(Vol. 7) Chapter 63: Break from Work
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-
(The morning after Willow made her announcements of her now-divorced husband, the Mantle civilians are lining up to make their vote between Robyn Hill, Ivy Brown and Pearl Wistier...
The outside walls have campaign poster of former elector, Jacques Schnee, spray-painted over with red X mark...
A soldier escorts Drinking Buddy along the sidewalk while Atlesian Knight-200s patrol the area for possible intruders or attackers, which F/N and Emerald, surprisingly, are also patrolling the area.)
Emerald: *nervous* Oh Oum...i can't believe i've actually switched side...
F/N: *chuckles* Lighten up, Emerald. Thanks to your cooperation, James is actually going to help Mantle with supplies while Robyn can guarantee some people to get their jobs back.
(In a building somewhere, a reporter from the Mantle Daily is interviewing Robyn.)
Newscaster: Now that everything is slowly becoming for the better, how does it feel to know all the votes are now fair and square?
Robyn: I didn't knew it was rigged at first, but Jacques Schnee's revelation sure happen to be an ace card played well on my favor.
(Drunk Mann approaches a voting booth and begins his vote. His hand hovers over the screen and votes for Robyn Hill.)
Robyn: And since that livestream happened to capture Y/N L/N in camera, i want to say, thanks to him for exposing Jacques Schnee for who he is, my partnership with General Ironwood may be unstable due to previous conflicts are now forgiven and forgotten to help each other out, both for Mantle and Atlas.
-Scene Change-
-Training Room-
(In the Atlas Academy training room, Blake uses her Semblance and jumps from pillar to pillar while Yang follows and attempts to catch her...
Below Blake and Yang, Winter Schnee sends her Beowolf Summon to attack Weiss, who creates black glyphs above, below, and to the left and right of it. Weiss then uses the glyphs to throw the Beowolf Summon around, slamming it against the glyphs...
She creates a white glyph in front of her and uses it to send the Summon back toward Winter, who creates her own white glyph to stop it. However, Winter suddenly winces in pain and drops to one knee. She then discovers that a small version of Weiss' Arma Gigas Summon snuck up to her and cut her ankle with its sword...
The Arma Gigas strikes a pose with its sword on its shoulder, and Winter glares at Weiss, who gives a smug smirk in return and giggles...
Behind Weiss, Jaune is using his shield to deflect a rubber ball, while Nora keeps hitting it toward him with her hammer. Nora activates Magnhild's upgrade, charging herself up with electricity...
She swings Magnhild around and sends the ball rocketing toward Jaune, who blocks it and slides backward several feet before dropping to one knee...
The emblem on his shield glows cyan while he blocks, and the ball eventually turns to ash...
Nearby, Oscar is using his Scroll to keep track of Jaune's Aura, which has been reduced to approximately 65%. Jaune sits up and takes a deep breath, his Aura glowing for a moment, and Oscar watches Jaune's Aura increase to approximately 95%.)
Oscar: Nice, your recovery is getting faster.
(Nora walks over to Jaune, who gives a cheerful thumbs-up. Nora then gives him a heavy pat on the back, still using her Semblance, which knocks him onto the ground, reducing his Aura to approximately 64%...
Ruby Rose zooms past with her Semblance, heading straight toward Lie Ren who is meditating in front of a pillar. She splits into three red blurs, which all go around Ren and the pillar, before merging into one blur and becoming Ruby again.)
Oscar: Have you always been able to do that?
(Ruby peeks out at him from behind the pillar and then walks over to him.)
Ruby: *panting* I don't know. I don't normally think it through that much.
Oscar: You guys are evolving and I still don't have my Semblance.
Ruby: Well, I bet we'll all be jealous when you do.
(Away from RWBY, Jaune, Nora, Ren and Oscar, a sparring fight is happening between Phyrra, Neo, Melanie and Miltia...
A fatal-four way sparring match is currently going, all four huntresses are fighting with their semblances...
For Y/N, he copies Weiss' semblance and summons multiple variants of knights, some armors are lightweight looking, others are heavyweights, some others are even wearing capes but they all are wielding different kind of weapons as Y/N's semblance training is about to start.)
(As the sparring keeps going, Ruby and Nora are fangirling over Y/N and his combo attacks while Oscar is awestruck by watching Y/N actually going all out with his semblance...
Ren continues meditating, deep in a state where he has blocked out everyone around him. There is a ringing sound, followed by the sound of the training room door opening, and Ren opens his eyes and looks toward the door.)
