(Vol. 6) Chapter 57: Persona Non Grata

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-

(At the Argus base, the Atlesian guards watch the screen as Caroline Cordovin's Colossus is seen trying to swipe at the airship Maria and Oscar are in.)

Cordovin: You just couldn't keep this rivalry between us, could you, Calavera?! You had to rope in children to fail with you!

(The guards cheer on their boss as she fires another shot from the mech's arm cannon. Unbeknownst to them, a red dot appears on one of the radar's screens approaching Argus...

Back at the cliffside, Ruby Rose is still holding onto Crescent Rose for dear life. Oscar notices this from the airship.)

Oscar: Ruby!

(Ruby eventually makes her back up to the top of the cliff by using Crescent Rose's blade to climb back up. She regroups with Weiss, Ren, and Qrow.)

Oscar: *over comms* "Ruby, can you hear me? Are you guys okay?"

Ruby: Are we okay?!

Oscar: "I know, we were supposed to lay low, but listen! I think I finally found a weakness!"

Nora: Well, we're all ears.

(Ruby and her friends notice Nora helping Jaune over. Neo stomps frustratedly on the floor while giving Cordovin's mech the middle finger.)

Ren: *relieved* Guys!

(Ren runs over to his teammates.)

Phyrra: *worried* Melanie and Miltia?

Malachite Twins: *off-screen* Over here!

(The group look over and see Miltia carrying Melanie as both of their Aura are fully restored.)

Oscar: "The cylinder on Cordo's cannon rotates and locks in a giant Dust cartridge every time she changes attack styles."

Weiss: We noticed.

Oscar: "Right, but her missile launcher doesn't lock in, it pops out! Without her shields, one well-placed shot could detonate the missiles while they're still in the launcher!"

Jaune: We could destroy the entire cannon... Oscar, that's brilliant!

Nora: Can you... make that kind of shot?

Ruby: We'll only get one chance before she catches on. I'd have to be practically staring down the barrel of her cannon.

Maria: Well, I've got a way to guarantee that.

(Maria flies the airship back over to Ruby's group. She stops with the hatch doors open. Ruby runs forward.)

Qrow: Ruby, what are you doing?!

(Ruby hops into the airship and heads off to do her part. The others watch the airship heading towards Cordo's mech. Ruby smiles at Maria and Oscar.

In the mech, one of the screens has a popup message saying "ARGUS BASE INCOMING CALL". Cordovin notices this, but her attention is then drawn away.)

Maria: Hey, Cordo! I've got one missile left and I know exactly where I'm gonna stick it!

Cordovin: *chuckles* One missile you say? That's a shame, Maria, because I have plenty!

(Cordovin has the missile launcher pop out from the mech's arm cannon while Maria continues flying toward her.)


Maria: Sometimes the best approach is simply the most direct!

(As the airship moves closer, Ruby gets into position and aims at Cordovin's mech cannon. Cordovin gasps as she pulls up a screen, noticing Ruby and catching on to her plan.)

Cordovin: You!

(Ruby pulls the trigger, but suddenly, the missile launcher retracts back into the arm cannon and the bullet is deflected. Everyone gasps in shock.)

Cordovin: You thought you could fool me?!

(She readies the arm cannon again, this time about to fire a lightning Dust attack.)

Oscar: Pull up!!

(Maria pulls up the airship, but it still gets partially caught in the blast. The rest of the group on the cliff move out of the way. The airship is affected by the electricity, and Maria screams in pain as her prosthetic eyes close shut.)

Maria: I can't see! My eyes!

Oscar: No, no, no!!

Maria: Take control!!

(Oscar grabs the joystick as he barely gains control of the airship.)

Oscar: We're gonna crash! We're gonna CRASH!!

(The rest of the group emerge from the smoke on the cliffside, coughing.)

Jaune: Look!

(The group watches as the airship crash lands into the forest. As Weiss gasps, Qrow runs and transforms into his avian form and flies over to the crash site.

At the crash site, the engines can be heard shutting down.)

Oscar: We're... we're still in one piece!

(Suddenly, Oscar hears the stomping of Cordovin's mech. Ruby stumbles out of the airship before collapsing to her knees.)

Cordovin: *laughs* Very clever, but even the smartest apes can't compete with the intellect of man.

(Ruby uses Crescent Rose to stand herself back up. She looks over to the airship to see Maria repairing her prosthetic eyes as Oscar watches in concern.)

