/N: ...Yeah?

M/N: Correct me if i'm wrong...

(M/N then opens her eyes, twisting her "sweet" smile into an "adorable" one, making everyone shivers in fear.)

M/N: *to F/N* Since when has our child become a playboy, my love?

F/N: *unfazed, nonchalant* From what i've know, Summer's daughter and Willow's are both dating him. Like an open relationship or whatsoever.

M/N: Ehhhh?~ That's really interesting~

Y/N: ...Can we--

(Y/N immediately stays quiet when M/N raises her rapier up pointing at her own son...

Ruby and Neo hug their respective guardian while shivering in fear of M/N's subtle anger at Y/N.)

Ruby: S-So scary...

Neo: (💧ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)' ' '

Y/N: ...

M/N: Do you have any idea how old Ruby is?

Y/N: Young enough to remind Ironwood to arrest me if i have ever going to consider to do "that".

(Now everyone, including M/N, are looking at Y/N with pure shock from his straight answer...

M/N quickly recovers and sheathes her rapier, smiling happily from her son's well-handled situation.)

M/N: Fufufu~ It seems our little boy still knows his manners.

F/N: *crosses his arms* Told you not to be overdramatic, hun.

(M/N quickly snaps her head toward her husband, making the same "adorable" expression again.)

M/N: Did i hear you say something, my love?

F/N: ...Nope.

M/N: *smiles innocently* Oh ok!

(Y/N clears his throat to get everyone's attention.)

Y/N: Back to the main topic. Why are we here again?

Clover: Good thinking, Ghost. You guys got called because we're doing something that we've never done it.

Emerald: *confused* W-What is that?

Ironwood: ...We're going to make Arthur Watts' death look like he was being targeted.

(A brief of silence...)

Ruby: ...WHAT?!

Oscar: *disbelief* K-Kill a p-prisoner?!

F/N: *suspicious* James. What the fuck are you thinking?

Winter: You heard him, L/N.

Torchwick: *intrigued* Well, that sure is quite shocking...

(Oscar's eyes glow as Ozpin is now controlling his body.)

Ozpin: General Ironwood.

Ironwood: *sighs* I know, Oz...But i have a good reason why i want to get rid of him.

Clover: He's too dangerous, it's as simple as that.

Winter: Let alone that he almost coded every single securities since we used to have him before he switched turn...

Ruby: So, what happened back at Beacon with those Atlesian Knights--

Robyn: False Flag Operation.

(Everyone look at her. Robyn walks toward the desk and stands infront of Ironwood.)

Robyn: She wants a war.

Y/N: Darkness vs Light. The title fight.

(Y/N stands beside Robyn.)

Ironwood: Precisely...If she really plan to declare war with us--

Ozpin: She would likely recall her Grimm to make that happen...

Winter: And as long as Watts is still alive.

M/N: ...We have to make sure he doesn't cause any collateral damage.

Robyn: *to Ironwood* Is that why you called me and my huntresses?

Ironwood: Yes. And remember, if Watts is still alive, who knows what he can do if he hijacked or even hacks Amity Colosseum.

Robyn: *crossing her arms* My ladies aren't yours to command.

Clover: Easy, Robyn. It'll be just an act. Leave Y/N to how we should execute the plan.

Y/N: Huh?

F/N: That does sound actually a good plan.

M/N: I second that.

Y/N: Don't i get to say on this?

Ironwood: I believe the majority has already voted their favor on, Y/N.

Ruby: N/N's plans are always trustworthy!

Qrow: *chuckles* If kid has a plan against Salem, then he definitely can make a plan to kill Watts.

Y/N: You too?

Torchwick: Good luck, buddy!

Y/N: 💢 You bunch of soddy bloody cu--

(Ruby quickly appears next to Y/N with her iconic swear jar filled with Lien in is.)

Y/N: Really?


Y/N: 💢 (⁠눈_눈) ...

Neo: ✨ (⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄) *approval nod*

(Y/N sighs deeply and looks at James.)

Y/N: ...How exactly do you want him dead?

Ironwood: As i mentioned earlier, it has to look like he was targeted.

Clover: Possibly having one of Robyn's Happy Huntresses will be good, but--

Robyn: They are my own security. Not some girls you can order around.

Winter: ...And don't forget about some soldiers may be corrupted under my father's pocket.

Y/N: You want him dead too?

Winter: *conflicted* ...I- No. N-Not yet, i mean...