Ironwood: Clover wasn't kidding. You're really giving this your all.
(Oscar and Ren stand up.)
Ruby: Well, we have to with the way things are going.
(Y/N finishes his training by recalling his summon knights as his Aura is getting restored back to the fullest...
Ironwood takes out his Scroll, which projects a screen depicting the live election results. Ivy Brown has 10% of the vote, Pearl Wistier has 20 while Robyn Hill has 70%.)
Ironwood: *smiles* It's all according to the plan.
Yang: Definitely better than voting for Jacques, right?
(Yang rests her arm on Oscar's shoulder, taking him by surprise.)
Ironwood: I suppose that's true... *sighs* ...and i should've trusted Robyn from the start and helping Mantle sooner...
Ruby: Don't beat yourself up like that, General!
Nora: Yeah! We understand you had to do what you thought was right, but now you're doing things like it should be from the beginning!
Jaune: Now that we have Robyn trusting you, we can help Mantle with all we have and bring supplies when they need the most!
Ironwood: *putting his scroll away, smiling at them* You're right...I wasn't thinking straight. With Ozpin and you guys graduated as Huntsmen, i can finally focus and actually help Mantle.
(Before Ren could step forward and interrupt Nora, Y/N copies Blake's semblance to appear infront him, earning a surprise look from Ren.)
Y/N: By that, you mean you're here for new assignments?
Clover: You could say that. The General and I want you to take the rest of the day to recuperate.
Blake: You're giving us a night off?
Ironwood: Yes and no. After tonight's election, we'll be waking up to a very different Atlas tomorrow. I need you rested and ready for whatever that may bring.
(Ruby starts thinking to herself, looking uncertain...
Unexpectedly, Y/N stops Ironwood and Clover by standing infront of the two, which they both look at him.)
Ironwood: Y/N?
Clover: What's up, Ghost?
Y/N: You're ordering us a night off, right?
(Ironwood nods in confirmation.)
Y/N: Which means we can do whatever we want, but when the job starts, you call us up to do our duty. Yeah?
Clover: *smiles* Smart as usual, Ghost. I knew you would figure it out.
Y/N: ...Why?
(Ironwood places his hand on Y/N's shoulder, smiling at him.)
Ironwood: You guys have worked and gave your all for us...you earned the night off.
Clover: And besides. *winks at Y/N* It's a perfect chance to plan a date before your duty starts.
(Y/N's face went beet red when he heard Clover's sudden suggestion, but luckily he was wearing his mask...
Ironwood and Clover laugh lightly at his body language as they walk past him to leave the group in the training room.)
(At sunset that day, Team RWBY is in their dorm room...
Blake is sitting at one of the small desks with a mirror in front of her, while Ruby and Yang are lying on beds, and Weiss is leaning against the ladder between the bunk beds...
Weiss has a live report from the Daily Mantle playing on her Scroll. While Blake puts on mascara, Yang looks over at her.)
Newscaster: We still have hours ahead of us, but as votes come in, it looks more and more certain that Robyn Hill will fill the open council seat.
(Weiss closes her Scroll and walks across the room.)
Weiss: I still can't believe my mother throw a major layoffs to ruin my father's reputation infront of all around Atlas. She even said she supported both Robyn and General Ironwood!
Yang: Just seems like a power play that backfired to me. He did try to guide you through guilty feelings back at the mine.
Y/N: Wanker's 'bout to get his arse kicked in his cell.
(Team RWBY look at the doorframe and notice Y/N with his previous gear.)
Ruby: N/N!
Yang: You came back with the white and red colors, huh.
Y/N: Better staying like this than going back to be my other alias.
Weiss: *giggles* Ghost. Really?
Y/N: Clover's call. Not mine.
(Y/N notices Yang standing up, stretching before walking over to Blake.)
Y/N: You two going somewhere?
(Blake adjusts her hair, and Yang rests her hand on Blake's back, leans down and adjusts her own hair while looking in the mirror.)
Blake: Team FNKI invited us out dancing. Yang and I thought it would be good to get our minds off the election.
Ruby: I thought you said Team FNKI was annoying.
(Yang straightens up.)
Yang: That's the best part about dance clubs. *whispers, pointing to her ears* I can't hear you.
(Blake giggles. Nora and Ren slide the door open from outside.)
Nora: Ruby, come on!
Weiss: I still can't believe you're going to the election.
Ren: We do have a night off, at least we actually catching up to one another.
(Y/N, on the other hand, he's surprised to learn from his friend about Ruby going to the election.)