Maria: Come on, come on!

(Ruby then looks toward Cordovin with a determined expression and walks forward. Suddenly, Qrow appears and takes his niece's hand.)

Qrow: Ruby, stop!

(Ruby looks back to her uncle, still bearing her determined expression. Qrow gasps.)

Ruby: I need you to trust me.

(Qrow closes his eyes and ultimately relents as Ruby pulls her hand away. She walks to the edge of the cliff and stands face to face with Cordovin's mech.)

Cordovin: Surrender for your crimes, and accept your punishment.

Ruby: *defiantly* No!

(Cordovin gasps in shock as Ruby's friends look to her.)

Ruby: We're going to Atlas. Bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed, but we're supposed to be on the same side! We're supposed to use our power to protect people, but you just use yours to look down on everyone!

(Cordovin ponders Ruby's words.)

Ruby: We didn't want to steal from you. We did it because you gave us no other choice! Now I'm giving you one last chance to stand down and hear us out.

(Silence for a moment. After a few seconds, Neo prepares herself to protect Ruby as she promised to Y/N about keeping an eye on his boyfriend.)

Cordovin: I've heard enough...

(Cordovin then aims her arm cannon at Ruby. Ruby's friends run over to her in panic.)

Oscar: (reaching out) Ruby!!

(Qrow gains a look of horror on his face as Cordovin fires up the arm cannon. Suddenly Ruby uses her Semblance and flies into the arm cannon.)

Cordovin: WHAT?!!

Nora: She's NUTS!!

(Ruby continues flying into the arm cannon.)

Jaune: The missile launcher springs out... but the raw dust gets locked in!

(Inside the arm cannon, Ruby plants Crescent Rose into the ground and takes aim at the buildup of Dust. She fires and uses her Semblance to quickly get out of the arm cannon. Suddenly, the arm cannon explodes, covering it in ice and stone.)

Cordovin: What?! No! NO!!

(As Ruby flies backward, her Aura runs out and falls unconscious. Her fall is slowed down by black Glyphs from Weiss, and Qrow catches his niece in his arms. Weiss collapses in exhaustion as Jaune, Ren, Phyrra and Nora run over to her...

Neo, Melanie and Miltia were impressively surprised by Ruby's outstanding plan to get rid of the arm cannon.)

Qrow: Ruby? Ruby!

(Ruby opens her eyes and smiles at her uncle.)

Ruby: Told ya.

(The Atlesian airship's engines can be heard coming back on as it hovers lightly above the ground. Maria managed to fix her eyes.)

Maria: Oh, don't tell me I missed it!

-Scene Change-

Adam: You knew you couldn't win two-on-one at Haven. What makes you so sure you can win now?

Blake: I don't have a choice. I have people who actually care about me, and I promised I'd never leave them again. So I'm not dying now.

(Yang smiles at her partner's words before glaring back at Adam as Y/N was glaring at the lone faunus.)

Adam: You know, she made a promise to me once. That she'd always be at my side. Heh, and look how well she's kept it.

Yang: Did she make that promise to you? Or to the person you were pretending to be?

(A brief of silence.)

Adam: So I wasn't just good enough for you?

Blake: You know it's so much more than that.

Adam: I know you've made your choice... and I've made mine. *Grabbing the sword's hilt.*

(Out of instinct, Y/N copies Blake's semblance to appear infront of the two, blocking Adam's attack with his sword made out of ice.)

Adam: *growls* And what do i even have to say about you?

Y/N: *locks in, menacingly* That your free trail of life has expired.

(The four combatants then take defensive stances as they resume their battle. Blake and Yang rush forward together...

Y/N and Adam clash their respective blades to each other, giving the bull the advantage to make the knight overworking with his semblance...

Once he finds an opening, Adam destroys Y/N's ice sword before he singlehandedly switches his sword with his gun and shoots at Y/N. The knight quickly copies Neo's semblance to get himself hit as he shatters into pieces to retreat for a brief moment...

With Blake and Yang in action, the two of them work together to strike at Adam with a series of back and forth blows and slashes...

Blake grabs the bottom portion of her broken Gambol Shroud katana and throws it at Adam, but he deflects it back at her...

Yang notices this and grabs the pistol and uses the ribbon to swing Blake around. Blake uses her cleaver to clash with Adam's sword, but he sends her flying back...

Blake's back hits the cliff-side of the waterfall, depleting her Aura. She nearly falls off the ledge and hangs on for dear life.)