Y/N: But you're okay with his men dead?

(Winter immediately nods in confirmation.)

Y/N: Makes sense if they are trying to escape.

Ruby: But if they do, what would we do?

(Y/N ponders for a moment to think of a plan of his own, trying to figure out how it should go...

After a few minutes of thoughts, Y/N looks at Neo before looking at Emerald, figuring out about the plan.)

Y/N: ...By making them walk into their own grave.

F/N: What's that supposed to mean, son?

(Y/N keeps his gaze at Emerald, who finally realizes what his plan is.)

Emerald: *surprised* Are you suggesting...

Y/N: You, Neo and myself are going to make this plan worked.

Ozpin: ...I see *chuckles knowingly* In that case, we let you execute the plan. Mister L/N.

Clover: Just the three of you?

Y/N: Emerald can hallucinate the guards, Neo can literally disguise and i can mimic her semblance.

Torchwick: *gives a knowledge grin* Oh, now i'm starting to see his plan too.

Ironwood: If you happen to get compromised. Expose Watts with every knowledge you have on him.

Emerald: I'll try...

Torchwick: Sign me up, kids! I also have some info about Watzy.

Y/N: Be our eyes and ears.

Torchwick: That, i can do it easily.

Y/N: Let's go then.

(The four of them begin to head out of Ironwood's office...

Before Y/N could walk out, he stops walking when he was called for a moment.)

M/N: Y/N!

(Y/N looks over his shoulder.)

F/N: ... *smiles* ...We're glad you're more opened than you ever were...

Y/N: ...

(Y/N gives a subtle nod and walks out of Ironwood's office, making the rest of the adults giggle.)

Clover: He is more opened and emotional than we used to know.

Winter: I also remember how Weiss and Penny were close to him...

(Qrow, Ozpin and Ironwood simply look at each other with their own respective smile on their faces.)

Qrow: Kid came from a long way through his journey with me...

Ironwood: And i've taught him everything i knew before we left Atlas.

Ozpin: *chuckles* He sure was a gift from Oum to help us with our own businesses.

Robyn: *grins teasingly* Let alone got the attention from two of my ladies.

(Fiona simply blushes sheepishly while May looks at her leader with her reddened cheeks on her face.)

May: Me?! No way! He's too young!

Ironwood: He may look young, but he is 21.

F/N: *sighs out of nostalgia* It feels like yesterday when he grew up...

M/N: Exactly...

Robyn: If it's alright, can we know about Y/N? Like, how he was before his current state?

Ozpin: You may want to have a seat.

Qrow: It's a hell of a ride, i tell ya.

(Robyn and her Happy Huntresses look confused before Qrow, Ozpin and Ironwood take turn to tell Y/N's past.)

-Scene Change-
-Dorm Room-

(Inside Y/N's dorm, Team RWBY and JNPR are standing at the doorway looking and listening to Y/N's plan...

Neo is sitting on Melanie's top bunk bed and she simply kicks her legs back and forth. Torchwick was next to her adoptive daughter, leaning against the ladder with an ace card fiddling around his fingers...

Emerald is seen nervously leaning against a desk with her arms crossed, with Y/N standing at the window as he was staring out of the sky.)

Blake: ...Uhm, Y/N?

Y/N: What?

Yang: We'll try to be as friendly as possible...buuuut--

Nora: What is she doing here?! *points at Emerald*

Ren: *sighs* Babe...

Weiss: I agree with Nora. Why is she here?

Y/N: Redemption. She's gonna help me with the plan.

(Ruby and Phyrra share a look to each other for a brief moment before looking back to him.)

Phyrra: Are you sure she can be trusted?

Ruby: She literally tried to get Yang disqualified back in Beacon!

Y/N: Let the past be the past...She had no choice because she used to have Cinder.

(Emerald flinches at the mention of her supposedly to be her mother figure, but after remembering the corruption Cinder got from Salem, she just looked down with a frown expression...

Her genuine and fresh feelings was enough to make both teams shocked to see her like that.)

Y/N: ...By the way, where are the twins?

Jaune: Whitley took them in a clothing shop.

Weiss: *confused* Why would he do that?

Y/N: Who's he?

Weiss: My younger brother, the youngest child.

Y/N: Can he be trusted?

Weiss: He got our father's bad influence, but Winter and i are making it disappear.

(Roman clears his throat and puts his poker card away.)