Y/N: You're actually going there, Rubes?
Ruby: *nods* Mhm! There's also a party going on there. I mean, it's not an immediate victory party, but still!
Y/N: Oh...Sounds nice.
(Ruby walks past Weiss and Y/N, then stops next to Nora.)
Ruby: If you want in, the invite is still open! Don't worry about security, Penny's already covering that work.
(Ruby, Nora and Ren leaves the dorm. On the other end of the room, Yang starts laughing. Weiss and Y/N turn to see Blake trying and failing to dance.)
Yang: Oh my gosh, no. You gotta do it like this.
(Blake stops and watches as Yang begins dancing.)
Blake: That's what I'm doing!
(Blake holds her hands out in exasperation, her cat ears folding over, and Yang laughs again...
Y/N frowns a little when his plan of going on a date with Ruby was folded, he quickly recovers and smiles softly at Blake and Yang.)
Y/N: Here, Blake. Follow my steps and you can dance with ease.
(Y/N walks over to them and teaches Blake the dance step after step, Yang simply smiles and assists Y/N to help their cat faunus friend...
Jaune and Oscar lean into the doorway, while Weiss watches Blake, Y/N and Yang with an amused expression and a smile on her face.)
Jaune: Hey, Phyrra and I are hitting the movies if anyone wants to join with us.
Phyrra: We're going to watch a comedy movie!
(Neo and Oscar lean into the other side of the doorway with a smile on their faces.)
Oscar: Can we join?
Phyrra: *smiles* Of course!~
Neo: ✨(✷▽✷)✨
(The four of them begin to leave the dorm and heading to the cinema...
Y/N looks over at Weiss and extends his hand to her.)
Y/N: ...Wanna tag in?
Weiss: *surprised* ...Huh?
Yang: Ooo! I like how you think, Y/N!
Blake: It is the only night off we have, so why not taking the opportunity?
Weiss: Well... *sighs, then smiles I suppose it wouldn't hurt going with you three.
Yang: *raises her fist up* Hell yeah!
-Scene Change-
(Later, after the sun has set, Ruby, Nora and Ren are walking in Mantle, on their way to Robyn's victory party. A truck drives down the street, honking its horn, with people standing in the bed holding signs, which say "HILL IS HERE" and "HILL 4 COUNCIL".)
Ren: I have to admit, maybe going to a victory party is a bit premature.
(Ruby, Nora and Ren continue on their way down the sidewalk.)
Nora: Aw, let them have one sure thing.
Ren: I know, i know...i was just saying.
Ruby: I'm sure tomorrow will be all right! Once the election is over, we can help Robyn to restore Mantle back to its shape!
Nora: Exactly! So stop being a bummer and enjoy!
Ren: ... *smiles faintly* ...I guess it wouldn't hurt.
Nora: Yay!!!
(Ruby giggles at them as they all keep walking on...
A large crowd of people have gathered inside a small auditorium for Robyn's victory party. Wires have been taped up along the walls, and there are Robyn Hill campaign posters decorating the walls. Above the stage is a giant hologram screen showing the live election results...
Ivy has 14% of the vote, Pearl has 22% while Robyn has 64%. A pair of camera drones float around the room, one of which has a "Kick Me" sign taped to the back of it and the other of which has a gift ribbon stuck to it...
While Ruby, Nora and Ren enter the building, the vote percentage shifts to 15% for Ivy and 63% for Robyn while Pearl still has 22% of her vote. Penny makes her way through the crowd and sees her friends.)
Penny: Ruby, Nora, Ren!
Ruby: *smiles* Hey, Penny!
Penny: I am so glad you made it! It's just Marrow and I tonight, so more friends means more fun! Where are the others?
Ren: Phyrra told us she's going to the cinema with Jaune, Neo and Oscar.
Penny: *tilts her head* And Y/N?
Ruby: I think he went to the dance club with Blake, Yang and Weiss.
(Ren and Nora look at Ruby in surprise.)
Ren: No way.
Nora: Swear, girl!
Ruby: I-I'm not joking!
(Nora then grins smugly at Ruby.)
Nora: Looks like Weiss took your shining armor~
Ruby: *blushes embarrassingly* Nora!
Ren: *sighs* Leave her be, Nora.
Nora: Aw, come on Renny!
(Penny giggles at the scene while Ruby clears her throat to get their attention back.)
Ruby: I-I wouldn't mind for Y/N to spend more time with the others.
Ren: *surprised* You don't?