Yang: Blake!

(She then turns around and angrily glares at Adam with his sword partially unsheathed...

Y/N reappears next to Yang, he gets rid of the dust from his arm and he then copies Simin's semblance from the Vytal Tournament, which he shatters a fire dust with his hands as he now carrying his own version of weapon.)

Adam: ...tsk...incompetent showoff.

Y/N: ...

Adam: *to Yang* Adam: Moment of truth, Yang. Do you think you're faster than you were at Beacon?

(This causes Yang to gasp and tremble slightly. Adam notices this and chuckles.)

Adam: *smiling* Me neither.

Y/N: Over my dead body.

(Adam rushes forward unsheathing his sword. Yang manages to dodge the swing, then rolls away from a second after Y/N parried Adam's sword with his magma gun-sword...

Adam lands two kicks Y/N back a distance before Yang dodges a slash, followed up by another. Then Adam brings the sword down diagonally while Yang backs away...

But then Adam rams her and she is knocked to the ground. Transitioning into a roll, Yang gets distance before stopping on hands and feet, huffing slightly.)

Adam: Your Aura's bound to be running low.

(Y/N immediately uses his magma gun-sword to inflict damages to Adam's Aura, making the bull groaning in pain from each slashes...

Y/N then deactivates his semblance and uses Judgement Day and land a cut on Adam's hand, causing him to drop his sword out of pain.)

Adam: *growling* You fucking bitch!

(Y/N jumps back and takes a defensive stance infront of Yang, letting the brawler to catch her breath and recharge her Aura.)

Y/N: *to Yang* ...You good?

Yang: Yeah...Thanks Y/N.

(The two stand next to each other glaring at Adam, who is letting his Aura slowly restoring as he keeps his enraged and hatred expressions at the two...

Meanwhile, Blake struggles to climb up, briefly glancing over to spot Adam advancing on Yang who has gotten back up.)

Adam: Hit me already!

(Yang dodges Adams next two swings.)

Adam:*Shaking his weapons in anger* What does she even see in you two?!!

Y/N: ...Actual caring and loving for her. Human or Faunus, she's precious for us. Including everyone i care the most.

(Yang and Adam share a surprised look at Y/N from his answer...

Unknowingly for Y/N, Blake was touched by his words as she begins to blush before she regains focused on attacking Adam.)

Adam: *grits his teeth in anger* Grrrr...YOU IMBECILE!!!

(Adam rushes forward, tossing Wilt as it spins like a buzz-saw. Yang tries to block only to be overpowered and damaged, Adam grabs the sword and activates his Semblance before bringing it down...

Y/N copies Adam's semblance and parries his slash as they both go head-to-head, clashing blades to one another...

Soon after, Adam had enough of being outnumbered and kicks Y/N back with brute force, causing him to get knocked back and tumble into Yang as the latter manages to keep balance, letting the two stand on their feet. Blake continues her climb.)


(Adam furiously points his sword at Y/N, who was still on his defensive stance.)


(Adam ultimately charges his attack as Y/N remains unfazed, still glaring at him.)


(Y/N and Adam have a face-off before the latter lets out his final battle cry.)

Adam: JUST DIE!!!

(Adam unleashes an attack with his Semblance toward Y/N. However, at the last second, Yang's eyes turn red. The attack hits on something, creating a cloud of dust. Adam rushes forward and swings his sword down.

When the dust clears, Adam looks in shock as Yang has caught his sword with her prosthetic hand. Her hair burns bright, activating her Semblance as she was standing infront of Y/N.)

Yang: Gotcha...

(Yang then cocks her left arm's Ember Celica. She pulls Adam toward her and punches him hard in the gut enough to disarm him and send him flying back. The force of the attack depletes Adam's Aura. Adam stands back up and tries to fight again, only to realize his sword is missing. Yang still has it in her hand.)

Yang: I may not be faster...

(her own Aura depletes)

Yang: ...But i'm smarter.

(Yang then tosses Wilt to Y/N, who manages to catch it before he breaks the sword's blade in half...

Unknowingly for Adam, Y/N purposely copied Emerald's semblance to make him think his sword was broken infront of him.)

Adam: No!!!

(Suddenly, Blake reappears and uppercuts Adam as she jumps back on to the bridge. Adam stumbles backward. Suddenly, he notices one half of Gambol Shroud's katana on the ground. He and Blake rush forward to pick it up, but Blake grabs it before he can...