Torchwick: Now that we have a nice little reunion, we still have someone to be off the list like Tyrian.

Ruby: Oh, yeah...

Jaune: Doctor Watts, right?

Y/N: The brain of Salem's inner circle...

(Yang crosses her arms and stares at Emerald.)

Yang: ...What happened to your pal, hm?

Emerald: Y-You mean Mercury?

Blake: *to Yang* What about him, Yang?

Yang: Usually the two of you are always side by side. *suspicious* So, i'm wondering if this is just an act.

Emerald: I-It--

Y/N: He's been held by Salem. Emerald already told the truth from Robyn's semblance.

Ruby: I-I can confirm him! Emerald actually confessed and said she regretted to side with Salem.

(Emerald looks at everyone. Y/N instinctively copies Robyn's semblance and grabs Emerald's hand to use the Aura as lie detector.)

Emerald: L-Look, i know it's hard to believe...but when i saw you guys doing every single thing that was possible to overcome, i've realized how much of a struggle it was for me to even think Salem would give us what we want...

(Emerald tightens the grip on Y/N's hand as the Aura around their arms is glowing green, showing she was telling the truth.)

Emerald: A-All i ever wanted is to be with Cinder...but after the fight and realization of her obsession and hunger for power, i j-just wished i shouldn't crossing with you guys...

(After a few seconds of silence, Y/N's scroll turns itself on as Penny appears in the hologram.)

Penny: "Salutation, Y/N!"

Y/N: *confused* Where are you?

(Pietro appears in the screen next to Penny)

Pietro: "I had to call my daughter to upgrade some more secured systems preventing her to get hacked."

Penny: *salutes* "Now i am combat-ready for anything!"

Y/N: Good work.

Torchwick: Since you two are here, mind if you help us with our little mission?

Pietro: "Of course! How may i assist you?"

Y/N: By telling us who Watts is to you.

(Pietro takes his moment to progress what Y/N just asked to him. After a brief second, Pietro stares at Y/N with seriousness and concerned.)

Pietro: "Why would you ask me that question, Y/N?"

Y/N: Saw the picture of you and Watts back when we've first met.

Penny: "...Y/N. I believe this conversation is rather sensitive for my--"

Pietro: "No...No, Penny. It's alright, dear. I should've expected from him..."

(Shortly later, he starts coughing due to his Aura being used to transfer over Penny...

He then manages to regain himself and look Y/N with slightly sad expression.)

Pietro: "Believe it or not, Arthur and i were partners...his intelligence and mastermind was extraordinary for Atlas, which is why the system code was all from him..."

Y/N: ...

Pietro: *sighs quietly* "...After he was announced dead to the public, i felt like he threw all of his responsibility to me with the thoughts of him using me for getting what he wanted..."

(Emerald growls a little as she recalls those moments where Watts kept feeling superior whenever Cinder fails the task from Salem.)

Y/N: ...Final word, Pietro.

Pietro: "..." *sighs, looks directly at Y/N* "He's someone who is supposed to be dead..."

Y/N: I'll send him your regards.

(Y/N ends the call and tosses his scroll to Neo, which she catches it with her hand.)

Torchwick: *to Y/N* We're good to go?

Emerald: ...Y/N?

Y/N: We'll infiltrate during the night.

(Y/N walks past everyone and leaves his dorm, making everyone surprised by his sudden will of killing Watts...

Ruby quickly goes after Y/N trying to catch up, Weiss was about to follow her, but Emerald softly places her hand on her shoulder as Neo simply shakes her head.)

-Scene Change-
-Training Room-

(Inside the training room, Ruby and Y/N are seen talking to each other, mostly Ruby does more talking than Y/N since he's reversing into his past self...

Ever since their reunion, Ruby has grown up a lot with constant problems throughout her journey from Patch to Atlas. Y/N has some conflicted thought between the war and his friends and lovers...

Both of them knew something was wrong...

But neither of them wanted to confess until one is sure from another.)

Ruby: N/N, please...

Y/N: We've already talked, Rubes.

Ruby: But Ironwood can't command you at his will like he used to!

Y/N: I only agreed to his plan. We didn't say i would've come back to the Ace Ops.

Ruby: *worried* For me, it looks like you're slowly returning to be with them!

Y/N: I'm not. Can't we just drop this conversation?

Ruby: No, Y/N! We need to talk, now!