Ruby: *shakes her head* Ever since we reunited back where we defeated Tyrian, we've been too close to each other...But now that we're all back together, i'm happy as long as Y/N is still with me and Weiss.
(Nora and Ren are surprised by Ruby's maturity of her triangle relationship with Y/N and Weiss...
They then smile and nod their heads in understanding.)
Ren: I guess that's fine.
Nora: Hehe, sorry for the teasing.
Ruby: It's alright!
(Nora looks around and finds a table with snacks on it, she quickly goes over, with Ren following her. Penny gets communications from Marrow through her earpiece.)
Marrow: "Penny, where'd you go?"
(Penny starts to leave, and Ruby clings to her arm in a panic. She still hasn't improved about her social skills within a crowd.)
Ruby: Please don't leave me.
(Ruby and Penny go backstage together to meet up with Marrow.)
Marrow: Oh hey, what-- what're you doing here?
Ruby: Just, uh, hangin' out with a friend while she's on the job.
(Ruby casually holds out her fist for a fist bump. Recognizing the gesture, Penny gasps, her eyes wide and shining with excitement. She makes a fist, closes one eye, sticks her tongue out and lines it up...
She pulls back her fist and then slams it into Ruby's with a big smile. There's a dull "ding" noise, and Ruby gains an expression of deadpan shock, her hand throbbing with pain. Penny turns to Marrow with an innocent smile, and Ruby cradles her hand, groaning quietly in pain.)
Marrow: Yeah, real cute. Look, try not to be too much of a distraction. We need to be vigilant in case--
(May Marigold suddenly approaches Marrow, setting the tip of her weapon to the floor.)
May: In case "what"?
Marrow: In case someone tries to start trouble.
May: Oh, funny, that's why we're here. So feel free to take a hike.
Robyn: What's going on here, Wags?
(Robyn has suddenly entered the backstage area next to Ruby and Penny. She notices Ruby.)
Robyn: Oh, and the pipsqueak is back.
Ruby: Hi again, Robyn!
Marrow: Wait, why are you two friendly all of the sudden?
Robyn: I'm aware of your general's plan, and i actually understand this whole situation. We've decided to trust each other and help each other out for both Atlas and Mantle.
Marrow: *surprised* Hold up! I wasn't informed by this!
???: But we did.
(They turn their heads and notice F/N and Emerald appearing in the backstage...
Ruby was about to draw her Crescent Rose, only for her to see F/N holding his hand out in "Halt" gesture.)
F/N: She's no longer an enemy.
Ruby: *disbelief* W-What?!
(Robyn takes notice of Ruby's hostility toward Emerald, and out of nowhere, Joanna Greenleaf is now standing next to her.)
Joanna: What's going on, ma'am?
Robyn: We may have an intruder.
(Marrow stares at Emerald with suspicious...
Unexpectedly for them, Emerald is seen holding her hands up.)
Emerald: P-Please! Let me explain!
F/N: Stand down, everyone. Give her some time to explain why she's here.
Ruby: *growling a little* ...It better not be one of her plans...
Emerald: I-it's not. I swear!
Robyn: We'll see about that.
(Robyn walks over to her and grabs Emerald's left hand with her right hand.)
Robyn: My semblance is called Lie Detection. If you try to lie, the aura turns red. But if you're telling the truth, the aura turns green.
(Emerald nervously nods in understanding.)
Robyn: First, what's your name?
Emerald: ...It's Emerald.
Robyn: Alright, Emerald...Are you here because of Salem's plan?
Emerald: ...Y-Yes...B-But i've had second thoughts and decided to not follow her anymore!
(Her first answer to Robyn's question was true as the aura on their arms were green...
Emerald's explanation afterwards her first answer is also true as the aura remains colored green on their arms...
Ruby and Penny stare at Emerald in shock from her switching sides.)
Robyn: So she's telling the truth.
Ruby: ...I-Is that true?
Emerald: *nods* ...Y-Yes. Ever since Cinder didn't come back from the Vault, i've lost all of my motivation to serve Salem...
(Emerald looks down at the floor, feeling guilty and ashamed from her actions...
All this happen with her hand still being held by Robyn, and the aura remains green throughout Emerald's confession.)
Emerald: I've followed Cinder because she was the only one i looked up for...But when we've made a deal with Salem, i started to realize all of this wasn't worth it...
Ruby: ...Emerald...
Emerald: I-I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for everything i've done! I j-just wanted some peace before Salem could lure Cinder, corrupting her obsession of becoming the next Fall Maiden!