Yang then runs forward and grabs the broken blade of Gambol Shroud. Both girls then impale Adam from the front and back, each with a piece of Blake's weapon simultaneously. Adam looks down at his bleeding chest as he twitches.)

Adam: Oh...

(Blake and Yang both pull their blades out and watch Adam stumble towards the edge of the bridge...

Before he could fall off the edge, Y/N grabs him by his collar shirt, the two are now facing each other.)

Adam: *weakly* ...all i've...ever wanted...was respect...

Y/N: ...

(Adam coughs blood as he was struggling to breathe.)

Adam: *weakly* ...I was...treated...as a slave...

(Y/N takes a look on the Labeled "SDC" burned stamp on his eye...

Unconsciously, his grip tightens as he keeps preventing him to fall.)

Y/N: ...sorry it has to be this way...

Adam: ...

Y/N: ...I'll make sure i will avenge you...

(Adam's eye widen in shock at his promise, a tear appears to fall down on his cheek.)

Adam: *weakly* ...why...

Y/N: No one deserves it. Not even you.

(Y/N draws his sword and pulls it back to ready for his final attack...

Adam simply closes his eye and breathes his final words out.)

Adam: ...i'm...sorry...for everything...

Y/N: ...May Oum guide you for a better world.

(With his final prayer, Y/N thrust his sword through Adam's body as the blade can be seen coming out of his back...

After a brief moment, Y/N kicks him off the edge as he watches Adam falls off the bridge. On his fall down, his body hits the cliffside with a sickening crunch, before disappearing into the water below.

Adam Taurus is finally dead.

Suddenly, Blake starts to sob and falls to her knees as she breaks down crying. Yang runs over to hug her. Blake hugs back.)

Blake: *tearfully* I... I am not going to break my promise, I swear.

Yang: I know you won't.

(Y/N kept staring down at the water before he finally turns around and walk away from the edge, regrouping with the two girls...

Upon hearing his footsteps, Blake quickly hugs Y/N as her arms were wrapped tightly around his hips, crying uncontrollably onto Y/N's stomach...

Yang stays kneeled down next to her teammate as she pats Blake's head out of comfort while Y/N simply hugs Blake back...

The trio continue to embrace one another as Blake continue to sob.)

-Scene Change-


Back at the Cliffside, Cordovin can be seen struggling to pick up the mech's arm cannon.)

Cordovin: No! No, no, no, NO!!! You! You're never getting to Atlas! Do you hear me?! NEVER!!! *presses a button on the controls* All forces converge on my position and eliminate these pests at once!

Oscar: Crap!

Maria: Everyone on board! We're making a run for it!

Jaune: What about Yang and Blake?

(Back in the mech, one of the screens read "ARGUS BASE CHANNEL OPEN".)

Atlas Soldier: Ma'am, we've been trying to reach you! Argus is in danger!

(Cordovin's expression widens in horror.)

Cordovin: What?

(At the Argus base, various Atlas personnel all rush to their battle stations. A pair of guards are seen looking out at the ocean. In the distance, a towering Grimm can be seen stomping in the water towards Argus. It lets out a terrifying roar.

The Atlas guards then turn around and notice a massive legion of Manticores and Sphinxs in the air above the city of Argus.)

Atlas Soldier: It's a Leviathan! It began its approach during your battle! We need you!

(Ruby looks back to her friends in horror, who all share equally concerned expressions. They look to Cordovin's mech, still struggling to lift up its arm cannon...

Back in Argus, multiple Manta aircraft engage in dogfights against Manticores and Sphinxs above the ocean. The Leviathan itself slowly trudges through the water approaching the city. Some aircraft fly by for a gun run on the towering Grimm. The Leviathan, however, simply dives below the ocean and swims.)

Air Control: All units, be advised: Leviathan-class Grimm has submerged but is still on approach. Preparing hard-light shields, over!

(Elsewhere, Ruby and her friends overhear the radio chatter with looks of horror on their faces. Caroline Cordovin continues to struggle to get the Colossus' arm cannon out of the water with it being covered in ice and rock Dust.)

Manta Two-Two: "We're getting slammed by hostiles out here! Where is Cordovin?!"

Cordovin: This is your fault! Do you hear me?!

Yang: Ruby!

(Yang and Blake can be seen running out of the forest to rejoin the group. Y/N is also seen rejoining the group, but he carries Wilt and Blush on his right hip.)