(Y/N's eyes slightly widen out of surprise by one of his girlfriend's outburst reaction, he stays quiet for a moment to let Ruby talk.)

Ruby: *sighs* I-I'm sorry...it's just-- I d-don't know what's going on anymore...

Y/N: ...Ruby...

Ruby: Ever Beacon fell...All of us have changed. Me included, Y/N... *looking down at the thoughts* ...We've lost a place we called home. And we also thought we would've lost you too...

Y/N: ...

(A white bright light appears before an image of Ruby skipping happily at the front yard with Y/N walking besides her, both of them are wearing their old outfit and gear.)

Ruby: I know it sounds childish, but i wished everything would've been back when none of the events happened... Y'know, back when we were all having fun.

Y/N: ...Yeah.

(After the image shows Y/N and Ruby smiling happily to each other, the screen returns back to the present day as the couple are in the same spot before the image disappears...

Ruby is seen staring at her boyfriend with a sad expression, her body was slightly trembling from holding her emotions back...

Y/N is also having conflicted feelings, but he actually shows to hide them well, however...he understood how much of an impact life is for his girlfriend since she's the youngest one from the group, beside Oscar.)

Y/N: ...Are you scared to see me gone?

Ruby: I'm scared from the thought of losing you! E-Every time you leave, you always remind me of my mom when i've last saw her back in Patch!

(Y/N was surprised by his girlfriend's comparison between him and Summer, Ruby's mother...

At first, he didn't mind of bother since he always think Ruby was just worried about him. But he never thought she was that worried to make her think he would disappear or be gone from her.)

Y/N: *frowns slightly* ...Is that why you were slight broken and depressed when we reunited back at Oniyuri Village?

(Ruby flinches, making Y/N confirmed of his answer.)

Y/N: ...Rubes.

Ruby: I-It just... *sobs* ...i-i don't want to l-lose you...

Y/N: ...

Ruby: *wipes her eyes* ...i j-just hate to see things like this...all i wanted was to be a huntress and slay grimm like i've always dreamed about...

Y/N: ...And also because you wanted to follow your mother's steps. Right?

(Ruby nods her head, she shed a tear from the thought of her mother's death...

Y/N, on the other hand, didn't believe the news. But he decided to play along and investigate for himself.)

Y/N: *sighs, looks down* I...i'm sorry for making you worry like that. I didn't realize you were also needed some emotional support.

(Y/N then walks closer and wraps his arms around Ruby, pulling her into a hug, which she accepts it and hugs back to him, laying her head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat...

Unknowingly for the couple, Qrow happened to be behind the walls with his arms crossed, smiling at his niece and future nephew-in-law.)

Qrow: "Heh...Tai would definitely accept him in the family." as he thought...

(Qrow then turns around and leaves the area before they could catch him...

The two finally break the hug and smile at each other, this time their smile are genuine.)

Ruby: ...Let's make Salem pay for trying to ruin our lives.

Y/N: *chuckles* That's my little rose i know.

(Ruby giggles before they share a kiss to each other...

A squeal of joy can be heard from the doorway, Ruby and Y/N look over and see Nora fangirling over the couple while the others are simply laughing at Nora's reactions.)

Ruby: *blushes, giggling* H-Hey! Never heard of privacy?!

Yang: *crossing her arms, smirking teasingly* Sorry sis, but that was the sweetest scene we've ever seen.

Weiss: *sighs, smiles softly* Next time, try to talk with us. Y/N.

Y/N: *smiles sheepishly* Sorry...

Jaune: It's all good, man. We're just happy that you didn't lose your mind.

Y/N: Yet.

Ren: I could help you with that by doing some meditations, if you want.

(Y/N smiles at his offer.)

Y/N: I'll keep that in mind.

Blake: *puts her hand on her hip* So... What's your plan?

Phyrra: How do you intend to kill Doctor Watts?

Emerald: With illusion.

(Everyone turn around and see Emerald and Neo standing side by side, which the latter is grinning from ear to ear.)

Jaune: *shivers* I don't like that smile, Neo...

Y/N: *to Emerald* Who's going in with the disguise?

Emerald: I suppose Neo can do that. As for us, i can get us with hallucinations.

(Neo pulls out her scroll and shows it to everyone.)

Weiss: Neo says; Torchwick already sent a blueprint of the building where their cells are.

Y/N: We're good to go then. We'll wait until the sun goes down.