(She begins to tear up, sobbing between her own words as she keeps looking down to the floor...
Robyn slowly nods at the group as her semblance detects Emerald's confession is pure genuine.)
F/N: And there you go. What do you say, Ruby?
Marrow: What about Y/N then? Where is he anyway?
(F/N pulls out his scroll and dials Y/N's number, switching the call into a video call...
After a few seconds, Y/N answers the call and the screen reveals Y/N standing outside of a club.)
Y/N: "Still feels weird about you and mom calling me privately."
F/N: *chuckles* It's fine, son. Look, i have someone who likes to switch side.
(F/N moves his scroll and points the video call at Emerald, letting Y/N look through the video.)
Y/N: "...Emerald?"
Emerald: H-Hi Y/N...
Y/N: "Is that true? About what F/N just said?"
Robyn: She's telling the truth. I even used my semblance to detect any lies...but i've found none from her confession.
Y/N: "...Bring her to Ironwood. Tell him i've sent her there."
F/N: Alright, son. M/N will escort her in case something happen.
Y/N: "Fine by me. Is Ruby there?"
(Ruby quickly appears infront of the scroll and waves happily at him.)
Ruby: Hi N/N! How's the party going over there?
Y/N: "Yang and Blake look like they're having fun. I caught up with Neon and Flint before we say bye to one another, then i took Weiss out of the club."
Weiss: "Hi there."
Ruby: *smiles happily* Weiss! Was the dance club good for you?
Weiss: "Ugh. There were lots of inappropriate people who were wasted with alcohol...but gladly, Y/N brought me out of that building."
Y/N: "Yang and Blake said they'll catch up with us soon, so we're just waiting outside."
(Marrow gently pushes Ruby away from the screen as he's now seen through the video call with Y/N.)
Marrow: Ghost! Did you know about the General and Robyn helping each other?!
Y/N: "Yeah. Why?"
Marrow: How come haven't i got that report from the General?! Does he hold a grudge against me?!
Y/N: "Watch it, Marrow."
(With his simple, yet threatening phrase, Marrow immediately stays quiet as his tail can be seen lowering down...
Robyn, May and Joanna are also surprised by his sudden superiority over Marrow...
Let alone, despise for their masculine look, one of them find Y/N's serious side rather attractive.)
Y/N: "Just because you haven't got the word from Ironwood, that doesn't mean he doesn't trust you."
Marrow: ...Then why hasn't he told me that?
Y/N: "Do i have to remind you about your character? Keep in mind your assignment with Ace Ops is still recent."
Marrow: *looks down* ...true...
(Behind them on the stage, Fiona is fidgeting with a microphone. Joanna is grinning. Robyn looks at Joanna and smirks, causing Joanna to grin more. Y/N sighs and looks at the group.)
Y/N: "Keep going as planned. Robyn, make sure to let them hear you like always."
Robyn: *smiles* Of course.
Y/N: *to Penny* "Make sure no one tries to start a riot over there."
Penny: *salutes at Y/N, smiling excitedly* Understood, Ghost!
Y/N: *to Ruby* "Have fun at the party. I'll come by after catching up with your teammates."
Ruby: *smiles happily* Okay, N/N! I love you!
Y/N: "I love you too, my precious little rose."
(Ruby's face can be seen turning bright red from the nickname he gave to her before the video call ends...
F/N and Robyn are seen smirking at the youngest huntress as she was trying to hide her blush with her hood.)
Joanna: Well, i must say...He sure knows how to make an impression. Right, May?
May: *snaps out of her daydream* Huh? Oh, yeah. He really know how...
Penny: *giggles* As expected from my best friend's boyfriend!
Ruby: *embarrassed* Penny!!!
(Emerald looks away and giggles quietly at Ruby's embarrassment.)
F/N: Alright, alright. Let's leave the poor child alone. We still have a job to do, so let's do what Y/N said and let's get it done.
(Everyone agreed and begin to go back to their respective jobs, F/N and Emerald are seen walking out from the backdoor...
Fiona taps on the microphone, causing loud feedback, much to the crowd's displeasure.)
Fiona: Ha-ha, well, that worked.
(The live election results now show that Robyn's vote percentage is 57%. Joanna walks away, and Marrow groans in annoyance and walks away toward Penny and Ruby. The crowd begins chanting "Robyn".)
Marrow: Scram kid, we've got a job to do. *gesturing to himself and Penny*
(Marrow exits the backstage area, and Ruby hops out and blows a raspberry at him, which Penny giggles at. Ruby and Penny wave to each other, as Ruby walks away into the crowd...