Ruby: N/N! Yang!

Melanie: *to Y/N* Isn't that...

(Y/N simply nods his head before he wipes some blood off his cheek.

Neo immediately guessed what happen and simply picks Wilt and Blush and puts them on her back.)

Ruby: Are you guys okay?

Y/N: Just cutting one loose end.

(Yang and Blake notice the disabled mech.)

Blake: What happened?

(The group then hears the Leviathan roaring.)

Yang: Was that a giant Grimm?

Weiss: Yes... and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it...

(The group wastes no time boarding the aircraft. It begins to fly away. Ruby watches with pity as Cordovin continues to struggle to move the mech. Cordovin herself yells out in anger.)

Cordovin: This is your fault!! YOUR FAULT!!! This is... *gives up*

Soldier: *over radio* "Ma'am, what's your status? We need an answer, over!"

Cordovin: ... your fault... *looks down sadly*

(Back in the airship...)

Blake: I'm so sorry...

Yang: Don't be. This isn't on you.

Blake: But--

Ruby: You're safe, that's all that matters.

(Blake smiles at her leader and the two hug. Ruby looks to Yang and the two share a smile.)

Qrow: *to Y/N* Kid...that sword.

Y/N: We'll talk later.

Weiss: Why can't you talk about it now?

(Y/N gives a menacing stare at Weiss, who reels back in fear for a bit.)

Y/N: Because your father's business hides something unforgivable.

Oscar: *surprised* W-What?

Y/N: *to Oscar, stern* Get me Ozpin.

(Oscar quickly nods and his eyes begins to glow as Ozpin is now taking over the body.)

Ozpin: *concerned* I can mesmerize that stare anywhere...

Y/N: Once we get to Atlas, i need you to hold me back.

Ozpin: ...May i ask why?

Y/N: *darkly* I may end up making a genocide over there.

(Everyone shredders in fear from his intentions.)

Ozpin: ...Understood, Mister L/N.

Maria: I'm sorry that I have to be the bad guy and say it, getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority, and right now we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get another chance like this.

Yang: No way!

Weiss: We can't leave, not like this.

Blake: It's like you said, a Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end.

(Maria looks to Ruby, who just shrugs and smiles. Maria smiles back and continues to fly.)

Ruby: We need to head for the Leviathan. Jaune, can you and Ren be ready to mask our ship?

Ren: I think we can manage.

Jaune: Got a few ideas?

Ruby: I've got one.

Y/N: Make it two.

(The group look at Y/N in confusion...

Melanie and Miltia share the same memory back in the forest where Y/N could make his own golem and control it with the Geist traits...

They then share a knowing smile before they speak simultaneously.)

Malachine Twins: Y/N has another Grimm traits he can use.

Qrow: Eyes up, everybody. It's back.

(The Leviathan swims for a bit before resurfacing above the water, letting out a terrifying roar.)

Manta Three-Four: "Argus Base, this is Manta 3-4! Leviathan has hit the shallows and resurfaced! We need those shields up now, over!"

(From the city, a large crowd gathers as they look out to the ocean with concern. Terra Cotta-Arc is seen making her way through the crowd, eventually reuniting with her wife Saphron and their son Adrian, before looking out to the ocean again in concern...

As the Leviathan approaches Argus, a hard-light Dust barrier is erected, halting its progress.)

Manta Two-One: "Target stopped! Engaging, over!"

(A pair of Manta aircraft are seen firing shots at the Leviathan. Suddenly, the Leviathan unleashes an energy beam attack from its mouth...

It shifts the beam over to one of the poles powering the hard-light Dust barrier, destroying it. The Leviathan roars. Ruby and her friends watch in horror from their aircraft.)

Oscar: It tore straight through...!

Air Control: "All squadrons, fall back to evacuation procedures. Disengage Leviathan! I repeat, disengage! Over!"

Ruby: No, wait!

(Ruby runs up to the radio.)

Qrow: Ruby!

Ruby: We can stop it!

Air Control: "Who is this? Identify yourself!"

Ruby: I'm a Huntress. My team and I are heading to the Leviathan and can weaken it for you to attack!

(Everyone looks at Ruby in shock.)

Jaune: We can?

Ruby: I can.

Maria: Ruby, when I said "trial by fire"--

Ruby: I did it at Beacon and at the farm.

Weiss: You really think you can do it now?

Ruby: I don't have a choice.