Nora: Oh! Oh! What if you name this mission "Call of Death?"

Y/N: (⁠눈_눈) *disapproval stare*

Nora: What???

(Y/N sighs.)

Y/N: ...Execute Order 627. Watts will mostly be locked away from any advanced cells.

(Y/N nods his head at Neo and Emerald to signal them both to start walking as he is the first one to leave the training room...

Neo and Emerald follow him behind while the rest of the group watch them leave until they're out of sight. Ruby takes a deep breath and sighs out in relief before smiling happily.)

Ruby: Come on, guys! Let's take this opportunity to explore Atlas while we can!

Jaune: *smiles Sure! We can even cross path with the twins.

Weiss: I hope Whitley did not overdone his credit card.

Yang: *snickers* That would be an "ice cold" move from him. Eh?

(Everyone, minus Blake, groan at her pun. The cat faunus, instead, she laughs lightly at her joke.)

Yang: See?! Even Blakey gets it!

Weiss: *groans* Don't encourage her, Blake.

Blake: *giggles* It was a good one comparing to the old ones back in Vale.

(Yang happily raises her fist up out of excitement from her friend.)

Nora: Oh well, let's go now!

(Nora sprints off with Ren, dragging him by his wrist...

The group laughs at the other couple before they follow them out of the academy.)

-Scene Change-
-Prison Room-

(Inside Atlas Command Center, Watts and Jacques are seen in their own cells next to each other...

Unfortunately for Y/N's prediction, the brain of Salem's inner circle still got imprisoned inside the advanced prison...

But the camera shows Watts' wrists being cuffed with bolases, making sure he couldn't do anything to hack in the system.)

Jacques: *sighs frustratedly* This is unacceptable...That old hag just threw me under the bus to divorce me!

(Watts narrows his eyebrows in annoyance.)

Watts: That sure is rather irritating...

Jacques: Tell me about it! Not only she closed my precious company, Y/N's lackey recorded everything! Making me the bad guy!

Watts: Need to remind you that you indeed used faunus people for your own greediness for fame and money. Right?

Jacques: That is still unacceptable that Robyn got the seat while they took everything i've had!

Watts: *sighs* ...To think i've been fooled by a bunch of teenagers...

Jacques: You and me both, Arthur...

(A few minutes later from their conversation, two guards and an Atlesian Knight 200 appear walking inside the prison room...

Jacques immediately thinks of a plan and gives an evil grin under his mustache.)

Jacques: Guards! I would like to make a propose.

(The three make their way to their cells and stare at Jacques and Watts.)

Jacques: You see, there HAS to be a huge misunderstanding... *acts sad* In my whole life, i would never dare to harm a single faunus people out of discrimination. I was only disciplining them to be better people.

(The two guards look at each other, skeptical by Jacques' horrible attempt to bribe the guards.)

Atlas Guard 1: Keep saying that to yourself, Jacques.

Atlas Guard 2: No matter how hard you try, we're not getting bribed by your dirty money.

Watts: *plays along* What if i say we would like to hire a lawyer to prove his innocence?

(Both guards get their attention to Watts, they then walk toward his cell and listen to him.)

Atlas Guard 1: A lawyer, huh...

Atlas Guard 2: You may try. But for Jacques, the livestream was a solid proof to prove his guilty.

Watts: That's really unfortunate...i was really thinking if i could help him... *smirks* Oh well, i guess i can hire one for myself.

(Jacques stare at Watts in pure shock and disbelief at his sudden betrayal.)

Jacques: You've said you would've helped me getting out of here!

Watts: Please. Do you really think i would help someone who just got beaten by a bunch of kids? I don't think so, Jacques.

(Jacques growls in anger as the guards open Watts' cell and escort him out of the prison room with the Atlesian Knight following closely behind them...

With each steps, Jacques' scream of anger echoes from the room until it fades away as the four gets further and further.)

Watts: You know, you three could be useful...i'm sure we can find an agreement for my freedom.

Atlas Guard 1: Oh, trust us...

Atlas Guard 2: We will definitely find an agreement...

(Watts simply grins behind their back as he thinks how stupid and naive the guards are...

Shortly after, the guards drag him inside a storage room, letting the atlesian knight locking the door.)

Watts: This...isn't the phonecall room.

Atlas Guard 1: Of course it's not, Watts.

(All of the sudden, the Atlesian Knight 200 points his rifle at Watts as it switches the safety off...