Ruby's smile widens when she sees Ren and Nora standing next to each other, the former was feeling nervous while the latter stared at him with concerned. The live results now say that Ivy has 22% of the vote, Pearl has 19% while Robyn has 59%.)
Ruby: They're both neck to neck, but Robyn still has the majority.
Nora: So nerve-wracking! Right, ren?
Ren: ...Yeah.
(Ruby turns back around and heads to the front of the crowd. Fiona has begun giving a speech.)
Fiona: I want to thank everyone for going to the polls today. This is Mantle's moment. I know that, like me, you're all thrilled that we chose Robyn as our voice in Atlas. No one has fought harder for Mantle than she has. And...
(She covers her mouth, trying not to cry, and then wipes a tear from her eye with her palm.)
Fiona: I know Robyn will continue that fight on the Council. Will you share a few words?
(She turns to look at Robyn, who is off stage, and the crowd begins chanting Robyn's name again. Robyn walks onto the stage, causing the crowd to cheer. She takes the microphone, and Fiona excitedly talks to her for a few moments, before walking off stage.)
Robyn: I've never been much for public speaking, probably wasn't my best idea ever to go into politics.
(The live election results show Ivy has 20% of the votes, Pearl has 25% Robyn has 55%.)
Robyn: Thank you so much, everyone, for choosing me. You said you believe in me. But I'm the one who believes in all of you. You've proven to me that as individuals, we are strong. But together, we're unstoppable.
(Nora looks at Ren. The live results shift to Ivy with 24%, Pearl with 22% and Robyn with 54%.)
Robyn: So no matter what happens tonight, win or lose, we will continue to fight for our city, because it is this city that brings us together.
(The crowd cheers and upbeat music begins playing. Nora reaches out to touch Ren's arm, but he turns away from her. Robyn walks off stage, smiling and waving to the crowd. She turns her head away from the crowd and looks nervously up at the screen.)
Newscaster: We're in the final minutes now, and it's looking to be a closer race than anticipated.
(Robyn stands with her Happy Huntresses.)
Joanna: Don't worry, it's in the bag.
(Joanna smiles, and May grins, winks and gives a thumbs up. Robyn smiles faintly but then looks nervously at the screen again...
The results change again, showing Robyn with back to 60%, Ivy and Pearl are tied with 20%. Robyn looks at the vote with a hopeful expression...
Ren is avoiding looking at Nora, who finally speaks up.)
Nora: *sighs* Ren, what's going on? Why are you acting like this now? Can't you just talk to me?
Ren: You know I've... never... been really good with talking.
Nora: Then screw talking!
(Nora grabs Ren's shirt and pulls him to her, planting a kiss on his lips. His eyes widen and he holds his arms out in surprise, but then he closes his eyes and kisses back...
As he wraps his arms around her, she moves her arms behind his neck. Everything around them fades to a blur. Ruby looks around happily. Penny and Marrow look at each other...
Penny cheerfully salutes to Ruby, who grins at her.)
Robyn: The polls are about to close. Twelve, eleven...
(Everyone, except for Ren and Nora, look at the screen and begin to countdown with Robyn.)
Crowd: Ten, nine, eight...
(After their small moment of confession, Ren opens his eyes and stares at Nora, who is smiling sheepishly from her own action with an embarrassed blush on her face.)
Crowd: Seven, six, five, four...
(The newlywed couple turn to look at the screen, showing the final results of the polls.)
Crowd: Three! Two! One!
(At count to Zero, a sign appears that says ["VOTING ARE NOW CLOSED"] and the verdicts are:
["Ivy Brown: Voted by 12% of the people."]
["Pearl Wistier: Voted by 13% of the people."]
["Robyn Hill: Voted by 75% of the people."]
The whole crowd erupts out of excitement as Robyn has won the vote and her new position within the Council.
Shortly after, the victory party has started with people cheering for Robyn.)
-Scene Change-
(Back upward in Atlas, Team FNKI are seen parting away from Y/N, Weiss, Yang and Blake after their night off at the dance club...
Ruby's teammates were happily talking with each other about how it felt nice to have the night off from their general...
Y/N, on the other hand, was staring at his scroll with a knowledge grin on his face, looking at the final results of the votes.)
Yang: Yo, Y/N! What's with that grin?
Y/N: *grinning* ...Ironwood's redemption starts tomorrow.
(Yang and Blake look at each other with a confused expressions, Weiss peeks at Y/N's scroll and sees the verdicts of the polls.)