Air Control: "Manta 5-1, your ship is currently flagged as hostile. You will receive no support, over."

Ruby: *picking up radio* Fine, we'll do it alone if we have to.

(From her mech, Cordovin overhears Ruby's radio chatter.)

Ruby: We can hit it while it's stopped at the next barrier. Ren, you're up!

(Ren and Jaune proceed to combine their Semblances, masking the airship as it weaves between the air battles between Grimm and Atlas forces...

The Leviathan makes its way to the next barrier and charges its energy breath again.)

Qrow: We're too late! Pull up!

(The Manta aircraft pulls up out of the way as the Leviathan fires its breath, destroying the next barrier and toppling a cupola off one of the buildings in Argus. Ren and Jaune collapse as their Auras are drained.)

Jaune: Damn it...!

Ren: That's all I've got!

Blake: It's on the move again! We need to stop it!

Yang: What do we do?

(Y/N copies Jaune's semblance to boost his own Aura to the maximum as his white and red aura is fully maxed and it's now glowing white silver-ish color.)

Y/N: Ruby.

(Ruby looks at him, realizing his idea before looking to Weiss.

The Leviathan continues to approach Argus, but suddenly, the aircraft carrying Ruby's group opens up its hatch doors.)

Nora: Eyes on us, ugly!

(Phyrra, Nora and Yang fire their respective weapons at the Leviathan.)

Blake: Is it working?

Maria: Unfortunately, yes! Hang on!

(Blake runs over to Weiss, who is maintaining a Glyph she activated.

Ruby is seen riding on the back of Weiss' Queen Lancer summoning.)

Ruby: *to herself* Okay, okay, you can do this... You have to do this!

(Eventually, Ruby stops in front of the Leviathan. She closes her eyes and begins to concentrate, the noises all around her slowly muting out...

As for Y/N, he simply jump out of the aircraft as he can be seen diving into the water, taking his time to fully use his semblance to the absolute maximum.)

Yang: Ruby? Ruby, hurry, something--

(Ruby takes out her earpiece and tosses it into the water below. She closes her eyes again to concentrate. As she concentrates, Ruby thinks back on various memories:

She thinks of her father and sister, when Zwei first arrived at Team RWBY's dorm room, when she and her team are about to start a food fight, and when they get noodles after their victory in the tournament.

She then thinks of Penny Polendina, then to when she first saw Jaune, of Team JNPR, of Pyrrha...

Suddenly, Ruby starts to frown as bad memories start to flood her mind: the night when Jaune trained alone with a recording of Y/N, when she saw her friends wounded as Beacon was being evacuated, when Yang sank into depression over the loss of her arm...

Ruby whimpers upon remembering Y/N's death at the top of Beacon Tower.

Suddenly, Ruby opens her eyes again and notices the Leviathan standing face to face with her.)

Ruby: What?

Yang: Why'd it turn away?!

(Ruby then remembers she has the Relic of Knowledge on her belt, which caused the Leviathan to have its attention on her.)

Ruby: No, no, no, no!!

(Suddenly, the Leviathan opens its maw and lunges toward Ruby...

But out of nowhere...

Another leviathan grimm appears from the water, this time it was white and silver...

Upon the group shocking expressions, the white leviathan lets out a louder roar at the grimm leviathan before it clashes its claw across the grimm's face, causing the grimm to reel back in pain.)

Ruby: H-Huh?!

Maria: There's no way that's your lover!

Weiss: *extremely happy* You can bet your ass it is!!!

(The group look at Weiss in shock before she clears her throat and crosses her arms embarrassingly.)

Weiss: *blushing* I mean, that is obviously our Y/N.

(Cordovin was utterly shocked upon seeing a former student from Beacon becoming an actual copy of the original grimm...

Y/N looks down to Ruby, who was looking back up to him with excitement and impressment.)


Y/N: Up here!

(Ruby and the group look up and notice Y/N standing onto the shoulder of his summon.)

Nora: *yelling in excitement* SHOW THAT UGLY GRIMM WHO'S BOSS, STRIKEY!!!

(Y/N chuckles at Nora's order before he gently taps at his summon's neck.)

Y/N: Engage.

(The summon lets out another roar before it moves toward the grimm, as the two creatures are now engaging battles...

Y/N can be seen flying down on the Weiss' summon, standing right behind his lover.)

Ruby: *smiles happily* I've thought you can do that after killing the grimm!

Y/N: My semblance's name is Doppelganger, which means i can copy and use it as if it's my own semblance.