Shortly after, the guards and the robot begin to blur until they reveal themselves to Watts...

The said doctor was genuine shocked to see Y/N, Neo and Emerald, who is pointing her sickle-revolvers at him.)

Y/N: Doctor Watts.

Watts: ...Have we met before?

Y/N: Yeah, but back when you used to be on our side.

(Emerald looks at Y/N surprised.)

Emerald: He used to be a good guy?

Watts: I still am...but i'm only doing what's right for Salem, unlike you and Cinder since you both can't do any of her tasks.

(Watts turns his head to Neo, which she just blew a silent rasperry at him.)

Watts: ...Immature.

Emerald: You may be right about that... But there's one thing you can't get from Salem...

(Watts calmly raises his eyebrow.)

Watts: And what would that be?

Emerald: ...Freedom.

(Before Watts could even retort, Y/N pulls out a knife and pins Watts' right arm into the wall behind him, stabbing the knife through Watts' hand and the small gap of the wall that actually holds the blade tight in the hole...

Neo grins mischievously and quickly covers Watts' mouth to prevent him to scream loudly in pain, letting his scream being muffled by Neo's hand.)

Emerald: ...for months...i've been fed up by your arrogance...everything you did was just to piss us off and make us look we can't do shit!

(Emerald lowers her revolvers and turns them into their sickles form before she points the tip of her blades at his neck with full of hate and anger...

Watts stares at Emerald with pure shock, slowly his body betrays him by showing himself trembling slightly out of pain and fear.)

Emerald: The moment you kept throwing shit to Cinder, that was the moment where i've had enough of your bullshit and that's when I've had enough of Salem's fucking plan!

(Emerald raises her left sickles and immediately slashes down across Watts' left shoulder, making a gruesome sound that the flesh just got cut open as the bone cuts off of its socket...

Watts was still held back by Y/N's knife and Neo's hand on his mouth, making his scream muffled inside the room, but no sound or noise can be heard from the outside as some actual guards are just passing by the door...

After the torture, Emerald's sickles transform back to their revolvers form as Neo skips back to let go of Watts, who has his body hung over by Y/N's knife, still has his hand stabbed into the wall.)

Y/N: Arthur Watts, was it?

Watts: *painfully* ...W-What about it...

Y/N: ...Mister Polendina sends his regards.

(Y/N looks at Emerald and nods his head at her, allowing her to do the execution...

Emerald nods back at him and points one of her revolvers at Watts, pulling the hammer back as she was staring at him one last time before the screen shows her fingers slowly pulling the trigger...

And one second later...

The Execute Order 627 was served...)

(With one single shot to his head...

Arthur Watts has officially been killed...

As for how no one hear the gunshot going off, Y/N had his semblance activated, mimicking one semblance that nullify the sounds being heard from the outside, making everyone think the storage room is still unusable and left for dusts...

Neo takes the gruesome picture and sends it to Ironwood with a message that says:

[Kill Confirmed.]

After she puts her scroll back away, Emerald lets out a scream of anger as she wasted the rest of the bullets on the corpse, letting some steam off of her...

Y/N grabs the barrel of her revolver and lowers it down, ignoring the burning sensation from the gun.)

Y/N: Enough. You got what you wanted, he's dead.

(Emerald pants softly before nodding her head and holsters her weapons, Neo simply applauds at her friend with a smile on her face...

Y/N takes one last look at the body before he punt kicks the corpse, breaking his neck from the impact.)

Y/N: ...This was for James, shithead.

(Y/N fuses Neo and Emerald's semblance to fully disguise them as Atlas Guards once again before they get out of the storage room...

Once the closed and locked the door, leaving the corpse as it is, the three begin to walk away from the crime scene, leaving the area unnoticed and undetected from any of the actual guards...

The screen slowly fades into pitch black as the footsteps noise can be heard in the darkness.)

A/N: Sorry for making a short chapter!

The vote spoke to itself and here you go!

Arthur Watts is now joining with Tyrian to their dinner date with God!!!

Now that he died before Cinder could even get him out of the prison, let me know how Cinder and Y/N's final confrontation would go!

But for today, that wraps everything for this chapter!

I'll see you readers in the next one!


P.S.: For my upcoming Reaction Book, which version of Y/N would you like RWBY, Gate, R6S and Highschool DxD to react??? (Ex. Ghost from MW, Dante or Vergil from DMC, etc.)

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