Weiss: *surprised* She did it, girls! Robyn won the position for being a councilwoman!
(They then become in shock and quickly appears on both Y/N's sides, trapping him in the middle.)
Yang: Ha! Told ya it was better than that old man!
Blake: Definitely... *smiles* Now we can finally bring supplies to Mantle and restore it back to its glory.
(Y/N's scroll immediately gets a call from Torchwick, he accepts it and puts it on speaker mode.)
Torchwick: "Ladies! Gentleman."
Y/N: You saw the polls, right?
Torchwick: "Correct-o! Our ally will be a councilwoman!"
Yang: Where are you anyway?
Torchwick: "With Jimmy and Emmy, of course! And also Lady M/N is here!"
(Three other voices can be heard from the call.)
Ironwood: "Y/N. Girls."
M/N: "How was your night off?"
Y/N: Rather chaotic.
Torchwick: "Oho! I predict a really cool story behind that answer!"
M/N: "Sweetie. What did you do?"
(Y/N remains quiet, not daring to answer his own mother while Yang, Blake and Weiss quietly giggling behind his back.)
-Scene Change-
(Back inside the dance club, a few hours ago, Neon, Blake and Yang are seen dancing on the dancefloor, having the night for themselves...
Weiss and Flint were sitting at the bar section near the dancefloor, the two of them were drinking their alcohol with moderation while Y/N just sat there with no drinks at the moment...
Kobalt and Ivory are seen watching at the dancefloor in the background, providing small scouting to protect the girls.)
Flint: Man, it's good to see you back in Atlas. For real, it was a huge bummer you weren't here.
Y/N: *rolls his eyes* Not liking the idea to get surrounded by those noble sods...
Weiss: *giggles* Really? Is that your actual accent?
Y/N: Most of the time.
Flint: Hogwash, Y/N! Ain't no way that's your accent!
Y/N: Cry me a river. *to Bartender* Give me a tea. Matcha one, if you can.
(The bartender nods his head and goes making Y/N's Matcha tea, which Weiss and Flint laugh slightly at him.)
Weiss: I sometimes don't understand you, dear.
Y/N: And yet we are dating, love you too anyway, princess.
(Weiss blushes and giggles embarrassingly before lightly slaps him on the shoulder, causing Y/N to chuckle at her cute embarrassment...
Flint took a second before looking at the two with shock.)
Flint: Woah, hol' up. *points at Y/N and Weiss* You two are a thing now?
Weiss: *blushing* We are...
Y/N: ...And so is Ruby.
Flint: *shocked* Huh?
(Weiss smiles embarrassingly and hides her face behind Y/N's back, sipping up on her drink...
Flint looks at the two still with shock before he starts laughing out of surprise.)
Flint: Hahaha! No way! You *points at Y/N* having more than one girl?!
Y/N: *sighs, blushing* Cheers, you slag.
Flint: *lifts his sunglasses before wiping his eye* Haha! Sorry, sorry man. I just didn't expect it to be actually real!
(Weiss peeks over Y/N from behind and smiles embarrassingly, her blush was still visible on her face.)
Weiss: Y-Yeah, it is abnormal...but Ruby and i t-talked about it.
Y/N: They've agreed to share me, and i love them both equally. No favoritism.
Flint: *smirks* Damn, look at you go, Y/N. You're like Neptune but being actually modest and get girls with common sense.
Y/N: Away n' bite of yer heid.
Flint: *laughs* English, bruh!
Y/N: Sorry lad, here's the translated version. *gives him the middle finger* Go fuck yourself.
Flint: Now that's better.
(Flint laughs again, soon after, Y/N and Weiss also laugh with him, except for Y/N since he was mostly chuckling...
Once the laughter dies down, a faint fuss was going at the dancefloor, which causes them to look and notice Yang, Blake and Neon being irritated by some random men.)
Flint: *groans in frustration* I knew this would happen!
Y/N: Ain't a club without some creepy bastards going for the girls, aye?
Weiss: *sighs irritatingly* I agree...
(Flint signals Kobalt and Ivory to get ready in case the group gets physical with the girls, which they understood his signal as they approached to the dancefloor...
Weiss, Y/N and Flint also approach, but they stop when reached on the steps, they then watch the situation.)
Weiss: Shall we interfere?
Flint: Nah. If Kobalt and Ivory can't get them through talking, then we will.
(The scene shows Kobalt standing infront of Neon while two men are just grinning at him with cockiness...