Ruby: *chuckles embarrassingly* T-True...

(Y/N notices a small light from her silver eyes.)

Y/N: ...Were you trying to use your eyes power?

Ruby: *looks down sadly* I-I tried...but i accidentally thought of bad things...

(Y/N unexpectedly hugs Ruby from the back, which she yelps in surprise from the embrace.)

Y/N: Remember what i've said, Rubes... No matter where we are... No matter how far we get, we're always overcome the obstacles and make the world like you've always dreamt of... Like how you have promised to your mother how you want to help people out.

(She thinks back to when Team RWBY decorated their dorm room, when Weiss gave her coffee, when Blake cheered for Weiss in Professor Port's class, when Yang was training her before leaving for Beacon, when Team RWBY celebrated their victory after saving Vale.

Ruby smiles as she thinks back to the Beacon Dance and Team JNPR again, and then to when Qrow arrived at Beacon, to talking with Oscar, and then to Maria, and to Penny again...

She then thinks back to her first encounter with Y/N, to giving him a tour around Beacon Academy, to the night where they've stopped Torchwick's mecha, to the day where they've played board game in the library...

And then she thinks back to the CCT tower, after stopping Cinder from hijacking the comm tower, and to Y/N's confession and their first kiss in the elevator...

And finally, Ruby thinks back to her mother, her white cloak blowing in the wind as she overlooks a cliff watching a sunset. She then turns around, offering a warm smile. Her own Silver Eyes reflect back to her daughter's...

Ruby's own eyes then shine bright, the brightest it has ever been. A massive white light engulfs the area, turning the Leviathan to stone as Y/N's summon moves to the side before its arm turns to stone as well...

The citizens of Argus and the Atlas military cheer as the Grimm threat has been nullified. Ruby's friends give proud smiles and Maria breathes a sigh of relief...

The light retracts back into Ruby's eyes, and she turns around to look at the city of Argus still standing. Suddenly, Ruby hears a stone crackling behind her. The Leviathan's head manages to move and tries to aim at Ruby.)

Ruby: No...

Cordovin: I'll take it from here!!

(Suddenly, Cordovin shows up in the Colossus, its arm cannon now detached. Everyone looks in shock. Without the weight of the cannon, the Colossus begins to run toward the semi-petrified Leviathan.)

Cordovin: smiling* After all, I was sworn to protect the people!

(The Colossus' left hand then transforms into a giant drill. Cordovin uses the drill to destroy the Leviathan as Y/N's summon helps the colossus to dissipate the Grimm. The people of Argus cheer while the Arc family looks on with stupefied expressions.

The Colossus then walks over to Ruby. Its cockpit opens up revealing Cordovin herself standing in a stern military manner.)

Ruby: Thank you. And... I'm sorry.

Cordovin: The Atlas military can handle the stragglers.

Ruby: What, uh... What are you saying?

Cordovin: *smiling* I'm saying I don't think anyone would notice if one more ship went missing in my lengthy report.

(Y/N jumps off the Lancer before he copies Nevermore's traits as he now flies in the air, leaving Ruby rejoining the aircraft with the group...

Cordovin and Y/N have a neutral face-off as the tension between the two is rising up...

Suddenly, the tension quickly dies down as Cordovin smiles briefly at Y/N.)

Cordovin: ...You sure have a hell of a girlfriend, Y/N.

Y/N: ... *smiles back* ...I got blessed, that's all...

Cordovin: *chuckles* Send General Ironwood my regards.

(Y/N nods his head and finally flies back to the aircraft as Cordovin turns the mech around and runs off to join her men in taking down the remaining Grimm...

The airship Ruby and her friends are in flies through the night sky.)

Maria: We should have just enough fuel to make it.

Ruby: Thanks, Miss Calavera.

Qrow: Hey, Ruby. You did great out there today, kid. Just don't go giving me heart attacks like that again.

(Qrow is about to take a drink from his flask, but ultimately decides not to. Ruby hugs her uncle.)

Ruby: I love you, too.

(Qrow smiles at his niece as she walks away to join her friends.)

Maria: You weren't half bad yourself today, Qrow.

Qrow: *smiles before sighing* I feel like they did all the heavy lifting.

Maria: But you were there to help when they asked for it, and you were there to catch them when they fell. Literally, if I recall.

Qrow: Thanks. You know, it was pretty incredible getting to see the Grimm Reaper in action.