Ivory and Yang are seen facing against three men, the three were also smiling with cockiness, but they also make jokes about Neon and Blake's traits and Yang's prosthetic arm...
Flint realized this wouldn't end well, so he tried to reach for his scroll but quickly stop when he felt something cold near him...
He slowly turned and noticed Weiss readying her rapier while Y/N copied one of the semblance from a random man as Flint notices cold fog appearing from Y/N's arms and breath.)
Flint: ...oh shit...
(The whole club also begin to feel the cold inside the building, they all look the source comes from and they immediately back away when Weiss and Y/N were slowly making their way to their friends...
Four out of five men backed off with their hands in the air, letting the duo know they don't wish to fight...
But unfortunately for them, their friend did the dumbest thing he could possibly done.)
Buddy: *mocking* Ooo! I am SO scared! What are you going to do with that giant toothpick, ice queen?
Second Buddy: *scared* H-Hey! That's a Schnee, you idiot!
Buddy: *scoffs* So what? She can't do shit! Winter is literally a dog who follows her general's orders like a real lapdog!
(Weiss gets angrier and angrier by every second she hears Buddy insulting her family.)
Third Buddy: Dude! Let's leave it! They ain't worth it cuz they have pals!
Buddy: Pals?! With those two? *points Neon and Blake* Hah!
(Buddy, still letting his ego showing off, looks at Y/N and Flint with a cocky smile.)
Buddy: Alright, fellas! Which one of you owns those kitties? I can pay you double the price, if you also add them as "free side"
(Buddy confidently points at Yang and Weiss, who they look at Buddy with fear.
But it wasn't because of his intrusive intensions toward them...
It was because they're scared of Y/N's killing instinct...)
A/N: Imagine Y/N's shrunken pupils are red. As for the blood, just imagine holding the killing instinct back so hard that it makes you bleed due to suppressing his semblance.
(The whole crowd back off in pure fear once they saw Y/N slowly making his way toward the Buddy...
The pride, cockiness and ego of Buddy instantly disappear, replacing with fear...
He was scared once he realized he pushed too many buttons...
He was afraid to get killed by someone he shouldn't mess up with...
But most importantly...
He was in absolute fear on meeting Death throughout its Soul Collector...)
Buddy: *scared shitless* ...I-I'm s-s-sorry...
Flint: *afraid* Y-Yo... Man... Are you good?
(Y/N remains quiet, still keeping his gaze at the Buddy long enough to make him flinch by his slightest movement, letting Neon, Blake and Yang the path to regroup with their friends...
Without wasting any time, Neon blew a rasperry at the five buddies before rollerblading to Flint, with Ivory and Kobalt following her...
Blake quickly gets behind Y/N like a real cat acts when it hides behind someone else's legs out of fear, Yang calms down and smirks mockingly at the Buddy before she stands next to Y/N...
All happens without a single word breathed out from the knight...
His vibe and expression was enough to let them know what he would do if he snaps...
After that, Y/N slowly begins to calm down as his eyes are also switching back from red to white, with his blood returning back where they fell from...
Shortly after, Y/N kept his gaze at the Buddy before he fully turned around and drink his Matcha tea, already served by the Bartender. Later on, the five buddies got kicked out of the club for numerously inappropriate approaching to any women in the building, only for one of them being permanently traumatized by Y/N killer instinct's expression.)
-Scene Change-
(Back in the present day, after Y/N explained what happened to the club, everyone from the call are quiet, presumably by Y/N, they were shocked by the incident.)
Torchwick: "Good lord...Did you scare that guy off like that?"
Y/N: For the record, the more he fucked around, the more he found out what i could've done if he didn't stop.
Ironwood: "...That is supposedly true..."
Y/N: Something else you want to talk about?
M/N: "A-Actually, no! Have fun for the rest of the night off!"
(The call ends, causing Y/N to stare at his scroll with pure confusion...
He then shrugs his shoulders and puts his scroll back in his pocket.)
Yang: So, now what?
Blake: Maybe we can go at the party where Ruby, Ren and Nora are. She did say the invite's still open.
Weiss: Perhaps, we should do that.
Yang: Another party going on! Yes!
Y/N: Let's go then.
(The three agree and they all start heading down to Mantle for the victory party and for regrouping with Ruby and the others...
The screen slowly fades into pitch black as cheering sounds can be heard in the darkness, continuing their celebration for Robyn's victory as the new Councilwoman.)
A/N: Another chapter done!
Before i leave you to it...
...WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!
100K READERS?!?!?!
HOW??? WHY?!
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