Maria: Ha, you should have seen me when I was your age!

(Qrow smiles as the two of them look out the cockpit's window to the night sky.

In the back of the aircraft, Weiss, Blake and Yang sit together.)

Weiss: I'm sorry you went through that nightmare. But, I'm glad Yang was there for you in time.

(Blake and Yang smile before the latter takes the cat Faunus' hand.)

(Everyone then looks to Ruby.)

Ruby: Hey, stop it!

Ren: You petrified a Leviathan... after diving down the barrel of a cannon!

Y/N: Wait- WHAT?!

(Neo pulls out her scroll and shows the recording when Ruby destroys Cordovin's mech arm cannon.)


Melanie: She learned it from the best.

Miltia: *smirking* Especially when you showed off your summoning.

(Everyone then look at Y/N. He simply looks away.)

Phyrra: Don't you look away from us!

Nora: You literally charged yourself up to call your gigantic grimm to hold that leviathan back!

Y/N: I don't know what you're talking about.

(The twins teasingly pokes at Y/N while pestering him with compliments)

Melanie: You just showed off to your girl~

Miltia: Ruby and Weiss will definitely give you the best night of your life~

Y/N: *blushing crazy* Quit it, you two! *to Neo* Neo! Back me up!

(Neo can be seen smirking smugly while she har her scroll recording the scene.)

Ruby: *laughs* Don't act like you all haven't done crazy stuff before! I mean, Oscar made a successful crash landing! He's a fourteen-year-old farm hand!

Jaune: That was seriously impressive.

Blake: We'd have been stranded without you.

Oscar: I... thanks, but... I've been meaning to tell you guys... I didn't land the ship on my own.

Phyrra: *confused* Who managed to land the ship then?

(Oscar's eyes glows as Ozpin takes control)

Ozpin: I've helped Oscar to maintain his calm and land the airship as safely as possible.

Weiss: *smiles* I guess you were watching us for this whole time, right professor?

Qrow: More like he was looking out for us.

(Ozpin simply chuckles and smiles back.)

Ozpin: You all did an excellent job of dealing everything without my guidance or assistance. I can proudly say that i have recruited the best students.

(Everyone was touched by Ozpin's words as they smile at their former headmaster.)

Qrow: Hey, if you've never seen Atlas in person before, you don't wanna miss this.

(Ruby and her friends walk up to the cockpit window.)

Ruby: Is it weird that I'm sorta nervous?

Yang: No, I'll believe we've made it to Atlas when I see it.

Weiss: Well... believe it.

Y/N: Observe Atlas at its finest.

(The airship comes out of the clouds, and the floating city of Atlas is seen coming into view.)

Nora: Wow!

Melanie: *awestruck* Wow, indeed. Right sis?

Miltia: *also awestruck* You're very right, sis.

Maria: You know, you make the trip up to Atlas over and over, but you never get used to that view. *her prosthetic eyes start to act up again* Oh, come on!

(Weiss leans forward and has a nervous look on her face. Ruby notices this.)

Ruby: Weiss, what is it?

Y/N: Eyes up.

(Everyone looks up, and notice above the city of Atlas many Atlas Airships.

Weiss: The Atlas air fleet... I knew all of our ships were called back, but...

Qrow: They're set up like they're expecting an attack...

(Suddenly, the radio turns on.)

Atlas Air Control: "Manta 5-1, welcome home..."

-Scene Change-
-Land of Darkness-

(In the Land of Darkness, Mercury Black is seen looking out the window in the meeting room. Mercury's face has an expression of horror as he looks out the window...

A Beringel is seen crawling out of one of the black, tar-like pits, with Salem herself standing close by. She then uses her magic as Nevermore wings suddenly sprout from the back of the Beringel...

The Beringel gets used to its new appendages, before flying up to join many other Beringels also grafted with wings. Mercury continue to watch in horror.)

Hazel: There's an old saying, kid.

(He notices Hazel enter the room and stand next to them.)

Hazel: If you want something done right... do it yourself.

(Salem looks up to the army of Grimm she has gathered, before turning around and using her magic on the black pools again, engulfing the entire scene...

The screen becomes pitch black as Salem's army roar can be echoed through the darkness of the screen.)


Oh god, i hope this short volume was full of rollercoaster of emotions and actions!!!

Mostly actions, but you know what i mean!

Anyway, i really appreciate you all to keep supporting this story!

Now onto the Volume 7!!!



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